Post a year calendar Parental. Parent Saturday: What can not do

The buildings 15.10.2019
The buildings

What is the number of Orthodox parent Saturdays in 2017? Often these special days of the mercy of the deceased are called "universal parents Saturdays." This is not true. Ecumenical memorial Saturdays are two: meat support (on Saturday, the previous week about the terrible court) and Trinity (on Saturday, the preceding holiday of Pentecost, or called another holiday of the Most Holy Trinity - the birthday of the Church of Christ).

The main meaning of these "universal" (common for the entire Orthodox Church) of the Official Worships is in prayer for all the frenzy Orthodox, regardless of their personal intimacy to us. This is a matter of love that does not divide the world on their own and strangers. The focus on these days is to all those who are connected to us with the highest relationship - related in Christ, and especially those who have no one to remember.

  • Ecumenical Parent Saturday (meat support) - February 18, 2017.
  • Saturday 2 The saddles of the Great Post - March 11, 2017.
  • Saturday 3 Sedmians of the Great Post - March 18, 2017.
  • Saturday 4 Sedmians of the Great Post - March 25, 2017.
  • Mattering of the deceased warriors - May 9, 2017.
  • Radonitsa - April 25, 2017.
  • Troitskaya Parental Saturday in 2017 - June 3, 2017.
  • Dimitriev Parent Saturday - October 28, 2017.

For predominant commemoration personally, our dear people exist other parent Saturdays. First of all, this is the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Saturdays of the Great Post, and besides them, the Dimitrievskaya Parental Saturday, established in the Russian Orthodox Church, which was originally intended to commemorate the soldiers of the fallen in Kulikovsky battle, but gradually became a common memorial day .

This memorial service falls on Saturday preceding the memory of SV. Navy, reports RosReGistr portal. Dimitré Solunsky - Saint Patron KN. Dmitry Donskoy, at the suggestion of which after the Kulikovsky battle and was established the annual mismatch of warriors. But over time, the memory of the liberators was displaced in the folk consciousness, which is very regrettable, turning the Dimitrieval intimidated Saturday into one of the "parent days".

Why "Parental"? After all, we remember not only parents, but also other people, often with no related bonds with us not related? For different reasons. First of all, not even because the parents tend to leave this world forward to their children (and therefore, but not this is important), but because in general the first priority is our prayer - for our parents: from all people whose temporary The earthly life is over, we must first of all by those through whom we received this gift of life - our parents and the progenitors of our.

In 2017, due to the coincidence of Saturday, before the Day of the memory of St. Dimitria and the holiday of the Kazan Icon of God's Mother of God, Dmitrievskaya Parental Saturday was postponed to October 28. This is the last memorial Saturday in 2017.

Parent Saturdays in 2017 pass through the Orthodox calendar. The coming day is remembered by the ancestors soon - April 25, 2017.

Parent Saturdays in 2017 what date

The most extreme parent Saturday will be very soon. This is Radonitsa, celebrated on April 25. This day, although it does not fall on Saturday, but the Orthodox Church is included in the number of special days to remember the ancestors. In total, in 2017, eight Parent Saturdays.

Radonitsa is still a mansion from the rest of the day. A feature of this holiday is that it is not only celebrated on Tuesday, but in essence is the main memorial day of the departed in the year.

The exact date for Radonitsa is not fixed. She is celebrated on the ninth day after Easter. Or the first Tuesday after the Red Gorki (Fomina Sunday). Accurate reference dates explains the calendar of the Orthodox Parent Saturday.

After Radonitsy, the next memorial day is considered on May 9th. It is not transferred, the date is constant. This is the day to commemorate the dead warriors.

In 2019, in March, three Parent Saturdays:

  • March 2 - the Ecumenical Parental (meat support) Saturday;
  • March 23 - Parent Saturday 2nd weeks of the Great Post;
  • March 30 - Parent Saturday is the 3rd semist of the Great Post.

Parent Saturday - traditional days to remember the dead. Alive today, the custom these days to visit their native graves, put memorial candles, to serve prayers.

In the parent Saturday, the Orthodox Church encourages all believers to pray for the deceased relatives and acquaintances. Sorrow of people who left this world - the holy and bright feeling inherent in each of us. Prayers are support for the dead. During the general prayer, sins and souls can get into the kingdom of heaven.

How to remember the parent Saturday?

These days in churches are held special liturgy: prayers and repentant canons are read for the deceased. Parishioners put in the church for resting the candles, they transmit notes with the names of loved ones, which are then mentioned during the prayer.

Prayers for the rest of the people who have left in the world can be read at home. Sincere words said from the heart herself will help the departed to relieve pain and find eternal peace. You need to start a prayer from the repentant canon. Ask the Lord to forgive the departed all sins and introduce them to the kingdom of heaven. You can pray in your own words.

In the parent Saturdays are customary to visit the cemeteries. First go to church, and then they go to the graveyard, where they bring order after the winter. The graves leave the hotels. Prayers and mercy of the departed in the parent Saturdays are important. These days you can establish a subtle connection with the deceased. After visiting the cemeteries, it is customary to arrange a memorial meal. The mandatory dish on the tables of our ancestors these days was Last Cock.

Parent Saturday: What can not do

Many are interested in: is it possible to work in the parent Saturday? The priests definitely answer that there is no ban on a job.

On the eve of the Ecumenical Parental (Meat Court) Saturday (March 2), our ancestors arranged general commemorations: in the courtyards and in cemeteries, the candles were burned in terms of the number of deceased relatives, they were preparing kun and special breadheads that were distributed to the cemetery on the soul member. The first spring flowers and greens carried the graves. There was a ban to sweep the floor on this day, "in order not to climb the eyes of the dead."

Parent Saturdays on March 23 and 30 fall out for the days of the Great Post, so it is not allowed to use meat food, eggs and dairy dishes. On the table should be lenched food, fastened with vegetable oil. You can drink some grape fault, but you should not abuse alcoholic beverages.

In the parent Saturdays you can not focus, condemn other people, conflict. It will be advisable for a peaceful way, if possible, help those who need, for example, to distribute alms or transfer money to charity. Parents better refrain from punishment of children.

Video: What is the parent Saturday?

Parent Saturday in November 2017 drops on 4 numbers. Great Panhid in all Orthodox churches will serve the day before this day. That is, the church is best to go to the evening service on Friday, November 4th. As for Saturday morning, the funeral divine liturgies will be performed first, and then a common memorial service is held.

Pray for their relatives and loved ones who went into the world other, very important. In this way, each person may chite the Lord to alleviate the fate of the souls in eternity, in the world unknown to us after death. In the Orthodox tradition to visit cemeteries and prayers for the deceased, special parent Saturdays were allocated in November 2017, as well as in the spring days of each year. On the commemorative table can be served.

About the sense

In the church calendar, the Orthodox believers have seven special days of remembering the departed. As a rule, they fall on Saturday, but not always. For example, the commemoration day of warriors 09.05 does not change his dates from year to year, regardless of what day of the week falls. These days are memorized services, and after the service, the laity are sent to the graves to get out there and simply bring the place of restoring their relatives and loved ones.

As for the name "Parent", it has wearing not to parents, as such (mother and dad), but to the founders of the kind, to fathers' fathers, mothers mothers. According to another version, in prayers in parental days, first of all, Christians always remembered precisely parents. What, however, does not interfere with one another.

Saturdays during the year can be universal, which take place in 2-4 weeks during the pre-postal post. During the Panichid, all the baptized Christians, who have already left this world, are commemorated. Before the week of Maslenitsa, a week before the start of the post before Easter, the meat-minded day of remember is celebrated. Then you need to mention the genus. Saturdays in May, and already in the 11th months.

POM distribution. Days in 2017:

1. February 18 Myasopus day commemoration.
2. On March 11, Saturday, March 18 and 25, the saddemitsa post before Easter.
3. On April 25, Radonitsa is celebrated. This is a deceased holiday when the cemetery needs to conduct cakes, painted eggs and the news that Christ is risen!
4. May 09 and June 3 - respectively, the Saturday of the commemoration of the deceased warriors, suicides, naked or deceased violent death and Troitskaya.
5. November 4 is the parent Saturday in November 2017 in Russia.

On the importance of Panichid

This word came to Russian from the Greek language and translated as "Vigrosive". The worship service is always confidential, and believers pray for the rest of the shower of people who have already left this world. During prayers, mercy will simulate, as well as the forgiveness of the sins of people who left the earthly world and live in the kingdom of God.

As for the November Parental Saturday, it is called Dmitrievskaya and in the current year falls on the date on November 4. It is Saturday to a big Orthodox holiday: the day of memory of St. Great Martyr Dimitria Solunsky. The holiday is celebrated on November 8 and, if it comes from Saturday itself, then the genus. Day will be the previous Saturday. That is, it is impossible to allow the day of the holiday and the day to remember the departed by the calendar coincided.

At the end of the material, it can once again remind you that the parent Saturday in November 2017 falls on November 4th.

Parent Saturdays - the days of special mercy of the departed.
These days, prayers about the deceased Orthodox Christians are read on the liturgy, confidential worships are performed. Since almost all of such days are associated with the calendar of the celebration of Easter, the dates of the parent days are changing from year to year.

Parent Saturdays in 2019

9 days of special mercy of the departed in 2019:

Ecumenical parent Saturdays

Material on the topic

Parent Saturdays - the days of special mercy of the departed. Summary of parental Saturdays of 2019. The material can be printed in A3 and A4 format and use as a parish leaf, benefits for OPK lessons.

These days the church prayer for all deceased Christians. The temple serves a special, universal memorial service.

1. Meat Saturday - 2Mart

A week before the Great Post, on Saturday before. On the day preceding the memory of the last trial, Christians pray the forth judge to show their mercy to all the departed Christians.

2. Trinity Saturday - on Saturday Before the Holy Trinity Holiday - June 15

God has all alive. In the church we feel a connection with all the dead Christians. Pentecost - the birthday of the church. On the eve of this day, the church prays about Christians crossed the threshold of earthly life.

Parent Saturdays of the Great Post

"Parental" Saturdays became referred to, because Christians prayed in the first place of their whoathe parents. These days in the temple after Liturgy make a special requiem service - a memorial service.

Throughout the great post, there are very few days when it is possible to commit complete liturgy, and therefore the main church prayer about the departed. In order not to deprive the dead prayerful concept during this period, the church set three special days for prayer about them.

2nd week of the Great Post - March 23

3rd week of the Great Post - March 30

The 4th week of the Great Post - in 2019 is canceled, as it falls on April 6 - the eve of the celebration of the Annunciation.

Private parents

These days to commemorate the dead exist in the liturgical practice of only the Russian Orthodox Church.

1. The day of the commemoration of all those killed during the Great Patriotic War - May 9

After the liturgy, a thanksgiving prayer for granting victory and a clock lithium is committed.

2. Radonitsa - 9th day after Easter, Tuesday Fomina Sedmitsa - May 7

From this day, the charter of the Church again, after a long break on the Great Post and Easter days, allowing the general relief commemoration of the dead.

3. Day of memory of Orthodox warriors, for faith, king and fatherland on the field of brave killed - September 11

Pomping was established by Decree Catherine II during the Russian-Turkish War (1768-1774). In modern liturgical practice, it is often descended.

4. Dimitriev Parent Saturday - November 2.

On Saturday, the preceding day of the memory of the Great Martyr Dimitri Solunsky (November 8). By the talent of the prince, Dmitry Donskoy after returning to Moscow from the battle on the Kulika field (1380).

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