We repeat the spelling East Slavic. Alternating vowels in the root

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Russian language and culture of speech

Collection of jobs for homework


The textbook is intended for students of Chittek.

The purpose of the study manual is to increase the culture of written and oral speech. The manual also discusses individual cases of spelling and punctuation.

Homework is an integral part of the learning process. The system of creative homework in this manual solves the following tasks:

· Stimulates the cognitive interest of students;

· Enhances the motivation to the learning process;

· Raises the independence of students in educational and cognitive activity and responsibility for the work performed;

· Develops self-control when performing a task;

· Resets and develops students's creative abilities;

· Gets deeper and extensive knowledge on the subject;

· Raises information culture;

· Forms research skills (identification of the problem, comparison, formulating hypothesis ...);

· Comprehensively develops personality.

Compiler Kibyreva T.V.


Exercise number 1

The Russian language belongs (along with Ukrainian and Belarusian languages) to the East Slavic subgroup of the Indo-European family of languages.

Russian language is the language of the Russian nation and means of interethnic communication of many peoples living in the CIS and other states that are part of the USSR. Russian language is one of the official and working languages \u200b\u200bof UN, UNESCO and other international organizations; is among the "world languages"

At the end of the 20th century In the world in one way or another owned by the Russian language over 250 million people. The majority of Russia speakers live in Russian (143.7 million, according to the All-Union Census of the population of 1989) and in other states (88.8 million), which included in the USSR.

In accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation (1993), the Russian language is the state language of the Russian Federation throughout its territory. At the same time, the Russian language is a state or official language of a number of republics included in the Russian Federation, along with the language of the indigenous population of these republics.

As the state language of the Russian Federation, Russian language is actively functioning in all spheres of public life having all-Russian significance. In Russian, the central institutions of the Russian Federation work, official communication between the constituent entities of the Federation, as well as in the army, is published by central Russian newspapers and magazines.

The Russian language is taught in all schools and higher educational institutions of Rossi (in the republics included in its composition, along with the people's language), as well as in many educational institutions of the CIS countries and other countries.

The modern National Russian language exists in several forms, among which the literary language plays a leading role. Outside of the literary language, there are territorial and social dialects (dialects, jargon) and part of the spacious.

In the history of the Russian language, there are three periods:

1) 6-7-14 centuries; 2) 15-17 centuries; 3) 18-20 centuries.

1. The first period begins the release of the Eastern Slavs (the ancestors of Russian, Ukrainians and Belarusians) from the general Slavonic unity. From this time, the East Slavic (Old Russian) language is its existence - the predecessor of Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian languages. At the 14th century It begins his division into three languages \u200b\u200bof the Eastern Slavs.

In the 10th century, with the adoption of Christianity, the church books written in the Old Slavonic language began to come from Bulgaria on Russia. This contributed to the spread of writing.

2. The beginning of the second period is the disintegration of the Unified Eastern Slavic language and the emergence of the language of the Great Russian nation.

3. Significant shifts in public life, which occurred at the turn of the Middle Ages and the New Time, caused serious changes in the language. The development of the economic and political relations of Moscow Rus, the growth of Moscow's authority, the dissemination of documents of Moscow orders contributed to the growth of the influence of the oral speech of Moscow in the territory of Moscow Rus. This was the reason that Moscow's speech is based on the basis of the form to be formed at 17 V. Russian National Language.

The expansion of international relations between the Russian state was reflected in the intensification of borrowing from Western European languages \u200b\u200b(often through the Polish language). Borrowing, in large numbers included in the tongue in the era of Peter 1, then subjected to gradual selection: part of them quickly came out of use, others have fixed in the tongue.

Starting from the second half of the 16th century. Gradually narrows the sphere of consuming church-Slavic language.

In the process of the synthesis of various elements (people's conversational basis, the features of the business language, Western European borrowing, Slavicami) are produced by the norms of the Russian national literary language. By the middle of the 18th century. It makes up his orally - spoken variety. Russian literary language of the new time is improving and stabilized in the works of A.D. Kantemir, V.K. Tredyakovsky, M.V. Lomonosova, A.D. Sumarokova, N.I. Novikova, D.I. Fonvizina, G.R. Derzhavina, N.M. Karamzina, I.A. Krylova, A.S. Griboedova, A.S. Pushkin. Pushkin found such ways to organic fusion of the three linguistic elements, symbols, national cooperation and Western European elements who had a decisive influence on the development of the norms of the Russian national literary language. The language of the Pushkin era is basically preserved to the present day. All the subsequent development of the Russian literary language was the deepening and improvement of the norms laid down in this era.

In the development of the modern Russian literary language, the formation of its norms was the important role played the language practice of the largest Russian artists words - writers of the 19th-early 20th century. (M.Yu. Lermontov, N.V. Gogol, I.S. Turgenev, F.M. Dostoevsky, M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, L.N. Tolstoy, A. P. Chekhov, M. Gorky, I. A. Bunin et al.). From the second half of the 19th century. The development of the Russian literary language has a great influence of the language of science and journalism.

The lexical composition of the Russian language is a product of long, centuries-old historical development. As of its basis, the original Russian is actively replenished due to the derivatives created by their own word-forming models. In the modern literary language, derivatives (word-formatively motivated) are about 95% of the total vocabulary. Another source of replenishment of the dictionary formation of the Russian language was in different historical epochs and are in the modern language lexical borrowing. In general, the openness of the Russian language to foreign language borrowings, their active learning and adaptation to the Russian grammatical system is a characteristic feature traced throughout the historical development of the Russian language, indicating the flexibility of its lexical system and is one of the sources of its vocabulary.

Task for exercise:

1) How do you understand the expressions: family of languages, their group and subgroup, language functioning, spheres of public life, on the turn of the Middle Ages, the synthesis of various elements, word-formatively motivated?

2) Write 10 comprehensive words, emphasize and explain all the orfograms in them.

3) Explain the punctuation marks in the last sentence.

Make up the plan and abstracts of passages from Article Vladimir Lopatina and I.S. Ulukhanov "Russian language" in the Encyclopedia "Russian Language" (M., 1997). Prepare messages for each point of the plan.

We repeat spelling.

Alternating vowels in the root

The spelling of alternating vowels in the root depends on the presence or absence of suffix -A- after the root; consonants to which the root ends; Word values.

1. In roots

Bira - Ber.

Dira - der.

Zhig - Zhege

Mira - Mer

Pear - Per.

Tire - Ter

Chita - Chet.

Bloven - Blast

Styles - Stealth

Written ANDif after the root follows suffix -a-: i collect - Issue, I pull down - Ider; burn - smear, dying - to measure, lock - lock, wipe - wipe it out, deduct - deduct, shine - glitter, put it - rolling. Exceptions: chet, combination .

2. In roots Casa - Kos Written BUTif there is suffix -a-: concerned - touch.

3. In roots

Lag - Lies

Russhchy, Ros

Skak - Skol

Writing depends on the last consonant root: an adjective application, plant - grown - thickets, jumping - dropping. Exceptions: canopy, Rostovist, Rostov, Rostislav, sprout, industry, jumping, jump.

4. In roots

Mac - Mok.

Equal - Rove

Writing depends on the lexical value of the root. Root - POPPY- Forms words with the value "Immerse into Liquid": mad brush in paint. Root - Mok Words with the meaning of "skip moisture": boots floss, clocking paper. Root -Thewords with the meaning "equal, the same": equal, pointed, uniform.Root - Words with the meaning "smooth, smooth, straight": crurn hair, smooth lawn. Exceptions: hang up in the ranks, to poison with someone, plain, equally.

5. In roots


Clan - clone

Trev - creative

Pazd - Fr.

No emphasis is written ABOUT: sunbathing, worship, creation, late. Under the stress is spelled by the vowel, which hears: tan, skirmish, bow, creature, late. Exceptions: utensils, trample . Fundamentally ZOR - ZAR. No emphasis is written BUT: zarya, Zarnitsa.

6. In root -Tlav- Written BUT In all words: swimming, fin. Exceptions: swimmer, swimmer, floating.

Task 1. Insert the missed letters.

1) Wheel ... Cat, 2) I will be ... Cat (all content), 3) I will ... Knote, 4) I will be ... centered, 5) m ... Kania, 6) Nerd ... Kathema, 7) Prom ... Basha, 8) Pl ... ETS, 9) Popped ... wok, 10) PL ... VSCHIH, 11) VYR ... rented asphalt, 12) charge ... Ensure the surface, 13) subgroup ... Ensure hair, 14) pores..ught, 15) take ... become, 16) TISS ... PLAY, 17) HOVE ... SATTE, 18) R ... Stewshchik, 19) cf ... Stece, 20) Wed ... Stece, 21) Just ... read, 22) Board ... read, 23) Nask ... go, 24) Rest ... Check, 25) Charity ... Results, 26) Disposable ... RT, 27) RATE ... RMY, 28) ORTUT ... RT, 29) TV ... Rhenium, 30) utensil ... ry.

Subject. Language and speech.

Exercise number 1

Nowadays, the Russian language undoubtedly activates its dynamic 6 trends 6 and enters into a new period of its historical development.

Now, of course, it is too early to make any forecasts about the paths, according to which the Russian language will go, serving new forms of consciousness and livelihoods. After all, the language is developing in its objective internal laws, although it also reacts to various kinds of "external influences"

That is why our language requires constant close attention, careful care - especially at the turning point of social development, which he is experiencing .. We have to help the language to discover its initial essence of concreteness, the definition of formulation and transmission of thought. After all, it is well known that any language is not only an instrument of communication and thinking, but also practical consciousness.

It is difficult to say whether the Russian language is the syntax, but even more so morphological shifts. After all, this kind of change requires a very significant time and besides directly bind to external influences. At the same time, it is necessary, apparently, to expect significant stylistic regrouping. Important "external" incentives in these processes will be such phenomena as scientific and technological progress, the transformation of the Russian language into the world language of modernity, which has become one of the global reality of our time.

In our eyes there is a creation of phraseology, overcoming formalism and opening the possibility of direct, frank discussion of the current situation, real affairs and tasks. For example: remove the ruins (past); search for junction; add in work; Strengthen the search; improve society; bring up a word and affairetc.

New political thinking requires new speech tools, accurate use. After all, without language accuracy and concreteness there can be no genuine democracy, nor the stabilization of the economy, nor progress at all. More M.V. Lomonosov expressed the idea that the development of the national consciousness of the people is directly related to the streamlining of means of communication.

(L.I.Skvortsov. Ecology words,

Or "Let's talk about the culture of Russian speech", 1996)

Task for exercise:

Write down the brief thesis of the text and those arguments that develop the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe author. Prepare an oral message, responding to the following questions: a) in what state is the Russian language now and that activates its development; b) what external influences affect the changes occurring in it; c) What changes in Russian occur most actively, which, according to the author, and what is hard to say anything?

We repeat spelling.

Repeat the rule "alternating vowels at the root" (see d / s to Lesson No. 1). Exercise. Insert the missing letters.

1) Out ... Snarled out of the queue, 2) T ... Snainy leather, 3) Hall ... bounce wound, 4) Zap ... Shaft medicine, 5) Nav ... let dreams, 6) nav ... to give Kudri, 7) OBB ... VALO WIND, 8) Wavy ... extinguish in the apartment, 9) Wavy ... the temple, 10) ambassadors ... to drink poems, 11) UKR ... drink stamp, 12) SCR ... sing your teeth, 13) approximate ... rivals, 14) approx ... riveted outfits, 15) Break ... diet atmosphere, 16) Different ... Diet Ginochki, 17) Publishing house ... Watch in the city, 18) Publishing ... to give the Cotlet, 19) The flag is the flag, 20) Device ... Lagned Clown.

Exercise number 1.

By ten o'clock, there was already twenty people from the battery; Two guns were broken, more often and more often on the battery enter the shells and flew, buzzing and whistling, distant bullets. But people who were on the battery, as if did not notice this; From all sides heard funny talk and jokes.

Pierre noticed, as after every nucleus, after each loss, the overall revival was increasingly flawed.

As from the pathing thunderstorm clouds, more and more often, lighter and lighter flashed on the faces of all these people (as it were, in the rebuff of the accomplished) lightning of the hidden, flaming fire.

Pierre did not look forward to the battlefield and was not interested in knowing what was happening there: he was all absorbed in the contemplation of this, more and more flagrant fire, which in the same way (he felt) flashes and in his soul.

At ten o'clock, infantry soldiers who were ahead of the battery in the bushes and on the river Kamenka, retreated. From the battery it was clear how they ran back past she, carrying the rudders of the wounded. Some general with a retinue entered the Kurgan and, taking advantage of the colonel, looking angrily on Pierre, descended down again, ordered the cover of the infantry, which began behind the battery, lie down to be less exposed to shots. Following this in the ranks of the infantry, the right of the battery, the drum was heard, team screams, and it was seen from the battery, as the infantry ranks moved forward.

After a few minutes, the crowds of wounded and stretcher were held from there. Shells became increasingly on the battery. Several people lay unlucky. Near the guns, soldiers moved and lively. No one has paid attention to Pierre. Two times on him angrily shone the fact that he was on the road. Senior officer, with a frowning face, large, quick steps moved from one to the to another. Young officerik, even more bothering, and more friendly commanded the soldiers. The soldiers filed charges, rotated, charged and did their job with a tense scope. They jumped on the move as on the springs.

The thunderstorm cloud will notice, and brightly in all the faces the fire was burning, for the outraging of which Pierre watched.

Task for exercise:

1) Find all verbs in the first paragraph - the faithful. In what form are they used, what is common in their form and what kind of role plays a role for communication between proposals in the text? What is the name of this method of communication?

2) Does this communication method last preserved in the next paragraph? Confirm your conclusion.

3) What other means of communication between suggestions and paragraphs are used in this text? Read the text carefully and think.

4) Trace how the topic is emphasized in the text: the time and increasing event. Find and write such words - bundles.

5) What is in this text, in your opinion, is in the spotlight?

6) Before the reader's gaze, the battle (Borodino battle) is deployed, we see how the mood of soldiers change, as their martial spirit awakens. Find where it is shown in the text.

Specify in the first paragraph, which precedes the awakening of the combat spirit.

Finally, the martial spirit of the soldier manifests itself with all the power. What language does the language use a writer to show the heroism of Russian soldiers?

So, the manifestation of the combat spirit begins with the "cheerful dialect and jokes", with the fact that the soldiers seemed to not notice the danger. Then "the overall revival flared up," more often, and lighter flared on the faces of the "zipper of hidden fire". Finally, the fire was burning "brightly on all persons." Tolstoy shows it not in one sentence and not even in one paragraph, but gradually, as the battle is increasing. The fierce of the inner fire determination of the soldiers, their courage occurs in our eyes. And all parts of the text - the proposal, paragraphs associated with the overall theme of the fight and the increase in combat spirit; It is connected with the help of language means: the unity of the forms of the time of the verbs-beyond (everywhere last time).

7) Comment on the most difficult orfograms and shows.

Remember that in many texts with a parallel bond suggestion, this is the first sentence, and the new one- all subsequentAll they specify, develop the thought expressed in the first sentence. suggestions in texts with such a connection usually have the same structure, i.e. syntactically monotypeparallel.

The task:

1) In the given text, built on the principle of parallel communications, there is also a chain connection (it is minor character here). Find examples of a chain connection.

2) write words and periprase (periprase, periprase - replacement of the direct name of the subject description of its signs) from all paragraphs, separating one word from another mark of dash.

3) Determine in what cases the examples discharged are elements of a parallel communication, in which - chain elements.

We repeat spelling.

Vowels after hissing and c.

1. After Well, h, sh, sh Written And, and,: life, Bowl, Wonderful.

Exceptions: jury, brochure, parachute.

2. Letter E. Written:

· At the root of the word, if you can pick up a single word with E.: damn - devils, liver - liver, beep - BECHEVA. If there is no such kinded word, then you should write ABOUT: major, gooseberry, seamless;

· In nouns with suffix - Ear: trainee, conductor, worker;

· In the exclusive nouns with suffixes - Evk: outdoor (from the verb to sleep), korchövka (from the verb to cum);

· In suffixes and endings of verbs: protects, wakes, cut;

· In the exclusive adjectives with suffix - Yong: condensed (milk), smoked (sausage) and nouns formed from them with suffix - Junk: condensed milk;

· In communion with suffix - ENN in brief form): baked - Baked, detachedand the adverbs formed from them: refurbished.

3. Letter ABOUT Writing under the stress in the suffixes and endings of nouns, adventures and adjectives, and without emphasis is written E.: boy, cloak, reed, hot. Exceptions: yet .


· Writing nouns committed arson, strong burn and verb drop the house, burned hand;

· In the suffixes of some brief adjective male clauses and nouns of the female kind in the parental case of a plural under the stress appears "Running" ABOUT, and without emphasis - "Furious" E.: princess - Prince, Matryoshka - Matryoshek.

4. After C is written by in end or suffixes -Yn: sestritsyn, Tsaritsyno, Skvorts. Letter AND Words are written in the root and in nouns ending with -TSIYA, in adjectives ending with ": circus, shell, station, lecture. Exceptions: gypsy, chick, chicken, on tiptoe, ksyz!

5. After C writes O. Under the stress in the suffix, ending and root: dancer, lead, base, cloakot, cloak. Letter E. Wrong in the root, suffix and ending: heart, kiss. Exceptions: after C. Written ABOUT Under the stress only in some foreign language words: duke, Palazzo, Intermezzo.

3. Rewrite the words, insert the missed letters.

1) Uch .. " 9) h ... rtochka, 10) piece ... Ba, 11) Pech ... NCA, 12) W ... Pot, 13) Fresh ... TUT, 14) W ... LK, 15) Хож ... vnik, 16) sh ... collad, 17) IF ... Ly, 18) h ... Lka, 19) Well ... RDka, 20) Well ... Ludi, 21) Izzh ... ha, 22) W ... RTY, 23) W ... TLENKET, 24) W ... CSE, 25) W ... Lepol, 26) Sch ... T, 27) Shch ... TAK, 28) SZZH ... GA, 29) H ... RTOP, 30) W ... RSTKa.

Exercise number 1

In large, so-called red gates of the N-Men's Monastery drove a stroller laid in the fourth of filled beautiful horses; Hieromona and novices, who stood the crowd near the noble half of the living building, were still published on the Kumor and the horses found out in the lady, which was sitting in a wheelchair, her good acquaintance, princess faith Gavrilovna.

The old man in Livreye jumped off the goat and helped the princess to get out of the crew. She raised the dark veil and slowly approached all Hieromonos for a blessing, then gently nodded to novices and headed in chambers.

What did you miss without your princess? "She said to monks who made her things. - I didn't have a whole month. Well, here I arrived, look at your princess. And where is the father of archimandrite? My God, I burn with impatience! Wonderful, wonderful old man! You must be proud that you have such archimandrite.

When Archimandrite entered, the princess enthusiastically screamed, crossed his hands on his chest and approached him for a blessing.

No no! Give me to kiss! She said, grabbing him by his hand and greedily kissing her three times. -How I'm glad, the Holy Father, that I finally see! You probably forgot your princes, and I mentally lived in your nice monastery every minute. How is your good here! In this life, for God, away from the Jewish world, there is some kind of special charm, the Holy Father, which I feel all the soul, but I can not pass on words!

Task for exercise:

Read the passage from the story of A.P. Chekhov "Princess". Determine the text in front of you or not. Prove it.

1) Determine the semantic relationship between proposals, indicate the type of communication in the text. Distribute lexical and grammatical instruments of the language confirming your opinion. How in the text emphasizes the unity of the topic?

2) write down the words of Old Slavonic origin. Try to find in explanatory dictionaries their meaning.

3) Find homogeneous and separate members of the sentence, explain the formulation of punctuation marks or their absence.

2. Repeat spelling. , And after C (see the rule to the homework to Lesson No. 3).

1. Fill the exercise. Rewrite, paste the missed letters:

c ... ace, c ... Vilization, c ... Garca, Ca ... Kada, Ca ... Gyoka, c ... Corimi, c ... Frah, Panz ... ry, c ... Gan, c ... Films, c ... Knot.

Exercise number 1

The gas station is a whole town, strict, correct, monotonous, even beautiful in its disposal.

Gunka was attached to a long row of cars and began to slowly move.

After three hours, he was sunk in the body of a barrel with gasoline.

Gunka drove up to Kantork, put the car next to others and went to make out documents.

The light flashed at once. Everything for a moment shuffled. It became quiet. Then the silence of this, like Beach, whoresching someone shouting on the street.

Barrel burned on one of the cars. Sorry somehow sinister, silently, bright.

Gunka exactly who pushed back at the back. He ran to the burning car. I did not think about. On the head exactly the hammer was beaten - softly and hurt: "Extremely! Easy!" We saw a white flame ties in a huge screw ahead.

I did not remember Grinc, how he ended up to the car, as I turned on the ignition, moved the starter, stuck the speed - the human mechanism worked quickly and accurately. The car rushed and, gaining speed, rushed away from tanks and other machines with flammable.

The river was half a meter from the repository. Grinc Rules there, to the river.

The car flew over the virgin, jumped. Burning barrels rumbled in the body. Grinca bites her lips to blood, almost leung to the steering wheel. Cool, the ripples shore approach depressingly, slowly. On the area on the green wet grass, the wheels snapped. The car yuz crawled back. Grinc sweat. Lightningly threw the speed, gave the left steering wheel, left. And again squeezed out of the motor all his power. To the shore left twenty meters. Gunka opened the door without removing his right leg from the gas, became left to the footboard. In the body did not look - the barrels were pounded there and the fire was quietly rustled. The back was hot.

Now the cliff came quickly. Grinc Something slowed, did not jump. I jumped when meters left to the shore. Fell. I heard the barrels rumbled with clanging. Heated the motor ... Then, under the breakdown, he strongly rushed. And from there grew up a beautiful rapid pillar of fire. And it became quiet.

Gunka got up and immediately sat down, in his heart stuck such a hand pain that in his eyes darkened.

"MM ... I broke the leg," Gunke said to himself.

They ran up, drove out.

Task for exercise:

1. Where do you think the tale of the story begins? Read it.

2. What is the name of the composition of the composition preceding the string? Find it.

3. Make sure how the action is developing in this narrative text. Where is its climax? Where is the junction? What person is the narrative?

4. Explain the use of language agents.

The story can be conducted from a third party (the image of the narrator is absent). This is the author's narration. Maybe it is from the first person, the narrator is named or marked by the pronoun "I" and the first face of verb forms.

We repeat spelling.

Topic: Text features.

Exercise number 1

Gogol is great in each of his mature, that is, in every Gogol work.

"Auditor", or "Dead Souls", or "Players", or Shinel - These are samples of truly world literature, the language of the world, on which a person knows humanity.

In a certain sense, Gogol seems to me close to another Russian genius - Mendeleev, because it is similar to the Mendeleev table of chemical elements, he creates a table of human images and characters.

Here he has its own method: it considers this or that property of a person - greed, rudeness, boasting, infinite courage or nothingness, - personifies This feature in the same image and, accordingly, gets Plushin, Sobelaevich, Klezlekova, Taras Boulabu or Shopping.

Of course, he did not finish this work, but it seems, no one in world literature did the same in this direction. Even balzac. Even dickens.

And after Gogol, literature created the gallery of immortal images, but it was already another stage of artistic thinking.

Here to the place notice that art is much conserved science In the sense that it is tightly connected with its own monuments than science.

First of all, the principle of the steam car is important for science, she forgets the first steam car, puts it in the museum and often even conveys the name of her inventor.

For the art of its discovery, these are great parties, and Madonna Raphael or the "Auditor" Gogolas are higher than the principles of their creation. The principle here is not caught here, it is too common, and the particularness and concreteness live for centuries and can not be repeated, nor replaced by anything else.

Especially conservative art in its technology, in the methods and methods of creation, if it is allowed to say about its "products".

However, even among that series of geniuses, which created not only immortal particular, but also their own principles of this creation. Gogol again occupies a special place.

Throw a look at his work in general, and then we will see that he was a forerunner if not all, so so many modern literary directions.

Did the "Shinel" do not precedes modern realism and even to its extreme expression - neorealism?

And what is modern mysticism 6 in literature? This is "Viy" and "Portrait."

Kafka preceded the "nose".

Karel Chapeq - "Auditor".

School of historical romanticism in its modern form - "Taras Bulba". This is not a knightly novel, but at the same time it is genuine romanticism.

Artistic and sociological research was preceded by the "Dead Souls".

Artistic beetopography - "Starosvetsky landowners" and "stroller" ("stroller", as it were, even predicts those current writers, which build their works are not around a person, but around the thing).

Detective? This is "players."

Vaudeville? This is "marriage".

Essay? These are "selected places from correspondence with friends", "Theater Track".

And even scientific, and at the same time, and the writing study, Gogol also gave Tanan, remember him (unfinished) "the history of Ukraine!.

I think I will not exaggerate if I say that not one writer in the entire history of the existence of artistic literature did not gues so many paths, so many opportunities laid in the literature, how much Gogol.

Guessing is not theoretically, and by realizing every opportunity in a particular and again immortal work.

That is, guess as soon as it can and how the Creator must guess art.

This does not mean that all subsequent writers were conscious followers of Gogol.

Not at all. In some cases, they could not know about it, but they were objectively walked by ways, they were open.

Nevertheless, reading Gogol, I worry a low-incurious feeling that, he lives, he was not so forty-three, and before eighty, he "has exhausted", he "closed" his whole literature.

Task for exercise:

Read the excerpt from the article S. Zalina "Reading Gogol". Determine the type and style of speech on their characteristic features. Name the genre of text, specify the topic. What can be said about the completeness of its disclosure. Write this passage by tied it with the theme and idea.

1) What is the main thesis of this text? What arguments are used to prove? Are they enough? Walievable arguments would be possible?

2) If you need to complete this article, what would be chosen from here as the main thing? Put questions to the article.

3) How do you understand the selected words and the offer?

4) What do you think, why is such an abundance of homogeneous members? Analyze how they are interconnected. Build the scheme of homogeneous members in the fourth paragraph proposals.

5) Explain the role of secondary sentences in the text.

We repeat spelling.

Topic: Text Analysis.

Exercise number 1

Last year, the trouble was adventlace. I walked down the street, slipped and fell ... fell not successful, there was no place worse: the face about the welch, broke his nose, all the face broke, the hand jumped out in the shoulder. It was, about seven o'clock in the evening. In the city center, in Kirovsky Prospect, close to the house where I live.

With great difficulty rose - the face flooded with blood, his hand hung up. She wandered into the two-time staircase, tried to take blood with a scarf. Where there, she continued to whip, I felt that I was holding a shock state, the pain rolling more and more, and you need to do something quickly. And it's not possible to speak.

I decided to turn back home.

I walked down the street, I think that I was not taking: went, holding a planned handkerchief from the face, the coat is already glittered from the blood. I remember well this way - meters, about three hundred. There were a lot of people on the street. A woman with a girl, some kind of couple, an elderly woman, a man, young guys, were held to meet the elderly woman, and the young guys, and then they took her eyes, turned away. If anyone who in this way came to me, asked what was wrong with me, you do not need to help. I remembered the faces of many people - apparently, by varying attention, exacerbated expectation of help ...

The pain of confused consciousness, but I understood that if I was lying on the sidewalk, they will quietly surcharge through me, bypass. We must get to the house.

Later I thought over this story. Could people accept me for drunk? It seems to be no, I hardly have made such an impression. But even if they were taken for drunk ... they saw that I was all in the blood, something happened - fell, I hit, - why didn't they help, they did not ask at least something? So, pass by, not to get involved, do not waste time, forces, "I do not concern me," it became familiar with usual?

In thought, with bitterness recalled these people, at first he was angry, accused, wondered, indignantly, but then he began to remember himself. And something similar I found out in my behavior. Easy to reproach others when you are in the position of the pupil, but it is necessary to remember yourself and yourself, I can not say that when I was exactly such a case, but something like that I discovered and in my own behavior - the desire to move away, to evaporate, not to get involved .. . And, causing himself, began to understand how habitually it was this feeling, as it was hardened, it was imperceptible to root.

Unfortunately, our abundant talk about morality is often too common. And morality ... It consists of concrete things - from certain feelings, properties, concepts.

One of these feelings is a feeling of mercy. The term is somewhat outdated, unpopular today and even as if rejected by our lives. Something inherent only for the same time. "Sister of Mercy", "Brother Mercy" - Even the dictionary gives them as "Study." , that is, outdated concepts.

In Leningrad, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Pharmaceutical Island, was the street of Mercy. Thought this name, we renamed the street into the street textiles.

Withdraw with mercy - it means to deprive a person of one of the most important effective manifestations of morality. Ancient this, the necessary feeling is characteristic of the whole animal community, bird: grace for defeated and affected. How did it happen that the feeling of this is behind us, stood, turned out to be launched? I can argue, leading a lot of examples of touching responsiveness, condolences, true mercy. Examples, they are, and nevertheless we feel, and long ago, decay of mercy in our lives. If it was possible to make a sociological measurement of this feeling.

I am confident that a person is born with the ability to respond to someone else's pain. I think this is a congenital, given to us with instincts, with a soul. But if this feeling is not used 5, does not exercise, it weakens and atrophically.

Task for exercise:

§ 91. As mentioned, in the ancient Russian language at the beginning of the words, the vowels were common, since the overall desire for the openness of the syllable was manifested here in the tendency of the cover of the initial vowel consonant, which reached the increasing sound in the syllable.

Therefore, before those vowels, which were in the position of the absolute beginning of the word, and consonant sounds developed in Praslavyansky period. These processes were touched into various degrees of various dialects of Praslani language, and in this area you can see certain differences between them. In particular, in the field of development of consonants, before initial vowels, it is possible to indicate a number of East Slavic features.

So, in the Eastern Slavs, at the beginning of the word before vowel [A], the consonants developed [J]. (This feature is characteristic of both Western Slavs.) In the South Slavic language region, in particular in the Old Slavonic language, this phenomenon was observed inconsisen

nicknames were not peculiar to a living old Russian language, but entered into writing and in the churches pronunciation near the Old Slavonic influence. It is known that in the modern Russian language, the words with the initial [A] are in the overwhelming majority borrowed (Watermelon, Abazhur, Ataman, August, Hell, etc.); In fact, Russian and long-leading words with the initial [A] can perhaps consider only the Union A and the

at its base, AGA, and AB, as well as interomotion ah.

On the contrary, in contrast to the Old Slavonic language, where at the beginning of the word developed [j] before [y], in the ancient Russian language of the initial period of its history, this phenomenon was absent:

The absence of development [J] before [y] in ancient Russian language may be explained by the presence in the pronunciation of the intake element before this vowel. This silence was initially, probably appeared before, which was changed in East Slavic soil [y]. Traces of such a breath were preserved in some Russian words, where in accordance with Article-Gloxy, [Q] (g) at the beginning of the words, a combination of [Gu] is pronounced.

At the same time, sometimes the absence of [j] before [y] in East Slavic words explain his loss in this position, connecting this process with the phenomenon of change in [O] at the beginning of the word, which will be said below.

In modern Russian, there are words as with primary [y] (cf. morning, dinner, ear, etc.), and with the initial (cf. South, young man, young, etc.), and the latter are the facts that appear in Russian under the influence of Staroslavlyansky.

The traditional explanation of this compliance as a change in Praslavyansky in [o] with a loss [J] encounters a number of difficulties, because it is impossible to establish phonetic conditions for such a change. As can be seen, in this regard, F. P. Filin's opinion is true that, firstly, in Praslavans, 133

commands were words-dubets that had a multi-informed initial syllable: * OSETIB / * ESENB (this is confirmed by the data of other Indo-European languages), and secondly, it can be assumed that in Praslansky, an inconsistent trend towards development arose [J] before initial [ E] (Therefore, in the old Slavonic monuments, the writing from K (\u003d) is adjusted: Iv group of words-Dubletov,

and in those cases, when [E] did not develop [J], the vowel [E] at the beginning of the words was lost as a result of the change [E] in [O] before the syllable with the front vowels and with [B], [o], What covered primarily the Eastern Slavic language region.

It should be noted that in the literary Russian language under the old Slavonic influence, book words were strengthened with the root of one (Wed. Unified, unity, the only one). All of them have a shade of solemnity and semantically completely diverged with the original one and the same, but the Eastern Slavic root of one (cf. still name Yesenin).

Differences of the ancient Russian language from other ancient Slavic languages, and in particular from the Old Slavonic, who have developed by the end of the XI century.

§ 92. Above the main phenomena of the phonetic system of the General Design School of Language, which were generally inherited from Praslani Epoch and, in which in some cases, they reflect those specific features that were in the dialects of the Eastern Slavs or at the end of the general Slavonic unity, or in the initial development period of East Slavic Basic language. If you summarize and summarize everything above, you can establish those features that distinguished the language of the Eastern Slavs, ancient Russian language, from the languages \u200b\u200bof the Western and South Slavs to the beginning of the historical period in the development of ancient Russian language. They can be two types.

First, it may be such differences in which different stages are reflected, different epochs in the development of the same Praslava phenomenon. In other words, there may be such differences, establishing which we can talk about what language reflects the earlier, and what is a later step in the development of this phenomenon, i.e., in this case, we can talk about the relative chronology of phenomena. For example, Praslavyan nasal sounds were lost both the Old Russian and South Slavic languages \u200b\u200b(although, of course, the specific results of the changes in the southern and the eastern Slavs were different: the Eastern Slavs arose [y], from [$] - [A]\u003e ['A]; in Slovenian\u003e [o],

out, and Staroslavansky still kept them. Therefore, in relation to this era and this phenomenon, it can be said that ancient Russian language reflects a later, and Staroslavansky - an earlier step in the history of nasal sounds.

Secondly, these differences may concerned that the development of sounds or their combinations has its own characteristics in ancient Russian language compared to other Slavic languages, but the question of antiquity of a phenomenon, how language reflects an earlier or later step Development, here it can not be. For example, the development of combinations of type [* Tort] in (full-disagreement) in ancient Russian language distinguishes him from Staroslavlyansky, where they have developed in (inconstitution), but it is impossible to say that one of these phenomena has developed before or later, it is impossible.

The main features that distinguish ancient Russian language from other Slavic languages \u200b\u200bwere as follows:

1) the absence of nasal in the Old Russian language and the change in them in [y] and [a] already in the X century. (See § 79). In the old Slavonic language, the nasal was held at the beginning of the historical period. From modern Slavic languages, as already mentioned, the nasal is now in Polish and individual Slavic dialects of Macedonia.

2) In ancient Russian [E], it was pronounced as a sound type [E], whereas in Staroslavansky this sound was opened, such as [A] (see § 54). In Polish and Bulgarian languages, the former [E] is commonly pronounced as an open sound (Polish. Miasto, Yaiu, Bulgarian. Hlyb, Biaal) \\ in Czech and Serbskokhorevatsky - as closed (Czech, Tiga, IIU, Serbsk. Nest, business).

3) in ancient Russian language in the XI century. Dedicated [Kommersant] and [b] were still held, whereas in Staroslavansky they were lost by this time.

7) a change in the combination of lubs with [j] in combination of "LVD + + 1-EPENTHETICUM" consistently speaking only in the Eastern Slavs, while others have passed so consistently only at the beginning of the word; not at the beginning of the word 1-EPentHeticum is inconsistently found in Old Slavonic language and is absent from the Western Slavs. Of the modern South Slavic languages, it is not in the beginning of the word absent in Bulgarian (see § 83).

8) from the general Slavic combinations of type [* Tort], [* Tert], [* TOLT], [* TELT] developed full-disagreement,, in the eastern Slavs and combinations,, from the southern, as well as in Czech and Slovak (Western Slavovsky) languages ; In the remaining Western Slavic languages, combinations arose here ,,, (see § 88).

9) The general Slavonic combinations [* ORT], [* OLT] at the beginning of the word changed sequentially in, in South Slavic and partly in Slovak languages \u200b\u200band in, or, depending on the intonation in the Eastern and Western Slavs (see § 89).

10) Overall combinations reduced with smooth type [* TT? [T] and under. Among the consonants were preserved unchanged in Old Russian and Western Slavic languages \u200b\u200b(though, the Western Slavs had some difficult changes in dialects), after being changed in and under. (with [g], sludge) in the old Slavonic language (see § 90).

11) the initial [o] in some words of the Old Russian language corresponds to a combination of southern and Western Slavs (see § 91).

12) In certain case of the Old Russian and Western Slavic ending [E] corresponds to [G] of the Old Slavonic language (see § 79).

The nature of the ancient Slavic emphasis and reflection of him in Russian and its dialects

§ 93. Indo-European languages \u200b\u200bin their ancient state had a distinguished and moving stress, that is, this that could be on any syllable of the word and move in one paradigm from one syllable to another. Those languages \u200b\u200bthat now have a fixed stress (for example, French - on the last syllable, Germanic - mostly on the root part of the word), got it lately. Most Slavic languages \u200b\u200bretain the old dimensions and the motility of the emphasis (only in Czech it is fixed on the initial syllable and in Polish - on the penultimate). Russian is also characterized by dotted and adventure mobility.

However, the emphasis in the ancient Slavic languages \u200b\u200bwas different than

now: it was musical, not dynamic, expiratory. With expiratory stress, characteristic of the modern Russian language, the shock syllable is allocated compared to the unparalleled larger intensity of articulation, especially vowel. The musical stress is based on the relative height of the tone (which depends on the frequency of vocal ligaments), and the shock syllable is allocated by changing the height of the tone.

Of course, about the musical side of the emphasis, i.e., we can talk about increasing and decreasing tone, and in relation to the modern Russian language. But this side of the Russian accepted is not independent, but depends on the rhythmic-intonation membership of the phrase, i.e., not related to the word as such. Therefore, the differences in the musical side of the emphasis do not lead to the difference of words and their forms. In the same languages \u200b\u200bwhere the musical side is independent, there it characterizes this word or form and is therefore used to distinguish them. Such, for example, Serbohorvatsky, where the change in the musical side of the shock vowel plays a distinctive role. So, the form of dates. Pad. Grades differ from the shape of the local, pad. Grades are only the fact that in the first vowel in the root is under long descending stress, and in the second - under long ascending stress. Such an emphasis in which the differences of the musical side are independent, is called politicalonically m.

In Russian, emphasis can also play a distinctive role, but it depends not on the quality of it, but from the place (cf. Castle - the castle, hands - hands, socks - socks, drank - drank, etc.).

In Praslavyansky, the emphasis was a distinguished, movable and politicalonial. At the same time, different types of emphasis were associated with the difference in intonations typical of Praslanic language. Two intonations differed in this language - ascending, or acute (Greek. "Sharp"), at which the tone increased from the beginning to the end of the syllable (denoted by the icon "above the vowel), and descending, or circumphlexic (Greek." Moved "; indicated by the icon And above the vowel), for which there was a decrease in the tone to the end of the syllable. Both of these intonations were originally characterized by not only shock, but also unstressed syllables, but by the end of the Praslani period they began to differ only under the stress.

The difference in ascending and downstream intonation was clearly detected on long vowel or long syllables, i.e., on syllables, including reflexes of long difthongs or difthongic combinations. The vowels relate to long by origin [A], [y], [i] (

the syllated part ([B |], [E.] and under.), had a circumphlex intonation that coincided with the circumphlex intonation of long vowels.

In Praslavyansky, the emphasis on the syllables with acute intonation was ascending, and on the syllables with the circumphlex intonation - descending. This is evidenced by the facts of the Russian language in comparison with other languages. In particular, this is evidenced by the place of emphasis in words with full-part combinations. In Russian in words with combinations [ORO], [solo], [Ere], rising to Praslavyansky [* Tort], [* TOLT], [* TERT], [* TELT], the emphasis is currently falling or on the first vowel combination , or on the second: Raven, city, hammer, coast and crow, peas, swamp, rub. An explanation of this fact can be found when comparing Russian forms, firstly, with the forms of the Serbohorvatsky language, which remained the difference in intonation under the stress until now (at the same time, the Praslanchi Circumflex in Serbohorvatsky corresponds to a downward accent on the debt, and Praslavyansky Akut - a brief descending stress) ; Secondly, with Czech language, which is now in syllables with a former Circumflex, a brief vowel under stress, and with a former academy - long, and finally, thirdly, with Lithuanian language, where descending intonation is found in accordance with Slavic acute and ascending - In accordance with the Circumflex. (In the Serbohorvatian examples, the icon above the letter denotes a long descending stress, and "- a brief descending order;" icon "in Czech words means the longitude of the vowel. In the examples from the Lithuanian language, the icon ~ above the letter denotes ascending intonation, and" - descending.)

The emphasis in the Russian full--eyed combination on the PRIMAN indicates that it is originally in combination of type [* Tort] there was a downward intonation, and with modern emphasis on the second vowel - ascending. In other words, the previous difference in intonation is now reflected in Russian in the difference in the place of emphasis in full-eyed combinations; in Serbohorvatsky language - in the difference of a long descending and brief descending stress; In Czech - in brevity and longitude of the shock vowel.

The old intonation differences are reflected in the fate of Praslavyansky combinations [* ORT], [* OLT] at the beginning of the word in the Eastern Slavs: as mentioned above (see § 89), the change in these combinations in, or B, depended on ascending or downward intonation characteristic of them in Praslavyansky period.

§ 94. The facts of the modern Russian language indicate in some cases to change the place of accent and to change the nature of intonation in the ancient era of the history of Slavic languages.

As for the place of emphasis, it should once again say that initially intonation characterized both drums and unstressed syllables.

In the event that the shock syllable had a downward intonation in a brief or debt vowel, and the next unstressed syllable had an acute intonation on a long syllable, the emphasis was dragging into an acute. This phenomenon is called the law of Fortunatova - Sosurira, as it was open to Russian and Swiss scientists independently of each other.

So, for example, in Praslavyansky [GFK], the shock was vowel [Q], which was under the circum flexural intonation, the unstressed vowel [A] was under the acute intonation. By virtue of the law Fortunatov - Sosurira, the emphasis was pulled on the Akut: Sovr. Russian

hand; in wines Pad. [GFKF] and shock, and unstressed syllables were equal to the circumphlex intonation, and therefore the stress point has not changed: SOKD. Russian hand. The same is found in the mountain - the mountain, water - water, I want - you want, I lived - lived and under.

A. A. Chematov established another pattern in changing the place of an ancient emphasis, namely pulling it from a medium long or brief circum flexed syllable to the initial one. Examples of such a dragging can serve as the facts of the drive of the emphasis on the pretext in Russian: Russian. The coast indicates the initial [* b.] with a circumphlex intonation on the root brief voice; With the accession of the pretext, which formed together with the word, a single phonetic whole, the emphasis was pulled by the beginning of the word - so on-shore arose; The same is detected in the city, occasion and under. But, for example, Russian. The cow indicates the initial [* COGA] with acute intonation on the root vowel; Therefore, there was no dragging of stress to the beginning of the word: for the cow.

Regarding the change in the nature of the ancient intonation it should be said that new intonations arose in Slavic soil, or metatonia occurred. Three such new intonations are known: newaakut long-term, novocyerkumflex and new-packed short. For the Russian language, both newaakut intonations are important, which received a certain reflection in the system of modern stress.

Newaakut long-term intonation by origin goes back to the old circumflex. In Russian, she externally coincided with the old acute, but it is possible to distinguish it from the last.

If you compare, for example, two rows of facts: on the one hand, the crow - Crow - Raven, and on the other - the head - head - go
loves, then the question arises: how to explain the relationship in the place of emphasis in these words, i.e., the ratio of fixed stress in the forms of the word of the crow and movable - in the head?

The word of the crow goes back to [* ѵOd], where the nasty vowel had an acute intonation, which was reflected in the modern language in the form of an emphasis on the second vowel full--chart combination. The word head dates back to [* Golova] with a sparing voice under the circumphlex intonation and unstressed - under the acute; In this regard, there was a dragging of accent on the acute, from where and the modern head. Czyrkumflex preserved in the form of wines. Pad. head where the emphasis did not move to the final syllable, as it was, as well as a nasty,

under the circumphlex intonation: [* Golvq]. In the word, a newaakut long-term intonation occurs, which was reflected in the emphasis on the second vowel fluid combination: heads. The same can be seen in a beard - beard - beard.

So it was in cases where the emphasis fell on a long syllable; If it accounted for a brief vowel, then during metatonia there was a different new intonation - the second newaakut intonation of shortcuts. This intonation is reflected in the Russian dialects in the transition [O] in the initial syllable in the closed _, difthong [UO ^ (for example, in La - in [UO], K T - / C [NE] T, GNIT-G [UN] NIT ). This is explained by the fact that a brief voice [o] as a result of Metathonia was under the ascending stress, that is, began to have an acute intonation, as long vowel.

Metathonia was called brief [o] in all syllables, but in the initial it could also maintain a circumphlex intonation. That is why the difference [o] could develop in the initial syllable of words and, which is found in the history of some Russian dialects (see § 131).

In the literary language, the second newaakut intonation of shortcuts was reflected in the development in some words [in] before the initial vowels [o]: Vasta, eight (in dialects is still the eastern).

The causes of metatonia are unclear, but it is assumed that it was associated with the redistribution of sonorno-intonation waves in certain parts of the sentence.

Changes in the accent system are presumably refer to the era of the fall of the reduced (XII-XIII centuries), i.e. it is assumed that the ancient intonational relations were held in ancient Russian language for a long time and that the expiratory nature of the Russian stress is a phenomenon of the written period of history.

Bernstein S. B. Sketch of the comparative grammar of Slavic languages. - M., 1961.- 182-228, 230-232.

Bulakhovsky L. A. The course of the Russian literary language. - Kiev, 1953. - T. I.-S. 73.

Vasilyev L. L. With which sound could be associated with the letter and in the minds of the scribes of some of the oldest Russian monuments c Russian philological messenger. - 1913. - No. 1-2.

Guier O. Introduction to the history of the Czech language. - M., 1953.- P. 61-62.

L. E. Development of the category of hardness and softness of consonants in Russian C scientists of the Institute of Slavyanov Studies. - M., 1956.- T. XIII.-. 137.

Wheels V.V. Historical phonetics of the Russian language. - L., 1980.

MEYE A. Oscislavnysky. - M., 1951.- S. 19-38, 67, 84-87.

Selischev A. M. Staroslavyansky. - M., 1951.- Ch. I.- S. 134-135, 168-169, 176-197, 200, 206-207.

Tolkachev A. I. On the names of the Dnieper thresholds in the composition of Konstantin Bagryanorogennoe, De Administrando Imperio // Historical Grammar and Lexicology of the Russian Language. - M., 1962.

Fortunate F. F. Selected Works. - M., 1957.- T. II.- S. 167.

Yakubinsky L. P. History of the Old Russian language. - M., 1953.- S. 121 - 139.

East Slavic spelling of the XI-XIII century. - M.: Languages \u200b\u200bof Slavic Culture, 2006. - 312 p. - (Studia Philologica)
ISBN 5-9551-0154-3.

The collection includes a series of works devoted to spelling issues in East Slavonic manuscripts of the XI-XII century. The principles followed by scribes when copying church Slavic texts. The principles of nec-magic letters are compared to those who have learned to read, but did not learn to write professionally and which first of all in Berchinsky grades, and a book letter used by professionals. The conditions, professional book activity, the ratio of spelling, orphoepia and the living pronunciation of scribes are considered. Particular attention is paid to the spelling rules that book scribes consumed, the possibilities of reconstruction of these rules are investigated. Analyzed both the common problems of the spelling rate of the XI-XIII century, and several private problems (reflected in the letter of palatal sonar, spelling of reflexes * Er, etc.).
The book is of interest to the historians of Slavic languages \u200b\u200band specialists in the history of the written culture of Slavs.

Let's bring together once again in these languages, so as not to be confused: what is there?

Old Russian - Language, immediate predecessor of the modern Russian language. And not only Russian, but also the current Ukrainian and Belarusian. In this language, they spoke in the period approximately from VI to the XIV century AD. He was not called, of course, at that time "Old Russian" is the definition of already modern linguists, and then it was just "Russian." This is a living language, conversational, which is fixed with both written sources, such as: "Word about Igor's regiment", Novgorod Beresian diplomas ... In grammatical terms, the Old Russian language for a number of characteristics was quite very different from the modern Russian language, but in the lexical plan the difference is not such Significant.

Old Slavonic language - This is the language of South Slavic in origin. Writing on the basis of this language was developed in the middle of the 8th century AD. On the territory of the then Byzantium. For Russia is a language of church-book writing. In this language, no one ever spoke in everyday life, he was not used in live speech. The influence of the Old Slavonic language on the Old Russian and, in general, the culture of the ancient Russian state is huge. During its occurrence, this language was called simply "Slavic" or "Slovenian". It was on this language that the church books of the Kirill and Methodius brothers were translated. This language is also called Church Slavonic. The difference is that the term "Staroslavansky" is used for early written monuments in this language, and "Church Slavic" - for later. In Russia, the Russian Slavonic language falls in the 10th century along with the adoption of Christianity and gradually begins to be seriously transformed under the influence of a spoken Russian language. In Church Slavonic language, "Ostromiro Gospel", "Svyatoslav's Issibers" and many other literary monuments are written.

Praslavyansky and general Slavonic language - Two names of the same language. This is an ancient language basis for all Slavic languages. In this language, the ancestors of the current Russians, Bulgarians, Poles, Ukrainians and other Slavic peoples were spoken in those times, when Slavs were one whole to their division on the eastern, western and southern. No written monuments of this language have not yet been found, so it was reconstructed by linguists by comparing modern and ancient Slavic languages, as well as other languages \u200b\u200bof the Indo-European family. Nevertheless, this language is well studied. Scientists agree that the time of the existence of the general Slavonic language should be considered the period from the middle of 2 thousand BC. (OK. 1500 BC) approximately to 5 V.N., when the period of migrations of the Slavs and their division on three large language branches begins: East, Western and South. Thus, this language existed at least two millennia. However, it is not necessary to imagine that the Slavonic language arises from nowhere and disappears to nowhere. This is one of the stages of development. It develops with the collapse of the balto-Slavic language community, and later continues in another form in Slavic languages. One thing is clear: ridiculous to repeat the delusions of some historians about the fact that Slavs, they say, appear on the world map in 5-6 century AD. Together with the first mentions of them in the Greeks and Romans. Obviously, no language can exist without a people who speak this language, and once there was a Slavic language community in the 2nd millennium BC, what linguists do not doubt, which means that it is confidently talking about the existence of Slavic People, what kind of name he wore at that time. By the way, it is the data of the Slavonic language that allows us to learn something about this people: where and how he lived, how he led the farm, which animals bred, in which he believed. Of course, we are talking about a language significantly removed from us. If even ancient Russian or church Slavonic read, it is quite difficult to read without prior preparation that talking about the overall Slavonic. Nevertheless, many words of this language are understandable to modern carriers of Slavic languages \u200b\u200bwithout translation: * Vylk - "Wolf", * Kon'E - "Horse", * Syn - "Son", * GOST - "Guest", * Kamy - " Stone ", * LěTo -" Summer, Year ", * Pol'e -" Field ", * Jьmę -" Name ", * Telę -" Telon ", * Slovo -" Word ", * žena -" Woman, Wife " , * Duša - "Soul", * Kost - "Bone", * Svekry - "Mother's", * Mati - "Mother". Very close to modern Slavic and system of numerical, as well as pronouns. In general, up to a quarter of all modern Slavic words is the legacy of the general Slavonic language that has come down to this day.

Proper writing of the Word Word "East Slavic", which contains connecting vowels, with dubious letters:

in the Eat Slav Vyansky

It should be remembered that the vocabulary word "in the Eat Slain Vyansky" is written with letters " about", "about"And" but".

Word images for memorization:

sHTUK - in the wasteful Slaina Vyansky
to the Ren - in the estuary Slain Vyansky
pribe of the line - in the waste of Slain Vyansky

In the words-images of the letter, which is dubious in the Word "East Slavic", is under stress. Therefore, in order to properly write the vocabulary word "in the Eat Slainsky", it is necessary to remember the word-image "etho to" and other similar words images.

Phrases and suggestions with other words:

On the shelf stood some kind of Stroken Slavic Bo Loc.
Eastern Slavic language for some reason was very popular in the Western European Union.
The Vyansky Theater Ma Rionetchi was pleased with them.

Association of a dictionary word in phrases and suggestions with other vocabulars, who are dubious to the same letter, allows you to remember how to write several words at once.

Phraseological units and quotes with a vocabulary word:

The ancient Greek hero makes a feat in the name of his own glory, east Slavic Bogatyr - always the carrier of the glory of the people, and the feats, in the name of the kind-tribe, states, the Motherland. (Aphorism,

Phraseologisms and quotes with the word "East Slavic" help remember Writing a dictionary word in an interesting expression.

Poem with a vocabulary word for memorization:

East Slavic ancient darkness
Ban on the brow of the Old Believers.
Pagan trembesta and kola's kola -
Himer's left era.

(Poem Alexander Voronov)

Reading poems using a vocabulary with a connecting voice - a fascinating way to state the spelling of the word.

See also in the spelling dictionary:

East Slavic - how the word is written, staging
spelling or how to write word, shock and unstressed vowels in it, various forms of the word "East Slavic"

Other Words on the topic "Quality".

We recommend to read
