The largest stadium in the world. The largest and spacious football stadium

The buildings 10.10.2019
The buildings

Football is perhaps the most popular game in the world, a game that collects millions of TVs and tens of thousands - at the stadium. After all, the TV, even the most nice and big, still does not transmit the atmosphere of the holiday, which accompanies any match.

And the more people going on it at the same time, the brighter and joyful this holiday. And what to say about the world's largest football stadium, which is able to accommodate ... And by the way, how many people can they hurt on it at the same time?

More recently, any fan would say that most people can fit in Maracan. But, if you understand well, it is not. After all, in this truly large stadium, a little less than 89 thousand people are placed. This, of course, is much, but far from the limit. See yourself.

Stadium of May Day, Korea, Pyongyang, 150,000 people

Surprisingly, the most grand stadium is located in a not football country at all - in Korea. The country may not be a football, but the official mode loves all the most ambitious and impressive, even the stadium must match.

Therefore, about a quarter of a century ago, a decree was given to build the mostst stadium equal to which is not in the world. His discovery was timed to the 13th Festival of Youth and Students, who celebrated on May 1, 1989. Construction passed clearly and on schedule (we would like this) and on time the stadium opened over 80 doors for 150,000 people.

Architects tried to fame. The highlight of the stadium was 16 closed in the ring arches, which make it similar to the magnolia flower (or chamomile, which is not so sublime, but more likely).

Theoretically, it is considered a home-made stadium of the National Korean football team, but more often on it you can see the famous Chinese theatrical ideas, where the stands turn into huge screens and changing pictures, and the field develops real extravagancies.

Already almost a quarter of a century, he remains unsurpassed by a miracle of the world of competitors, he does not have and will not be foreseen.

Stadium of Indian youth, India, Calcutta, 120,000 people

The second capacity of the stadium is even superior to the most bold fantasies, but still lags behind 30 thousand places from the champion. Interestingly, he is also located in far from football, but a very densely populated country.

Opened him back in 1984. At that time, he was the most capacious stadium with a real miracle of technology. Large screens, artificial coating tracks, elevators, own diesel generator, capable of maintaining the work of the lighting and other necessary for the vital activity of the stadium, devices.

It takes home meetings of several Indian teams and other important matches. But besides football, he also accepts other competitions, first of all - by athletics. It also uses for other purposes: in the stadium there are dance competitions, theatrical performances and concerts.

Stadium Bukit Jalil, Malaysia, Kualu-Lumpur, 110,000 people

We put this stadium in the third place with the number of places 110,000. But in order to avoid disputes, we will immediately discuss that in different sources a different capacity is indicated: 100,000, 102,000 and so on. The thing is that in this stadium there is both sitting and standing places. And the standing place is the concept of conditional (who traveled in the subway at the rush hour - he knows). Therefore, we will not be greedy and give him the third place.
It was built in 2007 to take the game of the Commonwealth, that he was honored with honor. But after that, it is regularly possible to see the games of national teams on it, teams are stopped here and within their tour.

Aztec, Mexico, Mexico City, 105,000 people

The largest football stadium of South America and one of the largest in the world, he managed a lot of things to see for her more than half a century. Here were the finals of the two championships World Football (which was never happening). Here Maradonna scored his famous "goal of the century", "the hand of God" was demonstrated here in his own performance.
Stadium and now collects full stands at home matches of the national team and other important sporting events. It is interesting that his declared capacity is 105,000 thousand people, but somehow 132,347 spectators were placed on the Boxer Boxers of Greg Hogen and Julio Cevera Chavez in the stadium.
His architecture is interesting: he looks not so high from the street, but it is a deceptive impression, because the field itself is hung 9 meters below the ground level. Despite this, he still remains one of the most highly mountain shares of the world.

Bung Carno Stadium, Indonesia, Jakarta. 100 800 people

The top five is closed by another Asian miracle, which was built in 1961. Soviet friends were actively helped in this local. Apparently, that is why the stadium somewhat resembles the famous Luzhniki.

By the way, putting it on the fifth place with 100,800 thousand places, we slightly survived. Such was his initial capacity, now, after several rearrangements, it decreased and now is about 88,000. But, giving tribute to the genius of engineers who have created a half a century ago, we will leave it in the list.

On it and now passing all the most significant football events of Indonesia, the matches of Asian games, as well as numerous cultural events. John Paul II spoke here, Ivan Linkin Park gathered here.

And we have not mentioned other largest football stadiums: azadi with a capacity of 100,000 (Tehran, Iran), Kampa Nou from 98,900 seats (Barcelona, \u200b\u200bSpain), Beijing National Stadium from 91,000 (Beijing, China), Wembley from 90 000 (London, England). And only after them is a famous maracana.

Do you know that the word "stadium" behaves from ancient Greek "stand"? True, since the same time they have increased so much that now seating here is enough for the fact that it is not enough to accommodate half of the smallest city.

There are tens of thousands of stadiums in the world, most of which can be divided into universal (which has the opportunity to hold both athletics and football matches), and football (for playing football).

May Day Stadium

The largest stadium on our planet is in North Korea and is called May Day Stadium (or the first-May stadium). This is one of the largest multifunctional complexes in Asia. Its capacity is 150000 spectators, it takes almost 2 million square kilometers square.

It is worth noting that the construction is very beautiful and externally resembles a magnolia flower. Its height reaches 60 meters, and it is used not only for various games, but also for festive parades. Inside, for each visitor, there is an individual seat, and the tribunes are covered with the arms of the roof, so that the guests of the holiday should not fear rain.

By the way, the construction has another name - Rungrado, in honor of the island on which it is located.

Indian youth stadium

The following in the list can be delivered from 1984 the Stadium of Indian Youth, which now ranks second in size and capacity after Pervomaysky. Its area is just over 300 thousand square kilometers, and it is able to accommodate 120,000 spectators on three tiers of their tribune.

Michigan Stadium.

Next, our list should be Michigan Stadium, which is the largest stadium in America - its capacity reaches 109901, but it is official numbers, and unofficial claim that this stadium once visited more than 114 thousand fans.

It was built back in 1927 and initially accompanied only about 70 thousand people. Currently, American football matches are held here, as well as hockey.

Beaver Stadium.

Another record holder is the Beaver Stadium Stadium, which is located in Pennsylvania, USA, on the territory of the student town of one of the local universities. Interestingly, he was named after James Biver - Governor Pennsylvania, who led the region in the year before last. Its official capacity is 106572 people.

Estadio Azteca.

And this stadium is located in the Mexican city of Santa Ursula. It is home to the Mexican National Football Team. In 1968, the Summer Olympic Games were held here.

Currently this is the only stadium in the world who spent two final matches at once in the World Cup. It happened in 1970 and 1986, respectively. Capacity is 105064 people.


Another stadium, which is located in the United States of America. He is located in Knoxville, Tennessee. It is home to the Tennessee Volunteers football team, but it also uses for other sporting events, including NFL games.

NEYLAND STADIUM was built back in 1921, but for all this time it was exposed to 16 alterations. The maximum number of fans visiting his fans is 104079 people.

Ohio Stadium.

Ohio Stadium is located on the territory of the student town of Local University The Ohio State University. In addition to the fact that the stadium performs its direct responsibilities, here often perform a variety of groups, including Metallica, The Rolling Stones, Pink Floyd and U2.

It was built in 1922 and at that time the capacity was about 66 thousand people. The last reconstruction was produced in 2007, when the maximum capacity reached 102329. According to this parameter, Ohio Stadium occupies an honorable fourth place in the United States.

Bryant-Denny Stadium

This stadium is located in the city of Tusklus, Alabama and is home to Alabama football team.

It was built in 1929. He was named after the director of the University of George Denny Alabama. Currently, Bryant-Denny Capacity reaches 101821 fan.

Darrell K Royal (Texas Memorial Stadium)

It was built back in 1924, but the first reconstruction passed only four years, which made it possible to accommodate 100,119 fans. True, almost immediately after that, another reconstruction began, which will allow to accommodate at least 115 thousand people. The stadium was named after Darren Royala - the legendary player of American football and coach.

Melbourne Cricket Ground

And now we go to Australia, where Melbourne Cricket Ground or MCG is located, as locals called it. This is a very old stadium, which was founded in the distant 1854, but for a long time more informed. Belongs to the Melbourne Creek Club. Record capacity - 100,012 visitors. It has the highest lighting masts in the world.


Interestingly, the leader had once was the Maracan stadium, which is in Brazil. The maximum number of viewers who came to the football match amounted to 199850 fans, and it happened in 1950 - then the World Championship final was held here and the national teams of Uruguay and Brazil met. To the great regret, now the structure passes the reconstruction and the number of seats will be reduced by about twice.

And just lovers and connoisseurs of sports. Today I want to introduce you to the most large stadiums of Europe. I want to make a reservation immediately: this list includes not only stadiums on which football clubs meet - three stadiums did not take football matches on their field, but they passed various sporting events, plus their capacity exceeds 80 thousand people.

So, the list of the 10 largest stadiums of Europe includes stadiums from Spain (2 stadiums), England (3 stadiums), Ireland, France, Germany, Italy and Russia. Half of the presented stadiums are designed for them exclusively football matches, three stadiums are equipped with treadmills and are able to take athletics competitions, one stadium takes exclusively rugby competitions, and the stadium from Ireland is exclusively competitions on national sports.

If we talk about the age of the stadiums presented today, the four stadiums from the submitted list were opened in the first half of the last century, four stadiums - in the second half of the last century and two stadiums in our century. The most "young" is the Olympic Stadium from London (opened in 2011), and the most "old" stadium, located also at the outskirts of London, - Twickenham (opened in 1909).

one. . Spain, city of Barcelona.

The largest stadium of Spain - Camp NOU (Camp Nou) - By right, it takes the first line in today's list, as it is able to take about one hundred thousand people in its walls: its capacity is 99,786 people. This Royal Stadium of the Royal Club of Spain - FC Barcelona.

2.. England, London city.

The second line in the list of the largest stadiums of Europe is the stadium from England - WEMBLEY STADIUMwhich accommodates 90,000 people. Sometimes this stadium is also called new Wembley in honor of the stadium, which was in this place earlier.

3.. Spain, Madrid city.

In third place is another stadium from Spain - Santiago Bernabeu (Estadio Santiago Bernabeu). Its capacity is 85.454 people.

four. . Ireland, city of Dublin.

In fourth place is the Irish Stadium CROKE PARK (CROKE PARK) With 82,300 audience. At this stadium is predominantly national competitions in Gaelle Football and Hurling.

five. . England, Tvorikhenham city.

The fifth place takes another stadium from England - Tweickenham (Twickenham Stadium). If we were talking about the biggest rugged stadiums, he would take the first line in the world ranking. The stadium is designed to carry out exclusively rugged matches here, and 82 thousand people can safely accommodately accommodate 82 thousand people.

6. France, city of Saint-Denis.

France in our list represents the stadium STADE DE FRANCE (Stade de France)which accommodates 81,338 people. This stadium is multifunctional; Running tracks here are easily installed and able to turn the stadium into an athletic arena in a few minutes.

7. Germany, the city of Dortmund.

Germany is presented today by the stadium of Dortmund Borussia - Iduna Park signal (Signal IDUNA PARK). He is able to take 80.645 people

eight. . Italy, Milan city.

San Siro from Italian Milan, who is also known as a stadium "Giuseppe Meazz" Stadio Giuseppe Meazza) occupies an eighth line. Its capacity is 80.018 viewers.

nine. . England, London city.

The smallest is missing Olympic stadium From London to rise slightly higher in the list of the largest stadiums of Europe - it accommodates 80,000 people and occupies a ninth place in today's list.

10. . Russia, city Moscow.

And closes the list of the 10 largest stadiums of Europe. Our native stadium - Luzhniki With a capacity of 78,360 people. In 2018, the opening and closing ceremonies and closure of the world football championship will be held here, as well as a number of championship matches.

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Football stadiums have long ceased to be simply places where matches are held on this sport. These architectural colosses began to personify the country where they were built. Along with the growing popularity of the game of football, the stadiums themselves are growing. Modern football stadiums of the world are striking with their capacity, and it is this indicator that takes the basis of this rating.

1. Stadium on May 1, Pyongyang, DPRK (150,000)

Who would have thought that the most spacious stadium of the world would be in the DPRK, whose special success in football did not notice? They called him in honor of the most popular in the past and from our May Day holiday. The stadium is still called an unofficial stadium, where it is located - Rungean.
Although this huge stadium is able to accommodate 150 thousand football fans on its stands, but it is hardly so much in Pyongyang, so football is not a major event in this arena. It is more designed to carry out pompous national holidays, which for their impeccable theatricality and massiness fell into the Guinness Book of Records. Externally, the stadium looks very beautiful, reminding its outlines the National Korean flower - magnolia. His arches, located in a circle, look like 16 petals. This colossal structure has 80 inputs. The height of the arena is approximately 60 meters, and the area of \u200b\u200bthe sports complex is 2,000,000 square meters. The stadium was opened on May 1, 1989.

2. Salt Lake, India (120,000)

In the suburb of Calcutta, there is a second in the world in the capacity of the Stadium "Salt Lake" or "Indian Youth Stadium". Its area is about 309,000 square meters. m, and it was built as a multi-consolidation structure. He has a peculiar ellipsis form. Basically, football meetings and athletics competitions are held on its arena. Above the third tier of the tribune built a powerful roof of concrete and aluminum. The stadium was opened in 1984.

3. Aztec, Mexico (105,000)

The top three of the most spacious football stadiums of the world closes the Mexican "Aztec", built in its capital. On this legendary stadium, two finals of the Mundalay took place. In the quarterfinals of 1986, Diego Maradona scored a goal into the gates of the British here, and in the future the Argentines became world champions. At Aztec, there are not only football matches, but also other mass events. In 1993, Michael Jackson's concert was arranged here, and after 6 years, Mexicans were welcomed at the stadium of the pontiff of John Paul II. The stadium was built in 1966.

4. "Bukit Jalil", Malaysia (100 200)

This stadium was built in Malaysia in 1998 for the Games of the British Commonwealth. It became the largest sports facility in Malaysia and one of the largest on the planet. Since then, football meetings for the Cup and Super Cup of the country are held here.

5. "Azadi", Iran (100 000)

In the period from 1971 to 1984, this stadium in Tehran was the most large football arena. And if you compare the square of sports facilities, then it is still much ahead of other sports complexes, occupying 3 million square meters of territory.

6. Camp Nou, Spain (99 354)

The most grandiose football stadium of Europe, which was once even more specific, again wants to increase the number of audience. By order of the club "Barcelona", the Japanese prepared a project for the reconstruction of the legendary stadium, as a result of which the number of spectator places on it would again exceed 100 thousand. "Camp Nou" is a real football stadium designed to play the main team of the capital of Catalonia.
It is the second room in the world after the "Aztec" truly football stadium. Although there are concerts of the world superstar. They built it in 1957 after due to the increased popularity of "Barcelona" of the audience at the old Stadium "Forest Korts" began missing. Although many years of his official name was the stadium of FC "Barcelona", but residents of the city and the press so stubbornly called him "Camp Nou" ("New Field") that in 2001 the national name was approved officially. In the process of one of the rebuildings, the Camp NOU Capacity reached 120 thousand spectators. At this stadium, many most important football matches and finals took place.

Each culture is inherent in their lifestyle, traditions and delicacies, in particular. The fact that for some people seems ordinary, others are perceived ...

7. "Socker City", South Africa (94,700)

The largest football arena Africa became the Stadium "Socker City", built in Johannesburg. Its construction was conducted from 1986 to 1989. Before the World Cup of 2010, which was held in South Africa, the stadium has undergone significant upgrades. Locals call him "Calabash", because it looks like this plant.

8. Rose Bowl, United States (94,000)

In the California city of Pasaden, another large stadium "Rose Bowl" was built, which does not reach the current "Camp Nou" at the current "Camp". At the same time, it is one of the oldest US stadiums, which began to function in the 1920s. From the height of a bird's eye view, the stadium is similar to a gigantic pink bowl that is reflected in his name. For almost a century, the existence of the stadium on it was conducted by some matches of the World Football Championship, other football and non-football contests. He also took the competition in the framework of the Olympic Games of the 1930s and 1980s.

9. "New Wembley", United Kingdom (90,000)

This is the youngest of the whole dozen of the most spacious football stadiums of the world. Opened "New Wembley" was only in 2007 in London, replacing the legendary Stadium "Wembley" on the same place. But for her very short history, this stadium managed to take the 2012 Olympic Football Final. The stadium is made in the form of a bowl, it is equipped with a high-tech sliding roof, over which 133 meters above the level of the lobby is seen an elegant arc arch supporting the roof design.

10. Luzhniki, Russia (89 318)

Closes the top ten of the world's largest football arenaments Moscow Stadium "Luzhniki". It was built on the wave of Euphoria from the confident victory by the Soviet Olympic team at the 1952 games. In order to continue to increase the sports potential of the country, it was decided to build the largest stadium in the USSR, which responds to international standards currently operating at that time. Surprisingly, such a Mahina was built in an incredibly short term - it took only 450 days for this.
On July 31, 1956, the solemn opening of the new sports arena was held. The stadium has undergone a reconstruction several times. Initially, the stands and the field were in the open sky, but at the end of the XX century visors were equipped over visual sites. The next reconstruction was required by Luzhniki before holding the 2018 World Cup in Russia. This reconstruction must be carried out taking into account the most stringent UEFA requirements. The lawn on the stadium field is already the coating of the fifth generation.
Stadium "Luzhniki" is the main Moscow arena, on which not only football championships is possible, but also other major sports in many sports. In 1980, the opening and closing and closing ceremonies of the Olympic Games were held on it, and in 1999 a football match between FIFA and Russia national teams took place. Naturally, not only sports makes this stadium - many mass events and musical concerts of celebrities are held here.

We present the top 10 of the most spacious and large football stadiums of the entire planet. Modern arenas are affected by their grandiosity, architectural solutions and are a business card for cities and countries. The number of football lovers in different parts of the world is only growing, at the same time the capacity of the "temples" of football increases.

The once huge Arena "Maracan" In the sunny in Rio de Janeiro, after the reorganization, only 79 thousand fans can take. The Brazilian Arena record was installed at the final match of the Mundial 1950 - 199 thousand 854 visitor. At the current time, Maracan fell out of the list of the most accomplished arenaments of the world as a result of the repair and bringing the complex in compliance with the new requirements of FIFA.

The most famous stadiums, with a fantastic history of football battles, are: Pearl of Catalonia, Grad's home Arena Football "Barcelona" - "NOU CAMP" And the unique stadium of the capital of Mexico "Aztec", who adopted the final matches of the world championships 1970 and 1986. At this stadium, the chronicle of world football was created legendary Pele and Maradona, Rieverino and Riva, Rummenigge and Waldano.

The largest stadium in the world is located in the city of Pyongyang - Stadium on May 1.This unique structure resembles magnolia in the form of 16 petals. The pride of North Korea, he received his name in honor of the holiday of the workers - May 1. The capacity of the largest stadium is 150,000 fans who can enjoy the magic of football.

Photo of the most huge stadium in the world - Stadium on May 1, Pyongyang

Arena occupies the second position Salt LakeThree tiers of the majestic tribunes of this stadium in Calcutta (India) can take 120,000 sports games. The stadium of Indian youth specializes in football, which is quite rare for this Asian country.

It is impossible not to remember "Wembley" and "Luzhniki". Old "Wembley" with white towers, the legendary stadium of the national team of England, which became the only time champion of the world of 1966. The reconstruction of the old stadium decided not to carry out, and in his place we will build a new "Wembley". The symbol of the new stadium is the sliding roof and a unique arch of 134 meters high. After discovery in 2007 accommodates 90,000.

Reconstructed Moscow "Luzhniki" - the owner of the 1980 Olympiad, have the status of an "elite" stadium and accommodate 90,000 and is the largest stadium in Russia. In Luzhniki, the final match of the 2018 World Cup will be held.

Full list of Thor-10 World Football Arenches for Capacity:

  1. Stadium of May 1 (Pyongyang, DPRK) - 150,000 seats.
  2. Salt Lake (Calcutta, India) -120 000 places.
  3. Aztec (Mexico City, Mexico) - 105,000 seats.
  4. Bukit Jalil (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) - 100 200 seats.
  5. Azadi (Tehran, Iran) - 100,000 seats.
  6. Know Camp (Barcelona, \u200b\u200bSpain) - 100,000 seats.
  7. Socker City (Johannesburg, South Africa) - 94,700 seats.
  8. Rose Bowle (Pasaden, USA) - 94,000 places.
  9. New Wembley (London, England) - 90,000 seats.
  10. Luzhniki (Moscow, Russia) - 89,318 seats.

Photos of the biggest stadiums in the world of football

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