What is the size of the septica for 4 people. Calculation of septicity of concrete rings

Decor elements 20.06.2020
Decor elements

It is worth noting that today there is a large number of species of septicists. All of them are distinguished by dimensions, principle of work, manufacturing material and cost.

The most simple designs can be made independently. And the first thing you need to find out is the optimal septic scope.

Why do you need it? If the volume is too small, the system will not be able to cope with the processing of drains, if it is excessively large, you just spend extra money and the forces to improve.

Calculation of sizes and volume septic


And in order to solve the task correctly, one simple formula should be used.

It looks as follows: V \u003d n * Q * 3/1000, where:

  • V - total septicity in cubic meters;
  • n is the number of people permanently residing in the house;
  • Q is the volume of water consumed by one person per day;
  • 3 is the number of days required for wastewater treatment. It is regulated by SNiP.

Calculation of volume

That is, in order to perform the calculation of the septic, it is sufficient to multiply three indicators: the number of residents of the house, the volume of consumable water, the duration of the wastewater cycle.

Situations should be taken into account when water consumption may increase, for example, if guests have arrived at the house for a long time, or all the households are at home and actively use the sewage system. For such cases it is required to leave the stock.

Usually, the result obtained during the calculations is multiplied by the coefficient of 1.2.

In order to calculate the amount of septicity to perform correctly, you need to take into account some additional points.

For example, you can find information that one person in one day consumes no more than 150 liters of water.

By the way, if you need to calculate the septica for a private house, equipped with all modern amenities, you need to know the following:

  • the adoption of the soul on average costs 70 liters if its duration is 7 minutes;
  • using the bidet for 5 minutes involves spending 40 liters of water;
  • one adoption of a bath or jacuzzi will require about 110 liters of water;
  • the dishwasher will spend about 15 liters on one cycle.

Septic troops

If all this technique is present in the house, then the calculations will be made somewhat differently.

The first three points will be calculated for one family member. So it turns out the formula: q \u003d 150 + 70 + 40 + 110.

It so happens that the person will have 370 liters of water on one day.

Examples of calculation

Then the formula will look like this: V \u003d 370 * 3 + 70 + 15 \u003d 1195 liters or 1.2 m 3.

Given the fact that the drains are processed for three days, the resulting digit should be multiplied by 3. As a result, it turns out 3.6 m 3.

You can also use to calculate the amount of septic.

Formula Calculation of the volume of septic

If we calculate the amount of septicity for a private house where 5 people live, we obtain the following formula: V \u003d 370 * 5 + 70 + 15 \u003d 1935 liters or 1.9 m 3.

Then total septicity will be 5.7 m 3.

It is important here to understand that if the total volume of drains does not exceed 5 cubes, you can do a single-chamber septic. But, if the figure obtained as a result of calculations is more, it is worth equipping a two-or three-chamber septic tank.

For a two-chamber septic, the volume of the first container will be 75% of the total computational volume, and the second container is 50% of the same number.

The volume of chambers in three-chamber septic will be 50%, 25% and 25%, respectively. Having understood how to calculate the amount of septicity, its optimal dimensions should be determined.

There are norms and a special formula for this.

Size definition of septica

If you need to define the size of the septica, it is worth remembering that the surface area of \u200b\u200bthe container cannot be less than 1.8 square meters.

So for a capacity of 3.6 m 3, the depth will be 2 meters. It is obtained by a simple calculation method: 3.6 / 1 / 1.8.

Autonomous sewage in a private house is a complex system whose device is a complex technical task. The sewage equipment market is represented by many options, among which septicine septic septic products from reinforced concrete or plastic are particularly popular.

Before buying Septic, it is necessary to make an accurate calculation of the useful volume of the future tank. The volume of the septic tank is calculated on the basis of the tripled daily water consumption by one person. If you neglect the calculations, then with time the sewage can fail, which will lead to unpleasant consequences or to an environmental problem.

To calculate, you can use the average water consumption by one person - 200 liters per day. Or you can trace the testimony of the counter in the house. Taking advantage of the meter's testimony, it will be necessary to make a correction in the calculated weight of water. This is the so-called lowering coefficient, which is 0.6-0.8. If the house has a washing machine or dishwasher, then the coefficient will increase, which is equal to 1.5-2.

The table indicates the approximate volume of the septic. Values \u200b\u200bmay vary according to lowering coefficients or enhancements.

Man-inWastewater consumption, m3 / day.sepitic volume, m3
3 0,6 1,5
4 0,8 1,9
5 1,0 2,4
6 1,2 2,9
7 1,4 3,4
8 1,6 3,9
9 1,8 4,4
10 2,0 4,8

By sanitary standards, at least three days should be settled, so the estimated amount of septicity per person will be 0.6 cubic meters. - 0.2 (200 liters of day) Multiply by 3. Accordingly, for a family of three, the volume of septic will be equal to 1.8 cubic meters. The calculation of the amount of septicism implies the calculation of the working volume, from which the number of cameras does not depend on.

Two chamber septic colors will cope with their task as well as the three chamber tank. If the septicch has two cameras, then the bulk must be at least 0.75 from the main volume. If the septicch is three chamber, the bulk of the main chamber should be at least 0.5 from the total, the remaining two to 0.25 from the main volume.

  • When choosing equipment, it is important to take into account its productivity;
  • Volley dumping of stocks for two hours;
  • An important parameter is the depth of the cutting of the sewer pipe, which indicates the depth of the pipe;
  • It is worth paying attention to the service indicator, which indicates the periodicity of the removal of the alley from the bottom of the septic;
  • An important indicator when choosing equipment is the depth of cleaning sewage waste. Biological cleaning septic tanks guarantee 98% cleaning;
  • Also, when choosing Septic, it is worth paying attention to the material. A competent choice can simplify the maintenance of equipment. Septic typical according to what type of soil occurs in the site;
  • An important factor in the convenience of equipment maintenance is the possibility of self-service;
  • Equipment reliability depends on its complexity;

It is not always appropriate to save on the equipment, since the sewer sets contain a huge number of "heavy" elements that are not always recycled by bacteria. In this connection, the septicch must have a certain amount of volume so that non-processed elements have time to settle on the bottom, which will soon be disappeared by the assessing machine.

Consider the approximate parameters of water consumption by one person per day:

  • 40 cubic meters - shower (7-10 min);
  • 8 liters - bidet, toilet;
  • 100 liters - bath;
  • 80 liters - washing machine;
  • 15 liters - dishwasher;

Example of calculating the volume for 3 people

For this, we need a formula for the total:

  • V is a working volume (cubic meter);
  • n is the number of people;
  • Q - water consumption by one person (l / day);
  • 3 - time cleaning of sewage drain (day);

3 * 200 * 3/1000 \u003d 1.8 cubic meters. According to calculations for three people, it will be necessary to establish a septic tank with a total volume of 1.8 cubic meters. - two chamber tank.

Calculation of the septic tank for 4 people

Let us consider in more detail the method of calculating the amount of septicism, where they independently estimate the amount of water consumed by one person (q). As a rule, in the summer, each person takes a shower in the morning, in the evening, let's say, takes the bath:

200+ (10 * 7) + 100 \u003d 370 liters per day.

4 * 370 * 3/1000 \u003d 4.44 cubic meters. According to calculations for a private house, 4 people will require the installation of a septicity of 4.5 cubic meters of septic - two chamber or three chamber.

Calculation of septicism for 6 people

According to the above values \u200b\u200bof the amount of septicism in the number of person, it can be assumed that 6 people will have enough tank in 3 cubic meters. For the individual calculation of six people, we apply the formula and compare the data with the average values \u200b\u200bspecified in the table above. Suppose everyone takes a shower of 10 minutes and erased things 2 kg.

200+ (10 * 10) + 80 \u003d 380 liters.

6 * 380 * 3/380 \u003d 6.84 cubic meters.

The result obtained is much higher than averaged values \u200b\u200bin the table. In any case, the calculation is necessary to avoid incorrect operation of the septic. Also, when calculating it should be borne in mind that guests can come to the owners of the house, which will increase the load on the sewer system.

Before the construction of sewage construction, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the rules and norms of the autonomous sewer device (SNiP 2.04.03-85) "Sewage". The deviation from the norms and rules, as a rule, leads to the failure of the equipment, which in turn may cause an environmental problem. In this case, the legislation of the Russian Federation provides for the imposition of penalties on the owner of a private house.

To avoid unpleasant consequences as a result of a violation of the installation technology and the calculation of the amount of septic, it is necessary to consult with the specialists. Moskomplekt company has many years of experience in installing septics for a private house, cottage, etc.

Make sure you call yourself, and we will answer any questions you are interested in. It is possible to mount the sewage system on its own, but in any case it is better to consult with a specialist before starting work. Call and our experts will answer all your questions.

Septic from the railway rings is a few wells in which the rings are installed on each other. The first well is a septhetic and mandatory to the installation, the rest of the emphasis (their number can vary) - this is a system of filtering wells in which the purified wastewater is overflow from the septic.

We consider the volume of septica

The amount of septic is the value that cannot be taken from the ceiling or by the advice of neighbors. The calculation of the septicity of concrete rings is regulated by the construction norms, for each user it is individual and depends on a number of factors: not only from the number of residents living in the house, but also from the lifestyle, the degree of improvement of the building, the composition of the soil, the level of groundwater, the climatic zone. Let's figure it out in order.

In my calculations, we will rely on such official documents as:

  • Code of Rules 32.13330.2012 (year) "Sewerage. External networks and structures"
  • One hundred Nostroy 2.17.176-2015 (year) "Engineering networks are outdoor. Autonomous septic septic systems and structures of underground wastewater filtration. Rules for design and installation, control of implementation, requirements for the results of work", as well as other relevant documents.

The set of rules 32.13330.2012 is dry and unlikely to tell us the following (paragraph

Echzh is an equivalent number of residents (in our case, the number of tenants in the house).

If less than 25 people live in your home, then it is possible to calculate the volume of septica from concrete rings by the formula: the daily consumption of water with one person multiplied by the number of people for three days.

As we see, paragraph allows us to use a single-chamber septic tank, implying that after the "pre-cleaning", our septicch will be rejected. Our goal is to function cleaning facilities without pumping, i.e. Full autonomy. Therefore, it makes sense to use two cameras (1 camera - septic tank with concrete bottom, 2 camera - filtering well) or even three cameras (1 camera - septic tank with concrete bottom, 2 and 3 cameras - filter wells), despite the fact that SNiP Recommends this, with a larger number of tenants.

Water consumption per person is determined in the sum of the rules 30.13330.2012 "Internal water supply and sewage system":

Table A.2 - Estimated (specific) average daily water rods (drama) in residential buildings, l / day, per 1 inhabitant

Residential buildings Stoying-climatic area
I and II III and IV.
common including hot common including hot
With water supply and baths without bath 100 40 110 45
Same with gas supply 120 48 135 55
With water supply, sewage and baths with water heaters working on solid fuel 150 60 170 70
Same with gas water heaters 210 60 235 95
With centralized hot water supply and sedentary baths 230 85 260 105
The same, with baths longer than 1500-1700 mm 250 100 285 115

For most country houses of the Moscow region (II climatic area), this indicator will be at the level of 150 liters per day per person. With economical spending, the water supply can be reduced to 100 liters per day (less than). If you pour into the whole coil, get ready to merge 250 liters of water per day per person.

The climatic area is defined on SP.131.13330.2012 "Construction climatology". The average monthly January temperature in Moscow -7.8 ˚С, July 18.7 ˚С. Based on this, we define the climatic zone as IIG (two-GE). You can detail about this on this on the page in the information section.

For example, imagine that 3 people live in our house.

The amount of septicism in this case will be:

  • 3 people * 90 liters / day * 3 days \u003d 810 liters (3 people, economy flow);
  • 3 people * 150 liters / day * 3 days \u003d 1350 liters (3 people, average consumption);
  • 3 people * 220 liters / day * 3 days \u003d 1980 liters (3 people, maximum flow).

How much should the rings need?

Calculator calculating Septica from concrete rings provides fairly accurate data on the laid rings. It is worth considering that the volume of one ring KS-10-9 (wall ring: the inner diameter is 1 meter, the height of the wall is 90 cm) is 3.14 * 0.5 * 0,5 * 0.9 \u003d 0.7 m3 , or 700 liters.

This means that for the manufacture of a tank for septic, we need:

  • 2 rings (3 people, economical flow);
  • 2 rings (3 people, average consumption);
  • 3 rings (3 people, maximum flow).

At the same time, the upper ring is clean technologically never filled and remains dry. This is due to the fact that the introductory tube (coming from the house) is crashed into a septic tank at a depth of about 70 cm.

So, to our number of rings should be added another:

  • 3 rings (3 people, economical flow);
  • 3 rings (3 people, average consumption);
  • 4 rings (3 people, maximum flow).

This will be your septic (the first well mine), in which the process of wastewater is underway. Now, purified stocks need to merge somewhere ..

For this, another mine (filtering well) is built nearby (filtering well) into which the purified septic was overflowed. The main requirement to the second capacity - it should have time to give it to the ground all the water entering it and all the drainage water (and we considered it above) should be absorbed into the ground! Only with such a scenario we will not have to press our septic tank and we will achieve complete autonomy.

We consider the volume of the filtering well

IMPORTANT!If you have a high level of groundwater, then the filtering well is not for you, and for your case you need to use aeration fields.

The filter well passes water into the ground through the bottom, as well as through the holes in the walls of the rings. If the filtering well is not arranged correctly, the water will not have time to go into the ground and, as a result, it will have to regularly pump it off, on this, if one well does not cope with its tasks, then the second is built next to (not allowed to lay in the mine more than 4 rings) .

Either spending an easy experiment:

Remove the top layer of the soil (chernozem) and reaching the bottom layer of the soil, roll the ball from it, which fits in the palm:

  • If the ball when squeezed is destroyed - These are soup
  • If the ball turns into a cake, with cracks around the edges - this is Suglok.
  • If the ball turns into a cake, and the cracks are not formed in the edges - this is clay

Having learned the type of our soil to turn to the Table of Soil Power Support (one hundred Nostroy 2.17.176-2015 pp. 25-26):

No. p / p Breed name Filtration Proteinity, M / day Permissible settlement load on m 2 filtering surface, l / day
Clay soils
1 Clay less than 0.001. Less than 1.
2 Suglink heavy 0,001-0,05 1-30
3 Light and medium loam 0,05-0,4 30-40
4 Surrious dense 0,01-0,1 25-35
5 Dry Rhyme 0,5-1,0 45-55
Sandy soils
6 Sand dusty clay with a predominant fraction of 0.01-0.05 mm 0,1-1,0 35-55
7 Sand dusty homogeneous with the prevailing fraction of 0.01-0.05 mm 1,5-5,0 60-80
8 The sand is fine-grained clay with a predominant fraction of 0.1-0.25 mm 10-15 80-100
9 Small graded sand with a predominant fraction of 0.1-0.25 mm 20-25 105-110
10 The sand range is clay with a predominant fraction of 0.25-0.5 mm 35-50 115-130
11 Sand range homogeneous with prevailing fraction 0.25-0.5 mm 35-40 115-120
12 Sand coarse-grained, slightly clay with a predominant fraction of 0.5-1.0 mm 35-40 115-120
13 Sand-grade homogeneous sand with a predominant fraction of 0.5-1.0 mm 60-75 130-160
Pebble and gravel soils
14 Tie with sand 20-100 100-170
15 Feature sorted over 100. -
16 Pure pebble 100-200 -
17 Gravel clean 100-200 -
18 Gravel with sand 75-150 160-200
19 Gravine-pebble soils with a significant admixture of small particles 20-60 105-130
20 Peat little decomposed 1,0-4,5 55-745
21 Peat medium discharge 0,15-1,0 35-55
22 Peat strongly decomposed 0,01-0,15 25-35

We choose the type of our soil and at the right side of the column determine the magnitude of the "water absorption" in liters per 1 m2 of the surface of the soil per day. In my case, these are loam and 35 liters per m2 per day. Therefore, in order to absorb all the water, we need to distribute it on the next surface of our soil:

  • 3 people * 90 (liters / day) / 35 (liters / day * m2) \u003d 7.7 m2 (3 people, economy flow, soil loam)
  • 3 people * 150 (liters / day) / 35 (liters / day * m2) \u003d 12.8 m2 (3 people, average consumption, soil loam)
  • 3 people * 220 (liters / day) / 35 (liters / day * m2) \u003d 18.8 m2 (3 people, maximum flow, soil loam)

The filter well passes water into the ground through the bottom (on which the bottom filter is arranged from the ~ 20 cm layer), as well as through the holes in the walls of the rings. In order to dial the required number of square meters of the surface of the "absorption", we calculate the number of required rings.

  • The area of \u200b\u200bthe well of the well is equal to 3.14 * 0.5 * 0.5 \u003d 0.7 m2.
  • The surface area of \u200b\u200bthe wall of one rings is 3.14 * 0.9 * 0.9 \u003d 2.5 m2

So the lower ring gives us 3.2 m2 of the "absorption" surface, each subsequent ring adds another 2.5 m2, consequently, the number of rings you need:

  • 3,2m2 + 2.5m2 + 2,5m2 \u003d 8.2 m2 (\u003e 7.7 m2) - 3 rings (3 people, economy flow, soil loam)
  • 3,2m2 + 2,5m2 + 2,5m2 + 2,5m2 + 2,5m2 \u003d 13.2 m2 (\u003e 12.8 m2) - 5 rings (3 people, average consumption, soil loam)
  • 3,2m2 + 2,5m2 + 2,5m2 + 2,5m2 + 2,5m2 + 2.5m2 + 2,5m2 \u003d 18.2 m2 (~ 18.8 m2) - 7 rings (3 people, maximum flow, soil loam)

Consider the same way that this is the number of workers rings, there will be another ring from above, as in the case of a septic. We get 4, 6 and 8 rings, respectively, for the construction of the filter well.

Remember the rule by which the maximum working depth of the septica is 2.5 meters. So in the second and third version, the filter well needs to be divided into two wells. In the case of an average flow, we get 2 mines of 3 and 4 rings. In the case of the maximum flow, we have 2 mines of 4 and 5 rings.

Well, here are our results:

Given: 3 people, economy consumption, soil loam, low yield.

Result: Septic septic treatment plants and filter well 4 rings.

The cost of installation is approximately ~ 44,500 rubles.

Given: 3 people, average consumption, soil loam, low yield.

Result: Septic septic treatment plants for 3 rings and two filtering wells for 4 and 3 rings.

The cost of installation is approximately ~ 65,000 rubles.

Given: 3 people, maximum flow, soil loam, low yield.

Result: Septic septic treatment plants for 4 rings and two filtering wells for 5 and 4 rings.

The cost of installation is approximately ~ 78,500 rubles.

The calculation of the septicity for a private house is not so complicated, but in any case it is individual for each specific case. Only the individual and correct calculation will give you the cleaning system that will work and do not require frequent cleaning.

Before installing the septic, the calculation is calculated to ensure its trouble-free operation. It is required to own rather numerous data that will calculate the volume and the size of the cleaning unit. Professionals use complex formulas, special tables in which a non-specialist is difficult to figure out. Usually a simplified approach based on theoretical knowledge and practical experience is used. It is on this option that an article is focused to help calculate the amount of septic.

Making the calculations of the Septic, the first thing takes into account the volume of the effluent, which he must take a day. From here already flowing sizes. But not everything is so simple: there are many nuances in the calculations. For example, three people constantly live in the house, and for every weekend it is coming to them. 2. They are required to somehow take into account, because they also use sewage.

Water consumption in each case is individual: the maximum accurate calculation will allow you to correctly determine the amount of septic

Such subtleties mass, but in general everything comes down to what you want to know:

  • about daily water consumption and, accordingly, the volume of wastewater;
  • construction rates;
  • sanitary rules;
  • technical capabilities of various types of cleaning facilities.

Taking into account these knowledge, it is possible to correctly calculate the volume of septicism.

Daily water consumption

This is a very controversial question. On the one hand, there are standards adopted a long time ago, which determine each person 200 liters of water per day. Naturally, they almost 100% go into drains. But reality is often far from the office calculations. Some families consume much less, others - more. In private houses, where uses are used, water meters, as a rule, are not worth it, because water from their well.

Water consumption depends on the number of families and living conditions

It is easiest to find out the daily consumption of water in the meter, and when it is not, use a table and formula.

Using the table, make real calculations. Suppose in the family of 4 people, each of which daily uses shower, bidet, toilet. One person accounts for 96 liters, but the toilet is visited more than once, many of the shower take 2 times a day, and even more. Plus still washing, washing dishes, in the family I will definitely find a bath lover.

To say exactly how much water consumes one person and the whole family is impossible. This can calculate only family members. Too different people today have opportunities and needs.

Construction rates and sanitary rules

Snip states that the volume of septic should ensure the taking of the effluent over the three days. Based on their water consumption standards by one person - 200l, the septicch must hold 600 liters. This is one member of the family, if there are three, then 1.8 m 3, for five - 3.0 m 3.

That's not all. Sanitary standards are tougher. They indicate that the discharge of purified effluents is resolved 2 weeks after admission to the tank. During this time, the bacteria recycle the organic, and the drains can be reset. That is, if a family of three per day seats 0.6 m in septic tank, it must accommodate 14 times more. This is 8.4 m 3. Foreign, in practice no one does not use such for three people.

The amount of septica includes the capacity that is measured from the bottom to the pipe. In addition, it is taken into account that a precipitate falls in the first tank, which occupies 20% of its volume. Taking into account this, according to standards, SPIP septic for three people should hold 2.16 m 3, and for five - 3.6 m 3. According to the sanitary rules, respectively, 14 times more.

Regarding the standards of SNiP, it can also be said that in some families, daily consumption can be 100 liters. Then for four people there will be enough septica by 1.5 m 3. But it should be understood that SanEpidem services can prohibit the use of such an installation - they have their own rules.

Is it worth saving on the volume of septic?

Septicity of smaller capacity, purchased or homemade, will cost cheaper. The benefit is only at first glance. If you look deeper, it turns out that from the septica of small volume it is necessary to often make the effluent or export an associate machine. Organizer, among which many hard-soluble substances, is not fully recycled by bacteria.

If poorly purified water goes to watering - it is to cut off plants and your health. If it is sent to the drainage field, you should be prepared for the fact that the filters will soon be born with difficult fats. And this is the remission of the system. Savings on the volume of septicism turns into a mass of problems.

Calculation of the volume by the formula

Engineers and designers have developed tables and formulas for which the amount of septic is calculated. The water flow table given above is useful.

Important! It is taken into account that the minimum depth of septicity is 1.3 m, and in length and width it is not less than 1 m. If the cleaning structure is serviced by the assessing machine, the septication can be deepened to no more than 3.2 m - this is due to the length of the serving installation hose.

The most accurate volume values \u200b\u200bare obtained using the formula:

At the flow temperature, various values \u200b\u200bdepending on which equipment is flowing from. For calculations, the average values \u200b\u200bare used: in winter - + 10 ° C, in summer - + 20 ° C.

The exact details are given in the following table:

For calculations with its use, the formula w \u003d k × Q is used. Here K is a daily drain.

Examples of calculations

At home, use a simplified formula, according to which the capacity of the septic is determined. With such calculations, it is important to calculate correctly how much water is really consumed by the family.

The calculation of the volume of the septic is starting from determining the amount of water consumed

Example of calculating for a family of four:

  1. SNiP determines the minimum water consumption by one person per day 150 liters. A washing and dishwasher is added - this is 70 and 15 liters, in the amount it turns out 235 liters.
  2. Now they count how much water is consumed by a family of 4 people: 235 × 4 \u003d 940 liters.
  3. Streams should estimate at least 3 days. To do this, it will take the volume of septicism 940 × 3 \u003d 2820 L or 2.82 m 3.
  4. Considate the volume of ral - at least 20%. 2.82 + 20% \u003d 3.384 m 3. With the above daily flow of water, 235 liters for four people will need a septic tank with a volume of 3.5 m 3.

If you make calculations for maximum daily consumption, which SNiP determines as 370 l, then for servicing 4 people, a cleaning structure is necessary: \u200b\u200b370 × 4 × 3 + 20% \u003d 5328 l or 5,328 m 3. They are rounded to the nearest highest value and get 5.5 m 3.

To calculate the minimum allowable volume, 20% are ignored, which occupies. This is an extreme rate, greater decrease threatens flooding septicism, soil poisoning, possible fines on the part of state bodies that have full right to this.

A.V.Bobrov, Chief Engineer "Septic Installation"

If guests often come, daily consumption is increased by 200 liters and carry out appropriate calculations. Preliminary adjustment is also required if the family is expected in the family. It is better to have a margin of volume than to worry that all the drains will not enter the septic tank.

Number of cameras in septic

According to the standards of SNiP when entering a septic, no more than 1 m 3 of electricity, the sewage treatment may be single-chamber. At the volume of sewage 1-10 m 3 - two-section. If the effluents are more than 10 m 3 - from three compartments.

If the septicch is not used in the country, but in the house where people constantly live, the best option is three-chamber septic. There are several reasons for this:

  1. In a single-section septhet to the drains that did not have time to be fully cleaned, fresh arrivals are constantly added. The purification quality is significantly reduced, dirty water is in the soil, which threatens the environmental safety of the site.
  2. Household waste contains many hard-soluble fat compounds, the processing of which bacteria requires a long time. Fats do not have time to split, other layers are settled on top.
  3. If a septic tank in the form of a drainage well, its bottom quickly loses the filtering ability. It is clogged, water does not go out, it has to call for cleaning to clean.

Cleaning is effective when processes are divided into mechanical and biological. Then the solid particles fall on the first chamber, in the second and subsequent, the processing of effluent with bacteria. There is a slight degree mechanical doctor. At the same time, the last chamber can be used as a drainage well, from where the drains come into the ground for additional filtering.

Tip! Experts believe that the minimum number of cameras in the septic is two, and optimal - three. At the same time, the sizes of sections are required different: the first accounts for 50% of the total volume, 2 are as follows in 25%.

Septician separation to unequal parts section is clearly visible on the example of an industrial treatment plant: the first chamber takes half the entire capacity

Questions and answers

Question 1. How determine the required septic tank - throughout the volume, or only on the drive?

When calculating the volume of the first chamber, which is capable of adopting a three-day drain on the capacity.

Question 2. If you put a septic larger, whether it protects from a volley reset, does the quality of cleaning improve?

Stocks will go out much cleaner, underground filtering will work much longer. Excessive increase in volume is not recommended - the effect is too small, and the costs are large. A two- or three-time increase will allow you to forget about the sewage almost forever.

How to calculate the size

Such a concept as the size can be applied such data as:

  • Length;
  • Width;
  • Height.

It is important in order to make the right pit, you need to make a septicity calculation along with all its additional details. And in order to find out the volume of stocks per day you need to look at the size of the housing and tanks

If this is a one-piece design, then you can estimate the size of equipment for technical data on the package and compare them with the dimensions of your cottage or private space.

Norms and rules in the design of the planting septicism for the cottage:

  • If you have a small plot, then perhaps the calculations of another apparatus will be created;
  • To make the right calculations, you can use the tables of engineers;
  • The minimum working depth should be 1.3 m, and the width is less than 1 m;
  • The depth from the surface to the bottom should not be greater than 3.2 m.

Calculation of septicum

How many ways to calculate the volume? We now find out about it

After all, it is very important to buy optimal seppes, the calculation of which is the main criterion for their acquisition

There is a standard formula for calculating the septicity:

Now we write down all components of the formula:

- calculation of the required dimensions of the sump in cubic meters (m3); t
- time spent on the processing or storage of sludge (day); c
- Number of suspended particles in ml per 1 liter (mg / l); n
- daily human norm (l / day); t
- Stream temperature (˚С); Q
- water consumption in cubic meters per day (M3 / day).

According to this formula, we calculate the unit you need.

As for the temperature of the effluent in the sewage, you need to remember that it will not be such as indoors. This largely depends on the plumbing devices that are used in enterprises. But there are adopted norms, for example, in winter - 10 ° C, and in summer - 15-20 ° C. This much simplifies the calculation of the formula.

There are many different tables that can be with ready-made data that are manufactured by engineers. Basically, these are averages.

If you take data from the table, the calculation should look like this:

W \u003d k x q,

K - the estimated time of wastewater settling (table);

- The amount of operations per day.

There is a more simplified definition option, how much will the device must accommodate. It is necessary for the number of people to multiply by 200 liters (the daily rate of 1 person) and 3 days (the time of processing waste waste) and the amount obtained is divided into a thousand - this should be the amount calculated (in cubic meters).

Medium statistics show that the daily rate per person is 200 liters of water. There are still the same amount of water for unforeseen expenses. And then for a two-cyser septic, which defends water 2 days, the formula looks like:

(N x 200 + 200) x 2

N - the number of people who live in the house.

Simplified Calculation of Septicum on Daily Volume

The liquid part of the effluent is delayed in a septica for 3-5 days, after which the clarified waters leave the working chambers, shimmering the filtration fields or absorbing wells. A solid insoluble fraction will be delayed at the bottom of the sump until the next pumping of the bottom yel. The decomposed waste is transformed into water and gas for six months.

Consequently, the most convenient way to determine the total septicity is the simplest tripling of daily effluents, which can be identified either in a one-way method - according to the average testimony of the water consumption.

However, the specified method of calculations of the septic is effective only if the amount of daily drain no longer exceeds 5 cubic meters.

Calculation of the amount of septicism by user number

To obtain data on the average daily volume of the drain, without the ability to use a sewer network, which does not work without septic, is a practically unresolved task.

Therefore, instead of the intensial determination of the volume of daily drain on the counter, most of the home-grown designers use a methodology for calculating the sanitary standards of water consumption.

These norms suggest that the maximum amount of daily water consumption per person ranges from 125 to 350 liters. That is, a family of 2 people spends from 250 to 700 liters of water per day. And the volume of wastewater in the sewage system serving a family of 4 people reaches 500-1400 liters per day.

As a result, using the Methodification of the Daily Daily Volume of Waste, we get the following result:

  • The volume of septicism serving 1-2 users is 0.75-2.1 m3.
  • The amount of septicity serving 3-4 users is 1.5-4.2 m3.

However, according to professional engineering system designers, this method of counting the volume is far from ideal. Indeed, in this case, we do not take into account the mass of insoluble deposits, nor the volume of the bottomal yal, or other important factors.

Engineering calculation according to the formula of the optimal volume of sump

The exact definition of the amount of septic is possible only by the following formula:

At the same time, Q - the daily volume of the effluent is determined by sanitary standards and the number of users,

C - the concentration of weighing in wastewater - determine the table,

N is a sanitary rate of water supply of one user - take from SNiP.

The determination of precipitation - T is determined by the tables of natural decay, and the temperature of the effluent is taken to be taken equal to 10-12 degrees Celsius.

However, this method of calculating the volume of septicity is justified only in the case of the design of the sewage network of the cottage village or apartment building. On the household level, which involves the possibility of error in calculations, such accuracy can be neglected, since deviations at the level of ± 0.5-1 cubic meter will not bring significant damage to the efficiency of the system, nor the owner of the home owner.

Features of the device of multi-chamber septic

The above-described methods for calculating the septicity relate to the total septic volume. Interest, there are at least two cameras in modern seventeers. A more or less effective scheme involves dividing the internal volume into three chambers - primary, (gravitational), secondary (aerobic) and a thin cleaning zone, on top of which an aerator with biological loading is also mounted.

Three-chamber septic installation circuit

In this case, the primary chamber of the gravitational cleaning of the drains should occupy at least 50 percent of the total septic. The secondary sump and camera of waterproofing is 25 percent of the total volume. The aeration zone is mounted in a separate module, installed on top of the septic.

The volume of the two-chamber septic is divided by the proportion of 3: 1 - the primary chamber of gravitational cleansing takes 75 percent of the total volume, and the aerobic fermentation zone is only 25 percent.

As a result, in a three-chamber septhey with a volume of 4.2 m3, the primary chamber cannot be less than 2.1 cubic meters, and the secondary sump and the doctor zone will take 1.05 "cubic meter". A two-chamber septic tank is divided into two zones: a gravitational chamber with a volume of up to 3.15 m3 and an aerobic camera with a volume of up to 1.05 cubic meters.

Choosing pipes

Diameters of sewer tubes

In the course of laying the sewage sewage of the private house, water lobs are used with an inner diameter of 40 to 110 mm from a polyvinyl chloride resistant to an aggressive medium of wastewater. Since various sanitary and household appliances are characterized by an unequal volume of wastewater differing in consistency and composition, pipes with the following internal diameters are used:

  • washbasins, kitchen sinks - 40-50 mm;
  • baths, shower pallets - 50 mm;
  • washing and dishwashers - 50 mm;
  • urinals, bidet - 50 mm;
  • toilet bowls - 110 mm.

If a private residential building has 2 or more floors, the upper bathrooms are combined with the sewage of the lower with the help of vertically located communications - risers - with an inner diameter of 110 mm.

Example Calculation of septicism for a family of 4 people

For example, you can consider the option of calculating the septicity for the service of the house, where 4 people constantly live.

0.8 x t x (100% - 30% / 100%) x 120% \u003d 0.8 x t x 0.7 x 1.2 \u003d t x 0.672 seconds.

0.8 - the consumption of a solid residue of the processed wastewater calculated per person; T - the timing of the overloading of solid residues in the days; 100% - total yel; 30% - the percentage of natural decomposition of the sludge; 120% - 100% of the total rally + 20% of ral residues After previous cleaning septica.

To approach the calculations for one person to consume water per day, you must first determine the amount of use of sanitary equipment, as well as the frequency of using plumbing in the house.

Photo: Number of secanther equipment

Take for settlements per person at least the cost of water - 150 l / day.

So, for example, on average, the use and consumption of water by one person can reach the following picture:

  • one minute of the adoption of the soul will be water consumption of about 10 liters;
  • the adoption of the soul or bath on average is about 7-15 minutes;
  • when using a bidet or toilet, water costs are about 8 liters;
  • the use of the bidet on average is 5 minutes;
  • one adoption of the bath or jacuzzi has to spend water in the amount of 110 l;
  • washing machine with loading of linen 2 kg consumes water in an amount of 70 l for one stream;
  • dishwasher for one cycle of its work spends water in the amount of 15 liters.

(150 + 10 x 7 + 8 x 5 + 110) \u003d 370 l / day.

Thus, with a minimum indicator of the daily consumption of water by one person, we went to the maximum rate of daily water consumption by one person - 370 l / day.

Both indicators, minimum and maximum, are indicated in SNiP 2.04.09-85, which indicates the correctness of the calculations.

Now we calculate the cumulative consumption (q) when water consumption, including a washing and dishwasher, on 4 people permanently residing in the house:

Q \u003d 370 x 4 + 70 + 15 \u003d 1565 \u003d 1.6 cubes for one day

Considering the previous formula for calculating the volume of septica - 3 x q, we can calculate now the amount of septicity for servicing a family of 4 people:

3 x 1,6 \u003d 4.8 m3

4.8 m3 in this situation is the most optimal indicator for calculating the volume and size of the septic. If it is necessary to take into account the minimum size of the septic size, then you can use the following calculations:

4.8 x (1-0.2) \u003d 3.84 m3

This must be done in cases where it is necessary to reduce the size of the septica to the minimum use of it with the number of 4 permanently residing person.

The calculation formula for a decrease uses only the permissible processing rate of the effluent is less than 20%, it is impossible to reduce more.

If this assumption is violated, emergency flooding of septic, poisoning of the soil and the environment and, as a result, the imposition of high penalties by government agencies can occur. Which will have full right for this.

For calculations of the desired depth for the construction of a septica, which will have to serve the family of 4 people, the following standard calculations can be used:

4.8 / 1/1.8 - 2.6 meters, where

4.8 - septic size cubic meters; 1 - meter septic width; 1.8 meters in the length of the septic.

Such a measure may be needed if your household plot is limited in the squares, and you can not give a lot of land under construction.

In some regions of Russia, the depth of soil freezing is about 2 meters or more.

Any violation or deviation from the norms and rules adopted in the state documentation SNiP leads, as a rule, to the complete operation of the operation of a septica, as well as to the imposition and payment of penalties in large sizes provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Important! Therefore, before the construction or installation of finished cleaning equipment, it is necessary to clearly track all the rules and norms on the device of autonomous sewers, which can be found primarily in SNiP 2.04.03-85 "Sewage. External networks and structures "and other regulatory documents

It is also necessary to make a number of correct and accurate calculations on the volume of water consumption, the volume of septicism, its design and installation parameters

External networks and facilities "and other regulatory documents. It is also necessary to do a number of correct and accurate calculations on the volume of water consumption, the volume of septicism, its design and installation parameters.

Calculation of sizes and volume

To accurately determine the internal capacity of the container, a specially developed formula for calculating the amount of septic is used. But it implies a large number of complicated values \u200b\u200band is difficult for private practical application. In practice, the volume of septicism for a private house is calculated on a simpler formula. The number of people x 200 liters of the waste norm per person X 3 days (effluent time) / 1000 \u003d volume in cubic meters.

For servicing 4 people need a septic tank with a volume of 2.4 cubic meters.

Consider the option with the calculation of the volume on this number of family members.

When calculating the parameter "Number of people" is better to take "with a margin" to take into account the load when visiting guests and other unforeseen situations. The daily rate can be increased if there are small children, pets. This indicator also increases if you use a large number of different household appliances with water consumption (washing machine).

As mentioned above, there are laboratory calculations that are given for factory septics. According to these data, it is possible to calculate and in situations with the capacitors committed independently.

So, when septicing in three sections:

  • two people will require a useful volume of 1.5 cubic meters. m.;
  • three four people - 2 cubic meters. m.;
  • for five to six people - 3 cubic meters. m.;
  • for eight people - 4 cubic meters. m.;
  • for ten people - 5 cubic meters. m.;
  • for twenty people - 10 cu. m.

The main building material during the arrangement of the septic is independently concrete rings. And the key calculation is to determine the number of these materials. Most often enough 3 railway rings with a diameter of 1.5 m and a height of 0.9 m. Not used more than 5 rings per septic tank.

Do not forget about other elements when independently arrange the system. These include:

  1. R / B stove.
  2. Pipe for ventilation.
  3. Cement, sand, crushed stone.

When calculating the required amount of septic, the formulas are used above. In addition, you need to know the volume of one ring to determine a sufficient amount of rings in the container.

V \u003d πR2H \u003d π (D2 / 4) H, where:

  • V - the volume of the cylinder;
  • Π - the number of pi (3.14);
  • R is the radius of the base;
  • d - base diameter;
  • H - height.

Knowing the volume of the ring, it can be compared with the obtained numbers of the desired volume of concrete septic. Volume 1 ring (d \u003d 1.5 m; h \u003d 0.9 m) approximately equals 1.6 cubic meters. m. It turns out that for 4 family members in the house with all the amenities (hot water supply, etc.) for the arrangement of the septica will need 2 rings.

This quantity will be enough for 5 people. Up to 10 people can be provided with one container in 3 rings. If it is planned to accommodate from 10 to 20 people, it will take to arrange a septicism consisting of several capacities, since more than 3 rings cannot be installed. In this case, it is better to take care of the acquisition of a factory model of sufficient volume.

What is included in the calculation

The tasks of calculating the required volume and parameters of one or another septicity are not only on the definition and finding volumes, the size of the chambers, but also to identify the number of building materials, the necessary tools or machinery for installation.

Therefore, in order to know exactly what parameters it is necessary to purchase or build a septicchk, which in this case, the building materials may need, and in what quantity they need, the following important details should be expected to competently:

  • the size of the hull and the containers of the factory septic;
  • daily volumes of stocks that are septic stems can accept and process;
  • calculations of the volume of water used per day, which falls on each permanent person in the house;
  • calculations of the number of building materials for installation and construction septicity with their own hands.

To provide sanitation and preserve the purity of the environmental environment, any options for septicists, both factory and homemade, should be set after you already know exactly the parameters, cameras and its operational capabilities.

Important! And, of course, it must be done long before you decide to buy a ready-made septic tissue of a manufacturer, and you will also harvest building materials for building septicity with your own hands.

It should take into account not only the number of people constantly or seasonally living, but also your income, i.e. Means that you have to arrange your sewer system in one way or another type of septic

If you need to install a septic tank for permanent residence in a country house, then, of course, it is best to buy a factory septic tank in who has proven itself in the release of high-quality sewage sewer equipment, the manufacturer.

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