An example of estimates for the repair of the room, important moments in compiling. Examples of estimates estimate repair mounting work

The buildings 26.06.2020
The buildings

Just as the theater begins with hangers, any repair begins with the preparation of the estimate. It does not matter whether it is about repairing a whole house, a separate room or a bathroom, the estimate is simply vital. Especially if we are talking about hiring professional builders.

In this article, we will look at how to make sure the apartment to repair the apartment, as well as what features should be taken into account when it is compiled.

What is the estimate?

The estimate is list of all necessary works, necessary to achieve the goal. In this case, the apartment is repaired. This document indicates the parameters of the necessary work, the cost of work, as well as the number and cost of materials and related services for their delivery.

Estimation is necessary, regardless of whether you will make repair personally or hire professional builders. It allows you to determine the budget of the future repair and commend it with your capabilities. Without her, the likelihood that starting repairs can never finish it. And all because the money ended or messed up with mandatory work.

Who is the estimate?

Drawing up the estimates on the repair of an apartment or a private house is best order a professional. Thanks to his rich experience, specialists know all the subtleties of the process, as well as what pitfalls need to be circumvented. In addition, they almost by heart remember all coefficients to rates from the technical part, the entire regulatory framework.

As a rule, most repair brigades independently make up the estimate before repair. This allows the customer to save time and relieves it from excess headaches. However, if desired, it is possible to draw up the estimate yourself.

The services of a professional expert on building quality control will help reduce the total consumption on the estimate.

On how to independently make a estimate, you can learn more.

Rules for compiling estimates

An independent compilation of the estimates is a fairly painstaking process, but there is nothing complicated in it. Naturally, the document must be present, the rates of masters, the necessary building materials. However, not all so simple. Drawing up the estimates involves making three main categories of expenses. These categories include direct and overhead, as well as estimate profits.

Direct expenses are the main cost of estimates. This category includes the cost of building materials, salary of workers, as well as costs associated with the operation of construction mechanisms and machines. The last item is especially relevant, in case we are talking about drafting estimates on the repair and finishing work of the property. Based on the cost of direct costs assumed the volume of overhead. Usually we are talking about the amount within 12-23%, but with significant deviations on certain types of work.

To category overhead expenses Believe funds going on to ensure the working conditions and to organize the repair process. Such expenses include the cost of shipping and unloading materials, the work of movers, the cost of garbage collection and apartment cleaning. This also includes the cost of maintenance of equipment and the ownership fee of the supplier and pro-gear.

Estimated profit It is funds intended to cover the costs of contracting organizations for the development of production and material incentives for workers. Estimated profit is the normative part of the cost of construction products and does not relate to the cost of work. In aggregate with direct costs, overhead are becoming the basis for calculating the estimated profit, which is usually 8-12% of this amount, but can be significantly more.

When drawing up the estimate should be considered the correct procedure for its preparation. All calculations on the estimate are carried out in a strictly defined manner and are made for each stage of the repair work separately:

  1. At the first stage, the cost of dismantling work should be calculated.
  2. Next, the cost of general structures is calculated. At the same time, the estimates for communications work is calculated separately.
  3. Lastly, shifts are made to finishing work on the ceilings, walls and semi.

As a rule, the calculation of repair construction works is performed on separate rooms: bathroom, toilet, living room, kitchen, and so on.

When calculating the need for construction and finishing materials, it is necessary to calculate all areas and measure the perimeters of the surfaces of the surfaces and take into account the rate of consumption, which each material can be their own, usually indicate the packaging. The estimator should also take into account that work on uneven surfaces or with wallpaper, the drawing of which requires docking, increases the consumption of materials, which should also be reflected in the estimate.

Calculation of estimates

Now that we have dealt with the main cost categories, you can go to the preparation of the residence itself. In the simplest version, you can take a simple sheet of paper and make a table on it. Besides, create estimated calculations on the computer, Moreover, specialized programs can be used for their surveillance. Among these programs can be allocated: "Grand estimate", "turbostchik" and "Smetawizard".

In this case, we will focus on the simplest version with a sheet of paper or table in a text editor. First of all, the sheet on the speakers should be broken down Categories:

  • Type of work;
  • Number;
  • Unit price;
  • The final amount.

Direct costs are grouped into a tabular part of the names of the structural elements, on the repair of which they are directed. Overhead and planned accumulations are made in the estimate of individual sections.

Next, we specify the entire list of upcoming operations. At the same time, the quadrature of the room, the perimeter of the room or the area of \u200b\u200bthe single wall or ceiling should be calculated. The resulting digit is changed to rates and obtain the result for each line. We fold the results and get the amount you pay the masters.

To calculate the total value of materials, against each line indicate the necessary materials and their cost. The cost of the required building materials. Take a separate list indicating the number and prices.

The table is better to write not just a general name - for example, "putty" or "wallpaper", but also indicate the brand, the name and color of the goods. This will make it possible to more accurately orient when buying and specifying a more specific price.

We fold the cost of work and materials. According to the result, we get an approximate cost of repair. To the resulting amount, add unexpected costs of consumables, tools, transport transportation and other related costs.

Having made this simple counting, you will be oriented in advance in the upcoming costs. And if funds are not enough, then you can save at the cost of materials - buy cheaper wallpapers, flooring, plinth, other. Or try to negotiate with masters about reducing rates.


Below will be presented with ready-made estimates for apartment repairs for one-room, two-bedroom and three-room apartments, as well as a price list to finish turnkey apartments.

The formation of estimates for construction and finishing works is the necessary part of the execution of the contract for the construction and repair of various kinds of objects.


In what cases is a document drawn up

Estimation for construction and finishing works can be drawn up in addition to the contract both between legal entities and individual entrepreneurs and between individuals.
Construction and repair objects can also be the most different:

  • private houses and apartments;
  • buildings and structures belonging to commercial organizations or government agencies;
  • individual rooms or whole complexes of buildings, etc.

What does the document need

Estrase is a preliminary calculation of the value of building materials and services.

This document is necessary in order for the Customer under the Agreement to have a clear idea of \u200b\u200bwhat costs for repair and construction will come to him.

In some estimates, in addition to the collaboration of actually expenses, a period of conducting certain works is made. After drawing up and sight, the document allows the customer to better control the work performed.

If we consider the role of estimates from the point of view of accounting, then it is also quite obvious: it is based on its basis in most cases a wondering of the value of materials, construction and repair work.

If we talk more accurately, the write-off occurs after signing by the customer and the performer of the primary accounting document: the act of work performed, but the estimate confirms the accuracy of the work and materials prescribed in it.
The more thoroughly and more accurate will be designed, the less likely that there are some disagreements and controversial moments during the work between the customer and the performer.

Is it permissible to break the numbers specified in the estimate

A feature of the document is the guarantee that the prices specified in it will remain unchanged.

Since the estimate is usually preliminary in nature, during the period of actual execution of work (especially if they are long-term), some prices can change significantly.
Also require adjustment may also amount to materials.

Usually such an opportunity is prescribed in the contract or the residue itself (for example, the fact that prices can be increased by 10%, etc.).

If there is no such point in the estimate, then all changes must be consistent between the customer and the Contractor in the process of executing the contract and if the customer does not object, the estimate can be edited.

In situations where the Customer does not agree to the increase in the cost of the work declared in the estimate, the Contractor has the right to refuse to fulfill the terms of the contract.

Who is authorized to do the estimate

Usually, the obligation to form the estimation of the estimate lies on the head of the structural unit, which is directly engaged in the execution of work (brigadier, head of the workshop, plot, etc.). In any case, it should be a person who knows the standards for spending certain building materials, has an idea of \u200b\u200btheir market value, as well as a sign with the rules for the preparation of this kind of documents.

How to form a blank

Today, the unified form of the estimate does not exist, so representatives of enterprises and organizations can compile it in an arbitrary form or, if the contracting company has a developed and approved typical pattern - according to its sample. In this case, regardless of which method it is selected, it is necessary that according to its structure, the document corresponds to some standards of office work, and in the text included a number of certain information.

In the "cap" are standard:

  • number, place, date compilation form;
  • information on organizations between which a construction and finishing contract concluded;
  • a reference to the contract itself is given (its number and date of concluding is indicated);
  • posts, names, name-name-names of managers fit.
  • serial number;
  • name of work;
  • unit of measurement of work (square meters, kilograms, pieces, etc.);
  • price per unit of measurement;
  • total cost.

If necessary, you can add additional columns (for example, about the number and cost of the material being expended, information about the devices used, equipment, technician). The length of the table depends on how many works are planned. For convenience, the table can be divided into sections depending on the type of work (plumbing, painting, carpentry, assembly, etc.).

Under the table should be made of whether prices are final or during the work of work can be adjusted.

How to arrange estimates

Important condition! It must be signed by directors of two enterprises: the customer and artist (or individuals authorized to act on their behalf), while the signatures should only be "alive" - \u200b\u200bthe use of facsimile options is not expected.

The estimate can be certified using the seals of organizations, but only in the condition that the use of stamp products is registered in their internal locally regulatory acts.

The estimate is made in two identical text and equivalent to the right copies, one for each of the stakeholders. After drawing up and sight by both parties, the estimate becomes an integral part of the contract, so its presence should be recorded in the Internal Documentation Journal.

(Examples we consider on the basis of ter territorial unit rates, anology and far-federal unit rates,
on the reference estimate regulatory framework (new edition))

We will analyze Example No. 5 of the compilation of the estimate, this example will be more complicated:

For example, imagine that the customer asks to make the repair of walls in the apartment.

We take a roulette, a piece of paper, a handle or a pencil and leave for inspection of the repair point, i.e. We are going to the object.
Arriving on the object, we find out that the repair of the walls must be done only in the same room.
Here in place at the representative of the customer, we clarify what exactly the customer wants.
The customer wants (only the walls are still considered without slopes):

1. Clean the walls from the paint of the water-emulsion;
2. Align the plaster of the walls;
3. Apply a putty;
4. Color the walls of water-level paint.

Ask the customer all the details, it will help you when choosing rates in the future.
Asking the customer, we agreed that:

  1. We will first consider old paint from the walls;
  2. Ground the walls before aligning the stuccoing of the primer, for the clutch of the new layer of plaster with the old (in more often, so that our plaster does not fall off);
  3. To align the plaster with a mixture of plastering "Rotband", the thickness of the plaster layer to 10 mm.
  4. Then again grind the walls with primer, before applying putty and water-level paint, so that all this does not crack, did not fall off and tightly clung to the wall.
  5. Apply putty on the walls for alignment of wall defects after plaster;
  6. And the last, painting the walls of water-level paint, the coloring was discussed with the customer, will be improved.
Stage II:

We found out the task, now we must decide on the volume. Well, if the customer will give you a copy of the plan plan, according to which the dimensions of the industrial room can be seen. And if not, it will give a roulette and measure the width and length of the room, as well as the width and height of the door and window openings of a tape measure.
We assume that when measuring the width of the room, we turned 4.0 m, the length of the room is 6.0 m, the height of the room is 2.85 m. The height of the doorway is 2.0 m, the width is 1.0 m, the height of the window opening is 1.5 m , and width 1.4 m.
Be sure to measure the dimensions of door and window openings in the room. When counting the volumes of the walls, we will deduct the area of \u200b\u200bthe door and window openings from the total full area of \u200b\u200bthe walls of the room, since the volume of work on equalizing the plaster walls is determined by the area only the surface that will be aligned. (GESNR 81-04-OP-2001 government element estimated norms for repair and construction work. General provisions. The calculation of work volumes (revision 2009), paragraph 2.42. The area of \u200b\u200bplastering of the inner walls should be determined minus the area of \u200b\u200bopening of the outdoor unit of the boxes and an area occupied by drawn platbands, and the height of the walls take from clean floor to the ceiling.)

But, the area of \u200b\u200bcoloring walls of water-emulsion paint is determined without deducting the areas of openings and without taking into account the areas of window and door slopes only if we are painting and slopes too. (GESNR 81-04-OP-2001 state element estimates for repair and construction work. General provisions. The calculation of work volumes (revision of 2009), p. 2.51. The painting area of \u200b\u200bthe internal surfaces is determined without deducting the space of openings and excluding Squares of window and door slopes, lateral surfaces of niche, but taking into account the area of \u200b\u200bpillars and side sides Pilaster)

But since we are no slopes, but only the walls, therefore the color of the color of the walls of water-emulsion paint takes specifically on the area of \u200b\u200bthe painted surface.

Taking a picture of a mentally wall and measuring them, we return to our place of work and proceed to the second stage.

We consider the walls of the walls: (6.0 + 4.0) * 2 * 2.85-2.0 * 1.0-1.5 * 1,4 \u003d 52.9 m2.
Now we write to the defective statement that we need to do:

  1. Clear the surface of the walls of the walls from the paints. We write to a defective statement - cleaning the surface of the walls of the walls from the paints of 52.9 m2.
  2. Turn the walls before aligning the stucco with the primer. We write to a defective statement - the coolant of the surface of the walls of the primer before aligning the plaster 52.9 m2.
  3. Align the plaster wall with a mixture of plastering "Rotband", the thickness of the plaster layer to 10 mm. We write to a defective statement - alignment of plaster walls with a dry mortar mixture "Rotband" with a thickness of up to 10 mm 52.9 m2.
  4. Turn the walls after leveling plaster, before applying putty and water-level paint. We write to the defective statement - the coolant of the surface of the walls of the primer before applying the putty and the water-emulsion paint is 52.9 m2.
  5. Apply putty on the walls for leveling defects after plaster. We write to a defective statement - applying putty on the walls for the leveling of defects after plaster 52.9 m2.
  6. Strip the walls of water-free paint. We write to a defective statement - painting with water-emulsion compositions on the plaster of the walls improved.
Notice one important detail, all the details are written in a defective statement.

Specifically, in our case, we wrote not just "Aligning the plaster walls with a dry mortar mixture" Rotband ""; "The coloring of the water-free walls of the walls is improved", and "Alignment of the plaster walls with a dry mortar mixture" Rotband "thickness up to 10 mm";" Coloring with water-emulsion compositions by stucco The walls are improved "as requested by the customer.
Why such details, you will understand later when searching for rates.
Well, in our case, a defective statement is ready, see below:


________________ /______________________ /

"______" ____________________ 20 ___

Object: Apartment

Defective statement

for repair of walls in the room

PP Name of works and costs unit of measurement number
1 2 3 4
1. Cleaning manually walls of walls from the paints m2. 52,9
2. Obunting the surface of the walls of the primer before leveling plaster m2. 52,9
3. Alignment of plaster walls with dry mortar mixture
"Rotband" thickness up to 10 mm
m2. 52,9
Before applying putty and water-emulsion paint
m2. 52,9
5. Applying putty on the walls for alignment of defects after plaster m2. 52,9
6. Coloring Waters of Wall Plaster Improved m2. 52,9

Amounted to: ___________________________________________________
(position, signature, Full name)

Checked: ___________________________________________________
(position, signature, Full name)

After the defective statement is ready, it gives it to the customer for approval.
And after the customer will approve a defective statement, we proceed to drafting the estimates.

Drawing up the estimates.
To compile estimates, we will require terr - territorial unit rates for repair and construction work; Ter-territorial unit rates for construction work.
If you are already familiar with the estimate program, then all these terr, ter is in it.
So, we have cleaning from old paint, aligning plaster, then painting a new paint, i.e. Repair, so we are looking for rates first in the repair sections - terr - territorial unit rates for repair and construction work. And if the rates suitable for us are not in the repair sections, then we are looking for them in building parts.
But when repairing initially always rates are searched in the repair sections.
Initially, we have a cleaning of the surface of the walls from the paints. There are no direct rates for this type of work, so we will look for a raicy for reference. Since the first type of work is related to paints, i.e. Cleaning from the paints, then we are initially looking for terr-painting work. This will be terr section 62 painting works.
Next, in Terr section 62. Painting work, we are looking for cleaning from the paints. This will be the applied price of terr 62-41-1.
For the first point in a defective statement, we found the price of terr 62-41-1. We insert it into your estimate.

Now we are looking for a racination for the second paragraph of a defective statement.
The second type of work is the engineering of the surface of the walls of the primer before aligning the plaster, we will not seem to look for, since usually the coolant is laid in rates for equalizing plaster.

We are looking for a third type of work immediately - aligning the plaster walls with a dry mortar mixture "Rotband" thickness up to 10 mm.

Since the third type of work is related to plaster, i.e. Alignment of plaster, then we are looking for terr plaster works. This will be terr section 61 plastering.
Further in Terra section 61. Plastering, we are looking for alignment of plaster walls with a dry mortar mixture with a thickness of up to 10 mm. This will be the price of terr 61-1-9.
We look at the price of terr 61-1-9 open, which means that the cost of the main material (in our case, this is a mixture of plastering "Rotband"). It (main material) is not taken into account. Therefore, to the Ralance of Terr 61-1-9, we additionally take a mixture of plastering "Rotband". The cost of materials is searched for a collection of TSSC. TSSTS is a territorial collection of estimated prices for materials, products and structures used in construction. It consists of five parts:

  1. TSSC 2001 Part I. Matercosts for general construction work
  2. TSSC 2001 Part II. Building structures and products
  3. TSSTC 2001 Part III. Materials and products for sanitary work
  4. TSSC 2001 Part IV. Concrete, reinforced concrete and ceramic products. Nonmetallic materials. Commodity concrete and solutions
  5. TSSC 2001 Part V. Materials, Products and Designs for Installation and Special Construction Works
Since the leveling of the plaster we refers to work with solutions, then the price for the cost of a mixture of plastering "Rotband" we are looking for a TSSC 2001 part IV. Concrete, reinforced concrete and ceramic products. Nonmetallic materials. Commodity concrete and solutions. This will be the price of TSSC 402-0077. In addition, we take the coefficient to the consumption of the material, the consumption of the mixture of plastering "Rotband" in TSSC 402-0077 will be 9.6 kg per 1 m2 with a layer thickness of 10 mm: 52.9 * 9.6 \u003d 507.84 m2

For the second and third paragraph in a defective statement, we found the price of terr 61-1-9. We insert it into your estimate.

Next, we turn to the fourth and fifth type of work-cutting of the surface of the walls of the primer before applying putty and the water-level paint and applying putty on the walls for alignment of defects after plaster. These types of work, we will not seek to seek, as well as the second. Consider first the sixth type of work - the color of the walls of the walls is improved, and then explain why we missed the fourth and fifth types of work.

Since there are no pricing on the color of the walls of the plaster on the color of the walls of the walls, we appeal to the construction parts of the ter territorial unit rates for construction work.
We are looking for finishing works. It will be ter part 15. Finishing work. Suitable for us Raluation Ter 15-04-005-03.
Consider this issue of ter 15-04-005-03 in more detail, an interesting price.

First of all, we need to find out if Ter 15-04-005-03 is sitting in the rates of 15-04-005-03.
We look at the GESN 81-02-PR-2001 government element estimated norms for construction work. Annexes (2009 revision), Appendix 15.11 - the composition of the work when painting with polyvinyl acetate water-emulsion compositions - improved stucco. Here, in the table, we see that the coolant and putty are already laid down in the color of the color of the waters of the walls are improved. And therefore, we will not take a detachment for the cutting of the walls of the walls of the water-emulsion color before coloring the walls of the walls.

At the rate of 15-04-005-03 at the rate of 15-04-005-03, the question may arise: "How the OGRanta is included in the racination if there is no cost of this primer in TSSC?"

Explain, the paint consumption in the composition of the proceeds of Ter 15-04-005-03 is so large for improved color, that part of this consumption can be replaced by primer consumption and the cost of the primer itself. Therefore, it is not possible to adjust this rates for the primer (see the letter of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation of July 21, 2009 No. 22729-IP / 08).

Now we can say that for the fourth, the fifth and sixth points of the defective statement, we found a suitable price - ter 15-04-005-03.

The estimate is almost ready, it remains to add all the necessary coefficients from the corresponding MDS - methodological documents in construction, such as, for example, as provided by claim 4.7. MDS 81-35.2004, if there are complicating factors and conditions for the production of these works, and lowering coefficients to overhead costs and estimated profits during repair is also from MDS ( read more often and study MDS before drawing up), and you can produce it.
Estrase gets such a kind, watch

Just do not forget that estimated prices in collections and programs are laid at 2000 prices. Therefore, the final estimate cost in this defense you need to multiply to the corresponding translation index to the current prices.
The translation index to the current prices for each region is your own.

After all, the ready-made estimate could be given to the contractor, and then for approval to the customer.

And now try to solve the tasks for draping the estimate and check yourself in the section:

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Long-awaited repairs in the apartment! In order for you to be hated it in a couple of years, you need to prepare for it. This will help an example of estimates for the repair of the room, because such data will show how much and in what volumes need to be inserted to get the dwellings of your dreams. This is not just a list of purchases, but a whole document that can be trusted to make up both specialists, but here be prepared for overestimation of costs. It is also possible to make it yourself independently, it is only important to know how.

The estimate includes all expenses, calculate any unforeseen costs, including services of specialists from different directions. In order to make the estimate, you need:

  • Perform measurements of the room. This includes the height and length of all walls, the length of wiring, cables, plumbing and thermal communications, if any will be included in the repair. After receiving information in size, it is possible that will become the base for calculating the necessary draft and finishing materials. It is important to have data on the walls of the walls, gender and ceiling.
  • Based on the data obtained, it is necessary to calculate the draft materials - make a reserve at least 5-10%.
  • Next is the choice and miscalculation of the necessary decorative materials.
  • Now the most interesting and exciting: price monitoring. It is necessary to know how much rough and finishing materials cost, the cost of the services of the designer and the brigade of repairmen, plumbing, electrician and other specialists who can be involved in the repair process. It is best to spread the table and specify several options for each item - this will not be mistaken with the choice.

All received data must be recorded, and then issue in one table: so you will have a work plan + the cost of materials and costs for the work of specialists. It is also necessary to specify the timing of the work, and if the influx of funds will be partial, then their dates of such arrivals.


Estrase is not only technical information, it includes an element of creativity. The technical aspect is at least minimal knowledge of the processes that will occur during the repair, an understanding of the building materials market, which is needed.

The creative approach is the competent distribution of all costs in accordance with the needs on a particular stage of work. It is important to approach the selection of the brigade if you trust it by specialists. Do not share at low prices - it is likely that the quality there will be the same. The estimate is better to make up, minimal data and numerous templates will help you with this. Why is it better to do yourself? Everything is very simple: ordering the estimate in a construction company, you will probably get as a result of 20, and then 30% a large amount than it is in reality. If you lambered in the truth of the data, you can easily use the services of another "specialists" - these are auditors. As practice shows, no less than 10% cost estimates will decrease.


In the photo below, an example of estimates for the repair of the kitchen room. All types of work are located by category for convenience. Such options estimate for the repair of the room will help to navigate and quickly find out how much money will go to individual parts.

Separate subsections are dismantled work. When conducting major repairs there will be a need to dismantle not only or old finishing, but also pipes, including sewage. And considering that the plumbing apartment is connected, then these works will also affect the bathroom. Rationally carry out repairs in the bathroom / toilet and the kitchen together: so you can save. Next follows the treatment of walls, gender and ceiling. It shows that the draft and finishing works are made in one table, we would recommend separating them.

Also an important step in drawing up the estimate on is the installation of plumbing. If the riser is better to draw specialists, since you decided to use their work, then you can connect the mixer and independently, no serious skills or complex tools for this will not need.

As you can see, there are columns with units of measurement, squares and length of all points of work. For convenience of calculation, the price is indicated per unit of work and then the total cost. The estimate will draw more funds if you charge a construction company purchasing materials. But here be careful: it is often practiced to replace quality materials and components to low-grade. Therefore, it is important to control each stage of work.

The following is an approximate estimate for the repair of the entire apartment, there is a slightly different scheme of compilation, but the meaning is the same. That is, prices per unit and the total cost of work are indicated. As you can see, the customer will most likely be entrusted to the company and the purchase of materials, for this special column is assigned, although it is possible to buy it himself, and this data is made for clarity. Here is more thorough study. Pay attention to the last item: the customer even accounted for even the cost of descending the construction trash, which is also important when conducting overhaul.

Example of estimates for apartment repairs

The construction estimate is needed, in which all the costs of the work of builders and materials will be taken into account.

How to make a estimate for repair with your own hands?

To begin with, it is necessary to evaluate and record the volume of construction work - the floor area and the ceiling (they differ), the area of \u200b\u200bthe wall covering, the length of the products calculated in the routine meters (cornices, plinths), as well as magic works - replace windows and doors.

Where to get sizes?

Measure personally! Seven times every name. Roulette and calculator (to immediately count the square) - the best friends.

Where to take the rates?

Google - price lists on sites. Take some average cost for your estimates. The cost of all work is estimated per unit of measurement - m 2, PGM, piece work, garbage removal in m 3.

How to count the number of building materials?

Calculation of estimates for those who make repairs independently, comes down to the usual counting of the required amount of materials.

Danger two. Buy little, and then not find the right one. Buy with a big margin and strongly overpay.

To avoid similar scenarios, use a simple rule:

  • calculate the consumption of units of each material per unit length or area (roll of wallpaper or paint cans per 1 m 2), or the size of the material itself (area of \u200b\u200bone sheet of plasterboard, porcelain stoneware, etc.)
  • multiply the flow rate on these measurements is the total area, length or count.
  • add ~ 10-30%, depending on the material.

What kind of work should be made in the estimate for the repair of the apartment?

  • Preparatory stage
  • Black work
  • Related work
  • Finishing
  • Purchase of materials
  • Garbage removal

For each stage you will have a separate mini-speed.

Does the program need for creating a estimate?

Special programs do not need. MS Excel is enough and primary knowledge. 1st column - type of work, 2nd - units of measure, 3rd - cost and 4th - result (multiply 2 and 3 columns).
You can place each stage of repair on different tabs of the document.

This is the most simplest option. With certain skills, you have where to turn around - Excel features are inexhaustible!

Estimation on the preparatory stage of repair

The estimate always includes dismantling work. They include:

  • dismantling of floor coverings - linoleum, carpet, tiles,
  • cleaning the ceiling from blots and paint,
  • cleaning from wallpaper and disassembling plaster (everything in square meters),
  • pickling plinth (in handling meters),
  • plusfully disassembly door blocks,
  • all electric hoists (chandeliers, sconces),
  • all plumbing points are toilet bowls, sinks, heated towel rail, bath and mixers.

Disassembly of walls is written in a separate graph. We cannot demolish the bearing walls, but in special cases they can be transferred to the openings. Most often, the transfer of the opening in the bearing wall is 3-4 times more expensive than dismantling the whole partition. Please note that such a process should be approved in the hill scope and requires special equipment.

You can save at this stage if you are able to do the part of the listed actions yourself.

Estimation on rough work

At the stage of draft work in repair, many hidden works arise, for example, the preparation of surfaces to finishing.

What work will come in the estimate:

  • For ceilings - cleaning from raid, sealing seams, alignment (plaster), putty and primer.
  • For walls - alignment by plaster, putty and primer.
  • For floor - device screed, in wet rooms, the waterproofing device, when installing a warm floor, the cable layout, the installation of sensors and connecting to the power grid

Additional type of work - connecting electricians and plumbing.

The estimate should also be taken into account:

  • streaming of the walls for electrodes,
  • cable laying in corrugation,
  • laying of water pipes,
  • laying of sewage pipes.

Estimation for related work

Usually organized by profile companies.

What work should be taken into account when drawing up the estimate?

  • installation of telephone, Internet and TV cable, intercom,
  • installation of air conditioners,
  • kitchen assembly
  • replacing windows, includes a device of slopes and windowsill.

The Internet is most often paving now, the main thing is that there was a provider in the house. And the rest - you should contact the organization in advance for the calculations - the challenge of the measurers is now also basically for free!

Drawing up estimates for finishing

After the preparatory work is ridiculed to calculate the costs of the finishing of the premises.

What work can enter the estimate?

  • ceiling - Painting (to wall decoration);
  • installation of stretch and rush ceilings;
  • walls - painting, plaster, sticking wallpaper, tile cladding;
  • paul - laying of ceramic tiles, parquet, laminate, linoleum, carpet, parquet;
  • molding Products - Eaves, Moldings, Plinth
  • installation of plumbing;
  • installation of electric wheels (sockets, switches);
  • installation of heating radiators;
  • installation of doors;
  • installation and installation of chandeliers and lamps.

Assembling furniture and built-in cabinets can also be taken into account in the estimate. But, you can still skip, as many furniture manufacturers make a free assembly or include its value in a common account when ordering furniture.

Purchase of materials

If you hire a barbell, the purchase of materials is also included in the estimate. Most often, the purchase and delivery to the object costs about 20% of the price of materials.

But if you buy everything yourself, it can only be a car rental. There are options with free shipping, if you order materials via online stores with a certain amount of order.

Garbage removal

The removal of construction waste is included in the estimate after each subsection. He is desirable after dismantling, draft and fines.

Please note that the machine ordering, garbage collection in bags, cleaning the room can also be inscribed in the estimate as hidden work. Even the most powerful builders will not do it for free.

For the removal of garbage, containers up to 8m 3 containers are most often rented and carrying capacity to 5 tons.

And again - if you yourself will collect everything and you can make it possible - it will only be ordered to order a container. And if there is where to store the garbage, you can do one-time export.

  • Immediately make up an apartment plan with sizes. It will help you when counting consumable materials.
  • Calculate separately each work area - the area of \u200b\u200bthe walls, gender and the ceiling, the length of the jogging products in all repaired premises.
  • Determine whether you need to change engineering communications (pipes, electrics).
  • Calculate the number of sockets, switches, cranes and accompanying accessories, as well as a trifle as screws and screws.
  • Determine who will be engaged in the purchase of materials, delivery and lifting on the floor, as well as the export of construction garbage.
  • Distribute the entire volume of work separately by premises, it is easier to control the process.

Be prepared for the fact that it is impossible to accurately calculate the terms and costs of repair yourself without any experience.
This does not mean that you do not have to try.

Huge help for the accurate miscalculation of the estimate is the design project of the room. The probability of error is practically excluded, unless you want to do something differently than you are calculated in the project. But the designer is a separate cost of expenses. Whether he needed to solve only you!

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