Where the blue clay is mined. Clay: How to produce ancient building material

The buildings 03.07.2020
The buildings

When clay is tested and scheduled place for the organization of production, proceed to mining and harvesting it.

The brick can be produced from clay of the cured and fresh, just taken from the career - "Frecks". The best brick is obtained from the crushed, quenched clay. Especially it is necessary to cure if the clay is dense, fat, difficult to twice. The clay produced in the fall is usually cut and married.

With clay deposits, a vegetable layer is removed and the whole brick is not suitable for the production of brick. Then begin prey clay by the ledge.

Clay is on the wheelbarrow and drive back to the place of processing, where they fit into the cone. The height of the cone should not be more than 1 m,. Since otherwise the clay is badly freezing; The length and width of the cone are accepted depending on the amount of clay harvested. When mining clay in a career, it is usually taken immediately to PA all depth to mix the layers having various

properties. When the clay is harvested in cones in the career, it is possible to take it not for the entire depth immediately, but for two or three bayonets for the whole length of the brotherhood: the first two or three bayonet should be rided on the ground where the cone device is assumed, then two more on them -This bayonet, and the lowest - on the top of the cone. In the spring, when sampling clay from a cone for the production, it should be taken to the entire height of the cone, so that it is mixed again. Then it turns out a homogeneous clay, and from it a good brick. With layer-by-layer loading of clay in the cone, each layer is rich in water. In addition,: in the cone make holes crowding or a wooden cool, so that the water penetrates the entire thickness of the cone.

It is desirable on clay cones embedded for promobile, prevent a large snow cover so that the clay can freeze well.

The area for placing a cone must be cleaned from the turf, tamper and leveled so that water does not flow.

If the autumn clay was not prepared, it is possible to subjected to her loving (weathered). For this, the clay also stacked in the ridge height about 0.5 m and soaked, and then, when it gets dry, repeatedly watered with water. The greater the clay, the longer it should be its carotable.

If the clay did not freeze and not exposed to summer, it should be soaked. Machine clay in low ridges (40-50 cm), in a pile or in special trenches, lined with horses. Ivying in a layerly clay, it is covered with hinders, straw mats, etc., so that the moisture from the clay is not evaporated. Maloplastic clays are kept in a clumsy state from 0.5 to 2 days, fatal - up to 7 days.

In Bulgaria, clay is recommended to extract the day before Form-moving bricks. When the clay is mining, it is well fragged, then it is spread! Near the place of molding with a layer with a thickness of about 40 cm. Here you also add a delayer (pea juice, slag, sawdust and brick marriage) in volume, mixed thoroughly (shock ) Before receiving a homogeneous mixture. The edges of the population population makes above the sulfur dynamy, so that the water does not flow, which is poured the clay equally throughout the area. The amount of water is determined in the inspence of clay moisture, the state states, etc., are in dodge water from the evening, 10-12 hours before clay supply to production.

The clumsy clay the next day is usually treated: it is possible to obtain homogeneous in humidity and in the composition of the mass. At the beginning of clay, they split and stirred with rakes, then bene the legs. At the same time, workers have the possibility of removing solid inclusions that are well groped by the meal.

You can use a horse to mix the clay, prepare the molding mass in the horse meal circles.

The equestrian meal circle is suitable as follows: the inner part of it has a radius of about 2 m and represents the calm left in the ground. Around this entirely de-lat the circular path with a width of 2 m. The track is plugged into the ground by 40-50 cm. Walls and bottom of the tracks are cutting up to docks or lined with bricks. In the center of the meal circle to the ground, the rack, having at the upper end of the Me-Tallic pin, on which drove for horses is worn. The driver is made from the log length of the B-6.5 m. The thick end was put on the pin of the central rack on the pin, and they attach the rovel for the horse's harness to the thin end. Outloe for the pin is made at a distance of about 1 m from Kon-Ca drove, and the roll is attached with such a calculation so that the horse goes out. In order to drive not re-stuck, the load is attached to the thick end, the equal-liner long part drove.

Employed to the driver at the poles, to which the horse's cause ties

For ment of clay to drill, two-wheeled front, taken from carts, or specially made. The fronts are loaded with stones or other cargo so that the co-forests are deeper into clay and better than her. When migneing clay, the morning from time to time move along the dila, which makes a row of pins in the form of a comb. This comb holds drove in the right place.

The path of the meal circle is loaded with a layer of clay with a thickness of 25-30 cm. With this loading circle accommodates about 8 m 3 clay, which is enough for the manufacture of 2500-3000 bricks.

In the meal circle. It is possible not only to mine a pre-clumsy clay, but also to soak it. In such a case, the number of polar circles should be one more than the days of flushing the cloth clay, and the capacity of each circle is equal to the daytime need of clay.

The castle in a circle, the clay is freed from the covering of it and trails to the drill wheel so that the wheels can be able to clay from the outer edge of the track. After a few turns, the front turn apart by about 10 cm closer to the center of the circle, then through the same number of revolutions even closer until the front will reach the inner edge of the track. Then to mive continue with the movement of the front from the inside edge to the outer until the clamp is well processed.

The duration of might clay in a circle from 1.5 to 3 characters depending on the fat content of clay. On average, the wheels of the ne-rack must pass at each location of the track about 20 times.

Clay's readiness is determined by cutting the flushed clay shovel: it should not be noticeably unscrewed comkers, laminations, a sugro must be evenly distributed over the entire mass, the entire clay should be uniformly wet. A well-washed clay does not stick to the wheels of the front.

When the circle is loaded with a layer of clay with a thickness of about 25 cm. Mine clay produce one horse, with a thickness of clay layer 35-40 cm, two horses are necessary.

To work with two horses, drove can do double-length and stick the horses from the opposite ends.

At the end of the might of the clay, the fronts are pulled out, cleaned, and clay is covered with wet hinds and leave you are about 12 hours. Then the clay is unloaded, feeding it gradually to the molding place.

For migting clay instead of a circle, you can apply a vertical equestrian ball. Such a clayer should be used when measuring fatty dense clays, it is difficult to treat the processing on the meal circle.

The clayer consists of a wooden tub and a vertical metal shaft with blades. The shaft is at the bottom of the pin for the spying and at the top of the pin for the driving, which is arranged just like a meal circle.

The tub is partially plunged into the ground and strengthen on Vrya in the ground racks. The blade shaft of the clan makes is made of round or square iron with a thickness of 6-8 cm.

In the absence of an iron shaft, you can make a wooden thickness of 14-15 cm. For strength, the wooden shaft is tightened at the ends of the iron rings, and two pins are inserted into the ends - for the groove and to fix drove. In height on the shaft, the blades from the leaf jelly beyond the thickness of 8-12 mm are strengthened. The blades have a slope of 20-30 °. As a result, they are not only a cylinder, but also putting it down. At the bottom of the shaft, reinforced Lo-mouth.

Around the clayers are satisfied with the pit, divided into several compartments, in which the clay is soaked to the working state of layers, together with suggestions. The number of compartments depends on the time that is assigned to the departure of the clumsy clay. One of the compartments in which the unloading hole of the clanbox will not be loaded - it serves to take the injection clay.

The shovel-mi shovel-mi-mounted clay and cured in the pit is loaded into the clan. The capacity of the clay-ki is 5-6 m clay in shift.

In order to avoid difficulties with the clay load in the clan-balluller, the clanges are not recommended to make a width of more than 2 m and load them to a depth of more than 1.2 m.

The clayer. Note to download uniformly, without interpretation of CE clay and not allowing its empties, that is, the work in the loss. When sampling clay from the pit it follows a shovel

cut all layers from top to Niza to mix the compositions of the charge and get a homogeneous mass.

If the clayer does not take the loadable clay, it is necessary to stop it and clean the cylinder and the blades from the roots, and whether to check whether the blades did not work. Worked blades must be replaced with new ones.

When the next compartment is completely exempted from clay, it is again loaded with clay and tools and layers in layers. The clayer is cleaned from clay only before you running day, on the other days after the end of the work, the zoom and unloading holes are closed with wet rags, the clay in the clayer does not feed.

In order to avoid accidents, it is impossible to clean and smash moving parts during the work of the clan.

The clay coming from the outlet is loaded on the car and disappear to the molding place.

It is possible even with a small amount of production to organize the processing of raw materials and the molding of raw materials using a me-equipped way.

For this purpose, the most suitable brick-depleted CM-296A aggregate with the collective farm tape press (Fig. 4). The unit consists of a clay conveyor clay of a belt conveyor, two-challenges 2 for moisture and stirring of clay, smooth rollers and a screw belt press with, hand-cutting table 4.

The CM-296A unit is driven by electric motor or tractor using belt transmission. Pulleys 5, connected by a strap with a motor through the gear system, leads all the aggregate machines.

With mechanized molding of bricks, it is also necessary to apply frozen or clumsy cured clay. Brick quality from this improves. However, it is OSO-Benno in the presence of soft easily operating ch. AIR is possible - but to make a brick from the clay, obtained directly from the career.

In the unit of the CM-296A, the clay processing machines are two-walled harnes tank and rollers.

Before the start of the unit, the worker serving his worker should carefully examine all the ma-tires in the aggregate. It is necessary to check their serviceability, lubricate sub-hints, check the filling with solidol of staple marals, fill the bearings with a ring lubricant with liquid mineral oil.

Before starting the unit, a signal is given, after which the ag-regatta is allowed to be frightened, and then after 3-5 minutes. Feed clay to the boot bunker conveyor.

Load clay on the ribbon conveyor two foul prints. If the clay has not been mixed with a container with a mortgage-ke in a cone or soaking, the same fuel leaders of the one-time with clay are served on a ribbon conveyor and a delicate (sand, slag, sawdust) in the desired amount, for example, one sand spade on Four clay shovels.

The ribbon conveyor supplies clay into a two-challenge galley, which is served by the Pole. The duties of the hotel include observation of the normal operation of the clay and clay and moisturizing clay. The clay should fill in the bark of the clayers so that the blades, being in the upper polo, were half closed clay.

In the clayer, the clay is moisturized in the event that it was not previously soaked in the ridges or messed off. Above the agitator veins is a tap pipe with holes, through which water with thin jetings enters the clayer on its length, counting from the loading funnel. The moisture of mass The Pole is determined to the touch. If the clay supply stopped or the clayer stopped, the water supply is immediately stopped.

In order for the blades of the clayers are well mixed-cutting and reinforced the clay, the gap between them and the casing of the gluliele should not exceed 10 mm, and the angle of tilt knives should be about 20 °.

In order to avoid accidents, the charts should be covered with a removable grid, and the clay samples to determine its moisture must be taken not with hand, but a spoon with a long handle.

From clay clay, clay enters smooth rollers, which are crushed and dislike it. The gap between the rolls should be about 4 mm. Scrapers, cleansing rolls from on-sticky clay, should fit tightly to the rolls so that the clay is not thrown out.

With the uneven triggering of the surfaces of the rolls, removal, grooves, worsening the glyhany pumping are formed. To eliminate this defect, we must regularly grind the rolls on the go sharpened.

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Clay - useful fossil, which has been widely used in various spheres of vital activity. This sufficiently complex rock can be represented by different composition and properties. The conditions for the formation of different types of clays are also significantly different.

What is the clay?

Geological science studies the rock has already been long enough. Scientists have established that clay not contaminated with unauthorized impurities consists of small particles. Dust diameter does not exceed 0.01 mm. These are particles that belong to a certain group of minerals. It is no coincidence that clay is widespread. Mountain breed is a confusing chemical compound, which includes water, silicon and aluminum.

Clay under the influence of fluid varies their properties. Depending on the amount of water, which is added to the rock particles, a plastic mass can be formed or lime. The fluid with the addition of clay has a high degree of viscosity. This property is widely used in the construction and repair spheres.

Properties of Glyn

The properties of any rock formation are completely dependent on the composition. Not exception is clay. The value of particles components also matters. In the mixture from the breed is capable of forming a viscous dough. This property is widely used in various spheres of vital activity. Clay swells in water. Thanks to this, it can be used very economically. In the raw form, clay dough is capable of preserving absolutely any shape. Anything can not be changed after frozen. And so that the product has been able to survive for a long time, it is burned. Under the influence of high temperatures, the clay becomes even stronger and durable.

If you describe the basic properties of clay, it is impossible not to recall the water careability. After saturation by particles of the breed of the desired amount of fluid, it no longer misses moisture. This property is also widely used in construction.

Separate clay varieties are able to purify petroleum products. The same clay properties are used to clean vegetable fats and oils. Thanks to this, people can use products without harmful impurities. Clay absorbs from fluid that can harm health. For the same reason, individual types of rocks are used in cosmetology.

What are clay?

In nature, there is a huge number of clay species. They all found their application in a particular sphere of vital activity. Kaolin - the clay of a light shade, which has a smaller plasticity compared to other species. It is this breed that is most often used in the paper industry, as well as in the manufacture of dishes.

Separate attention deserves the clay refractory. This is a white or light gray substance that can withstand temperatures over 1500 degrees under firing. Under the influence of high temperature, the refractory clay does not soften and does not lose its useful properties. The rock is widely used in the manufacture of porcelain products, as well as when finishing the premises. Popular is the facing tile made of refractory clay.

Forming clay can also be born at sufficiently high temperatures. They differ in high plasticity. Such clay refractory can be used in metallurgy. With its help, special binding forms for casting metal are manufactured.

Cement clays are most often used in construction. This is a gray-shaped substance with an admixture of magnesium. Clay is used to make various finishing products, as well as a link during construction work.

How and where mining clay?

Clay - useful fossil, which is not rare today. The substance without problems can be mined from the ground. The easiest to detect the substance in those places where the rivers have previously flowed. Clay is considered a product of sedimentary rock and the earth's crust. In an industrial scale, clay mining is made using excavators. The machine cuts large layers of the earth. In this way, much more minerals can be extracted. The problem is that clay in most cases lies with layers.

Plots for clay mining are whole careers. Work begins with the removal of the top layer of the soil. Most often, the clay can be detected already at a distance of a half-meter from the vertex. Usually it is easy to handle may be on the surface itself. In some cases, mineral resources can be detected under groundwater. In this case, the brigade establishes a special drainage for water removal.

Winter is not a hindrance for mining rock. In order to avoid the freezing of the soil, it is insulated with sawdust and other substances with a low level of thermal conductivity. The thickness of the insulation sometimes reaches 50 cm. From the freezing is also protected by clay. It is covered with a tarpaulter or other similar material that can keep the desired temperature until the clay is delivered to the warehouse.

Clay in construction

In the construction sector, the clay began to be used from the first days of its discovery. Today, the material is widely used to build houses in the southern regions. Thanks to the properties of fossil in the houses in the summer is cool, and in winter heat and cozy. For the manufacture of blocks take only some sand, clay and straw. After the frozen, a durable building material is obtained, which is not amenable to any natural factors.

What is the better clay for the construction of houses, experts respond unequivocally. The most suitable is cement clay. From this material also quite often make facing tiles. With this finish, you can not only decorate the room, but also protect it from fire. After all, cement clay is also refractory.

Cookware from clay

Cutlery from clay is not only beautiful, but also useful. Material is environmentally friendly. It is not necessary to be afraid that the dishes under the influence of high temperature will allocate the substances harmful to health. The use of clay in many are associated precisely with the manufacture of plates, pots and VAZ. Today, dishes from this material are manufactured on an industrial scale. Each can purchase a service from a quality material that can serve for a long time.

Handmade is much more appreciated. Combined whole exhibitions on which masters can boast of their products. Here you can also buy high-quality clay dishes. The main thing is that the product is manufactured in a single instance. But the price will be appropriate.

Clay modeling with children

The manufacture of various products with clay can become a very exciting and cheerful occupation for the child. Improke contributes to mental development, improves motility of children's hands. The baby can show fantasy in his pleasure. And what can be made of clay, parents will always be prompted.

The modeling of clay requires careful preparation. It should be remembered that not any clothes can be deceived from minerals. And the stains the child will set it. Therefore, the baby should be moved into the working form, and the table is to be caulated with the oil. What can be made of clay first? First of all, uncomplicated oval figures should be sculpted. These can be animals or funny little men. An older child will be able to make a plate and a spoon. After frozen, the product can be painted. It will look original and can be preserved for a long time. But it is worth remembering that clay without firing is quite fragile.

Application of clay in medicine

In antiquity, people have noticed the useful properties of clay and began to use them for medicinal purposes. Some types of minerals have anti-inflammatory effect. Due to this, they are used to treat various skin diseases. Clay quickly helps cope with burns, eels and eczema. But in no case cannot be engaged in self-medication. Separate types of clay have different properties. Only a specialist will be able to find the desired material and will apply it correctly to the sore place. Without the necessary knowledge and skills you can apply only harm.

Clay is a mineral mineral, which is a source of many minerals, vitamins and trace elements. Some varieties of rock can also be taken inside. It is the clay that is an excellent source of radium. In this organism, the amount of useful substance that is necessary for normal life is absorbed.

Clay is capable of toxins from the blood, as well as normalize metabolism. This is often used in various types of poisoning. Powder is taken inside in a small amount, drinking water. But on therapeutic purposes only some kind of clay can be used.

Clay in cosmetology

Many girls for improving appearance are often used cosmetic clay. Useful fossil capable of aligning the skin tone, save his face from acne, and hips from fat deposits. In cosmetology purposes, various types of clay are used. All of them have their own features and properties.

For rejuvenation of the face, white mineral clay is most often used. Photo of women who used this product to improve the face are impressive. Mimic wrinkles are really smoothed, and pigment stains disappear completely. Girls with oily skin and close-ups are also perfectly suitable substances - information that can be found on the package. But it is still better to use any clay after consulting a beautician.

Blue clay use

This rock formation is characterized by good anti-inflammatory properties. It includes salts and minerals necessary for the normal functioning of a blue clay mask should be made to people who have a tendency to skin rashes. With the help of natural substance, acne and comedones are perfect.

With blue clay, you can also make the skin lighter. 10 procedures will help to get rid of freckles and pigment spots for a long time. In addition, perfectly smoothes shallow mimic wrinkles.

Green clay

This substance is also widely used in cosmetology. Green clay has excellent adsorbing properties. Due to this, it is possible to quickly clean the body from harmful substances and toxins. Clay can be applied both on the face and on the whole body.

Popular is the wraps with the use of green clay. Useful fossil helps restore the water balance of the body and remove excess moisture. This property helps girls get rid of cellulite, as well as make the skin more smooth and smooth.

Red clay

The most optimal for people who have a tendency to allergic reactions will be red clay. This substance has a special shade due to the content of copper and iron oxide in it. Only the mined substance cannot immediately be used in cosmetology. Making clay for different masks is a time consuming process. With special attention is preparing for the use of red clay. The breed is cleared of various harmful impurities that can harm skin.

Masks made of red clay perfectly remove redness and skin irritation. Material is widely used in medicine. Red clay contributes to a speedy and postoperative scars makes less noticeable.

The process of production of brick begins with clay mining. The plot where clay is mined is called car b eero. The quarry should be located close and convenient to the plant, if possible on dry, not slept rain, snow and groundwater.
The quarry is defined in a certain order. The correct order of clay production provides convenience, economical consumption of clay and obtaining more homogeneous raw materials.
In natural state, clay is usually heterogeneous. Clay taken from different places of the same career and even one slaughter may be different in their composition, properties and humidity. Usually, this difference is especially large in the clay, taken from various depths of the career, are one of them plastic, others are proofer.
Therefore, clay in the career is produced in such images in order to obtain a mass consisting of clay taken but the thicker of its location.
Clay mining depending on local conditions can be "manual or mechanized.
With manual mining, clay use ordinary bayonet shovels - calays. Most comfortable shovels of pointed or semicircular shape. When developing very dense or frozen soils, scrap and kirk are used. For the load of the mined loose clay on the carts or cars, it is possible to use selection (symptoms) shovels, and if the clay is very moist, it is accumulated to the shovel - forks with frequent teeth.
Clay can be browsed to the plant if the quarry is located close, in conventional landwarns on laid katal boards.
If the quarry is removed from the plant, the clay is best to bring horses in special carts, called strokes, or in tipping trips on narrow sole paths. Graarca can be two-wheeled or four-wheeled. For convenient unloading of clay in four-wheeled grabs, the lateral walls and the bottom are removable and removal during unloading, and in a two-wheeled grabarka, the rear wall folds like a side of cars. Especially convenient wagons unloaded through the bottom leaning down. Before loading the clay, the bottom is fixed in a horizontal position by cape pendants to the side walls of the cart.
The development of the clay deposit at a manual method is performed in the following sequence.
At first, before the mining of clay, it is necessary from the entire area scheduled to develop this year, to clear, i.e. the upper vegetable layer, and other unsuitable surface layers of the soil.
Cleaning should be taken into such a place where it can not get into production. In the future, it is possible to fill out a dealer of the career.

Fig. 7. Cutting trench for opening a career

After removing the cleaning, or, as they say, open career, proceed to its development. If the quarry is located on the slope of the hill, it must be accepted in a straight line, and then develop an open bottomheate method. To develop a career on a flat area, it is necessary after removing the cleaning, cut out a split trench of about 4 w wide and a length of 15-20 m (Fig. 7).
The trench is gradually deepening to the sole of the clay layer developed in order to make a gentle entrance to the quarry.
In the future, as the career is developed, the trench at this level is expanding in all directions. In this case, the quarry is also developed in a stepped way.
Manual career development stepwise is shown in Fig. 8. The height of the steps for the convenience of work is taken equal to the bayonet shovel. In this case, the method first take a shovel clay from one stage, after that with the second highest, then with the third and so on the top. At the same time, new steps are formed and the entire "staircase" is moving along a career slaughter on the width of the stage (i.e., by 30-40 cm)

Fig. 8. Manual career development stepped method
Thus, the steps are moved until the whole strip is 100-1.5 m (along the length of the steps) until the end of the bottom. After that, it is started to develop in the same way along the slaughter the next strip of the same width. The clay produced from the steps is dumped on trolleys, cars or ripples.
The wall of the career slaughter at a height of more than 1.5 m should have a slope. It is strictly forbidden to develop a quarry with the sheer walls of the face, as well as a seamless, that is, the sampling of the soil from the bottom of the wall forming the visor hanging at the top, which can lead to collapse and accidents.
If the quality of clay in the height of the problem being developed is different, then in each trolley, a wheelbarrow or a grapple should be discharged alternately clay from different stages in the height of the slaughter. In the process of further recycling, the clay of different layers is mixed and will become quite uniform.
If stones and other major inclusions come across in clay, they need to be selected manually and discarded into the developed place. If individual layers are clogged with numerous minor inclusions, then the clay blacked by these inclusions should go to waste, in cases where the clay in the career suddenly changes in appearance, it is necessary to check its properties and suitability for the production of bricks.
The locked quarry should be kept clean. It is necessary to ensure that abandoned tools, pieces of wood and other foreign objects have been removed from the career.
Currently, due to the presence in collective farms, state farms, as well as in the profits over the collective farms of enterprises and organizations of all sorts of mechanization, there is an opportunity to mechanize the processes of opening careers and mining of clay with the help of bulldozers or scraper.
If the thumbnail is performed by a bulldozer, then the soil is unsuitable for using the bulldozer dump and shifts them aside. When using the scraper, a scraped layer of soil fills the bucket of a scraper, which will then take the ground to the reserved place, where, raising the bucket, empties it.
Bulldozers and scrapers can be used to fold clay in ridges for natural training with a small quarry distance from the location of the Girdo. A bulldozer can not only move the clay from the career to a specific place, but also to arrange it with several parallel shafts, which will then easily give the form of the right boots or a variety. It is even easier to prepare clay in the boot, using a scraper.
The use of these mechanisms for work on the opening and harvesting of clay will significantly speed up and reduce the cost of these works.
With a shallow slaughter, relatively homogeneous clay in it and the clay transportation of clay, clay or cars, clay can also be obtained as follows: the breaking walls of the face are satisfied with gentle, so that it can be moved to the supply or car. The clay is exploded (plowed) with a plow and load manually on foot or cars. In this case, the method of work is eliminated by the most time-consuming and heavy operation - coppe clay manually. For the mechanization of clay load in the vehicles can also be used for a lift truck. Of course, in these cases, it is necessary to averaged clay, choosing it not from one place, but evenly from various slats.

Often, I minimize clay in places where the rivers proceeded. Clay is a product of the earth's crust, as well as a sedimentary rock, which is formed from the destroyed rocks under the influence of weathelation. Such material has been used for the construction of various objects and structures for many centuries. But, few people know how such rather common and ancient building material is preserved.

Mining clay in summer

Mining clay with excavators. The clay lies with the formation, which means it is better to cut it with layers. So, the technique focuses on a certain area and works until it comes to a sublinka. When the special equipment comes to a sublink, it goes to another area that has clay deposits.

Mainly mining clay is carried out in quarries that can have any depth. In summer, clay mining begins with clearing the place of mining from the top layer of the Earth. Then the device is carried out expensive and entrances to the place of production of fossil. Unnecessary rocks that interfere with clay mining are simply removed to the side. If the fossil is below the groundwater level, the special drainage system is arranged. After mining, the material is loaded and transported for processing or directly to the object where it will be used.

Often, mining is carried out in an open way, which uses a bulldozer to buy, which is very easy today, a belt conveyor and other equipment. Sometimes in the process of clay production, explosive work can be carried out.

Mining clay in winter

Clay also mined in winter. In order to eliminate the freezing of the soil, the quarry is insulated with materials such as peat, sawdust and others. It is such materials that have a rather low level of thermal conductivity. Sometimes the thickness of the insulating layer can be 70 cm and above. When transporting the material, it is covered with tarpaulous, which allows you to protect it from freezing. In places with a harsh winter, careers are equipped with special warm plans, which are a closed design. Powerful heaters are used to heat the design. If necessary, warmly can be moved from place to place.

Transportation of clay on a career is carried out using tape conveyors. Such transportation automation allows you to continuously lead clay mining. If the repository is away from the career, then the clay is transported in special cars.

I was on Copans, I was on the topman, I was on the grinding, I was on fire, I was on the romb. When young was young, then the people were fed, and the old began to swinging. "

This riddle in the old years could guess each. Hero of the riddles - a conventional chimney. In his example, you can trace the entire path that passes the clay before becoming a ceramic product. "Copans" village gonchars called a pit or a quarry, where Hlin was mined. With the cops, the clay hit the "Topnets" - even place in the yard or hollow, where she trampled her legs, carefully warm up and choosing pebbles in her. After such treatment, the clay went to "grouse", that is, to a pottery circle, where she acquired a pot shape or any other ass. When the pot finally dried, he was sent to the "fire", or rather in the oven, where, after the firing, he became solid as a stone. But that the pot does not absorb moisture, he had to visit "on the rombing." For this, it is hot or liquid bolt in a hot form.

In the second part of the riddle, the further fate of the finished clayware is shown. It is unlikely that it is necessary to specifically explain how the chick pot of "fed people", and that's why he became in the old age to "swinging", a modern person is hardly clear. The fact is that in the past years the hostess was in no hurry to throw out old cracked pots. They were wrapped in narrow boiled tapes Beresta, as if Pelhenali. Early pastries could have accused the barking pots and other clay dishes.

Live clay

"Live clay" Gonchara called clay in nature in natural state.

The clay, which is found in nature, is so diverse in composition that in the earth's depths in fact, you can actually find the finished clay mixture suitable for the manufacture of any kind of ceramics - from the sparkling white faience dishes to the red chimney brick. Of course, large deposits of valuable clay species are rare, so near such natural storage rooms there are factories and ceramics production factories, such as in Gzheli near Moscow, where white clay was found at one time. Each self-respecting rustic potter was also albeit small, but their cherished fields, and easier - cops' pita, where he mined a clay suitable for work. Sometimes it was necessary for the right clay for many versts, removing it from deep holes with incredible difficulties. Moreover, one field was not always enough, because for different products a different composition of clay was required. So, for example, a fatty iron clay is best suited for black-grained ceramics. It is characterized by high plasticity, perfectly molded on a pottery circle, and after dried, it can be turned out to a mirror glitter. The dishes from such clay does not miss moisture and is characterized by high strength. One problem: fatty clay when drying and the subsequent roasting is easily cracking. In products from skinny clay containing a significant amount of sand, a rough surface, besides, they strongly absorb moisture. But when drying and burning, skinny clay cracks very rarely. For good clay, the golden mean is preferable when it has an average fatness.

Fat is considered clay containing less than 5% of sand, while skinny includes up to 30% of sand. In the medium fat clay, 15% of sand is included.

Where to find clay for modeling

Finding a suitable clay for modeling and pottery works can almost everywhere, there would be a desire. In addition, a small amount of clay can always be "corrected" by inconsistening and in other ways. Clay can climb immediately under the soil layer at a small depth. In garden sites, it can be found at various land. The layers of clay often go on the surface along the banks of the rivers and lakes, in the slopes and the slopes of the ravines. In the non-black earth there are areas where clay is literally under his feet and in crude weather on country roads turns into a solid mash, causing indignation of passersby. Even one of the "dirt" assembled on the road can be sculpted, and then burn small decorative products. But, of course, this should not be done. Even where there is a circle of clay soil, you need to dull at least a shallow ditch to get to the cleaner and homogeneous layers.

Clay, suitable for modeling, can be successfully prepared even in a big city.After all, it is always somewhere nearby builders digging for a new house or repairing a water supply system or gas pipeline. At the same time, clay layers that lied at great depths turn out to be on the surface.

Determine the suitability of clay for the modeling can be quite simple. Of the small lump of moisturized clay, taken for the sample, roll between the palms hide with a thickness of approximately the index finger. Then slowly bend it in half. If, at the same time, cracks are not formed in the fracture or there are few of them, the clay is quite suitable for work and, in all likelihood, it contains 10-15% of sand.

Clay color

Each type of clay at a certain stage of modeling, drying and firing changes its color.The dried clay differs from the raw only with a lighter tone, but during the firing, most clay sharply change their color. The exception is only a white clay, which, when moisturizing, acquires only a light gray shade, and after the firing remains the same white. The color of "live clay", usually in a wet state, most often deceptive. After the firing, it can suddenly change dramatically: the green will become a pink, brown - red, and blue and black - white. As you know, your master's toys from the village of Filimonovo Tula region are made of black and blue clay. Only having been after drying in the roasting oven, toys become white with a slightly combed tint. The wonderful transformation that occurred with clay is explained very simple: organic particles burned under the high temperature, which gave clay to the roasting of black color. By the way, such particles are in the chernozem, where they also determine the color of this soil. On the color of clay, both in the cheese and in dense state, also affect the various mineral impurities and salts of metals.

If, for example, the clay includes iron oxides, then after the firing it becomes red, orange or purple. The color that acquires the clay after the firing is distinguished by the White clay (white color), suspended (light gray, light yellow, light pink color), top-breasted (red, red-brown, brown, brown-violet color). To determine which clay you have to deal, out of a small piece, blind plate or roll the ball, which, after thorough drying, burn in the furnace. Poverty clay put in a wooden box and fill with water so that its individual lumps spoke slightly above the surface. It is advisable to immediately prepare as much clay as possible. With abundance of clays, only a small part is consumed, and the rest will be constantly crammed.

The greater the clay will be in a wet state, the better. Previously, the potters kept clay outdoors in the so-called Mlinnik - a special pit, the walls of which were made of logs, plas or thick boards. The clay should have been fleeing at least three months in a plane, but sometimes it was in an open storage for several years. In the spring and summer, she was burned out the sun's rays, the autumn blinks the winds and watered the rains, in the winter it frowned in the cold and thawed at the thaw, then melted thawed water. But all this went to clay only for advantage, since it looked away from numerous microcracks, while harmful organic impurities oxidized and soluble salts were washed.

The centuries-old practice of folk masters showed that The larger the clay, the better its quality.

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