What is R & D in management and what is Research and Development. Stages of the implementation of NIR and OKR

Decor elements 14.10.2019

Research work (NIR) These are scientific developments related to the search, research, experiments in order to obtain new knowledge, testing hypotheses, establishing patterns, scientific justification of projects.

The implementation of the NIR is governed by the following regulatory documents: GOST 15.101-98 "Procedure for the implementation of the NIR", GOST 7.32-2001 "Registration of the report on NIR", STB-1080-2011 "Procedure for the implementation of research, development and development work on the creation Scientific and technical products "et al. (Appendix 10).

Distinguish fundamental, search and appliedNir.

Fundamental and search engines in the product life cycle are usually not included, but they are based on the generation of ideas that can transform into applied NIRs.

Fundamental research Can be divided into "clean" (free) and targeted.

"Clean" fundamental research - These are research, the main purpose of which is the disclosure and knowledge of unknown laws and the patterns of nature and society, the causes of the occurrence of phenomena and the disclosure of relations between them, as well as an increase in the volume of scientific knowledge. In the "net" studies there is freedom to choose the area of \u200b\u200bresearch and methods of scientific work.

Target fundamental research Aims to resolve certain problems with strictly scientific methods based on available data. They are limited to a certain area of \u200b\u200bscience, and their goal is not only in the knowledge of the laws of nature and society, but also in explaining phenomena and processes, in a more complete understanding of the object being studied, expanding human knowledge.

These fundamental studies can be called target oriented. For them, freedom of choice of work methods is preserved for them, but unlike the "net" fundamental studies there is no freedom to choose the objects of the study, tentatively ask the area and purpose of the study (for example, the development of a controlled thermonuclear reaction).

Fundamental research Academic Research Institute and universities are held. The results of fundamental studies - theory, discoveries, new principles of action. The probability of their use is 5 - 10%.

Search research Encompasses work aimed at studying ways and methods of practical application of the results of fundamental studies. Their conduct involves the possibility of variant directions for solving an applied problem and choosing the most promising direction for its decision. They rely on the well-known results of fundamental studies, although as a result of the search, their main provisions may be revised.

The main goal of search research - The use of the results of fundamental studies for practical application in various fields in the near future (for example, searching and identifying the possibilities of using a laser in practice).

Work on the creation of fundamentally new materials, technologies for processing metals, the study and development of scientific frameworks for optimizing technological processes, searching for new drugs, analyzing the biological effect on the body of new chemical compounds, etc.

Search studies have varieties: exploratory research of a wide profile without a special application to one or another production and a narrow-dimensional nature to address specific production issues.

Search works are conducted in universities, academic and sectoral research institutes. In certain sectoral institutions of industry and other sectors of the national economy, the proportion of search work comes up to 10%.

The probability of practical use of search research is about 30%.

Applied Research (NIR) are one of the stages of the life cycle of creating new types of products. These include studies that are carried out with the aim of practical use of the results of fundamental and search research NIR in relation to specific tasks.

The purpose of Applied NIR is to answer the question "is it possible to create a new type of product, materials or technological processes based on the results of fundamental and search research R & C, and with what characteristics."

Applied research is carried out mainly in industry research institutes. The results of applied research are patentable schemes, scientific recommendations proving the technical possibility of creating innovations (machines, devices, technologies). At this stage, you can install a market goal with a high degree of probability. The probability of practical use of applied research - 75 - 85%.

Nir consists of stages (stages), under which the logically substantiated complex of work, which has independent importance and is an object of planning and financing.

The specific composition of the stages and the nature of the work performed in their framework are determined by the specifics of the NIR.

According to GOST 15.101-98 "Procedure for the implementation of the NIR" the main stages of the NIR are:

1. Development of technical specifications (TK) - Selection and study of scientific and technical literature, patent information and other materials on the topic, discussion of the data obtained, on the basis of which the analytical review is drawn up, hypotheses and forecasts are made, customer requirements are taken into account. According to the results of the analysis, directions of research and ways to implement the requirements should be satisfied with the product. The reporting scientific and technical documentation is drawn up at the stage, the necessary performers are determined, the technical task is prepared and issued.

At the stage of development of the technical task, the following types of information are used for NIR:

· object of study;

· Description of the requirements for the object of the study;

· List of functions of the object of a general technical nature;

· List of physical and other effects, patterns and theories that may be the basis of the principle of operation of the new product;

· Technical solutions (in predicted research);

· Information about the scientific and technical potential of the Contractor of the NIR;

· Information on the production and material resources of the Contractor of the NIR;

· marketing research;

· Data on the expected economic effect.

Additionally, the following information is used:

· Methods for solving individual tasks;

· Community requirements (standards, environmental and other restrictions, reliability requirements, maintainability, ergonomics, and so on);

· Projected dates for updating products;

· Suggestions of licenses and "know-how" under the object of research.

2. Selection of research directions- Collection and study of scientific and technical information, drawing up an analytical review, conducting patent research, formulating possible areas for solving the tasks set in the TK Nir, and their comparative assessment, the choice and substantiation of the adopted research and methods of solving problems, comparing the expected indicators of new products after Implementing the results of the NIR with existing indicators of products-analogues, an assessment of the estimated economic efficiency of new products, the development of a general research methodology. Drawing up an intermediate report.

3. Conducting theoretical, experimental studies - Development of working hypotheses, building models of the research object, justification of assumptions, scientific and technical ideas are checked, research methods are being developed, the choice of different types of schemes is being developed, the methods of calculations and research are selected, the need for experimental work is detected, the methods of their conduct are being developed.

If the need for experimental work is determined, the design and production of layouts and experimental sample are carried out.

Bench and field experimental tests of the sample according to the developed programs and methods are carried out, the test results are analyzed, the degree of compliance of the data obtained on the experimental sample is determined by calculated and theoretical conclusions.

If there is deviations from the TK, the completion of the experimental sample is completed, additional tests are carried out, if necessary, changes are made to the developed schemes, calculations, technical documentation.

4. Registration of the results of the NIR - drawing up the reporting documentation on the results of the R & D, including materials on the novelty and the feasibility of using the results of the NIR, for economic efficiency. If positive results are obtained, the scientific and technical documentation and the draft technical task on the experimental design work are being developed. The compiled and decorated set of scientific and technical documentation is presented to the reception to the customer. If private technical solutions have novelty, they are issued through patent service, regardless of the end of the preparation of all technical documentation. The head of the topic before the presentation of the commission is the notice of its readiness for acceptance.

5. Acceptance of the topic - Discussion and approval of the results of the NIR (scientific and technical report) and the signing of the Customer's act on acceptance of work. If positive results are obtained and an acceptance act is signed, the developer transfers to the customer:

Adopted by the Commission an experimental sample of a new product;

Protocols of acceptance tests and acts of an experimental sample (layout) of the product;

Calculations of the economic efficiency of using development results;

Required design and technological documentation for the manufacture of an experimental sample.

The developer takes part in the design and development of a new product and, along with the Customer, is responsible for achieving the indicators of the product guaranteed.

The comprehensive conduct of the NIR on a certain target program allows not only to solve the scientific and technical problem, but also to create a sufficiently bore for more prompt and qualitative conduct of development work, design and technological preparation of production, and also significantly reduce the amount of improvements and the deadlines for creating and mastering the new Technique.

Experienced design development (OCD).Continuation of applied Nir are technical development: Experimental design (OCD), design and technological (PTR) and design (pr) development. At this stage, new technological processes are being developed, samples of new products, machinery and instruments are created, etc.

OCC is regulated:

· STB 1218-2000. Development and production of products for production. Terms and Definitions.

· STB-1080-2011. "The procedure for the implementation of research, experimental and development and technological work on the creation of scientific and technical products."

· TKP 424-2012 (02260). The procedure for developing and producing products for production. Technical Code. The provisions of the Technical Code apply to work on the creation of new or improved products (services, technologies), including the creation of innovative products.

· GOST R 15.201-2000, the system of development and production of products for production. Production production and technical purposes. The procedure for developing and producing products for production.

· And others. (See Appendix 10).

The purpose of experimental design work It is the development of a set of working design documentation in the amount and in terms of the quality of working, sufficient for the production of a certain type of product (GOST R 15.201-2000).

Experienced work on its purposes is a consistent implementation of the results of previously carried out applied NIRs.

Experimental work is mainly carried out by project and design organizations. The real feed of this stage is drawings, projects, standards, instructions, prototypes. The probability of practical use of results is 90 - 95%.

Main types of workwhich are included in the OCC:

1) sketching design (development of fundamental technical solutions of the product that gives a general idea of \u200b\u200bthe principle of operation and (or) product device);

2) technical design (development of final technical solutions that give a complete picture of the design of the product);

3) constructing (design implementation of technical solutions);

4) modeling, experimental production of product samples;

5) confirmation of technical solutions and their design implementation by testing layouts and prototypes.

Typical stages OCD are:

1. Technical task - The source document, on the basis of which all work is carried out on the creation of a new product developed by the manufacturing enterprise and is consistent with the customer (the main consumer). Approved by the leading ministry (to whose profile is the product being developed).

In terms of the technical task, its appointment of the future product is determined, its technical and operational parameters and characteristics are carefully substantiated: performance, dimensions, speed, reliability, durability and other indicators caused by the nature of the work of the future product. It also contains information on the nature of production, the conditions of transportation, storage and repair, recommendations for the implementation of the necessary stages of development of design documentation and its composition, feasibility study and other requirements.

Development of a technical task is based on the research work performed, marketing research information, analysis of existing similar models and conditions for their operation.

When developing TK to OCC, information is used similar to that for the development of TK on the Nir (see above).

After coordination and approval, the terms of reference is the basis for the development of a draft project.

2. Preliminary design Consists of a graphic part and an explanatory note. The first part contains fundamental constructive solutions that provide an idea of \u200b\u200bthe product and the principle of its work, as well as data that determine the purpose, main parameters and overall dimensions. It gives an idea of \u200b\u200bthe future design of the product, including shared drawings, functional blocks, input and output electrical data of all nodes (blocks) constituting a common block diagram.

At this stage, documentation is being developed for making layouts, their manufacture and testing is carried out, after which the design documentation is adjusted. The second part of the draft project contains the calculation of the basic parameters of the structure, a description of the operational features and an approximate schedule for technical preparation of production.

The layout of the product allows you to achieve successful layout of individual parts, find more correct aesthetic and ergonomic solutions and thereby speed up the development of design documentation at subsequent stages.

The tasks of the draft project include the development of guidelines for ensuring in subsequent stages of technological, reliability, standardization and unification, as well as the preparation of the statement of specifications of materials and components on prototypes for subsequent transmission to the material and technical support service.

A sketch project takes place the same stages of coordination and approval as the technical task.

3. Technical project Developed on the basis of the approved sketch project and provides for the implementation of graphic and settlement parts, as well as clarifying the technical and economic indicators of the product being created. It consists of a set of design documents containing final technical solutions that give a complete picture of the product being developed and the source data for the development of working documentation.

The graphic part of the technical project provides drawings of the general view of the designed product, nodes in the assembly and main parts. The drawings are necessarily coordinated with technologists.

The explanatory note contains a description and calculation of the parameters of the main assembly units and the basic parts of the product, a description of the principles of its work, the rationale for the choice of materials and types of protective coatings, a description of all schemes and final technical and economic calculations. At this stage, an experimental sample is manufactured in the development of products options. The technical project takes place the same stages of coordination and approval as the technical task.

4. Work project It is the further development and specification of the technical project. This stage is divided into three levels: the development of working documentation of the experimental batch (prototype); Development of working documentation of the installation series; Development of working documentation for serial or mass production.

The result of the OKR is a set of working design documentation (RKD) for the production of a new type of product.

Working Design Documentation (RKD) - A combination of design documents intended for the manufacture, control, acceptance, supply, operation and repair of the product. Along with the term "working design documentation" used with a similar definition of the term "working technological documentation" and "Working technical documentation". Working documentation, depending on the scope of use, is divided into a manufacturing, operational and repair RCD.

Thus, the result of the OCR, and in other words, scientific and technical products (NTP) is the RCD kit. Such a set of RKD in its composition may contain:

· Actually design documentation,

· Program documentation,

· Operational documentation.

In some cases, if this is provided for by the requirements of the technical task, both technological documentation may also be included in the working technical documentation.

The various stages of the OCD as they are executed must contain their characteristic results, such results are:

· Technical documentation on the results of sketch-technical design;

· Layouts, experimental and prototypes made during the execution of the OCC;

· Test results of prototypes: preliminary (PI), interdepartmental (MI), acceptance (at), state-owned (GI), etc.

Similar information.

Research and development works (R & D) are conducting fundamental and applied research, experienced developments, whose goal is to create new products and technologies.

R & D: Accounting and Tax Accounting in 2019

For the adoption of R & D to accounting accounting, it is necessary to perform certain conditions (paragraph 7 of PBU 17/02):

  • the amount of R & D spending is determined and can be confirmed;
  • you can document the execution of work (for example, there is an act of acceptance of work performed);
  • the use of R & D results for production or managerial needs will lead to income in the future;
  • the use of R & D results can be demonstrated.

If at least one of the conditions is not fulfilled, the costs associated with R & D are charged to 91 "other income and expenses", subaccount "Other expenses".

At the expense of 91, those expenses for R & D, which have not given a positive result are written off.

Accounting R & D as NMA

R & D expenses are collected on the debit of account 08 "Investments in non-current assets", subaccount "R & D" with a loan of accounts:

  • 10 "Materials";
  • 70 "Calculations with wage personnel", 69 "Social Insurance and Provision Calculation";
  • 02 "Depreciation of fixed assets";
  • 60 "Calculations with suppliers and contractors", etc.

Completed R & D costs are written off from the account 08 to the debit of account 04 "Intangible assets".

From the 1st day of the month following the month, which initiated the actual application of R & D results, the costs of R & D are written off:

Debit accounts 20 "Basic production", 25 "general production costs", 44 "Sale expenses" - credit of account 04 "Intangible assets".

The costs of R & D are written off during the period, which is established as a period of receiving benefits from R & D. In this case, a linear method or a method of write-off is proportional to the volume of manufactured products (paragraph 11 of PBU 17/02). It is important to keep in mind that this period cannot be more than 5 years (paragraph 11 of PBU 17/02)

Tax accounting R & D

The costs of R & D for the purpose of taxation of profit are taken into account in the period in which these works are completed (clause 4 of Article 262 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation), and are accepted into a decrease in income tax base, regardless of their effectiveness. At the same time, if on the basis of R & D, the organization receives exclusive rights to the results of intellectual activity, they recognize NMA and are subject to depreciation or are taken into account in other expenses within 2 years (

Research and development and design developments (Niocarian; English RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT, R & D) - a set of works aimed at obtaining new knowledge and practical application when creating a new product or technology.

R & D includes:

Research work (NIR) - work of the search, theoretical and experimental nature, performed in order to determine the technical ability to create new equipment within a certain time. NIR is divided into fundamental (obtaining new knowledge) and applied (application of new knowledge to solve specific tasks) research.

Experienced work (OCD) and technological work (TR) - a set of works on the development of design and technological documentation for a prototype, for the manufacture and testing of an experimental sample of a product performed according to the technical task.

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Stages R & D [edit | edit wiki text]

The R & D execution process may consist of one or more stages. In scientific and technical activities under the stage (stage), a combination of works, characterized by signs of their independent planning and financing, aimed at obtaining the results provided and subject to separate acceptance. Each individual stage may be an independent result of intellectual activity, the fact of the introduction of which does not depend on the moment the end of the work as a whole. Depending on the life cycle of productsThe following standard R & D steps may be allocated:


· Research, development of technical proposal (cashpore);

· Development of technical assignment on experimental design (technological) work.


· Development of a sketch project;

· Technical project development;

· Development of working design documentation for the manufacture of an experimental sample;

· Production of a prototype;

· Conduct tests of an experimental sample;

· Development of documentation;

· Approval of the working design documentation for the organization of industrial (serial) manufacturing products.

Supply of products for production and operation

· Adjustment of design documentation on the fundamental disadvantages detected;

· Development of operational documentation.


· Development of working design documentation for repair work.

Removal from production

· Development of working design documentation for disposal.

An example of the steps of the OCC [edit | edit wiki text]

The order of the steps of the execution of the OCD on the optical-electronic device:

1. Study of existing products of this type

2. Studying the element base suitable for building the desired product

3. Selecting an element base

4. Development of the optical scheme of the product prototype

5. Development of structural electrical circuit prototype products

6. Development of sketches of the body of the product

7. Coordination with the customer of the actual technical characteristics and appearance of the product

8. Development of an electrical product concept

9. Study of the production base and the possibilities of production of printed circuit boards

10. Development of a test printed circuit board

11. Placing an order for the manufacture of test printed circuit board

12. Placing an order for the supply of an element base for the manufacture of the product

13. Placing an order for soldering test printed circuit board

14. Development of a test cable product

15. Production of a test cable product

16. Testing test printed circuit board

17. Writing software for the test printed circuit board of the product and computer

18. Study of the production base and the possibilities of production of optical elements

19. Calculation of optical items of the product taking into account the possibilities of production

20. Study of the production base and the possibilities of production of plastic cases, metal elements and metis

21. Development of the design of the optical boxing body of the product taking into account the possibilities of production

22. Placement of an order for the manufacture of optical elements and an optical boxing housing

23. Experienced build of optical boxing products with a connection of a test printed circuit board

24. Test mode of operation of the test printed circuit board of the product and optical boxing

25. Correction of software, schematic diagram and parameters of the optical part of the product, in order to obtain the specified parameters

26. Product Development

27. Development of a printed circuit board for the actual sizes of the body of the product

28. Placement of an order for the manufacture of the body of the Product Prototype

29. Placement of an order for the manufacture of a printed circuit board of the product

30. Spicking and Programming Product PCB

31. Coloring of the Prototype Case Product

32. Production of the prototype cable

33. Final assembly of the prototype of the product

34. Testing of all parameters and reliability of the prototype of the product

35. Writing product production technology

36. Writing user instructions for the product

37. Transfer of technical documentation, software and prototype of the product to the customer with the signing of the submission of the contract

The OCD can be carried out in two forms: a and B. OKR in form A is carried out with simultaneous production on the production of the product being developed, in the form of B - the subsequent production on the production of the developed product or without producing production.

Views of R & D [edit | edit wiki text]

In accordance with the regulatory regulation by the method of accounting, R & D costs are divided into:

Product R & D. (Current, custom) - Works related to the usual type of organization activities, the results of which are intended to implement the customer.

Capital R & D. (Initiative, for their own needs) - work, the costs of which are investments in the long-term assets of the organization, the results of which are used in their own production and / or are provided to use other persons.

Contract for the implementation of R & D [edit | edit wiki text]

The procedure for performing commercial R & D is regulated by the Treaty on the implementation of research, development and technological works. The legislation of the Russian Federation allocates two types of this contract:

1. Agreement for research work (NIR). Under the contract for the implementation of the Nir, the Contractor undertakes to conduct scientific research due to the technical specifications of the customer.

2. Agreement for the implementation of experimental design and technological work (OCD). Under the contract for the implementation of the OCD, the Contractor undertakes to develop a sample of a new product, design documentation for it or new technology.

The parties to the contract for the implementation of R & D are the performer and the customer. The performer is obliged to conduct scientific research personally. Attracts the execution of co-valves only with the consent of the customer. When executing OCP, the Contractor has the right to attract third parties, unless otherwise provided by the contract. To the relations of the artist with third parties, in case of their involvement of R & D, the rules on the General Contractor and the subcontractor are applied.

Unlike other types of obligations, contracts for the implementation of R & D are characterized by:

· The presence of a technical task in which the subject of work is determined is the development object, the practical use of planned results, technical and economic parameters and requirements for the level of development of the object. In addition, the technical task establishes the stages of work, the study program and a list of documentation and products subject to delivery at the acceptance of the work performed under the contract.

· Establishing the distribution of the rights of the parties to the results obtained. The rights to the results may belong to the customer or the Contractor or the Customer and the Contractor together.

· Setting the level of development that determines the status of the result obtained as an intellectual property object or an unguarded intellectual product.

· Confidentiality obligations of information relating to the results of intellectual activity.

A specific feature of R & D is that the risk of non-receipt is large for these types of work, on objective reasons, the result established in the technical task. The risk of accidental impossibility of executing contracts for the implementation of R & D is the Customer, unless otherwise provided by law or the contract. The performer is obliged to immediately inform the Customer about the impossibility of finding expected results or on the inexpediency of continuing work. The duty of evidence of the fact of the impossibility of obtaining the provided result lies on the artist. The decision to terminate the work is made by the Customer.

When performing capital R & D, the functions of the customer and the artist are carried out by the same person and the compilation of the contract, therefore, is not required. Thus, the conditions for performing capital R & D are determined by the terms of reference and the calendar plan (scientific work plan) approved by the Executive Body of the Organization and / or Scientific and Technical Council. The fact of the completion of work and the result obtained are established in a technical act approved by the executive body of the Organization.

Statistical data [edit | edit wiki text]

General scientific products by country of the world. .

According to the research institute Battlele Memorial Institute

In 2011, global R & D expenses will increase by 3.6% and will be 1.2 trillion US dollars.

The first place in terms of R & D is occupied by the United States (385.6 billion; 2.7% of the volume of own GDP)

China ranks second (153.7 billion; 1.4% of GDP)

The third place belongs to Japan (144.1 billion; 3.3% of GDP)

Russia closes the top ten world leaders (23.1 billion; 1% of GDP)


In the USSR, the volume of internal expenditures on R & D was 5% of GDP.

Structure of financing for all types of R & D in 1985

Sources of financing R & D in the United States

Structure of private investment in R & D in the US

Pension Funds and Insurance Companies Corporate funds Others
55 % 10 % 35 %

R & D role (R & D) in modern business [edit | edit wiki text]

The R & D role (R & D) is growing as the main part of the value added in business is shifted from the production stage to the development phase. Based on the results of R & D, key solutions in high-tech business are accepted. R & D (R & D) is becoming increasing importance for marketing, companies track the latest developments of competitors and the needs of consumers in order to reduce their own research with them. R & D of business processes reflects the recently appeared in most large Russian companies. Position - Director or R & D Manager. The R & D manager function includes the formation and implementation of the R & D program, the development of the program of innovative development of the enterprise, the organization of technological processes: technology development, design. At the same time, R & D is one of the most complex areas in terms of management, because A distinctive feature of most studies is the difficult predictability of the final results of research and their possible commercialization. As a result, high costs for R & D do not always guarantee a large profit or a large market share.

The main tasks of research and development work (R & D) are:
obtaining new knowledge in the field of nature development and society, new areas of their application;
Theoretical and experimental verification of the possibility of materialization in the field of production developed at the stage of strategic marketing standards for the competitiveness of the organization's goods;
Practical implementation of the innovation portfolio and innovation.

The implementation of the following tasks will improve the efficiency of resource use, competitiveness of organizations, the life level of the population.

Basic principles of R & D:
Implementation of previously considered scientific approaches, principles, functions, management methods in solving any problems, developing rational management decisions. The number of scientific management components used is determined by the complexity, the cost of the management object and other factors;
Orientation of innovation on the development of human capital.
R & D is divided into the following stages of work:
Fundamental studies (theoretical and search);
Applied research;
pilot design work;
Experienced, experimental work, which can be performed on any of the previous steps.

The results of theoretical studies are manifested in scientific discoveries, justifying new concepts and submissions, creating new theories.

Search relatives include the task of which is the opening of new principles for creating products and technologies; new, unknown wound properties of materials and their compounds; Management methods. The search for research is usually known for the purpose of the work planning, more or less clear theoretical foundations, but not specific directions. In the course of such research, theoretical assumptions and ideas are confirmation, although they can sometimes be rejected or revised.

The priority value of fundamental science in the development of innovative processes is determined by the fact that it acts as a generator of ideas, opens ways to new areas. But the likelihood of a positive way out of fundamental research in world science is only 5%. In the conditions of a market economy, the sectoral science can not be afforded to these studies. Fundamental studies should, as a rule, be financed by the state budget on a competitive basis, and extrabudgetary funds can be partially used.

Applied research is aimed at studying the paths of practical application of previously open phenomena and processes. They are as aimed at solving a technical problem, clarifying unclear theoretical issues, obtaining specific scientific results that will be used in the experimental design work (OCD).

OCC is the final stage of R & D, this is a kind of transition from laboratory conditions and experimental production to industrial. Developments are understood by systematic work, which are based on existing knowledge obtained as a result of NIR and (or) practical experience.

Developments are aimed at creating new materials, products or devices, the introduction of new processes, systems and services or a significant improvement of already manufactured or entered into action. These include:
Development of a specific design of an engineering object or technical system (design work);
development of ideas and options for a new object, including non-technical, at the level of drawing or other system of iconic means (design work);
Development of technological processes, i.e. ways to combine physical, chemical, technological and other processes with labor in a holistic system, producing a certain useful result (technological work).

The development of statistics also includes:
the creation of prototypes (original models with fundamental features of the innovation created);
their testing during the time required to obtain technical and other data and accumulate experiences, which should be reflected in the technical documentation for the use of innovations;
Specific types of design work for construction, which suggest the use of the results of previous studies.

Experienced, experimental work - the type of development related to the experienced verification of scientific research results. Experienced works are aimed at making and developing prototypes of new products, the development of new (improved) technological processes. Experimental works are aimed at manufacturing, repair and maintenance of special (non-standard) equipment, equipment, instruments, installations, stands, layouts, etc. necessary for R & D.

An experienced science base is a set of experienced production (factory, shop, workshop, experimental subdivision, an experimental station yt. P.) Performing experienced, experimental work.

Thus, the purpose of the OCR is the creation (modernization) of the samples of new techniques that can be transmitted after the corresponding tests into serial production or directly to the consumer. At the OKR stage, the final test of theoretical research results is made, the relevant technical documentation is being developed, and samples of new techniques are manufactured and tested. The probability of obtaining the desired results increases from the Nir to the OCD.

The final stage of R & D is the development of industrial production of a new product.

The following levels (regions) of the implementation of R & D results should be considered.

1. Using the results of R & D in other scientific research and development, which are the development of completed NIRs or the science and technology and techniques under other problems and directions.
2. Using R & D results in experimental samples and laboratory processes.
3. Mastering the results of the OCR and experimental work in the experimental production.
4. Mastering the results of R & D and testing prototypes in mass production.
5. Large-scale distribution of technical innovations in the production and saturation of the market (consumers) ready-made products.

The R & D organization is based on the following interdisciplinary documentation systems:
State Standardization System (FCC);
Unified system of design documentation (ECCD);
A unified system of technological documentation (NSC);
A single system of technological preparation of production (EFTA);
Development system and production in production (SRPP);
State system quality system;
The state system of "reliability in the technique";
Labor safety standards (CBT), etc.

The results of experimental work (OCD) are issued in accordance with the requirements of the ECCD.

ECCD is a set of state standards establishing uniform interrelated rules and provisions for the preparation, design and treatment of design documentation developed and used in industry, research, design and design organizations and enterprises. The ESKD took into account the rules, provisions, requirements, as well as the positive experience of registration of graphic documents (sketches, schemes, drawings, etc.), established by the recommendations of ISO International Organizations (International Organization for Standardization), IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission), etc.

ESKD provides for improving the productivity of designers; improving the quality of drawing and technical documentation; deepening intramaneshine and intermoweral unification; exchange of drawing and technical documentation between organizations and enterprises without renewal; simplifying forms of design documentation, graphic images, making changes in them; The ability to mechanize and automate the processing of technical documents and duplication of them (ACS, CAD, etc.).

At the first stage of the life cycle of products - the stage of strategic marketing - the market is investigated, the competitiveness standards are being developed, sections of the "enterprise strategy" are being developed. The results of these studies are transmitted to the R & D stage. However, at this stage, the calculation step is reduced, the number of quality indicators and resource-intensive products, organizational and technical development of production, are significantly expanded, new situations arise. Therefore, at the R & D stage, it is recommended to study the mechanism of action of the Law of Competition and Antimonopoly Legislation.

The term R & D (Research and Development) means "research and development and development" or R & D. These works are aimed at obtaining new knowledge and their use in practical life.

For companies, do not first know what R & D management and, respectively, focused on R & D, it means to be advanced in the creation of new types of products and (or) services of their promotion in the markets.

The NII and CB, common in the Soviet period and the CB, were produced, mainly in the field of armaments. But not only, and for example, in the fundamental areas of science and, practically, in all sectors of another economy. In modern times, many companies use R & D as an important element of their development strategy and detuning from competitors.

But this strategy has its problem areas. First of all, this is the cost of such projects and the timing of their payback. Modern business does not make it possible to even spend a lot of time on the development, their development, introduction, promotion. And what to talk about small and medium businesses.

Nevertheless, if the company considers R & D an important element of its development, then it should not be missed for similar projects. Companies of this kind create their research centers, attract them on an ongoing basis and as temporary consultants of leading specialists and scientists. Create conditions for them required for research, experienced developments, industrial serial developments.

Automotive companies together with manufacturers of automotive components create new car models, and this is a bright example of R & D.

Food companies in collaboration with manufacturers of food components and raw materials constantly offer their customers new types of products, and this is also R & D.

There are constantly developing various gadgets (computers, smartphones, tablets, phones, etc.), and this is also a consequence of R & D. Such examples can be brought in any industry, in many directions of commercial and non-commercial activities of enterprises.

The most important element of the R & D strategy (Research and Development) is the speed of research and development, you need to have time to do this before competitors. And here a very significant element of the business of such companies is to protect intellectual property in order to ensure that the developments are not unpunished used by competitors who are forgiving first to do and offer consumers what invented and designed more successful rivals on business.

Despite the complexity of the organization of R & D, despite the costs associated with the "Design of the Future", many companies, including small, use R & D as a competitive control tool. Not only new products are designed, but also new types of services, which is also important in the competitive struggle for consumers.

In large corporations under R & D (Research and Development), not only individual divisions, but also whole enterprises, research institutes are created. Small companies can create R & D departments, and can implement R & D functions together with marketing or manufacturing. That is, small companies may have a R & D function, but not to have a specially dedicated division in the organizational structure. Regardless of the implementation form, the R & D function, if present in the company, allows the enterprise to develop by creating new types of products and (or) services.

On the organization R & D.

In R & D (Research and Development), usually applied project organization of work. Each new product or service is a separate project. Projects can intersect or even unite in the so-called megaprojects. To manage such projects or megaprojects, it is convenient to use project management methods, project organization of work. In each project, a project manager can be appointed, which develops a project plan, attracts the project of the performers, forms and protects the project budget.

Unlike processes that are one of the most modern forms of enterprise management, projects can also be considered as processes, but having a limited existence. The project should always be completed, while the process can exist in the company almost unlimited time.

Completeness of projects are their most important trait.

This is exactly what allows us to use project management mechanisms to achieve the completion of projects, and with a positive result. It should not be thought that the project itself is already successful. Not. Success can be considered only until the end of the completed project, made on time, within the planned budgets.

R & D example

The example of R & D is Apple's experience in which R & D (Research and Development) remains and still remains (?) The basis of its progressive development. Will it be further? What do her leaders think about this topic after the departure of Steve Jobs is definitely one of the brightest world-class project managers?

This company has almost the same long history as Microsoft, but in this case it is not only about computers, but already about the wider spectrum of technology and electronics that this company produces.

Considering that it appeared in America, and sales go throughout the world, this company can be called transnational and international, since most of the parts for technology are not produced in America, but in other countries. In addition, some of the models are not only produced, but also collected abroad, which means that such a principle of work definitely allows you to consider this corporation international. In addition, a large number of employees who work in this firm (and this is more than 65 thousand people), multinational, so the question of how to name Apple in this case is resolved.

Until 2007, a second word was present in the company's title, however, a decision was made to remove it, since the company produced not only computers, but also another technique. By the way, the spectrum of products produced is quite wide, because if earlier it created only computers, now there are players, phones, laptops and netbooks, as well as tablets.

In addition, it is planned to create a number of devices that will also take their niche in the market. Well, it seems that the company has become very successful, because its phones are the most recognizable, and its computers created on the principle of monoblocks also have good characteristics.

At the same time, a lot of scandals are connected with the company, but everything that Apple has now was created or borrowed during its founder of Steve Jobs. Currently, the development of the company slowed down, despite the fact that the new leadership is trying to bring the company to a new level.

Its income did not fall, they constitute a bough of $ 25 billion a year. But at the same time, the company almost did nothing over the past two years, while each year he brought new devices every year.

Now it remains only to wait for the moment when the next head of the company will decide on how to create new devices, and whether they need people. The company's shares did not rose to the level of two years ago, although all the products that she announced are actively purchased. At the same time, it does not produce any revolutions in the world of technology, continuing smooth development.

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