Does not give the door to close to the end. If the interroom door does not close - fix it just

The buildings 03.03.2020
The buildings

Among the common breakdowns occurring at home, a special place occupies a different kind of malfunction to devices. If at their installation, some of the oversight were allowed, then often all kinds of trouble begin to occur with them. As a result, it becomes uncomfortable to use them, and therefore the issue of repair faces.

In this article we will tell about what to do if the door is not closed, and how to fix it with your own hands.

Why the door may not close

There is a sufficiently large list of the most common damage, as a result of which the doors stop closing. It looks like this:

  • handles are cleared;
  • the mechanism of the castle comes into disrepair;
  • the canvas saves under its own weight;
  • wood from high humidity swells;
  • sneezing from the heat;
  • deform boxes, etc.

Repair the knob

In general, if the breakdown did not lead to the exit of the entire design of the handles, it would be easy to repair them on their own. Otherwise, they will have to be changed.

First of all, it should be noted - that they serve as longer as possible, you should choose the handles of good quality made of bronze or brass. In this case, they will work for many years without causing any inconvenience.

What do you need from tools? Following:

  • screwdrivers - cruciform and flat;
  • glue joiner;
  • matches or toothpicks.

Most often, the problems arise due to the fact that the screws that fastening the bar of the handle are smalleled in the wood - as a result, they are thrown out and encourages.

Here you will need to twist the screws. However, if they can no longer be kept securely, you must replace them with thicker or compact the available hole. Make this procedure will be possible with a few matches or toothpicks, lubricated with joinery glue.

The problem is more serious when screws break too much a hole in a frame door having inside a cell filler. Here you will need to buy a handle with longer straps to overlap the damaged place.

Castle malfunction, if only it is not about the absence of lubrication, in most cases disadvantage, so the mechanism needs to buy a new one.

Repair the door that does not close

The correctly functioning door does not cause any hassle, but when it for any reason ceases to work normally, discomfort occurs - it has to close it with force and even it often does not help. If we tighten with repair, then over time it will be damaged even more.

The following reasons can lead to the fact that the door cannot be closed:

  • poor fastening of the box, resulting in its skew;
  • blowing of the canvas (if it is made of array);
  • incorrect installation of loops.

First of all, it is necessary to make sure that the door itself stands completely even. This will require Waterpas. If there is a skew, then the procedure is as follows:

  • remove the cloth with loops;
  • we dismantle the platbands;
  • we remove the old seal;
  • align the box and cut from the inside with suitable bars;
  • we throw emptiness around it;
  • leave one day.

Next, it remains only to hang the cloth back, make sure that the doors are closed normally and return the platbands. If necessary, the box can be slightly adjusted, tightening through slightly all anchor bolts that fix it in a vertical position in the opening.

When swelling, the procedure for action is different:

  • the canvas inspecting to identify those places that interfere with closing;
  • removed from the loops;
  • the plane is cleaned by excess material;
  • processed surfaces are covered with varnish or paint suitable shade;
  • after drying, the door is hanging in place.

Often, problems arise due to the fact that they were installed incorrectly loops. The most common mistake here is too deep landing with the front side. This eventually leads to:

  • splitching screws;
  • the bending of the loops themselves.

Eliminate the problem is not difficult - it is enough to simply move them closer to the facial surface. In case of deformation, the loops will have to be replaced with new ones.

What to do if the door saved

It is possible to understand that there is a sagging, you can on the oblique fit of the upper edge of the door to the box. It is important to determine what exactly led to it. The reasons most often are as follows:

  • screwed screws;
  • the loops were too weak and could not withstand the weight of the canvas;
  • twisted the box.

In the first case, it is enough to fasten the loops with new, thicker and long, self-drawing. The door itself will need to be removed in this case. Old holes will be better sealed with wooden spicks, lubricated glue.

When deforming, it will be necessary to replace the loop to new - more reliable.

The curvature of the box is the most serious malfunction of all. It will have to completely dismantle it and reinstall, as it was indicated above.

In new houses, the most often problems with doors arise due to the fact that the structure for several years continues to settle. As a result, the box is usually deformed with time. It will be necessary to completely get it out of the opening and inspect - if its form is generally not broken, it will be enough to trim the vertical bars. Otherwise, you will have to buy a new box.

After that, most likely, it will also be necessary to shorten the door leaf itself. It is better to make it a circular saw mounted on the machine, but an electrolybiz will be combined at worst. Pruning should be carried out at the bottom edge.

If the plastic door does not close

Here again, most likely, the problem arose due to a handle fault. Many makers save on fittings, and it as a result quickly comes into disrepair. It will be necessary to remove decorative strips and tighten the weakened screws hidden under them. If it turns out that any element of the handle came into disrepair, it will be necessary to replace it with a new one.

Interior doors during operation often lose their attractive look and get different micro-tests. At the same time, there is no need to change them to new ones. Most defects can be eliminated personally. By itself, such a design as the interroom door is quite durable. The deformations that appear on its surface do not affect its qualitative characteristics.


The most common problem with which the owners of interroom doors are faced, these are slots between the box and the walls. Not only are such holes are non-psychic, they also lead to the savory of the door canvase. Doors begin to close badly. Close the cracks and cracks is easy, it may well cope with this and a beginner master. Repair of interroom doors does not take much time, but will help save money. In order to learn how to cope with such defects personally, a little enough practice.

To work will be required:

  • drill;
  • dowels;
  • mounting foam.

Stages of repair

You can often cope with the problem by buying new platbands on the door.


Check, the interroom door delivers many inconveniences. She scratches the floor and is constantly stuck in the opening. However, it is possible to correct such a defect as follows:

  • First you need to check the mounting of the door loops. Most often, the sagging happens due to the fact that the loops weakened.
  • If the loops are really weakened, you just need to pull them out.
  • If the loops are well strengthened, but the door saves anyway, they can be a little deepen. To do this, you need to remove the loops with the doorpass and the chisel to increase the depth of the groove. Then it remains only to fasten the loops on the screws.

  • If the sagging occurred due to the violation of the geometry of the door leaf, then it is necessary to return to it the correct form. For this follows the plane to process wood strapping. In the same way, swelling doors are processed.

Doors are badly closed

  1. Sometimes doors do not close because the canvas swelling on contact with a wet surface or due to the high humidity of the atmosphere indoors. In this case, it is possible to eliminate the defect, processing the strapping using a conventional planer. For prevention, it is better to prevent moisture from entering the door surface.
  2. Closure doors can form a significant gap with a box. Before repairing interior doors, you need to make sure that the shape of the canvas is perfect for the box. Such cracks usually suggest that the canvas is significantly smaller in size. To eliminate the opening, you need to fill the rail on the door frame. When the rake is fixed, it is processed by the plane and carries out under the door. After that, you can spend coloring.


Interior doors are usually made of wood. This material is subject to different environmental impacts. He can swell, crack and dispel.

Easy doors are easiest to restore with metal corners. Usually this makes the repair of old wooden doors. However, the corners can disrupt the appearance of the design. Therefore, it is better to apply another way.

To restore doors, they need to be dismantled. Doors are removed from the loops and completely disassemble. All components of the design are carefully processed by a special adhesive composition. The canvas put in order by masking cracks and dishes. The skled doors must be clamping in the clips and wait until they snap. Then the canvas again hangs on the loop in the door frame.


For the repair of cracks and exhausted sites, good glue and press will be required. As a press, you can use any heavy item that you can press the canvas from above. Adhesive composition you can fill in various defects and emptiness on the canvas.

If there are deep cracks in the door, then it is necessary to apply sawdust and varnish. Sawdust hide such damage perfectly.

Installing a new door

Interior doors can serve for a long time without repair. To do this, you just need to regularly follow them and carefully care. All cracks and detachals can be prevented. It is known that such defects in the wood tend to grow with time. Therefore, the earlier the small crack will be detected and eliminated, the greater the likelihood that it will not spoil the canvas of the door.

If the door is very old or has many defects, it is sometimes cheaper to buy a new one than to repair.

  1. First of all, it is necessary to remove the web with the loop.
  2. Then the mounting door is neatly removed.
  3. Now you should deal with the new door. Interior doors are more convenient to acquire already in the assembled form. It eliminates additional work. If the design is dismantled, then it must be collected, carefully sewed all the components to each other.
  4. The installation of the loops is performed at a distance of 20 cm on top and bottom.
  5. The next step is to install the lock. Work is carried out with the help of the chisels and drills. The castle height will be optimal if it is located in a floor meter.
  6. Installing the door frame should be made strictly by level. After installation it is necessary to apply all the openings between the wall and the box. The platbands can be fixed only when the foam dries.
  7. When the foam dried, you can remove its surplus. After that, door swaps are installed.

For installation, it will take the chisels, drills, dowels and screws, water level, mounting foam, wedges, mount. This is a minimum set of materials and fixtures. If the door is going at home, then the tools will need more. Accessories are better to acquire with the door. When buying her quality is better to check in advance. It should be remembered that cheap interior doors often have fragile fittings.

Very often, the locks on interior doors begin to work with interruptions, and even break down. The reason for the breakdown may be the most different. Therefore, if you want to repair the castle, then the reason should be determined, because of which it has failed. Below we give the most common causes of breakdowns:

  • in the well, a part of the broken key remained or garbage fell into it;
  • the spring or riglia came to dissent;
  • there is not enough lubricant because of which the lock with difficulty opens;
  • the holes and goals are not coincided;
  • the key turns, but does not open the lock;
  • cylinders jammed;
  • disturbed loops.

As a rule, the mechanism of the lock of interroom doors is simple, so it is quite realistic to carry out its repair yourself.

So, for repair may require the following basic tool set:

  • screwdriver Set;
  • oil for lubrication;
  • toothbrush;
  • tweezers;
  • kerosene.

Before reinforcement, make sure that the breakdown is actually in the locking mechanism.

It is often the reason that the lock does not close or hires, is the skew of the door frame. In such cases, it is enough to adjust the alignment of the lining on the frame with the bolt of the castle or with the falevo tongue and everything will work regularly.

In some cases, loops wear can be the cause of the rigleel.

If the problem is not in this, you will need to withdraw the cylinder. Its testing for performance is not checked in the castle. If he broke down, it should simply be changed to a new one. But there are cases when the locking mechanism works properly. In this case, the malfunction should be sought in the lock case. To disassemble the case of the overhead lock, it should be removed.

If you have a mortise, then at first unscrew the core fastening screw, insert the key into it and turn it out to pull it out. Only after that you can remove the lock case. On the lid of the case there are small screws. When you unscrew them, do not lose them, set aside. In order not to lose the spring, put the castle on a small flap. When the case cover you disassembled, you remove dust and dirt from the castle. Also make sure that all parts are integers and are not deformed.

If after all the manipulations you gathered the castle, and it does not work so much, then it's time to change it to completely, buying a new lock for the interior door.

Interroom handle is exposed to large loads. Especially if you have small children, then their breakdown can be a frequent phenomenon, because of riding the door, clinging on the handle, although there are other causes of breakdowns of interroom handles.

Consider the most frequent problems that occur during the operation of the interior door:

  • Hences the handle. When you click on the handle, resistance is felt. To open the door you have to apply effort, and sometimes still support the door handle.
  • He has a latch. This breakdown is found in the design of the handles with the lock. The movement of the riglel is hampered both when opening and when closed.
  • Disturbed handle. In this case, the sagging is observed, the handle itself moves away from the canvas and staggers. With such a breakdown there may also be the separation of the entire locking mechanism.
  • The handle does not return to its position after pressing. With normal operation, the handle must instantly emerge in its original position.
  • The tongue does not move. Fale tongue either chop or does not work.

All of these breakdowns can be eliminated independently at home. To do this, it is important to know the varieties of the product:

  • Stationary. Apply such models today rarely. The "buttons" or "brackets" knobs are simply screwed to the door leaf.
  • Pressure.This model has a pressure mechanism. So that the tongue is hidden, the mechanism should be pressed on it and move down.
  • Swivel.This model uses round knobs. To open such doors, the handle must be turned into one of the sides.

Moreover, it is important to know the component elements of the handle mechanism:

  • Lock. The main element of the rigl.
  • Four pin. It is displayed outside. In the pin leads the inside, connecting with the handle.
  • Lever. The handle that is exposed to the door to open the door.
  • Decorative lining. Attractive appearance doors.
  • Reply part. It is located on the door frame. It has holes in which the felevy tongue comes.

So, if the handle has some damage, then, if you deal with all these parts, the repair can be made on your own.

The most common breakdown is a lack of lubrication. Fix this problem is very easy. Disassemble the handle and apply lubrication. You can drop on the rigle oil for sewing machines and then turn the handle several times. Having done such work, you can completely prevent the creak or jamming of the handle. Moreover, lubrication will allow you to increase the service life. Sometimes you need to pull the fastening screws, as well as adjust the elements of the fittings. This is the case if the lock with the handle is loosened.

If this is not enough, then it will be necessary to disassemble the product. To do this, remove the decorative lining. Under it there are fastening bolts that should be unscrewed. After that you can get to the inside of the mechanism. Not necessarily to extract it. Now look at the sponge washer and the twist spring. To view the washer, it is necessary to remove the locking ring. Often the problem is precisely in this mechanism. As for the spring, it leads to move the tongue. Make sure that these elements are good and do not have defects. Perhaps the spring will not be in its place, it is enough to simply correct it.

If after that I could not determine the problem, then the entire mechanism will have to be completely removed from the door web. If the broken elements are found, they must be completely changed. When assembling the lock, be sure to install the items in the same order as they disassembled. If the breakdown cannot be eliminated, then you may have to call the wizard or completely replace the opening mechanism.

Whatever glass, the problem with it can only be divided or has chill. Therefore, it should be replaced by glass. If you decide to replace yourself, then it is necessary to determine the method of its installation, and there are 2 of them:

  1. Fastening by strokes.
  2. Installation of glass inside the door canvase.

Consider the technology of replacement of glass that is fixed by the strokes. So, work look like this:

  • Carefully remove the strokes. To do this, take a flat screwdriver and a sharp tip ride into the gap between the stroke and the cloth near the nail. Also for this work you can use a knife with a thick blade.
  • After that, the screwdriver should be slightly bend or turn. As a consequence, the Strapik must move away from the canvas. Next should be done such an operation with each nail on the head. After that, pliers take off the stroke.

First of all, you remove the side heads, after the lower and at the very end of the top. Observing such a sequence, you get to avoid dull glass. If the glass is broken, then the severity of the removal of the stroke does not matter.

  • After that, carefully remove damaged glass.
  • The opening where the glass was, should be cleared of garbage.
  • After carry out measurements. Do not cut the glass exactly in size, as because of the moisture, the door can swell, and the glass can burst.
  • If you have a necessary tool, you can make glass cutting yourself. If not, contact the glass segment workshop.

Optionally, you can stick the film with a pattern. It will make the glass much stronger. At the same time, stick the film should be on an unidentified glass. When the film is glued glass is installed in place and fixed with intrinsic. As can be seen enough simple.

If the glass is inserted into the door, then its replacement is complicated. In this case, the replacement is made in this way:

  • As a rule, in all new doors, the glass is inserted into the canvas from above. Therefore, to replace the glass, the door will have to disassemble.
  • To do this, remove the door with the loops.
  • After that, find special plugs on the door end. Under them are self-tapping screws, which fix the protective cover. Carefully unscrew them and dismantle the lid.
  • And only after such manipulations, you can get to the glass.
  • Damaged glass is extracted.
  • When performing this work, it is necessary not to spoil the seal, which is in the groove. The sealer needs that when opening / closing the glass, it does not rattle, and because of this it can crash.
  • To not spoil them, lubricate the edges of the glass with soap solution. Then the glass is much easier to be in its place.
  • After installation, lock the lid into place, twist the screws and close their plugs.
  • At the end of the work, install the door to the place.


Several doors repair tips in the following video material:

Interior door is a beautiful and functional solution. She must work regularly for many years. But sometimes problems arise. She begins simply to interfere. If the interroom door is poorly closed - who will like this? This is a source of negative emotions, as well as creaking loops, castle. Very bad if the door does not close to the end.

In the case when it recently installed, most likely, the work was performed poorly. Another such installation and doorway will have to be restored. If the door costs for a long time, always everything was fine with her, but now for some reason it does not close, no matter how cool, it's time for unplanned expenses. If the interroom does not close, what to do? How to adjust it?

Only it seems

This is a reliable product. When problems arise when operating, the probability that the interior door is just poorly debugged. The loop can break out over time, because the door is constantly using the door. As a result, it does not close. But you just need to take a screwdriver and go back to the house will return to the house. Of course, there are serious problems that you have to face at the most inopportune moment. Sometimes it is relevant to think about whether the interroom door needed at all?

In order for doubts to stop disturbing, you need to take the situation in your hands. How to adjust the door without assistance?

Professionalism is for professionals

You can use the level and accurately measure everything, and in the dark, turn on the light in the room that the interroom door protects, and turn it off in the next - look at the slots.

Common complaints for interroom door:

  • she began to close badly;
  • started a pen or castle.

This may be several reasons.

The door of the door shifted, loops are dispersed

If the cloth twisted, there will be a slot between it and the louting, and the lower edge will scratch the floor. What to do, finding a similar defect, how to adjust the design?

The doors themselves are most likely nothing here. First of all, you need to check the state of the loop. Perhaps they were poorly fastened and loosened during operation. It is necessary to twist screws. If they did not stop hanging out, it's time to think about replacing the loops. Holes for screws are drilled incorrectly, so it began to open badly.

The canvas twisted, the loops seen in the wood

It also happens that the loops shifted and shifted significantly, they asked in the tree, began to destroy his structure. This is very bad. The loops spoil the entire design. In order for them to stop doing this, nothing else remains except to remove them, fasten new in places where the board is not spoiled.

To use the door in this state is not worth trying to close it until the end too. Such displacements loops can be caused by errors in the manufacture or during installation. But sometimes the tenants themselves are to blame, they are not accurately used by the door.

It's easy to fix everything with your own hands. You will need only a set of new loops, chisels and screwdriver. They relate to building materials and are sold in all specialized points of sales.

Eliminate defects from previous fixtures in this situation - the main difficulty. It will help all fix the putty and suitable enamel or varnish color. Of course, the doors will not be after such a repair as new, but to carry out the shortcomings, it will be quite imperceptible to make them. The interroom door will continue to perform its aesthetic function in the apartment.

Ludge shifted

Door lodge sometimes shifts. This happens for a variety of reasons. This is the result of global processes in the whole house, and the result of the influence of the microclimate in the room, and the consequence of the admitted defect during installation, and low-quality materials. The result - the door canvas does not close, which, of course, is upset by residents. What to do in this case?

If the interior doors ceased to close, the slots were found between the web and the louting, it is necessary to attach it to the wall readily. To do this, you will need a drill, construction foam, dowels with a length of 130-150 cm.

  • lutka must be attached to the wall of the dowels;
  • three openings must be made, distributing them evenly along the entire length of the side of the doorway;
  • the gaps that remain should be pouring construction foam;
  • after the work is completed, the remnants of the foam can be removed and proceed with decorating.

Problems with lock and handle interior doors

When the interroom lock does not close, it does not open or encourages, this is a big problem, because you can accidentally get into the trap, be locked in one of the rooms. I want to call the masters right away. And perhaps this is the right decision - fix the castle on its own very hard. This is a complex mechanism, no matter how cool.

Replace the castle and handle - it's not a tricky, especially if there is no time to wait for a specialist. It is only necessary to gain courage and decisiveness, remove the old mechanism carefully and put a new one, good, reliable, so as not to be afraid when the interroom lock is closed.

The first symptoms of failure of interior doors

It would seem that the door is either closed or not closed. But interior doors broke out seriously not immediately. Initially, they can only behave strangely - arbitrarily close, open, spring. This is very bad. It is better to remove it or fix it securely. No suitable functions. Usually you need a very strong draft in the apartment so that the interior doors slam themselves. What to do in this situation?

At this stage, the tenants are almost unable to find the truth, to understand what is happening to the door. And yet you can try. If interior doors are closed by themselves, spring, the problem is all in the same loops, the logbook or castle. After watching photos and videos, the situation will become clearer.

In order for the doors to stop calling unpleasant emotions, it is necessary to either in the hands of the level and measure the design instead of installers, or wait for brighter and clear manifestations of breakage, or call a specialist, or - immediately put a new door.

After mounting the interior doors, the structural work may be discovered. The wines can lie on both the establishing company and the manufacturer or the owner itself. How to adjust interroom doors, if they are poorly closed? You can go in two ways: Call the owned brigade of workers or take reinstalling on yourself.

Interior doors

Defective door leather

In the event that the cause of bad closure of the interior door is the wrong dimensions of its web, is responsible for this the manufacturing company. The customer has the right to contact this organization and demand to compensate damage or replace interroom doors to new ones. In this case, it will have to carry out the installation process again. To avoid such a long, time-consuming and costly process, you can try to dismantle or adjust yourself.

When marriage, interior doors may not close due to:

  • dissolio of the door canvase;
  • irregular dimensions (length, height) of the material;
  • defective loops.

Installation of door loops

The easiest way to cope with the problem of loops. To solve, it is necessary to remove the door from the bottom of the fastener, leaving only the upper one that is attached to the canvas. If the case is in Rust, getting into the capsule of dirt or construction garbage, quite carefully clean the fastener. When the loops constantly creak, do not move poorly when trying to close - it's a bad lubricant.

This option is solved without removing the interior door, simply pouring the oil to the engine elements. When the loops are relatively planned alone on the other, it is linked to the leaf, and then it is properly put on the lower part of the fastener, until two halves do not fully close.

Dimensional incomplete is the most difficult in processing. With it, there is not enough grinding circle, skins. It will take either a serious change in the edges of the design, or the terminal of the platbands. If it allows the doorway, they need to be expanded until a suitable gap is obtained.

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With weak disorders of the geometry of interroom doors, it is enough to use the plane and remove excess material from the door web. If the model was expensive and removing the upper layer will not be able to hide the overlay of its own paint and grinding, then in aesthetic purposes it is better to replace the door to a new one. Only unpainted, in the extreme case treated with a transparent wooden lacquer, is treated with branches and similar tools.

Problems in installing components

Often the correct closure of interior doors interfere with the twisted platbands, too high threshold or overall seals. After checking the presence of each of the problems, the master or owner should go to an adequate solution to the violation.

Repair door knob

The first case is the presence of too high threshold. Aluminum or rubber pad in the area of \u200b\u200bthe bottom of the interior door can be located above the level of the lower door border and prevent its passage in the doorway. The threshold is dismantled and due to the cheapness of such a finish is simply replaced with a new, less dimensional. This question is easy to fix.

The second probable cause is a problem - skewing of platbands or the doorway itself. If one of the fasteners moved, for example, a nail, follows with the help of a hammer to drive it back into the wall and platband. If there is too much the size of the platbands, they are completely dismantled to correct the situation. In fact, you have to make reinstalling the product.

Sealers must be located clearly according to plan. If a deviation from it is noted and the problem closure of the interior design is observed, the position of the seals must be adjusted.

Problems when installing shut-off structures

Locks, cheeks and other products intended for the installation of personal space can greatly interfere with the door of the door with the wrong fastener algorithm. Due to the inattentive work of the master, part of the metal door junk can overlap the doorway. The tongue of the handle responsible for holding the door in the realmost position may be inverted and stored in the door leaf, while the special hole will be higher or lower. After diagnosing the problem and its clear definition, what to do, it is necessary to reinstall the defective design. Installation can take from 30 minutes to a pair of hours.

Article on the topic: How to sew simple curtains yourself: master class

Door structures

Turning handles are cut from the product using a screwdriver to adjust them. By revealing the restraining side screws, the locking device can be pushed with a sharp part of the screwdriver. It will be necessary to separately pull the handle and the plane around it, - through the front panel, and separately disassemble the lateral part of the mechanism, that is, the housing and recessed the tongue. In the case when the locks are then closed correctly, the installation was successful.

If the mechanical product is working and did not allow the interior partition to work correctly only due to defects that the installation brought, it is updated, correctly. If the case is in the marriage of the device itself, a new one is bought. The owners are available budget options from several hundred rubles that would not be.

Solving problems arising due to the owner's fault

What other doors do not close? Sometimes the owner of the apartment and interior doors installed in it can create a problem situation. By inattention or negligence, he may admit the following.

Blowing material. Products made of natural wood are strongly deformed and poorly closed under the influence of high humidity. If the owner by negligence did wet cleaning of the untreated door, constantly opened the windows during the rain, turned on the air humidifier, directing it on the doorway, then the swelling occurred by its fault. Over time, the material gets used to the environment, and moisture no longer affects it. Therefore, the problem may occur only in the first weeks after installation. It is worth talking about marriage when, after a month, interior doors did not become less.

Installation of interroom doors

Installing an inappropriate floor covering. Outdoor carpets or linoleum can be bad, frighten and trite to fall into the doorway, blocking it and the movement of the product from above.

The most banal error is to install wires over or below the door. Wiring (for example, a cable for an Internet connection) must be installed in such a way that it does not interfere. You need to monitor whether interior doors are closed correctly after correction.

Usually, the wiring is carried out either by plinth in special recesses, or even is carried out through the wall at acute necessity. You can overpow the cable, simply moving the mount to another place where the wires have become invisible, and rebuilding. To understand the correct location, you can use the photo.

There may be such a problem as spontaneous opening or closing the door. Here you will pass by passage, and it opens. Leave the door ajar, and the sash itself closes. There is, as a number of reasons for such a problem and a whole list of solving the issue.

Drafts from spontaneously opening doors

Spontaneous opening or closing the door in the home either in the structure of any type of destination is a normal phenomenon that may occur as with the installed design and overlapping, which has already been served faithfully not one year (or then a dozen years).

Independent life of the door art sash, for example, in the conditions of the home environment, an unpleasant phenomenon that causes a lot of inconvenience. This fact may not just irritate strongly, but also lead to negative consequences.

After all, we count on a certain degree of protection of the doorblet.

Doors with a completely different service life need a certain care and periodic small repair, and if the door began to close or open the door, then this is a signal to action.

But before, it is rejected for saving an important element of the home environment, it is worth studying the causes of such phenomena. After all, as otherwise, we will start repairing the doors if the reason for this misunderstanding is not clarified.

Causes of doors malfunctions are largely individual:

  • "Walked down" forward either back door box.

You can check this fact using a construction level. The level should show the verticality of the looping bar of the box.

Not correct installation of the door frame relative to the vertical

Proper installation of the door frame relative to the vertical

  • Not properly installed door hinges relative to the axis.

This can be seen visually or check the appiled level. Overhead hinges or mortise should be located on one axis of a looping bar. Shift one of them and can give an involuntary closing / opening of the sash.

  • Bad installation door loops.

Paz under the loop in the door door

The bad behavior of the door can be due to incorrectly installed loops. Under the loops, the grooves could be incorrectly, that is, a groove was deeper into one loop, under the second - smaller, or with a breakdown.

It can be seen when one side of the loop is more on the plane of the rack of the bar, or the whole item protrudes. The reason for the poor montage of the loops can concern and unevenly done holes under the fasteners with self-draws. As a result, the self-tapping screws will be crooked in the loop plank, which pulls the element a little to the side.

  • Non-quality looped canopies.

If the box is checked by the level, and the loops are planted into the bar evenly, then the reason for the spontaneous behavior of the sash can be in the poor quality of the elements themselves. The loop after even a short time could break out, which disrupts the verticality of the canvas. In such an embodiment, with a recent installation of the door, the loop should be changed like defective.

Door box and all related difficulties

The perfect verticality of the installed door frame is a practically the main argument for the effective functioning of the design of the opening of the opening. If, when checking the level, as noted above, the inclination of the loop bar is revealed into one of the sides (forward or backward), then it gives the spontaneous life of the closure relative to the closure / opening.

Checking the installation level of the door

An exception may consist if the construction itself is either a partition where the door is installed, does not have a clear vertical. In this option, you need to put a rack under the tilt in the opposite direction.

In case of loss of vertical rack, it turns out that not properly installed loops on the same axis, and give a bias into one of the sides. It is worth finding out what to do in such a situation:

  • Opening outward (relative to the opening stroke) suggests that the sash slope is directed in the opposite side from the door frame.

The position is corrected using a piece of material to be paved under the top canopy. Of course, it must be reused, as before, removing the sash itself with the loops. If the situation has not succumbed to correction, and the door still opens, then you should take other actions.

Door Control Methods

It is necessary to make re-mounting the door box to align it vertically. For this you need: remove all the fasteners holding the rack; Remove with looped cannons itself;

Clean the timber from the foam and other building material with a construction knife or just a sharp knife;

Level measure the exact vertical location of the rack;

Fastening the loops and the behavior of the sash with improper fixation

Drill in a bar of holes for a new fastener, applying a long drill; holes to provide dowels; to hang the bar to the previous place, and with the help of an electric drill, screw the pair of screws in the top and bottom loop planks, which will help track the level of installation level; hang the cloth, and check its opening bias when equipped with a state of 45 °;

After you make sure the installation vertical is correct, the loops can be screwed completely.

The process of reinstallation of the timber with a bruques, new gaps and installation of platbands, is completed. Installing the door frame, in this case, could not be initially correct, or over time it was somewhat led.

  • Closing door sash toward the door box.

The canvas doors need to lift or put the focus

Arbitrary door closing will help eliminate the same piece of material suitable in the thickness of the material, but installed in this embodiment under the bottom loop. For this, the canvas cost a little raise.

If this does not help to eliminate the defect, then you should do all the same manipulations as described above. Eliminate each of these problems is quite acceptable with your own hands, where you need to re-install the door frame, that is, the loop and opposite rack.

Of course, when the box is adjusted, the door loops can be needed.

Problem in loops solved

Spontaneous Opening / Closing Door is permissible to control if you use the opening limiter.

Decorative Limiter for Interior Door

This is effective, but unfortunately, it is not comfortable with constant use at home. The closer can correct the situation, but to install a hidden closer will have to produce a very time-consuming part-in part in the canvas, and the overhead is coarse for use in the residential room.

So, if the opening limiter does not like it, but the box is installed vertically (extinct the construction level), then the problem of arbitrary opening will be solved with the door loops.

Marking under the loop is worth doing carefully

Even more, if the door has led the door, which is likely when a canvas from a natural array of wood, then disorder is clearly with loops.

The door loops are the main functional element in the door design, and their failure disrupts the comfortable balance of the functioning of the sash. The problem with the loops is common, but solved. To do this, we will have to do not make repairs loops, then you definitely in their lives:

  • not fully, but about a third, unscrew the screws from the loop of the top either below (depending on which direction, clone the canvas);
  • put a piece of cards under the plano, aligning a vertical loop;
  • twink screws and check the installation.


If there was an independent closing, the same recommended to do with the second loop.

Over time, the location of the fasteners of the loop can break out. To do this, it is also necessary to turn the screws with a slightly slightly, and insert a piece of cardons or a different seal into the socket. Then screw the fasteners and check the work.

If none of the above operations helps, then the new cutting of door loops will be required. That is, move them from the old mount. It is also permissible to simplify the activity, trying to drown them a little in their own nests deeper.

For accuracy adjusting inserts loops removed rack Bruz bars

In the embodiment, when the door has resulted in a thoroughly, it will be necessary to adjust it:

  • the canvas from the wood array to undergo a planer;
  • remove a small layer with a bar of the box;
  • or rearrange the flames, which is cling to the sash.

The layer of wood is removed opposite the place of a strong jamming of the canvas. Subsequently, the design is to be treated with a lacquer coating by either a different material so as not to be constructed from an array with negative effects of the microclimate of the room.

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How to adjust the interroom door so as not to close

During the repair of an apartment or at home, a lot of strength and energy is spent on the choice of interroom doors. They must decorate the room, ensure reliable noise insulation and protect against drafts. And here - beautiful doors are installed, but it is found here that they are not protected from noise and wind, as they are badly closed, open and in addition they also creak, like a rusty gate.

Adjusting interroom door

Basic Disadvantages

Interior doors are subject to less strict requirements than to the input. They should not be as strong, heat-insulating, soundproof.

It is unlikely that a professional hacker will live in the next room, so protect against unauthorized opening, as well as serious locks is also not needed.

The main functions of interroom doors are to decorate the apartment, protection against light drafts and acceptable noise insulation.

However, poorly adjusted doors may not cope with these minimal requirements. The main disadvantages may be poor or improper closing, opening, creaking and noisy slamming.

To combat these disadvantages, it is necessary to know the reasons that are causing them, and also to decide who should perform work on adjustment. You can do it yourself, but you can invite specialists.

Poor closing

Poor or loose closing of interior doors can be caused by the following factors:

  1. Dissolio of the door frame - is explained by the wrong connection of BRUSEV. Eliminated by a more dense fastening of all components of the box with the help of screws. The box for this must be pre-dismantled;
  2. Insufficient deepening loops in the box - eliminated by cheating with screws that fastening loops. If it did not help - it is necessary to remove the box and deepen niches for loops;
  3. Excessive deepening loops on the door - solved by weakening their fasteners.

This is simple, however, it requires certain skills to circulating a screwdriver to twist the screws, a plumb for determining the vertical surface, a hammer, a chisel and a planer, to deepen a niche loop. How to adjust the interroom door loop on video is shown in all details.

Poor opening

In order not to get to the position of the engineer Shchukin on the staircase when he "remained one thing - to disappear", all the doors of the apartment should not only easily open, but also close at the right moment. This also applies to interior doors if it closes in an unnecessary moment may cause unpleasant consequences, in the form of injuries and partial hearing loss.

How to adjust if the door closes itself, shown in the photo. To do this, you will need a screwdriver and screws. The causes of the defect at which the door constantly strives to close or requires an application of certain efforts to open it can be:

  1. Uncomplete door box - the lack is eliminated by tightening the loosely twisted self-tapping screws, which leads to stretching the box. In the very cardinal case, the box is removed and regulated by self-drawing the entire box;
  2. Excessive loop recess - eliminated by loosening fasteners;
  3. Incorrect installation of loops - eliminate the rearrangement of loops inside and adjusting the fastener.

Adjust the interior door loop so that anyone who wants to be closed with screwdriver and screws.

Unpredictable door behavior

In addition to poor opening and closing, there is another drawback, which is desirable to eliminate in time. In some apartments, the owners prefer to keep the door half open, especially at night, for example, in order to hear how little child sleeps.

At the same time, it is desirable that the Children does not fall into the children from the next room, and the sounds were somewhat muted by a semi-closed door.

The incorrectly adjusted door will not be fixed in this position and will strive or open, or close the sam, and making the creak and roar.

This defect is caused by the deviation of the door frame or the vertical canvas. To eliminate it, it is necessary to align the bar on which the loops strictly vertically are strengthened. It is done without dismantling the box.

After eliminating the skew, the root of the door closing at the most unexpected moment will disappear forever. You can get rid of the screenshots using the usual loop lubrication.

Removing the cloth, it is necessary to cover the rods with lubrication loops, based on solidol.


Workers carrying out repairs in the apartment should during the installation of doors to adjust them. However, there are cases when doors over time are deformed, the geometry of the walls changes. This is especially true for new homes.

In these cases, the doors again begin to require additional adjustment. You can try to do it yourself. The work shown on video looks easily, like any business performed by the master.

Perform the adjustment of the work itself in the presence of tools and some skill is not difficult.

However, and for this you need experience in conducting such works, and time. Many feel chronic shortage and the other. Tools are also far from everyone.

This applies primarily to people engaged in intellectual labor. But those who are accustomed to the work of physical, without skills will have to be not easy.

Nowadays there is no shortage in specialists of any profile, including both carpenters.

To carry out such work it is better to invite professional carpenters. They have a corresponding tool. The experience of such work they are usually huge. Everyone has a special education. Alone with such work is unlikely to cope with even a specialist, so the brigade consists of two or more people. They will work quickly and efficiently.

It is better to pay extra money, and - not very large than spending a huge amount of time and get a doubtful result. On the comfort and beauty, as well as on food, you can not save.


How to repair interroom doors with your own hands: Practical advice

With the task of repairing the interior door, everyone can face with their own hands, since with time the design inevitably gives failures. To prevent even greater destruction and restore the convenience of use, it is necessary to determine the defect in time, find out the cause of the problem and immediately eliminate it.

Sometimes interior doors require repair

Consider the most common situations that can be corrected independently:

  • schedules of the canvase;
  • formation of gaps;
  • problems with opening and closing doors.

One of the most frequent problems is to switch the door leaf of interior design. This is especially true of massive and heavy canvases. What to do if the interroom door has checked?

First, determine the reason for sagging. In most cases, there is a skew in the locations of the loop. This disadvantage is quite simple to eliminate with your own hands. All you need is to adjust the position of the canvas, taking accessories.

It is possible to put on the place of the docking of the canopy and the lower part of the loops of rubber gaskets, like plumbing.

Watching the door canvase in most cases can be eliminated by tving loop

If the case is not in the loop, most likely, the repair of the box itself will be required. Just the door cannot change its position, it means that you need to adjust the position of the elements of the Lutka and consolidate them in the right place. This uses a construction level, as well as drill and anchor bolts. Wooden shelters will be completely suitable for gypsum walls.

The formation of gaps

Another situation is associated with the formation of gaps between the canvas and the louting. Repairs in this case will allow not only to get rid of unsightly cracks, but also improve heat and sound insulation indoors. The reason for such a defect can be all the same skew of the design or drying of wood. What to do in this case?

How do you fix the door with your own hands when forming gaps:

  • If the displacement of the interior door arose due to the skew of the box, adjust its position and strengthen the log.
  • When displaced on loops, adjust them and, if necessary, put additional gaskets under the plate or between the halves of the mounts.
  • In the end part, from which the gap originated can be fill the additional bar.

Closing problems

If you have an interroom door not closed enough tightly or its movement in the opening is difficult, the reason can be wounded in one of the following situations:

  • Blooming door web. Especially relevant for premises with high humidity. In this case, the door rubs the floor or rests on the part of the log. To solve the problem, it is possible to comb on a planer excess material from the end or expand the box.
  • The door itself opens. Perhaps the situation is associated with loops or distortion of the plane of the room itself. This is a very common problem, especially if the cloth is quite massive. In this case, increase the resistance in the loops or use the closer or the backups under the door.
  • Sticks the castle. The problem lies in the displacement of the falevo tongue relative to the response plate. Repair with your own hands is as follows: you need to squander the plate to the desired size or transfer it position on the frame, you may need to make the restoration of the castle itself.

If the door itself closes

There may also be a situation when, on the contrary, the interroom door itself closes.

How to fix this problem? The reasons for such a defect are similar to those that arise in a similar situation when the door itself opens.

In this case, the easiest solution is to use the stoppers to limit the movement of the canvas, but it is not entirely convenient, and the installation of the closers is worth a lot of money.

Types of stoppers for interior door

In this case, you can repair the loops, make it easily with your own hands, in fact it is not even repair, but the modification of the fittings. To do this, you will need a literally a few millimeters bend the hinge finger, so the top half of the loop will move a little relative to the bottom and lines the vertical of the door canvase.

The main thing is not to bend the hinge finger too much, otherwise it turns out a skew to the other side.

How to repair the interroom door design, it is much easier to prevent breakdowns. Of course, to completely avoid them, you are unlikely to succeed, but so you at least minimize the risk of their appearance.

Regularly check the condition of the fittings and the position of the canvas relative to the box. If necessary, you need to lubricate the loop, the closer, lock and handle. Special attention is paid to the most problematic rooms: the kitchen and the bathroom, here the risk of drying and swelling the door items is much higher. Check the cover state, refresh it if necessary and make antiseptic processing.

Periodically, you need to adjust the position of the loop cloth. This is done not only to eliminate the likelihood of its savory, but also in order to reduce the load on the accessories and carrier elements of the box. Do not save on components, because some details will help you extend the service life of the structure as a whole. If defects are detected, do not tighten with their elimination, otherwise you will have to carry out the full replacement of the door and box with your own hands.


The door itself opens: what to do

It happens that the door itself opens. What to do in such a situation? Spontaneous door opening is most often associated with poor installation of the door frame. This interroom door begins to strike the wall, it can touch the limiter. As a result, rapid wear occurs. This may be a sign of providing interior door, and such a lack can be corrected.

The main reason for the breakdown and skewers are broken or incorrectly installed loops.

First of all, the reason for the opening can be hinges. Poor installation hinges causes the battery, the door begins to open with difficulty.

One of the reasons may be the separation of one half of the loop. If the box is installed in terms of the level, the hinge marking was carried out, and the web still deviates from the vertical, which means that defective loops were installed. They need to be replaced.

Another reason may be poorly made grooves under the loop. For example, one edge has a recessed more than the other. This lack is easy to correct. It is necessary to remove everything more superfluous in the groove, put the material of the required thickness under the depression.

Another reason can be screws that were crookedly twisted in the loop. They pull the loop in the opposite direction. To fix the position, you need to replete holes.

What may be required for work

The loops are fastened with self-drawing in each hole.

  • a hammer;
  • screwdriver figure;
  • ax;
  • electric drill;
  • chisel;
  • rasp;
  • screws;
  • level.

Door box repair options.

If the door canvas opens involuntarily, the rack that holds the canvas does not have an ideal vertical. What is the reason how to fix such a problem? Loss of verticality due to improperly installed door loops - the main reason for self-opening. The loops are installed with a slight inclination.

If the opening occurs outside, it means that the tilt of the door is directed not to the door frame. To correct the position, you need to put the material of the corresponding thickness under the upper door loop.

If an arbitrary closing occurs, the slope is directed towards the door frame. To eliminate the cause, you need to put the material under the door loop installed below.

After the rack is exhibited exactly vertically, the door will work perfectly. If still simple lining failed to correct the situation, you must re-install the door frame.

For this, all screws are removed, fastening the box. There is only one to hold the rack. The door canvas is removed. A well-sharpened knife removes all mounting foam. It is not necessary to remove the foam, it will be a kind of clinia substitute and will not allow the rack under the tilt to touch the wall.

Then, with the help of the level there is a new location of the rack. Through the rack, new holes are drilled. It will take a long drill to work. Dowels clogged into the holes.

Door box repair scheme.

After that, they hang the box and screw the electric drill two screws into the lower and top loop. This is necessary to verify the correct installation.

If, when opening the door to 45 °, it does not save and remains on the spot, you can fully fix the box. If defects occur, it is necessary to check the vertical again.

Such work is completed by removing the old foam, rack and re-gate.

It is always necessary to remember that other racks will have to be aligned in the same way. The amount of work related to the repair of the box depends on the degree of damage.

Perhaps it will be possible to do with simple cosmetic repairs. It will be quite enough to sharpen dents and paint the door. But it may be necessary to more serious repairs when it is necessary to replace the damaged details of the door frame and the door canvase.

When repairing metal doors, work is performed:

  • plumbing;
  • welding;
  • finishing;
  • door gains.

Scripping the door is eliminated by lubricant loops.

Sometimes the door begins to creak. This is associated with friction in the canopy. It is possible to fix it with ordinary machine oil, lubricating the loop. You can use oil that lubricates sewing machines.

To get to the loop axis, you need to put a wedge and pry, for example, scrap. It slightly raises, in the resulting clearance around the loop pins, oil is dripping. The door can be carefully lowering in its place.

The main thing is that she remains all the time on the loop. The creak will disappear.

Instead of oil, you can use pieces of graphite, breaking any soft pencil.

Slices of graphite will be crushed by a mass of the door and become a small powder. Graphite is a magnificent lubricant, it will serve for a very long time.

If the metal door begins to open independently, it will have to fix the incorrect loops. The fastening of the loops must be done strictly vertically, no inclination is allowed.

How to repair loops

Poor-made grooves are aligned with the chisel.

If the opening occurs spontaneously, it means there is a tilt relative to the door frame. To correct the position, it is necessary to cut a little cardboard on top of the loop to install a loop in an even position. If an arbitrary closing occurs, then the cardboard must be placed under the loop from the bottom.

When working does not need to completely turn the screws. They can be unscrewed only half. In the resulting gap, you can put a piece of cardboard. After working, the screws are easily screwed back.

If the door is often clinically, in most cases it is associated with hinges that are very sore. To fix it is necessary to remove the screw, and instead you will screw the other, longer. Thus, changing all the screws, holding the loop, you can fix the situation.

If such an operation did not help, it is necessary to transfer the loops to a new place by moving them aside. You can try to make nest nests deeper than them to drown a little.

In some cases, the jamming of the door associated with the sedimentation building occurs. The door frame has undergone deformation and leaned slightly. The only output from the situation will be the creation of an angle of inclination corresponding to the corner of the frame.

Under the loop you need to put the gasket according to the technology described above. When encouraging half the door located downstairs, the laying is placed under the loop located at the top, and when it jars the upper half, everything is done on the contrary.

Rules for spinning samorezov

The cause of the encoding is the resulting great gap when installing the loop and the door frame. To eliminate the problem, the nest loops must be made much deeper and slightly drown them. If there is a skew, it is necessary to drown only that loop, which is the cause of the jam.

If the work done did not help eliminate the jam, you need to remove the wood layer opposite the junction site. The same is done with a door that swallowed from dampness. It is often quite enough to handle the end of the Raspil right on the hinges. To remove a thick layer, the door must be removed from the loops.

If when opening the door hits the floor

Perhaps this is due to the shrinkage of the door canvase. Correction of the position is similar to the operation of the door lubrication.

First, the steel door is pinned with a small wedge. In the open position, the canvas will start lifting in the loop. In the resulting gap are inserted semiring from durable wire. When the semiring is inserted, they need to hold them with the help of the passage until the ring is obtained. It must be done in such a way that the ring remains in place when the cloth will be closed or open.

When the door began to close badly, it is necessary to put copy paper under it, and then close. After opening, you can see the main cause of the problem. If the lock has a tongue below the hole below, it is necessary to check the strength of the fastening of loop screws. Perhaps the sediment occurred due to the fact that they were weakened.

If the actions did not led to success, it is necessary to remove the shut-off bar, and the holes to expand the ordinary file. After that, you can fix the bar elsewhere.

Displacement loops if the door sits tightly in place, not allowed. Sometimes you need to limit the door opening. For this, the strap is taken, which needs to be consolidated at the top of the door directly to the jam. The length of the strap is equal to the desired length of the opening. When the door is closed, the strap will just hang. To make the door itself, you can install the door closer.

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