Business Plan of the Entertainment Center: Necessary Equipment and Documents. Children's entertainment center

Decor elements 12.10.2019
Decor elements
  • Personnel search
  • How much is needed to open a business
  • What documents are needed to open
  • Do I need permission to open
  • Business technology

According to some report, the growth of the market for entertainment complexes and amusement parks is more than 30% per year. The volume of the market in monetary terms is estimated at 15 billion rubles. In the coming years, active growth of this business sector is predicted. At the same time, the entry of new players is still enough - as the experts are noted, the market saturation does not exceed 20%.

The greatest potential for the opening of the children's entertainment center in the regions are cities with population up to 500 thousand people. This fact is due to the fact that in small cities there is a shortage of cultural and leisure infrastructure. At the same time, the income level of the population gradually increases.

Where to start the opening of the children's entertainment center

The opening of the business begins with the search for a suitable room. The most common placement of entertainment centers are large shopping centers. It is understandable. Patency of popular shopping center, especially on weekends, very high. Many visitors go to families (parents and children) are potential clients of the entertainment center.

Entertainment centers in the shopping center are convenient and the fact that parents can not only make purchases, but also entertain their children. The process of shopping for children is very bored and tedious, they need more games and movements. That is why shopping centers willingly distinguish areas for placing game complexes. Due to this, the attendance of the shopping center increases, the revenues of stores and departments are growing. Satisfied with everything.

To accommodate even a small fleet, the area of \u200b\u200b150 m2 will be required. As for the size of the rent, this indicator depends on many factors. The main of them is the regional affiliation of the shopping center, its popularity, the floor where the game complex is located (the 1st and 2nd floor are the most expensive). The cost per 1 m2 may vary from 500 to 5,000 rubles.

But not only shopping centers are the "ideal" placement of the entertainment complex. It can be a separate building, and not necessarily in the city center, and somewhere in a residential area. For example, it looks good with a tandem in the form of a cafe + entertainment complex (labyrinths and gaming rooms). There are even regional networks that develop such a direction.

What equipment to choose for a children's entertainment complex

No less important question - how and what to equip an entertainment complex. How not to get confused among the variety of proposals in the entertainment equipment market?

In many respects, equipment equipment will depend on the location of the entertainment center and the size of free space. The most common equipment of children's entertainment centers are:

Battoo complexes, labyrinths, dry pools. This is perhaps the most popular attractions in entertainment centers that not only bring joy to children, but also develop their dexterity, coordination of movements and courage. Therefore, parents are pleased to behave their "Chad" in such places. If it allows the area - to put surely;

Game video simulators. Also an equally important attraction that has no age limit. A large plus of video simulators is that they are interesting not only to children, but also their parents. Allow not to miss the whole family;

Prize machines - also should be made to the list of mandatory equipment. Allow children to win various prizes, toys and sweets. Adds children interest and excitement, and of course increases the revenue of the entertainment center.

Here is perhaps the main set of what can be installed in the entertainment center. If it allows the area of \u200b\u200bthe room, then it will not be superfluous to install Aerochokke, the game room for the smallest, children's cafes, billiards (for adults) and even bowling.

Room area up to 100m2

If the area is small, then you will need compact equipment - about 5 children's rocking hours, minippers, tap machine gun, aircraft, prize and video automata. Machines should be equipped with bill acceptors and coin acceptors or negotiate with the nearest cashier about selling tokens.

Room area from 100m2 to 500m2

On such an area, the equipment can also be placed, which is presented above, only in more. You can also add a timing lineup line and organize the issuance of prizes in exchange for prize tickets. Depending on the free space, you can organize a children's cafe for holidays, install a playground and a labyrinth. This will allow you to receive additional revenue.

Room area more than 500m2

In the room more than 500m2, you can install the entire list of equipment listed above, but even more. It is possible to install larger attractions. Ticket devices are recommended to be installed in an amount of at least 15 pieces or 30% of the entire list of equipment. The same with video devices is at least 25%. The presence of a labyrinth and a cafe must. Indoor more than 1000m2 can already be thought of installing billiards and bowling.

What taxation system to choose for an entertainment center. What code OKVED indicate

The license to carry out the activities of the entertainment center is not required. As an organizational form, both individual entrepreneurship (IP) and a legal entity (LLC) can be applied. Taxation system is simplified (USN). When filling out the application for registration, specify the OKVED code 92.34.3 "Other spectacular entertainment". And do not forget that within 5 days after registration of activities, you must write an application for the transition to a simplified taxation system (this can be done directly with submission of documents for registration). Otherwise, you will stay on the general tax system with all the resulting.

Personnel search

Depending on the scale of the business, it will be necessary to employ, at least an accountant, cashier, technique (from 2) and operator (from 2 people). If a cafe is planned, the cafe and bartender administrator is added to the list of personnel. Middle Fund of remuneration of a small complex: 100-150 thousand rubles per month.

How much can you earn at the opening of the entertainment business

Any businessman opens a new business is interested in the question of investment, business profitability, and of course payback to this project. Based on the above options for configuring entertainment centers, depending on the area of \u200b\u200bthe room, we will calculate the estimated business profitability in 3 formats:

As can be seen from the table, the more investment is inserted into the project, the higher the profitability of the business and return of investments. This is due to the fact that with an increase in the number of services, the popularity of the center is growing, its attendance, and each visitor spends more and more money.

Entertainment business features

When organizing an entertainment center, it is worth considering that this business is seasonal. The attendance decline is observed in the summer time when children spend more time on the street. Almost all reversed funds at this time go for rent and pay salary to employees.

With the onset of the colds of everyone pulls into the room, the revenues of entertainment complexes are growing, respectively. Therefore, the opening of the business should be carried out either early in spring or late in autumn - in this way, you can beat off a significant part of the cost in the first months of the entertainment center.

How much is needed to open a business

Financial investments on the opening of the children's entertainment center are made up of several components:

  • rental of premises, purchase, construction;
  • acquisition of inventory;
  • plan-design and its arrangement;
  • staff staff;
  • related expenses (may be associated, for example, with summing up communications), etc.

What documents are needed to open

To open a children's entertainment center on legal basis:

  1. registration as an individual entrepreneur (submission of an established sample, payment of state duty, photocopy of all pages of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation) or a legal entity (here the package of documents is significantly expanding). The first option is much cheaper and faster;
  2. lease agreement or purchase of premises, facility, construction of the structure;
  3. contract for the supply of necessary accessories and equipment;
  4. contract of hiring employees;
  5. treaty for export and disposal of waste, etc.

Internal documentation:

  • contract of hiring employees;
  • collective agreement;
  • price-list;
  • instructions on the rules for the provision of services;
  • the procedure for the behavior of visitors, etc.

Do I need permission to open

To open a children's entertainment center, it will take much more documents than above. Additionally, you will need to contact Santsa and get permission. In addition, questions arise with a permit for the fire inspection. And this is only a Tolik needed documents.

Business technology

Business technology for the children's entertainment center is somewhat different from adult entertainment sites. It is necessary to take into account children's psychology, so special equipment is required, equipment that will not harm the child. An employee is needed to be responsible for the safety of children and much more.

Children's entertainment centers are common in medium and large cities of Russia. This is the place of leisure of both small children and adolescents and adults who can go on business, leaving children under the supervision. Therefore, it makes sense to consider this business idea to create a profitable business. At first, you will need to make a business plan for the children's entertainment center, the example of which we offer in this article.

Summary of the project

We consider the opening of a children's entertainment center in the major city of Russia with a shopping center. Such centers are better to open in the shopping and entertainment center, where people go shopping and especially for leisure. In our center there will be entertainment for children from 2 to 10 years and adolescents.

Competition in this area is small. These are similar entertainment children's centers. If there is already one such children's corner in the shopping center, the second one has no meaning. In our shopping center there are no similar institutions, respectively, we can safely open our own, leased 50 square meters. M Square on the second floor.

The schedule of the children's entertainment center is setting on the schedule of the shopping center - from 10:00 to 21:00. The center will operate a card system payment.

Basic business risks:

Registration of activities

Work in the field of children's entertainment requires mandatory registration with tax authorities, providing licenses and certificates for the quality and safety of structures, as well as be sure to obtain permission from fire instance on compliance with fire requirements.

We will register as an IP with a simplified taxation system, 15% from the difference (income minus expenses). For this, we submit an application to the tax, choosing the appropriate form of registration and the OKVED code, in our case - 93.29.9 or group 92.

Costs for registration and obtaining all permits - 10 000 rubles.

Services and prices

Name price, rub.
Service "Leave a child" (term up to 20 minutes), the main attractions 150
Children's trampoline (5 minutes) 150
Creativity room (30 minutes) 300
Gaming labyrinth (20 minutes) 400
Sandbox with cosmic sand (20 minutes) 100
Package "Unlimited" 500
Package "Unlimited with a room of creativity" 800
Package "Unlimited with Batuta" 1 000
Package "Group Unlimited" (up to 5 people) 2 000
Package "Children's Holiday" with the closure of the zone for other visitors for 2 hours from 5,000 to 10,000 (depends on the number of attracted attractions)

Unlimited in the children's entertainment center is valid for one day. The buyer may at any time leave the room and return after a while.

Search for premises

Open a children's entertainment center is planned in the shopping center in the city center, on the 2nd floor. It will take at least 50 square meters to accommodate all attractions and equipment. m. It is important that the ceilings of the room are high enough to accommodate a trampoline for children. The center will be located next to the pizzeria and cafe, where parents can relax, while children play.

We conclude a rental agreement with the TRC administration, paying for 2 months rent a premises at once.

The room will be divided into a children's zone, a playing zone with trampolines and a room for games, a zone for adolescents for adolescents. In addition, a cashier can be installed on the territory of the entertainment center. The cost of rent will be 125 thousand rubles per month. The landlord includes the rental cleaning of the territory with a regular cleaner of this complex and security.

Purchase of equipment

To provide the center you need to purchase equipment. These investments will be the main cost of expenses, however, it is from the choice and a variety of attractions and children's entertainment will depend on the attendance and yield of the center.

Speakers on costs:

Naming of expenditures Amount, rub.
Equipment for the main hall 495 000
Children's mini-tract 50 000
Equipment for the room of creativity (tables, chairs, children's easels) 35 000
Puffy 10 000
Game Labyrinth 100 000
Sandbox with cosmic sand 30 000
Equipment for cashier (table, chair, cash register, laptop) 70 000
Toys 10 000
Music equipment 100 000
TOTAL 900 000


For parents can calmly leave children in the game center, they will need employees. Two employees will work shift at the checkout. Another 4 employees (2 shifts of 2 people) will follow the game hall and children. Another employee is needed in the children's room of creativity. Administrator functions will be performed in the first time the entrepreneur itself.

Estimated personnel:

The entrepreneur will form monthly and pass financial reports on profits, to solve controversial issues with customers.

Marketing and advertising

In the process of developing a business plan, it is necessary to analyze competitors. It is important that in the area there was a minimum of similar institutions. Our main customers are couples with children from 2 to 10 years, adolescents up to 15 years.

For a successful opening and attracting a maximum of visitors, you must use common advertising tools. Be sure to develop attractive flyers, distribute them in the mall and on the street at the entrance. We will also use voice advertising in the shopping center. Create a group on social networks and reveal ads throughout the Central District.

Every month we will spend money on flyers, voice advertising and targeting on social networks 20 000 rubles.

The children's entertainment center will operate a visitor loyalty card. Regular customers are offered 5% discount. In honor of June 1 (Children's Day) and September 1 (Knowledge Day) Discount is given for children 10%.

In addition, there are options for cross-collaboration with other institutions in the TRC on mirror advertising and joint shares.

Costs and income

At this point of the business plan, we will define a consolidated estimate on the starting costs on business and weekly costs. We will also form an approximate profit from the 3rd month and put the sales plan of services. On the basis of consolidated costs and revenues for a month, we calculate the profitability and the payback period of the starting investment in this project.

Starting expenses

For the start of the business, we need 1,190,000 rubles. Our investment in the project will be 690,000, the remaining 500,000 rubles we will take on a bank loan under 15% per annum for 2 years. Monthly payment will be 24,243 rubles.

Monthly expenses


The average check for services is 350 rubles. On the day you can count on receiving up to 50 children. At the exit, this gives revenue of 17 500 rubles a day or 525,000 rubles per month. It is also planned to conduct at least 5 children's holidays with a total revenue of 35 thousand rubles. Thus, the business will bring about 560 thousand rubles to revenue per day.

We calculate the difference between income and expenses to determine the tax payment:

560,000 - 330 000 \u003d 230,000 rubles.

230,000 x 0.15 \u003d 34 500 rubles.

We get pure profit after paying taxes:

230,000 - 34 500 \u003d about 200 000 rubles.

Calculate the profitability indicator of monthly investments:

(200 000/374 500) x 100 \u003d 53.4%.

This business plan shows an acceptable profitability that can be increased to 70%.

Now we calculate the payback period of starting personal investments:

690 000/200 000 \u003d 4 months.

Do not forget about the credit. The faster the process of payback to monthly costs go, the faster the revenue will grow and the possibility will appear early to repay the loan.


This business plan for the children's entertainment center with calculations showed that the opening of the children's entertainment center is an excellent business idea and a fairly profitable business. In the future, you can install virtual reality rides in a separate zone to increase profits. Popularity also uses automata with toys and sweets, shops with toys and souvenirs for children to increase the center revenue.

We will tell you where to start, what you need and share with you advice that will help you correctly organize your business project. So, let's in order.

: register IP

We register as an individual entrepreneur, it is not difficult. Registration will take quite a bit of time, you can contact a special organization that will facilitate your work. You need to be attentive when choosing a tax case system.

Best Tax Option for Children's Entertainment Center

Choosing a simplified system, you will extract the greatest benefit because you do not have to pay a whole list of taxes. All that you are required to give 6% of the total income.

Step 2: Choose the room for the children's entertainment center

In this matter, try not to guess, because your further earnings directly depends on this. The room should be in the place where there are sufficient people's passability.

It is best to locate a children's entertainment center in large stores. Those parents who do not leave their children take them with themselves, but children quickly get tired and they are bored for a long time to go shopping.

So that the child is not boring, It can be left in the entertainment center. Another option is to open the center in a quiet area where you have nowhere to go.

Step Three: We conclude a lease agreement

In order for children's entertainment centers in their commercial premises. Children under the supervision, parents can safely make purchases. They can even offer you discounts for renting rooms.

You can agree with the entrepreneur and offer him part of the income from the business.

Of course, it is divided by its income not everyone wants, but the entrepreneur for his part will go to the meeting, conducting all sorts of promotions and attracting customers to your entertainment center.

Try to conclude a contract for a long time. This is a partial guarantee that you will not be asked in a year or two to free the room when it is already confidently on your feet and brings good profits.

Step four: recruitment for the children's entertainment center

Children are best come for contact with cute girls who have a nice voice. But children sometimes belong to men with distrust.

Also, it makes sense to take a pensioner. Firstly, it is fiscal, secondlyChildren willingly communicate with the elderly female people. The main thing to choose a person of open and loving children.

What kind of salary to solve you, it depends on your city. You yourself decide which you need the number of employees. It also depends on the size of your room. You may need a personal accountant.

Step Fifth: Equipment for Children's Entertainment Center

The whole undertaking with will not make sense without equipment. You can organize a room with soft toys. Finance You will need much less and the room may be small, but there is one minus.

Children over six years will not be very interested in playing it. Let the playing equipment need more money, but the flow of children will be much more.

So, as you understand, in the opening of the children's entertainment center there are positive parties, but there are pitfalls. It is important to listen to the tips, then your business will bring a stable financial income, which can later grow into a decent financial profit.

Having invested the starting capital at the beginning, in the future you will get good fruits from your business.

An ideal business for a young mother is the opening of a children's game room. Often the thought about this business comes to the head of those who have a child (or even a few children), who have nowhere to bring to have fun or not be left for an hour. After analyzing the market, the lady with the entrepreneurial entrance understands that this problem is relevant not only for her. Babi boom, which began thanks to state support in the form of issuing maternal capital for the second child, makes a niche of children's entertainment very interesting from the point of view of doing business.

The following business plan "How to open a children's playroom" will clearly show what to pay attention to the novice entrepreneur at the stage of preparing a business in order to further exercise effective activities.

It is impossible to say that a children's room is a highly profitable business. Pursuing them, the entrepreneur is unlikely to pay off invested funds in a couple of months. However, this is a fairly stable enterprise, since the demand for it falls only in the summer months, when the main flow of customers is not enough on the warm city beach or coming from the city.

Given the summer outflow of customers, the opening of the children's game room is advisable to do at the beginning of autumn.

Market Analysis and Evaluation of Competition

In order for investment in the business to be irrevocably, it is necessary to carefully study the established situation in the field of children's entertainment. So, it is important to find out:

You can find out whether the demand for the services of the room will be the release of the announcement of its opening. If there are calls or messages in social networks in response - it means that the idea is relevant. If the announcement of interest does not cause, perhaps the market is oversaturated, the population of your city is too small or there is a low purchasing power of citizens, not ready to pay for your services.

The analysis will help the entrepreneur to estimate the feasibility of entering this business. If he showed that the service of the children's game room will be in demand, you should move to the process of registration.

How to open a playroom for children: registration

Any activity that makes a profit by the law of our state should be taxed. In order not to violate the law, we should contact the tax inspectorate for paperwork. For this business, it is preferable to register as, since, firstly, it is cheaper than, and secondly, IP can get some tax breaks.

The license for the provision of general education services is not required, which greatly simplifies the task.

The gaming room visitor should receive a cash check or a strict reporting unit from the operator. Most often enjoy the forms that are ordered in any printing house.

There are no official requirements from permissive bodies yet, so we do everything possible so that there are no complaints with any complaints with possible checks:

  • the room should be ventilated;
  • once a week, disinfection should be carried out;
  • children with visible symptoms of infectious or colds should not be allowed to visit;
  • to follow the order and work with children should a man without criminal record and, preferably, with pedagogical education: Teacher, nurse or teacher of kindergarten, graduates or senior students of pedagogical diseases, universities and colleges.

What is needed to open a children's game room?

Determine the placement

One of the most important factors in organizing this business is its location, because it is precisely how many children will attend a game room depends, ultimately, the profitability of the business.

Choosing the place of placement of the children's room, entrepreneurs most often stop at two accommodation options:

  • in a large shopping center. Staying at the shopping center, the entrepreneur determines its choice with a large flow of people. Parents can leave their child and quietly shopping. This is also understood by the owners of shopping centers, so sometimes, having an empty area, go for concessions in lease issues: significantly underestimate the rental rate or provide an area for free. Also considers the payment option for rent 10-20 percent of profit;
  • opening room In a residential area Interestingly, a large number of people in the dense-selected megapolis microdistrict do not have enough time to overcome a long road, often with traffic jams, to shopping centers. Therefore, it is quite convenient for them to have a small children's room near the house, kindergarten or school.

Choosing the room, you need to pay attention to some details:

  • if we are talking about the shopping center, the room should be near the entrance, and not at the very end of the corridor, which is not every parent with a small child;
  • if we sit in a residential area, ideally rent the first floor of the building. Excellent if a separate entrance will be available, for example, from the end of the building;
  • the room itself should be spacious, light, with good decoration, the room must comply with all the requirements of fire and Rospotrebnadzor;
  • the toilet rooms must be either in the rented room itself, or in close proximity to it;
  • the area of \u200b\u200bthe room must be at least 30 square meters. meters.

The area of \u200b\u200bthe room depends on how much you are willing to pay for rent and from the alleged one-time number of children present. If you are planning that at the same time there are ten children in the room, then twenty square meters of the square will be enough.

We draw up the interior of the game room

It is no secret that the children love all bright and multicolored, which is why the interior of the children's play room is drawn up in accordance with the preferences of small clients. We categorically do not advise you to make black color and non-juicy dirty tones in the design of the game room.

The game room should have minimum two zones: For active games and recreation area. If it is supposed to be held in the room birthdays, parties and thematic tea drinking, there must be an appropriate equipment in the room or at least a place for it.

Game room and her equipment

By purchasing the necessary equipment for the game room, it is necessary to be guided by the focus of the business with which the entrepreneur should already have to determine this time on the basis of the data market received during the analysis.

If the bulk of future visitors will be aged at the age of three years, the room must be soft in the literal sense of the word. Here, literally everything is made of printed material. These are houses, and a variety of designers with large details, and soft puzzles.

The older guys will appreciate the zone where you can draw and sculpt from plasticine. There may be tables and chairs, easels, cabinets with all the necessary materials.

The main cost is a purchase of children's multi-level labyrinths with a lot of obstacles, a slide, ladder, pears, ropes, etc. The bright slides, made of highly strong carbon fiber, are especially pleasing to children, as you can roll with them in a special dry pool with thousands of multi-colored balls. By the way, in a dry pool, in addition to pleasure, children also get the massage of the whole body.

Many are placed in the children's room small inflatable trampolines or sports nets, as the children of all ages like jumping.

In addition, attention should be paid to functional furniture: sofas, chairs, hangers for outerwear, lockers for books and materials, shelves for the first shoes, the table for staff, etc.

It is no secret that the more diverse the equipment will be, the more interesting the children. Therefore, only its own fantasy can be limited here and available.

Personnel search

To start looking for staff to work in the game room, you need one and a half to two months before the alleged discovery. Attraction to the work of an inappropriate person sometimes entails unpleasant consequences: poor handicap with children, lack of order in the room, damage to equipment and even dragging from the owner of revenue. Therefore, it is important to approach this stage as responsibly as possible.

Of course, the perfect option is to work in the game room for two or three months. Then, having studied the whole process "From the inside", it will be easier to find personnel and subsequently control it. The easiest way to find an employee is to place a message about hiring on the bulletin board.

In addition, that the employee loved children and knew how to communicate with them, he must perform the following tasks:

  • ensure the safety of children during their location in the game room,
  • conduct familiarization mini-excursions, showing the kids that and where is located,
  • monitor the serviceable work of the existing equipment,
  • maintain cleanliness and order in the room.

Financial part

So, we found out how to open a children's game room from registration before equipping. What are the financial costs and estimated profits?

The purchase of all the necessary equipment will require from 200 thousand rubles at least to one and a half million maximum. Plus, to primary spending - registration as an individual entrepreneur - 5000 rubles, small cosmetic repair of the premises - about 10,000 rubles.

In addition, there are also permanent spending, such as:

  • rental of premises - from 10,000 to 100,000 rubles, depending on the selected location of the dislocation;
  • salary to employees of the megapolis, given that they will work in two shifts - 2 people * 15 000 rubles each \u003d 30000 rubles; Remuneration in a small settlement - 7-8 thousand rubles.

The cost of visiting the child of the children's gaming room varies from 100 rubles in a small town to 200 rubles per hour in a large megalopolis. If we consider that in the big shopping center in the middle room there will be 5 people per hour, the revenue will be about 10,000 rubles for a 10-hour shift. In a small settlement, visiting statistics are less pleasant: 10-12 people visit the room per day, respectively, the daily revenue will be 1000-1200 rubles.

Making calculations, we find out that average profit There will be about 200 thousand rubles per month in the millionth, and about eighteen thousand rubles will be about 200 thousand rubles, and about eighteen thousand rubles.

So, as the business plan of the children's room shows, in order for it to be profitable, it is enough to correctly analyze the market, find a good place to locate, purchase high-quality equipment, pick up the staff and spend a good advertising campaign. Thanks to the above actions, permanent customers who bring business owner will appear at the opened gaming room.


If a business related to children is the direction you want to devote your time and achieve success, pay attention to the inexpensive franchisees, allowing a small amount to purchase a ready-made business related, for example, with the sale of unique toys.

So, provides for entrepreneurs the opportunity to acquire a business for the sale of unique modern dolls. They are created from environmentally friendly, high-quality materials. Handwork is distinguished by uniqueness and aesthetic attractiveness. Products have great demand, so bring to entrepreneurs high profits.

Franchise worth 59 thousand rubles offers favorable conditions. Partners will receive their own online store, step-by-step instructions, catalogs of dolls and dresses towards them and much more. Cooperation will be the most profitable as possible, since the businessmen will require a minimum of efforts to promote.

If you are a woman, besides yet, a mother who dreams of doing their profitable business, then our article is about how to create entertainment centers for children just for you.

To try yourself in this business can both man, but the mother of an active child will be clearer what it is necessary for that children be satisfied with all 200%.

What is the entertainment center for children?

Children from 1 year can play in such establishments, it's good to spend time on weekends with family. School children love to walk in such centers after a difficult school day.

Spectrum of services that offer employees of game centers for children depends on their fantasy and initial capital.

In addition to the playground itself with attractions, it is advisable to open a small cafe, where parents can buy children from food and drinks.

Many parents are ordered to conduct children's holidays in entertainment centers. Here you can celebrate your birthday, completion of the school year, children's graduation, to conduct a sporting event, etc.

The area under the center is needed much less than to open the center of entertainment for adults.

In the first place there is equipment for games. At the site should be attractions for children of any age, you can install slot machines.

A place under the center needs to be rented in the city center, so that it is convenient to get here to everyone. Well, if such an institution is in a major trading room. Parents can leave for a couple of hours of the child, and their own business themselves.

Business Plan of the Children's Entertainment Center

Every business should be started with a plan that needs to be clearly followed, otherwise you can miss an important detail, and all the idea will disappear.

When you decide to open your center for children, make a business plan where the amount of initial capital will be indicated, and all stages of the process are written. We have prepared his brief sample for future entrepreneurs.

№1. We rent a room.

When opening a business, as a rule, it is initially necessary to obtain the status of IP or LLC. In our case, in the first place is the search for the premises for the entertainment center.

So that customers have always, platforms need to be sought in the city center or other crowded areas of your region.

Come with a proposal for cooperation on major shopping centers, but it is desirable that your gaming room be the first and only one, because with competitors it will be more difficult to raise business to your feet.

As for the quadrature, it all depends on the tools that you have.

On average, gaming centers are ranging from 30 to 70 m2. The main thing is to fit all the necessary equipment.

If there is still an idea in your plans, you will have to rent a room more. After all, there will be more tables for holidaymakers, a rack for waiters and a kitchen.

№2. Registration and collection of documents.

Here it will be discussed exactly about the opening of the children's entertainment center, we will not talk about the documentation related to the cafe and other additional checks.

First of all, it is necessary to register himself as an individual entrepreneur.

For this you need to bring such documents to the Tax Inspectorate:

  1. A photocopy of a passport with a valid registration.
  2. Application for form for receiving IP.
  3. A receipt confirming the payment of state duty (its size and details for the transfer of funds will indicate the tax inspector).

After receiving all documents from the tax service, you will have to order printing for the organization and open a bank account.

Next instance - This is a sanitary-epidemiological service (SES). Their representatives must assess the premises on the norms of existing standards and give permission to open the institution.

In addition, it is necessary to obtain permission from the fire inspection. To do this, you need to create a evacuation plan and set the built-in anti-fire alarm.

All employees of the institution are obliged to pass a medical examination, the mark of the conclusion of doctors should be in the medical record. Rehend to this item strictly, because your employees will work with children, do not expose their risk.

Number 3. We buy inventory for the children's center.

The most expensive stage is the purchase of equipment for the children's play center.

At least need:

Names of equipmentnumberPrice in Rubble
TOTAL:261 600
1. Labyrinth
1 210 000
2. Reception
1 14 000
3. Chairs
3 9 000
4. Laptop
1 24 000
5. Wardrobe
1 4 600

At first, this will be enough. As soon as you see that customers are becoming more and more, you can buy inventory. For example, purchase slot machines, a trampoline, a dry pool with balls, etc.

It all depends solely on your imagination and opportunities.

We advise you to find a reliable manufacturer of playgrounds and work exclusively with it.
Your affiliate company under the contract will be obliged to deal not only by manufacturing the goods, but also its installation, completeration, repair, etc.
Be sure to check the entire equipment supplier documentation. After all, the health of children depends on the health of your playground.

Buy a universal module that is suitable for children of different ages, at least from 3 to 14 years.

If you want to please the kids to women, you will have to purchase a separate platform with. It will cost a minimum of 100 thousand rubles.

№4. Set of employees to the staff.

Search for a suitable candidacy to the post of animator (a person who will follow the children, to arrange holidays to them, play with them) it is possible at the stage of collecting documents to register the entertainment center.

They must be at least two to develop a challenge.

Most often students agree to such work, because for them it is an additional opportunity to earn money for life.

An animator salary approximately has 10 thousand rubles. In addition, it is desirable to accrue them in the amount of 5 - 10% of the revenue of the entertainment center, it is an additional 10 more - 15 thousand. Such a bonus is needed in order for animators to be materially interested in customer sailing.

Administrative issues do most often the owner of the children's entertainment center.

Regarding staff accountant: Rent once a year, so there is no need to hire a staff worker of the Economic Department. If you need financial statements, you can order a service in an outsourcing company.

Also need to hire cleaner and as needed a security guard. Their salary fluctuates within 10 thousand rubles and does not provide for additional premiums.

How to organize the work of the entertainment center for children?

The mode of operation in entertainment centers for children has its own characteristics. Most often work weekends from 9 am to 9 pm.

The stay fee is taken in half an hour or an hour. In 60 minutes you need to give up 50 - 100 rubles.

The restriction will help unload the filing of the labyrinth so that there is no strong crush and the guys did not harm themselves.

In addition to the time frame, it is necessary to adhere to the permissible number of children who can be in the attraction at the same time. This digit must indicate manufacturers of the game labyrinth.

Try to ensure that there are no sick children on the site. Hang a warning about the restrictions at the entrance to the entertainment center.

To attract more customers, come up with discounts and promotions. For example, during the birthday period, the birthday boy can play for free. Money will be calculated only from guests. You can reduce the price in those temporary segments when children on the site are less than all. This is usually in the morning and up to 3 o'clock in the afternoon.

Do not forget that this business has a seasonal. In the summer, children love to play on the open-air sites.

If you have enough investment, you can also open a street entertainment center for children.

Starting and profitability of business entertainment centers for children

It is important to clarify that the amount to open the entertainment center for children may vary depending on the region, equipment, the cost of renting the room.

For one hour of the game in the entertainment center, parents must pay from 100 rubles. If the center is gaining popularity, then a month can be made of profit in the amount of 150,000 rubles. Playback of the institution of about 1-2 years.

Try yourself in this business and open entertainment center for children - It will be interesting to everyone.

Moreover, the risk that all investments will disappear are minimal. The initial capital is relatively small, it can be mastered by a practical any novice entrepreneur.

Planning to open an entertainment center for children?

Then see how such an institution is inside:

The payback period is also acceptable, and if you go to the case with full responsibility and love, then the business will only flourish.

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