How to revenge the offender - smart ways to revenge on the unworthy behavior of people. How to take revenge on the person who betrayed you

The buildings 12.10.2019
The buildings

The Orthodox Church teaches to forgive their offenders. Even there is such a holiday as for forgiveness Sunday. On this day, all believers ask for each other for forgiveness. But, unfortunately, this is not all given a trait of character, how to be able to forgive. Especially terrible woman in anger.

It also happens that a long-holding a man decides to take revenge in a few years.

To begin with, answer such questions:

  • Can you forgive your offender?
  • How strong pain should be causing another person?
  • Do you become happier from this, or maybe you will be easier?
  • How big is the resentment?

Perhaps the one who struck her decided to joke. For example, someone called you. For jokes, it is really a trifle, but for whose address the joke was intended - this disrespect and resentment. If you can not forgive the pronounced offense, then come up with how you want to revenge for her. Come up with something similar about the offender.

Remember that the magnitude of the punishment must correspond to the magnitude of the resentment

How to live with a hurt?

Or maybe it's worth forgive? Togo man still life will punish. Not him, so his children. Of course, it is wrong, but he will be to blame himself. To live with a feeling of insult is very hard. Perhaps your offender with a feeling of guilt is also not easy to live. And after some time he apologize.


The only thought in the head of the offended is a revenge, how to make that suffer. In the head, he comes up with a lot of situations as he can make it all.

An example from life: revenge for insult

Typical case. The partner has changed the legitimate companion. She found out about treason. Not only that she kicked him out of the house, deprived of work, as she was the hostess of the place where he worked, and forced him to experience what it was. She hired a girl who played a beloved former partner.

Divaled him for money, and then in his own eyes changed with another. The man was depressed and very angry when he learned that all this set up his ex-wife. It was easier for a woman from this, but she studied man who offended her.

You need to be able to forgive. Life raws more than once, and offenders will carry their guilt.

As with the help of magic, you can take revenge on my father, friends, relatives, loved ones, who are always near, with which we are infinitely trusted and believed. We take off the holidays, we divide the grief, we ask for help. Never think about the fact that close people can betray. Their betrayal of loved ones is like a knife in the back: it also hurts, suddenly heals a long time. I really want to take revenge on the same coin or even more painful, and it can, on the contrary, I want to forgive everything and live as before. In both cases . Someone appeals to psychologists, someone finds access to alcohol, and someone is looking for other ways. Why make the effect of black magics by way out. Prediting people close to you did not think about how it would be bad. Why then should you think about their well-being?

Revenge for betraying close people is not so easy

Even for black magic, this is not a simple task. It is necessary to calculate everything rationally and calculate. It all depends on the degree of revenge that you have conceived. Well, if you decide to forgive and return the close, magic also has its ways to solve such a situation. Close people betrayed you, and you decided to forgive - noble!

Close people betrayed and you decided to take revenge on a near man - right!

As you know the parents closest to us people. We love them, respect the whole soul. To whom, as not to mom or dad, ask for help or advice. But nevertheless, the disagreement between children and parents is not a rare phenomenon. Okay, even disagreements, because after all, hatred is sometimes present. The reasons for hating their parents should be very good. The Company condemns those who speak poorly about parents, reproaching them by the fact that they raised us, raised, and thanks. Yes this . But their behavior is sometimes difficult to explain: they are afraid of losing the expensive children, who in due time are separated from them, or they really begin to hate us and create all sorts of nasty.

  • Father is always a symbol of support, help, forces that will do everything to protect their child from trouble.
  • But, unfortunately, there is another category of fathers, from which they just want to get rid of, go away, do not hear anything and never see him anymore.

I can with confidence to say that the revenge of Pape is currently becoming frequent. Why this happens, I can't say. Maybe we have badly understood who are such parents, and who are children who should associate us.

Often addressed people with a request to take revenge on the father who betrayed

It even stopped surprising me. Having heard of life stories, I just began to understand that the desires of these people are justified and taking with confidence for each, a separate thing.

You probably think now, what is my help? The thing is that I am engaged in black magic. I consider magic the most rational way - how to take revenge on father. Because that I know that if you do not do it with the help of black magic, you will do it yourself. Thus, create yourself even more problems, and do not give God the law. Any magician can tell about those revenge in a bad father who possesses black magic. Revenge is not only a desire to make a person bad: to bring a disease, make a plot for loneliness, failures. Pope is also dictated by the desire of a person. Magic can give you the opportunity to safely revenge the Father, and I, in turn, can provide you with high-quality help. In this whole story, the black magician occupies not the last place. I would very much like that you solve problems with parents peacefully, well, if it is impossible, then you are right to seek help to the MAG.

I always ask my customers or even demanding not to torture to make such rites revenge close people Alone. Love spell or other ritual can wrap the porch in your direction! Pay attention to it!

Only practitioner sorcerer can take such things. There are many secrets that you can't know about. You can deal with the betrayal of close people with the help of a connoisseur of your business.

Watch on video How to make damping by photo

Each person came across his life with betrayal, unfair fulfillment of promises and other things that we usually react to the offend. Sometimes we are offended even when the offender had weighty reasons to bring us. It does not seem significant: the main thing is that our interests are respected at any cost.

It can be offended by us practically in any situation, unexpectedly, and even the closest people:

  • at work - the head, colleagues;
  • in the family - husband / wife, baby, mother-in-law / mother-in-law;
  • in the store - the seller, another buyer;
  • in transport - driver or drunk passenger.

Having experienced a strong insult, man begins to think about revenge. Obviously, the opinion is as if revenge must follow any insult and humiliation. Allegedly so you can prove to the whole world that you are a worthy person. Is this belief true?

As a rule, after successful revenge, a person does not feel any relief. Maybe the desire to take revenge is just a harmful reflex? Consider such an example: the marine battle of sailing warships. Aboard your ship bare, he is sinking. How to improve your situation in this situation - should I give a response volley or close the gap? And if you have created a non-enemy ship, and some rods?

Films in which the chief hero will fly by villains are very popular. We are greatly wished for the development of these plots.. But pay attention to your feelings after the completion of these film. What remains, except for joy from spectacular scenes, fights and beautiful explosions?

You may notice that only sadness remained. It happens more interesting when "villain" in the movie will be better revealed, they will show his motivation so that we see: probably, we would not differ from it, will be in its place.

The spiritual teacher Eckhart Tolna, speaking on this topic, recommended to watch the film "Gran Torino", describing it as "transforming". Indeed, there are several non-standard events there, and as a result, the viewer can survive the real catharsis.


The extreme manifestation of revenge for the insanity is Vendetta, common in some Islands of the Mediterranean until the beginning of the last century. They were that for the death of his family member, one of the killer family should certainly follow. As a rule, each subsequent revenge was becoming increasingly cruel than the previous one, and often as a result, they were exterminated to the last person both of the warrant clan. And pay attention: After all, both clans are revenge, and not just mildly killed. Both had reasons to be offended.

In and more, nothing, in and more than anyone ... In and more than anyone, besides the crow - to shove some of the ... (B. Okudzhava)

Blood revenge - barbaric custom, preserved today only in the wildest regions. However, in civilized societies, many still want to revenge, albeit less radical ways, for their resentment. People do not understand what is offended - it is extremely infantile behavior. We teach him in infancy when we understand that with the help of your offense you can blackmail parents and peers, receiving certain benefits: candy, ice cream and affection.

Baby insults

Having offended, you can pay with good mom more than she would like to give us herself. Perhaps she has a small salary and her new toy or sweets now, but seeing his offense child, she will not be able to resist and will be forced to spend more than the family budget allows. Inability to plan the future is another infantile trait. It is thanks to her a child considers it possible to manipulate parents who have good reasons for not satisfying all his whims.

If such a child grows up, while not getting rid of infantile character traits, he seeks to use black magic and conspiracies to take revenge on the enemy, humiliate him to suffer. He does not know another joy, except for cruelly take revenge on the enemy, spoil the life of a person. The problem is that this joy is not too big . The desire to take revenge - from those more pleasant to representThan to implement, and inside after revenge there is only emptiness, awareness that nothing has changed for the better.

How to do it more reasonable?

If the resentment caused to you is reversible - spoiled some kind of thing, did not return money debt, then you should just do the restoration of damage. Be calm: karma takes care of the offender. Remember what happens to the leading vendent? A person who allows himself an unfair treatment with others, the pit itself makes himself a pit, in which he once will have to fall. You don't even have to push him. So forgive him and forget it, you now have things to be more likely to restore the damage. You must react as if this damage was framed as a result of a natural disaster or bad weather. You are not offended by bad weather - just take the umbrella.

If you are offended, and strong feelings will be buried in you, such as anger, rage, indignation - you become a slight object for manipulation. You can easily become a victim of a fraudster, for example, which will sell you a pseudo-sliced \u200b\u200b"conspiracy." How to punish a person for meannessHe will not tell you, but will replenish the wallet of the lime sorcerer (and it will noticeably ease yours).

In any situation, you should take care of your well-being. To harm someone - in no way corresponds to your interests. Moreover, it gives rise to the risk that you will want to attack in response, and it will last infinitely. Don't you have a more interesting classes?

More Plato in the dialogue "State" led the reasoning of the Socrates on Justice. It is difficult to imagine the reader familiar with him, which then would like to take revenge on someone. In this dialogue, it is very simply explained that a man who committed a bad act is bad. And justice is the commission of good actions. If you damage the bad person, he will become even worse. So, you will be unfair. Therefore, just will not do evil even bad people so that they do not become even worse.

Two frogs

The sins of others judge you are so diligently. Start with your, and not get to others. (W. Shakespeare)

This quote indicates the same thing about what Jesus says in the New Testament: you see in someone else's eye, you do not notice the logs in my logs. The point here is to focus on its development. In any situation, efforts should be made to become stronger. Remember the parable about two frogs that are sinking in sour cream? One of them was offended by the whole world and drowned. The second began to quickly move the paws, the sour cream turned into the oil, and the frog was able to get free. Starting it to build plans for a person who left an open pot with sour cream - nothing good would not come out of this.

It's time to stop looking for guilty. It's time to become an adult. We all have time to grow up. We all have time to stop looking for the guilty. This is the first sign of growing up - stop looking for someone to blame. (I. Vynepayev)

To transfer responsibility to another person is very easy, pleasant and convenient. But not everyone is thinking about the consequences of this. The baby has no choice: it does not have his own money and completely depends on his parents, only they can buy a toy or candy.

But growing, the person must realize that more and more action becomes available to him. Already, finding that there is no candy in your pocket, there is no need to kick the mother's boots, as some children do. You can go to the store and buy candy on your salary.

When manBeing already adults, maintains this children's mental mechanism that in case of trouble you must certainly be offended by someone, it may encounter a number of unpleasant consequences.

Hate - the compassion of love. (E. Brodetsky)

According to this psychologist, even hatred is just our attempt to get love. What is there to talk about insult? Having been offended, we are trying to bother with offender some dividends.

Mom fasten the heart can close the eyes on the whims of his child and still give him the desired delicacy. If he, becoming an adult, will behave like this, the boss can simply dismiss it. Colleagues will not understand.

If you feel deprived, it will be more environmentally friendly to alleviate about your feelings. And if you were not heard, then to quit and find a job with a more suitable psychological climate.

The lit candele will shine until the fruit and will not go out. Our life is also short, and it is stupid to spend it on petty resentment . From them first of all you will suffer from you. If you come up with a way to pump someone who, in your opinion, is to blame, to substitute it - suffering will become only more, and not less. Now, besides you, another person will suffer. It is more expedient to think about how to make so that suffering in the world has become less.

Especially since the insult can lead even to the disease. But this topic is already for another article and on another topic.

Below will look at some practices that can beneficially affect your mental state and spiritual well-being, if you hurt:

  • prayer,
  • rune Evaz
  • Forgiveness Sunday,
  • hooponopono.


A good way to improve your life is prayer. If you spend no less than an hour per day for prayer, gradually resentment will begin to let you go. "Yes, there will be the will of yours", "Lord Pom" - Is it possible to save the egoistic desire to harm someone after such words, do it hurt?

Rune Evaz

If you have found the courage to forgive your offenders, give God to God for the merit yourself, this rune will help you to avoid unpleasant situations. You can draw it somewhere in your home, wearing her image with you, and at least to make a tattoo with her. The smaller the egoism and offense in you and more resistance in the confrontation of amphibiousness and gusting anger, the more goods bring you a rune forgiveness.

Forgiveness Sunday

In the Christian tradition, a special day was allocated when special attention is paid to for forgiveness - forgiven Sunday. It is usually necessary for February, the exact date in every year is different. On this day, Christians not only forgive those who had a resentment, but they themselves ask for forgiveness around themselves. Everyone who offended voluntarily or unwittingly. When I ask for forgiveness yourself, you understand that someone offended someone, and there is a feeling of harmony of the world. You no longer feel unknown by someone offended, it becomes easier to forgive your offenders.


Famous Esoteric Joe Vital Talks about the Hawaiian method of changing life for the better, which is called "Hooponopono". According to him, a person who practiced her, cured a whole psychiatric clinic, simply repeating a few words. Namely:

  • "forgive me",
  • "I love you",
  • "thank you".

Repeating these words by filling them with sincere repentance and love and addressing the oncoming patients, doctors and even the walls of the building, Hugh Lin achieved the fact that the clinic was closed: it became no one to treat, everyone went on amendment. Also, with the help of this technique, you can fix your health, and it can be performed completely imperceptible to others, repeating these words to yourself. Not a hindrance for it and distance.


Siteness is a harmful and infantile character trait that needs to be removed from his arsenal, so that there is no little, to survive in this difficult world. You can somehow infect your head much, but even if the reason for your anger is unfair dismissal, the best option is to forgive. The same path is the best in the event that your expectations did not meet your favorite woman.

Completely fair are the expressions "Smile / Travel - it annoys all." This is the best revenge - just focus on making your life beautiful and amazing. In the film "Merlin" with an inimitable Sean Connery had an evil witch, which nothing could ride except one. She turned out to be defeated when they all forgot about her and stopped paying their attention to her . We wish you to punish your offenders in the same way..

ATTENTION, only today!

Revenge is a destructive feeling, but if it is impossible to get rid of the desire to get rid of positive ways and self-sufficiency, you need to act. Next, we will tell you how to take revenge on the person who offended you.

How to take revenge on a man for grieving?

Before starting revenge, it should be taken into account what, restoring justice, cannot be proceeding beyond the law. This means that if, as a result of ignition, the human health or property will be damaged, the Avenger will have to be responsible. Therefore, methods are desirable to choose effective, but completely legal.

Rules of MFA, which are undesirable to violate:

  • should not go beyond justice - the damage must be applied to the applied;
  • it is necessary to think about the consequences - the revenge should not give rise to "blood" enmity;
  • it is necessary to act independently - should not be involved in the revenge of the strangers;
  • it is advisable to withstand the pause so that the offender calm down, and, in addition, "revenge is a dish that is eating cold."

The easiest and most effective way to take revenge - answer the same coin. Changed the spouse - change in response by choosing a more successful and attractive man. However, it is necessary to take into account the fact - is it really a revenge will delight or only bring bitterness and unpleasant.

But if you don't want to go down to the offender, you can start with ignoring. And you need to ignore so that the person himself began to doubt his material existence. This method is particularly effective with those who waited for a response, and received only ice indifference.

How else can you take revenge on a person who offended you: active mission

One of the ways of active revenge is the proof of own superiority. For its implementation, you need to look at the offender and outline the points in which it is preferable to strike. No need to insult in the face, simply comment on the Babushkina's "grandmother" of fashionista, specify the error allowed in the report, ridiculously bhavitia.

Revenge the owner of the car can be very different ways. For example, glue the wipers to the glass superclaim. Or to deceive the handle of the door with a vaseline or gouache, which is very difficult to launder. Finally, to pour out the front of the auto oil under the bottom of the front, then the owner climbs looking for a leak.

If the offender is worthy of big trouble, you can go to the actions that, if the avenger comes, can lead to trials with law enforcement agencies. For example, it is possible to injected with a syringe the contents of the chicken egg under the upholstery of the car. A few days later, such a disgusting smell will reign in the cabin that the seat will most likely have to be changed.

Another effective way to take revenge is to organize a flurry spam onto the phone and the e-mail of the offender. And for this, just need to sign it on the most different products and services, the best - indecent. At least it will cause irritation, as a maximum - overload and phone.

How to revenge for the insult to the boss?

The revenge of the boss should be carefully thought out, otherwise the consequences may be undesirable for the Avenger. If the chief is noncompeentient, but used to that his mistakes correct the subordinates should stop doing it. And if possible - to deliberately make several rude inaccuracies in his performance or report. Higher leadership will hardly like it, and over the offender may hover the threat of dismissal.

If the firm is customized to track corporate mail, you can sign the offender to the newsletter from various sex resources. The security service and administrators will be "will delight" by looking through his mail. This is a similar way - to order in the name of the head of the toy from the sex shop and take care so that the courier arrives during an important meeting or at the maximum presence of the team.

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