How to take revenge on a person who offended you? How to take revenge on the person who betrayed you.

The buildings 12.10.2019
The buildings

You can forgive everything. And take. And understand. And lose everything ... All my life can lose, if you forgive everything. But, and not forgive you. The soul hurts and requires - forget, sorry, leave. What to do? Need ideas. Enemies should be punished - fact. But how to do it well? About this article ...

Well, how not to flip down the cheeks?

If you hit you on the left cheek, submese the right. If you understand this principle literally, nothing good will come out, because people sit on their head and will swear, which gave little. But on the other hand, this principle is not in vain for two thousand years, almost all religions have been preached. So, the theme of revenge, enemies and insult will be the object of our reflection today.

Beasts, unlike people, are not good, the animals are not evil. If the wolf licks and protects and protects, then this is not because she loves them, but because it makes the call of instinct. The crocodile in his tooth pastry saves the crocodile from dad, who is ready to eat them. Looking at these examples, it can be said that Mothers love their children, but it is not. It is just biology. If the crocodile is choking crocodile hormones, then he will take care of small in the same way as their mother makes. This is already biochemistry. And these are instincts.

People, unlike animals, are tearned from their instincts, because Homo Sapiens has a mind that is formed by learning in society and self-made conclusions. And the mind does not allow us to act as the instincts suggest. The mind thinks a lot about how to take revenge on the offender.

For example, people emit a special smell when a person is being passed nearby, which they are sexually attractive, and, accordingly, react to the smell, which is intended for them. But morality does not allow us to just take and take possession of the wife of some kind of men just because she called us the smell. Here we manage the moral, which is encoded in the mind. The mind has such powerful power over the body, which, even affecting our nervous system, stuck our sense of smell so that we cannot feel all the many odors that are designed for us. The mind drives us, and we are under the control of the mind every minute. Even left alone, we stay with your mind that tells us what we should do and how to spend your free time. The mind is constantly on worse - he never sleeps, even at night. And constantly controls the situation so that it goes as, in his opinion, should be.

If the situation does not converge with his vision, he decides that it is bad, and we feel terrible. Then he makes a decision - as we do to get rid of the stimulus, and we, perceiving his thoughts for our own, begin to act.

how to take revenge on how to take revenge on the offender, how to take revenge on the enemies, about love, jealousy, revenge, methods of revenge

How to take revenge on the offender

Just yesterday, an unpleasant story happened to me: two weeks ago I met with a musician who had to write music to my spectral. He listened to my considerations, said he would take, and disappeared for two weeks. I didn't have direct contact with him, because his producer is engaged in all his affairs. Therefore, I call the producer and ask - how are things with music. Producer answers me that the musician will not compose, because he does not believe in me. And says goodbye. In me, the storm of feelings is a resentment, anger, a desire to confuse, misunderstanding, some kind of humiliation and much more. I decided to go stroll, breathe air, come to my senses. Come up with how to take revenge the offender.

I go down the street, and suddenly, the car stops, the musician gets out of it, it is very friendly with me greet me and begins to apologize and explain why he cannot write melodies. It turns out that he leaves towards touring, so he does not have time. We are very friendly talked, and he went further.

I have again a storm of feelings, in relation to this ... Producer - I do not understand, I want to fill the face, something else ... In general, I am angry. It seems to me if at this moment I met him, all the 5 of my karate classes would remain in his face face. Attitude towards him - as an evil enemy. He simply insulted me in his own words, for nothing.

I come home, inside everything boils, I start looking for a phone to express everything I think, and ... I stop ... I realize that there is no point. I will not achieve anything, but only I lose contact with a person who can like a person and not very, but I need. And I hang.

how to take revenge on how to take revenge on the offender, how to take revenge on the enemies, about love, jealousy, revenge, methods of revenge

Methods of revenge

On the one hand, the anger somehow throw out, because if she remains in me, then her charge will fall on my favorite woman, who will come home soon. On the other hand, there is no object for aggression, unless finding a foreign person and fill him ... face. Street again to walk, or what? "I think I, methods of revenge to think about ... But then something is suddenly happening in me, and my condition changes. Anger left, but remained ... Love. And who do you think? To producer! I even came across a little ... So it was all unexpectedly and somehow ... not right ... But here the phrase came to my head, a lot of times heard, but conscious only now: if you hit you on the left cheek, put the right .

What should a person be inside to fulfill this principle? What should it be filled with? What feelings?

Only a loving person can beat the blow and give an opportunity to her beloved to drink anger, anger, offense, annoyance, fear. And makes a loving this in order to have after the furious calm down, get it with his love, give the opportunity to feel love and calm down.

I liked this principle, but immediately my smart brains were involved, and suggested to me that if you approached you on the street and began to rob, there would not help any love. It is necessary or fighting or running. Love time - no.

Yes, sometimes you need and fight, and run ... But at the same time, let love in the soul, I answered intuition. And I remembered one of my competitions when I fought with a strong opponent, who was my good companion. We poured in full strength, tried to hit as accurately as possible, faster and cunning, but there was no malice, there was love for a close person to you, with whom you just compete. That time I lost ... but there was no loss feeling. I was happy for my friend that he was better than me. I loved him. Then it was so fleeing that I didn't even pay attention to this feeling, but now, remembering this story, I realized that it was love that could be filled, even giving fire to the enemy. Indeed, in this case, you will not be overly cruel. You give such a rebuff, which will be enough to keep your life. You will not seek to kill him, because it is not necessary. You won so much.

how to take revenge on how to take revenge on the offender, how to take revenge on the enemies, about love, jealousy, revenge, methods of revenge

Love is the power of life

In the family, the principle of "let love in response to anger" works even better and more accurately. Well, imagine whether a quarrel will develop if the husband splashes saliva to his wife and calling her with nasty words, in response to meet a calm, deep, understanding love. Will he be able to continue to beat it? Not. He will stop. He will feel guilty, and here you need to support him with love. Hug it, press to himself and say that you understand how bad it hurts him. Explain that you feel his confusion and would like it to not feel guilty, because you love it all, even that.

Love is a powerful force. She can't resist her. No evil will not be able to fight love for a long time, because the love of all perk. Even on the black ground scorched by the atomic explosion, all the same, bright red poppies on green stalks will ever bloom. This land sends us your love. She believes that her children draw up and stop killing each other, but will begin to love.


Yes. Love difficult. Love does not always want. About love do not always remember. I do not know how you, and sometimes I catch myself thinking that I just forgot about what I love my beloved. Yes, I'm gently with her. Yes, I care about her. But - no love. There is no tertiary relationship when I want to quietly, gently, gently touch the lips to her light hair. Inhale the full chest of her exciting smell and go into face in her chest. There is no wave that enveloping tenderness and shivering is rolled throughout the body and even moves the hair on the top of the top. No love. I forgot. Jealousy.

It is not scary. I remember that I love. I remember that this is not just a woman with which I live for almost two years, but my most beloved is a person. I remember it. But why did I forget about it? I do not know ... Maybe I do not know how to love so to feel this feeling always. I grew up in a family where love was issued by portions on holidays, and between these bright moments there were family wars. I communicated with people who love to love them, but do not know how to love themselves, and looking at them, I also learned to live like this - not like, but demanding. I don't always want to love, because sometimes a person next to you behaves wrong, as you want, and as I want him. And how can I love it? I am an ordinary person who still wants to be an intuitive loving. I do not want to be smart loving.

how to take revenge on how to take revenge on the offender, how to take revenge on the enemies, about love, jealousy, revenge, methods of revenge

What does love kill?

After all, I'm not in vain I started talking mad. Not just like that. After all, this mind appreciates the situation and says: it is possible to love here, but here - no. For this you need to love, and for it you need to beat. The mind is a wrapper head, which gives water only after payment of the water consumed. Water is not allowed so much for it you need to pay. Water - someone, but love is ours. Why do we measure it and weighed - give not to give? Then, so as not to give too much, the mind is responsible. And he is right. It is logical, so he is right. If I will give the will now, he will explain a lot of ways why the enemies cannot be loved.

Why you can not love just like that. Why you can not love without getting love in response. And he will be right because the mind is the great creator of illusions. He looked at the films, read books, he had listened to songs, remember the stories of friends and girlfriends, and everywhere it says that love must be mutual. What you need to love those who deserve it. What a loved one can only be the best, etc. The mind believes it, and if we are under the rule of mind, we believe in it. The mind turns us as he wants, and we believe that these are our thoughts. Do not believe. In our heads, if there is a hundred strangers, one of our thought is good. The mind cannot invent truly his thoughts, because he thinks, turning over and combining the facts already known to him. Combining the famous, new will not create, only updated, but in essence will be kept old.

Only intuition, only intuitive impression can provide us with the opportunity to create really something new, different from all that we knew before. New may be the understanding of the old phrase and, as a result, fresh conclusions from it. Just above, I already told how intuitively realized what it means to substitute the cheek after the shock.

To sort out intuition and love, it is worth understanding us. And for the convenience of reasoning, we assume that a person consists of three components. It is not, but it is so comfortable to reflect.

First, these are instincts, or this innate ability to make appropriate, scoreless actions. Breathing, sweating, digestion, reproduction, attack, running out - all instincts, and we cannot actually manage. Instincts are needed, as it is impossible to consciously control the work of all interconnections in the body, but they prevent us from being informed when the injection into the blood of adrenaline is forced us to retrieve from rage, or losing then from fear.

Secondly, this is the mind - the ability to think, that is, to sort out the facts and combine them in various ways. Logic, conclusion, conversation, letter, mathematics - this is all manifestations of the mind. The mind is needed and necessary, but he is the worst evil, which he can only imagine. The mind is needed to make conclusion and translate your knowledge to understandable for all language. And the mind is our jailer who builds the walls of deterrent beliefs and moral restrictions.

Thirdly, it is intuition - flair, a subtle understanding, penetration into the very essence of something. Immediately, without justifying the evidence, the comprehension of truth. It is the intuition that can bring us for the power of instincts and bans. Only intuition can give us the opportunity to instantly realize and understand the essence of things and phenomena. It is instantly, because intuition does not work as the mind. If the mind requires logical arguments and conclusions, then intuition gives us the opportunity to know what we need immediately, suddenly, instantly.

But the mind may prevent us from being intuitive. The power of the mind is stronger, because we are accustomed to him. The mind rules over us with all sorts of tricks. For example, arguments in favor of something. The mind will easily convince us in our rightness, and at the same time will not give to understand the righteousness of another. Another control means, which has a mind, is a memory - stock of impressions and experience stored in consciousness. We wanted, for example, become loving, and the mind is clap, and sends us a memory of how it hurts our love. There is a lot of things in the mind for influencing us and, it would seem, everything is useless. How can some unacceptable intuition be stronger than the mind that we train from birth? Can.

Intuition is a connection with something expedited. This is a channel for perception of force, which is the basis of the universe itself. This is a connection with the divine, but not in understanding the word God, but in understanding the word - the creator of all things. Only the creator has a true force, and we can draw it immensely. We can use it as much as we want. We can use the worlds and universes using it. Intuition is our connection with the highest strength.

I, of course, I understand that my words do not give all the completeness of my intuitive awareness of this truth, so I may be overwhelmed, but you just let this text go through you, how the gold-like breed is through a sieve, and suddenly, among Gray stones will kill a bright nugget. This will be your awareness. Just be relaxed.

Changing the past, we will change the present and the future

To include intuition, you need to stop being dependent on the power of the mind. To do this, you need to gradually be released from all the tools that affect us, which he possesses, and over time we will become the owner, and he is our faithful servant. This is what we now will go. We now do an exercise that will stop to depend on the unpleasant experiences of the past, and stop the emotional dependence on our enemies and offenders.

how to take revenge on how to take revenge on the offender, how to take revenge on the enemies, about love, jealousy, revenge, methods of revenge

Exercise "In the past with love"

Pleasant memory of the past is our resources.

You probably had a minute or hours in life, and maybe the days when you were just filled with love, joy, happiness, life ..! Remember something from this series right now. And revive this memory ... as if it happened right in these minutes ... What feelings were you in your soul? Joy? Happiness? Pleasure? Something else? Allow these memories to completely take possession of you ... Make a charming fairy tale ... And as soon as you feel that your body responds, your soul sings, squeeze the uh's lobe and tell me "Good!" And smile from the whole soul. Wide and happy. After all, really - good !!!

We just taught your body to remember this state by a specific signal. Your body and your soul will help you when we need it, remember this mood and sensation. You just at the same way take yourself over the uh's lobe, say well and smile, and immediately feel the tide of vital energy. Can you try ... felt? If not, perhaps you took the ear not exactly the way as for the first time (and this is important), or smiled in a cryption ... Do the above the proposed exercise again. We need it a little later.

Unpleasant memories are our limitations.

Do you have so much unfair, in your opinion, the memories of the past worries and worries you? Maybe something connected with parents, or with friends, or with love relationships? It happens? Then right now remember any situation from this series ... anyone ... Maybe the one that now flashed with you before your eyes and responded to pain in the soul, and in the ears he sounded somehow any offensive words ... Take it ... And let these memories fully take possession of you ... as if you were right in this situation now ... What do you feel? What do you want to say? What to do? Who is near you, besides the person with whom you conflict or somehow more interact? What is your attitude towards this person (people)? How do they relate to you? Just aware what is happening now between you.

Magic begins.

And as soon as everything has become clear for you, make a magic step - come out of your body and see the situation as if. You remember everything, it means you can manage it. You have such a way out to another position, will provide an opportunity to abstract from personal experiences and become a third-party observer. So, come out of your body, become somewhere near this girl (or boy), and maybe men or women, it does not matter, I will tell this baby, and you will understand that it is about you. Okay?

So, look at the side of the baby, how does he feel? What spiritual experiences are drunk it? Is it offended? Upset? Asks for help? Need support? Something else? He is crying? Trying to keep worthy? Mentally post him ... How my mother regrets the beloved man when he cry ...

Another look at the situation.

And now you will show True Wisdom. Looking at the people around the kid, mentally penetrate them and realize what they care about what they care when they treat him so?

We are always striving for something kind, even if we swear and getting angry. For example, the mother shouts on the child is not because she likes to humiliate him, but because she is worried so that he does not make any mistake. She wants to protect him from stupid, who, in her opinion, he can do. But it is moving to their goal far from the best. External actions are one, and internal aspirations are another.

So, what do you want for a kid surrounding him? Allow yourself to realize it. Maybe it is not familiar to you. Maybe you do not want to understand that they are not evil, but kinds inside, but it is. People are kind, they just don't always show it.

Help them.

Now that you have a new vision of this situation, taking into account the positive intentions of the participants of these events, decide what they lack so that they can show their care in the best possible way? Maybe his father is shy to be affectionate, and the mother cannot decide on spiritual openness. We are not perfect. People surrounding us are not perfect. And are unlikely to condemn them for it. We were not taught good, love and affection, but we all want it. And the surrounding will also crave good, just not everyone is solved this to show. Need to help them.

Therefore, now mentally help people surrounding the baby and give them what they do not have enough. Poor love - give the ocean of love. Measuring on feelings - give the emotion river. Spring emotionally - present internal freedom. You better aware of me what they need. Make a gift to them - we give out of your soul to what they lack them to be with love, tenderness and care to worry about the baby. Darite, and you will get in response more daune ...

We use your resources.

If you, with difficulty, it turns out to give good feelings, take yourself over the Uh's Light, tell me internally "good" and smile. You are surprising which powerful stream warm, bright energy began to pour out of you. You are full of resources and can use them when you need it.

Everything begins to change.

Please note how the situation you improve begins to change. How to change its participants. As the atmosphere begins to fill with life, caressing, tendering, care. How the faces of the participants flourish. How the baby begins to smile ... add more of your mental resources ...

Return to yourself. Beloved!

And now jump back to myself, standing in these good people! Enjoy the flow of pure love, warm tenderness, tickling warmth: maybe you have tears on your eyes ... Cry ... these are tears of joy, they purify. You waited for so many years of this minute ...

Gratitude and return back to the present.

And now mentally thank the participants of this story for the help provided to you. Hug them in the image of the baby. Kiss. They will also hug you in response, and you feel the warmth of their caring, slightly rough palms. And as soon as you feel that farewell ended, go back to this room, open your eyes, squeezing with a happy smile on the face, the emitting sigh of bliss. Ehhh! Good life! Feel?

Why wear cargo of past disorders when everything can be resolved by a simple mental journey, love and forgiveness? Why expose yourself an influence when you can be loving? What to strive for enmity, if you can live in the world. You are the best, favorite and loving!

how to take revenge on how to take revenge on the offender, how to take revenge on the enemies, about love, jealousy, revenge, methods of revenge

How to deal with offenders in the present

Wait for the present will be the past to resolve all situations with the above exercise. After all, all this time you will be affected by the hellishness of terrible power - anger, malice and hatred. You will wear a cargo of the offense, and the back is your hump, no matter how you try to be slim. Soul your conclusion as rust, caustic acid hatred. You will rot from the inside, slowly, imperceptibly, but the stench of rotting will feel people next to you, and it will discard them from you. You can not wear pain in the shower. Do not...

Remember, I told the story of the producer who said that I did not believe the musician in me? Now I will share with you my opening, and you can repeat what I did then right now while you read this text. It is very simple ... Intuitively ... The main thing, let yourself be relaxed, satisfied and calm ... oresense ... Childish interested ... After all, children are different from adults - interest in all mystical and magical. And I now offer you to go to the magical journey ...

how to take revenge on how to take revenge on the offender, how to take revenge on the enemies, about love, jealousy, revenge, methods of revenge

Exercise: "Give the enemy love. And she is more likely to come back to you.

Remember the person who quite recently offended you. Let him appear before your eyes like alive. Maybe he will even shout what he shouted, or he will be just with hatred and angry to look at you ... And you start calling a feeling of love ... not to him ... but in general - a sense of love ... Maybe you will present how you have in your chest, little, begins to flare up the yellow, warm sun and his rays, ticking, slowly, begin to warm up your body. Love is warm. Let this warmth, starting with the chest, spreads to you ... just like that ... After all, it is so nice ... peaceful warmth ... and now mentally start sending a man in front of you yellow rays ... maybe they will Send some kind of sound ... and they can slide ...

Let these rays enhance the person opposite you with a warm, yellow cloud, which penetrates him, drinks his soul with warm, caress, care, love: see how his face is changing. How all these evil foldings are smoothed. How the eye gorge becomes lakes of tenderness. How threads of the lips turn into bud buds ... And the skin on his face warms and pink ... it changes ... And you are changing ... And now you feel the love of this person ... After all, he is so beautiful, perfect, beautiful ... Feel like something inside you stretches to him, to mentally hug, press your chest and whisper in the minds some warm words of tenderness and gratitude ...

At every exit, exhale your love into it right out of the heart ... Your heart is a powerful Love generator and tenderness, let it work ... Imagine how powerful, wide, a buzzing stream of love is absorbed into a wonderful being opposite you and it is transformed. , it becomes like an angel ... it glows, and the wave of tenderness and love you also begin to go from him too ... you absorb her, and your soul sings and rejoices from happiness. A new healthy newborn life is poured into you, in all your nerves. A huge colossal newborn force is poured into your head. The whole head is bright brightly, in the eyes brightly brightly light. A new healthy newborn life is poured into the head. The newborn life is now now gives rise to all brain mechanisms serviceable, perfectly good, strong. All through your body is filled with the energy of newborn rapid development. You are boring perfectly a good, strong, loving person.

Keep this feeling, remember when you need love, warmth and joy, and everything will be fine.

Happiness to you, my dear,

Your Gennady Pavlenko

how to take revenge on how to take revenge on the offender, how to take revenge on the enemies, about love, jealousy, revenge, methods of revenge

Revenge is a destructive feeling, but if it is impossible to get rid of the desire to get rid of positive ways and self-sufficiency, you need to act. Next, we will tell you how to take revenge on the person who offended you.

How to take revenge on a man for grieving?

Before starting revenge, it should be taken into account what, restoring justice, cannot be proceeding beyond the law. This means that if, as a result of ignition, the human health or property will be damaged, the Avenger will have to be responsible. Therefore, methods are desirable to choose effective, but completely legal.

Rules of MFA, which are undesirable to violate:

  • should not go beyond justice - the damage must be applied to the applied;
  • it is necessary to think about the consequences - the revenge should not give rise to "blood" enmity;
  • it is necessary to act independently - should not be involved in the revenge of the strangers;
  • it is advisable to withstand the pause so that the offender calm down, and, in addition, "revenge is a dish that is eating cold."

The easiest and most effective way to take revenge - answer the same coin. Changed the spouse - change in response by choosing a more successful and attractive man. However, it is necessary to take into account the fact - is it really a revenge will delight or only bring bitterness and unpleasant.

But if you don't want to go down to the offender, you can start with ignoring. And you need to ignore so that the person himself began to doubt his material existence. This method is particularly effective with those who waited for a response, and received only ice indifference.

How else can you take revenge on a person who offended you: active mission

One of the ways of active revenge is the proof of own superiority. For its implementation, you need to look at the offender and outline the points in which it is preferable to strike. No need to insult in the face, simply comment on the Babushkina's "grandmother" of fashionista, specify the error allowed in the report, ridiculously bhavitia.

Revenge the owner of the car can be very different ways. For example, glue the wipers to the glass superclaim. Or to deceive the handle of the door with a vaseline or gouache, which is very difficult to launder. Finally, to pour out the front of the auto oil under the bottom of the front, then the owner climbs looking for a leak.

If the offender is worthy of big trouble, you can go to the actions that, if the avenger comes, can lead to trials with law enforcement agencies. For example, it is possible to injected with a syringe the contents of the chicken egg under the upholstery of the car. A few days later, such a disgusting smell will reign in the cabin that the seat will most likely have to be changed.

Another effective way to take revenge is to organize a flurry spam onto the phone and the e-mail of the offender. And for this, just need to sign it on the most different products and services, the best - indecent. At least it will cause irritation, as a maximum - overload and phone.

How to revenge for the insult to the boss?

The revenge of the boss should be carefully thought out, otherwise the consequences may be undesirable for the Avenger. If the chief is noncompeentient, but used to that his mistakes correct the subordinates should stop doing it. And if possible - to deliberately make several rude inaccuracies in his performance or report. Higher leadership will hardly like it, and over the offender may hover the threat of dismissal.

If the firm is customized to track corporate mail, you can sign the offender to the newsletter from various sex resources. The security service and administrators will be "will delight" by looking through his mail. This is a similar way - to order in the name of the head of the toy from the sex shop and take care so that the courier arrives during an important meeting or at the maximum presence of the team.

Perhaps Christian morality and spirituality, if they firmly entered the human worldview, they will teach him all over and love. However, the saints among us are little, and sometimes we are seriously thinking how to take revenge on the person who caused the insult to us or our loved ones.

And sometimes the desire to repay the same coin is so strong that he moves with all the actions, all thoughts. Novels write novels about such a passionate desire for retribution, films are removed. And in many national traditions and customs of Vendetta, or - a mandatory attribute of the concept of family or personal honor.

However, we will not sharpen knives and charge revolvers. First, not in our own character, it still differs in peace and ability to understand and forgive. And secondly, we do not need our search for ways, how to take revenge on a person who offended us led us to the dock or even worse - behind the bars. That is why all violent methods and actions should be reflected immediately. Do not even think to revenge physical violence - the likelihood is great that you will suffer from this first of all, and not offender.

The first advice that can be given is, no matter how tritely sounds,

try to understand. He is directed not to protect your enemy, but to save your inner world and peace. It is not necessary to substitute the second cheek, but also how to take revenge on a person is destroyed in the first place offended. Yes, of course, there are situations when it is impossible to be honored, principles, pride. And when payouts from justice or the Most High wait not to wait. But still ... if you think how to take revenge on the man for the insult, try to first understand what they managed. Perhaps he defended his pride, perhaps something struck in his life and he insulted you unintentionally. Remember the simple truth: in every villain hides the victim. You seem to be your offender - but in fact he is just a weak, vulnerable person. Which, like everyone else, small and large trouble happen.

With this, by the way, the second advice is connected. Do you still think how can you take revenge on a person who humiliated and insulted? Show him that you see His weakness and vulnerability. Perhaps he is trying to create around himself an atmosphere of fear and suppressing others. And the fact that someone is not afraid, but he regrets it, will be the best change. After all, indulgence will destroy all his psychological "fortifications and bastions". Thus, the offender will automatically be in a weak and disadvantage.

With the development of virtual space, you can observe

what often, not knowing how to take revenge on a person who caused harm or pain, people splash their emotions on the network. However, before such a step, I would like to warn you. Only the uninituable it seems that he can write about his offender, everything that thinks, to specify his personal data, and retribution will take place. In fact, such actions are able to harm not only and not so much reputation as you. After all, a separate article provides for the publication of discustering information, for insulting honor and dignity. And it can happen so that, wanting to revenge, you will only bring additional problems on your head. Therefore, be careful and proceed only within the law. And remember: revenge - a dish that should be served cold. In the cast of emotions, you should not take any steps, because they can turn against you themselves.

An offended, devotee, an offended person is not inclined to "substitute the second cheek" on the Orthodox tradition. This can be understood purely humanly. Therefore, there are ways to take revenge with the help of magic. The critics of this life position should be thought about what. It is well known that everyone will have to pay for the deed. This teaches religion to this. It will come, they say, time, the answer will be to keep everyone.

However, look at this problem wider.

  • Why is a person looking for magic methods of revenge?
  • Who and what they manage at this moment.
  • Only the ego? Or are those power leading to his hand, which decided already during life will put the height in place?

After all, higher forces are not embodied on Earth. Their hands are all the same people. All this is quite difficult and extremely intimate. Avenger himself is obliged to launch this question and choose how to take revenge with the help of magic.

Recipes such influences on enemies and offenders are sufficient. There is, as usual, restrictions in their use. In principle one. It should be observed strictly in order not to make even bigger problems. Sorry to the one who caused tears, then only spend the ritual. The head must be calm, and the heart is indifferent. In the cast, you will also acquire a lot of carma on your own karma.

How to take revenge on a man

For the ritual you will need. You can buy them if you find. Otherwise, paint any gouache. You still need a portrait of the one who want to revenge. Now there are no problems. A person take a picture or get his image in social networks is a crazy business. However, make sure that: the client was on

  • portrait alone;
  • looked right open eyes.

In this case, the quality of the picture does not have much importance. Even printed on a black and white printer on ordinary paper is quite suitable.

The ritual itself is carried out per hour of bull, that is, before dawn. At this time, dark forces are especially active. This is a tradition. The premonition of a spill dawn makes any evil who will help you, wander in search of food. On the solid surface (table, semi), form a vicious circle from the candles. It is recommended to bind them to black thread, grabbing at the base. In the center, the image to the sky.

Read six times the formula below. Then, take the usual needle and pour the index finger of the left hand. Blood draw the cross on the forehead of his offender. Wait, the pack of candles will store. Wrap a photo, needle, spars in a sheet of paper on which a plot is written. Take into the street and scream in a blind spot. House do not leave the effect.


"Black candles flashes brightly, there will be my enemy (name) seal marked! Demons black roam around, they collect them in their black circle. Demons creepy to the enemy send. I wish grief and terrible sadness. Torture him, close all the roads will be envoys while holding their legs. Bring it to Picky! Soul his hell you begot! I realized that he was going to go. Evils in it so that there is no left! Blood I pay for work. Arrange your evil care! Amen!"


The previous ritual will bring victims inevitable dangers, troubles and misfortunes. Almost his life will change forever. Get rid of the curse will be very difficult if, in general, possibly. There are other, easier methods of revenge. After all, not every person will burn candles in the morning, and then also wander around the courtyards in search of the place of "burial" of the ritual.

If such a way seems complicated, then make a black salt. To do this, you will need a photo of the enemy, bay leaf and, in fact, salt. The image will burst into pieces, place on the pan. Add seven laurel leaves there. Burn, thinking about how all the hopes of this person rushes. The ashes cool down and mix with the same amount of salt. Wear a mixture with you. It should be secretly throwing under the legs of the enemy.

By the way, this method is good if the magician has many ill-wishers. One ritual is held for everyone. It uses or collective photos of enemies, or individual. But small. The number of laurel leaves does not increase. Then the mixture alternately rushes under his feet to each.

How to take revenge on the offender

Buy in any Orthodox holiday in the candle temple. Go to the place where the funeral prayers read. He burn a candle there. Holding E EV hands with a whisper such words:

"A bright candle is glowing, waxes from her sporing.

So and people every black, malice of his humble,

From my house there disappears, the swamps disappears sinking.

Enemians that evil was planned, the candle was confidential confused thoughts.

Slap hearts in the chest settled, the ideas in stupidity tormented!

Like a candle in a sorrowful place, so misfortunes and misfortunes will meet together!

I send all the fate of all. Let him be responsible for his evil. Amen!"

Conspiracy to revenge former

There is no difference than the man hung you. If not appreciated and threw, then the same rituals are used, as in other cases. However, there are also special female rites. They are usually much more powerful for male. . Men this section is recommended also to explore informative purposes.

From the wax of the church candle, blind doll, trying to comply with the proportion of your ex. Be sure to designate sexual signs. On the chest it is scratched the name of the traitor. After midnight, type take a doll under the open sky. Progress your finger to blood and immediately pierce the doll to the same tool. At this point, read these words:

"I remove my blood protection. Your man's power is selected. In the bone and cores, the cold let you, love and wish forever forbidden. Together with the moon power melts. No one will force you to love you. Blood will not be rebeling chosen chest. Estimated longing to you will be bride! Specified, blood ordered! Amen!"

Save the doll in such a place so that no one reached it. After some time, the former will be in complete loneliness. He has such problems will appear that there will be no to women.

Revenge guy

If you wish that the young man who insulted you has never been able to find happiness, then use the animal wool. The method is an old and very faithful. You need to take some wool from the cat and dogs (necessarily male individuals). Add to them the hairs of the former guy. Roll into the ball. So tell me:

"Dog Cat Dral, and Will Drake. And you (name) do not see happiness! Amen!"

This tangle must be thrown into a cunning traitor.

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