Brilliant mathematician Grigory Perelman went to Sweden. Gregory Perelman: how and where the mathematician lives now

The buildings 25.09.2019
The buildings

Russian mathematician Grigory Yakovlevich Perelman was born on June 13, 1966 in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg).

He studied in an ordinary high school, in the fifth grade began to study in the Mathematical Center at the Palace of Pioneers. After the end of the eighth grade, he continued his studies in a physical and mathematical school.

In 1982, in the team of schoolchildren, Grigory Perelman won the Gold Medal at the International Mathematical Olympiad in Budapest (Hungary).

After graduation, without examinations, he was credited to the Mathematical and Mechanical Faculty of Leningrad State University (now St. Petersburg State University). In the student years, Perelman repeatedly defeated on mathematical Olympiads. After graduating with honors from the University, he entered the graduate school under the Leningrad branch of the Mathematical Institute. V.A. Steklov (since 1992 - St. Petersburg branch of the Mathematical Institute).

In 1990, he defended his thesis and was left at the institute as a senior researcher.

In 1992, the scientist received an invitation to read a course of lectures at the University of New York and the University of Stoni Brooke, and then worked for some time at the University of Berkeley (USA). Being in the USA, Perelman worked as a researcher in American universities.
In 1996, he returned to St. Petersburg, where he worked at the St. Petersburg branch of the Mathematical Institute until December 2005.

In the period from November 2002 to July 2003, Perelman wrote three articles in which the decision of one of the special cases of the hypothesis of Geometrization of William Treston, which follows the justice of Poincaré hypothesis. The method described by the Pererelman, the study of the Ricci flow received the name of the theory of Hamilton-Perelman, since the American mathematician Richard Hamilton began to study him first.

Poincare's hypothesis was formulated by the French mathematician Henri Poincaré in 1904, it is a central problem of topology, science on the geometric properties of bodies that do not change when the body is drawn up, twisted or compressed. Poincaré Theorem was considered one of the insoluble mathematical problems.

Its scientific articles and did not attempt to their official publication. In 2003, the scientist read a course of lectures in its works at US universities. In 2006, the proof of Perelman was recognized correct.

In 1996, the scientist was awarded a premium of the European Mathematical Society for Young Mathematics. In 2006, Gregory Poincarp was awarded the International Prize "Medal Fields", and in 2010, the Mathematical Institute of Clai (Cambridge, USA) awarded a scientific award in the amount of one million dollars. From all awards and prizes, the scientist refused.
In 2006, Science magazine called the proof of Poincaré theorem by a scientific breakthrough of the year. In 2007, the Daily Telegraph British newspaper published a list of "one hundred now living geniuses", in which Perelman took the ninth place.

The famous St. Petersburg mathematician Grigory Perelman, who has proven Poincare's hypothesis, left to live in Sweden. This is written by Komsomolskaya Pravda with reference to an anonymous source.

Disappears for months

The legendary scientist, once shook the light with his refusal from the award in a million dollars for the proof of Poincare's hypothesis, is still attracting attention to this. This man with long hair and non-trumped nails is called a man of peace. He entered the list of the most famous people of the planet. Behind a mystery man, who choose the lifestyle of Asklet in the tiny apartment of St. Petersburg Khrushchev, many years have hunted reporters. But only a couple of times it was possible to fall out the rejection going to the store with Avoska. An unlike genius principal did not want to give an interview.

And the last couple of years about him did not hear anything at all. Neighbors assured: Periodically, Perelman disappears somewhere. He does not see all weeks and even months. And now it became known unexpected news.

"Not for what to live"

Four years ago I wrote about Perelman's life and met the mathematician with which Grigori Yakovlevich sometimes communicates with scientific topics. This man took the word that we would not specify His name, and informed the sensation.

No one knows about it, but Grigory Yakovlevich recently left for Sweden, "he said. - Perelman is not trivial to live on. He existed a pension mom. For many years, after the proven hypothesis, Poincare did not work anywhere. He stated that she had committed to science, but she missed her scary. St. Petersburg university called him to teach him, offering salary at 17 thousand rubles. Perelman did not arranged any money or working conditions. Refused. But secretly hoped that his material situation would recover over time. He believes that mathematics - "the case is lonely" and consider science as a product ...

And a couple of months ago, one Swedish private firm engaged in scientific developments made it a proposal from which he could not refuse. He had the opportunity to engage in his loved business, while receiving a decent salary.

Engaged in a favorite thing

Is that really true? I appeal to the Israeli teleproducer Alexander Zabovsky. It was he who burned the desire to remove the feature film about Perelman and several years persuaded mathematics to give consent to this.

Yes, Perelman worries in Sweden, it's true, "Barovsky confirmed in an informal conversation. - Moreover, it was with my help Gregory Yakovlevich managed to solve financial problems and find a job in the shower.

And how did you help him?

I knew for a long time to establish more or less friendly relationships with Pererelman. And knew what awful conditions he lives. I regularly communicate with one Swedish firm regularly. And somehow told the Swedes about the Russian genius. Those unexpectedly interested. We raised their connections and reported that one private Swedish company, which is engaged in scientific developments, is ready to accept Perelman to work. I conveyed their offer to Gregory Yakovlevich. And he, thinking, agreed. He was allocated a decent monthly salary, gave accommodation in one of the small towns of Sweden. Now it is engaged in loved things and material problems no longer experiences. Mom went with him. There is also a summary sister Grigory Yakovlevich. Science does not know geographical and national barriers. The main thing is that his mind benefit society and himself was good and comfortable.

Work is associated with nanotechnology

In UFMS, Peter confirmed us: Mr. Perelman received a passport and a visa for a period of 10 years and went to Sweden at the invitation. The documents are the reason for the trip - "Scientific Activities". And for the first time he went to Sweden back in 2013. At the same time, mathematician remains a citizen of Russia.

As you managed to find out the "Komsomolskaya", the working schedule of Perelman's free - no restrictions on movement and requirements every day be sure to appear "in the office." Geographically, he can be in any place: in Sweden, and in Russia. Work is associated with nanotechnology. Communication with his employers Grigory Yakovlevich holds on the phone - communicate in English, which Perelman knows perfectly.

Well, perhaps, the world will also hear about the new achievements of the famous mathematics.

Grigori Yakovlevich Perelman (r. June 13, 1966, Leningrad) is an outstanding Russian mathematician, the first to proven Poincaré hypothesis.


Grigory Yakovlevich Perelman was born on June 13, 1966 in Leningrad. His father was an electrician engineer, in 1993 emigrated to Israel. Mother remained in St. Petersburg, worked as a teacher of mathematics in vocational school. The misconception is common that Grigori Perelman is the son of the famous popularizer of Yakov Perelman's science, but he died in March 1942 in Blocade Leningrad.

Perelman graduated from the 239th physical and mathematical school of the city of Leningrad. In 1982, the team of Soviet schoolchildren won the Gold Medal at the International Mathematical Olympiad, held in Budapest. Were without exams enrolled at the Mathematics and Mechanical Faculty of the Leningrad State University. Winned at the faculty, urban and all-union student mathematical Olympiads. All the years studied only on "excellent." For success in study, Lenin scholarship was received. After graduating with the honors from the University, entered the graduate school with the Leningrad branch of the Mathematical Institute. V. A. Steklov (help). By defending his thesis, it remained to work at the institute with a senior researcher.

In the late 1980s, Perelman arrived in the United States, where he worked as a researcher at different universities. In 1996 he returned to St. Petersburg, where he worked in help. In December 2005, he left the post of leading scientist of the laboratory of mathematical physics, resigned from helping and practically completely interrupted contacts with his colleagues.

Further scientific career interest did not show. Currently lives in Kupchino in the same apartment with his mother, leads a closed lifestyle, ignores the press.

Scientific contribution

Gregory Perelman is known for the work on the theory of Aleksandrov's spaces, managed to prove a number of hypotheses.

In 2002, Perelman first published his innovative work dedicated to the decision of one of the special cases of the hypothesis of the geometrization of William Turstone, from which the justice of the famous Poincaré hypothesis, formulated by the French mathematician, physicist and philosopher Henri Poincare in 1904. Described by scientists, the method of studying the flow of Ricci received the name of the theory of Hamilton - Perelman.

In 2006, Gregory Poincarp was awarded the International Prize "Medal Fields" to the decision of the Poincar's hypothesis, but he refused her.

In 2006, Science magazine called the proof of the Poincaré Theorem by the scientific "breakthrough of the year" ("Breakthrough of the Year"). This is the first work on mathematics, which deserves such a title.

In 2006, Silvia Nazar wrote the article "Manifold Destiny" (English), which tells about Gregory Perelman and the Mathematical Community and contains a rare interview with him.

In 2007, the British newspaper The Daily Telegraph published a list of 100 now living geniuses in which Grigory Perelman ranks 9th. In addition to Perelman, only 2 Russians - Harry Kasparov (25th place) and Mikhail Kalashnikov (83rd) were hitting this list.

On March 18, 2010, the Mathematical Institute of Clai announced the award of Gregory Perelle Prize in the amount of 1 million US dollars for the proof of Poincar's hypothesis. This is the first in history award award for the decision of one of the Millennium Problems. It remains unclear whether Perelman will take this premium.

Brilliant mathematician Grigory Perelman shook the scientific world, provinging Poincare's hypothesis - one of the most complicated millennium mysteries. And the ordinary people surprised the refusal of a poor scientist from the laid award in the amount of a million dollars. Gradually, the genius itself and his recovery lifestyle became a mystery, comparable by complexity with the proven theorem.

Childhood and youth

Grigory Yakovlevich leads a secretive lifestyle. Facts of childhood, youth and personal life of the scientist are known from the words of neighbors, school teachers and classmates, colleagues who worked with mathematician.

Perelman was born on June 13, 1966 in Leningrad. The surname of ingenious mathematics speaks for itself about nationality. A Jewish boy since childhood showed incredible abilities and interest in studying. At the time when the peers chased the ball in the courtyard, the little grisha preferred to read books and play chess.

Contrary to the increasing opinion of Jacob Isidovich Perelman, the famous scientist, the author of books and the popularizer of science, is not a relative of Grigory Yakovlevich.

Father Grigory - Electric Engineer. In 1993, Perelman Elder immigrated to Israel's historical homeland, as well as thousands of his compatriots in the 90s. The mother of the future outstanding mathematics remained with the children in Leningrad, taught mathematics in the school.

Grigory Yakovlevich has a younger sister who built a scientific career. Having received a diploma mathematics at the University of St. Petersburg, a woman later left for Sweden. Since 2007, it works as a programmer in Stockholm.

By the time the boy went to school, he significantly surpassed classmates in knowledge, it was easily considered three-digit numbers in the mind. Perelman teachers remember that the schoolboy led conversations on equal with adults.

The magic of logic and numbers attracted Grigory Yakovlevich. From the 5th grade, the boy visited the Mathematical Center in the Palace of Pioneers. The Mentor of the Young Wunderkinds was the Associate Professor of the Pedagogical University named after A. I. Herzen Sergey Khushin. Young Grisha received rewards for participating in the Olympics, including the highest score at the International Mathematical Olympiad.

After graduating from the nine-card in the usual Leningrad school, the graduate moved to a specialized physico-mathematical school number 239. Without a doubt, the hardworking and talented Perelman studied perfectly. Failed physical training. The failure of the rules of the GTO prevented a graduate with a gold medal.

It is not surprising that after the school bench, Grigory without entrance exams took to the Leningrad State University at the Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics. In the university, Perelman continued to shine at the Olympics, the Lenin Prize received excellent learning results.

The science

After the release was followed by postgraduate, then the protection of the doctoral. As a result, the gifted scientist remained working with a native university in the position of senior researcher.

In the early 1990s, a talented scientist went to the United States, where a few universities visited the exchange of experience as part of the exchange. In the United States, mathematician lectured, met with colleagues. Soon America bored ascetic Perelman, and the scientist returned to his homeland.

Resumeing the work in the Leningrad University, mathematician begins to work hard to work on the Mystery of the Millennium, which was not able to solve the brilliant scientists of the century. It is worth noting that a few years before that, the passion for Perelman Topology began. Previously, the mathematician was able to prove the hypothesis about the soul, which was preceded by the study of Poincaré hypothesis.

The meaning of the proof of the hypothesis, however, as the essence itself, it is impossible to describe in a simple language, understandable for far from the highest mathematics of man. The discoveries made by mathematician are of great importance in the study of the Universe, in working with nanotechnology.

In addition, the hypothesis argues that the feature of the form of the Universe leads to the fact that it can be filled into one point. This, in turn, indirectly confirms the theory of a large explosion. Supporters of theological origin of the Universe received a reason for doubt about God as the creator of all things. Poincare's hypothesis proves that there is no God.

In 2002-2003, Perelman publishes articles revealing the essence of evidence. Three independent groups of mathematicians, checking arguments, confirmed complete proof.

In 2003, Perelman visited the United States, lectured on his own discovery, shared experiences and with compatriots. And in 2005 the scientist unexpectedly leaves the department and locks out in the apartment in Kupchino, where he lives with a sick mother.

Personal life

The recovery lifestyle leaves hundreds of questions. The main, interested of journalists and citizens is the reason for which Grigory Perelman refused to affect him the right. We are talking about the Award of the Clai Institute. The Mathematical Institute amounted to a list of seven mysteries, for which the decision of which relies on a million dollars. Poincaré hypothesis was included in this list.

Of course, learning about the opening of the Russian scientist, the founders immediately appealed to the scientist. What was an universal surprise when the mathematician refused a million dollars without explaining the reasons.

Soon Grigory Yakovlevich stopped communicating with the press at all. Russian journalists simply ignore, and foreign refuses to interview. News about such behavior of the scientist entailed rumors about Perelman's disease. They argued that the genius suffers autism. However, reliable confirmations or conclusions of the doctors have not yet been promulgated.

It is known that the scientist lives with mom, which is seriously ill. Mathematics wives do not. According to the stories of the teacher, Grigory Yakovlevich, who supports relationships with him, lives mother with her son poorly.

In 2018, there was information that mathematician moved to Sweden. However, the sources in the face of neighbors and sellers of stores denied rumors and confirmed that Perelman did not leave anywhere.

  • While working in the states, the scientist surprised foreign colleagues with unattoping and abundance from domestic needs. Favorite food mathematics began sandwiches with cheese, which Grigory Yakovlevich was drinking kefir or milk. Restaurants and abundance of grocery stores were not interested in "strange Russian".

  • In childhood, Gregory was fond of music. Mother gave her son to the adoration of classic composers. She, being a talented violinist, introduced Grisha with a tool. Perelman gladly visited a music school, and then in front of him got a difficult choice - to enter the conservatory or devote himself to the exact sciences.
  • The network appeared statements of supporters of the conspiracy theory that Perelman is the most influential person on Earth, because he knows how to manage the universe. Of course, such a person did not avoid the attention of secret services, and communion with others is prohibited for a scientist.


I know how to manage the universe. And tell me - why should I run over a million?
The whole world permeates emptiness, and it obeys the formulas - it gives us limitless opportunities.
If you can train your hands and legs, then why can not train the brain?
Invertible task, perhaps, no. Difficult to solve. So more precisely.
Remember the biblical legend about how Jesus Christ walked around the water, Aki Huhhh? So I needed to calculate, at what speed he had to move along the waters so as not to fail.

Awards and Prize

  • 1991 - Prize "Young Mathematics" of St. Petersburg Mathematical Society
  • 1996 - European Mathematical Prize for Young Mathematics
  • 2006 - Fields Medal Prize
  • 2010 - Premium of the Mathematical Institute of Clai

Genius Mathematics Grigory Perelman is rapidly the Russian audience over the past few years. No, he does not undress to goal on Red Square. His shocking is a refusal of material benefits. And it turned out that even "naked in the square" the Russian public understands and takes faster than Ascelet who refused from a million dollars (for the proof of Poincare's hypothesis, he was awarded to an international premium of 1 million dollars., However, Perelman refused to accept it, motivating the topics that the contribution of other scientists to the proof was not estimated at all).

Why there are dollars - he from the title of academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences refused in 2011. But it would seem what could be honored. Money - suitcases, face - on TV, fame, publicity and everything connected with it. But no. Do not need it. How can this be understood? Yes, no

Every year "oddities" Perelman is increasingly annoying the VIP public. She wants to pull out Gregory from his voluntary male, raise the flagpole and begin to be proud of all the power of his national self-consciousness. And Grigory - well, I do not want to give the opportunity to read my country houses.

I must say that Perelman was not always like that. Although, of course, has always been looked exclusively on science.

How it all began

Gregory Perelman was born in Leningrad in a Jewish family. His father Yakov Perelman was an electrician. He had no relation to physics, and all coincidences with the famous physicist Yakov Perelman - a pure accident.

Mom Grigory, Love Perelman, as it is found in Jewish families - a cult woman in the family. And just she had talent to the sciences, taught mathematics all his life, and also played perfectly on the violin. Perelman's love managed to teach his son to love classical music.

The musician, with the filing of Mom, did not become Mathematics, but he became interested in mathematics seriously and for a long time. However, like his sister.

He and sister they graduated from Leningrad University. Elena Perelman received a Ph.D. in Philosophy and is now engaged in programming in Stockholm. Grigory went to another way.

In 1993, Grigory Father is leaving from the country. He decided to emigrate to Israel. Mom did not support this decision, and they were left with Gregory in Leningrad together. So they live together to this day. Modestly, poorly, on the outskirts of St. Petersburg - Mathematical genius and his very old mother.

Gregory began his way to science with the school desk. Up to grade 9, he studied in an ordinary school, he studied very well. But, apparently, at some point he began to know more than the teacher, and after grade 9, Mom translated him into a physical and mathematical school, which he finished brilliantly, but without a gold medal. You see, the medal is not laid by a person, on the perfectly surrendered all exams, but failed to pass the norms of the GTU on physical education.

Even at school, Grisha won all possible contests and math competitions, became the winner of the International Olympics in Bulgaria, having struck judges by the fact that it did not allow a single mistake in tasks. Not surprisingly, with such successes, Grigoria Perelman was accepted without any exams to the University of Leningrad, to the Mathematics and Mechanical Faculty. He continued to shine there and even became a Lenin scholarship.

In 1990, Perelman defended his thesis and remained working at the university. But the crisis of the 90s broke out. Institutions massively closed, losing funding, and Perelman leaves in the United States, where it is engaged in fundamental science at various universities of the United States. There he first faces one of the unresolved hypotheses of mathematics, the Mystery of the Millennium - Poincaré hypothesis and begins to work on its proof.


On this occasion, a special commission from the best mathematicians of the world was convened. In an expert group, which checked the correctness of the theory, representatives of American, Chinese, Japanese universities were included. All of them were unanimous: Penrotman proved Poincare's hypothesis. True, the Chinese who worked on the inspection of the results of Perelman tried to assign their discovery to themselves, but later were forced to withdraw their statement.

Dozens of invitations from various universities in meetings, conferences, speeches fell into Gregory Perelman. Mathematics adopted an invitation to make a series of lectures on his theory in several universities of the United States. He traveled and drove, and went, explained and argued, then he answered a lot by mail on hundreds of questions. And explained everything and explained. So lasted for several years. So far, in 2005, he was tired of all this and left the post of senior researcher at the St. Petersburg branch of the Mathematical Institute, generally quit from the institute and locked in his apartment on the outskirts of Peter along with his mother.

He was full of throat the tempting job offers, huge fees. He wanted privacy in order to think. He really had to be able to focus. And he began to refuse material benefits to work.

How did it irritated the power of the pre-warning. Well, how! Such a comfortable reason to prove to all that Russia rises from his knees, and suddenly the evidence was based on whom, refuses to be part of the largest PR-action called "Miracle Perelman". Gregory more and more went to himself and for most witnesses, the Golden Taurus sect became not the "miracle of Pererelman", but "Casus Perelman."

Now, if he agreed to rinse in the presidiums, walking on the buffets with an important look, to shake hands and correct the dear tie, fenced money for the title, posts, grants, - then you could have to come together with him. But no, this eccentric scientist wanted to think about what the vast majority of his compatriots dreams. And if so, it means that he is crazy, an autistist, whipped genius. Because how can a normal person do not cut the beard, collect mushrooms and not want to get a million dollars!

Reporters, showmen, famous TV presenters began to promote Gregory Perelman on an interview. But nothing came out. The only thing they managed to talk to Gregory with friends. And the most important thing is that those were told to journalists: Grisha was always striving for privacy and focus. When he came to Paris to the scientific forum, instead of running to the restaurant to eat oysters, he walked. "In the restaurant, everyone will not be served such delicious fish, which mom is preparing," he said and retired.

Perelman is consistent and complained and today from the entire establishment, refusing to take his values \u200b\u200bfor himself.

He goes against the system not consciously. His life is not a civil protest. He simply does not want to live according to the principles approved by the Forbes list. Back in the 90s in Russia, the national idea was enrichment at any cost. Perelman such an idea does not suit. He lives according to other principles. And if because of this, someone considers him crazy, well, this is his problems.

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