Glossy doors in the interior of the apartment. White doors in the white interior: options, combinations, recommendations

Decor elements 03.03.2020
Decor elements

Bright doors in the interior of apartments are often found and there is a rational explanation. White color is a neutral shade, and therefore suits almost all design options. It is able to dissolve in the atmosphere or, on the contrary, emphasize attention.

Features of white doors

Now this color is a favorite. Despite the simplicity of light doors, these models are often found in classics, and in modern directions. They can be successfully fit in any style and setting.

Benefits of white interroom doors:

  • Universality. Neutral color allows them to use them for an interior addition. At the same time, it is not only about residential buildings, but also about public institutions and offices.
  • Visual ease. Unobtrusive shade does not waste design. The design becomes weightless for visual perception, while dark tones shifted the walls.
  • Cost. For the price, such models are cheaper, since less means to decorate the canvase, which reduces the cost. Exception - bleached oak and similar breeds.
  • Expansion of space. In small rooms, bright doors are able to visually push the walls and create an effect of expanding the area. Complete the reception with mirrors.
  • The possibility of decorating. If ordinary white doors in the interior seem boring and unfounded, they are easily decorated to taste, using one of the ways of independently decor.
  • Dust. Fingerprints are less noticeable on the light surface.

The disadvantage of white interroom doors is the complexity of care. In those zones where most often torn by the canvas, dirty traces remain. This is especially noticeable in the area of \u200b\u200bthe handle, as well as at the bottom of the web, where splashes and traces of shoes remain. This surface requires careful cleaning.

Style solutions

White doors are used in the interiors of different styles. This is possible thanks to universal appearance.

Natural bleached oak is often used in classic style. Models with a carved decor, bulk inserts, pilasters and moldings are relevant.

Simple doors are suitable for neoclassics and ultra-modern directions. Laconic straight canvas with basic panels are often used in the design of the Scandinavian interior. Here is white color dominant. The same can be said about the Mediterranean design.

Simple and slightly shaft products will win in Country. Rustic-style directions are many different models: and natural whitewash oak, and MDF, and even plastic with imitation wood texture. The surface is better to make matte or semmat. Provence is perfect with an emphasis on a white and lavender shade, as well as Shebbi-chic with its pastel gamut. Light doors will fit here as it is impossible.

Modern accepts almost any options for white cloths: both smooth deaf and viper. This should include Art Deco and Fusion. Models with a glossy surface will fit into the style of High-tech, especially if you add the door to suitable fittings.

Color combinations

For the interior you can come up with different options for combining colors. As a basis when choosing an auxiliary palette goes:

  • Furniture. If you use a natural tree, veneer or imitation, try to pick up about the same shade and texture. For the bathroom, this option is perfect using white plumbing.
  • Walls. If you need to divert attention from the entrance, the door is trying to enter as much as possible to the surrounding palette, combining it with coloring walls, panels, platbands and plinths. It is not necessary to select identical tones.
  • Floor. Using a bulk white mixture with glossy glitter, light carpet or laminate under the oak, although it is still much more interesting to look at the contrast between two planes.
  • Textile. Interior doors are combined with the design of the window opening, linen, sofa pillows and so on.
  • Contrast. For example, light doors with dark platbands are installed. The walls, floors and the overall setting can differ.

Decorating the canvas

To better fit the white door into the selected style or simply give it a more interesting view, various methods of decorating use. Even the bleached oak, which in itself is an expressive tree of wood, can be made brighter. In addition, the decoration of the canvas will allow him to linet with some other objects of the situation:

  • Attrition. The effect of the opposed surface is created. To do this, apply a dark shade as the basis for white and sandpaper. Enhances the effect of cracker varnish.
  • Gloss. We are talking about covering the canvas with varnish or lamination.
  • Painted. The drawing is created by hand or under the stencil.
  • Decoupage. A paper or fabric is fixed on the canvas and is covered with acrylic varnish.
  • Stickers. Use wallpapers, PVC films or ready-made vinyl ornaments.
  • Glass. Option for doors in the kitchen or living room. A translucent decorative glass or stained glass window is installed in the upper part. Or fixed vertical mirror insert.
  • Patina. Taking patination is appropriate in the classic interior. The perfect processing material is a whitewash oak.

Recent accents puts fittings.

Examples of white doors in the interior

Thus, despite the simplicity of light decoration, there are a lot of variants of a combination of monochrome and contrasting shades in the design of interiors of different styles.

By doing repairs in the apartment, we sooner or later come to the idea that it's time to throw old doors and put new ones. The choice in modern stores is very large: black and white, under a tree, with glass inserts and intricate patterns. That is for every taste and color. However, white doors in the white interior are the so-called Provence style - do not lose their popularity. Many scares the analogy with a school or hospital, but in fact it is not at all. The bright room with a brilliant glossy door canvases is very stylish, bright and beautiful.

An important choice

What do you think first of all when you take for repair? Choose a linoleum color, wallpaper texture or start learning catalogs with photos of modern furniture? All this is very important, but if you leave old doors, many times painted with a conventional brushes, then consider the interior is hopelessly spoiled. White doors in the white interior will look very impressive, add lights and sun into your bedroom or hall. Do not be surprised, it is they who arrange accents and play a huge functional role. With their help, you can isolate rooms and create in every unique atmosphere.

Experience past

Most designers today are returned to practical, but forgotten things of those who have gone. There was a period when white doors were thrown out of all the apartments as a remotion of the Soviet past. People wanted brightness and originality. However, the fashion is cyclical, and today, white doors in the white interior again occupy a leading position. In addition, designers can offer such a variety of variations that they simply scatter eyes. A huge number of models and materials, sizes and design allows you to satisfy even the most sophisticated taste. Strict, romantic, with a raid of antiquity or palace luxury, they will become the main highlight in the room.

Beauty and practicality

White doors in the apartment are perfectly combined with any design and furniture. If you already break your head for a long time and do not decide on the color range, this option will help facilitate the task. We will say more: such a decision is perfect for even the entrance to the apartment. Especially often the front door of white color is used in a hot climate, because they are smaller than the sun. In our conditions, this is not always appropriate, but such examples are also there, and they are not rare.

But most often used white doors in the white interior. This gives space for designers. This design of interroom blocks has not only functional, but also an artistic meaning. Let's discuss the benefits of this choice.

The main advantages

Each interior designer will be very pleased if the customer stops his choice on this option. There is a lot of reasons, to the study of which we now and then we turn:

For any room

If you take a simple rectangular block as a basis, which we used to see in hospitals, this option may seem boring and suitable except for the corridor. But thanks to the manifold presented on the market, you can achieve exactly the designer effect that is necessary. It will be enough to convey the idea itself - and you will create an ideal model that repeats the texture of the furniture and fittings in the living room. In the bedroom, through the use of glass and decorative patterns, you can create a romantic situation. It would seem that the bright interior of the nursery does not combine at all with a white door, but here you can play perfectly in contrast. And to the strict and laconic setting of the office it will simply be perfect. As you can see, white doors in the modern interior are not boring,

Disadvantages of such a solution

This question is also interested in many. It is usually considered in one way: how practical white doors in the modern interior? The main disadvantage is that the stains, handprints or dust are visible on the light surface. We are in a hurry to delight you: it concerns completely all models. In this regard, less marches are considered to be coloring under natural wood, but also such models need regular cleaning. Therefore, the only option is not to forget to pass your doors with a cloth and any means of cleaning.

The overall impression of the room depends on the details, professional techniques of designers, on which they will build a project of the finished room. We will consider only a few of them, but this is already enough to make a choice in favor of a particular model:

  • Merge effect. If the walls are bright, then simple white doors are dissolved on their background. In this case, the walls seem longer.
  • Expansion of space. White glossy doors in the interior are the best solution for a small room. That is why for the registration of the entry into the toilet or the bathroom almost no one is solved to choose a dark model. Light tones make the room more spacious, and the gloss additionally has reflective properties. Thanks to the brilliance, such a door will not only be stolen space, but also give him a depth, without giving his presence. White gloss has a great advantage: it is enough to cover it with several layers of varnish, and the service life will increase.

Various styles

Finnish doors (interroom, white) look great in any interior - from the classics to modern. Sparkling and delicate color is always associated with cleanliness and freshness, which affects the appearance of the apartment in the most positive way. But in each style, the interior space can be photographed slightly differently, so white doors are called a universal solution. We do not apply for the fact that better designer will find a suitable model for you, but we will try to give a general idea of \u200b\u200bthe available options.


It is worth striving for this. In fact, the classic style combines all the best that was invented by humanity. Convenience, practicality, versatility and beauty are the main characteristics. Of course, white doors are perfect for such a concept, complement and give the room complete view. Moreover, simple canvases can both shade and create a contrast with the color gamut that is selected for the room. The use of glasses is welcomed, as they create an even greater effect of airiness. I would like to refer to the classic Scandinavian style, which involves the presence of light tones and bright lighting. It is here that the white door canvases will look most profitable.

We finish the picture

If you decide to arrange a living room or dining room in a classic style, then you need to immediately make a project, which we melt, what your new room will be. White doors in the classic interior are perfectly combined with gray, marsh and greenish shades, as well as with wood furniture. It is advisable to choose tables and chairs with bent legs. Such strokes will enable the atmosphere of completeness. Any dining room or bedroom white canvas of interior doors will add nobility and grace.

From classic to modernity

Not everyone likes all calm styles. For some, the optimal choice will be modern or high-tech, replete with original details and interesting color solutions. However, here will not be an excess door white. Glass, chrome inserts and designer fittings will make it fashionable and unusual. And some of the interior design experts believe that funeral details here are enough, so they choose a simple, concise door leaf, glossy or matte. Such a door does not distract attention to itself, practically dissolving in the wall, which is the ultimate goal.

Country and Provence

Not everyone likes the cold style of modern. If you impress the romance of a country house, then choose one of these two options. White doors are simply created in order to emphasize his tenderness, airiness and purity, maybe even some naivety. Typically, simple canvases are selected, with small lace glass inserts and beautiful handles.

Describe all the options for designing the country style is quite difficult. Running here from pop art to Gothic, so the doors can be the most different. Numerous sliding models with large glasses, sliding flaps and bizarre patterns will serve not only by the frame of interior space, but also its real decoration.

All variety - for you!

The design of the white doors in the interior can be completely anyone. The modern market offers to realize the most bold plans and implement a long-standing dream. Doors can be single-handed and double, on loop or sliding, standard or custom-made. The decorative component is also very different. First of all, we recommend that you choose shades. Do you think all the white doors are the same? Not at all. They can be snow-white or dairy, pearls, shade of foiled milk or ivory. Each of them will look completely different. In addition, the same model can be smooth or glossy, with a patina, that is, the effect of antiquity, or decor. In addition, any drawing, cutting or glass insert can add your order. As you can see, white doors open a huge number of options for beginners and experienced designers.

Sections Articles:

Many mistakenly believe that the use of white doors in the interior of the premises is a banality. There are those who consider such a decision boring and unwise. However, as practice shows, more and more designers in the design of the interiors choose white doors. This is not surprising if you take into account that such products help properly arrange accents and realize the most bold ideas.

Benefits of white doors in the interior

It is worth notifying that white doors in the interior look impurious not only as an interior solution, but also as input structures. Often, this approach is used in countries with a warm sunshine climate, because white is much less heated under the influence of direct sunlight.

Nevertheless, interior white doors are much more often used, distinguished by outstanding functionality and possessing excellent aesthetic characteristics. A similar choice has a number of obvious advantages, among which you can select several outstanding.

First of all, white is universal color and allows the use of doors in any room. Such structures look harmoniously in the bathroom, and in the hallway or living room, and in the kitchen. In addition, such a designer solution is relevant for any style. Many designers consider white neutral, which allows you to enter the products of this color in any interior.

Interior doors of white color look gently and easily, without overloading the room and do not give pressure on it. This feature makes these designs the most rational solution for use in oversized corridors. This is especially true with such layouts when the hall has several outlets to other rooms.

It is well known that dark tones create a gloomy atmosphere and visually reduce the rooms, and the white color is the opposite, visually expands the space.

Another important advantage of the white doors is their cost. The price of such products is significantly lower than that of the trimmed under the tree or painted structures.

At the same time, there is no need when choosing a door to combine it with existing furniture, other interior objects and finishing material, floor and ceiling. Such structures look harmoniously on any background. In this you can make sure, looking like white interior doors look like in a variety of interior in the photo in our article.

As it was noticed, the white color has the opportunity to visually increase the area, while adding light and airiness to the room. Such quality is especially relevant for small rooms.

You should not forget that today in the market you can find a white door of any texture and structure, ideally combined with the appearance of furniture. Such products can easily fit into the interior of the children's, work office or bedroom.


Probably the only disadvantage of white doors for rooms is a predisposition to pollution. After all, even a small amount of dirt will be very noticeable on a white background. Although the surfaces made in dark colors have a number of shortcomings. So, for example, dust and traces of fingers are very noticeable. In such a situation, you can recommend maintaining constant purity in the residential room to minimize the probable door pollution.

Many consider the lack of white doors in the interior of their rustic view. Of course, such designs are not so effectable as options performed under oak or wenge. Often, white doors remain as if as it were from the rest of the interior, absolutely not paying attention. Nevertheless, it is often precisely precisely to such an effect and designers, thereby withdrawing other interior items to the fore.

White doors in various styles

There are several most common styles in which white doors are manufactured.

Classic style includes the most sophisticated elements from different world cultures. Using the door leaf, interior designers are trying to focus on their own original ideas. In this case, the main task, which is performed by white interroom classic doors, often lies in the game in contrast with the color range of the interior decoration. As an example, a Scandinavian style can be given in which the main role belongs to lighting and light tones, which gives the white doors the relevance as a decorative element.

At the same time, the classic English style is notable for a combination of white doors with marsh or "dirty" shades of finishing and interior. At the same time, the combination of such colors gives the room one-piece and finished look. In addition, it is worth emphasizing that white interior doors create feelings of nobility and aristocratism in the premises made in a classic style.

White doors fit perfectly into modern styles of finishes and interior. Little elements are also capable of effectively adding the High-tech design. White doors perfectly emphasize the presence of chrome-plated components, glass and conciseness of this style. Often, such structures are used in the design of rooms designed in the directions of modern or neoclassics.

In addition to the above styles, the integration of white doors is successfully integrated into the interior of Provence and Country. These romantic directions are ambiguous and the naturalness of the materials used in the design of materials. White doors will allow filling the houses of dwellings with warmth and comfortable village, emphasize the simplicity and tenderness of the interior.


Today, almost in any store selling construction materials and products, you can find a huge number of different models of white doors. Such constructions, as a rule, differ from each other appearance and functionality. They can be single or bivalve. In addition, the design of the doors provides for the use of loops or their absence in sliding models. You can buy a finished product of a standard size or order a manufacturer under the dimensional dimensions.

The most common and versatile option are smooth simple white doors. Such products are made of painted canvas or MDF or laminate. Such a simple decision is often found both in residential premises and in office. The main advantage of smooth white doors is the low cost of products. These doors are a deaf canvas, but are sometimes drawn up with additional glass inserts. Such constructions are usually decorated with bends and smooth lines, which allows you to integrate these products in the interiors made in the classic style. For Loft and High-tech, more laconic and angular options for white doors are used.

More respectable is the option with glossy doors. Often such a decision can be met in apartments or homes, as well as in the offices of serious companies, salons or various public institutions. It is not very appropriate to use such doors in bedrooms, because in this case they will reflect the sleeping, which is unlikely to have to do with each.

You can get a similar glossy effect as a repeated surface polishing and white doors with brilliant varnish. In this case, there is no need to decorate the doors with additional decorative elements. Rather, they will look more effectively in conjunction with the most ordinary fittings.

To make an aristocratic room appropriate to the use of white doors in the interior performed in an old style. To achieve the effect of antiquity in the manufacture of products, the upper layer of wood is eliminated. This technique is exposed to the upper coarse fibrous layer of material and is called brushing. With this technology, it turns out to achieve the effect of natural wood pattern. Then the resulting depressions and recesses are spilled with a contrasting tinge, then brightened and tinted wooden canvas. Such designs are perfectly combined with antique products, antique objects or handmade.


There are many effective techniques aimed at giving the white doors in the interior of aesthetic species. It looks very original designs decorated with threads of the same pattern as on furniture, walls or textile elements. A good solution will be used in the design of the door of stained glass. In addition, it should be emphasized that you can create a finished decorated door, and make an individual order with the desired pattern or pattern, harmoniously combined with the interior of the room.

Recently, the use of plastic and metal as decor has become popular. Such materials look very harmonious in modern design solutions like High-tech or modern. Of great importance is the choice of suitable fittings. An amateur of the antiquity can complete their doors with ancient castles and door handles made by masters from Europe several centuries ago.

Accessories and glazing

To breathe into a life on the door of white, there is no need to invent something out of a series of outgoing. It is enough to make the right focus on the fittings used. Unusual door handles will be able to change the type of design almost beyond recognition. The classic interior requires the use of elegant carved models covered with materials that imitate gilding or patina. But for modern styles, it is more appropriate to use white metal doors, and on the doors in the nursery, it looks harmoniously colored plastic.

To make the room lighter and easy, you can use stained glass windows of various colors or glass inserts. At the same time, the doors, decorated in a similar way, allow you to play with the size of the room.

Bright people of creative orientation with individual tastes and preferences can order white interior doors decorated with engraving or with glass. With the help of such a solution, the product turns out of the subject of the need for a genuine product of art. You can come up with your own pattern or ornament or choose some unusual hieroglyph from directories. In addition, the demands of flowers and natural natural themes use in demand. The door decorated with glass is aesthetically looks much easier, which is important for narrow corridors and small rooms. This solution for such premises can be called perfect.

Combination with walls

Very cozy in rooms, in which a combination of white doors with walls made in warm colors are implemented. For example, with beige, coral, sand or yellow-orange. The combination of white with black, gray or brown will make it possible to implement a memorable interior in an ultra-edge style. Color solutions from thick violet to saturated green perfectly suitable for the modern interior. And gentle pink, golden or turquoise walls will help to perform the room in the eastern motifs. White doors in combination with pistachio wallpaper will create a feeling of peace and tranquility, and chocolate colors will endure reliably and confidence.

Blue walls in combination with white doors will perfectly help to cope with depression, the combination of bright yellow with white activates intellectual activity. But the white doors in the Union with blue walls will rejuvenate and relax, and also help reduce blood pressure. You can pick up suitable white interior doors in the photo in the manufacturers catalogs, but do not forget that we alive the color can be slightly different.

White doors in the interior are the classic and most universal option for the house. Choice interior doors Today is huge and under any design you can find a suitable. Someone white color may seem at first glance, too boring or impractical, however, such an interior decision does not lose its relevance so far.

Benefits of white doors

For a long time, white doors were present in almost every room of the post-Soviet space - whether state institutions or ordinary apartments. When people had a choice, the majority abandoned the bold light doors in favor of darker and wooden. In recent years, there has been a return trend. American and European designers are often used by the doors of light shades in their interiors, not considering their banal. What advantages have a doors of this color?

  • Universality . They are perfectly combined with any flowers in the interior. It doesn't matter what color wall or furniture in the room, white is perfect for any surrounding. Such a door is neutral and has no pronounced binding to style if it does not have additional decorative elements. At all no matter what color and texture flooring In the room, the white door will not join the conflict with laminate, parquet or carpet. What you can not say about the wooden door, choose the drawing of which to the parquet in the room is very difficult. In most apartments, white window frames are installed, the combination of doors and windows is very important in the interior, it gives it integrity and completion. White sash equally winning will look in the living room, bedroom, children's, hallway, kitchen or bathroom.
  • Airiness. Most of modern housing It does not boast an extensive area. In a close space, the white color is the most winning. It will not lose room, moreover, it will give her ease and airiness. Simplicity of such a door may not attract attention, but not distracting it from the main elements in the interior. It is advantageous to combine white doors with walls of neutral tones in small rooms. In this case, the illusion of a holistic space is created when the wall seems continuous, and the room is more elongated. Also, the doors of the dairy color are ideal for rooms with low ceilings, they will help pull the space up.
  • Practicality.Many fear of putting white canvas due to possible dirt and fingerprints on them. This is relevant only if there are small children in the house. In fact, with proper care, they turn out to be more practical. They are not as noticeable dust as on dark surfaces.

White doors in different interior styles

Despite its versatility, there are some interior styles, where the doors of light colors look most preferably:

  • Scandinavian. Designers of the interiors of Northern Europe, as no other, constantly express their love for white color. Their projects are striking their simple, cleanliness of lines, shapes and colors. White is one of the key colors for Scandinavians. They are not afraid to maximize it in the interiors. Scandinavian apartments Do not boast of large areas, as well as ours. Therefore, the bright gamma for them is the best solution to increase the space. Since the Scandinavian style is over the natural and natural, then the doors for such an interior are suitable and without unnecessary decorative elements. A simple painted tree with a nonsense accessory - this is how the classic door in the style of Scandinavian minimalism looks like. At the same time, designers are not afraid to combine the doors with white walls, the floor is most often laid out with natural parquet or stained with soft mats.
  • Minimalism. Simplicity and asceticism of this style perfectly complement the laconic white doors without additional finishes with the simplest fittings. No matter what colors are present in the interior, white openings will fit into the project of any apartment. Even in a dark room with brown or gray walls, light doors will win, if they are maintained with white plinths on the floor or ceiling and window frames.
  • Baroque, ampir, romantic and any classic style. Regardless of the richness of the decoration and the pomp decoration, the white door will be relevant both in a calm classic interior, and in the pompous itself. Previously, they were willing to be used in the palaces and houses of rich aristocrats. With the help of decor and finishes, you can even give the most simple element of the interior to the chic tool. White or door color avory in the interior in baroque style Perform from natural wood, decorated with carvings, stucco elements and rich gold fittings.

The corridor, as well as a common name, an entrance hall, is such a place where guests from the first minutes of stay, the initial impression of the owner of the house is created. Given this factor, it is necessary to correctly and correctly make a selection of wallpaper for this room. It was originally necessary, in most cases the hallway is a small room in which there are no windows and sunlight is not able to get there.

Dark doors coloring is really a creative and unusual solution. She looks very innovative, decorating any design. This approach fits into any designer direction: modernism, electric, high-tech and so on.

But, despite this, the excellent quality of the door is not a guarantee that the hallway will become a worthy place to take guests. This room, as a rule, is the first impression of the owner of the house.

Far of the last role is played by wallpaper. At the moment there are an unimaginable number of species. They consist of a variety of materials: paper, fluelin, velor, vinyl and others. Considering such a variety of assortment, it is quite realistic to find its suitable trellis for dark doors.

What are you worth picking a wallpaper to a hallway for light doors

First you need to think about the style to harmonize with the whole house. In the case when the whole house is expressed in one style, it is necessary to apply it in the corridor to refine the hallway.

If all the premises in the house have their own interior style, then the optimal option will be the use of minimalism for the corridor.

In this case, you can balance diversion in styles and colors. To do this, will be the best option for one tone wallpaper or for painting. Since the doors in the hallway are blonde, the color of the choler is worth picking up the same direction, since it is not worth it to turn this room into a gloomy room. For this, there is a lack of windows.

It is advisable not to apply a "dull" ornament of wallpaper: small flowers (or stripes), the same type of tone (beige color on a beige background). Trelliers are obliged to emphasize the hallmarks as part of the whole house, and not and be a separate part of one common.

Doors white oak: what wallpaper pick up

White oak recently became very popular. It is a treated wood-treated wood. It can also be painted by varnish. An important difference from another material was the fact that it has a matte color, but a pronounced texture has been preserved.

Oak is very expensive, but very high quality material. It is quite durable, moisture-resistant, durable. The color of this material may vary from light gray to smoke pink. Since this is the color of the cold, it is better combined with similar colors. White oak combines gray monophonic colors perfectly, and contrasting colors.

Choosing the color of the wallpaper, you can look at the following colors:

  • Purple;
  • Lactic;
  • White ash color;
  • Brown-yellow;
  • Burgundy;
  • Clear green (grass color);
  • Blue (color jeans);
  • Other.

It is necessary to approach the choice of wallpaper, since the wrong choice is clearly "gunfight" appearance, for example, it is clearly not worth buying a wallpaper with a texture of a brick, as they do not fit the doors of white oak.

What is first: glue wallpaper or put doors

Many believe that when starting repair, it is worth putting the doors first, and even then for the wallpaper to take. If this is not done, unpleasant moments can occur: the door for the door, in which the doors then install, may be uneven, which will greatly affect when sticking wallpaper. This emboss is quite often inexperienced people who have a repair is made for the first time.

In order to put the door in the doorway, you need to break the input spaces (that is, using drywall, sew emptiness between the door frame and the battery itself).

If the man blew the wallpaper before that, he would have to cross them. As a result, double work is obtained, due to which it is spent twice as many strength and finance. But if the doorway is indeed perfectly even for future doors, in this case, this problem is not so critical.

Preparing the doors under pasting wallpaper

Glue wallpaper on the door, has long ceased to be innovation. This is an excellent option to update the door when finances do not allow you to purchase another, more new. I want to repair or simply update the decoration, but at the same time spend big money for this desire. Therefore, make the doors' pasting, as a way of refreshing design, will be considered the most optimal option.

Answering the question, "what tolders are suitable?", The following recommendations should be heed:

  1. You should choose the trenches, taking into account how the door is finished (when the doors were painted with varnish or butter, then not all types of wallpaper will be able to approach the doors. This is due to the fact that the glue cannot be well clung to the painted surface).
  2. When sticking, you can use wallpapers consisting of the following materials: paper, bamboo, fluezine and other different materials that are able to breathe.
  3. If it is decided to glue moisture-resistant wallpaper, you should remove the paint or varnish from the door.

The use of breathing wallpapers will be favorably affected by the evaporation of moisture, as they will miss it and themselves will not spoke (unlike moisture-resistant species).

Self-adhesive wallpaper

Self-player is another good version of the doors update, as it combines relatively cheap costs and decent beauty. It includes a dense film. Thanks to this, it practically does not break, not bursting, it can be wiped with a wet cloth, and at the same time it is quite difficult to spoil.

Since it is that the doors are the most fast-facing element of the house, it is them the first to lose their appearance, gaining unsightly.

Of course, you can paint them, but here the edge becomes such a fact: the paint dries in a very long time, and she has a nasty smell. In this case, the most optimal option will be the use of self-adhesive tape.

Also, this type of wallpaper, compared to his other brethren, there are very important advantages: very durable texture, repulsion of dirt, resistance to moisture (they can be washed), when sticking does not need glue.

Combination of doors and wallpaper

To find the right combination of wallpaper to doors, it is necessary to build on how the role will perform the door in design.

There are 2 principles for which the trellis choose:

  • An additional role (the color of the walls and the door itself is very similar);
  • The main role (color and texture is perfectly harmonized with the surrounding objects, while significantly stands out from the total wall background).

Selection of wallpapers in the hallway under light doors (video)

The hallway has always been an important part of the house. In order to make this room fairly exquisite, a sufficiently liked design, which would be suitable for all rooms in the apartment. Such an approach will clearly be assessed by guests, they will have a positive impression of the owner of the estate.

Wallpaper in the hallway for light doors (photo)

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