Zodiac sign more killers Which sign. Representatives of which signs of the zodiac more often become criminals? How to draw attention to the Virgin

The buildings 28.06.2020
The buildings

Always everyone tells about what twins are dangerous, and in fact - this is the safest sign!

Twins have the least blood in their hands, because they do not treat anyone to anyone to kill or embroider.

Or maybe they just whine people to death! This is in their spirit!

11. Aquarius.

The second from the end sign - Aquarius!

Aquarius is very valued justice, and their self-liberty is so great that they are quite difficult to offend them. We do not know why, but they were in second place after the twins on security.

Perhaps they simply do not come across, because they have enough mind not to leave evidence. So the FBI statistics simply does not reflect the whole truth!

10. Lion.

Let you do not scare rav - it's just a big cat!

They say when they still commit murder, then only for the sake of attention.

9. Scales.

We all know the scales as fair, good and patient people, but they make more murders than lions and aquarius, which is very unexpected.

Although every patience has a limit. Probably, the scales resort to violence when others abuse them with good intentions.

8. Virgo.

Virgo is not the most pronounced psychopath, but a very neat killer!

However, it is worth noting that the Virgin is more prone to theft and fraud than killing.

7. Fish.

Do you think fish - solid cuties? You're wrong.

Famous serial killers John Wayne Geysi, Richard Ramirez and Eiley Warnos were fish on the sign of the zodiac!

Unfortunately, fish have a congenital propensity to dependence, which leads them to committing murders.

6. Capricorn.

Although the serial killers, born under the sign of Capricorn, are not very much, the serial killer with the greatest number of victims was Capricorn!

Although Capricors are famous for law, apparently, they simply do not need to withdraw themselves.

Capricorns are not killed often, but if they start, they cannot stop.

5. Aries.

Aries are generally inclined to madness, so the fifth place is not surprising.

They are terrible in rage, but they are not angry. Therefore, if you are angry with Aries, just hidey from it for a while.

He will forget that he was angry with you, and you will be alive!

4. Taurus.

The kick of the Taurus is truly terrible!

But the calves are more often engaged in fraud than murder.

What to do - they love luxury!

3. Sagittarius.

So the first triple! Closes her Sagittarius!

Representatives of this sign do not like to be exchanged for trifles. For example, the archers were Ted Bande, Pablo Exobar and Joseph Stalin.

They prefer large crimes and mass murders to then declare themselves by the "leaders."

2. Scorpio.

So, Scorpio officially ranked second in the list of psychopaths! Someone is surprising?

Since most serial killers were born in November, most of them are scorpions (and the rest are Sagittarius).

They are famous for sophisticated sadism and especially bloody killings.

1. Cancer.

First place among maniacs, oddly enough, got cancer!

These are usually killed from jealousy.

Cancer mood swings often lead them to a crime.

It says a lot about the typical characteristics of the zodiac signs: someone is very clever, someone is the most sexy, and someone is indecent enviable. We should remember the real statistics. So, to demonstrate criminal inclinations, the dates of the birth of serial killers opened in the FBI. According to the results of their research, some signs of the zodiac are more prone to certain types of crime.

Quite all - twins, and the most dangerous ...


Despite the fact that twins can be heard a lot of bad, they are the least dangerous sign of the zodiac! Among the twins are rarely found those whose hands were in the blood, as they perceive others not so seriously to wander or kill them. The greatest harm to which they are capable is to crush a man with their chatter.


Aquarius takes care of justice and has a strong ego. This is the second least dangerous zodiac sign. Perhaps this is due to the fact that they are smart enough to not come across, or they simply do not leave evidence after the crime.

Lions seek to avoid any trouble. According to statistics, if the lion makes killing, then it makes it only to attract attention.


Scales are considered good, fair and patient. However, among them more often there were cases of murders than among water and lions. Scales usually become cruel if you try to take advantage of their good intentions.


Among the virgins are usually there are psychopaths and very clever killers. However, the Virgin more often resort to fraud and theft than to murder.


If you thought that fish are very non-smoky people, you are very mistaken. Among the most famous serial killers a lot of fish. Given their tendency to addiction, the fish often commit crimes.


Among all the signs of the zodiac, Capricorn are the average serial killers. Although they respect the rules and laws, in rage they demonstrate the worst. They rarely kill, but if they begin to do it, they are difficult to stop.


People born under the sign of Aries, famous for their uncontrollable character. They can easily get angry, but, as a rule, quickly subscribe. You should stay away from Aries when they are in anger, they will soon forget that they were angry.


The wrath is very intense. However, this zodiac sign is more inclined to fraud, and not to the murder.


Sagittarius is in the third position in the list of the most dangerous signs of the zodiac. They are not aimed at small crimes, but for something more ambitious, for example, mass murder. Although in most cases, Sagittarius rarely cause evil to others. They often make theft, but they are very difficult to catch.

"Reliable, serious and solid"- so usually talk about very many people. Or about terrible bores.

The grinding of earth signs of the zodiac has always been listed among astrologers with good guys. Is there anything terrible? Well, yes, no, but just remember how the last time your companion was mixed when you said that he was "really a good man, but ...". Who wants to meet with the type that only your mom loves?

Of course, it warms the soul that your risks born under the earth signs of the zodiac always remember the birthdays of her grandchildren and can name Latin every forty thousand varieties of flora and fauna in her yard.

A similar location to the bazers, devices and Capricors, Capricorn, also feeds your daddy, admiring their ability to correctly fill out the tax return and apparent inability to make dirty proposals by his daughter.

And if you say seriously, then since you crave to walk all day in non-zeal white dresses, suffer from painful hard work and pay a non-promotional loan, then grab any of these bastards. They do everything with such an unbroken automatism that marriage with them will seem eternity.

The bastards of earthly signs are healthy and distinguished by longevity, as they never get involved in risky adventures and are not inclined to frivolous intriguity. However, with some fraction of luck, they will get bored you to death. And it will happen very soon - you do not have to wait for this decades.

Virgo (24.08 to 23.09)

Have you ever thought about what is going on in the head of the serial killer? Learn that psychology beats, you can, having met with Merzava Virgin. Since you set out to succeed in part of the psychopathy, you should:

a) with pleasure to repeat the same tedious task, turning off the brain at the same time;

b) differ by unhealthy attention to the smallest details - such that for normal people living a full-fledged life, do not pose any interest;

c) be too fat to not notice acquaintances, which at the sight of you are moving to the other side of the street;

d) make up control tables in order to make sure that all your threats are executed.

If you are currently in love with a man born under the sign of the Virgin, and you do not want to believe the truth (he seems so pleasant, calm and modest small), then look at any detective novel, where it is told about the psyche, which carries the ice rope. And now try to object that none of your friends looks like this character and you are only a set of disturbing coincidences.

Let's stop at them, leaving aside bulky generalizations and streamlined wording. For us, specific parts are of paramount importance. All his strange habits serial killer Virgo acquired in childhood. Even if we replace the breaking of the wings in insects to pick up brands, night incontinence of urine on the seat on the needle, and the passion for arson on an unhealthy interest in algebra, you still have to admit that the resemblance is quite frightening.

This potential Bates (the hero of the film Alfred Hichkoka "Psycho") inspires such a deep disgust that even the mother of the Virgin constantly deals him to take candy from strangers and trying to lose it in huge supermarkets every possible way. With a certain luck, he will follow her advice to move the street only on red light, and the poor thing no longer have to hear from it, how to defrost the refrigerator.

Add to this an ordinary (what a longing!) Teenage fear that turns a little cowardly, pale and skinny Junc into a real walking bomb with a watchmaking. Typically, the point of reference is psychological trauma. Pure and neatly trimmed, in well-headed pants, teen Virgo causes the desire to beat him away from other boys. He will not at all be in a sense, for which he is being lurpping, and it gives the boys the foundation of a coster of it further.

And who will scold girls who did not want to kiss him on the school parking lot? After all, they agree to this, and he would be so close, which would be scrupulously to consider their appearance. The serial killer of the Virgin of such a doorway, which will see not only all the pimples on the cheeks of the girl, but also acne, wen, and open pores, and torn capillaries. If he happened to carefully look at the maiden's eyes, he will undoubtedly show himself as an iridologist (Iridology - the study of the human body on the iris).

Of course, adult man following difficulties with women (By the way, this is another slapped argument, allowing the average psychos to justify its own asocial behavior when a fat, continuously smoking detective alcoholic) finally caught. It was the piercing look of the Virgin almost immediately turns you into a trembling container of neurosis. Of course, you can have sex and turning off the light, but then you will not see how his hand will dyate under the bed behind the knife for the ice rod.

Undoubtedly, male male learns under a microscope and your habits. If you are from those girls for whom to clean up - it means to wave a vacuum cleaner in the middle of the living room, you will bring the satellite of the virgin to madness (this will require a little effort). It will happen in the event that you, cleaning the bath, sweat it with a piece of soap and rinse the shower, - and here are preparing for trouble.

Of course, we can not even assume that you will fall into his list of implemented designs. Although look at this option from an attractive side: in a long term, to become a victim of the killer less painfully, rather than tolerate its continuous discontent. The unhealthy attention of the virgin's hygiene is bordered by pathology. The reason for this relationship is clear to everyone, except for fatty investigators, looking for serial killers.

Leave the girl alone with his habits, and he will live in disarray for months. But, if you continue to make cleanliness and shine in his house, the forensic examiner team will not be under the power to collect elbow shreds of hair, blood and bones from the carpet of the living room.

In addition to the foregoing, there is another disadvantage that the authors usually pass, describing the less sympathetic properties of the nature of the Virgin. And it happens so because they lack the spirit of the Spirit to make themselves write on paper about this quality. They successfully depict the hands and beatings, they will completely cope with blood buckets. But the attitude of the Virgin to the money is a forbidden topic (a well-seated whisper should begin here).

We are very immersion against the truth, declaring the girl with a meager. "Poorness", quite harmless word, will not even remotely give the degree of tackle of this bastard. It should be considered a monstrous miser, capable of stealing a trifle from the cap of the blind, if the poor beggar does not see anything.

Merzavets Virgo is very precisely applied to its cash and for nothing will take it, leaving the house. However, he willingly allow you to spend your own money - as a rule, on expensive costumes, which will replace its former, blurred wardrobe, given in dry cleaning.

Equally, both for all the disgusting traits of behavior, and for such skuerdyanic peasants there is a long-standing psychological explanation: since "customers" do not pay him for the work performed for the sake of their good, and the word does not mention it in their wills, Virgo is forced to be greedy to money.

In order to reduce this prolonged murder history, we note: the only thing that Virgo is readily spends its own and / or your money, are the items of a personal toilet, cleaning products for homework and, of course, hellish knives for ice rings.

How to determine the girl

If a man seems to you vaguely acquaintances, then he is Virgo. You probably saw his photorobot in the section "Wanted dangerous criminals" and remember some words like "clogged to death", "pursuit" and "Virgo". Externally, it is pretty attractive: impeccable clothing, as a rule, blonde hair - this is exactly what most serial killers look like in detective TV shows. Just look for a quiet, discreet and concentrated type, which is not busy and intently looks at you from the other end of the room, leading you to confusion.

Where to find male.

It can break into the bank and demand to give out money due for "work". It can be found invalid from the venue for self-sustaining seminars. It is possible that it is silent in the ranks of reservists. In the public toilet, he can rush off the hands of evidence. In a psychiatric hospital of a strict regime, it complains that the warders were put on him a stray shirt in advance and, moreover, it does not fit with the pants.

How to draw attention to the Virgin

Milk about your inheritance. Then swipe the finger on the bar counter and say the tirade that it disgusts a lot of dust.

First date

Deciding finally invite you on a date, he will lead you to one of the centers of Hare Krishna, where in less than fifty rubles you will have the opportunity to eat the whole lentil who does not climb into your mouth. (Useful advice: Do not at the bottom of the pretendation offer to divide the account in half, if you really don't want to get rid of all the little things at the bottom of your bag). Be on guard when at the end of the evening he will mention one magnificent place, where you can skip the cup between the case, and say that it is somewhere in the basement, on the top of the cliff or at the end of the dark alley.

When to do that

Never. Virgin bare is as suitable for sex like a mad cow for traditional roast.

When to make a conversation about marriage

What marriage can we talk about? "When you gather to clean your crane, do not forget to also put the bath!" "Why should I pay for lunch again?" or "Why do you bring your hair on your chest, if you have so little on your head?"

The date of the human birth determines its belonging to that or another sign of the zodiac and has an impact on the formation of a person. Based on statistical data, researchers have drawn up a variety of ratings. They expressed the predisposition of representatives of various zodiac symbols to those or other characteristics. For example, the most loyal are Virgin, scorpions are inherent in pronounced sexuality, and twins have the best sense of humor. The article will show the rating of the symbols of the zodiac on beauty, um, loyalty, wealth and other curious parameters.

A lion. I know how to make your beauty profitably, even if it does not have impeccable parameters. Extremely charming. Capricorn. Conducts well to present yourself, easily creates its original style. Sagittarius. It has a powerful charisma, so it is impossible to pay attention to the representative of this sign. Aries. Memorable from the first gaze thanks to the bright image and originality. Twins. Often change their image, sometimes radically. Their appearance expresses attitude towards the world at this moment. Calf. It always looks natural. It has an excellent feeling of taste. Cancer. It looks sophisticated and original. Does not love bright and prominent images. Scorpio. It has exotic beauty, sensual, considers himself perfect. Virgo. Carefully monitors. Spellly presents its beauty, even if it does not have impeccable appearance. Aquarius. Attractive not only outside. Attracts representatives of the opposite sex and their inner light. Libra. Possess an expressive face and beautiful hands. Can make a disharmony in the image of a malfunction of clothing or hair color. Fish. Do not accept vulgar images. Attract the opposite sex the mysteriousness of the image.

In this ranking you can see certain trends. But it should be remembered that the appearance and perception of man around them depend not only on the sign of the zodiac. In addition, the concept of beauty is subjective. Based on statistical data, such a rating was compiled. Among the symbols of the zodiac, regardless of the position occupied, it is possible to meet both a very nice representative and the standard of beauty.

Mental capacity

Twins. Curious and easily trained. Owners of an inquisitive mind. Aquarius. Using his mind only in its own interests. Sagittarius. Thoughtful and calm. It has an analytical mind and is able to manage not only an enterprise, but even the state. Calf. It is distinguished by perseverance in training, knows how to use accumulated knowledge. Scorpio. In the event of an insufficient mental understanding of the issue, heights with persistence and purposefulness. Aries. Easy learns, but lazy. Therefore, the mind applies for the merit of personal goals. Capricorn. It is distinguished by torture and perseverance, but sometimes subject to laziness. Virgo. Smart, inquiring. Uses these properties to climb the career ladder. A lion. Using his mind on full, but I find out in this benefit and practical benefits. Fish. The presence of the mind is often leveled by simplicity and carelessness. Libra. Owners of analytical mind. All solutions accepted by them are ragging. Cancer. Lazy, considers learning a silly spending time. In life consumes only a part of the knowledge gained.


Scorpio. If he slept, he will never go to betray. A lion. The representative of this sign of the zodiac is faithful and reliable. Virgo. Random relations include squeamingly and selectively, so keeps loyalty. Calf. The family representative of this sign is counting on the loyalty of its halves and pays the same coin. Libra. They have stability and equilibrium. Notes are not prone to treason. Aquarius. Created to betray, if he feels that he was tied to the house. Cancer. Reliable and faithful, but only as long as he is comfortable. Fish. Between the sublime feelings and sexual pleasure will be interrupted by 2nd. Capricorn. His soul wants to be true, but the body wants new sensations. Twins. Not permanent, in any way find benefits and comfort. Aries. A good family man, but changes due to love for new sensations. Sagittarius. For him, love is a game, sport, adventure. Fights from Sagittarius should not be expected.

Scorpions, Lions and Virgin - the most faithful zodiac signs. Treaste (rating indicates this) they are not peculiar.

Capable of murder

This list is based on statistical data. The rating of killers among the symbols of the zodiac looks like this:

A lion. His acts are distinguished by rudeness and scale. He loves to demonstrate its strength and scope. Calf. Do not feel the feelings of revenge until they infringe on his interests. They act out of the korear. Twins. They differ in rudeness and cunning. Sometimes superfluous, but they act resolutely and ruthlessly. Cancer. Differs in cunning. Acts, guided by Corious. Thinking up his acts to the smallest detail. Libra. Kill in the name of the idea. Very cruel and cold-blooded. Capricorn. Acts are thought out to the smallest detail. Do not receive showing and unnecessary destruction. The main thing is to achieve a goal and hide evidence. Aries. It is distinguished by rigidity, not merciless. Often acts from the false sense of justice. Virgo. Calculate and extremely careful. Her acts are treated, calculated and irreversible. Fish. Cuddling, merciless and gambling. Kill without a caustic, but for the sake of success, power and recognition. Sagittarius. Wastevy, illogical and neakkuraten. Permits heavy errors. Scorpio. Cheeky, but cautious. The bulk of "Glumchah" is his hand. Aquarius. His crime is carefully thought out and calculated, despite the eccentricity inherent in this sign.

Problems with psyche

Virgo. It may be angry, for example, on purity, at the calorie calculation in the eaten food or on the scrupulous information of the balance of income and expenses. A lion. The surrounding must unconditionally obey his will, because he is the king. Twins. Voices in the head do not give them peace. Cancer there are many personalities and sublipses. Fish. Plots in protracted depression. Communicate with otherworldly worlds and travel in parallel reality. Libra. Alarm attacks and suffer from chronic indecision. Aquarius. The reasons in order to go crazy, he has many as a result of an open and unnecessary consciousness of this sign of the zodiac. Aries. Inclined to maniacal-depressive psychosis. The rapid change of mood and emotions from the wild rage to the state of euphoria and bliss. Capricorn. It can be mired in routine and monotony and feel completely comfortable. Scorpio. The chronic form of paranoia is not excluded. Cancer. Created with head to go into occult sciences. Calf. Funds and opposite sex - these are two things on which it may even be too much. Sagittarius. The attacks of claustrophobia are characteristic, that is, fear of closed rooms.

Next to violence

The signs of the zodiac, which can show violence, according to the rating are located in this way:

Fish. Inherent, pronounced anger and tendency to perversions. Calf. Not impulsive. The victim elected in advance declares his rights, and in case of refusal, it acts by force. Aries. It does not humiliate, does not justify its excellence, and simply overcomes resistance. Twins. Cynic and sadists. The act of violence is accompanied by beatings and perversions. Capricorn. Makes violence to gain power over the victim. Cancer. The main motive is revenge for the previous failures in love or for the unavailability of the victim. A lion. With no superiority suppresses the resistance of his victim. Libra. Act with pronounced angry and perversions. Virgo. Makes violence due to inherent sexual complexes. Does it for gaining peace of mind. Aquarius. In its actions there is no sexual subtext. There is only a desire to stun and shock the victim. Sagittarius. Makes Violence Derzko, unbridled and perverted. Scorpio. Acts from revenge. The reason for her may be inflicted material damage or an insult.


Virgo. It is difficult hardworking, vigilance, analytical warehouse and sobriety of mind. Scorpio. A talented strategist, passionately goes to his goal and reaches the want. It has a gift of conviction. Twins. The property gives them a feeling of freedom and allows you to satisfy the craving for everything new. Aries. It works fruitfully and, accordingly, earns well. Libra. It is quite reasonable to finance. Choose a gold middle between price and quality. Cancer. Differs more prudential. Squitis, choosing the most reliable storage method. Capricorn. Even earning capital, continues to relate to wealth with the mind, without going to the means and not committing thoughtless spending. A lion. Maximum and transcription. He lives on a complete coil, and therefore from time to time it is even on the verge of poverty. Calf. It is characterized by hardness of character and sanity. Fish. Talented, but impractical. Indifferent to money. Aquarius. The idealist confidently coming to his goal. Sagittarius. Spraying and does not know how to notice the little things.


Libra. Aquarius. Aries. Fish. Scorpio. Calf. Sagittarius. Capricorn. Virgo. Cancer. Twins. A lion.


Scorpio. Aries. Calf. A lion. Twins. Cancer. Fish. Sagittarius. Aquarius. Libra. Virgo. Capricorn.

Fun - above all

Twins. Virgo. Sagittarius. Aquarius. Aries. A lion. Scorpio. Calf. Capricorn. Fish. Libra. Cancer.

The rating of the mostst symbols of the zodiac

The strongest symbol of the zodiac - fish, despite its impressionability and sentimentality. They possess internal resources, which in difficult situations allow them to bend, but do not break.

Scorpio recognized the most insidious sign, because if he decided to take revenge, then it is no longer possible to stop it. And to do it it will be using sophisticated methods. Scorpio is an evil and dangerous enemy.

The best right is the calf, who does not like conflicts, is characterized by soft and tact in a conversation. Representatives of this sign are enjoyed, providing an exaggeration of needy.

Twins are recognized as lucky, because they have the ability to appear at the right time in the right place. Optimistic and lozuchi, so happy.

The most selfish sign of the zodiac is considered to be a lion, because even showing generosity and friendliness, he does it, catering his desires. The signs of the sign love to be the center of attention, they need flattery and praise, because at such moments they feel at the height.

The most sociable are scales. They love to talk, get acquainted. Loneliness is given weights hard, but in the company they are easy and joyful.

The most closed is Capricorn. It is difficult to imagine what thoughts inhabit in his head. The sign representatives are rarely trusted by other people, look indifferent and cold.

The most excellent sign is recognized as aquarius. This is a generator of thoughts with a well-developed fantasy and creative thinking.


You should not be made from the above ratings from the rendered conclusions. Do not get upset if specifically your symbol of the zodiac headed the killery rating either turned out to be at the bottom stage of the list of rich. Research results are based on pure statistics. There is no bad or definitely good zodiac symbols. Everything is depending on a particular person.

The propensity of people to grave serial crimes define specialists in the field of psychology, sociology, forensic and even astrology. Serial rapists and murderers are united by general mental disorders, behavioral stereotypes, manic obsession and, according to astrologers, zodiac signs. As many of them are most often born by multi-episodes maniacs?


Among the eves, serial killers are found not as often as among some other signs of the zodiac, however, their tendency to stubborn and violently upholding its position often develops into unrestrained aggression. As a rule, most Aries have enough sound reason, so as not to overcome the feature of the law, and not to defend their opinion by the price of someone's lives. But the maniacs are rapidly among Aries are much more often found.


This sign occupies a leading position among representatives of the zodiac circle capable of a series of murders or rape. The valuation of calves multiplied to a sober calculating mind leads to the accumulation of aggression, which with similar talents has every chance to pour out in the perfect crime. The history of criminals-Taurles may well become plots for bloodthirsty detectives. So, you should not provoke them, in order not to become a posthumously hero of another detective novel.


A record number of particularly dangerous maniacs who deserve the death penalty are born under this sign. The twins killers are primarily driven by increased cynicity, cunning and cruelty. They do not blunt the eye, if the plan of criminal revenge will be born in their head. Entering the taste and feeling psychological satisfaction, the twins may well increase the number of victims, killing or raping each subsequent with special sadism.


Cancers in certain concrete concretions, accumulated aggression and dislike for people are easily converted from indifferent hermals in pathological maniacs. In crimes, they drive the obsession of the idea of \u200b\u200bretaliation, the cause of which can be both personal failures and the accidental stay of the victim in an unnecessary place and in unnecessary time. However, cancers are resorted to multi-episodic crimes, because to realize the irreversibility of the plan, they are enough to see intimidated eyes and repentance of the victim.


Lions light out ideas to kill or rape when their powerful aggressive character comes into disobedience or categorical opposition. And if they thought their insidious plan, it is unlikely to stop on a single attack case. It is among Lviv that there are the largest number of terrorists and desperate, merciless executioners who satisfy their perverted vanity through mass murders.


Virgin is rarely listed in the lists of serial maniacs. But if it happens, then mainly on the basis of a pathological and zealous attitude towards its well-minded life principles. Virgin is literally alone able to kill the population of a small country, if those with enviable constancy will encroach on their pedantic edges. Our virgins are justified by a protective reaction. They rarely resort to violence, but kill the encroachment on their body can easily and with particularly verified thoughtfulness.


Scales themselves are sculpting by the lords of the world, and it is often easily able to rule their own, and someone else's life. If someone disgusts to become on the way of the board, the scales are ready to be cruel. A clearly formed unshakable ideology regarding his own right makes particularly dangerous criminals. As for serial violence, their scales are inclined to a lesser extent, but if they already choose victims of violent love, then satisfy their lust with the help of special perversions.


Bring scorpions to murder easily. And taking into account their passion for retribution and the preparation of revenge strategies, not far from a series of crimes. Scorpions move the scale of motives, but this does not mean that they require assistants to accomplish the contigious atrocities. Scorpions are single avengers. They do not trust anyone in such a dangerous to reputation, so they are often not disclosed by their crimes. There are practically no rapists among scorpions.


Under the sign of Sagittarius, the maniacs are born very rarely. Nevertheless, the tendency towards manic criminal manifestations can develop against the background of amarness and adventurism. They sometight be aggressive and hot-tempered. But if they go "on inclined", then quickly return to the right path. Serial criminals and recidivists of them are also no. They are fussy, ill-conceived and little logical, often their intentions are given earlier than they manage to implement them in criminal plans.


Capricorns are more prone not to the manic pathology of violence or murders, but to crimes with material benefits. Therefore, if among them is the serial maniac killer or the rapist, then in these crimes it is worth looking for a mercenary trail. They do not drink the process of atrocities, they are interested in an exceptionally ultimate goal. Collogar crimes are always thought out, and if there will be little to achieve the desired one criminal violation, they will easily go to the second, and on the third and tenth.


Predict the criminal-aquaus is difficult. He can devote a lifetime to humanity, and maybe become the sword-like maniac. Numerous murders and violence can be the meaning of the life of some of the aquaries, if in some unhappy moment for society they will be boring to live without fame. And no matter what is creative or destructive. Often the challenge of humanity to the Aquarius is thrown through a series of sexual crimes or murders.


Fish-maniacs are very well hiding their true face under masks of the brave of keenness, impregnable pride or a reference chandeliness. By virtue of significant differences of value landmarks and numerous complexes, in combination with the insightful mind of fish, brilliant maniacs are obtained. Special talent they show in the inclination towards sexual perversions. It is afraid to kill fish, but rape with manic cruelty, so this sign and leading among the rapists.

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