Seven great travelers who glorified the Russian geographical society. The most famous travelers in the world

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Italian traveler Marco Polo (1254-1324). In 1271-75, he traveled to China, where she lived. 17 years. In 1292-95, the sea returned to Italy. Written from his words "Book" (1298) is one of the first sources of Knowledge of Europeans about the Center., Vost. and south. Asia.

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This is the period in the history of mankind, which began in the XV century and lasted until the XVII century, during which Europeans opened new lands and sea routes to Africa, America, Asia and Oceania in search of new trading partners and sources of goods who have been in great demand in Europe. Historians usually correlate "great geographical discoveries" with pioneer long-range marines of Portuguese and Spanish travelers in search of alternative trade routes in India for gold, silver and spices.

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He was the first of reliably known travelers crossed the Atlantic Ocean and walked in the Caribbean. He marked the beginning of the opening of the mainland of South America. He opened all the great antilles (Cuba, Haiti, Jamaica, etc.), small antilles and oh. Trinidad. In his first expedition, he shredded 3 vessels: "Santa - Maria", "Pinta", "Ninya". Total Columbus made 4 travel to America. In honor of Columbus, called the state in South America - Colombia Mount Cristobal Colombia in Colombia. The Federal District of Columbia in the United States. Columbia River in the USA and Canada. Cities in USA Columbus and Columbia. Streets in Volgograd and Astrakhan, Square in New York and Zelenovach. Hood John Vanderlery. Planting Columbus in America.

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The pioneer of America Columbus can be called with reservations. Even in the Middle Ages on the territory of North America, Icelandic Vikings were, but outside Scandinavia did not know anything about it. It is the expedition of Columbus that made information about America by universal heritage. The first island from the Bahamas was opened on October 12, 1492. Map of four expeditions of Columbus. Queen Isabella Castilskaya and Columbus Monument Columbus in Bremerhafen in Germany Copy of the Santa Maria Ship.

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Florentine traveler. It is believed that he got it nicknamed or called himself so in honor of the already named continent. As a navigator took part in the expeditions to new lands in 1499, using Columbus cards, and gave them the name of Venezuela - Little Venice, opened the Amazon Delta and also put on the map 22 of the object. In 1500-1504, two more travels from Portugal to the lands of the new continent. From 1505 served in the Spanish service for traveling to India. According to legend, Christopher Columbus believed until the end of his days in what opened a new way to India. But soon the view was spread that it was not open India, but a new mainland. One of their first supporters of this version was Amerigo Vespucci, whose name has gained a new part of the world. It is believed that the term "new light" himself could be offered in 1503 the same Vespucci, but such an opinion is disputed.

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He participated in the exploration of the second and third expedition of Columbus, supported friendly relations with him. According to the stories of contemporaries, Amergo was an extremely fair, smart and observant person. He possessed the writer's talent, quite often exaggerated, talking about the nature and people of new lands, but never talk about the heads of expeditions and about their role in these expeditions. In honor of Amerigo, Vespucci was called: the three-plated educational frigate, laid off in February 1931 in Naples. Airport in the Italian city of Florence. The main street in the city of Lima, the capital of Chile. Bridge, transbolic across the Arno River in the Italian city of Florence. Section of the Arno River Embankment in Florence. American Vespecius

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Portuguese navigator, known as the first European, which made a sea trip to India. On July 8, 1497, 4 vessels were released from Lisbon: 2 large three-volume ship "San Gabriel" (flagship vessel) and "San Raphael", a light karavel "Berry" and a transport vessel for transporting supplies. The straightening was the best maps and navigation instruments. In honor of the Brazilian football club named the city in Goa the longest bridge in Europe in Lisbon. Adidas Football Sword Model is named after ship magazine on the ship. Monument of Vasco da Gamma in front of the church in the city of Sinish.

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Only 5 years before the death of Da Gamma received land possessions and the county title. Returned after the expedition only 2 ship in September1499. Nevertheless, from a financial point of view, the expedition was unusually successful - the revenue of goods brought from India increased by 60 times used to the expedition costs. Padran - a stone pillar depicting the royal coat of arms of Portugal and the inscription - put in the sign of the transition of the territory under the management of Portugal. Padran at Cape of Good Hope.

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English Military Sailor, Researcher, Cartographer, Member of the Royal Society. He headed three expeditions on the study of the World Ocean, all were around the world. Surveyed and inflicted on the East Coast of Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Quiet, Indian and Atlantic Oceans. February 14, 1779 was killed by residents of the Hawaiian Islands. After military operation, some parts of the body Cook were returned by the Aboriginal and buried to the sea. 1st Expedition - Vessel "Endeavor" 2nd Expedition - 2 vessel "Resolved" and "Edvecher" 3rd expedition - 2 vessels "resolve" and "Discovery" in honor of Cook named: the shed between Osh New Zealand. Islands in the Pacific Ocean. Mountain on O-Wah N. Zeland. Kuktown in Australia. Bay off the coast of Alaska. In honor of "Indebore", the Apollo-12 spacecraft module was named.

These defenders, humanity is obliged not only by interesting information, but also by scientific discoveries

And in the times, which we call "prehistoric", there were people who were not sitting on the spot that they sought there, for the horizon. They went to complete unknown, without at the disposal of worthy vehicles and protection methods, thinking not about themselves, but about the great goal, which they set and finally reached.

Gannon - 505 BC


Carthaginian (a resident of the state of Carthage, located in the territory of modern Tunisia - approx. Red.) Gannonit is considered the very first of all famous travelers. Carthaginian Senate has 60 gallery, each of which was sitting 50 rowers. This fleet had to take a risky expedition - to reach the Western shores of Africa and colonize the land. At the head of the expedition stood Gannon. Thirty thousand people went on the journey - today they would be called immigrants: their mission was to master new lands.

Swimming through the Atlantic Ocean then was incredibly dangerous. Nevertheless, Gannon with comrades, overcoming all obstacles on the way, reached the shores of West Africa. On one of the islands (apparently, the traveling of the Canary Islands) travelers discovered many gorillas and accepted them for "wild people." Hoping to establish contact, Carthagean captured three "savages", but soon due to the aggressiveness of the gorillas they had to kill them.

On other islands, Carthaginians concluded friendly and trade unions with local residents. Reaching the southern horns, travelers realized that they were risking to stay without supplies - they ended. Then Gannon decided to return home. In Carthage, in the temple of the Moloch, in memory of this journey put a large marble slab on which a description of the Great Travel was carved.

Herodotus (484 - 425 BC)

Ancient Greek scientist - historian and geographer, Herodotus He became famous as "Father of History", as well as one of the first travelers. He compiled the first more or less accurate description of the real world for his contemporaries - based on its own observations and on the stories of other people.

To obtain the information necessary for writing your most famous work - "History" - Herodotum traveled all countries available at the time. He visited Greece and Egypt, in Persia and Babylonia, in Malaya Asia and Southern Italy, on the Islands of the Mediterranean Sea and in the Crimea.

Herodot began to travel around 20 years old, and his goal was exactly science - he sought to collect as much as possible about the events taking place, about the peoples who inhabited different lands. His first journey went out into a major study of those peoples that were not yet known to the Greeks. Herodotus wrote in his writings about Greek-Persian wars, about the nravas and customs of the Persians.

He was the first to describe the Scythia and the peoples inhabiting this country, gave a complete description of the River Istr (Danube), which flows throughout Europe, and Borisphen (Dnipro). In the works of Herodotus, much attention is paid to Scythian myths - for example, about Hercules. He writes about the Amazons - Women's Warriors.

Later, Herodotus visited Northeast Africa, in Kyrene, the first in history described these territories. Herodotus collected very interesting information about Egypt, and modern scientists for the most part confirm the correctness of its descriptions.

Pill (340 BC)


Tragedy PIFEY. It is that his stories about distant countries caused distrust and mockery from contemporaries. But his courage deserves respect - he dared to go into dangerous swimming across the Atlantic on a single ship. The Pypheus Expedition was sent to the north - they hoped to find in the uncharted lands of tin and amber. Such an assignment was given by Pifey of his countrymen-merchants from the city of Massaly (Marseille). Pill copied perfectly with the instructions, while making several important geographical discoveries.

For example, moving to the north, he noticed that, the farther to northern latitudes, the longer the day becomes. This was established the dependence between the day and night length and geographic latter. In addition, he was the first to guess that herbs and foals were associated with the attraction of the moon. Pillow discovered that the polar star could not serve as an accurate landmark. All these and other discoveries he was able to make thanks to his journey.

Evdox (II. Century BC)

Greek geographer Evdox. Began his travels from visiting Egypt and India.

Honeying a large ship and two Barcas, Evdox swam on the waters of the Atlantic. It is not known how far he crashed. Scientists are beware of excessively trusting its evidence, because there are no reliable confirmations. However, it is precisely known that by order of Pharaoh Ptolemy Evdox visited India, sailing there accompanied by an Indian conductor. Then followed the second journey to India - Evdox sent there Queen Cleopatra So that he brought Indian incense.

Having decided to beat Africa, the brave traveler almost carried out a dizzying plan, but he died at the very end of the path.

Strabo (64/63 BC - 23/24. Our era)


Ancient Greek traveler and geographer Stragone It was known for comprehensive education. He left behind a stunning work - "geography" in 17 volumes, which contained the most detailed and variety of information about many countries and peoples. Chapters on the Custinian lands, about Asian Scythia, about the Caucasus are relevant and interesting today.

Strabo traveled a lot. Repeatedly visited Egypt and compiled a detailed description of Alexandria, described the Egyptian pyramids, told a lot about the miracles of light.

Strabo lived a long life and died in Rome. His "Geography" is the most important and most interesting monument of ancient Greek science.

Christopher Columbus for 3 Karavellah (Santa - Maria, Pint and Nigna) Raise the Atlantic Ocean and reached about. San Selworad (the official date of opening of America October 12, 1492) for 3 Karavellah (Santa - Maria, Pint and Nigna) Raise the Atlantic Ocean and reached about. San Selworad (official date of discovery of America October 12, 1492) A person formed, readable. Errorery assumed that I got to India. Man formed, readable. Errorery assumed that I got to India.

Vasco da Gama () Portuguese navigator. In Lisbon's swimming in India, having encouraged Africa, and back, after paving the sea route from Europe to South Asia. Portuguese navigator. In Lisbon's swimming in India, having encouraged Africa, and back, after paving the sea route from Europe to South Asia. In 1524 he was appointed vice-king of India. Died in India during 3 swimming. His dust was transferred to Portugal at 1538. In 1524 he was appointed vice-king of India. Died in India during 3 swimming. His dust was transferred to Portugal at 1538.

Fernan Magellan (1480 - 1521) Portuguese warrior. It was forced to look for a service on a stranger, in Spain. In someone else's country, the title of fleet commander has achieved. On September 20, 1519, he went to the expedition to the islands of spices (India) from the west through the strait pass, which was going to open. Portuguese warrior. It was forced to look for a service on a stranger, in Spain. In someone else's country, the title of fleet commander has achieved. On September 20, 1519, he went to the expedition to the islands of spices (India) from the west through the strait pass, which was going to open.

Flotilla from five ships with a crew of 265 people came to the expedition. Travel lasted three years. Magellan died in a fight, having intervened in an intergovernmental war, on April 27, 1521. Only the Victoria ship under the El Kano team, having rented Africa, on September 6, 1522 returned to Spain. Ship "Victoria"

Expedition value F. Magellan Expedition bypassing around the Earth, confirmed its shag-likeness. For the first time, the Europeans passed the "South Sea", which Magellan called the Pacific Ocean. The proof was obtained that the mainland of South America in the south has the form of a wedge.

James Cook (1728 - 79) English Marigold Moving 3 around the world expeditions. English navigator committed 3 around the world expeditions. Born in the family of the bare-subsidiary, since 7 years began to work with his father, at 13 he began to attend school. Born in the family of the bare-subsidiary, since 7 years began to work with his father, at 13 he began to attend school. In June 1755, he was recruited on the British Military Fleet by a sailor. In June 1755, he was recruited on the British Military Fleet by a sailor. In, already commanding the ship, followed by the shores of Newfoundland Island. In, already commanding the ship, followed by the shores of Newfoundland Island.

James Cook his name is named more than 20 geographic objects, including three bays, two groups of islands and two straits. The first round-world swimming of Cook lasted a little more than 3 years; He was awarded the rank of captain I rank. Killed and eaten by Hawaiians.

The value of James Cook's expedition opened a lot of islands in the Pacific Ocean. He opened a lot of islands in the Pacific Ocean. Founded the main position of New Zealand. Founded the main position of New Zealand. Opened a large barrier reef and the main position of Australia. Opened a large barrier reef and the main position of Australia. Opened the Hawaiian Islands and part of the Alaska coast. Opened the Hawaiian Islands and part of the Alaska coast.

Mikhail Lazarev () Russian Flotodets, Admiral. Made 3 round-the-world expeditions, with F.F. Bellingshausen opened Antarctica. Russian Flotodets, Admiral. Made 3 round-the-world expeditions, with F.F. Bellingshausen opened Antarctica. In 1800, it was defined in the Sea Cadet Corps. Participated in the Trafalgar battle and in the war with Sweden in 1800 is defined in the Sea Cadet Corps. Participated in the Trafalgar battle and in the war with Sweden

The value of Lazareva's expedition with Bellinshausen opened Antarctica with Bellingshausen opened Antarctica walked in the Atlantic, the Antille Islands and in the Indian Ocean walked in the Atlantic, at the Antille Islands and in the Indian Ocean participated in the Trafalgar battle and in the war with Sweden participated in Trafalgar Battle and War with Sweden Sweden

Fadda Bellinshausen () Russian navigator, Admiral. Russian navigator, admiral. Participant of the 1st Russian World Travel. Participant of the 1st Russian World Travel. He led the 1st Antarctic Expedition on the East and Mirny boats. He led the 1st Antarctic Expedition on the East and Mirny boats.

Nikolai Przhevalsky () Russian traveler, geogram, naturalist, researcher. Russian traveler, geographer, naturalist, researcher. In 1856 he entered the Academy of General Staff. In 1856 he entered the Academy of General Staff. In 1867 he arrived in Petersburg, where he met with P.P. Semenov-Tyan-Shansky, who contributed to the organization of the Przhevalsky expedition in 1867, came to St. Petersburg, where he met with P. P. Semenov-Tyan-Shansky, who contributed to the organization of the Przhevalsky expedition

Nikolai Przhevalsky Przhevalsky is known as one of the greatest travelers who spent 11 years of his life in his expeditions. Przhevalsky is known as one of the greatest travelers who spent 11 years of his life in his expeditions. The total length of his working routes is a kilometers. The total length of his working routes is a kilometers.

The value of the expedition N. Przhevalsky opened a number of ridges, kotlovin and lakes in Kunlun, Tian-Shan and on Tibetan Highlands opened a number of ridges, Kotlovin and Lakes in Kunlun, Tian-Shan and on Tibetan Highlands explored the Ussuri region, where he collected the ornithological collection explored the Ussuri region where I collected the ornithological collection discovered many types of plants and animals discovered many types of plants and animals

Athanasius Nikitin (1475) Russian traveler, Tver merchant. Russian traveler, Tver merchant. Making a trip to Persia, India. On the way back, the African Beach (Somalia), Muscat, Turkey visited. Making a trip to Persia, India. On the way back, the African Beach (Somalia), Muscat, Turkey visited.

Athanasius Nikitin Nikitin turned out to be the first European, who gave a valuable description of medieval India, finding it simply and truthfully, in the book "Going in three seas." His records are marked by versatility of observation, as well as unusual versions for the Middle Ages in combining the dedication of the Christian faith and native land. Nikitin turned out to be the first European, who gave a valuable description of medieval India, outlining it simply and truthfully, in the book "Going in three seas." His records are marked by versatility of observation, as well as unusual versions for the Middle Ages in combining the dedication of the Christian faith and native land.

Travel always manifested people, but before they were not only interesting, but also extremely difficult. The territories were not studied, and, going on the road, everyone became a researcher. What travelers are the most famous and what exactly opened each of them?

James Cook

Famous Englishman was one of the best cartographers of the eighteenth century. He was born in the north of England and by thirteen years began to work with his father. But the trading boy turned out to be unable, so I decided to go to the navigation. In those days, all famous travelers of the world went to distant countries on ships. James became interested in the sea business and so quickly advanced through the career staircase, which he was offered to become captain. He refused and went to the Royal Fleet. Already in 1757, talented cook began to manage the ship himself. Its first achievement was the preparation of the Farwiter of the River of St. Lawrence. He opened the talent of the navigator and the cartograph. In the 1760s, he studied Newfoundland than attracted the attention of the Royal Society and Admiralty. He was instructed to travel through the Pacific Ocean, where he got to the shores of New Zealand. In 1770, he committed something that other famous travelers did not seek before, - opened a new mainland. In England in 1771, Cook returned to the famous pioneer of Australia. His last journey became an expedition in search of a passage connecting the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Today, even schoolchildren know the sad fate of Cook, who killed the natives-cannibals.

Christopher Columbus

Famous travelers and their discoveries have always had a considerable impact on the course of history, but few people turned out to be so famous as this person. Columbus became the National Hero of Spain, resolutely expanding the Card Card. Christor was born in 1451. The boy quickly achieved success, because he was diligent and well studied. Already at the age of 14, he went to the sea. In the 1479th he met his love and began his life in Portugal, but after the tragic death, the spouse went with her son to Spain. Having received the support of the Spanish king, he went to the expedition, the purpose of which was to find a way to Asia. Three ship sailed from the shores of Spain to the West. In October 1492, they reached the Bahamas. So America was open. The local residents of Christopher mistakenly decided to call Indians, believing that he got to India. His report has changed history: two new continents and many islands, open by Columbus, became the main direction of the colonizers in the next few centuries.

Vasco da Gama

The most famous traveler of Portugal was born in the city of Sinesh on September 29, 1460. From the young age he worked on the fleet and became famous as confident and fearless captain. In 1495 in Portugal, King Manuel, who dreamed of developing trade with India came to power. To do this, it was necessary for the sea route, in search of which Vasco da Gama had to go. There were also better famous navigators and travelers in the country, but for some reason chose the king. In 1497, four ships went to the south, reinforced and fell to Mozambique. There I had to stay for a month - half of the team was sick to the queen. After the break, Vasco da Gama reached Calcutta. In India, he established trading ties for three months, and in a year he returned to Portugal, where he became a national hero. The opening of the sea route, which allowed to get to Calcutta by the Eastern Coast of Africa, became its main achievement.

Nikolay Miklukho-Maclay

Famous Russian travelers also committed many important discoveries. For example, the same Nikolai Mihlukho-Maclay, born in 1864 in the Novgorod province. He could not finish the University of St. Petersburg, as it was expelled for participating in student demonstrations. For the continuation of education, Nikolai went to Germany, where he met Geckel - the naturalist who invited Miklukho-Maclay to his scientific expedition. So for him the world of wanderings opened. His whole life was devoted to travel and scientific work. Nikolai lived in Sicily, in Australia, studied New Guinea, embodying the project of the Russian geographical society, was in Indonesia, in the Philippines, on the Malacca Peninsula and in Oceania. In 1886, the naturalist returned to Russia and offered the emperor to establish a Russian colony overseas. But the project with New Guinea did not receive royal support, and Miklukho-Maclay seriously fell ill and soon died, so without completing his work on the book on travel.

Fernan Magellan

Many famous navigators and travelers lived in the era of the Grand Magellan, is no exception. In 1480, he was born in Portugal, in the city of Sabrose. After going to serve at the court (at that time he was only 12 years old), he learned about the confrontation between his native country and Spain, about traveling to East India and trade routes. So he was interested in the sea for the first time. In 1505, Fernan fell on the ship. Seven years after that, he fought maritime expanses, participated in expeditions to India and Africa. In 1513, Magellan went to Morocco, where he was wounded in battle. But this did not take traction to travel - he planned an expedition for spices. The king rejected his petition, and Magellan went to Spain, where he received all the necessary support. So began his world journey. Fernan thought that from the West way to India could be shorter. He crossed the Atlantic Ocean, got to South America and opened the strait, which would later call him the name. He became the first European who saw the Pacific Ocean. On him, he got to the Philippines and almost reached the goal - Molukky Islands, but died in a battle with local tribes, injured by a poisonous arrow. Nevertheless, his journey opened Europe a new ocean and an understanding that the planet is much more than the scientists thought before.

Ruled Amundsen

Norwegez was born at the very end of the era into which many famous travelers became famous. Amundsen became the last of the navigaters who tried to find unopened lands. Since childhood, he was distinguished by persistence and faith in his forces, which allowed him to conquer the southern geographical pole. The beginning of the path is connected with 1893, when the boy threw the university and settled the sailor. In 1896 he became a navigator, and next year he went to his first expedition to the Antarctic. The ship was lost in the ice, the team was sickling, but Amundsen did not give up. He took the command to herself, cured people, remembering his medical education, and brought the ship back to Europe. Becoming the captain, in 1903 he went to search for the northwestern pass from Canada. Famous travelers have never accomplished anything like that - in two years the team overcame the way from the East of American Mainland to its West. Amundsen became known for the whole world. The next expedition was a two-month trip to the southern plus, and the last enterprise is the search for Nobile, during which he disappeared.

David Livingston

Many famous travelers are associated with navigation. He became explorer Sushi, namely the African continent. The famous Scotland was born in March 1813. At the age of 20, he decided to become a missionary, met Robert Moffeth and wished to go to African villages. In 1841, he came to Kuruman, where he trained the local residents of agriculture, served as a doctor and taught a diploma. In the same place he learned the language of the Bechuiana, which helped him in travels in Africa. Livingston studied in detail the life and morals of local residents, wrote several books about them and went to the expedition to search for the origins of the Nile, in which he fell ill and died of fever.

Amerigo Vespucci

The most famous world travelers most often were from Spain or Portugal. Amerigo Vespucci was born in Italy and became one of the famous Florentine. He got a good education and learned to the financier. From 1490 he worked in Seville, in the Trade Representation of Medici. His life was associated with sea journey, for example, he sponsored Columbus's second expedition. Christor inspired him the idea of \u200b\u200btrying himself as a traveler, and already in 1499-M Vespucci went to Suriname. The goal of swimming was the study of the coastline. There he opened the settlement, called Venezuela - a small Venice. In 1500, he returned home, bringing 200 slaves. In 1501 and 1503. Amerigo repeated his journey, speaking not only by the navigator, but also by the cartographer. He discovered the Rio de Janeiro bay, whose name gave himself. From 1505 he served as the King of Castile and did not participate in the campaign, only equipped foreign expeditions.

Francis Dreyk

Many famous travelers and discoveries benefited humanity. But there are among them and those left by themselves and unsubstately memory, since their names were associated with fairly cruel events. Not an exception was the English Protestant, who was swimming on the ship from twelve years. He captured the locals in the Caribbean, selling them into slavery to the Spaniards, attacked the court and fought with Catholics. Perhaps no one could compare with a drone in the number of captured foreign ships. His hiking sponsored the Queen of England. In 1577, he went to South America to defeat the settlements of the Spaniards. During the journey, he found the fiery land and the strait, which was subsequently named after him. Having reinged Argentina, Drake looted the port of Valparaiso and two Spanish vessels. Reaching California, he met the aborigines who presented the British gifts from tobacco and bird feathers. Drake crossed the Indian Ocean and returned to Plymouth, becoming the first led from the UK, visited around the world. He was taken to the House of Communities and awarded the title of Sir. In 1595, he died in the last hike on the Caribbean.

Athanasius Nikitin

Few famous travelers in Russia have achieved the same heights as this leaving from Tver lands. Athanasius Nikitin became the first European, visiting India. He traveled to Portuguese colonizers and wrote "walking in three seas" - the most valuable literary and historical monument. The success of the expedition provided the Career of the merchant: Athanasius knew several languages \u200b\u200band knew how to negotiate people. In his journey, he visited Baku, lived in Persia for about two years and got to India on the ship. By visiting several cities of an exotic country, he went to parvat, where he stopped for a year and a half. After the province of Richur, he headed to Russia, putting the route through the Arabian and Somali Peninsula. However, Athanasius Nikitin did not get home, because it fell ill and died near Smolensky, but his notes were preserved and ensured the merchant world fame.


in the paintings of artists N. Solmin and S. Yakovlev

Brilliant pages in the history of geographic discoveries entered Russian travelers. They not only studied the immense expanses of the Motherland, but also made discoveries and research far beyond.

Semen Ivanovich Dezhnev (born around 1605 - died in 1672/3) - the famous landline and seawater. Served in Tobolsk, Yeniseisk, Yakutsk; I went to distant and dangerous campaigns on the Yana River, Indigirka, Oymyakon. Having traveled in 1648 from the Nizhne-Kolyma Ostrog, Dezhnev passed the sea from the Ice Ocean in a quiet and practically proved this to exist a strait separating Asia from America.

Fadda Faddeevich Bellingshausen (1779-1862) - the famous navigator, a major scientist. He participated in the expedition of Cruisesttern and Lisanekoy, then commanded together with M. P. Lazarev in 1819-1821 by the "East" and "Mirny" gateways. This expedition to the South Pole committed a great geographical discovery - reached the banks of Antarctica, and also conducted extensive studies in the Equatorial and tropical zones of the Pacific Ocean and made refinement to marine maps.

Peter Petrovich Semenov-Tian-Shansky (1827-1914) - a wonderful Russian geographer and traveler. The first of the Europeans penetrated the hard-to-reach areas of the Central Tien Shan and found that the Ku River does not flow into Lake Issyk-Kul, opened the origins of the rivers of Naryn and Saryjaz, the second Tianshan vertex - Khan-Tengri height, huge glaciers covering her slopes.

Peter Kuzmich Kozlov (1863-1936) is a wonderful Russian traveler, a researcher of Central Asia. By participating in the expeditions of N. M. Przhevalsky, M. V. Pevtsov and V. I. Roborovsky, he repeatedly crossed Mongolia and China. From 1899 to 1926, Kozlov headed three expeditions to Central Asia. Studied Mongolian Altai Mountains, penetrated into the least studied areas of Tibetan Highlands; In the center of Mongolian deserts opened the ancient city of Hara-Hoto; It was excavated by Hanti-Noinulinsky Kurganov, enriching science versatile information about the districts of Central Asia.

Nikolai Nikolayevich Miklukho-Maklai (1846 - 1888) - the famous Russian traveler and scientist, anthropologist and ethnographer. Twelve spent in New Guinea, on Malacke, in Australia and the Pacific Islands, studying the people inhabiting their peoples. The creator of modern anthropology, Miklukho-Maclay was a passionate fighter against racial discrimination and a colonial oppression.

Nikolai Mikhailovich Przhevalsky (1839-1888) - the great Russian traveler and geographer. Already after the first expedition on the Ussuri Territory (1867-1869), it became famous as a talented researcher of distant and little-known lands. He spent four expeditions to Central Asia, during which crossed the huge spaces from Sayan to Tibet and from Tian Shan to Hinghana.

Mikhail Petrovich Lazarev (1788-1851) is the famous navigator, a fleet and a scientist researcher. Together with F. Sh. Bellinshausen commanded a wonderful maritime expedition that opened Antarctica. Even before, he walked around the world on the ship "Suvorov", and after swimming in Antarctica, the world journey arrived in Antarctica, commanding the "cruiser" frigate. The last seventeen years of life gave up the education of Russian sailors and the construction of the Black Sea Fleet.

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Ivan Fedorovich Kruzenshtern (1770-1846) is a wonderful navigator and a scientist researcher. Commanded the first Russian round-the-world expedition from 1803 to 1806. The expedition clarified the map of the Pacific Ocean, collected information about the nature and residents of Sakhalin, the islands of the Pacific Ocean and Kamchatka. Kruzenshtern published a description of his journey and made up the two-volume satin of the Pacific Ocean.

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Georgy Yakovlevich Sedov (1877-1914) - brave navigation, researcher of the Arctic. In 1912, he made a travel project to the North Pole. Having achieved on the ship "St. Fock "Land Franz Joseph, Sedov took a bold attempt to reach the North Pole on dog sledding, but died on the way to the cherished goal.

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Gennady Ivanovich Nevelsky (1813-1876) is an outstanding researcher of the Far East. About six years spent in the Amur region, studying his nature. In 1849, Nevelsky, during swimming in the city of Okhotsk, proved that Sakhalin is an island separated from the mainland by the shipping Tatar Strait.

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Vladimir Afanasyevich Obruchev (1863-1956) - a wonderful traveler, the largest Soviet geologist and geographer. After research in Central Asia (1886) and numerous expeditions on Eastern Siberia, in 1892 the scientist is sent for two years to Mongolia and China, having passed during this time more than thirteen and a half thousand kilometers. Obruchev headed large geological research in Siberia.

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