Adjusting the horoscope with the star of magicians. Seven-star star

Decor elements 28.06.2020
Decor elements

In the previous chapter, we looked at two different characters and features of space and natural cycles - the synodic and Sideric Moon. In total, different cycles in nature there are countless. All of them have different frequency, and each manifests itself in their own way in various areas of life. Of course, we will not be able to go through all countless, but to accumulate some experience in observing various cycles for us is useful: after all, life is in a sense and there is a weakening of various rhythms, cycles, periodic processes.

Let's now consider well-known people from time immemorial laws associated with the planets of the solar system.

With deep antiquity in astrology, seven main actors - the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. All these celestial bodies in astrology are customary to call the planets, although, of course, the sun and the moon are not planets.

You may ask: But where did Uranus, Neptune and Pluto be treated? The fact is that the planet is visible to the unarmed eye in the sky only to Saturn inclusive, to observe the rest of the planets you need a telescope. And the telescope was invented relatively recently. Said, however, does not mean that before the discovery of the telescope, astrology was damaged, because he did not know all the planets.

Firstly, there are many evidence that our ancestors knew about the existence of the planets invisible with the naked eye, and even those who were not open to the Astronomers to this day.

And secondly, it is impossible to forget the law of the space analogy: only seven celestial bodies are available to observe earthlings, it means that they play the most important and significant role in the existence of the inhabitants of the Earth. And the centuries-old astrological practice proves that the life of a person, as the creatures of the earth, is successfully described by these seven factors. For example, if you are interested in a person as a person, it is enough to explore in his astrological map only the so-called personal planets - the sun, the moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars. If you, moreover, you are interested in the social person of this person, you need to add to the List of the Planet Social - Jupiter and Saturn. But the planets are higher, or planets generations - Uranus, Neptune and Pluto - describe most often or processes, very deeply hidden in the subconscious of man, or very large-scale processes related to the large masses of people - nations, peoples, countries.

If the highest planets and manifest themselves in the life of a person, they do it through the mediation of seven planets (they are also called planets septener).

And therefore, speaking of planets and planetary rhythms or cycles, we will keep in mind the seven visible naked eyes of the celestial bodies, planets septener.

It was decided to attribute different periods of time to the influence of these planets. For example, it is believed that this or that planet is managed every year, every day and even every hour. But before close to the topic of the planetary management, we need, firstly, to establish a sequence in which each other replaced the planet managers, and secondly, to get acquainted with the astrological meaning that is attributed to each of these planets.

In alternation, the planets should be some regularity; And the most characteristic sign that all planets differ from each other is the speed of them visible from the earth. The slowest of the visible planets is Saturn. Then, in order to increase the visible speed of movement, Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury and the Moon follow. If we position this sequence in the form of a cycle, or a circle (see Fig. 3), we will get the so-called chaldean row - a pattern in which the planets managers are forever and infinitely replace each other in all space and earthly processes: ... - Saturn - Jupiter - Mars - Sun - Venus - Mercury - Moon - Saturn - Jupiter - ...

Fig. 3. Chaldean row

We now get acquainted with the actors, with the principles of planets used in astrology.


Saturn is the most remote from the visible planets, it stands on the border of the visible and invisible, real and unreal, familiar and unknown. In ancient times, he was called the burning of the threshold: he holds us in the usual borders and thereby protects our existence, does not allow us to dissolve in the vastity of incomprehensible.

The principle of Saturn is responsible for creating a form, structuring, task of rhythm, the establishment of order; In addition, it includes such concepts as a concentration, preservation, braking, crystallization.

Saturn makes it difficult to slow down the external manifestations of life in order to direct the energy inside. The crystallization process reflects this idea: so that crystals fall out of the solution from the solution, the energy is needed. This energy is sent inside, the process of forming crystal structures is invisible. We just notice only the decrease in the temperature of the solution.

So in life. It is believed that Saturn gives depression, depression, powerlessness, a common recession of energy, deprives passions. However, this means only the fact that the energy from the outside is sent inside - to create a crystal of internal experience and deep meaning. Therefore, they say that Saturn is a great lever of morality and spiritual life.

In the human body, Saturn controls the bones, joints (first of all the teeth and knees), leather, hearing as a whole and the left ear in particular, as well as the spleen.

Anomalies associated with Saturn include various kinds of insufficiency - cardiac, renal, etc., as well as exhaustion, excessive thinness, deafness, salts deposition, all diseases associated with limiting mobility. Moving very slowly, this planet controls long, chronic diseases. Saturn binds various seals, rejugation, ossification.


The principle of Jupiter is in many ways the opposite of the principle of Saturn; It includes such concepts as growth, development, expansion of opportunities, the development of new spaces and measurements, exiting the limits of the known, understanding, coverage. But the contradiction between these two principles is dialectical in nature: they mutually complement each other, as, for example, minus and plus.

The shape of Saturn and the growth, the development of Jupiter, combined, create a living system, which is capable of opposing the unfavorable external environment (Saturn), but at the same time evolves, accumulates a new experience (Jupiter).

Jupiter is a symbol of faith lying outside of rational thinking, knowledge exceeding purely practical needs and needs. Jupiter is related to other countries and cultures - to that, without anything, a sober and sensible Saturn could do, but that so uncontrollably attracts our interest to itself.

Jupiter gives a person optimism, faith in his capabilities, hope for the future, expands the prospects, allows you to see more and more largely, to reach a new level of understanding and existence.

Jupiter, in contrast to Saturn, consider it a factor for purely favorable; However, in nature there is nothing originally good or bad, it all depends on the degree of understanding and the direction of use. So Jupiter with all his positive qualities contributes to the revaluation of its capabilities, separation from reality; And in the economy of the country, Jupiter is responsible for the process of "inflating" the money supply - inflation.

In the body, Jupiter is associated with blood in general, the arterial part of the circulatory system, liver, eggs in women and sperm in men, as well as with the liver, hips and the right ear. It also manages the development of growth hormone.

Anomalies associated with Jupiter include any kind of redundancy - for example, obesity or so-called "excessive fullness", often leading to various health disorders. The formation of tumors is also associated with the symbolism of Jupiter.


The principle of Mars is complied with keywords: action directional energy, impulse, promotion, confrontation, impulsiveness, active realization of the potential.

And again it is necessary to emphasize that although Mars is traditionally considered the planet "malicious", it is not bad and not good: it's just an action. It may be a construction, destruction, and defense, and aggression, and sports, and war - any directional application of energy. Mars, in contrast to Jupiter, narrow-directed; For the manifestation of its principle is essential is the presence of a goal. It doesn't matter whether the result will be achieved or not, the case of Mars is to invest all the existing energy in a short-term directed powerful impulse.

When the principle of Mars is valid, the energy is focused on internship, to fulfill work in the surrounding world. This energy is manifested by powerful, but short-term impulses. The power of the Martian impulse is such that while it acts, a huge amount of work can be performed. Therefore, when Mars is impulsive "put in guilt," it speaks only about choosing the wrong goal for an energy application. Tasks, even complicated, but requiring quick and active interference, are solved under the influence of Mars very successfully.

In the body under the control of Mars there is a muscular system, ligaments, red blood tales, busty, gallbladder and an external part of the playback system. It is also considered that the face and forehead and forehead are especially connected on the face. Of course, he also obeys the sexual function of the body - both male and female.

Anomalies associated with this planet - primarily various physical damage: cuts, breaks, bruises and related hemorrhages. Mars also controls any acute, inflammatory diseases associated with high temperatures. In any critical situations, when a person is balancing on the verge of life and death, Mars is also almost certainly noticed.

The sun

The sun is a symbol of centralization, autonomy, creativity, creation, self-sufficiency. The sun is a source of vital energy that feeds all the manifestations of life; It can be said that it inhales life in all earthly creatures, makes them independent entities, makes it possible to exist and create. If Mars is a directional energy impulse, this is the process of energy consumption, the energy of energy produces and radiates around itself, evenly in all directions.

The sun, like Jupiter, is a symbol of generosity, but if Jupiter gives understanding and favorable opportunities, the sun fills energy and vitality. It warms, but does not allow Panibrates: too closely approaching can and burn.

The sun occupies a special position among the celestial bodies, and therefore symbolizes the selected, noticeable position - whether in society, or in nature. It is in the center, and everything should rotate around it.

In the body, the sun, of course, is associated with its most important parts - heart, brain. It also includes the immune system, the vision in general, and in particular, according to the tradition, the right eye in men and the left eye in women.

The anomalies of the Sun in something coincide with the problems of Mars, but they are less acute, although always more globally. These may be inflammatory diseases, the consequences of which affect the entire body as a whole, affect the work of the heart or brain. Critical to life, a sharp decline in energy, loss of consciousness is primarily associated with the Sun, as it is responsible for life as a whole.


The principle of Venus in the abstract sense is the personification of the result and connectedness; And from here there are also familiar keywords: harmony, beauty, attraction, fertility. But these are all particular cases of manifestation of the general principle - the principle of performance. Venus is a natural addition of Mars; If Mars is an action, then Venus is its result, if Mars is a directional impulse, then Venus is the resulting connection. And although Venus is traditionally considered a benefactor, it is also neutral as Mars, like everything in nature. It may equally personify both harmony and disharmony: both in that, and another there is a connection; Both are the result - which means that the principle of Venus is fulfilled, we like it or not. Venus is a ripe fruit, but we start exactly what they sowed.

In the body, the management of Venus is primarily the maintenance of equilibrium of all systems, the production of hormones, the venous part of the circulatory system and the inner part of the playback system, as well as the kidney and the vestibular device.

Venus Anomalies include diabetes, various hormonal disorders, primarily associated with violations in the female sexual sphere, kidney disease, as well as a variety of equilibrium disorders in the work of the body. For example, convulsions are often associated with the weakening of the principle of Venus: the contraction of the muscles (Mars) is not accompanied by their subsequent relaxation (Venus).


The principle of Mercury is based on such concepts as communication, adaptation, mediation, thinking. But more generally, Mercury provides circulation; Circulation of everything - for example, goods (Mercury has long been considered a patron of merchants), i.e. Matters, or information (Mercury symbolizes all processes of processing and transmitting information, information, data), or energy (Mercury with deep antiquity was a symbol symbol). We can say that two factors are most important: the sun, as a source of energy, and Mercury, like a channel that allows you to transfer this energy.

Mercury is an intermediary, and therefore the ability to adapt is important for him: it must adapt to two different factors and establish communication between them. Venus also establishes a link, but it can be said that Venus is a communication-force, whereas Mercury is a communication-flow.

The need for adaptation leads to the fact that Mercury may not have his own person; It is impregnated with the principles of the combined factors; He is the very fact of their combination.

In the body with Mercury, the nervous system, respiratory and speech organs, as well as mental abilities, coordination of movements and touch are associated in the body. Language and intestines are also under the control of this planet.

Anomalies associated with Mercury are primarily nervous disorders, voice disorders, respiratory diseases. The weakened intestinal function can also be associated with the insufficient principle of Mercury.


The principle of the moon is characterized by such concepts as assimilation, habits, customs, routine function, subconscious. The moon is the earthly life itself, which, after the sun breathed its energy into it, goes as it were, automatically, from day to day. Therefore, it is believed that the moon symbolizes all the ordinary, ordinary, invisible, but vital - the fact that its routine provides a normal course of life, satisfies everyday needs and needs. The moon-subconscious is absorbs from our consciousness of the Sun, what has become familiar, automatic, which is no longer causes an increased interest, and therefore (as it is paradoxically) is important for life and should be saved. So, after repeated repetition, habits, skills, behavior models are formed - all of our life baggage, which we apply, without thinking, but having lost which would not be able to do and step.

The moon's body is associated with a lymphatic system and a glandular apparatus, as well as with breasts, stomach, uterus and saliva. The moon also controls all body fluids and mucous membranes, digestion as a whole, menstrual cycle and tooling the fetus. According to tradition (which is confirmed by observations), the moon is associated with the left eye in men and the right in women.

Disorders associated with the Moon, as in the case of the Sun, often show themselves globally, and not in some particular area of \u200b\u200bthe body. This may be, for example, elevated or low pressure, food allergies, tendency to swells. However, the diseases of purely "lunar" organs - the stomach and the mammary glands are undoubtedly associated with a violation of the lunar principle in the body.

Manifestations of the chaldean row in the surrounding life

Now we met to some extent with the principles of all seven characters of the Chaldean series, as well as know, in what order, these principles alternate. But where do they alternate? How can you trace this pattern?

I dare to assert that this pattern does this manifest itself literally everywhere, in all areas of life, in all processes for which consistent development is characterized. Moreover, the time scale in which the planetary sequence is deployed can be in the range of elusive moments to millions of years.

Consider an example.

It is advisable to start consideration from Saturn, because Saturn symbolizes the beginning and end of all cases; This is the first crystal, which dropped out of a saturated solution - the medium has finished its existence as a solution and began the existence of as a crystal. This is a seed thrown into the soil. Saturn sets the boundaries between the general and separate, and thus makes it possible to separate existence.

Consequently, starting the study of the planetary cycle from Saturn, we will consider the development of a separate entity.

Deploying this cycle occurs in the form of a sequence of planetary periods. If you compare it with a development cycle of some system - whether it is a person, organization or really technical system - saturn period Complies with the formation, isolating a specific system from an amorphous medium, the embodiment, materialization, the beginning of its existence as an individual whole. For a living organism, this is conception, for a technical system or a collective - the formation of the concept. It is curious that in English both concepts - both conception, and the concept is designated by the same word - Conception.

IN period of Jupiter Energy and nature, and humans, and society aims to develop, expand, distribute, mastering a new space.

In the life cycle of the system, the period of Jupiter corresponds to development. Cells are raised in the body, the nucleus cells are developing into full-fledged organs and tissues. The organization, originally included only the main bones of employees, is growing due to the filling of states, the creation of new departments, joining smaller organizations. The creation of a technical system comes a step when the sake of operation of the main device is created by many auxiliary and providing systems. The system is expanding and functionally, and in size until the next period comes - the Mars period.

Marsa period - This is the stage of the first active manifestation of the system. It faces an external environment, there is a need for decisive actions - workers, protective, etc. A living organism for this stage is in general formed and begins to move - the fruit "pushes" in the stomach of the mother - and then rushes outward, childbirth begins. For the technical system, this may be a period of testing before starting operation, for the organization - a period of solving the first tasks, the development of new, real, and not educational, activities. In all cases, in the period of Mars, the process is activated, the possibility of breaking, access to a new space appears.

And then comes sun period . This period is the culmination of the entire cycle. If, during the Mars, the energy was required to overcome, to access new expanses, then it is used here for self-refining, creativity, work is not the one that the external conditions are forced, but the one that is performed in creative burning. This is the time of the heyday of all the laid opportunities. The sun is located at the very upper point of our drawing, and from here, as with the pass, you can see and the traveled path, and what has yet to go. It is now that the system begins to truly live, becomes independent, autonomous, and in this capacity is recognized.

A living organism is separated from the body of the mother, and a new essence appears on Earth, a new embodied spark of God, a new personality. The technical system accepts the authoritative commission and, as they say, "gives her a ticket to life." The team is approved as an independent acting unit.

IN venus period Creative self-refining system brings fruit. But to evaluate them, someone else needs. The person who was self-sufficient during the sun is experiencing a need for understanding another person in establishing contact at the level of feelings. The "mechanisms" of balancing, the search for equilibrium and harmony between people are included between humans and nature.

Maximum energy accounted for the sphere of senses, so the aesthetic perception is exacerbated during Venus; A person worries beauty in all kinds, he seeks to find out how valuable the results of his creative self-refining, whether they harmoniously fit into the overall picture of the world.

A newborn creature, not yet owning communicating with others, needs them, stretches towards them and attracts their sympathy.

In the development cycle of the technical system and the team during the Venus period, the plan takes place, which is laid in them. The system gives fruit, it demonstrates its capabilities in creating and occurs with the assessment of its productivity from other people, systems, teams.

Period of Mercury - This is the period of intelligent assimilation of the results of functioning.

Exchange received results, purchase and sale, quantitative assessment (whereas during the Venus period rather quality). The most accepted sphere of rational thinking. From a large flow of information, significant facts are distinguished, specific directions; The situation requires quick switching and adaptation.

The newborn body is learning to communicate with the like by itself with sounds, gestures, words. A statistical assessment of the results of the functioning of the technical system, the work of the team; These results are drawn up documented, information about them applies between other systems and teams, the exchange of experience occurs.

Finally, it comes moon period . The newborn get used to, he is already becoming just a child, followed by which it is necessary, of course, to patronize - but this is the natural and everyday part of the family life.

In the team and technical systems at this time, the energy is aimed at assimilation in a broad sense - the substance and energy, and the information are also absorbed. The results of the functioning are already evaluated - and qualitatively, and quantitatively, now there are their immersion in the subconscious, they become familiar, ordinary, the functioning itself becomes routine.

There is a daily execution of ordinary duties, due to the fact that the necessary skills have become familiar, automatic.

The routine function, the vagueness characteristic of the period of the moon creates a certain amorphous medium - then the general one, from which a new whole will be allocated in the Saturn period on the next twist.

Thus, we looked at several examples of the deployment of the planetary cycle, each of which has its own scale and its specific meaning. Now we will be interested in the planetary cycles of a completely defined, well-pronounced scale. And for starters, we will get acquainted with the concept of planetary years.

Planetary years

It is believed that every year (meaning an astronomical year, starting from the moment of spring equinox, about March 21 of each year) corresponds to a certain planet, which "manages" this year, i.e. As if the year gives his shade, it has a certain influence on the background of the events of the year, the general nature of the weather, as well as on the peculiarities of people born this year. You can continue this idea and assume that the ruler of the year is somehow connected with the level of diseases characteristic for this planet, at least in people, to such diseases is predisposed.

To determine the planetary rules of various years, it is enough to specify only one of them - and then the planet is built in accordance with the Chaldean's already known to us. 1993 Planetary Year, which began on March 20, 1993, at 17 o'clock 41 minutes Moscow time, was the year of Saturn, and the previous, 1992 planetary year was managed by the Moon. In Table 1, this sequence is continued for several decades coming to us.

Table 1. Planetary years

Saturn 1930 1937 1944 1951 1958 1965 1972 1979 1986 1993 2000 2007 2014
Jupiter 1931 1938 1945 1952 1959 1966 1973 1980 1987 1994 2001 2008 2015
Mars 1932 1939 1946 1953 1960 1967 1974 1981 1988 1995 2002 2009 2016
The sun 1933 1940 1947 1954 1961 1968 1975 1982 1989 1996 2003 2010 2017
Venus 1934 1941 1948 1955 1962 1969 1976 1983 1990 1997 2004 2011 2018
Mercury 1935 1942 1949 1956 1963 1970 1977 1984 1991 1998 2005 2012 2019
Moon 1936 1943 1950 1957 1964 1971 1978 1985 1992 1999 2006 2013 2020

At first glance, such a system of planetary guards may seem like a contrived, artificial, but practice shows that the planetary management of the years exists in reality. Systematic observation of planetary years by anyone, as far as I know, has not yet been carried out, but individual examples confirm the overall pattern.

In year Saturn There is a bookmark of the foundation on which the next seven-year events will unfold. Seed leave to the ground. In this regard, the flourishing of various investment funds, investing funds for a long time in production, real estate, etc.

Saturn is a strict judge, and in his year, harsh events often occur, which are remembered for a long time. You can recall the events in our country in 1986, the Moscow events of 1993. Saturn shows us that everything in the world is not easy, requires responsibility and seriousness.

Saturn is a symbol of cold, and in this sense is characterized by late frosts in the spring of 1993, which destroyed a significant part of the crop, as well as the following cold summer. However, in the Krasnodar Territory, in spite of everything, there was an incredible crop of tomatoes. What do you think what planet controls tomatoes? Alan Leo argues that Saturn.

In year Jupiter Optimism increases, I want to believe in the future. Increases interest in other countries, international relations are developing. What is laid in society in Saturn, begins to actively develop and instills hope in us. Weather and harvest contribute to optimism, especially compared to the previous year.

Mars In his year shows us what to hope, of course, it is possible, however, to actually achieve something, it is necessary to actively act. Often this year is characterized by the struggle, confrontation, aggression. The weather is probably hot and dry, and the harvest is although it is possible, but is subject to disease, damage, fire.

In year Sun. What is sown under the control of Saturn, reaches a heyday, manifests itself to the fullest. From here it is already visible, what will be the result of the first half of the cycle, if earlier it was only possible to build assumptions. The weather and harvest theoretically correspond to the year of Mars, but in a softer version. Often, political activity associated with the central government in the state (elections or nomination of the president, or a significant change of "Salt forces") in the year of the Sun is activated.

In year Venus We reap what is sown in Saturn. At one of the classes I was asked: how can we talk about harmony and equilibrium per year Venus, if Venus ruled 1941, the year of the beginning of the war? But I repeat again: the Venus itself is not good and not bad, it brings us fruit. If you don't like the fruits, we see that you sowed - see what was the year of Saturn. And it was 1937. Do you need any comments?

But in the year Venus, as a rule, there is a big harvest. They managed to them, however, in different ways: in 1941, he found himself under the tanks, and in 1990 - rotted on the fields.

In year Mercury The results of the year Venus are actively discussed and comprehended. Most importantly acquire the media, commercial and especially intermediary structures. Remember how to bloom in our country in 1991 of various types of stock exchange. Weather changed; It was this that she was in 1991. However, it is necessary to remember that Mercury, like the moon, is very susceptible to the action of other planetary factors. In 1991, the shade of Mars was clearly heard: the weather was unusually warm, and the public life in our country was painted by the August course.

For year Moon It is characterized by the activity of the people, human masses: now it is precisely for them that the results of the preceding seven-year-old cycle affect them, and it is them that they have to absorb these results. In 1992, frequent frequent trips to neighboring countries were particularly popular, and in the country (and the moon is the fastest of the planets, it is a symbol of mobility and changeability), for the essential goods (again the area of \u200b\u200bthe moon control). It can be said that it was at that time "Class of Chelnts" was formed. And the moon, indeed, in his tirelessly movement around the Earth, something likes a shuttle. For the year, the moon is characterized by an indefinite, neutral state of affairs; It is like a suspension solution, from which the crystal of a new seven-year cycle falls next year. Theoretically, the weather this year is cool and wet; Such she was in many areas, let's say, in the same Krasnodar Territory. However, in other places, the influence of Mars (as in the year of Mercury) changed the weather background: it was unusually hot and dry in Moscow.

Hierarchy of planetary cycles

In order to somehow explain the Martian sound of the last two years, I will share with readers with some my considerations.

Familiarity with Indian astrology led me to the idea that any periodicity contains a smaller frequency in itself and is part of a larger periodicity. This principle is illustrated in Table 2.

Table 2. Estimated hierarchy of planetary periods

7-year periods MarsSun.
Planetary years MercuryMoonSaturn

In the same sequence in which planets manage planetary years, they would have to alternate and within one year. For example, the year of Saturn can be divided into seven periods (presumably equal duration). I tend to think that the first of these periods is always managed by the same planet - Saturn, and then the planets follow the sequence of the chaldean series already familiar to us.

In addition, each planetary year is a period of a more large-scale planetary period with a length of 7 years, which is managed by one of the planets. But how to determine what? Here it becomes an important Martian shade of 1991 and 1992 of the Planetary Year of Mercury and the Moon. I believe that these years, due to the susceptibility of their governors, are like the "windows", through which we can see the planetary ruler of a higher order. In this case, I assume that those years treated the 7-year period of Mars. In the table, 3 years are distributed according to planetary rules just as I imagine 7 years of division.

Table 3. Governors of 7-year periods

This, of course, is just a hypothesis. As far as it is valid - the experience will show; Including, I hope, the experience of readers. As long as I offer readers one of the ways to study the concept of planetary years.

Planets and personality

It has already been said that the planet manager of the year to some extent manifest itself in the personality of people born this year. This manifestation will not be a complete and unambiguous characteristic of all people born in a year, because there are many factors that determine the features of the individual; However, practice shows that the year of birth is more or less explicitly present in human characteristics.

Saturn He emphasizes in people born in the period managed, the ability to concentrate, concentration, discipline, a tendency to solitude, an understanding of existing laws - both physical and public, - economy, carefulness, patient, sustainability, consistency, practicality, realistic.

Jupiter He emphasizes the breadth of views and nature, the ability to understand and create common - ethical, ideological and philosophical - principles and concepts. It enhances generosity, benevolence, sense of justice, striving for patronage, optimisticity.

Mars Gives born in its period the energy, activity, gustiness, passion, the desire to somehow implement the existing energy. His wards can be fascinated by the instinct of struggle for survival, the desire to achieve something, to prove something.

Under influence Sun. People have a creative start, the ability to self-safe creative work. For such people, the brightness in all life manifestations is characteristic, the desire for ideal, cheerfulness, the ability to carry others.

Venus Enhances people born in her periods, a feeling of harmony, beauty, interest in art, the desire for compromise, understanding the value of things.

Mercury Gives born under his influence, mobility, communicability, adaptability, rationality, interest in study, the need for exchange is most often information, but also subjects, things - here, in particular, trade, - and energy - heal, extrasensory abilities .

The moon emphasizes people with emotionality, impressionability, the ability to imitate, exposure to the environment and its own moods, variability, passivity, susceptibility, love of home, family, children, economic activity.

And now task readers. Find out what planetary year you were born, your friends, friends, relatives, colleagues - the more people you take, the better. Combine in one group of all who was born, for example, in the year of Saturn, and try to notice, feel the same topic in all these different people - the topic of Saturn. Then, do the same with a group of people born during the years of other planets. This exercise, firstly, will allow you to consolidate the characteristics of the planets, and secondly, it will make the beginning of the development of sensitivity and ability to distinguish the astrologer.

But you may notice that giving the characteristics of people born under the influence of a particular planet, I did not speak everywhere about the years, but about some abstract periods. The fact is that not only the years have their own planets managers.

Planets also control the weeks of the week.

Planets and days of the week

Sunday manages the Sun, Monday - Moon, Tuesday - Mars, Mercury Mercury, Thursday - Jupiter, Friday - Venus and Saturday - Saturn.

If now to the cycle shown in Fig. 3, we will add arrows showing the sequence of alternation of planetary ruler days of the week, we will get a seven-pointed star, which is depicted in Fig.4 and is called the magician. The star of magicians in essence reflects one of the universal laws - the law of alternation of the planetary principles.

Fig. 4. Star Magov

Interestingly, in some languages \u200b\u200bhave long been applied the names of the week of the week for surprise astrologic.

Let's say, in English, Sunday is called Sunday, and the sun, the Sunday ruler, - Sun.

Monday in English - Monday, and the Moon - Moon; In French, compliance is even more explicit: Monday - Lundi, Moon - Lune.

Tuesday in French - Mardi, Wednesday - Mercredi, Friday - Vendredi; The names of the planets managers sound here completely clearly. Jupiter is also noticeable in the French title of Thursday (Jeudi).

And in the planetary management of Saturday, it does not allow to doubt again English - Saturday.

In popular science publications dedicated to calendars, you can find a lot of curious information about the correspondences between the names of the week's days in different languages \u200b\u200band planets (and those, and others have occurred at one time from the names of the gods).

Every day of the week gives the properties of his ruler to those people who were born on this day. The theoretical description of these properties is already given - it will be the same as for the planetary years. And for practical verification, I recommend you to complete one more exercise.

Take the same list of people you used to check the concept of planetary years, and determine which days of the week these people were born (for this you can use the Calendar of the twentieth century, which you will find in Appendix 3). Each person, therefore, will receive two ruler planets: the ruler of the year and the ruler of the day of the week; And in general, it will be two different planets. Just as in the previous exercise, distribute people in groups depending on what day they were born, and try to feel in people belonging to one group, the quality of the week of the week of the week.

Finally, consider each person individually and try to comprehend how the qualities of two planets managers are combined in his personality.

It is clear that the reserves of the day of the week and year show themselves in the person of man somewhat differently. In my opinion, the ruler of the year speaks more about the public case of a person - about how he perceive the surrounding, unfamiliar people, as he sees his goal in society and what means it uses to achieve it.

And the ruler of the day of the week brighter manifests itself in the personal characteristics of a person, in its attitude to loved ones, in character features. It is the ruler of the day of the week who can give a hint regarding the characteristics of the body, the original diseases of the disease, as well as to indicate a possible approach to healing. The organs and systems corresponding to the Week Day Planet can be either the "Achilles Fifth" of a person, or its strongest "bridgehead" in the battle for his health (and maybe those and others at the same time). In this case, special attention should be paid to the healing means submitted to the ruler of the day of the week (however, I can only tell the compliance between the planets and healing means in one of the following books).

Planetary days - guide to action

Not only in the characteristics of people, managers of the days of the week are manifested. It is believed that every day accompanies some kind of specific activities, and what given such a "specialization", you can achieve in the life of a larger effect with less effort.

IN saturday , Saturn's Day, the energy is heading inside, on the invisible creation of something new, and it is hardly worth to bet on active external activities on this day, overcoming external obstacles. It may be better to overcome some obstacles within itself, and then the external obstacles will disappear. Saturday is favorable for reflection, concentration, meditation, those cases that lay the foundation for future activity.

Sunday , the day of the Sun, contributes to any creativity, in everything, what a person manifests itself as a unique personality. On this day, the best things are the best things that are performed not by coercion, but from a pure heart, with pleasure. Sunday is a day of rest, hobbies and entertainment.

Monday , the day of the moon, accompanies all ordinary, routine; On this day we plunge into familiar everyday affairs; The concern of economic issues is increasing, providing urgent needs. Emotionality increases, vulnerability. It is unlikely that this day is worth planning something special and responsible, it is better to check how well your "rear" is debugged - those areas of activity that you, dealing with more important things, do not notice.

In tuesday , Mars's Day, our energy increases, energetic, the desire to achieve something. This day is favorable for the actions of rapid and decisive, related to the cost of much energy. But it should be borne in mind that the probability of quarrels and conflicts increases on Tuesday: if we cannot spend our energy with a sense, it comes out of control and wounds around.

Wednesday , Day of Mercury, promotes communication, travel, paperwork, negotiations. We are usually moving on this day, which is usually more likely to understand others and express our thoughts. Wednesday is favorable for any kind of receipt, processing and transmission of information.

Thursday And his ruler, Jupiter, help those who seek to expand their horizons who study something new - especially theoretical, philosophical plan. This is the time to communicate with representatives of other cultures, foreigners, for cases that contribute to welfare growth.

Finally, friday Venus-driven, accompanied by acquaintances, especially with representatives of the opposite sex, to establish partnerships, all cases where diplomaticity and tact are required. Venus enhances our ability to determine the value of things, and Friday favors shopping and sales. Confirm this, we can again find in French: Vendre - sell, Vendredi - Friday.

Planetary hours

But if we are talking about the days of the week, when do they start? Really, as we used to, at 0 o'clock every day? What is the case of space before the beginning of the day established by people, which is also periodically shifted when administered, for example, summer time?

It turns out that the days of the week in our understanding will correspond to the so-called biological days starting with sunrise and ending with the following sunrise. So, for example, biological (or rather, astrological) Sunday begins with the sunrise in the calendar Sunday, and ends with the next sunrise when Monday is already on the calendar. Such a definition of the day is most natural, because we know that with the sunrise, all nature wakes up, and all living beings begin a new cycle of its existence.

Biological days are divided for day and night, and the duration of the day in the general case is not equal to the duration of the night. In the summer, the day is longer than the night, in the winter - on the contrary; They are equal only in the days of spring and autumn equinox.

Biological day, as well as day ordinary, contain 24 hours: 12 hours are the day, and the other 12 - night. From here it is clear that the duration of the day and night are not equal, then the duration of the day is different from the duration of the night.

The reader, probably, is already tired of explanations and ask himself a question: why all these days and hours? But the fact is that the planets manage not only for the weeks of the week, but also by biological clock, and knowledge of the planetary watches may be unspecified.

To determine the duration of the biological in the day, take the sunset time to the specific day of interest to us and subtract the sunrise time on the same day (for the Moscow region of the Moscow, the time of sunrise and sunset can be determined using a tear-off calendar; sunrise time for any other place It is possible to determine with the help of astronomical calendars or annals, as well as with the help of Rafael's annual ephemeride). As a result of subtraction, we will receive the duration of the biological day in hours and minutes. Sharing this amount by 12, we obtain the duration of the daytime. The duration of the night o'clock is easiest to determine by subtracting out of 2 hours of time.

In the summer, the duration of the day at night exceeds the duration of the night, in winter - on the contrary.

Consider an example.

June 11, 1993 Sun in Moscow rose at 4:52, and went at 22:04. Sut out from the time of the right time of sunrise, we get the duration of the biological day - 17 hours 12 minutes. Dividing it by 12, we obtain the duration of the biological watry of the day on June 1 (it is clear that on the other day of the year and the hour of the day will be different) - 1 hour 26 minutes. The duration of the night hours will receive subtraction out of 2 hours of the day: 2 hours - 1 hour 2 minutes \u003d 074min.

It is believed that a certain planet is managed by each biological hour. The planet, managing the first hour of the biological day, manages both days, and the planet, managing the first hour of the night - at night the data of the biological day.

The planet, managing the first hour of the biological day, coincides with the ruler of the day of the week, in which these days begin, and then the planets alternate in the same sequence as the planetary years - on the perimeter of the star magicians. For reference, you can use Table 4.

Table 4. Sequence of alternation of planetary clocks during the week

No. for hoursMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdayResurrection
1 MoonMarsMercuryJupiterVenusSaturnThe sun
2 SaturnThe sunMoonMarsMercuryJupiterVenus
3 JupiterVenusSaturnThe sunMoonMarsMercury
4 MarsMercuryJupiterVenusSaturnThe sunMoon
5 The sunMoonMarsMercuryJupiterVenusSaturn
6 VenusSaturnThe sunMoonMarsMercuryJupiter
7 MercuryJupiterVenusSaturnThe sunMoonMars
8 MoonMarsMercuryJupiterVenusSaturnThe sun
9 SaturnThe sunMoonMarsMercuryJupiterVenus
10 JupiterVenusSaturnThe sunMoonMarsMercury
11 MarsMercuryJupiterVenusSaturnThe sunMoon
12 The sunMoonMarsMercuryJupiterVenusSaturn
13 VenusSaturnThe sunMoonMarsMercuryJupiter
14 MercuryJupiterVenusSaturnThe sunMoonMars
15 MoonMarsMercuryJupiterVenusSaturnThe sun
16 SaturnThe sunMoonMarsMercuryJupiterVenus
17 JupiterVenusSaturnThe sunMoonMarsMercury
18 MarsMercuryJupiterVenusSaturnThe sunMoon
19 The sunMoonMarsMercuryJupiterVenusSaturn
20 VenusSaturnThe sunMoonMarsMercuryJupiter
21 MercuryJupiterVenusSaturnThe sunMoonMars
22 MoonMarsMercuryJupiterVenusSaturnThe sun
23 SaturnThe sunMoonMarsMercuryJupiterVenus

Consider as an example alternation of planetary hours on June 1, 1993. It was Tuesday, so the first hour after sunrise is managed by Mars. Further alternation of the clock is shown in Table 5.

Table 5. Planetary hours of biological days started on Tuesday, June 1, 1993

No. for hoursGovernorStart Hours: MinNo. for hoursGovernorStart Hours: Min
1 Mars04:52 13 Saturn22:04
2 The sun06:18 14 Jupiter22:38
3 Venus07:44 15 Mars23:12
4 Mercury09:10 16 The sun23:46
5 Moon10:36 17 Venus00:20
6 Saturn12:02 18 Mercury00:54
7 Jupiter13:28 19 Moon01:28
8 Mars14:54 20 Saturn02:02
9 The sun16:20 21 Jupiter02:36
10 Venus17:46 22 Mars03:10
11 Mercury19:12 23 The sun03:44
12 Moon20:38 24 Venus04:18

Now about how to use knowledge about planetary clock.

Planetary clock details the manifestation of the principles of the planets and give high-quality time painting. The planetary wanderer of the birth of birth also has an impact on the born, as well as the ruler of the day of the week, but the quality of the helker is described by the inner world of man, its hidden psychological features from a prayer look.

Choosing the time for any responsible event, it is not necessary to take into account that the planetary hour of the start of the event is able to influence the entire move. And how much hours it is better to choose - depends on the event itself. For sports competition, it will be better for an hour of Mars, but the operation is not recommended for this hour. During the periods of Mars, the efficiency of working with tools, especially cutting: less effort gives a greater result. It must be considered surgeons, and if the operation is performed per day, and even at the Mars hour, they must be careful three times. To understand how this or that planetary hour is favorable, you can with the help of the characteristics given for the days of the week.

On this we graduate from the study of the planetary rhythms of the star of magicians to consider other, no less important patterns of space.

Emotional appeals between 7 roles are described by the scheme called "Magic Star". The symbols of the seven-pin "stars of the magicians" are connected by 21 directional bonds. Each "Arrogance" - aimed connection in the "Mages Star" (every feeling) - corresponds to its Senior Arkana Tarot map.

Some roles "Stars of Mages" create sustainable couples associated with counter emotions. Other roles are connected only by one-sided emotional appeals. Bilateral role relations are reflected by the "Star Mages" axes. They can be obtained, if you draw, without taking your hands, a seven-pointed star from 7 lines, and at the tops to place the characters of seven chakr planets. Each line reflects two different feelings - two appeals from the role to the role. Total 7 × 2 \u003d 14 counter-senses.

Unrequited Feelings can be obtained if you connect another 7 lines of the vertex of the seven-pin star into a semirander around the circle, along the clockwise arrow. The direction of unrequited feelings around the perimeter of the semigrande shows the arrow of the Mars symbol. It is directed from to. As a result, a complete set of feelings, emotions and sentiment consists of 14 counter and 7 unrequited emotional appeals between roles.

Each feeling can be recorded as a pair of roles with the arrow between them: The first symbol of the recording indicates from which role there is an emotional appeal, the second to which one. For example, a sense of pride and dignity can be written as -. Such a designation of feelings is called a role-playing record. Also, feelings can be denoted by the maps of the senior Arkana Tarot, for example: the sense of pride is indicated by the chariot map. Role-playing recording is more convenient to recording tarot when studying the theory of senses, but Tarot's cards allow you to save the sealing sealant, because they hide the stars of magicians. Therefore, novice more often use the role-playing signs of feelings, and tempted by Tarot.

"Star Mages" (or that the same, the oldest Arkan Tarot) is the ABC psychology. In psychology, the star magicians perform the same role that the multiplication table in arithmetic. The star of the magicians, as well as the multiplication table, you need to learn once and then use all my life.

Role table feelings.

Role Feeling Role-playing feeling
Hero Inspiration, excitement, courage, drive
Boredom, Handra
Tenderness, pity, caress
Skunnik Greed, greed, lust
Distrust, suspicion
Concern, anxiety
Simpleton Perplexity, confusion, puzziness
Friendship, loyalty
Rejection, offense
the villain Hardness, confidence
Anger, malice, hatred
Seriousness, concentration
Idol Superiority, pride
Joy, laughter
Complavement, peace
Hitch Awkwardness, uncertainty
Shame, sled, shame
Framelessness, disgusting
Victim Admiration (sublime feeling)
Horror, fear
Sadness, despondency, sorrow, sadness

Having learned the relationship in the team, it is necessary to distinguish between the nature of the character and the occupied role. Dominant character may not correspond to the role at the moment in this team. Dominant of character is manifested only in the desire to take the appropriate role and experience the feeling emanating from this role.

In addition, it is also necessary to distinguish a steady (stable) and unstable (unstable) state of relations. The relations of people in the team always strive for a sustainable, stable state.

Stable condition relationship Between two people occurs when 2 conditions are simultaneously performed:

  • People occupied the roles connected by bilateral, counter feelings (from each of these roles to another there is a feeling);

  • The roles correspond to the main dominant character of both people.

Unstable state of relationship Arises in 3 cases:

  • The roles occupied are not linked by feelings;

  • Roles are associated with one-sided feeling;

  • At least one role does not correspond to the dominant character of one of the people.

When communicating, people are experiencing different feelings and learn from role to the role. The experience of each sense means the occupation of the role from which this feeling comes.

The transition to another role is manifested in the transition to other senses, to other emotions, to another mood associated with the other role. However, people are easier and faster from some senses to others when these feelings are associated with the same role, that is, people strive not to change the role.

The seven-pin "star magicians" describes emotional appeals not between people in the team, but only between current roles.

Relationships of people are changing when they go to other roles. So, they say: "Cutely worry - only to be treated." This means that they are worried on some roles, and on others - again cute.

Do not forget that the world is given a man in images, concepts and ideas. Disabling the reason immediately leads to the disappearance of all senses and sensations. When a person loses consciousness, the whole picture of the world disappears for him. When anesthesia are riveted, a person disappears all sensations, he does not feel pain and does not experience any feelings. Pain, taste, smell, paints of the world and emotions come only when it turns on the mind and consciousness is returned to the person.

Feelings are always addressed not to a person, but the role, image, a specific situation, some presentation or memoil.

Therefore, by analyzing the mechanism of senses, you need to compare the "star of the magicians" to each of the actors. Appeal to another person with some sense means the proposal to take the role to which the feeling is addressed. For example, one person speaks to another: "Hey, you, a goat in this case, the feeling with which the appeal is going - this is a sense of own superiority; The one who drawn claims to the role of the idol, and another offers to take the role of the victim of the fan.

Appeal to some image with some sense means the offer to another person to survive the same feeling for this image.

For example, when Pop in the church falls on his knees, and with a feeling of awe's awe says: "I will pray and send the Lord of our God ..." He, referring to the image of God, Himself occupies the role of the victim of the fan and all others suggests to take the same role of the fan. This is based on the mechanism of co-experiencing and co-feeling, in these cases sometimes they say: "Put yourself to my place."

Actions and emotions are related, but different things. Manifold, intonation, gestures, faithful, words, people only emphasize their feelings and emotions.

Emotional state stands for each action.

However, the world of senses, sentiment and emotional experiences is just one of the subsystems of the drive mechanism that encourages people to action. Therefore, to understand this mechanism, it is necessary to distinguish:

  • Experienced feelings and emotions.

  • At the same time attracted images, concepts and views.

  • Made as a result of actions and actions.

People act on the basis of attracted images, under the influence of experienced feelings. However, surviving the same feelings, people can attract different images, concepts and ideas, and in relation to the same images to experience different feelings.

In communication is of great importance not only what a person does, not only the act itself, but also how he does it, with what feeling and in what an emotional state. So, money can be simply given, you can constantly bow down, and you can throw money into the face - all this is direct value for the relationship.

Psychology studies only one of the subsystems of the motivation mechanism to action - the world of emotional urges. Talleyran said: "Fear the first movement of the soul ...". The basic set of primary feelings is the very "first movements of the soul", sincere impulses, of which there are emotional experiences.


The body of each person is managed by 7 systems, and therefore all familiar with all 7 roles. Every 7 characters live in each, but each person has a different ratio of these 7 "I". Therefore, along with the main one, the first dominant character can also be allocated to the second, third, fourth, etc.

Emotional calls for actions are conveniently considered on the example of people with a monoharacter, when one of the organism systems is developed much more than others - the dominates absolutely. People with a monoharacter strive for a long time to stay on their beloved roles, and if they go with her, then quickly come back to it. Staying on his role, such people clearly reveal the essence of the character and "household philosophy", since the nature of the nature determines the direction of creating a tree of primary concepts and a favorite style of action.

It should be noted that the characters of people are changing slowly and the monoharacter can be developed only in conditions of complete isolation of seven people from society from their very birth, for example, on a desert island or in the deaf forest. Only then Snow White will meet 7 dwarfs, where everyone with his character, sleeping princess will see 7 heroes, the wolf will get acquainted with 7 kids, etc., etc. Nature laid the desire to distribute duties for 7 roles to the team, but it is achieved only In the limit.

Men and women are equally known and the entire spectrum of emotions and experiences are available. There are no exclusive male or female feelings, but there are moral representations that indicate which feelings are worthy of "real men", and which only "weak women" should be peculiar. Under pressure from public opinion, many hide their true experiences.

Not only around the world, but also a person himself in images, concepts and ideas. Each person has two legends, two ideas about themselves. One legend is intended for yourself, and the second is for others. Sometimes these legends coincide, but are rarely close to reality.

You need to know yourself. Ancient said: "Know yourself and you know the world." To know the world, you need to discover 7 characters, 7 of my "I" and find all 21 feelings. Only then will become clear the experiences, the characters, thoughts and actions of other people. Then the mechanism of relations and the direction of the society will be clear.

The basic set of feelings for all people is the same. He is all familiar, the roles and characters are easy to recognizable, because they are so easy to parody and depict on the stage, in cinema and theater, describe in novels and stories, sing in songs and sides. To know the magnificent seven roles and characters - it means to know the world of people, the world of feelings and experiences, it means to remove 7 seals and extract the "book written inside and reply."

Rarihtakes - Book "Globa School" 1990

Seven-point star of magicians, as the current researchers suggest, arose during the times of the ancient Babylon, Sumerians ... So this or not - this is a controversial question. Judging by the research of the ancient texts, not only Sumerians used the seven-pointed star. It was used in Egypt, and in ancient India. Yes, in fact, speaking, Zoroastrians knew about this star and tied the symbolism with her and the manifestation of the action of the septoral planets. Therefore, it suggests that the symbol of the seven-pin star magicians is universal for different cultures. In the ancient times and in the Middle Ages, the star of magicians were called the Chaldean Star, as in the ancient Rome astrologers called Haldey. Although it is impossible for the next reason to call the star of Mages Chaldean. From Meternrech (Mesopotamia), the most serious representatives of the science of astrology were published. But after all, Mesopotamia at the moment belonged not to the Sumerians who ended up by this time their existence, and the Persians from the Arshakid dynasty, and then Sasanidov, and was a mighty power during their reign.

Anyway, the seven-pin star of magicians gives decryption that came from the deep antiquity of the seven-day week. Each of the days of the week was associated with the patronage of one of the planets of the septener. The beginning of the week, various nations considered different days. We have the beginning of the week - Monday, because we are accustomed to Monday is the beginning of the work week. The ancient peoples, especially the peoples of the Middle Ages, believed that the week begins from Sunday. Yes, and in Christian times, Sunday was connected with the resurrection of Christ, and was also a festive day and was considered the beginning of the week. Sumerians considered the beginning of the week Saturday, as well as the ancient Jews. The first day of the week had Thursday, against what, however, did not protest the Egyptians, not some Asian peoples.

I have already said that the patronage of a certain planet was associated with each day of the week, with which some kind of deity was personally, as a certain universal expression of the Space Law. For example, in the ancient Babylon there were seven zikkurata towers (or second-hand), which corresponded to seven deities, each of whom was dedicated to a holiday marked on some particular day of the week. In addition, the seven-day week was also associated with one of the phases of the Moon, lasting about seven days. So, the magic seven in nature is observed and exists, regardless of the will of the person. Scientists and researchers have now realized that a semicircular cycle is not a fictitious, invented by man, creation, and the process that is observed in nature is completely objective.

And now let's go back to the seven-pointed star of the magicians, we'll figure it out in the days of the week related to her, and let them symbols.

We will adhere to the tradition, which was in Mesopotamia in various nations, inhabited it. In particular, these were Chaldean peoples and, of course, Zoroastrians who came to the change of Haldey. Zoroastrians perceived the chaldean culture by connecting it with the crushed culture of the so-called white race (ancient aria). Once this culture was brought by Zoroastrians from the north, with a continent of the mainland of the Arctic in the Arctic Ocean. And in this case, it was in the interfluve during the time of the domination of the Persian culture that there was a kind of alloy of two visible cultures, the first and the greatest races that inhabited the earth: the blue race, the heirs of which were Haldey, and the White race, whose knowledge was inherited by Persians. This Culture Conglomerate, fully decorated as the law of the second-third century AD, was subsequently expressed in the Avestian system. This culture is still valid. It is believed that it will be the only salvation for the whole earthly civilization during the current deepest crisis, the very deep in the entire history of the Earth since the incidence of Phaeton and extinct lizards.

Every day the week was associated with a certain belief, a certain symbolism and various kinds of recommendations for people born on this day. In addition, the social purpose of man was determined in antiquity on the birthday.

That is, from the very birth of a person was prepared a certain fate.

In the Middle Ages, the week began on Sunday. Let's and we will follow this custom.

Sun (Resurrection)

Sunday is connected with the Sun, which the ancient Haldey called Shamash, and Persians - Hwarshat. The sun shows the active manifestation of a person in the surrounding world, awareness of his place in it, his active worldview, a strong creative principle, giving people light and joy, holiday and celebration. The healing was also associated with the Sun.

People born on the day of the Sun, many nations were considered lucky, because they would have already initially gained the charge of sunlight. It was also assumed that children who appeared on Sunday will be long-lived, since they seemed to eat invisible assistance from the part, especially during the disease. Many of their sorrows are short-term, and joy, on the contrary, long.

From people born on the day of the Sun, doctors were selected, as well as people of creativity associated with such types of art, such as the painting of temples, ritual images, or people who could choose their own way, as they were given freedom of choice.

On Sunday, it was necessary to start new things to treatment, since it was on this day a cycle of restoration of the body's forces. It was very good on this day to lay a cycle associated with various creative programs. However, they existed and

Few people think about why we know 12 months, we have 365 days in our year, the circle is divided by 360 degrees, in the days of 24 hours, 7 days in the week and so on. All of this is all, and why you can figure it out with the help of astrology. All these figures are associated with well-defined space cycles, and in our life they have penetrated due to objective laws, and not for someone's understanding.

It can be said that the calendar systems have safely preserved and the astrological knowledge of the ancients were transmitted.
You can set out in detail the basics of all the cycles that lightened in the basics of the calendar, but this is not necessary, since they all were encrypted in one symbol of magicians. However, it is encrypted not only this, but also the ratio of planetary forces, all the features of their interaction and much more. The fact is that astrology, like any occult discipline, cannot be adequately transmitted by memorizing any rules, and simply the essence of it is inexpressible with the help of our language not adapted for these purposes of centuries created its own special symbolic language. Moreover, it is wrong to say that certain concepts are encrypted in the characters, they are transmitted through symbols, the meaning of which cannot be deciphered, it can only be intuitive. These symbols came to our time quite a lot, but not all of them are so obvious, few people guess that the occult symbolism is laid in the usual deck of playing cards: four suites correspond to the four elements, the rods (trephies) denote the element of fire; Bowls (cherry) - element of water; Swords (peaks) - air; Pentacles or discs (tambourines) - Earth element.
In fact, the true such deck consists of 78 cards, and in it, according to legend there is a complete and comprehensive true knowledge. As illustrations in the book, 22 Arkana from this ancient symbolic book of Tarot, from which the playing cards later occurred, and playing bones, and domino, and even the same symbolism is found in chess.
Astrologers enjoy symbols of planets not only because they are more compact in drawing than the relevant names, the main thing is that they already reflect the inner essence of the planet, its features and manifestations.
It is assumed that the magic symbol - the seven-pin star of magicians arose during the times of ancient Babylon, but they used not only the Sumerians, she was used in ancient Egypt, and in India, and Zoroastrians were known. And in all cultures of the symbolism of this star, it was binding to the manifestations of the action of the planets of the septener. Based on this, it suggests that the symbol of the seven-pin star of magicians is universal for different cultures, it is she who gives decryption that came from the deep antiquity of the seven-day week (as, however, and the other features of our calendar).
With each day of the week, the patronage of a certain planet is connected, which is even from the names of the week days in various languages. This is especially noticeable in the languages \u200b\u200bof the Latin root: in French, Italian and it turns out that Monday is the day of the Moon, Tuesday - Mars Day, Wednesday - Day of Mercury, Thursday - Jupiter, Friday - Venus, Saturday - Saturn, Sunday - Suns.
In various cultures, the week began with different days, which is also surprisingly consistent with the management of this day the planet and the features of this culture: we have Monday - the day of the Moon, they have Sunday - the day of the Sun. It is interesting to trace what day who is considered a weekend.
Each day of the week in agreement with his ruler, certain beliefs, a certain symbolism and various kinds of recommendations for people born on this day were associated. In addition, in antiquity on the birthday, the social purpose of man was determined in the first approximation. That is, from the very birth, a certain fate was prepared.
Sunday connected with the sun, which is a symbol of self, individuality, shows the active manifestation of a person in the world around the world, awareness of his place in it, an active worldview and a strong creative start. Many peoples born on the day of the Sun were considered lucky, already at the time of birth they received the charge of sunlight. They were assumed to be a tendency to long-term, since they have invisible assistance from the side: and their sorrow is short-lived, and their joy is longer.
From people born on this day, doctors were selected, as well as people of creativity associated with art. They were given the right to choose their own way.
On Sunday, you should begin new things, begin treatment and other wellness procedures. It is necessary to spend Sunday in solitude, engage in adventurous deals, as well as make new acquaintances.
Monday - Day of the MoonAnd it is painted by the favorable and unfavorable properties of the night shone, famous for their impermanence. In addition, depending on the lunar phase, aspects from the other planets on this day, Monday may be very heavy or just heavy.
The moon shows our emotional side of life - the one that is not amenable to analyzing and control from our consciousness. But emotional attitude strongly affects the adequacy of the perception of the outer environment.
Moon and Monday patronize women, girls born on this day, became beautiful mothers, keepers of the home hearth and traditions of the house. However, people are often born on this day turn out to be capricious and shavy, change in mood, are inconstant. From here and their social destination - they were never to work responsible, requiring concentrated thinking and cold perception. But at the same time, temple priests were out of these people who could tune in to the phenomena of the subtle world, as they were extremely sensitive and could perceive the most subtle vibrations. A person who is under strong influence of the moon has a deep intuition, and its place where such a property is necessary.
On Monday, you can always wait for any surprises, change and concerns, so it is recommended to study the most primitive household - cleaning, kitchen. All the roads on this day are unfavorable in addition to waterways, start swimming on Monday - this is just wonderful.
Tuesday - Mars Day, was considered a very active day. Born on this day turned out to be very energetic, hot-tempered and asserts, although sometimes uncontrollable. The best of their qualities is the ability to fight, courage, rejection of gossip and intrigue. Marsa man always wants to play a primary role, guided by passions rather than the reason, and his activity is always aimed at the accomplishment of some business, but sometimes pronounced impulsiveness just prevents the end of the case. These days were made all sorts of sharp forms of manifestation of state activity - war, reform. In general, Tuesday is a peculiar day of active undertakings, adventure and accomplishment of unexpected active actions. On the contrary, sit back on this day - shaped disgrace, it is necessary to show maximum initiative, even, maybe not thinking about the consequences. It is not necessary to pay attention to household business on this day, since the scandal can happen elementary without any visible occasion. It is impossible to start any creative cycles, as well as completing any things. Do you need to say that warriors were gained from born on Tuesday?
Wednesday is controlled by Mercury - The patron of commerce, crafts, knowledge, affiliates related to speech, communication and information transfer. In man, the action of Mercury manifests itself quite clearly - born on this day talking, sociable, easily assimilate information and outlines their thoughts. (However, for the manifestation of these qualities, the actual position of Mercury is more important at the moment of birth.) However, Mercury also gives dexterity, cunning, dodgy, therefore, for this reason the patron of thieves was considered. On this day, it is favorable to make trips, commercial transactions, writing letters and engage in mental labor. People born on this day were designed to engage in such matters - writers, artisans, merchants and merchants, and now, perhaps, journalists.
It is not necessary to deal with state affairs on this day, to communicate with the authorities, nothing can be solved by conflict, but only mental zeal.
Thursday - Jupiter's DayAnd the people of this day have the features of this planet - "Stars of Kings". From them unconsciously comes the sense of authority and power. Such people do not think themselves otherwise, as in the role of the head, guiding the action of others. Jupiter man as if all the time hesitate others, his whole life is like an example for everyone else. There are organizational abilities, guided by the highest ideals, and not the considerations of personal gain. From here, officials, legislators, spiritual estates of figures occur. All positions related to the management and non-law, missionaries, patrons, teachers and teachers.
Jupiter superimposes its imprint all day in terms of recommendations: it is appropriate to engage in affinations related to the management of Jupiter, and adversely implement actions related to material enrichment, other mercenary cases.
Friday - Venus Day, and man born this day, man feeling (not to be confused with emotions!). They are very reliable, practical, and it is possible to rely on them literally in everything. On Friday, aistets come to the world, actors, people of creative principles, peacekeepers and carriers of the world are the best of their qualities. In the worst case, these are slaves of their passions, lazy and fitlights. It is believed that Friday is the day of peace and justice, art and contemplation, aesthetism and love. This is the best time for dating related love contacts, as well as for the conclusion of marriage (for this and is good). But on this day all sorts of excesses should be avoided, because in this case they are able to withdraw a person from the equilibrium state and adversely affect his health. Stop preferred.
Saturday - Saturn Day. With this day, everything is associated with solitude, secret. Saturn people are often loner people, single philosophers, they are restrained, Torshi and ascetic. In life, they are isolated, and in antiquity of them there were good spies and specialists in those areas where the mystery is required. Saturn himself is a symbol of closetness, isolation, crystallization, self-knowledge and rejection of a person from social contacts, in this he is antipode of Jupiter. Therefore, Saturday is favorable for individual problems, meditation, summing up and completing cases. It is also a day of longing, sadness and internal anxiety, and actions related to the manifestation of passions can be fraught with the privacy of a violent nature, so no new things have been to begin, nor perform any trips, especially distant. This day is favorable for property associated with property, especially real estate, for laying the foundation, construction. And with all this remember that on Saturday it is better to talk less, and more silent.
This is the brief description of the seven planets and days, they managed, you can sum up these characteristics: two critical days - Tuesday and Saturday (Mars and Saturn's Day), Monday is adjacent due to duality and emotional concerns that the moon carries. Three happy days: Sunday, Thursday and Friday. Wednesday (Mercury) dual and depends on the position of a person, as Mercury - the Bulletin of the Gods - and transfers the strength of those planets with which it took into account.
The symbolism of the star is manifested not only at the level of the days of the week, it shows the management of periods of any duration: clock, moments, years and centuries. In short, it contains all the cycles that matter for our earthly life.
The fact that cyclicity is present in everything obviously, even our mood is subject to fluctuations during the day. Of course, not everything comes down to the basic cycles that the star of magicians shows, a lot depends on the individual horoscope and those influences that have planets on its defined points. But these cycles seem to give their common mood and sometimes are a trigger mechanism for the expiration of the existing planetary configuration. In addition, the magician star is directly related to the manufacture of talismans, as it should be done on them on day and hour, managed by the planet, the properties of which should accumulate in the talisman. (True, it is necessary to take into account the actual position of the planet of interest, its aspect, the position of the moon and other astrological subtleties.)
Every hour, similar to the days of the week, is managed by its planet, and for different purposes, this watch was determined in different ways. In one system (stationary), the clock has the same duration and start counting from true midnight. In another system (rhythmic), more used in the occult practice, the countdown was conducted from the sunrise, and the clock was not equal in size: 12 hours from sunrise before entering and 12 hours at night. Special names are assigned to all hours: for example, the first day hour of Egyptians was called Fine, the first night - Beron. The night hours they attached a completely particular importance, and assigned them to the management of individual geniuses. Here are selectively some geniuses and their hours: 1st hour after sunset on Saturday - Papus, Genius of drugs; 7th - Siel, the genius of the benefits of achievement and the world; 12th - Sarab - destruction genius. 2nd hours of Sunday - Nightibus-seniors; 3rd - Tirikus - Genius of noticeing idols; 5th - turtite - genius of magical operations. And so for every night hour for every day of the week. This combines the action of the planets of the septener star of the magicians of two levels: by day of the week and on the planetary clock.
The Planet Patroner for each hour was determined as follows: each day of the week is patronized by a certain planet, it is also a ruler of the first hour of this day, the next hour is managed by the planet star magicians clockwise. For example, Sunday has its own ruler the sun, it also manages the first hour of this day. Then the control adopts Venus, then Mercury, Moon, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars. After 7 hours, the cycle is repeated, and the sun manages the 8th hour again, it also controls the 22nd hour. Then there is Venus, Mercury, and the patron of the next, that is, the first hour of the next day, there will be a moon - the ruling planet Monday. Now, if you trace the whole week, the cycle will clock.
Every hour associated with a certain planet similar to the week of the week has its own characteristics:
Clock of the Sun. - This is the time of the tide of energy, the clock of creativity and manifestations of individuality, active start.
Watch Venus - It is significantly different, this is a clock of design, when emotions acquire the form and are converted into feelings. This is a time favorable for self-assessment and reassessment of values, as well as to relax and switch attention. Also this is the watches of love.
Mercury watch Favorite for contacts, exchange of information, even the phone calls more often in this watch. At this time, different interesting ideas come to mind, logical processing and synthesis of accumulated information occur.
Watch Moon - Very emotionally saturated, so the mood is often changing at this time. This is a watch of high emotional susceptibility and responsiveness, as a result of which we become more appropriate to external influence. It should be considered and not to succumb to whims.
Saturn clock- This is a clock concentration and privacy, but also clock sorrow, longing and reflection. They are considered unfavorable for any cases. It is recommended to stop at this moment and think about done.
In the watch of Jupiter Public trends and phenomena associated with the manifestation of social activities are laid, since at this time we are most advantaged into common interests. These watches associated with the perception of laws, morality and religion are considered active.
Critical along with clock Saturnthere are hours of Mars, which are marked by many conflicts. In this watch, there are many, if not most of the family quarrels and scandals. This is the time of too much voltage of the beginning of the wars and very often the time of the catastrophe. So you can conclude that in the cycle three hours are active, three - critical and one as if for rest.
It is easy to notice that on different days of the week, this watch is happening at different times, and that in the days they prevail the watch with the planet management of these days.
Finally, the same seven-party star is connected with large cycles, and with the symbolic rhythm of the history of mankind. All zodiac is divided not only to the signs of 30 degrees, dividing it is more discrete. In particular, each sign is divided into 10 degrees and terms of 5 degrees, then, in fact, for degrees. In total, the zodiac is 36 deans or 72 terms. Each of these units has its own symbolism associated with the star of magicians, similar to the clock, each dean and the term are given their geniuses that attach the uniqueness to each such a division of the zodiac. All 36 deans are associated with the 36-year-old cycle of the Deanic calendar, and every 36 years are associated with the action of one of the planets of septem (since 1981 for 36 years - the sun cycle). The Decanic Calendar also correlates with the star symbolism, only in his rhythm there is a reverse retail rhythm: over the sun period follows the period of Saturn and so on. This sequence is obtained if you trace the entire cycle in the same way as the sequence of the hourly control folds in a weekly cycle. You can trace the management of months, minutes and other departments used in the calendar. The full cycle of the Decanic calendar is 252 years old. Two deck cycles or cycle in terms - this is 72 years old - and this is an objectively existing cycle of the precession of the earth orbit (for 72 years - still - the stars are shifted by 1 degree by ecliptic), 72 years - this is the time of the fourth return of the eclipse in the same zodiac point, much Other cycles are concluded in this number. For example, within the Cycle of the Deanic Calendar, some years have their own planetary management, and it is possible to trace it along the same star of magicians - there is the same principle: the first year of the sun cycle will be a year with the symbolic control of the Sun, the next - Venus and further, following the stars of magicians . You can trace the action of these cycles.
From 1729 to 1765. - Sun period, time of manifestation of creative activity and heyday. The previous solar epochs had the era of enlightenment, the era of the Renaissance, the era of Michelangelo, Rafael, Leonardo. Great geographical discoveries, including the opening of America, accounted for these periods.
1765-1802 Years - the period of Saturn, in which all sorts of serious tests occur, but at the same time it is periods of stability, however, due to the hard restriction and suppression, that we clearly manifested themselves in the Catherine Epoch.
1801-1837 - The period of Venus, a period of romantic impulses that reach bloodshed. In 1801, Emperor Paul I was killed, this period ended with the death of Pushkin - the peaks of our romanticism, in 1837.
1837-1873 - The period of Jupiter, the time of the partition of the world, the design of capitalism, the development of industry and statehood of a new type.
1837-1909 - The period of Mercury, when the invention and opening fell as peas of a leakbag. Then there were new means of communication, information transfer methods, such as radio, photography, cinema.
1909-1945 - A period of Mars, marked by large bloodshed, dictatorial regimes, two world wars and several revolutions fit in it. So he ended in the day before the victory over fascism.
1945-1981 - The period of the moon, a period of strange ambiguity, impassional, fears and suspicion, changeability and to some extent a return to tradition with departure to household problems. All this we just pointed.
1981-2017 - Again, the sun period, which we can trace to the end, and during the subsequent period of Saturn we will see how we are now singing, will take shape, acquire the form, how the state system will be formed and other actions will occur aimed at education about order, Systems, clarity. In addition, within a 36-year-old cycle, there is its own gradation, when each year is controlled by its planet, and you can trace this control on the same magician star: the first and last year of the cycle is controlled by the planet with the ruler of the entire period, the second year is managed by the next clockwise planet. . It should only be noted that the beginning of each cycle, as well as the beginning of the astrological year, is not on January 1, and for the day of the spring equinox, when the Sun enters the sign of Aries (March 21).

Planetary days and watches

In classical astrology, to display any temporary cycles that determine the rhythms of life in our solar system, a seven-star star is used - the star of magicians. Seven of its rays correspond to the seven planetary principles.

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Planetary days

Planetary principles have a direct or indirect attitude to the planets of the solar system, which set its main rhythms. Seven planetary principles correspond to seven days of the week: Sun - Sunday, Moon - Monday, Mars - Tuesday, Mercury - Wednesday, Jupiter - Thursday, Venus - Friday, Saturn - Saturday. Thus, with each day of the week, the "patronage" of a certain planet is connected.

Sunday (Sun Day). This day is favorable for any undertakings, creative projects, the start of health practices, the choice of life path, communicating with persons endowed with the authority and power, making important decisions, the appeal of honors and fame, the tying of useful contacts, intellectual and creative activities, compiling and presenting presentations, Shopping or sales of gold and jewelry.

Monday (day of the moon). Emotional attitude strongly affects all areas of life, judgments, decision-making. This day is better to devote home deals, cleaning, etc.

Tuesday (Mars Day). Day of the tide of activity, cheerfulness, maximum initiative. The day is favorable in order to deal with the accumulated affairs. Improvements related to physical labor, active actions, relations with competitors, tax authorities are recommended. Operations, partnerships, conflicts with competitors are not recommended.

Wednesday Day Mercury. Day is favorable for mental labor, trade, writing letters, commercial transactions, preliminary agreements, new acquaintances and contacts, travel, study, work with information, drawing up plans, reading reports, communications with brothers, sisters, neighbors, intellectual entertainment, starting research, Purchase and sale of cars, office equipment, software, information.

Thursday day of Jupiter. Day is favorable for any cases and undertakings, long journeys.

Friday Venus Day. The day is favorable for dating, marriage, entertainment (but without frills), purchase and sale of art objects.

Saturday Saturn Day. The day is unfavorable for undertakings, long journeys. It is recommended to pay time to cases requiring concentration, concentration, long-standing affairs requiring completion.

Planetary hours

Characteristics of planetary clocks are similar to planetary days. Eliminate planetary clocks of the sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn.

Planetary hours do not coincide with the traditional clocks we measure time. The planetary clock is tied to the moments of sunrise and sunset, the duration of them may be greater than or less than 1 hour.

Calculation of planetary hours

Duration of daylight planetary hour \u003d (sunset time - sunrise time) / 12

Duration of night planetary hour \u003d (Sunrise time the next day - sunset time in the current day) / 12

Sunrise and sunset for this area is taken from reference books, almanacs, astronomical calendars. In programs for building horoscopes of the sunrise time there will be a moment of its intersection of a custare of 1 house, the time of the call is the moment of intersection by the sun custard 7 at home. Here we are talking about a transit horoscope into place of residence.

Planetary Clock Management Table

















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