Language level Advanced. English language levels

Decor elements 10.10.2019
Decor elements

Knowledge of English from different people will vary. So, the speakers of the language own them perfectly, foreigners studying a tongue of a sufficient amount of time can freely explain on it for everyday topics, and those who have just started training or taught English for a long time, knows the language at the initial level. To understand, at what level a person owns the tongue, not so easy. For this, there are numerous tests on the Internet, they really help to determine the language proficiency. But they check mostly vocabulary and grammar student, but the knowledge of the language is not only vocabulary and the ability to understand the rules. Therefore, in foreign language courses, you will be offered not only a written test, but also will respond a little with each potential student in a foreign language, will ask him different questions and offer to speak. Only after the student showed his knowledge of oral and written speech, in grammar and vocabulary, one can declare his level of language proficiency.

What levels of language proficiency exist?

Intermediate is an average level of English proficiency. Total levels 6 or 7, depending on different approaches to clarifying language competence: Beginner, Elementary, Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate, Upper-Intermediate, Advanced, Proficiency. Sometimes on foreign languages \u200b\u200bcourses, some of these levels are broken down on the suggestions to more accurately determine which group to write down the student.

What do you need to know at the Intermediate level?

At the Intermediate level it is expected that he knows the main times of English, knows how to use them in writing and oral speech. The amount of his vocabulary stock is about 3-5 thousand words, which allows the student to speak quite well on everyday themes, understand the English speech, to draw up written texts of normal complexity. At the same time, such a student may make mistakes in speech, it is not too running too much, a little stuffing or picking words for a long time. He understands well enough complex texts - stories, novels written by a literary language, popular science articles, can read news, but not always well perceives them on rumor. The person with the level of Intermediate is unlikely to be able to correctly maintain a conversation on specific and complex topics, he does not own business vocabulary, if it was not specifically studied by words and expressions with certain specifics.

In general, the level of Intermediate is a fairly good level of English knowledge. For him, those who own the oral speech may be made enough confidently, but it perfectly reads books on and those who speak good, but not very well understands the written features of the language. This level is enough to accept work with the requirement of compulsory knowledge of the English language. Such a level of ownership shows good graduates of ordinary schools or students of 8-9 classes of specialized schools and gymnasiums with in-depth study of English.

And you knew that 8 out of 10 people who begin to study the language, have an incorrect idea of \u200b\u200btheir level of knowledge of English? Someone is inclined to exaggerate him, someone, on the contrary, underestimate.

Because of this, you either take too complicated material, leaving gaps in knowledge, and in the end confuse. Or begin to learn what they know, losing its time.

Only a real understanding of their forces allows us to correctly draw up a training program, and therefore, make your classes more efficient.

In the article I will give you a clear understanding, what are the levels of speaking English, how to determine their level, and to what level you need to reach.

So, let's begin.

6 levels of knowledge of English

I want to start with the fact that knowledge of any language is assessed by the following criteria for ownership:

  • Knowledge of grammar and vocabulary
  • Ability to talk in english
  • Ability to express your thoughts in writing
  • Ability to understand the speech
  • Ability to understand language when reading

That is, at different levels of ownership, you must be able to read and write, understand speech and speak English, but within the framework of the material of these levels (that is, using words and grammar you know).

There is an international system of English levels. According to it there are 6 stages of English.

I am sure you are familiar with them, but let's consider them again.

1. Beginner. (First level)

This is the level of people who are just starting learning a language, or studied it a long time ago and at no high level. At this level, a person knows the alphabet, the basic rules of reading, words and simple expressions.

2. Elementary. (elementary level)

The name speaks for itself. At this level, you can use elementary designs and phrases, simple times (Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple, Present Continuous, Past Continuous, Future Continuous), communicate with the topics you know.

3. Pre-intermediate (below the average)

You can communicate, maintain a conversation, build more complex offers and use more difficult times (Present Perfect, Past Perfect, Future Perfect).

4. Intermediate (average level)

At this level, you understand English, freely express your thoughts and know all times.

5. Upper-intermediate(level above average)

You can easily communicate with everyday themes, calmly understand what they tell you, you know all the nuances of use of times.

6. Advanced (advanced level)

You understand the English speech, you know grammar, you can think and speak on it as a native.

How to determine your level?

How to determine your level of English proficiency?

To determine your real level of ownership, you need to pass the test in which you define the level of all the criteria that I spoke above.

Important moment: You have repeatedly seen or passed English tests, where you need to choose one correct answer from several. They are very common, but such tests will not help you in determining the level of ownership of English. Perhaps you perfectly answer all the questions, thereby showing that you know theoretical part perfectly (grammar).

Checking your language proficiency level includes not only knowledge check, but also checking skills. And the online test will not determine practical skills: a letter, reading, conversation and listening.

The correct test for determining the level must include the following items:

1. Knowledge of grammar

Grammar - this is the rules with which words are associated with proposals. It includes: knowledge of all time in English and the ability to coordinate them, all parts of speech and nuances associated with their use.

2. Vocabulary

This is how many words you have in your "baggage". It consists of words that you can understand the rumor and when reading, and which you yourself use when talking.

That is, determining how quickly you can read English texts and understand the meaning of read.

4. Hearing perception

You should be able to not just capture incoherent words, but to be able to understand the entirely: in the right time and with meaning.

5. Ability to say

You can know the grammar and words well, but absolutely not able to use these knowledge in conversation. It is this skill and verifier at this point.

By the way, our managers in English courses in Moscow will help free to determine the level of you. This will allow you to accurately find out the level, because our test includes all these items and consists not only from written tasks, but also from oral communication with the manager in English.

Another question that is very often asked by learning is to what level you need to learn the language.

To what level should I learn English?

Of course, this is determined depending on the purpose of the study, that is, from where you will apply your knowledge. Naturally, the higher your level - the freely you feel and easily use the language.

For example, if you need a language to negotiate with foreign partners, then your English should be at the Advanced level.

If you learn English in order to freely express on travel, then you will be enough intermediate level.

By the way, the level of Intermediate - is the golden middle and minimal level to which you should learn English?

Intermediate level or "Point of Impression" in English

We all know that if you do not use English, then forget it.

However, if you are:

  • Understand the use of rules
  • All passed material is well done in use
  • Fasten the material and repeat it
  • Do regularly

That having reached the level of intermediate (medium), you reach the "point of non-return". What does it mean?

Even if you do not use English, then your level will not "roll" on zero. You will have a base that you will not forget.

Why is this happening?

Having learned English to this step, you:

  • You will understand the structure of the language (how time is formed)
  • Repeat the material for as many times that the basic rules will not for sure.

Therefore, you will remember English, even if you do not use it for a long time.

That is why Intermediate is the minimum that you should get when learning a language.

I wish you success in your training, regardless of which level you are now. After all, the most important thing is your desire to learn the language and develop already acquired knowledge.

For more precise tracking of progress in learning foreign languages, a certain system is invented. This article will be discussed that it is a stage B2 (level of English - above average).

English language levels

There is a pan-European scale with which the level of ownership is assessed by any foreign language. English name - Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR). This is a specific standards system that allows you to determine the conditionally knowledge of the language is divided into 6 levels: from A1 to C2. Each of these steps also correspond to certain indicators of other estimation systems. This table presents the ratio of language knowledge levels in various estimation systems.

CEFR.IH LevelIELTS.ToeflCambridge.

Pre-intermediate3.5 - 4.0 32 - 42 Ket.
Intermediate4.5 - 5.0 42 - 62 Pet.
B2.Upper-intermediate5.5 - 6.0 63 - 92 FCE
C1.Advanced6.5 - 7.0 93 - 112 Cae.
C2.PROFICIENCY.7.5 - 9.0 113 + CPE

When can I start learning English at the Upper-Intermediate level?

The separation between the stages of knowledge of any foreign language is very conditional, but there are certain indicators for which current progress can be determined.

The levels of knowledge of the English B2 - C1 correspond to the practically free ownership of written and oral speech. A higher level involves an understanding of terminology in various highly specialized areas, the ability to speak serious topics, to conduct business negotiations and read the classical literature in the original. It is difficult to establish clear distinctions between the steps of knowledge. But, before making a decision to overcome the level of speaking English B2, you need to make sure that you freely read the literature of the level B1, as well as freely oriented in the basic rules of grammar, you can more or less fluently expressly exploring the language, read the press and modern entertainment Literature. And although there are still unfamiliar words, this does not affect the general understanding of the text, you catch the meaning and understand what we are talking about.

According to such a system, the linguistic skills of the student studying any foreign language, including English, are evaluated. Level B2, which means "advanced stage", - above average, but at this stage there can still remain some shortcomings that require further elaboration.

Knowledge of grammatical rules

Of course, grammatics occupies the most important place when studying any foreign language. The following are key topics, the knowledge of which is required at the Upper-Intermediate level.

  • Time. B2 - the level of English on which you are already fluent in all aspects and clearly understand, in what way to use Simple, Continuous, Perfect or Perfect Continuous. In addition, you know the table of incorrect verbs and apply in practice.
  • Understand the use (Active Voice).
  • Know how to convert direct speech into the indirect.
  • You know modal verbs and know how to use them, understanding the subtle differences between these words like May, Might, Can, Ought,
  • Owning nonertial forms of verb: Communion, infinitives and gerundy.

Lexical reserve

Given that the good knowledge of grammatical rules is already achieved at the B1 steps, the level of English B2 involves working out other skills: speech fluency, listening, reading literature and, of course, an increase in the vocabulary stock. At this level, attention should be paid not only to individual words, but also phraseological units, phrase verbs and more complex designs.

One of the most frequent errors in the study of any foreign language is the desire to memorize certain lists of words, without applying them subsequently in their written and oral speech.

Any new words and phrases should be included in your speech. Those lexical units that are not used, they will soon be forgotten. When reading, discharge unfamiliar words and try to draw up proposals with them, dialogues, stories or articles.

First of all, those foreign words should be learned, the equivalents of which you use in everyday life, telling about yourself, your interests, hobbies, work, purposes, loved ones and friends. Another common mistake is an attempt to memorize lists of words, most of which may not have to use frequently.

One of the best ways is to keep a diary. From the point of view of the replenishment of the vocabular, this method is useful in that you learn to use the lexics that is directly related to your life. Daily recording your own observations, events, goals and dreams, you apply exactly those words that you use in your native speech.

Idioms and phraseologisms

B2 - the level of English, which suggests that you know not only simple words and designs, but also understand and know how to use a number of Idiom. These are speech turnover, characteristic of this language only and have no literal translation. The value of these phraseologisms is transmitted by equivalent phrases acceptable to the translation language.

Knowledge of these sustainable expressions will help to make a speech more figurative and colorful. The table shows only a minor part of all sorts of phraseologism. You can make your list of revolutions that will later be included in speech.

Phrase verbs (Phrasal Verbs)

In English there is a phenomenon as phrase verbs. Most often it is a combination of verb with a pretext or adverb, and therefore the value of the initial word changes. These are peculiar stable phrases that do not obey any rules, there are only indivisible semantic units and carry a semantic load only in this form.

  • be About - Be nearby;
  • be After - seek something;
  • be back - return;
  • break Out - unexpectedly start, breaking out;
  • bring Up - to educate;
  • call For - go for anyone;
  • clear Up - put in order;
  • come about - to happen;
  • come Across - meet unexpectedly;
  • look for - search.

Phrase verbs are very common in English. However, used primarily in everyday speech.

Expansion of the vocabulary with synonyms

Frequently used words try to replace synonyms. This will help to make speech more sophisticated, beautiful and exquisite.

beautiful (beautiful, beautiful)
  • aesthetic (aesthetic, artistic);
  • attractive (attractive, tempting);
  • blooming (blooming);
  • comely (Milny, pretty);
  • dazzling (dazzling);
  • delicate (sophisticated, exquisite);
  • elegant (elegant, elegant);
  • exquisite (exquisite, delightful);
  • glorious (gorgeous, wonderful);
  • gorgeous (amazing, excellent);
  • handsome (beautiful - about a man);
  • lovely (adorable, charming);
  • magnificent (majestic, gorgeous);
  • pretty (cute, cute);
  • radiant (radiant, shining);
  • resplendent (brilliant);
  • splendid (luxurious, lush);
  • stunning (amazing, stunning, stunning).
uGLY (ugly, ugly)
  • frighteening, Frightful (scary, terrible, frightening);
  • ghastly (creepy, disgusting);
  • grisly (unpleasant, horror);
  • gruesome (terrible);
  • hideous (repulsive);
  • homely (unsightly);
  • hORRIBLE (Creepy);
  • horrid (creepy, disgusting);
  • mONSTROUS (ugly, ugly);
  • plain (simple, simple);
  • rEPUGNANT (repulsive, nasty);
  • rEPULSIVE (disgusting);
  • terrifying (frightening);
  • unpleasant (unpleasant);
  • uNSIGHTLY (ugly, ugly).
happy (happy)
  • blissful (blissful, paradise);
  • cheerful (funny, joyful);
  • cONTENTED (satisfied);
  • delighted (admired, enchanted);
  • ecstatic (soften, enthusiastic, ecstatic);
  • elated (bite, in high spirits, delighted);
  • glad (satisfied, joyful);
  • joyful (experiencing joy);
  • jubilant (biting, triumphant);
  • overjoyed (free from joy);
  • pleased (satisfied).
unhippy (Unhappy)
  • dejected (oppressed, depressed, depressed);
  • depressed (dull, porone);
  • discouraged (annoyed);
  • dISMAL (gloomy, sad, sullen);
  • downhearted (fell by the Spirit fell into a despondency);
  • gloomy (sullen, sad);
  • glum (gloomy);
  • hEART-BROKEN (killed by grief, with a broken heart);
  • melancholy (depressed, sad);
  • miserable (unfortunate);
  • poor (poor);
  • sAD (sad);
  • sorrowful (mournful);
  • unfortunate (unhappy, unsuccessful);
  • wRETCHED (uncertain, disadvantaged).


There is a special adapted literature designed for gradual progress from the initial level (A1) to high (C2).

These are mostly artistic works of famous authors. The books are adapted in such a way that a specific level of owning a foreign language corresponds to a certain set of grammatical structures and a lexical reserve. The best way to understand, at what level you are now, is to read two or three pages and calculate the number of unfamiliar words. If you met no more than 20-25 new lexical units, then you can well be taken for reading this book. To extract the maximum benefit from the reading process, it is advisable to write out all unfamiliar words and phrases, and then work out additionally. That is, to include them in your lexicon when drawing up stories, dialogues, diary and writing works. Otherwise, the vocabulary is quickly forgotten. By the next stage, you can move when you feel that work at this level becomes boring, and new lexical units is practically found.

However, the level of B2 is the level of English, which allows you to read not only lightweight books, but also the entertainment literature of modern authors, newspapers, and magazines.

Perception of hearing

Like literature for reading, there are many adapted audiobooks. If you are still experiencing some difficulty in auditing, you can first take benefits that match the lower level. For example, if the grammar and lexical stock are approximately at the B1 level, but it is difficult for you to understand the English speech on the hearing, take the book of the level A2 in the audio format. Over time, you will get used to foreign speech.

Several tips:

  • Listen to the chapter of the book without prior to reading the text. Spanish, determine that it was possible to understand how accepting this tempo of speech is for you, many unfamiliar words.
  • Write down the memory that managed to learn.
  • Listen again.
  • Read the text, write unfamiliar words and determine their meaning in the dictionary.
  • Turn on the entry again.

Such study will help you in the shortest possible time to get used to English speech and increase the level of knowledge.

B2 - C1 knowledge levels allow you to expand the possibilities. For a variety, films and serials can be included in your training. It is advisable to find films with subtitles. However, for a long period of time, it is undesirable for a long period of time with subtitle movies. Otherwise you will get used to reading the text, and not to perceive the speech of the actors.

This is one of the best methods that will help master English. The B2 level is quite sufficient to view entertainment shows and TV shows.

Development of written speech

In order to learn how to write freely on the language studied, you need to give daily time to this lesson. Only regular work will help you start more freely express in English. Choose the most suitable way. It can be a spelling of stories, writings, diary or blog, communication in social networks. Try daily to enrich your vocabulary, including new expressions and designs. B2 - English level that corresponds to the stage above average, and therefore you must own the following skills:

  • know how to build not only simple, but also complex and complex suggestions;
  • use different designs;
  • apply sustainable expressions, idioms, phrase verbs;
  • you can write an essay, a story or an article on a person familiar to you;
  • quite free to rewrite with English speakers, discussing everyday questions.

Oral speech

Upper-Intermediate or B2 - the level of English corresponds to the practically free possession of the oral speech, provided that you are discussing simple everyday topics.

The best way to improve speech skills is communication with the English carrier. The levels of knowledge of English B2 - C1 already allow you to completely communicate to household topics with English-speaking. The easiest way is to find friends on social networks or on language exchange sites. However, if there is no such possibility, alternative methods can be applied:

  • briefly retell read books, viewed TV shows or movies;
  • try to describe everything you see: Landscape outside the window, picture, various items;
  • make a list of questions, then try to expand the answer to each of them.

Clear distinctions between foreign language steps are very difficult to establish. However, this becomes will make it possible to form a general presentation and give approximate answers to questions about what is English B2, this is what level and what knowledge you need to have at this stage of learning.

Quite often on the forums dedicated to the study of foreign languages, there are questions about the levels of speaking English - "How to understand, I have Beginner or Elementary?", "What do you need to know to start with pre-intermediates?", "How to properly designate the level of proficiency in the language. In the summary? " Or "I once studied English at school, I have intermediate?" In order not to have problems with your English, you need not only to choose the right school, but also to understand well, from what level it is worth starting learning the language. Let's try to figure out together. Shall WE?

English proficiency levels

If you are at least once interested in the levels of knowledge of English, you may have the impression that there is a complete confusion reigns here. But actually it is not. The Common European Framework Of Reference For Languages \u200b\u200bor CEFR) was specially designed to describe English knowledge levels and is an international standard. Consists of the following levels: A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2.

And what then to do with so good to us known and relatives with the school levels Beginner, Elementary, Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate, Upper-Intermediate and Advanced? And besides, these names can be found with different additional words, such as False, Low, Very, etc. What is all these difficulties? Explain. This classification was invented by the creators of basic textbooks, such as HEADWAY, Cutting Edge, OpportUnities. What for? These levels divide the CEFR scales on the excerpts for better learning language. And it is precisely for this separation of levels that schools and language courses are usually focused.

Without the help of a consolidated table, do not do here. We offer to carefully consider which widely known levels of English proficiency correspond to similar on the CEFR scale.

English level table
Level.Description.CEFR LEVEL.
Beginner. You do not speak English ;)
Elementary. You can say and understand some words and phrases in English A1
Pre-intermediate You can chat on the "simple" English and understand the interlocutor in a familiar situation, but with difficulty A2.
Intermediate You can speak well and understand the speech by ear. Express your thoughts with the help of simple sentences, but experience difficulties, facing more complex grammatical designs and vocabulary B1.
Upper-intermediate You speak well and understand English speech, but you can still make mistakes B2.
Advanced You are fluent in English and fully understand the speech C1.
PROFICIENCY. You speak English at the Language Language C2.

Two words about False, Low, Very and other consoles to standard level names. Sometimes you can meet such wording as False Beginner, Low Intermediate or Very Advanced, etc. This can be called a division on the sludge. For example, the level of False Beginner corresponds to a person who has previously studied English, but very long, which practically does not remember anything. Such a person will need less time to complete the newcomer course and go to the next level, so it is impossible to name a complete Beginner. Similar history with Low Intermediate and Very Advanced. In the first case, a person has already passed the full course of pre-intermediate and began to study Intermediate, while mastered and uses only a few grammatical designs and a cocoam of this level in speech. Speaker in English with the level of Very Advanced is already halfway to the covenant Proficiency. Well, you caught the essence.

And now let's consider specific skills and skills studying English at different levels.

BEGINNER level, he is Starter

Initial, zero level. This course begins with a phonetic course and assimilation of the reading rules. The vocabulary is studied, which makes it possible to communicate to household topics ("acquaintance", "family", "work", "leisure", "in the store"), and also disassembled the basic grammar.

After passing the Beginner course:

  • Vocabulary is about 500-600 words.
  • Understanding speech on rumor: phrases and suggestions pronounced slowly, with pauses, very clearly (for example, simple questions and instructions).
  • Spoken speech: you can tell about yourself, your family, friends.
  • Reading: Simple texts with familiar words and previously encountered phrases, as well as studied grammar, simple instructions (for example, task for exercise).
  • Letter: Separate words, simple sentences, fill out a questionnaire, make short descriptions.

Elementary level elementary level

A basic level of. The listener of this level owns all the basic skills of the English language. Such household topics are being studied as: "Family", "Rest", "Travel", "Transport", "Health".

After passing the Elementary course:

  • Vocabulary is about 1000-1300 words.
  • Understanding speech on rumor: proposals that belong to the most common topics. When listening to news, watching movies there is an understanding of a common topic or a plot, especially with visual support.
  • Spoken speech: expression of opinions, requests, provided that the context is familiar. With greeting and farewell, talking on the phone, etc. Used "blanks".
  • Reading: Short texts with a small number of unfamiliar vocabulary, ads and signs.
  • Letter: Description of people and events, drawing up simple letters using familiar clichés.

English level Pre-intermediate

Speaking level. The listener confidently owning everyday vocabulary and basic grammar is able to express opinions on household topics.

After passing the pre-intermediate course:

  • Vocabulary consists of 1400-1800 words.
  • Understanding speech on rumor: dialogue or monologue on everyday topics, when viewed, for example, you can catch all key points. When watching movies, the listener of this level may not understand individual phrases and suggestions, but monitors the plot. Good understands films with subtitles.
  • Conversation: It is possible to evaluate and express your opinion on any event, to maintain a rather long conversation on familiar topics ("art", "appearance", "personality", "films", "entertainment", etc.).
  • Reading: complex texts, including journalistic articles.
  • Letter: a written expression of his opinion or an assessment of the situation, drawing up their biography, a description of the events.

English level intermediate

Average level. The listener confidently owns the tongue, can use it in a variety of situations. Usually the level of Intermediate is enough to work in a foreign company. A person who owns English at the level of the English Intermediate may negotiate and business correspondence in English, arrange presentations.

After passing the Intermediate course:

  • Vocabulary of the listener of this level is about 2000-2500 words.
  • Understanding speech on rumor: catches not only the general meaning, but also concrete details, understands movies, interviews, video without translation and subtitles.
  • Spoken speech: expresses the point of view, his consent / disagreement into almost any not separate theme. It can take an active part in the discussion or discussion on nonspecific topics without preparation.
  • Reading: understands complex texts that are not related to familiar topics and spheres of life, unadapted literature. May understand the meaning of unfamiliar words from the context (fiction, information sites, vocabulary).
  • Letter: Can make a letter in the official and unofficial style, skillfully uses written English, can make long descriptions of events and history, give personal comments.

English level Upper-intermediate

The level is higher than the average. The Upper-Intermediate Listener knows and skillfully uses complex grammatical structures and a variety of vocabulary.

After passing the course Upper-Intermediate:

  • Vocabulary consists of 3000-4000 words.
  • Understanding speech on rumor: even understands a well-linguistically complex speech on unfamiliar topics, almost completely understands the video without translation and subtitles.
  • Spoken speech: can freely give its assessment by any situations, bring comparisons or opposition, uses different speech styles.
  • The conversation leads both official and unofficial style. Says competently with a small number of errors, can catch and correct your mistakes.
  • Reading: Owns a large vocabulary for understanding non-adapted English texts.
  • Letter: can independently write an article, official and unofficial letters. Maybe to know and enjoy different styles when creating a written text.

English level Advanced

Advanced level. Advanced level listeners are very confident in English and only minor errors are allowed in speech, which do not affect communication efficiency. Listeners of this level can explore special disciplines in English.

After passing the course Advanced:

  • Vocabulary is about 4000-6000 words.
  • Understanding speech on rumor: understands not clearly pronounced speech (for example, ads at the station or at the airport), in detail perceives complex information (for example, reports or lectures). Understands up to 95% of information on video without translation.
  • Spoken speech: very effectively enjoys English for spontaneous communication, uses a conversational and official communication style depending on the speech situation. Uses in speech phraseologisms and idioms.
  • Reading: easily understands non-adaptable artistic and non-educated literature, complex articles on specific topics (physics, geography, etc.)
  • Letter: can write official and unofficial letters, narration, articles, essays, scientific work.

English level Proficiency

Free ownership of English. The last level according to the CEFR C2 classification describes a person who owns English at the level of the educated native speaker. The only problems with which such people may face are cultural problems. A person may, for example, do not understand the quote, if it concerns some popular transmission or book, which is known to almost all native speakers, but may be unknown to a person who has not grown in the environment.


It should be remembered that the level of language proficiency is estimated by the totality of skills and there is no universal recipe to achieve one or another level. It is impossible to say: "You should learn another 500 words or 2 grammatical topics and voila - you are already at the next level."

By the way, you can check your own English proficiency level on our website: an integrated English test.

The way of achieving one or another there is a great set - these are all sorts of courses and language schools, tutors, tutorials, mailing, online lessons, and of course English by Skype. What exactly to go - choose to you. The main thing is that it is with benefit.

There are also many additional services to improve the language. These are social networks created specifically to study foreign languages, and different discussion clubs, and resources that provide films with subtitles and without in the original language, audio records, adapted and non-adaptable literature. About all these aids and how exactly and at what levels to use them, you can find a blog on our website. Watch out for the releases of new articles.

By the way, while you are reading this article, 700 million people around the world studies English. Join now!

Big and Friendly Family EnglishDom

Thus, the path along this staircase from the level of a graduate of a good special school with English to the level of Applicant Oxford University takes at least a whole year of study abroad, which offensive would seemed to be our graduate. Well, a good, capable and hardworking graduate, may be enough for 9 months. And with intensive learning (30 hours per week), perhaps half a year.

Here you need to do some explanations. When it comes to the level of ownership of a local resident language (Native Speaker), it is understood that the erudite local resident is decently educated and moderately for which this language is native. And then, the Cambridge Exam on "Proficiency" is not every Englishman will be able to pass. What to say about the huge number of immigrants from various countries of the world, speaking in English very specific. Sometimes students who came to learn English at high levels speak it much better than those with whom they have to face, say, on the streets of London.

But without learning in the country of the studied language, we practically impossible to master the living modern language - no textbooks do not have time to track what is happening with the language when a variety of rigs, dialects, argo, foreign language borrowings are mixed. It is necessary to be not only in the language, but also in the cultural context, to know what newspapers write about what they discuss on TV, which songs sing, what anecdotes are told ... Only then it will be possible to pass English exams to the highest score.

So how many times need to learn English for admission to Oxford University (this educational institution makes the highest possible requirements for the level of speaking English foreign applicants, in many universities the requirements are much lower)?

According to Western estimates (exemplary, medium and published exclusively as a letter of recommendation), from zero to the surrender of the IELTS exam at 7.5 you need to deal with 1000-1200 school hours of audit classes, with a qualified teacher. Clock of independent classes, preparation, fulfillment of tasks, etc. You need to decide to this figure.

Theoretically, you can go through all levels, without leaving abroad - it can leave about 2.5 - 3 years, if you do in courses a couple of times a week for 4 hours. "Theoretically," because in practice it is quite difficult to implement, except to enter the Philfak of a prestigious University. On ordinary language courses, it is rarely possible to move from a level to a level without occupation breaks, and at high levels of the group are generally formed very rarely. At the level of Advanced, without a trip to study abroad, it is impossible to do.

If learn abroad, it will take it three times less time - one year is usually quite enough to a graduate of the usual high school in order to reach the desired level of owning a foreign language.

Thus, the well-known formula "Time - Money" receives its visual incarnation: you can save, but the time will have to spend much more. You can achieve the following level faster, but you have to pay more expensive. You can learn the language even faster - to engage more intensively, in mini-groups or individually, but it will cost even more.

But what does not happen, so it is miracles. No one for any money and anywhere can learn a foreign language for a month - no matter what the sellers of all sorts of wonders like the "25-frame", "unique copyright techniques", "English for 16 lessons" and other Ahineia. Parents, pre-planning the future career of their child, can successfully combine training in our country with periodic leaving for summer language courses abroad - then by the end of our school, in addition to a certificate, a teenager can receive a certificate about the surrender of the international exam.

If you need a consultation on how most effectively and quickly increase your own level of owning a foreign language, please contact! We help everyone, regardless of the region or country of residence.
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