Parental memories per year. Parent Saturday

The buildings 15.10.2019
The buildings

Parent Saturdays in 2017 pass through the Orthodox calendar. The coming day is remembered by the ancestors soon - April 25, 2017.

Parent Saturdays in 2017 what date

The most extreme parent Saturday will be very soon. This is Radonitsa, celebrated on April 25. This day, although it does not fall on Saturday, but the Orthodox Church is included in the number of special days to remember the ancestors. In total, in 2017, eight Parent Saturdays.

Radonitsa is still a mansion from the rest of the day. A feature of this holiday is that it is not only celebrated on Tuesday, but in essence is the main memorial day of the departed in the year.

The exact date for Radonitsa is not fixed. She is celebrated on the ninth day after Easter. Or the first Tuesday after the Red Gorki (Fomina Sunday). Accurate reference dates explains the calendar of the Orthodox Parent Saturday.

After Radonitsy, the next memorial day is considered on May 9th. It is not transferred, the date is constant. This is the day to commemorate the dead warriors.

"Many enemies are a lot of honor," the German proverb says. This means that the heart of man, especially the elderly, deserves great respect and honor. It pays for everything that the previous decades did not go wrong. Inevitable age-related changes are added to this. The heart could cope with high pressure even with the already scored atherosclerosis vessels, but his worst enemy (and this heart knows) something, from what it is in the end, will inevitably be defeated - this is the time ....

Cardiovascular diseases are a large group of heart disease and vessels, which is recognized as the main cause of death of people of various sexes, age, social status and the level of education around the world. When should I need to seek advice to the "cardiac" doctor, to a cardiologist?

1 High blood pressure

Increased blood pressure (blood pressure) is a risk factor of such complications such as stroke, heart attack, heart failure. Hell level on a tonometer above 140/90 It is a mandatory reason to appeal to the cardiologist, it will help to find out the reason for the increase in pressure and will provide recommendations for its decline.

2. Pain in the chest

It used to be believed that the heart can only hurt in old age. Today, the passport age does not mean anything: even in the heyday, it is not insured by a person from angina or myocardial infarction. Despite the fact that the pain in the chest can have many reasons, it is important to know: if this pain occurs during or after exercise, gives it to the neck, left shoulder, left hand, under the left blade or lower jaw, passes a few minutes after Termination of load or taking nitroglycerin - you need to immediately contact the cardiologist.

3. Interruptions in the work of the heart, a rapid or very rare pulse.

Normally, the heart works rhythmically, reducing with a frequency of 60-90 beats per minute. If it began to shrink nertramically (more than 90 blows per minute or vice versa - less than 40-50 blows per minute, without postponing, we appeal to the cardiologist. Any of these complaints may be a symptom of a serious illness.

If you easily rose to the 10th floor, and now with difficulty - on the 2nd, because there is a feeling of the lack of air or shortness of breath - it means that the symptom of heart failure appeared. Often it happens if you recently hurt the flu, angina or viral infection "on the legs".

5. High level cholesterol

High cholesterol "does not hurt", but is a serious risk factor and the result of such formidable complications, as a stroke, heart attack, impotence, flying out atherosclerosis of foot vessels. We definitely turn to the cardiologist and with it we decide - how to keep cholesterol under control.

As always, I sincerely wish you health!

Artist Chanel Kotce

We invariably show the assignment to the honors to the mind with the departed native and loved ones. It is so important to give them a tribute to memory and respect. It helps to keep the connection of generations and is a prerequisite for spiritual life. We need quite a bit - to know when these days will be celebrated, only in this case we can adequately prepare for their conduct.

What is Radonitsa?

Called by Radonitsa or Sometimes Radunitsa This day is among the special holidays allotted by the Church for West Died. Such special days (in all of them in the year 8) are celebrated on Saturdays, from where they went to the name - "Parent Saturdays".

However, Radonitsa stands a mansion in the series of these memorable days, as for the most part almost always falls on Tuesday. A feature of this most important parent day a year is not only that it is celebrated on Tuesday, but also that it is in its importance in the first place among all the memorial days.

The exact date was not fixed behind Radonitsa, each year the time of this day changes depending on when Easter is celebrated. It is only necessary to count 9 days from Sunday's bright Christ and get the exact date of Radonitsy. That is, in other words, this is the first Tuesday after the Red Gorki (Fomina Sunday). Thus, the date of the parent day in 2017 falls on April 25.

Measuring days

In order to be able to honor the memory of the departed relatives and loved on time, taking care of their souls by reading the prayers and visiting the cemetery in order to maintain order on the graves, it is simply necessary to know the exact commemoration days. Orthodox parents in 2017 fall on the following dates:

Now knowing the parent days of visiting the cemetery in 2017, you can competently prepare and arrange worthy of your deceased relatives and close to the memorial rite.

The origins and meaning of radonitsa

According to the evidence of many scientists and biblical individuals, including John of Zlatoust, the History of Radonitsy leaves its roots in deep antiquity. In times of paganism, it was a great feast of commemoration of the departed, conducted with a wide scale. People, gathering on the gravestone mounds, organized a TRIZNU (remembrance feast) and noisy walks, trying to hide the souls that had already well. In the folk consciousness, this holiday sat down so deeply that the official church after a long time recognized this day, erecting him into a special rank.

The value of this holiday is hidden in his name, which in different Slavic peoples may sound differently. This is the Radannik (some regions of Russia), and the graves, and the coffins (Ukraine), and Naviius Day (Belarus).

The joy of resurrection in singular days

However, in any case, Radonitsa in its origin is equal to the word "joy" and to the concept of "genus family." What kind of joy can we talk about such a sorrowful day? The church explains: at Radonitsa, visiting the temple and the graves of the ancestors, we should not fall into despondency and longing, but rejoice at loved ones who came to the face of the Lord. They are now close to God and their souls rejoice, being in love and happiness.

So, why should we, their descendants, do not rejoice at them, is of prayers? Having put in order the grave, we also make a certain ritual action, symbolically meaning the preparation for the resurrection of the soul.

The main thing is that we have to and can do on this day for the deceased relatives - to pay enough prayers. If there is no possibility to invite the priest on the grave to read the lithium (memorial prayer), then you can do it yourself. It is in prayers that our relatives and relatives need, and not in excessive eating food and drinking alcohol. So teaches the church, and so it is necessary to do according to conscience and bearing of the heart.

Procedure and basic rules

In the morning, at any Parental Day, Orthodox are sent to the church, taking with them a lean lunch that donates either the temple or poor, in dire need of help people. By defending the requiem service, usually go to the cemeteries, where prayers are also read, closed. Still very strong traditions as commemoration of food and drink right on the graves. Traditionally, this can be understood, but here is the church against such actions. In principle, everyone comes in their concepts, but still to arrange a drunken feast on the graves this matter is not an awake.

Radonitsa in Russia

By the way, the towers and tablecloths straightened on Rusi to Radonitsa, and laying out abundant dishes, attached to the whole family. They drose and drank so much that sometimes immediately fell asleep. The list of mandatory dishes included painted in yellow or green eggs, dry cakes on a special recipe, pancakes, porridge.

Before the beginning of the TRIZN, the head of the family of rogue of the eggs and then buried one of them into the ground, as if giving the crash to join the Easter meal. Be sure to poured a stack of vodka on the grave, which is also not welcomed by the modern church. After lunch, to which they were necessarily invited and sophisticated, the beggars still remained in the cemetery, peacefully spending time in conversations, and then went home. In the evening, the youth arranged a walk with songs, dats and fun fun.

Signs and beliefs for the parent day

The people of great importance were given the importance of the weather, which fell on the Radunitsa. Especially waited for the rain.

  • It was believed that the rain on this day possessed a special force - to maintain and extend youth and health, beauty, wealth, happiness. Little children sang special songs, calling rain. In case the rain really walked, it was wound with water, putting a face shower. And the girls did it in a special way, skipping rainwater through a gold or silver ring to be beautiful and happy.
  • Rain foreshadowed a year rich in the crop.
  • It was strictly forbidden to plant or sow something - this led to the fact that it was possible to lose the entire harvest.
  • If warm weather was standing on Radonitz, they spoke "parents warmly die."

Now we can look in a different way of meaning who possesses this holiday to commemoration. And showing the right example of your children, we can hope that this tradition will be transmitted further, uniting representatives of the genus to a single whole.

The canons of the Christian faith are prescribed to make dead relatives and loved ones in the church. Mountedness in Orthodox believers are accomplished into the parent Saturdays, which in Orthodox Christianity there are 7, of which - 2 are called universal when prayers are taking place for all those who died on Earth. The only day of special commemoration, which is not going on Saturday, and on the 9th day after the bright holiday of Easter - on Tuesday, is Radonitsa (Radunitsa). Radonitsa 2019 will be celebrated 7 May,and the rest of the dates that parent Saturdays fall out in 2019, you can look at the Orthodox Calendar 2019.

History of the holiday and his name

Historical holiday roots go to paganism. There are several assumptions why this parent day is called Radonitsa. One of them is based on an old legend that such a name happened to the names of the pagan gods that were the keepers of the dead souls. The remembered days in those times were called Radavanian, tries or Navius \u200b\u200bday.

Before the adoption of Christianity in Russia, our ancestors were taken in the spring to arrange weekly feasts on the funeral cougars. There they burned fire, sang, danced and trapes. The pagans believed that they were so honored, treat and chew the souls of the ancestors who come from the heavenly kingdom to the ground these days. After all, if you find them bad, always imprisoned can get angry and send hunger and illness to Earth. It was believed that we had to meet the souls of the departed with joy, so the spring commemoration began to call Radonitsa.

According to another version, the name went from the words "Rod" and "Rodality", as they remembered on this day of the deceased relatives. Most researchers lean towards the fact that Radonitsa means joy and associate it with the fact that on Sunday, the Savior came to hell on the church writings and won the death over death. Therefore, Radonitsa carries the joy caused by faith in Sunday and eternal life.

The Orthodox Christian Church, taking as a basis the essence of the Spring Makeup, gave him its content and features. The date of the Celebration of Radonitsa was established on the basis that in the temples on weekdays, following the second Sunday after the Easter holiday, the singing of Lithium on the deceased, which was not conducted from the most magnificent Thursday, was resumed. Therefore, the remembrance of the dead falls on Tuesday or in some settlements - on Monday.

Traditions and rites Radonitsy: history and modernity

A visit to the graves of relatives is the main tradition of Radonitsa. In the old days, Easter food and Easter eggs were brought to Radonitsa, as in our days. If now, an Easter egg is just put on the grave, it used to be taken to coup under the cross or, breaking about the cross, purify and beyond the "Pomin of the Soul". Such a rite was called "Christ with relatives". Then it was customary to arrange abundant meals with alcohol, after which some even fell asleep near the graves. Nowadays, the church does not welcome the separation of the graves of alcoholic beverages.

In some localities, it was not customary to go to the cemetery. There it was believed that on this day, the departed come to the houses of their relatives. In order to meet them well, since the morning they melted the bathhouse in which pure underwear for them and night. At this time, to the bathhouse to go to everyone. With the onset of the morning, all households went there and searched for traces, testifying to the arrival of the deceased. It was possible to wash in the bath only after the end of Radonitsa.

In the traditions of Radonitsa, it was necessary to put water and pieces of bread on the windowsill. In the evening they satisfied the memorial dinner, where there were three extra plates on the table: for breakfast, lunch and dinner of the dead. The food remaining after a festive meal was made to hand out by the poor and homeless. After dinner, youth gathered on the street and satisfied the funny walking.

The most ancient tradition of Radonitsy is considered a rite of rain causing. Now this tradition is forgotten, and earlier our great-grandfathers told that on the day of Radonitsy the sky should send at least a few drops of rain to earth. Therefore, they were forced to look at the sky and shout at the whole voice: "Fall rain to Babin Rye, on the grandfather wheat." Calling the rain, it was necessary to wash the water from heaven for happiness. If thunder was heard in Radonitsa, the girls were in a hurry to wash off rainwater, so much to keep their youth. For this, the heavenly water had to be skipped through a silver or gold ring.

Children who live separately from their parents should visit the father and mother on this day, otherwise Radonitsa will pass for them not joyful, but sadly, and if parents get angry, they can unknowingly bring some trouble to the unknown children.

The church advises to start Radonitsa 2019 with a visit to the temple, where he should be prayed for relatives who left the Earth and order a panocide. The Church on this day a service is held, and any parishioner can ask the priest about prayer about the dead close person. In Radonitsa, it is customary to make donations for the Church, bring there Easter dishes and products, distribute alms to those in need. It is believed that our good deeds bring joy to dead relatives. Only after visiting the church should go to the cemetery.

How to behave in the cemetery in Radonitz

The church does not allow to visit the graveyard for Easter, and it follows to Radonitsa. Also, Orthodoxy is not welcome when the grave leaves food. The church considers this tradition to the pagan rite. You do not need to put a glass of vodka with bread on the grave, which today has become an undeclared tradition. Such commemoration is unacceptable for Orthodox Christians and are considered to be sin. You can drink alcohol only on a festive dinner or dinner at home, but in no case to get involved. Family holiday should take place without explicit fun, but without tears and bitter sadness.

It is recommended that the food you were going to leave on the grave to distribute the needy. The church claims that so you give the opportunity to help people to help people after death, and only a burning church candle should remain on the grave. According to Orthodox canons, coming to the cemetery, there you need to get out and remember the relatives, what they were in life, to remember their goodwalk and pray for them.

Signs on Radonitz

  • When a new moon comes to Radonitz, we should expect a rich harvest.
  • The greater the alms and treats to hand out, the more they will give on that light.
  • If a person will forget on Radonitz to throw his parents, then after death will not be remembered and in the kingdom heaven will not care.
  • The first person who came to the cemetery on the day of Radonitsy will receive a special favor from the deceased.
  • Pregnant women can not come to the cemetery in Radonitz.
  • If you disturb the Earth on this day: to jump, sow or plant - there will be a bad harvest.
  • When rain pours rain to dinner on Radonitsa, a strong wind blows in the afternoon, then the dead relatives are worried, why they do not come to the cemetery. If the rain goes without wind - to a generous harvest.

Fortune telling on Radonitsa

In Starin on Radonitsa, the unmarried girlfriend gathered together and wondered. Of particular ghosts, characteristic only by the Radunitz are unknown, but fortune-orders conducted on other shields were used:

  • recognition of fate on the book. The number of the page and the line, which was read by a response, predicting fate;
  • fortune telling with a wreath. The girls gled a wreath of birch branches and allowed him to sail along the river. Where the wreath goes, from there and wait for the groom, if the wreath takes - to wait for death;
  • fortune telling on a birch branch. To do this, the girl broke the twig with birch and before bedtime put her under the pillow. Having dreameded on this night, the man will become sulky;
  • prophetic sleep. In the old days, the sacred believed that he was attending the Earth to Radonitz and tried to resort to their help to see a prophetic dream. To this end, people walked in the cemetery in the evening and asked relatives near their grave, send a prophetic dream at night.

Correcting the Orthodox canons of the Celebration of Radonitsa, the parental day 2017 will be a holiday for you, where you will feel an invisible spiritual connection with my own people who left our land. Recall that Radonitsa is not the only day when the memorial days in 2017 are installed. Pay for several days a year to the parent Saturdays of 2017 for several days to remember their kind words, put a candle in the church and pray for their souls.

Radonitsa in 2019 falls on May 7th.
A visit to the graves of loved ones is the main tradition of remembered days.
In Radonitsa, it is customary to make donations and give alms.
Dates of the parent Saturday can be found in the Orthodox calendar 2019.

In 2019, in March, three Parent Saturdays:

  • March 2 - the Ecumenical Parental (meat support) Saturday;
  • March 23 - Parent Saturday 2nd weeks of the Great Post;
  • March 30 - Parent Saturday is the 3rd semist of the Great Post.

Parent Saturday - traditional days to remember the dead. Alive today, the custom these days to visit their native graves, put memorial candles, to serve prayers.

In the parent Saturday, the Orthodox Church encourages all believers to pray for the deceased relatives and acquaintances. Sorrow of people who left this world - the holy and bright feeling inherent in each of us. Prayers are support for the dead. During the general prayer, sins and souls can get into the kingdom of heaven.

How to remember the parent Saturday?

These days in churches are held special liturgy: prayers and repentant canons are read for the deceased. Parishioners put in the church for resting the candles, they transmit notes with the names of loved ones, which are then mentioned during the prayer.

Prayers for the rest of the people who have left in the world can be read at home. Sincere words said from the heart herself will help the departed to relieve pain and find eternal peace. You need to start a prayer from the repentant canon. Ask the Lord to forgive the departed all sins and introduce them to the kingdom of heaven. You can pray in your own words.

In the parent Saturdays are customary to visit the cemeteries. First go to church, and then they go to the graveyard, where they bring order after the winter. The graves leave the hotels. Prayers and mercy of the departed in the parent Saturdays are important. These days you can establish a subtle connection with the deceased. After visiting the cemeteries, it is customary to arrange a memorial meal. The mandatory dish on the tables of our ancestors these days was Last Cock.

Parent Saturday: What can not do

Many are interested in: is it possible to work in the parent Saturday? The priests definitely answer that there is no ban on a job.

On the eve of the Ecumenical Parental (Meat Court) Saturday (March 2), our ancestors arranged general commemorations: in the courtyards and in cemeteries, the candles were burned in terms of the number of deceased relatives, they were preparing kun and special breadheads that were distributed to the cemetery on the soul member. The first spring flowers and greens carried the graves. There was a ban to sweep the floor on this day, "in order not to climb the eyes of the dead."

Parent Saturdays on March 23 and 30 fall out for the days of the Great Post, so it is not allowed to use meat food, eggs and dairy dishes. On the table should be lenched food, fastened with vegetable oil. You can drink some grape fault, but you should not abuse alcoholic beverages.

In the parent Saturdays you can not focus, condemn other people, conflict. It will be advisable for a peaceful way, if possible, help those who need, for example, to distribute alms or transfer money to charity. Parents better refrain from punishment of children.

Video: What is the parent Saturday?

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