Characteristics of images crime and punishment. Analysis of the images of the main characters in the novel "Crime and Punishment

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Analysis of the images of the main characters in the novel F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment"

The world of the main heroes of the novel "Crime and Punishment" F. M. Dostoevsky is the world of lost in the big city of small people who are trying to find their place under the sun and warm up with love. Unusual and such life, ambiguous and sometimes incomprehensible actions, the main characters of the novel reveal the essence of the work: the meaning of human life is in love and all-things.

Rodion Raskolnikov

The poor, but the capable St. Petersburg student is Rodion Raskolnikov obsessed the idea that origins in the humanism and the universal sense of being: will the violations of the law be justified if they are made in the name of mankind? External circumstances (poverty and the forced sister's decision to marry settlement) pushed Rodion to test their own theory in practice: he kills the old woman to the percentage and her sister Lizaven, which was at that time pregnant time. It is from this moment that the poor Skolnikov is starting:

  • even physically he cannot cope with the test: a few days after the murder he lies in delight;
  • on the fact of the murder, he begins to call the investigator and interrogate: suspicions are tormented by a student, he loses peace, sleep, appetite;
  • but the most importantly, solarium is a conscience that requires retaliation for a bloody crime committed by Raskolnikov.

Rodion's support is found in the family and love - it is these two values \u200b\u200bof Dostoevsky puts at the head of the corner: only thanks to the mother, the sister of Avdier and Sonechka, in which Rodion falls in love, he still comes to the conclusion that a person must be punished for every crime. He himself comes to the investigator and confesses to murder. After the trial, the Sonechka goes to the Siberian Cathedral. Neither native native, nor friends are not refused from him - this is the sacrifice and then the all-sucking, which elevates man. To come to the awareness of their own guilt and decide on voluntary recognition helps Rodionna Sonchik Marmeladov.

Sonechka Marmaladova

Different women's images are found in Russian literature, but Sonya Marmeladov is the most tragic and at the same time the most elevated heroine:

  • instead of contempt, which should be a prostitute, Sonya is pretty and delicious in his self-sacrifice: after all, it goes to earn by his body for the sake of family;
  • instead of a vulgar and coarse street selling woman, the reader sees a modest, meek, quiet girl who is ashamed of his own classes, but can not change anything;
  • The Raskolnikov initially hates it, as it feels that it is irrebated to her: it turns out so much that he is forced to first tell her about his atrocity, but then he understands that it is the Sonechka that the salvation that the Lord sent him to consolation.

Sonechka goes hand in hand with Rodion throughout the novel. Her faith, sacrifice, meekness and bright, clean love helps to understand the general hero meaning of human being. Understand the terrible mistake that the splitters committed, allows one more central image of the novel - Svidrigaylov.

Arkady Svidrigailov

Svidrigaylov is the ideological twin of the Skolnikov, on the example of which Dostoevsky shows what he did with a man of Rodion's theory when he was allowed:

  • Svidrigaylov - Depraved and vulgar, though nobleman;
  • suspected of murder;
  • blackmailer.

And at the same time, he is alone and does not withstand the severity of his own sins: he finishes the life of suicide. That's what Sonechka saves his Rodion.

The main image system in the novel is that the heroes complement each other and make their own adjustments to the ideological structure of the novel: do not be one of them - the system would be collapsed. It is impossible to categorically divide everyone on good and bad: the heart of each person is Arena, where good and evil are fighting every day. Which of them will win, solve only the person himself. It is this struggle that is shown in the novel with the help of the main characters that help the reader correctly understand the thought of the Great Dostoevsky.

Writings related to Dostoevsky:

  • "Crime and Punishment", novel analysis
  • "Crime and Punishment", brief content in parts of the novel Dostoevsky
  • "Idiot", analysis of the novel
  • "Karamazov Brothers", summary of the head of the novel Dostoevsky

/ Heroes of Roman Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment"

In the novel "Crime and Punishment" Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky showed a large number of characters, of which there are quite some other and well-drawn characters. However, among all images, images of Rodion Raskolnikov and Sony Marmaladeova can be distinguished, which in turn are shown as antipode heroes. It is they who are the main characters of the work around which all events in the novel are unfolded. The secondary heroes, although they have whole characters, are needed for greater disclosure of the edges of the main characters. All secondary heroes can be divided into antipodes and twin heroes.

The main characters of the novel of Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment"

- Educated, smart, but poor student. The poverty of the Hero family leads him to the fact that he is decided to test his theory of trees trembling and the right of having. Therefore, he kills the old woman to the percentage. There is a further narration around this event. The author pays great attention to the inner thoughts of the hero, introduces psychologism to the narration. F. M. Dostoevsky showed that the theory of Skolnikov is largely different from real life. And at the end of the novel, the character understands it. He confesses to murder.

On the reflection of Raskolnikov influences the influence. She, like Rodion, is forced to go on a special step due to his family poverty: go on a yellow ticket. The ability to self-sacrifice is the main feature of the heroine. She is good and sincere. Sonchka steady tolerate all the difficulties in its path.

Secondary heroes of Roman Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment"

The Gallery of the secondary heroes of the novel "Crime and Punishment" opens the image of the old-year-old agers. About 60 years old. The relationship of this character with Raskolnikov lies in the fact that the old woman is engaged in usury, and Rodion comes to her as a client. The author shows the heroine greedy to money and absolutely soulless. She is not important to the life situations of people, on valuables who laid her clients, it makes a huge profit, as it takes great interest.

It is such a heartless woman who kills the splitters, checking his theory. However, in addition to Alena, Ivanovna at the time of the murder in the house there was her pregnant sister of Lizaveta, which Rodion also kills. Lizaveta had a rather tragic fate. She had deviations on health, no one perceived her seriously, his own sister used her as a servant. However, she did not bother the world, was good and mug.

The main characters brings the fact that they with trepidation and love treated their families.

Pulcheria Aleksandrovna - mother of Rodion Raskolnikova. She sincerely loves her son and, despite his poverty, trying to help him in monetary. She is very close to her daughter - Duna.

- Sister of the main character, which is associated with warm relations. This is a beautiful and educated girl. Despite his poor position, she is pretty proud, ready to stand up for himself.

- Father Sony. This is a kind man whom the vital difficulties broke, as a result of which he becomes drunk, and then tragicly dies. The author calls the hero only by last name, since the marmalands are a small person, one of the most striking representatives of this type in Russian literature. The value of this image in the work is quite large. It was after the meeting of Raskolnikov with Marmaladov, the main character is convinced of the injustice of the world, in the injustice of dividing people on the poor and rich. Meeting Heroes has become a certain confirmation of the theory of Skolnikov.

Marmaladov's wife is stronger and hard. The nobleman by origin, she was depleted and remained widow with three children, and then married Marmaladov. Despite all the vital difficulties, it does not give up and goes to the end. However, the life of the heroine ends tragic: she dies from CHAGS.

The whole family of marmalades is the personification of humiliated and offended people. Here is the inconsistency of the social situation that reigning in St. Petersburg of the time. That is what the main character did not come to empty words, but on concrete actions, at the attempt to combat the injustice of the world.

With the image of the Sonechki and the two other heroes are connected: and the lizhin. They, in turn, are peculiar doubles of Rodion Skolnikov.

- A rich man who is the rank of surviving advisor. Money made from the hero of a grasty and greedy man. He is calculating, wants to own Sonya as a slave. He himself considers her by the Savior. The poverty of the heroine leads to Sony's wedding with a nuddle, but she was not destined to happen. Luban, like Raskolnikov, has its theory. This is the theory of the whole Kaftan, according to which you need to take care only about your well-being and not at all think about the situation of other people. Luzhin is not used to compassion to people, he was sublined and monetary dependent.

Arkady Ivanovich Svidrigaylov owns its theory. This theory is similar to the theory of Raskolnikov. The hero believes that evil in the name of the good goal is not considered evil. That is why Svidrigaylov makes a lot of bad deeds in life. The author is precisely not talking about the involvement of the hero to the death of Marf Petrovna - Wives Swidrigailov. However, the hero thinks about it. But he is not so sulky like Luban. At the end of the life of Svidrigaylov, he understands that he all this time led the wrong way of life, therefore completes his life suicide.

FM Dostoevsky is not in vain uses the reception of twins in the work. The theories of Luzin and Svidrigaylov are a kind of mirror reflection of the theory of the Skolnikov himself. And Raskolnikov, and nudge, and Svidrigaylov uses the principle of permissiveness. Twin heroes are needed in order to show the practical life of this theory, show its inconsistency.

The author reflected his opinion about Nigilism, whose face is the image of Lebesyatnikov. It describes it quite satirically and ironically. This hero is associated worldview with Raskolnikov. Only one lives theories, and the other, on the contrary, practice.

Much attention FM Dostoevsky pays to investigate the murder of the old-year-older and her sisters. In the narration appear images of investigators.

One important image is one of the important. This is a clever and pretty cunning investigator, who from the very first minutes was confident in the involvement of Skolnikov for the murder. For him, it was important not to prove the guilt of Rodion, but to make sure that the killer in the crime was created independently. To do this, he uses psychological techniques of influence on the main character, which makes the character really a talented investigator.

In the investigation, in the narrative, in general, the image of a Molka, who takes guilt for the murder of the old-year-old agers. This hero is the embodiment of the idea of \u200b\u200bvoluntary suffering. This character and the image of Lizavets are peculiar twins of Sony marmalade. All of them are soft in character, ready for mercy and self-sacrifice. These images are the personification of humility.

For a large characteristic of Skolnikov, other characters are introduced into the narration.

- Rodion's friend, the same student. Such people are called optimists. He, like Raskolnikov, is poor, but it does not break him, he is a cheerful and sociable person who is trying in many things to help Rodion. The author describes the hero as a good person who can always rely. This spiritual kindness helps a hero to tie his life with Duni Raskolnikova, although the wedding was their poor and "quiet." Raulumihin, as it were, is opposed to Raskolnikov. This manifests itself in the fact that Rodion's friend got used to do a lot of "small" cases, and the splitters are a supporter of one big deal.

Thus, F.M. Dostoevsky in the novel "Crime and Punishment" in the center of the narration put the poor student Rodion Skolnikov. And for understanding and disclosing the insolvency of the theory of this character, the author introduces many heroes: Luzhina, Svidrigaylova, Petrophrya Petrovich, Raulumihina, Lebesyatnikov, who have their own views. Some of them are similar to the point of view of Raskolnikov on the world, some completely opposite to him. The secondary heroes, as it were, reveal some qualities of Rodion Skolnikov and the Sonia Marmalade.

In the novel of Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment" The main characters are characteristics of complex and contradictory. Their fate is closely related to the living conditions, the medium in which life flows, individual features. The characteristic of the heroes of "Crime and Punishment" of Dostoevsky is possible only on the basis of their actions, since we do not hear the author's voice.

Rodion Raskolnikov - the protagonist of the novel

Rodion Raskolnikov - Central character of the work. A young man has an attractive appearance. "By the way, he was wonderful good, with beautiful dark eyes, a Tymnurus, height above average, thin and stored." The outstanding mind, proud character, sore pride and the beggar existence are the causes of the criminal behavior of the hero. Rodion highly appreciates his abilities, considers himself an exclusive person, dreams of a great future, but the financial situation acts in oppressing. He has nothing to pay for his studies at the university, there is not enough funds to pay off the apartment hostess. Clothing of a young man attracts the attention of passersby to their streamlined and old species. Trying to cope with the circumstances, Rodion Raskolnikov goes to the murder of the old woman of the member. Thus, he is trying to prove to himself, which refers to the highest category of people and can cross through blood. "Whether I am trembling or right," he thinks. But one crime is entitled to another. He dies in anything is not a mounted wretched woman. The theory of the hero on the right of a strong personality turns into a dead end. Only Love Sony awakens faith in God in God, revives life. The personality of Skolnikova consists of opposite qualities. An indifferent cruel killer gives the last pennies to the funeral of an unfamiliar person, interferes with the fate of the young girl, trying to save her from dishonor.

Minor characters

Images of heroes playing a major role in the narration are fully and brighter as a result of the description of their relationships with other people. Family members, friends, acquaintances, episodic persons arising in the plot help better understand the idea of \u200b\u200bthe work, understand the motives of the actions.

In order for the appearance of the novel's acting persons to become clearer to the reader, the writer uses various techniques. We get acquainted with a detailed description of the heroes, inject the details of the daisy interior of the apartments, we consider the dull gray streets of St. Petersburg.

Sophia Marmaladova

Sophia Semenovna Marmaladova - Young unfortunate creature. "Sonya was a little growth, years of eighteen, slender, but a pretty pretty blonde, with wonderful blue eyes." She is young, naive and very good. Drunk father, sore stepmother, hungry step-old sisters and brother is the environment in which heroine lives. She is shy and timid, unable to stand up for himself. But this is a fragile creation for the sake of loved ones is ready to sacrifice themselves. She sells the body by studying prostitution to help the family, sent after the convicted Raskolnikov. Sonya is a kind, disinterested and deeply believer. This gives her strength to cope with all the trials and gain deserved happiness.

Semen Marmeladov

Marmalades Semen Zakharovich - no less significant character character. He is a former official, a large father of the family. A weak and haired person solves all its problems with alcohol. A man who was fired from the service, carries his wife and children to his famine. They live in the passing room, in which there is almost no setting. The kids do not go to school, do not have interchangeable linen. Marmaladov is able to drink the last money, pick up a penny from his older daughter, in order to get drunk and get away from problems. Despite this, the image of the hero causes pity and compassion, since circumstances were stronger than him. He himself suffers from his vice, but can not cope with him.

Avdota Skolnikova

Avdota Romanovna Skolnikova - Sister of the main character. A girl from the poor, but honest and decent family. The Dunny is smart, well educated, brought up. She is "wonderful good" than, to his misfortune, attracts the attention of men. The features of the character "she looked like a brother." Avdota Skolnikova - Natura Proud and independent, decisive and purposeful, was ready to marry an unloved man for the sake of the well-being of his brother. The feeling of self-esteem and stubborn work will make it to arrange your destiny and avoid irreparable mistakes.

Dmitry Vizvumichin

Dmitry Prokofievich Vosvumichin - The only friend of Rodion Raskolnikova is a poor student, unlike his comrade, does not quit student. He earns a living by all available means and does not cease to hope for good luck. Poverty does not prevent him from building plans. Rasshyin noble man. He disinterestedly trying to help a friend, cares about his family. Love for Avdier Romanovna Raskolnikova is painting a young man, makes stronger and more decisive.

Peter Lugin

Petr Petrovich Lugin - a venerable, dear person of a middle-aged pleasant exterior. He is a successful entrepreneur, the happy genius of Duni Raskolnikova, rich and confident Mr. In fact, under the mask of integrity is hidden low and pilant nature. Taking advantage of the plight of the girl, he makes her an offer. In his actions, Peter Petrovich is guided by no disinterested motifs, but its own profit. He dreams of his wife, who would be slavish submissive and grateful to the end of his days. For their own interests, he is pretended in love, trying to slander Skolnikov, be accused of stealing Sonya Marmaladov.

Arkady Svidrigailov

Svidrigaylov Arkady Ivanovich - One of the most mysterious persons in the novel. The owner of the house, where Avdota Romanovna Skolnikova worked. He is a cunning and dangerous for others. Svidrigaylov - vicious man. Being married, trying to seduce the Dunya. He is accused of killing his wife, seducing young children. Scary Nature Svidrigailov is capable of, oddly enough, and for noble deeds. It helps to justify Sona Marmaladova, arranges the fate of orphaned children. Rodion Raskolnikov, committing a crime, becomes like this hero, as the moral law crosses. It is no coincidence in conversation with Rodion he says: "We are one field of berries."

Pulcheria Skolnikova

Skolnikova Pulcheria Alexandrovna - Mother Rodion and Duni. Woman poor, but honest. Good and responsive man. Loving mother ready for their children for any victims and deprivation.

Some of their heroes F. M. Dostoevsky pays quite a bit attention. But they are needed during the narration. So, the investigation process is impossible to imagine without a smart, cunning, but the noble investigator Petrophrys Petrovich. He treats and understands the psychological state of Rodion during the illness, the young doctor of Zosimov. An important witness to the weakness of the main character in the police station is the Assistant of the Quarter Outlook Ilya Petrovich. Returns the good name of Sona and exposes the false groom's lick of Luzane Lebesyatnikov Andrei Semenovich. At first glance, the events associated with the names of these heroes play an important role in the development of the plot.

The value of episodic persons in the work

On the pages of the Great Work of Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky we meet with other actors. The list of heroes of the novel complements episodic characters. Katerina Ivanovna, Marmaladov's wife, unfortunate orphans, girl on the boulevard, greedy old-percentage officer Alyona Ivanovna, Sick Lizovet. Their appearance is no coincidence. Each, even the most minor image, carries its semantic load and serves as an embodiment of the author's plan. Important and necessary are all the heroes of the novel "Crime and Punishment", the list of which can be continued.

Test on the work

In the novel "Crime and Punishment" Dostoevsky created a special unique world, within which there are special laws in which a particular psychological environment reigns, a special space. The unusualness of this world is primarily the fact that almost all the central heroes of the novel are people who are rejected by society, "former." Raskolnikov is a "former student" (so he himself answers the police to the question of who he). Former student in the main part of the work is Raleshin. Former official, "Exactly five days ago" finally and irrevocably broken, enters the novel of marmalades. His daughter Sonya is the former "young lady." Katerly, Katerina Ivanovna, whom poverty kicked out to ask alms to the street, - the former "noble children." Svidrigaylov appears in the novel as a former landowner (although the once "host is decent"). He was irrevocably parted with his even recently prosperous past and talks about Raskolnikov about him with some mocking surprise, as if about another life.

Almost all the heroes of the work are not engaged in a specific case (with the exception of Zosimov - a practitioner of the physician and bailiff Petrophrya Petrovich). Luzhin at the moment preparing himself to predatory activities. Rassakhin miners funds for life, making translations for a market publisher-bookseller and is fond of the project of its own publishers (the author in Epilogue reports his success on this field). These heroes of Dostoevsky are contraindicated "Normal" - business, service, economic - vital activity. They cannot resist within this framework. And marmalands, who is more than once (even before his end), fate gave a chance to become the path of the "revised" official. And Svidrigaylov, shortly before the suicide recognized by the Skolnikov in the impossibility of attaching himself to any particular lesson: "Believe it, at least something else was; Well, a landowner to be, well, father, well, by Ulan, photographer, journalist ... n-nothing, no specialty! Sometimes even boring. "

These are indifference to life and the inability to find themselves in it at the Raskolnikov reaches an extreme point. Although "he was crushed by poverty," it "stopped in recent times to take it. He completely stopped engaged in pressing affairs, "said at the beginning of the novel. Despite the pride, "he was least consumed by his lochmotyev on the street"; He "do", as he himself will declare Nastasya, and on his poverty, and on the opportunity to somehow fix the situation with the lessons. The extension from everyday affairs takes such an extreme shape from Skolnikov that even the food becomes an extraneous act for him. To the amazement of compassionate Nastasya, he hardly forces himself to eat the "three-four spoons", "automatically" tea takes free.

A completely different than other writers of the XIX century, presented in the novel of Dostoevsky family. In the "crime and punishment" there is not a single family, almost all the heroes are members of the familiar families, and most women are the widow (the mother of Skolnikov, his apartment hostess, the Roshover Alena Ivanovna). The second time becomes a widow of Katerina Ivanovna. Even the "prosperous" (at the beginning of the novel) The Svidrigaylov House will comprehend the trouble and it will cease to exist. All families in the novel are either disintegrated, or not created, cannot arise. The walling of a nudio to the Dunya becomes unsuccessful, although he appeared in the novel as the groom. Raskolnikov was also not destined to marry the daughter of the apartment hostess. The mirage was also the death project of the marriage of Svidrigaylov at the sixteen-year-old "angel", who are willing to sell hersal parents. The only family, whose fate against the background of others, is successful - the family of the Duni and Raulmichina, but it remains outside the immediate image.

Naturally, the heroes, devoid of families are deprived of both the home of the hearth. No one has its own place. All of them: Marmalades, Sonya, Raskolnikov, Pulcheria Aleksandrovna with Duni, Svidrigailov, Lazhin - exist on a stranger place and temporarily. They temporarily live on apartments, in the rooms, are in the corners and find a temporary refuge among acquaintances. Moreover, many of them (Marmaladov, Luzhina, Raskolnikova) persistently drive out and from this random place. Almost all the characters of "crimes and punishment" appear to readers free or involuntary "eternal wanderers."

The exception is only Porfiry Petrovich. In addition to Zosimov, he is the only one of all the heroes of the novel is connected by a solid life position: by the service, direct direct business and a state-owned apartment. But it is noteworthy that in the most sincere expressions that reveal the hidden side of his nature, Porfiry Petrovich calls himself several times with the "finished man", "Konchen", "crushed". And it is not just words. Against the background of other actors, Porphiri really seems to be covered with a shell. If the life of others from all sides is open to accidents (and most often unpleasant, dramatic), then the life of Petropyrian Petrovich is fenced from the various random chances by a stone wall, and therefore, saying words of the author, "Pokonchen".

Most of the heroes of the novel fall out of normal life, taking each other for the crazy. On the verge of spiritual disorder, almost all the length of the novel is Katerina Ivanovna. If Sonya perceives it as a child, then many see it crazy. Together, "with meaning and mind" flashes "as if madness" and in the eyes of Marmaladov. More than once take each other for madmen and splitters with Sonya. "Madness", "Madness", "Mind of Mind" Raskolnikova discussed Zosimov and Raleshin. Even with strict sobriety, the evaluating criminal Porfiry Petrovich says that his act "on conscience, it is permanent." "This is obsessed," says and thinks the splitters about Svidrigaylov. And Svidrigaylov, in turn, is convinced that Petersburg is the "city of polusumsmed".

Life on the verge of breakdown is distinguished by many of the heroes of the work. Strength and mental persistence is not many. The emotional attitude of almost all characters is negative. It was not by chance that critics called "Crime and Punishment" by the Roman "Revenge and Sorrow". For five parts of the work, negative emotions and the reactions of heroes are injected, and they are allowed only in the sixth and eliminate to some extent. And the center of the conflict is, of course, the Raskolnikov is a classic sample type of "embittered heroes" of Dostoevsky.

Almost all the actions of the main character of contradictory, they show themselves contradictory Skolnikov's nature. The contradictions of his nature are manifested in the motivation of the crime. But the motivation of the behavior of the hero in the novel is constantly divided, for the hero himself captured to the inhuman idea, deprived of integrity. It lives and act two people at the same time: one Skolnikovsky "I" is controlled by the Hero's consciousness, and the other "I" at the same time makes unrecognized mental movements and actions. It is not by chance that a friend Skolnikova Raumichin says that Rodion "two opposite character alternately replaced."

Here is a hero goes to the old woman, the percentage with a clearly conscious goal - to make a "sample". Compared to the solution that the Raskolnikov will carry out tomorrow, insignificant and the last expensive thing, for the side of the old woman, and the upcoming cash conversation. Other: I need to remember well the location of the rooms, carefully grip, which is the key from the chest, and which of the stacking, where the old woman hides. But the splitters do not stand. The older agent draws it in the network of its money combinations, confuses the logic of "samples". In the eyes of the readers of the Raskolnikov, forgetting about the purpose of the visit, it enters a dispute with Alaina Ivanovna and only then she wonders himself, "remembering that he also came after another."

Contracted in the behavior of the hero manifests itself in the stage on the boulevard. Pity for a teenage girl, the desire to save an innocent victim, and nearby - contempt: "And let! This, they say, it follows. Such a percentage, they say should leave every year ... somewhere ... to hell ... "

Beyond the city, shortly before the terrible sleep-memories, the splitters are unconsciously included in life typical of a poor student. "Once he stopped and counted money: it turned out about thirty kopecks. "Twenty cities, three Nastasya for the letter," hence the Marmaladov gave a kopeck yesterday forty-seven Ali fifty, "he thought, for something, counting, but soon forgot even, for what and money pulled out of his pocket." The paradox opens again as a result of the "split" of the Hero's soul: the determination of "on such a business" should exclude such trifles. But it fails to escape from the "trifles", just as it is not possible to run away from myself, from the contradictions of his soul. The illogical deeds of the hero expose the creature of a living, not subject to theory, the nature of a young man.

"Crime and Punishment" - Roman "Noisy". Rooms of hotels stuffed with residents of apartments and corners, streets and archers of the city are overflowing by the sacred voices, loud cries of the inappropriate speech. Raskolnikova, even in a dream, hesitated all that surrounds revealing. Only a few pages fall out of the total tone of the work, in particular those that relate to Lizavete and Son. Only in the world of these two heroin reigns silence, and this is very important for the author. But it should be noted that Sonya, whose voice enters a clean and quiet melody into a loud and irritated sound of other votes, is also not always the messenger and silent. It can be "stubborn" and "persistent", "tremble from anger and indignation", "strictly and angry" to defend their interests. Born in this noisy world, it can not be different. That is why Dostoevsky in the image of his heroine avoided icon painting techniques.

The main line of the novel is the ideological opposition of the Raskolnikov with the rest of the heroes. Even random collisions become predestination with a variety of opposing heroes. Almost all heroes are opposed to the splitting of the kit: and Sonya, and Petrofirya Petrovich, and Luban, and Lebesyatnikov, and Svidrigaylov. They all accelerate the processes occurring in the soul of Raskolnikov.

The names and surnames of the heroes of the novel carefully thought out by Dostoevsky and full of deep meaning. The surname of the main character of Romana testifies that in the consciousness of the author, passionate love Skolnikova for people and fanaticism in defending their "idea" was associated with the split - a certain party to the self-consciousness of Russian people. The split (Old Believers, Starovieri) - the current arising in the middle of the XVII century in the Russian Church as a protest against the innovations of the Patriarch Nikon, which were to correct church books and some church customs and rites. Raskolnikov "splits" his mother-earth, "splits their homeland", and if they take into account the patronymic and ideological meaning of the image itself, then a direct interpretation is possible: the split of the birthplace of Romanovs.

Materials about the novel F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment."

Images of the main characters of the novel "Crime and Punishment"

The idea and tragedy of Rodion Raskolnikova

The work of F. M. Dostoevsky distinguishes the limiting drama of ideological clashes, catastrophicity of situations, the irreconcilability of judgments. Dostoevsky sincerely and passionately expresses and defends his ideas, glances, he suffers, not finding answers to complex questions of being.

The minds of many people of the last century owned a false idea of \u200b\u200bthe superiority of some people over others, the rights of a strong person to command others, to solve their fate. The heroes of the analyzed novel - Rodion of Raskolnikov and Arkady Ivanovich Svidrigaylov became prisoners of this idea.

Rodion of Raskolnikov - the protagonist of the novel, lives in the gloomy, inhibitory atmosphere of St. Petersburg. Poor student. Raskolnikov feels no one who is not necessary, rejected among the rich mansions, the discharged public. Depressed by poverty and injustice of life, Raskolnikov decides to kill the percentagers Alena Ivanovna.

The idea was that, in the opinion of Rodion, it is possible to commit a crime for the sake of a common good, the crime "on conscience": you can kill "stupid, meaningless, insignificant, evil, sick, no one needed, and on the contrary, all harmful old women", take Her money and to crate this "tiny crime" thousands of good deeds.

Raskolnikov thought a lot about this idea, until she found her explanation. He came to the conclusion that all of humanity has long been divided into two categories: on ordinary people who obey the strength, the "creatures of trembling" and at the super supervision, which are all allowed and who will not stop before, even before the crime, such as. Napoleon. And it thinks the splitters, eternal and immutable law:

"Who is strong and strong with the mind and spirit, the one over them and the Lord! Who dares a lot, that they have right. Whoever can spit, that they also have a legislator ... so it was worth it and it will always be! "

Having believed in this idea, Rodion wants to experience himself: who is he - "Creator trembling" or "Lord of Fate"? But, killing the old woman, the percentage.

Raskolnikov was convinced that he was not at all the "creature of the highest order," since the crime did not bring him anything but the suffering and flour of the conscience of Tarasov B.N. In the world of man M., 1986. p. 236 ..

And so, trying to redo the human nature, to separate the will of the conscience, Raskolnikov comes to the tragic split. Playing the role of "Lord", he understands that such a role is not for him. Having killed the interest-on, Rodion kills all that man that tied him to the world around the world, with people: "I killed myself, and not an old woman."

After the murder of Raskolnikov experiences the state of abundance from the world, his soul is "dead cold". This terrible feeling becomes paid for the crime perfect.

The hero realized that all people are invisibly connected with each other and every person, his life is unconditional value, so no one has the right to dispose of the life of another person.

The tragedy of Rasolnikova is in the falsity of the theory of Napoleonism. He understood this, committing a crime, but to return to the former, normal life was able only through suffering.

In captivity of the same false theory, Arkady Ivanovich Svidrigaylov, who has long been freed from the remorse of conscience (this is different from the Raskolnikov).

He is completely calm and coolly accepts the crime of Raskolnikov, does not see any tragedy in this.

He is amazing restless throwing and questions of Rodion, it seems to him that all this is superfluous and just stupid: "I understand what you have questions in the go: moral, or what? Questions of a citizen and man? And you are their intensities; Why do you need them now? Hehe! Then, what are you still a citizen and a person? And if so, so I did not have to go, there was nothing to take for my work. "

Svidrigaylov in their own way rudely and sharply pronounces what, in essence, has long become clear to the Skolnikov himself, "he did not cross, it remained on this side," and all because "citizen and man." But Svidrigaylov crossed, man and citizen destroyed.

Hence, he has indifferent cynicism, and most importantly - the accuracy with which it formulates the very essence of the Raskolnikovskaya idea. He freed himself from the "Questions of Man and Citizen", from questions, in front of the crumpled, the splitters stopped. One remained at Svidrigaylova - unlimited solvent.

But once he encourages an obstacle, so-tied to Arkady Ivanovich, so afraid of death, the life of suicide. The final devastation, death is the result of the liberation from all obstacles, from the "Questions of Man and Citizen", this is the result of the idea, in the accuracy of which wanted to make convolves

But, unlike Svidrigailov, Rodion remains to live, although he was on the verge of self-destruction. In the distant Siberia, at Katorga, there is an extiring for Rodion Skolnikov exemption from the idea of \u200b\u200b"Superman"; This, fortunately, occurs, and hope for moral and moral purification, to restore the "deceased" person, crushed by the unfair oppression of the circumstances of Tarasov B.N. In the world of man M., 1986. p. 237.

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