Vera Jews Judaism symbol. What faith in the Jews in Israel

The buildings 15.10.2019
The buildings

Judaism is the national religion of the Jewish people. Followers of this faith call themselves Jews. It is believed that Judaism originated in the city of Palestine. The theologians are confident that the time of his occurrence is calculated since the time of Adam and Eve.

Even schoolchildren know about the existence of this religion. Often, the history teachers ask their students to prepare a message about Judaism. In it, the student needs to be briefly about Judaism, paying attention to only the main points. First of all, it should be noted that the Bible and Books of the Old Testament serves the main source of study of Judaism.

This religion recognizes three types of books: the books of the law (Torah), historical books and prophetic. The origin of this ancient literature is still not known for certain.

But all the Jews honor the Scripture sacred for them. Judaism is known to everyone including numerous prohibitions that are related to work on certain days, with the use of certain foods.

Jews are forbidden to eat meat some animals. The list of "unclean products" is set rabbis based on the study of the torus. This list includes pigs, camels, hares, horses. Also, the Jews are forbidden to eat shrimp, oysters and many other products. Proper food in the language of the Jews is called "kasher".

Interestingly, the followers of this religion are forbidden to eat meat products together with dairy. In Jewish restaurants, canteens, cafes are complied with this rule.

In the dining room there are even separate windows intended for dairy and meat food. Bans concern not only food, but also clothes, as well as many other aspects of life.

Already on the 8th day of life, the newborn boy must be circumcised. Certain requirements are presented to the appearance of believers. Men must wear long clothes, and the head should always be covered, even when they sleep.

Religious Jews release beard. During prayer you need to wear a special bedspread on top of your clothes. On Saturday, people are not only forbidden to work, but also to give and borrow, light fire, touch the money. In Israel, they honor traditions, so on Saturdays they have almost all the shops, not to mention enterprises.

The believer of the Jew must comply with all religious holidays. It is noteworthy that the Israeli people honor all Jewish traditions.

In this country, the whole lifestyle is designed to not insult the feelings of a believer person. All this is achieved through very proper religious education. In Jewish schools, much attention is paid to the study of religion, its history, its basic principles.

On them, students are talking about the sacred books, the prophets, about all existing holidays. And it is very correct. This is one of the differences of this religion from other religions. Unfortunately, in many countries, spiritual education of young people is completely unkind.

Children and adolescents do not know anything about their faith, about sin, about those traditions that they must observe. Perhaps this is one of the reasons that there are so much evil, violence, crime and other human defects in the world.

Some scientists believe that it is very difficult to talk about Judaism. This is a great faith with its own characteristics that require a specific approach. Understand her by learning about it just a number of well-known facts, it is impossible.

Name: Judaism (from the knee of Judah, giving the name to the Jewish kingdom)
Time occurrence: 853 g d.n.E
Founder: Moses
Sacred books: Tanah, Talmud

Judaism is the religion of the Jewish people. In the development of Judaism, three historical periods are distinguished: the temple (the period of the existence of the Jerusalem temple), the talmudic and rabbinistic.

Along with faith in God, Judaism includes religious, historical, ritual and national elements. Sources of modern Judaism: Tanahs (written torus) and Talmud (oral torus). The torus is also called the pentateuch of Moiseevo, as it contains five books received by Moses from the Lord God on Mount Sinai.

The most famous symbol of Judaism is a six-pointed star of David.

Tanahs are called the Jewish Bible, describing the creation of peace and man. Talmud is a meeting of laws. Creation, ethics, customs and social aspects of Judaism are set forth in Torah.

Judaism attaches more importance to behavior than religion. However, there are fundamental principles that share all Jews are faith in a single real God, to which everyone can contact. God is the Spirit, an absolute being. God is the Creator of all things at all times, he is constantly acting, he is universal, he rules the whole world.

God established not only the natural law, but also the laws of morality. God gives life eternal. He is all bad, the Blessed, Fair. God is an assistant man. He is a savior, a delightful of sins and vices - pride, egoism, hatred and lust. God is the creator and light itself, and darkness. In the fight against evil Jew supports his faith in God. According to Judaism, the person is created "in the image and likeness of God", and everyone is responsible before God himself. Everything is predetermined by God, but at the same time a person has freedom of will to make a moral choice. Judaism recognizes the immortality of the human soul and believes that all people, regardless of religion and nationality, are equally children of God.

The knowledge of God in Judaism implies knowledge that God rules the world and a person should strive to follow the right path that God opened for people.

Jews believe that at certain times the dead will be revived in the flesh and will live again on Earth. "And many of the land sleeping in the praha awaken, one for the life of the eternal, others for eternal rules and the entertainment" (Dan. 12: 2). In order to gain salvation, for "the righteous of all nations will find a lot in the upcoming world," it is required to fulfill the commandments of the Sons of Noah, namely:

  • refuse idolatry;
  • refrain from the bloodstream and adultery;
  • do not shed blood;
  • do not pronounce the name of God VSE;
  • not to create injustice and lawlessness;
  • do not steal;
  • do not cut off parts from a living animal.

Judaism opposes asceticism and looks at the future of this world with optimism, where God invites us to establish His kingdom. Jews believe that God from all the peoples of the world chose the Jewish people so that he, adopting a revelation, played a central role in the save of mankind. And thanks to the consciousness of his chosenness, the Jewish people were able to survive in conditions when more than once lost their national political identity.

Love for God-consistently component of man. If a person has sinned or inaction, he can always repent and will be forgiven.

The main commandment is "love your neighbor, like yourself," because everyone is children of God. In this, the Jewish concept of the human fraternity under the rule of one God.

Other directions:

If you remove the differences in religious dogmas, we will see that the basis of any religion is love. What is it, how different in every religion? Buddhism go ...

One of the main canonical books in Judaism is recognized by Tanahs (the Old Testament of the Bible), the most important part of which is Torah or Pentateuch Moshe (Moses). In the third century n. e. Jewish theologians were written comments on Torah, called Mishna (repetition of the law). Then another book was compiled - hemar, the appointment of which is the in-depth commenting of the Mishna. Mishna and hemar together make up Talmud. Torah and Talmud regulate all parties to the life of a religious Jew, including those that in other religions are usually considered related to the sphere of ethics, morality, civil and criminal law. The Talmud distinguish Galahu and Agadu, who intertwined with each other. Galach is a law relating to religious, family, civil life. Agada defines the spiritual foundations of Judaism.

The reading of the Talmud is worshiped as a very responsible occupation, permitted only by the Jews. In the Treatise "Sanhedrin" says: "Not a Jew, who studies the Talmud deserves death."

The main feature of Judaism is the doctrine of the special role of the Jewish people. "Jews are more pleasant to God than angels," "As a person in the world stands highly above the animals, so the Jews are high above all the peoples in the world," teaches Talmud. Choons think in Judaism as the right to domination. The rejection of Christ and the expectation instead of another, became the spiritual cause of the state-national catastrophe of the Jews - at the beginning of the II century, Jerusalem was destroyed, and Jews are scattered over the world.

In the medieval treatise "Dispan Nakhmanid" (1263) it is said about why the Jews did not accept Christ as the Messiah: "It's impossible to believe in his messianism, because the Prophet speaks about the Messiah that he will" have from the sea to the sea and from the river to the river "(). Ohhu (Jesus) did not have any power at all, because during his life he was driven by enemies and hid from them ... And in Agada it says: "They will say the Messiah-ruler:" Such a state rebelled against you, "and he will say:" Yes will destroy his invasion of locusts. " They will tell him: "Such an area does not obey you." And he will say: "The invasion of wild animals will destroy it." In the Talmudic Treatise "Berachot" Rabbi Shemuel says: "There is no difference between this time and Messianic, except for the enslavement of the peoples" (Cyt. By: A. Kuraev. "Early Christianity and the resettlement of shower." M. 1996. P.164.) . The emphasis in Judaism is made to achieve the goals not perfect, but quite earthly, political and economic. The benefit of the news of the kingdom of God, brought by Jesus Christ, could not, of course, to satisfy those who were waiting for the Messiah of the Seelers and the politically obvious kingdom of earthly, in which all nations are conquered by Jews.

After the scattering of the Jews, in the II-VI centuries, the formation of a talmudism, characterized by a thorough systematization and regulatory ritualization of the Jewish cult, which from the temple priesthood turned into an all penetrating system of prescriptions, sometimes more detailed details, up to the requirements of underscore to the "elected god of the people" with The help of special details of the appearance. So, the believer Jew is prescribed to have a beard, let go of long hair on the temples (peys), wearing a small round cap (kip), pass the circumcision rite. At the same time, such a doctrine in Judaism is also formed, as, the main role in which magic and occultism is given. Many fundamental issues of the Bible are broken in Talmud and in Kabbalah in the occult lighting.

If pronounced personalism is characteristic of the Bible, that is, the idea of \u200b\u200bGod and the man created by him as personalities, then in Talmuda it is said that the person was originally created by hermaphrodite and only later the division of floors arises, Adam and Eve arises (this is a purely pagan audience. , Fully excluding understanding of a person as a person).

Pantheistic views are reborn in the Talmud, for example, the evidence of the souls of Jews from the very divine essence is referred to. Those Jews who have not achieved perfection in their lives, for cleansing are reincarnated in new bodies - in plants, in animals, in bodies not Jews, and, finally, in the body of the Jew, after which he can earn eternal bliss.

In the VI - XIII centuries, the role of rabbis is increasing (from the Hebrew "Rabbi" - my teacher) - interpreters of the law, headed by Jewish communities. Scattering of Jews for the countries of the Old World (Europe, Asia, Africa), and then new light (America) led to the formation of a large number of Jewish national religious communities. In antiquity, the center of the Jewish cult was the Jerusalem Temple, where the daily sacrifice was committed. When the temple was destroyed, the place of sacrifices took prayer, for which the Jews began to gather around individual teachers - Rabbi. From these meetings, Jewish prayer associations arose, called synagogues ("meetings"). In Judaism, the synagogue is a meeting of Jews to commit prayer and studying Torah and Talmud. This meeting does not provide for the presence of a special building and can be held in any room.

To commit public worship, it is necessary for the presence of at least ten male Jews who have reached the religious majority (from the 13th age). They constitute the primary Judas community - Mignan (literally "the number," that is, the quorum necessary for worship). Historically, the right to commit public worships entrenched the rabbis - teachers and interpreters of Torah. In addition to rabbi, the synagogue staff includes Khazan, Shamash and Gabai. Khazan leads public prayer and represents the entire community in circulation to God. Shamash is a synagogial service, the responsibilities of which are to observe the order and purity in the synagogue and take care of the safety of synagogial property. Gabai decides the administrative and financial issues of the synagogue.

A special place in the Jewish community occupies a clamp (the only number of boiled). According to the Jewish tradition, the surname of the Kogen (Kogan, Cohen, Cohen, Kon), are descendants (by the father's line) of the High Priest of Aaron, i.e. a kind of priestly caste.

In the times of the Jerusalem Temple of Kogan, in addition to the execution of its main function - maintaining services in the temple - were also spiritual mentors of the people, his judges and teachers. However, over time, the spiritual leadership of the Jewish people passed to the prophets, and then to the sages and rabbis. The activity was driven by Kogan, mainly by the service in the temple. After the destruction of the temple in 70, AD They lost opportunities to fulfill this duty. Currently, it is obliged to hold the rite of redemption of firstborn and bless the people in the synagogue.

In the conditions of scattering (diaspora), Judaism played a major role in the self-repair of Jews as an ethnos. The national and religious start in the soul of the believer Judea coincided, and the departure from Judaism meant the exit from Jewry, which for the centuries of the corporate life of the Jews, in turn, meant death. Therefore, overheating from the synagogue and from Jewry was considered as the worst punishment.

The new period of the history of Jewry and Judaism came at the end of the XVIII century. It is characterized by the political emancipation of European Jews as a result of the French revolution and followed by this destruction of the medieval isolation of the Jewish communities, which were distributed to legal acts on freedom of religion.

In parallel with this, the communities themselves arose for the weakening of the system of ritual prescriptions and prohibitions and the external rapprochement of Jewish service with Protestant (T. Naz. "Reformed Judaism).

At the same time, in the XVIII century, among the Jews of Poland and Western Ukraine, a new religious course has emerged - Hasidism (from the Hebrew word "Hasid" - pious). Hacidism arose as an opposition movement against orthodox Judaism, in particular, against the rabbinate. Instead of rabbis in the Hasidic communities, the top authority began to use the Tsadika ("Tsadik" means in the Hebrew "Righteous"), allegedly possessing supernatural abilities. For Hasidism, extreme mysticism and religious exaltation are characterized.

Since the XIX century, the Jewishness of Western Europe, and then the United States, captured the processes of secularization and emancipation. Became the fact of the national self-identification of the Jews outside the religious framework. Western peoples continued further from Christianity, and Judaism, before that time, a European civilization, hesitated from the spiritual life of European civilization, begins to influence spirituality and culture.

Evaluation of modern Jewish faith

Faith that modern Jews profess is not the one that was given to the Israelites through Moses and the Prophets, and which they professed before the coming of the Messiah, but the one they themselves were inexplicit, shown from the true spirit of Moses and the Prophets, and which now Coming by the promised Messiah, they are unrecognized. The first faith there is a truly body storage and is a preparatory step to Christianity, and Novo-Jewsian is the fruit of human fabrications.

This new faith is set forth in two books, revered by Jews for Divine Books, in Kabbalah and Talmud (Kabbalah, according to the concept of Jews, there is a code of philosophical and mystical legends that serve as an addition and explanation by law, and Talmud - Codex of traditions in the advantage of historical, ritual and civil serve as the same addition and explanation. Information about Kabbalah can be found at Rabbi Franca, and about the Talmuda in drach). In both of these books, along with truths borrowed in the Bible, so many oddities, absurdities, the contradictions that it becomes incredible, as people could invent such things, and how others can recognize such ugly concepts for the truths of sacred and irrefutable, without refusing common sense. Such -

IN theoreticalwith regard to legend:

a) about the daily classes of God (XP. Reading 1834, 3, 283-309);

b) The goal for which the world was created was created ("God created the world only in order to attach the case of circumcision." Heb. sects in Russia, Grigoriev p. 95);

c) about the Messiah and the circumstances of his coming (Builderf);

d) about the resurrection of the dead ("The Resurrection of the Dead can only take place in Palestine: Therefore, the Lord opens the graves of the Jews who died in captivity, long caves, through which the corpses of them and roll like a barrels, in the holy land to take the soul here" Talmud . IRUSAL. Tract. Kilim.), And so on.

IN moral- Such:

a) the basic law on the attitude of a person to the neighbor: "Any good, which the law of Moses prescribes, and any evil that he reressets middle, brother, comrademust, explains the Talmud, understand only in relation to the Jews "(Talmud. Tract. Bava-Mezing);

b) a look at other peoples: calling them with the peoples with unclean and the bad, with whom the Jews not only should not join in any related ties, Talmud teaches that the Jew can disrupt the oaths given to the inner, can deceive him, tortimate, persecute and Even killed for his discord, and that in general all these innovative peoples, at the coming of the Messiah, or will be completely killed, or will be enslaved by Jews, so the most birds will be enslaved for the servants for the last of the Israel chad (Mozzez Mezelson);

c) The doctrine of the means of justification: in the Talmuda is preached that both sin is original, and in general, all sins can be ejected and destroyed through strict fulfillment of all the prescriptions of the ritual law and so on.

As a result of this, the Jews are exclusively committed obligas. But it is even necessary to add, as little thing, is insignificant in its innumerable prescriptions and establishments this law! For example, on the basis of one commandment of God: yes, do not make any business on the day of Saturday(), now there are 949 rabbinical regulations, of which one "forbids the Jew even to care through the air on Saturday, because the action is similar to the treachery of untreated rye. (Hiaya Adam - Abraham Danizhga, on Saturday Resolutions). " On the basis of the prohibition of God, there are no kids in Easter () 265 decisions are made, of which one says that if 10,000 Jews, on Easter day, cooked food in water, drawn from one well, in which some barley was found shortly after , all of them are required to cooked food, along with dishes, burn or throw in the river. These prohibited dissections exist with listened 3000 different decrees; On one rite of hand skills - up to one hundred, and about the salinity of meat - up to two hundred; There is even a definition regarding the method of cutting nails ... Based on the commandment of Moses, prohibiting the cooking goat in his mother's milk (;), the Talmudists were banned: a) Cook in milk which neither meat; b) even the vessel in which meat food is manufactured, for the manufacture of dairy food in it; And c) identified to take milk food no earlier, as after six hours after making meat, but meat after dairy no earlier, as in an hour. And let them still have been accomplished by all such little things on each of each; On the contrary, Talmud all rites take into dogmas, and requires the most strict execution of respective decisions and rules.

Hello, friends. Do you wonder if you learn about the oldest religion of the world, preserved to the present day? About her principles, foundations, commandments and secrets, about the history of development and stages of formation? Perhaps you want to go to Israel and make a tour of holy places?

Or maybe you had to hear a ridiculous view of unemployed about what Judaism has common roots with Juda, who pretext of Christ? Or do you have other questions about this topic?

If so, we will satisfy your curiosity, and after reading this article, everything will become extremely clear.
Judaism - This is faith (religion) of the Jewish people. Sometimes the term "Jews" or "Jewish religion" is used. To begin with, we will make a small historical excursion.

The word "Judaism" itself was formed from the term "knee of Judah". What it is? The fact is that the Israeli people "grew up" from the knees of Israel (tribes) descendants of the sons of Patriarch Jacob. And he had them, not much not enough, and twelve! Sons were born from four different women: two wives and the two of their servants (yes, and it happens). The fourth son was Judas.

According to the Scriptures, Judas played a special role in the formation of the Israeli people. His name was based on the name of religion and the entire Jewish people, in Hebrew and other languages \u200b\u200bthis name sounds like "Jews".

The history of Jews covers more than three thousand years, this religion is considered the most ancient of those that have survived to the present day. Judaism refers to monotheistic religions, it means that the adherents will believe in one God.

According to the science studying religion, philosophy, culture and social development of the Jewish people, Judaik, in the entire history of the development of the Jewish faith there are four large stages:

1) the biblical period (from 20 to 6 century to our era).

At this time, there was still no writing and summer, so all knowledge and religious concepts were transmitted from the mouth to the mouth and were rather mythological. Even when the sacred book appeared, she was not called the Bible yet. It was a Jewish of priests and prophets.

2) Judaism of the second temple or Hellenistic. (from 6th century BC to our era in 2 century).

This stage began after the Jewish people returned to Palestine from Babylonia (where most of it was resettled). In the Babylonian captivity they were from 598 to 539 to our era.

Among the modern religious scientists are widespread the idea that the Jewish faith is based on the principle of the Union of God with the Israeli people, which they were concluded on Mount Sinai in the era of Moses. The second stage of Judaism is considered to be a book in contrast to the first. Then the sacrifices and other ancient rites were still common.

The High Priest, which records the Sacred Scriptures called the head of the eye (in Islam it is called Uzaire). He recreated the Jewish statehood on the basis of the law of the Torah (Law of Moses), wrote the sacred book of the ezr.

At the time of the second temple, the so-called Messian Judaism received widespread. His postulates are based on the faith of the Jewish people to the Messiah. When Yeshua appeared (Jesus out of Nazareth) his faith was followed by dozens of hundreds of Jews. After the death of Yeshua on the cross and his resurrection, this course was seized by other peoples, over time, gradually transforming into Christianity, which had little to do with the Messianic Judaism.

3) Talmudic (Rabbinist or Ravanism) Judaism (from 2 to 8th century AD).

After the second temple was destroyed, the Talmudic stage of the development of Jews was. The rites of the sacrifice were silent and stopped.

At the heart of this period, it was belief that the chief sacred text of Judaism - a written torus (the Pentague of Moses and his Ten Commandments) contains also oral explanations and laws that were not recorded and transmitted between generations from mouth to mouth. They were called the Jewish people orally (or Talmud). Oral Torah is a kind of addition to the written Torah (the Chief Scripture of Judaism).

4) Modern (from 1750 to our time).

The main flows of modern Judaism begin their origin since Ravanism.
Currently, Judaism's adherents are about fifteen million people, of which about 45% are of the inhabitants of Israel, about 40% live in Canada and the United States of America, the rest mainly in Europe.

The main flows of modern Judaism are orthodox, reformists and conservatives. So that these words do not stay in the air empty sound, we briefly explain the essence of everyone.

Orthodox Judaism

The central link of Orthodox Judaism is Galaha. So, Galach is a combination of laws and rules of the Jewish law that regulates the lives of Jews in all respects (family, religious, social and cultural). These are the laws that are contained in Torah and Talmud and which representatives of orthodox Judaism follow strictly and tirelessly. Galah also contains legal decisions and rabbin laws that dictate rules of behavior.

These laws are divided into five main groups:

  1. these are the laws of the written Torah, interpreted in accordance with the oral Torah;
  2. laws, the grounds of which are not in the written Torah, but they are also obtained by Moses (Moshe) on Mount Sinai;
  3. the laws that are derived by the wise men on the basis of the analysis of the written Torah;
  4. the laws that the wise men were established to protect the Jews from violation of the laws of the written Torah;
  5. prescriptions of wise men, designed to regulate the life of Jewish communities.

The development of Galahi continues and at present, it is believed that there are answers in the Torah absolutely to all questions arising before the Jewish people.

Orthodoxs oppose any innovations in religion.

Reformist Judaism (sometimes it is called progressive or modern Judaism)

In contrast to the teachings of the orthodox direction, representatives of the reformist Judaism advocate for innovations and updates. There was a progressive Judaism in the nineteenth century in Germany. His adherents believe that old ethical commandments must be saved, and from ritual it is necessary to refuse. What was done. The ritual of the Divine Service was subjected to the Reformation, namely: the service was carried out in German, ceased to the shofar (ritual horn), was not required during prayer of ritual clothes, women were recognized as equal to men in all religious issues.

According to reformists, religion should develop and improve, adjusting to the spirit of modernity. Justice, mercy and respect for near - this is the path in which the movement of the reformist Judaism follows.

Conservative Judaism

Conservative Judaism originated in Europe, or rather Germany for several decades later than the reformist. This is "something average" (if you can express it) between orthodox and reformist glances. His adherents are supporters of the idea of \u200b\u200ba compromise between traditional religious teachings and modern.

The ideas of conservative Judaism, however, significantly "softer" than orthodoxy. For example, representatives of sexual minorities are allowed to dedicate to San Rabbi. You can even conclude same-sex marriages. That's so, friends! Here you and the conservatives!

The main ideas of this flow are the following:

  • Galach is recognized by the main life manual;
  • To modern culture, the attitude should be only positive;
  • The basics of Jewish religion are not attached to the fundamental value.

Commandments of Judaism

There are not ten commandments in the Torah as in the Bible, but six hundred thirteen! Of these, two hundred forty-eight (so many bones and organs in the human body) commandments oblige to one or another actions, and three hundred sixty-five commandments (this is how you guessed, the number of days a year) forbade!

We will not list them all, but we give the most interesting, unusual and ridiculous (and there are among them):

  • "The husband must remain with his wife during the first year of life in marriage," so, on the second and subsequent years, the married life remains, apparently, not necessarily.
  • "If I bought a slave, a Jewish need to marry either to marry her son."
  • "Buy Slave-Jewish." Paying attention to the previous commandment, it turns out at all without options.
  • "Not to settle in Egypt."
  • "Do not scratch your body."
  • "In the seventh year it is necessary to stop the processing of the Earth."
  • "Refuse everything that will grow on Earth in the seventh year."
  • "If a person's corpse is found in the field and it is not known who killed him, it is necessary to break the head of the chick." (Just in case, we explain that the chick is, apparently, the cow).
  • "For those who committed an intentional murder, it is necessary to allocate asylum cities in the amount of six pieces."
  • In addition, there are still such as: not to shave the blade, not to burn, do not guess, do not engage in magic, do not wear women's clothes and women men and a number of other commandments.

Symbols, attributes, traditions and holy places

The main attributes of Judaism are:

  • shofar (ritual horn, in it True in worship in the synagogue - the center of the religious life of the Jewish community);
  • poison (so called a pointer for reading the Torah);
  • Tanahs (Scripture);
  • a mug intended for ablution of hands;
  • candlesticks;

Symbols and traditions of the Jewish faith:

  • shem - prayer, which consists of four quotes of the pentateuct;
  • compliance with Sabbath - In Judaism, this is the seventh day of the week to refrain from work;
  • kashrut - a set of rules governing the attitude towards food and other branches of life;
  • wearing piles - a Jewish national headdress, a small hat, covered with a top, she symbolizes humility and worship before the Lord;
  • david's star - a Jewish symbol shown on the flag of Israel, which is a six-pointed star (two equilateral triangles are superimposed on each other, one angle down, the other up);
  • the Menorah's seedroom is a golden lamp, is an ancient symbol of Judaism and the religious emblem of the Jewish people;
  • lion is a symbol of the Jewish knee.

Holy places:

  • At the height of the seven hundred seventy-four meters above sea level rises above the old town of Jerusalem Khramova Mountain (this is a quadrangular area, fenced with high walls), and approximately it goes into the depths of Earth. To present, active excavations are underway there. On the temple mountain was the first and then the second temple. According to the Jewish faith, in the future the third temple will be erected there. Currently, Muslim religious buildings are built there - Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock (this is the third most important Muslim shrines).
  • Crying wall (other names of Western Mountain or A-boiler) - the main shrine of the Jewish faith. It is located around the surviving western slope of the Temple Mountain. By giving, desires written in the leaflet and left in the cry of crying will certainly come true. Every year, pilgrims from all over the globe leave their innermost wishes with faith and hopefully awaiting their execution. So, if you are going to visit Israel, in advance correctly specify your desires, for they have a property come true!

If, dear readers, this article only rooted your interest in the Jewish religion, ancient customs, shrines.

If you want to know even more, deeper in history, and possibly trace the connection of Judaism with Christianity and other religions, we advise you to read books, order which you can easily, simply click on the relevant links:

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The people of Israel always caused envy, hatred and admiration for Europeans. Even lost their state and forced to wander without a small two thousand years, his representatives were not assimilated among other ethnic groups, and they retained both their national identity and culture based on a deep religious tradition. What is the belief of Jews? After all, thanks to her, they survived many powers, empires and whole nations. They passed everything - power and slavery, periods of peace and discord, social well-being and genocide. Religion of Jews - Judaism, and precisely thanks to him, they still play an important role in the historical scene.

The first revelation of Yahweh

The religious tradition of the Jews is monotheistic, that is, recognizes only one God. His name is Yahweh, which literally means "the one who was, and will be."

Today, Jews believe that Yahweh is the Creator and the creator of the world, and they consider all the other gods false. According to their creed, after the sin of the first people, the sons of human sons forgot the true God and began to serve idols. To remind people about themselves, Yahwe called the Prophet named Abraham, who predes the father of many nations. Abraham, who took place from the pagan family, having received the revelation of the Lord, renounced the previous cults and went to wander, leaving over.

In Torah - the sacred - Scripture of the Jews tells how God experienced faith of Abraham. When the son was born from his beloved wife, the Lord commanded him to sacrifice, to which Abraham answered unquestioned submission. When he already brought the knife over his chance, God stopped him, regarding such humility as a deep faith and devotion. Therefore, today, when the Jews ask about what faith in Jews, they answer: "Vera Abraham".

According to Torah, God performed his promise and from Abraham through Isaac produced a numerous Jewish people, also known under the name of Israel.

Number of Judaism

Westing Yahwe The first descendants of Abraham was not yet, in fact, Judaism and even monotheism in the strict sense of the word. In fact, the gods of the biblical religion Jews are numerous. What the Jews distinguished from other pagans, so this reluctance to worship in any other gods (but, unlike monotheism, they recognized their existence), as well as a ban on religious images. Much later, Abraham, when his descendants have already multiplied to the scale of the whole people, and took shape as such Judaism. Briefly talk about it in Torah.

The will of the fate of the Jews fell into slavery to the Egyptian pharaohs, most of whom turned to him rather badly. To free your chosen, God called on a new prophet - Moses, who, being a Jew, was brought up at the royal court. After committing a number of miracles, known as Egyptian executions, Moses brought the Jews to the Desert, to then bring them in during this wandering on Moses, received the first commandments and other instructions on the organization and practice of the cult. Thus arose decorated Vera Jews - Judaism.

First church

Being on Sinai, Moses, among other revelations, received from the Most High Guide to the Testament of the Testament - a portable temple designed to bring victims and sending other religious rites. When years of travel in the desert ended, the Jews entered into the promised land and approved their statehood on its expanses, it was removed to replace the skin with a full-fledged stone temple. God, however, did not approve the enthusiasm of David, and the Mission for the construction of a new sanctuary laid on his son Solomon. Solomon, becoming a king, began to fulfill the Divine command and rebuilt the impressive temple on one of the hills of Jerusalem. According to the tradition, this temple stood 410 years, until in 586 he was destroyed by Babylonian.

Second temple

The temple was for Jews a national symbol, the banner of the unity, the strength of the Spirit and the physical guarantor of Divine patronage. When the temple was destroyed, and the Jews were taken captive for 70 years, Vera Israel was shaken. Many began to worship the pagan idols again, and the people threatened the dissolution among other tribes. But there were also zealous supporters of the decens, which ratified for the preservation of previous religious traditions and social devices. When, in 516, the Jews were able to return to their native land and restore the temple, this group of enthusiasts headed the Renaissance of Israeli statehood. The temple was restored, worship and sacrifice began to be held again, and the religion of the Jews found a new face: the sacred writing was encoded, many customs were ordered, official doctrine was ordered. Over time, among the Jews, several denominations arose, differing in chalfactory and ethical views. Nevertheless, their spiritual and political unity provided common temple and worship. The era of the second temple lasted until 70. e.

Judaism after 70 n. e.

In 70 g. er, during the fighting during the Jewish war, the warlord Tit began to besiege, and later destroyed Jerusalem. Among the affected buildings were the Jewish temple, which was completely destroyed. Since then, the Jews have been forced, based on historical conditions, modify Judaism. Briefly, these changes were affected and the creed, but mainly concerned the subordination: Jews ceased to obey the priest. After the destruction of the temple of the priests, it was not left at all, and the role of spiritual leaders took over the rabbis, teachers of the law - laity, possessing a high social status among Jews. From that time to this day, Judaism is represented only in such a ravic form. The first place was the role of synagogue - local centers of Jewish culture and spirituality. Worship services are performed in the synagogues, Scripture is performed, sermons are pronounced and important rites are performed. They are satisfied with Yehiva - specialized schools on the study of Judaism, Jewish language and culture.

It is important to keep in mind that together with the temple in 70 g. e. Jews lost their statehood. They were forbidden to live in Jerusalem, as a result they were absent to other cities of the Roman Empire. Since then, Jewish diasporas have been present in almost every country on all continents. Surprisingly, they turned out to be quite resistant to assimilation and were able to carry their identity through the century, no matter what. And yet it is necessary to remember that over time, Judaism changed, evolved and developed, therefore, answering the question "What is the religion of Jews?" It is necessary to make amendment for the historical period, because Judaism of the 1st century BC. e. and Judaism of the 15th century n. e., for example, this is not the same thing.

The creed of Judaism

As already mentioned, the creed of Judaism, at least modern, is classified as monotheism: this is insisted as religious scientists, and the Jews themselves. The faith of the confession of the Jews is to recognize Yahwe a single God and the Creator of all things. The Jews themselves see themselves as a special chosen people, the children of Abraham, who lies a special mission.

At some point in time, most likely, in the era of the Babylonian captivity and the second temple, Judaism perceived the concept of the resurrection of the dead and the terrible court. At the same time, ideas about the angels and demons - personalized forces of good and evil appeared. Both of these doctrines occur from Zoroastrianism and, most likely, it is through contacts with Babylon Jews that these teachings integrated into their cult.

Religious values \u200b\u200bof Judaism

Speaking about Jewish spirituality, it can be argued that Judaism is a religion, briefly characterized as the cult of traditions. In fact, traditions, even the most minor, have enormous importance in Judaism, and for their violation there is a harsh punishment.

The most important of these traditions is the custom of circumcision, without which the Jew cannot be considered a full-fledged representative of his people. Circumcision is made in the sign of the covenant between the chosen people and Yahweh.

Another important feature of the Jewish lifestyle is strictly observing Saturday. Saturday day is endowed with emergency holiness: any work is prohibited, even the simplest, like cooking. Also on Saturday you can not just entertain - this day is provided only for peace and spiritual exercises.

The flows of Judaism

Some believe that Judaism is world religion. But actually it is not. First, because for the most part of the national cult, the path in which for non-Jews is rather difficult, and secondly, the number of his followers is too little to talk about it as a world religion. Nevertheless, Judaism is a religion with international influence. Two world religions - Christianity and Islam came out of the village of Judaism. And numerous, scattered around the world of the Jews community always had this or that effect on the culture and life of the local population.

However, it is important that Judaism himself is heterogeneous today and therefore, answering the question of what religion in Jews should also specify its flow in each case. There are several of these intrauda groups. The main of them are represented by an orthodox wing, the movement of Hasidov and the Jews-Reformes. There are also progressive Judaism and a small group of Messianic Jews. However, the last Jewish public excludes from the Jewish community.

Judaism and Islam

Speaking about the attitude of Islam to Judaism, first of all, it is necessary to note that Muslims also consider themselves to be children of Abraham, although not from Isaac. Secondly, Jews are considered the people of the book and the carriers of the Divine Revelation, although obsolete, from the point of view of Muslims. Reflecting on what faith in the Jews, the adherents of Islam recognize the fact of worshiping the same God. Thirdly, the historical relations of Jews and Muslims have always been ambiguous and require a separate analysis. It is important that in the field of the theory between them a lot of common.

Judaism and Christianity

With Christians, Jews always had a relationship with difficult. Both sides were disliked each other, which often led to conflicts and even to bloodshed. Today, nevertheless, the relationship between these two Abraham religions is gradually being established, although still far from ideal. Jews have good historical memory and remember Christians as oppressed and persecutors for one and a half thousand years. For their part, Christians put the facts in guilt and connect with this sin all their historical adversity.


In a short article it is impossible to comprehensively consider the topic of what faith in the Jews in theory, in practice and in relations with adherents of other cults. Therefore, I want to believe that this little review will push to a further, deeper study of the traditions of Judaism.

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