Dark dye application. Dark (bloodthirsty) - Genista Tinctoria L. Bean - Leguminosae

Decor elements 30.06.2020
Decor elements

The deck is a low shrub from the legume family. Its expanding or sharpening stems reach a length of 30-150 cm and each of them is covered with pressed hairs. Lancetic shape leaves have short stiffs, and yellow flowers are collected on the tops of the stems in thick brushes. The period of flowering plants - from June to July, the fruits ripen in August-September. Fruits are flat naked beans up to three cm long, seeds of elliptical shape are painted in a dark brown color.

Growing on the European part of Russia, in the Caucasus, in Western Siberia and Central Asia, preferring sand or limestone soils on the slopes of hills, dry forests and pine forests. The plant is light-affectionate and drought-resistant, with difficulty tolerates the convergence and severe frosts.

The beneficial properties of the throka

The healing properties of the flock have long been known in folk medicine, colors, roots and grass of plants are harvested in medicinal purposes. An overhead part is usually harvested during the flowering period of the Cross, the roots are digging in autumn. Drying is made on the street under shady canopies or indoors with free air access. Shelf life of the collection is 1 year. For drying, you can also use special dryers with an optimal temperature regime of 45-50 ° C.

The dye shaft is used as a hemostatic, choleretic, stuffing, vasoid and antibacterial agent. The plant includes alkaloids, essential oil, glycosides, tanning substances, flavonoids, organic acids. The flowers contain painting pigments - Lutheolin and Genisterein.

Application of throka

The above-ground part of the plant in the form of decoctions and infusions is used in the treatment of hepatitis, cystite, allergic dermatitis, with rheumatism, rickets, furunculese. Help brazers and infusions in swelling eats of renal and heart origin, diseases of the thyroid gland, fractures of bones, sediments of salts, dermatomycosis and certain venereal diseases. In Ukraine, flowers and grass of the Drok are used in the treatment of bronchial asthma. In the US, flowers and seeds are used with complex treatment of malignant tumors.

Infusions from the above-ground part of the Droka have antibacterial and vasoconstrictor effect, they can be used to rinse the mucous membrane and throat. Fresh leaves and fruits help get rid of warts and corns. Ramars from the root of the flock are used in folk medicine in the treatment of malaria, heart weakness, jaundice, thyroid diseases. The root of the flock has proven itself as a means for eliminating chlorides from the body, it helps in salt diathesis and constipation.

The infusion is preparing at the rate of 1 tablespoon of grass on 2 glasses of boiling water. You need to insist for at least two hours, after the filping it should be taken on 1 tablespoon 3 times a day. It is necessary to observe the exact dosage!

The decoction is preparing at the rate of 15 g of chopped grass and flowers of the flock of 500 mg of boiled water. It is necessary to respect the composition on the steam bath for 1/3 of the volume, after which cool and strain through 2-3 layers of gauze. Dosage - 2 tablespoons every other day, every two hours before reaching the desired effect. A decoction is used as a choleretic, diuretic and laxative.

Flowers throka

The actor is becoming increasingly popular in decorative gardening, while the garden shapes differ from the wild feet of the height of the bush, the directional growth of the stalks and the presence of terry flowers. This drought-resistant plant is used in landscaping by single and groups, it is often planted on stony areas and slopes, on the Alpine slides and borders.

The dog is notable for the fact that from its flowers once a resistant yellow dye was obtained, which was used for staining woolen and linen fabrics. The paint had a special meaning in the production of carpets, it was used to dye carpet threads. Hence the name of the plant - "Drying Dish". The shoots of the Cross - this is a good material for floral compositions, although it relates to a group of plants with a small significance.

Dark yellow

This low uncomfortable shrub grows up to 1 meter high. He has thin weak-intensive shoots covered with oblong leaves (length to 2.5 cm). Flowers are yellow, odorless, collected in the top brushes. The flowering duration is 40-60 days, the fruits ripen at the beginning of autumn. The fruit is an oblong and compressed from the sides of the bob, a length of up to three cm. The girl yellow loves solar places and non-fermented lime soils. Grows in pine forests, in the steppes, on cutting and meadows. The plant is multiplied with cuttings and seeds.

The case is used everywhere in folk medicine as a healing plant. Ramars and infusions from it have choleretic, soothing, antibacterial, soothing and hemostatic properties. With the help of infusions from the Cross, the thyroid disease, uterine bleeding, malaria, rheumatism, dermatomycosis, furunculosis, liver disease and urinary tract, arthritis, gout.

From the roots make diuretic to remove the swelling of cardiac and renal origin. Raisters root help with deposition of salts in the joints. With the help of fresh leaves and flowers, dry warts and corns are removed.


The birthplace of this type of Droka is the rocky slopes of the mountains in Spain and France, from where he was brought to Russia. This is a long-term shrub with straight and prickly from the base with stems whose height can reach two or three meters. A small leaflets with a length of about 1 cm firmly adjacent to rounded stems. During the flowering period, bright yellow large flowers (more than 1 cm) form upper inflorescences. The Spanish girl grows well and blooms on any drained soils in a sunny place.

According to its therapeutic effects, this species is similar to a dye, therefore, it is also used in homeopathy and traditional medicine. Decorations, infusions and ointments are effective in the treatment of the thyroid gland, deposition of salts, fractures of bones, rheumatism, gout. The components of the flock are part of the candles from hemorrhoids. It is used in bronchial asthma, dermatomycosis, furunculese, arthritis.

Under the skin diseases (naphtles, gold, degrading), the infusion can be used externally - in the form of local baths and rubbing. A well helps a dog for warts and dry corns. Preparations of grass are also used as an antibacterial, diuretic, choleretic and general fascinating agents.

Dark Kolyuchi.

This spiny shrub is used to fill the stony and sandy soils and as a living hedge. It grows well on solar or slightly shaded places. Drink yellow flowers and spiny at the base of the branch, its height reaches 60 cm. Almost every Escape ends with a brush from flowers up to 5-7 cm. The fruits ripen in early October, and up to the onset of frosts continue to grow.

The deck of prickly in its chemical composition and exposure to the human body is similar to a tender, so it is also used in traditional medicine. In medicinal purposes, grass, flowers, leaves and roots of the plant are harvested. Barrays and chains of barrels are used as a blood-purging, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, choleretic and diuretic.

Contraindications for the use of the Cross

The dock is dye treats to poisonous plants, so when taking drugs from it, it is necessary to strictly observe the dosage. It is categorically contraindicated patients with high arterial pressure, pregnant, sick ischemic heart disease and people with severe liver diseases. With incorrect dosage, the following signs of the rally poisoning may occur: headache, nausea, dizziness, vomiting.

The deck is the genus of blooming, perennial wood plants, which includes about 100 species do not barbed or thorny shrubs, semi-stares and even Lian family of legumes.

For most types of relatives are the regions of Western Europe, the Mediterranean and North-West Africa.

In the care of the act, absolutely unpretentious and in favorable conditions are able to revive the garden with its bright colors for many years.

Common garden species

GENISTA ANGLICA). This plant can grow up to 1 meter in height, but often its growth does not exceed half a meter. Prefers acidic, peat soils.

The flowering period begins at the end of May and lasts about a month. It has long spikes. It does not have a high winter hardiness. Breaks up with cuttings and seeds. The rooting of summer cuttings is good enough. Growth growth average.

Genista Anglica.

GENISTA GERMANICA. Fall shrub up to 0.6 m height and up to 120 cm in diameter. It has pubescent branches with small spikes at the base. Shrub's shoots ends with beautiful golden shade inflorescences. Very unpretentious. Flowers from June to July.

Care consists of periodic trimming bush. For the winter needs shelter. Perfect for cultivation in rocky gardens and mountaineering.

Genista germanica.

It grows on lungs (sandy) and medium (sublibious) well-drained soils, but can tolerate the poor nutrients soil. Prefers solar places and dry or slightly wet soil and can wear drought well.

Genista Hispanica (Genista Hispanica). Extremely hardy and winter-hardy view that is suitable for growing in hot and dry areas.

It is not bad to adapt to most substrates, but prefers not too fertile, dry soils and the full sun. Blossom begins at the end of spring. Running, shoots form a spherical shape of about 60 cm high.

Genista Hispanica.

Dark Lidia (Genista Lydia). The most popular low-speed form forming compact round semi-meter bushes with light green foliage. Spread in width to 150 cm. In the spring is covered by small bright yellow flowers. Flowers before the beginning of June. Stems upright, thin.

Genista Lydia.

In nature grows on dry solar slopes of the hills in the south of France and the North of Spain, reacting to more fertile soils with a decrease in the number of colors. It grows slow pace and in ideal conditions can be expected to expect life expectancy for 20 years.

In the care of unassuming and frosty. Pruning will allow you to maintain the beautiful shape of the bushes and rejuvenate them.

Genista Pilosa (Genista Pilosa). Very popular in landscape design, a rapidly growing semi-staple with fluttering stems, which form a beautiful carpet not above 40 cm. Distribution 61-90 cm. Bright yellow fragrant flowers appear in May. Drought-resistant, loves sandy, stony soils and full sun.

Genista Pilosa Vancouver Gold Grade

Withstands the temperature in winter to - 7 degrees. Therefore, it is necessary to cover or high snow cover.

Genista Sagittalis. Forms a green coating of evergreens with 30 cm stalks that grow to the most frosts. Elliptical leaves, 5-20 mm long, saturated yellow tint flowers are assembled at the ends of the shoots in short thick brushes.

Genista Sagitalis.

Widespread in Central Europe (south of Belgium, South Spain, Greece). It grows very easily with the help of summer shoots. Very unpretentious and easily grown on dry sandy soils.

Dark bloodthirsty or dye (Genista Tincioria). Not a spiny fast-growing shrub growing in the region from Central Europe to Siberia. Plant height from 30 to 100 cm, bush width near a meter.

Soothes are weakwell, thin with smooth green leaves. Beautiful yellow flowers are collected in brush inflorescences located on the tops of the branches. Flowering time June-July.

The dye shaft spread the seeds that ripen in pods, similar to beans. Saw them in the fall. The dyeing gear can multiply with cuttings, but without stimulants, rooting is problematic.

Golden TEMPLATE Dry Golden

Easily grown on relatively poor, dry, sandy or lime-produced soils. Prefers sunny places. Drought-resistant, but can carry a temporary excess of moisture. Withstands a decrease in temperature to about -35 ° C.

All gardening cultures are superbly looking in a group landing, on the slopes, in compositions with low robbery, contrasting colors, cereals, sadumes, such shrubs, like, Biryuchi, Barbaris, Detaway, Wayegela, Derbennik, etc.

The dog's dye is a plant, Genista Tinctoria, refers to the semi-stakeholders of the legume family. Prefers dry sandy or sublibious soils of pine forests. It can be seen in the glades or among the trees in the groves. This plant grows on the territory of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, in Europe, America, Central and Malaya Asia.

From ancient times, people collected golden flowers and leaves of a crushing crushing for staining of fabrics and carpets. From the stems produced fiber from which the teslap teslap. The peoples of the Caucasus use young shoots and flower buds in the cooking of dishes. Flowering tops and roots of the plant used both folk medicine for the treatment of various diseases. Modern scientific research and clinical trials of the crushing crush give encouraging results and the formation of nodules on it.

The dyke of a dye - a strong reprehensive stem, which is located in the next order on short stiffs of a linear or lanceal form. The height of the plant reaches up to 1.5 m. During the flowering period (June-August), the branches are thickly suiced by flowers. They are collected in bright yellow top inflorescences. Fruits are large, curved, flat black beans. Fruit usually at the end of the summer or early autumn (August-September). Seeds of his very poisonous.

In the plant, many resinous substances and organic acids, essential oil, ascorbic acid, yellow pigments (genisteine, flavonoid-luteuoline), alkaloids (citisin, methyl citomine, spartine, and others) were found. In addition, the flowering stems contain a significant amount of valuable flavonoids and complex compounds from glycosides.

Ornate plant and tanning substances, as well as macro and microelements. In the stems and flowers of the semi-staples, such components were found: manganese, calcium, phosphorus, silicon, potassium, iron and barium.

Dosage forms of dying dye possess: hemostatic, cooler, diuretic, choleretic, soothing, soothing and vasodilant (vasodilant) effect. In addition, plants extract is a strong antibacterial and antitumor agent.


In folk medicine, healing infers, champs and alcohol extracts for the treatment of many ailments are prepared from dried flowering twigs at home. Our ancestors have accumulated practical experience of healing with the help of this plant: from jaundice, rickets, dermatitis, cystitis, rheumatism.

Infusion is prepared from flowers and stems. On 1 liter of boiling water take 2 spoons of crushed raw materials. Insist the means for three hours. Next, be filtering and used inside: on one tablespoon before meals under the skin diseases (gold, furunculosis, pyodermia), hemorrhoids, bleeding, rheumatism, hypotension. This means are used for compresses, lotions and baths.

The decoction is prepared from flowers, stalks and root of the Cross. On 1 liter of water take 2 spoons of raw materials. Boiled on a weak fire or steam bath While the means is not designed to 300-400 ml. Next insist it for another 15 minutes and filter. Take two tablespoons before meals for the disease of the liver, kidneys, joints, in uterine bleeding, asthma, edema, constipation, tumors, zob. As a diuretic, the decoction can be taken every 2 hours three times a week (every other day).


Due to the fact that the seeds of the Drock of dye are very poisonous, their use is prohibited. With caution, you should take medicinal forms from a plant to people with hypertension, with a violation of the work of the heart, liver and kidney. Absolutely contraindicated use during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

World Flora is limitless and picturesque. She was in shapened by thousands of years, scientists do not even suspect the properties of some plants. An ordinary alpiner is easy to get lost in the variety of decorative shrubs, colors and trees. There are plants whose names are truly surprised and introduced into bewilderment.

Today, on the pedestal, the lowered decorative shrub - a dye dog. Also behind it, several other names were entrenched: Bloodthirsty Dark, Calus, Teresa. In a wild form grows in different regions of the immense or rather in the Caucasus territory, in Kazakhstan, America.

You can meet the plant on hilly slopes, in forestry arrays, on sandy soils. Thanks to the aesthetic appeal, it is often planted for the extraction of garden sites. Loved the shrub not only for the external beauty, but also for therapeutic properties that will be stated in the material.

Botanical features

The representative of the flora Dark is a dye (photo clearly demonstrates the plant) belongs to the height reaches no more than 1.5 meters, attracts a bright yellow colorful colors, thin spreader branches, oblong, slightly shiny leaves. All subspecies of this group, and their official science is known about 100, perfectly carry drought and blackout. This culture quickly dies from severe frosts and excess moisture.

Dark shape: landing and care

Among the landscape designers, this shrub is very popular. It harmoniously fits into any interior, combined with other types of representatives of the flora, landslides the unspoken stony slopes and hillocks. Perfectly feels in darkened places, but bloom will be scarce. It is advisable to plant on an open space where a lot of direct sunlights to get a beautiful decorative result.

For reproduction, cuttings are used or seeds. After sowing, the culture is growing rapidly, especially during the first three years. It is impossible to call it a long-liver: the term of existence is no more than 10 years. Significant care is not required by shrub. Next, it is necessary to regularly water, drain the earth and fertilize potassium, sulphate, wood substances. In regions with strong frosts, the plant should be covered in winter, otherwise it will be trying simply. On the autumn, the branch is worth cut, it contributes to better flowering in the summer months (June-August).

Even if you have not acquired our own garden, you can grow a shrub on the windowsill. Thanks to the shallow root system, the plant perfectly carries out in a small pot. Three-year-old bush should be transplanted into the ground, and seeds to sow for a young culture.


Those who have at home or on the section of a dye dog can stock up with medicinal raw materials. For this purpose, the upper branches with inflorescences are cut into the period of active flowering, fruits and rhizome. The crop is carefully dried under a canopy. In the finished raw material should not be present and dark parts. Store medicinal billets in closed cardboard, fabric or glass tanks of approximately 12 months.

What is the benefit?

No one can definitely name the full biochemical composition because he is thoroughly studied. There is reliable information that the dye shaft is replete with valuable alkaloids, flavonoids, tanning substances and essential oils. All parts are enriched with chemical elements, pigments and vitamins.

These substances give the right to call a shrub of medicinal raw materials for the improvement of the body. Sheets and roots can be brewing and used as a diuretic, laxative, soothing drug. Adopted in complex therapy as a vasodilator, choleretic and antibacterial agent. It helps to significantly strengthen the weakening of health, clean from toxins.

Dark shape: Application in alternative medicine

Respectively refer to the culture of homeopaths. They make ragners based on ground parts and are used in allergic reactions, dermatological pathologies, gout, headaches, thyroid disease and heart disease. The vegetation raw materials are treated with rheumatoid diseases and respiratory diseases, including asthma.

The dog's dye has proven itself in the therapy of nervous, gynecological, dental and urological disorders. There are information that it is used for oncology, but this information is not scientifically confirmed. We give several recipes based on a decorative plant.

Water infusion

Made in the infusion of dry branches and flowers, as well as glass of steep boiling water. The drug fluid is insisted in a thermos or other closed dishes two hours. Then filtered off. Drink up 15 grams 15 minutes before meals are eating three times a day.

Such an infusion helps to relieve inflammatory processes in the body, normalizes digestion, has a laxative and diuretic effect. They are splashing the oral cavity and a sip, apply compresses with fungal, infectious and viral skin diseases.

Alcohol solution

It helps to establish the work of the gastrointestinal tract, improve appetite, strengthen the protective forces and give vigor. To do this, you need to take fastening red wine in the number of liters and a large spoonful of dry roots (crushing). Connect the two components to insist ten days. Drug can be given to children from three years to 10 g.

Undoubtedly, the grass of the dog is a dyewe in themselves a lot of advantages. However, it is necessary to know that it is possible to take folk drugs only under the persistent leadership of the doctor. The plant is considered to be poisonous, with improper use is able to seriously harm: cause intoxication, nausea, pain in the abdomen, dizziness, migraine. Halucinations are not excluded, increase pressure to critical marks, cramps and respiratory stop.

The dog is a dye - rude blooming shrub with simple, narcolatular and all-ray leaves. It has decorative and drug importance. Like many legumes good honey.

Plant poisonous!

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Formula flower

Flower Flower Dish Dish: C3,2l1.2 (2) T (5 + 4) 1P1.

In medicine

Therapeutic properties of the dice of the dye so far have been studied not enough, so drugs on its basis in official medicine of our country are practically not applied. But in the US, the drugs made on the basis of flowers and seeds of the dye dye are used in complex therapy in the treatment of malignant formations, in particular the tumor of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, clinical trials of infusion from the green parts of the dock crushing gave positive results in the prevention and treatment of thyroid diseases. During experiments, the possibility of using preparations based on the dye dye with chronic bronchitis, bronchiectasia, exchange polyarthritis, urolithiasis, cholecystitis and hemorrhoids, under hypothyroidism and metrragia are also revealed.

Contraindications and side effects

It should be known that the dog is a dyeing poisonous plant, so treatment must be carried out under the supervision of the doctor. It is not recommended to use preparations based on the Draca during pregnancy, nursing women, children, as well as sick ischemic heart disease and arterial hypertension.

In homeopathy

In homeopathy for therapeutic purposes, an essence of young non-devented shoots (with leaves and flowers) of the crushing rod as a natural antibiotic is used.

In dermatology

In dermatology, the dye shaft is used in hypothyroidism, accompanied by itchy dermatoses, with psoriasis, as well as in infectious-allergic diseases with inflammatory damage to the blood vessels of the skin and subcutaneous tissue.

In other areas

The gearbox is used in cooking. Its young shoots and flower buds are eaten, they are blanched, marinate, and then used in national cuisine, especially in the Eastern Transcaucasia.

The dark is dye - as the original decorative semi-stationist recently becomes increasingly popular and used in landscaping of large megalopolises single, as well as groups. In decorative gardening, the dog shakes are planted on stony areas and slopes, weakly shaded places. Thanks to the terry, extraordinary beauty of flowers, in landscape design, the plant is used to create beautiful compositions, flower, they are decorated with borders, alpine slides. In addition, the shoots of the dyeshaw - a good material for floristic flower compositions.

Until now, the dock is used in agriculture, in particular in agriculture (crop rotation) as a natural source of soil enrichment with nitrogen, which allows to increase the yield of many cultivated plants.

From the flowers and leaves of the dye crushed, the bright yellow color is obtained, used for staining linseed and woolen fabrics. It is also used in carpet production for staining threads. In some countries, for example, in France and Italy, the dye is cultivated as a fibrous plant used for the manufacture of coarse tissue type of burlap.


The dye shaft (lat. Genista Tinctoria) is a kind of kind of business (lat. Genista) of the bean family, or moth (lat. Fabaceae, or Papilionaceae). The genus includes about 75 types of shrubs and semi-walkers growing in Europe, throughout the Mediterranean and in Western Asia. In the Caucasus - approximately 30 species.

Botanical description

Dark green - shrub 20-100 cm height. The leaves are regular, simple, all-strife, narcolative up to 4 cm long and up to 1 cm wide, with horses. Obohyla flowers, Sigomorphic, usually yellow, in thick long-shaped inflorescences located at the ends of the branches. Double pericolor, 5-membered. A cup of aging, 5-toothed. The whitewash whistle, consists of a flag or sail, two wings, or a cheerful and a boat formed by two controversy petals. The stamens 10. Flower formula of a dye flock: C3,2l1.2 (2) T (5 + 4) 1P1. Ginetsa apocarpny from 1 rest. Outskirt top 1-nest. Fruit - Bob. Seeds with solid seed peel. The light-affilome and drought-resistant plant, easily adapts to different environmental conditions, while poorly tolerates the moistener and severe frosts. Flowers from May to July. Fruits ripen in August - September.


In the European part of Russia and Western Siberia, the dog is growing everywhere, except the northern regions. It is often found in the Caucasus. The plant prefers rare dry bright forests, especially pine bors, their edges, lean shrubs, steppe beams, as well as meadow and stony slopes, sands, chalk.

Regions of distribution on the map of Russia.

Preparation of raw materials

As therapeutic raw materials, both the above-ground part and underground flowering phase are harvested. Dye flowers flowers are collected separately from other above-ground plants. Roots dig in autumn. Dry raw materials in the shade under a canopy or in a well-ventilated room, or in the dryer at a temperature of 45-50 ° C. The finished raw material is usually green, it is stored in cardboard boxes closed, or in linen bags in well ventilated rooms, but separately from other strongly smelling medicinal plants. The shelf life of raw materials is 1 year.

Chemical composition

The chemical composition of the crushing crustaceans is not sufficiently studied. In the stems and leaves, alkaloids (citisin, methyl citomine, spartine), glycosides, tanning substances, flavonoids, organic acids, essential oil, triterpene saponins, bitterness, mucus, mineral salts were found. In addition, the colors contain yellow pigments (genisteine \u200b\u200band luteuiline), which give the petals of yellow color.

Pharmacological properties

The pharmacological properties of the dock of the dye are due to its chemical composition. The plant has a pronounced diuretic, choleretic, laxative, blood purity, painkillers, lactogon and vasoconducting (hemostatic) actions. Preparations based on it (infusion, decoction) excite their breathing, stimulate the function of the thyroid gland, reduce the muscles of the uterus. Along with these properties, the dye shaft has antibacterial and estrogenic activity. The fruits of the flock in turn provide an anthelmic effect.

Application in folk medicine

Although official medicine does not use a dye-shaped dog in medical practice, the beneficial properties of this plant are used by popular healers as the main component of drugs in the treatment of a wide range of diseases (hypothyroidism, nervous overwork, jade, edema of cardiac and renal origin, liver disease, gout, rheumatoid disease Polyarthritis, uricultural diathesis, malignant tumors in the intestines).

The folk medicine is quite widely used by the water of the grass of the crust of grass as a hemostatic, choleretic, constructive, vasodilator and antibacterial agent. Especially effective, the use of drugs based on a dye in the prevention and treatment of thyroid diseases in the prevention and treatment of thyroid diseases. Essence from the fresh shoots of the Cross-Folk Healers is used as a natural vegetable antibiotic. Using a vasodulating property with a powerful antibacterial effect of aquatic extracts of the grass of the Cross, folk healers treat them chronic respiratory diseases, in particular chronic bronchitis and bronchial asthma. Drok-based infancy and decoctions are used as a strong diuretic and laxative. In gynecology, the preparations of the flock are used as an efficient tonic for uterine bleeding. In addition, the infusion and decoction of the above-ground part of the Drok is used in migraine, rickets, hypertension, skin diseases, jaundice, malaria, jade (as diuretic), constipation, hemorrhoids, watering (abdomen), depletion, cystitis, crofulosis, salt deposition, ascite , asthenia, venereal diseases, bone fractures, rickets, and as well as a blood purity.

Due to the manifestation of antibacterial activity in folk medicine, the dock is recommended for diuretic fees (with urological and nephrological diseases), externally - for rinsing the throat, with skin lesions with fungus, furunculosis, degrating, gold. These properties caused quite widespread use in the home dermatology of alcohol tinctures and aqueous decoctions of the crushing crumples with such diseases of the skin, like atopic dermatitis, pyodermium, dermatomycosis, furunculosis, allergic dermatitis. In addition, the infusion of flowers and fruits in the form of a binding is used for dry corns and to remove warts. Crumpled fresh leaves along with green fruits are also used to treat drilled corns and warts. With such skin diseases as Naryavy, deprived, gold apply an infusion based on the grass of the Cross, it is also added to the bath. The folk healers are particularly valued by the rhizome of the dye, possessing, as well as an overhead part, a wide range of therapeutic properties.

Historical reference

The dog is popular with a long time since ancient times, he wrote about him in the exercises of the Middle Ages. In the past in France and Italy, the stroke was made from the stem, which did not yield to modern products in its quality. Of the flowers of the flock, a pretty resistant yellow paint was obtained, which was used for staining woolen and linen fabrics. Of particular importance, the dye was in the production of carpets: they were painted carpet threads. Of the leaves and shoots, the plants also made green paint. From here and the name of the plant was the name - "Dark".


1. Biological Encyclopedic Dictionary / Ch. ed. M. S. Gilyarov) 2nd ed., Corrected. M.: OV. Encyclopedia. 1989.

2. Gubanov, I. A. et al. 793. Genista Tinctoria L. Drying Dark // Illustrated determinant of plants of Central Russia. In 3 t. M.: T-in scientific ed. KMK, Institute Technologist. Issh., 2003. T. 2. Covenate (disadvantaged: separately saw). P. 436.

3. Dudchenko L. G., Kozhenakov A. S., Krivenko V. V. Spicy-aromatic and spicy-flavoring plants: Reference / T. ed. K. M. Sytnik. K.: Nukova Dumka, 1989. 304 p.

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