What can be made from the woods with your own hands. Tree crafts: Interesting crafts do it yourself

The buildings 26.06.2020
The buildings

Spired wood? Do not hurry to let it on firewood: you can make a lot of useful and beautiful from Churbachkov and Dies! And if you consider that now rustic style is experiencing an unprecedented rise, you have a great opportunity to decorate the cottage with stylish things almost free!

Of course, I do not urge you to throw away the practical cabinets and cozy soft chairs, replacing them with shelves and tabretes of sleep. But it can happen and so that now such furniture is the only available option to arrange cottage. Then the good-quality tables and beautiful chairs will be bought, but now it is necessary to sit on something, right? However, it will be not only about furniture. Creative fantasy of dacha craftsmen is not messed into a narrow frame - they managed to make such a thing ... In general, see themselves.

I will not argue that work with the sleeves is easy. Support and physical strength (especially for working with large fragments), and skill, and tools. But everything is solved if there is a desire, right? Especially since we have already learned. Let's start, as usual, with a simple. With the fact that it is easy to do - it will look very and quite effectively.

They will especially beautifully look at the plants - a modest bouquet in a miniature vase or a trio of charming quotators-succulents.

But a chic birch option for a floristic composition. Looks far be cooler than tiny shopping baskets! High narrow vases are very elegant, but very unstable - so they strive to overturn and pour everything around with water. A simple stand from a beautiful sleep will solve the problem once and forever.

In wooden caspo, succulents will be very comfortable. And if you want, you can make a porridge for any room plant: Just take the fubs of a suitable diameter to make it convenient to put and remove the pot.

Make an even round hole in the wood is not so difficult: drill, the necessary drill and a little patience - even a fragile woman will cope. Maybe one or two billets and spoil, but then such sour "cups" will be obtained, which is any dear to look! And for what to adapt them is your business. No succulents - put candles.

Spies necessarily need to be giant sizes. See how cute looks like a small dice frames! They can be made from branches that always remains a lot after autumn trimming.

Well, if you want to add bright colors to the interior, pay attention to these options. In principle, you can portray all the souls on the spins, if only you would be nice to look at the result of our works.

In practicing a little, you can proceed to the manufacture of more volumetric items. For example - bedside table. True, they won't call them spacious, but they will never be providing the door and the leg will not break.

They can be painted with cute heart patterns or patterns.

Paint into any desired color.

In order not to be overwhelmed while cleaning, rearranged the cabinet from place to place, provide it with wheels. And if you attach a soft seat to the upper end, it turns out the stump of high comfort.

You can attribute to scrabble backs from old chairs or put pillows on them - it will be much more convenient to sit.

Simple stools will decorate bright legs. A set of garden furniture is so successful that I do not want to change anything: painting can not be reduced to no charm of natural wood.

A modest solid bench will look good in an urban apartment. And if it is planned to receive high guests in the country, urgently make it possible to manufacture status furniture.

By the way, now the designs of the interiors do not have a simple furniture - on the contrary, they advise experiment with mixing styles. So feel free to put any of these tables in the center of the living room - you won't lose.

You can leave a bark or remove it, admitting any legs to sleep - each of the options is good in its own way.

Made a table - do not clean on the laurels, take on the manufacture of the lamp.

Could manage? And garden? In it, it is still dark even eyes of rides! Perhaps such lamps will be very impressive among the grass and trees. True, it will have to tinker with them, but the result is worth it!

To the garden we will return, but for now let's see ideas for the house. From transverse sleeps can be done really steep wall clock.

Or stand for any little things - handles, toothbrushes and other things.

All sorts of hooks are organically looking at the spiles, preferably metallic: plastic spoil.

And what gorgeous trays can be made with your own hands, just look!

Yes, just trays! Stands for hot cups, small vases,

Salpars and Irice Stands,

Rings for napkins and a cup for toothpicks!

Ented the taste? Then we expand the horizons! Who said that cakes and cakes be sure to lay out on the glass and porcelain? What tree is worse? I recommend for children's holidays: you don't have to worry about expensive dishes - there is no particularly active kids to chop out!

Do you still have a speech? Then make a stand for books or ... Buttons. I do not know if it is possible to use them in direct appointment, but the needlewomen will definitely be delighted with them.

Chess or darts lovers would probably be happy to get such a gift. If you can act as good faces.

And these ideas are specifically for those who fell in love with the transverse spears at first sight and for life.

There is no good much: such a wall can be admired endlessly.

If you like the combination of natural wood and living greenery, do not deny yourself the pleasure of enjoying them all year round.

Completes the selection of ideas for home Solid duet - a chic dining table and flooring. Obviously, the authors of the work are simply in love with this material, otherwise the such masterpieces would simply be lacking for patience!

Come in the garden: at home did everything they could!

From thin sleeps will be a beautiful street container for flowers. And from Churbachkov - a retaining wall for the helical flower beds.

Or beautiful fence for flower beds. At which, by the way, if you wish, you can quite comfortably sit, admiring the garden species.

Of the sleeps, fabulously beautiful steps and garden tracks are obtained. Just do not forget to soak the wood with protective compositions.

Cute can fill out elegant gabions or effectively divide the area into zones.

Or - make a decor for a fence or home.

A little fantasy - and ordinary sleeps turn into a stylish element of garden design.

For example - in funny little animals or bright vegetables.

By the way, not far from the mountain
At the ds, depict anything - everything will be beautiful on the Christmas tree. If it still thinks that toys look too simple, decorate them with bright braid bows or silk ribbons.

Well, did you like something? Still think? Well, then add a few ideas from longitudinal sleeps. It is more difficult to make them: smoothly dissolve the log manual chainsaw is unlikely to be even an experienced master. But we agreed what to do is not necessary, so we look!

The pad on the switch is very practical thing! It seems that you also know where to include the light, but in the dark there is no no yes and you begin to smoke with your hand on the wall. Sooner or later, the traces of stroking come on the wallpaper - and the beauty will definitely not add. Well, such a chic windowsill does not need comments.

Solid countertops on kitchen and washbasins are so good that there is a serious risk to carry out in the kitchen or in the bathroom all free time.

Even a simple stool will be a worthy interior decoration. Perhaps I would not refuse from such an interesting bench.

But at such a table, sit pleasantly only in theory: the rigid bark will certainly deliver a lot of inconvenience. Well, or have to keep your hands on the knees to avoid microtrams and damage. The massive door looks solid, but those who want to acquire this will have to acquire the most reliable components (necessarily - with stoppers on the roller guide, so that this Mahina does not leave where it is not necessary!).

So our brief overview is completed. I hope you were interested to see, and if I liked something, I wanted to make it yourself - wonderful!

I know that there is no good ideas much, so I collected for you more exciting publications

No matter how many new synthetic materials appeared for construction and decor, the tree remains indispensable and loved at all times. Of the plastic and militant wood, the wizard of the joinery continues to create their masterpieces. Today we will tell you what unexpected things can be made of wood with your own hands and give a link to the drawings.

Wooden curtains

Venetian artist Livio de Martha from ordinary tree species cuts out anything - from a hat to the car.

He makes his masterpieces in full. Sometimes it is very difficult to distinguish from real things. Keeping your Wooden Collection Master in a special wooden house, inside which, too, all of the tree, including dishes, tablecloths and curtains are made of wood with their own hands.

How to make garden furniture

Even if you do not have artistic talents to the same measure as not to spend money on garden furniture, try to make it my own. Sometimes it is really simpler simple and does not require any drawings and schemes. Ordinary boards and curved metal legs are a coffee table. For such projects, you can also take small bars that are stacked in a checker order.

Folded in a certain order of the log - here is your chair with a table.

From dry wood it turns out the original hanger. In the extreme case, the logs with "hooks" from the branches. Remove the bark, process with antiseptics, color in the color you need. At the end of the work on the project, forget to "plant" a tree on a durable pin with a heavy base.

Wooden interior do it yourself

Here you have a wallpaper from cut across logs. Cut the billets from thick branches of dry trees. Attach them on the wall with liquid nails. Open lacquer. Original eco-decor ready!

One craftsman has decorated the chest of bark rings - it looks original and fabulous!

And this is a family of cabinets on a walk - and the decor is unusual, and for storing all the little things will be combined.

Do not throw out the legs from the old furniture, suddenly some of them make a new magazine table-multicotion. Funny and original.

And these three multony-herdes are created by Korean designer Chul An Kvak. The idea of \u200b\u200btwo of them inspired Horses, running a gallop, and the third presented the working excavator.

Two old stools can "give birth to a new bench. Put them on the contrary and cut the boards so that the beautiful backs of the chairs served as a bench handles.

Designer wood

But these designer armchairs handmade from the Skeleton Rocking Chairs series worth $ 3,120 each was sold at auction. Rocking chairs in the form of realistic skeletons, which is called, an amateur. Not everyone will relax in the arms of the bony sympathy, except for extremals and fans of horror films.

If you need an original wall shelf, able to wake any angles, make it yourself! Project price - six boards.

Wall mirror, which turns into a folding table - a very comfortable thing in the house. And do it with your own hands is quite bye. You need two sheets of plywood 2 cm thick measuring 80 x 60, a mirror of 60 x 40, metal hinges - 4 pcs., Two hooks, acrylic varnish. On the perimeter of the plywood leaf measure 10 cm from the edge. In the corners drill the hole drill. Lobzik drink a rectangle drawn on the plywood. So we made a leg for a folding table, which will also serve as a mirror frame.

Now cover the tabletop and the leg of the Tool of acrylic varnish. Two metal hinges attach the foot of the folding table to the tabletop. Two more hinge at the opposite side of the other end of the table top so that the mirror can be hung on the wall. Down the mirror surface, exactly in the center of the table top, place the mirror. At its perimeter, get bilateral construction tape. Turn over the mirror and put on the worktop on the markup, which is used by the scotch. Loops on the table top attach to the wall. The leg on the table top is fixed with two hooks.

The artist from Australia Kornish Adam has come up with a hammock of puff plywood. Hanging design is 15 layers of birch plywood, between which rubber washers are located for depreciation.

No remarkable building pallets, as it turned out, inspires folk craftsmen infinitely fantasy on the topic of garden furniture.

Wooden utensils

To make a stand for knives in the form of a medieval knight, no expensive materials are required, the professional skills of working with the tree also do not need. Standard set, 15 mm birch plywood and patience - everything you need. The knight's figure consists of two identical sidewalls and one middle part, which are fastened with a glue and wooden spikes with a diameter of 6 mm. Holes under the spikes of the deaf, a depth of 8 mm. To keep the sharpening for the knives, take a 25x5 mm neodymium magnet. Cut the hole in the knight's helmet, in it is inserted into it, and on top - a plywood plug.

The knight's shield is collected from two identical details, the base of the stand is also. In the shield you need to make through rectangular holes for the hands of the knight, and at the base - for its legs. Then in the shield for specific knives available in your kitchen, slots are cut. The finished stand can be covered with varnish or paint acrylic paints.

A real working wooden excavator, no doubt, will cause delight from your children. A 83 cm long toy and 68 cm wide works on the principle of lever thrust. The product consists of two parts - support and cabin with a bucket. The bucket-shovel can be controlled by levers on a caproic rope. The base is a platform that rotates around its axis by 360 °. Load-counterweight supports design stability.

Even more original you can first spit in this article. Read as well, how to use and decor furniture. And this article will tell about the manufacture. Find out what our users do and get to know the drawings.

Good day. Today we begin to unload articles on the topic of crafts from the tree do it yourself. In this first article, I want to show you what simple crafts can be made from wood - both children and adults. Many ideas will fit for labor classes at school - for boys. Some ideas will fit for school competition crafts from natural material. Some wooden crafts will be able to become decoration of your cottage or yard. Here you will find a storehouse of inspiration and joy from anticipation of such interesting and easy work. In this article I will prove - what to do beautiful crafts from wood maybe each. Because here you will find simple and worships. Even a fragile woman with a manicure can take half of the crafts from this article. So - let's fall in love with wooden creativity.

Let's start with simple magic.

Tree + Sun.

Crafts that are glowing love.

Here are the simplest and cute country crafts from a tree. For a craft, you need a speaker of the log (ask when you cut the sawing with a grinder of firewood to make some thin sleeps). Or you can without drink - just take the board of any size.

In the tree we drill holes such a thickness so that a glass pebble bought in the store is entered. Such sets of multi-colored decorative glass stones are sold - in the gifts department, and in the department where candles, vases and everything for the decor of the holiday.

You can screw such holes with glass just in the board - and hang it on the apple tree. You can drill such holes in the fence - if the sun is at least once a day shines at a low angle.

That's very beautiful. Magically. As in the country of Fay. Your children will be delighted with such a craft from a tree.

Simple wooden crafts

from sleep logs.

If you have in the courtyard in the courtyard there is sawing logs on the firewood - you are lucky. You can freely gain invaluable diverse material. Ask men to cut to you flat sleeps, both from small logs and from large. Lovingly fold them away from the woods of firewood and start to come up with future crafts from the tree. For example, let it be wooden owls. It is done just and looks beautiful. Spies can be tipped to each other with nails. You can plant them on liquid nails (like glue).

The surface of the sleeps can be rude unusual (as in the photo with a craft bunnies). And you can pass out sandpaper and even coat with varnish such an intermediate material. Or paint the color you need.

From large sleeps, you can make large country crafts from the tree. And small logs (from thinner bans and logs) are suitable for miniature crafts - for example, such birds. Brying of such a thickness you yourself can be knocked out - manually, without chainsaws.

Spiles from the logs can become canvas for artistic installations. Such wooden crafts paintings can be made from any natural material. Go to the river and find smooth flat pebbles. They will become a source of interesting crafts. Stones are easily painted with markers, office fat markers or just a gouache (after work, fasten the gouache with a lacquer for hair, or nail polish).

And here is another way to make beautiful air crafts from wooden sleeps. Openwork end-to-end pumping of electric jib (photo with a maple leaf) looks simply magical.

Here is a small master class, from which it can be seen how the process of drinking openwork patterns on the thick heap of the tree is.

First, we will supply the stencil with a pencil. Then drill drill holes in key nodes of the pattern. And then the jigsion go from one holey knot to another.

You can come up with the device yourself which will help you drink products from wood with the help of a regular drill.Do it yourself make an electric jigsaw. Holding hands for comfortable handles You just move the device - following your drawing lines. The thinner the drill the smaller details of the picture you can cut them out. Perfectly invented.

Or it is possible buy electroballs - It stands on average 100 dollars. You can find and for 50 it is not on an industrial scale to work, so it is not necessarily a very powerful expensive tool to buy.

Mosaic crafts

From spirits thick branches.

If you have a boring wall of the shed right on you on the summer yard. That you need to make it disqual. Explain the Saratik using a craft from a tree. Do it applique Mosaic From wood spins small size. Such sleeps are obtained if you cook with hacksaw (or chainsaw) thick bows or thin logs.

Foundation Under such a craft from a tree, cut out of the sheet of plywood. First, we draw a silhouette of the future craft on it. We cut the plywood base with a manual logby or special power tool. And we stick wooden rounds on it - on liquid nails, on joinery glue or hot glue from a pistol.

And even at home you can make from sleep decorative frame for mirrors from wooden greek(master class in the photo below).

  1. Also buy a circular mirror. Put it on a sheet of plywood - to circle a pencil.
  2. Around the resulting circle, retreat several centimeters (on the width you want for the frame). And with this indentation to draw a second circle.
  3. Cut a large circle from plywood. And enclose the outer ring with spikes from the tree. It turns out a beautiful wooden dealing frame - it remains on liquid nails into the middle of the mirror.

Puff crafts

from wood.

This is probably my favorite view of a tree craft. Here, the boiled shields fall on his friend creating a puff volume of crafts.

Here is a drawing of a cow of three layers of a wooden shield. The first layer is the body, the second - head, the third - bangs and nose.

You can paint all the layers of your crafts in one color (as a craft polar bear from wood) or in different colors (like a craft mouse on the moon - photo below).

Or you can leave the factory pattern of the tree (as on the crafts with the photo below).

Wooden Lisa It has a two-layer design - a layer of the back, and the head and tail are stacked on it.

Slicer duck It has 5 layers - the central layer of head, and two layers on both sides (tummy + wing).

The more layers You will apply on each other, the volume and convex will be your craft. Here is an example with a craft "Lions from a tree" can be seen like put forward the face of the beastThanks to the four layers of the thick wooden board.

If you paint your crafts. Dorisupe a fairytale, add small parts - folds, stains and so on. You can get very realistic and expensive crafts from a tree. Your little hobby can be your business. Such work can be safely put up for sale.

You can invent your characters yourself. Patch on a sheet of paper of their layers. Increase the cradle first in the paper template - to translate the contours to the wooden shield and cut off. Or find pictures in a children's brazer - and redraw them in an enlarged amount.

Crafts from wood

For school at school

In class lesson.

Such puff crafts made of wood can not be cut out of thick shields, but from thin plywood sheet. And then such work can be carried out in labor classes within the framework of the school program. On the topic "Lobzik on plywood".

Here's the idea - how out of 3 plywood shields Make a two-color craft-puppy. The first top layer of white plywood peeps only the tips of the ears, tail and one rear paw. We will cover the second layer (so that it darkened). Eyes, nose and lines can be drawn with a marker, or burn a special device to burning on wood.

In the same technique of shields with different colors, you can make a lot of volumetric crafts from the tree in school lessons in school or in a circle of wooden creativity.

Crafts from wood

in the form of appliqué.

In a very similar technique, you can make an applique of wood. It also takes the basis of a wooden tree array board (that is, not glued shield, but a solid board). Because we will grind it, and the glue shield from grinding can fuse and glue seams will be visible.

  1. On the paper drawn all the future handicraft. Shares lines to the details. Each detail is numbered. And is photographed (to then check the location of each element in the photo).
  2. Next, the drawing is cut through the lines to the elements. Each element we circle on a pencil board. Drink element from flat board. All elements are flat on top, rude over the edges of the cut and with sharp edges of the saw.
  3. Now our task all edges of each detail smoothed, wrestral. We put the sharp edges of the sawing agent. And we are calculated on the grinding machine (if you have it) or we make grinding by hand with sandpaper of varying degrees of rigidity-roughness.
  4. After grinding all the details stain in the satellite veil (Sold in construction stores). Depending on how many times you wipe the Detail of the Morilka - you will get the tone lighter or darker. Very bright details can be wrapped in just vegetable oil. You can check in advance Shades of painting on tree trimming left after sawing crafts.

You can also collect the details of the crafts from the tree in watercolor or gouache(Using not a brush, but a foam sponge). After painting, the item does not pack your hands, you can sprinkle her hair lacquer or impregnate with a cracker with another turning maker for wood (only before trimming what color will be).

It only seemsWhat a cow (in the photo of a craft from a tree above) is located behind the moon. In fact, all the details are in the same plane. On a sheet of paper. But thanks to the streamlord of the edges of the parts - everything looks in bulk, soft and as if depressed in friend. In fact, nothing is pressed - everything is simply lying along with each other.

Ideas for such flat craft appliques from wood You can take inside children's bookkeeping books. There are just pictures with large details. Children's picture-rationa can be found in Google - zoom and print. Or redraw directly from the monitor screen, putting the paper sheet on the glowing screen.

Methods of pollovka details

for crafts from wood

(instructions to help).

So that it was easier to open smooth edges of the details, without rubbing the corns in your arms, I want to give a few useful tips.

You can clamp a sandy grinding tape in special vice, also chocated from wood. This is how it is done on the left photo below. Or come up with your version of the device.

Here on the left photo - sandpaper turns around a thick plate with a semicircular edge. And the edges of the emery paper are wrapped in the grooves, and clamping the bolt twisted through the round cylindrical wood-clamp.

Also there are grinding nozzles on the drill. And then you can make a silvism of parts using rotary power drills and magic power strength.

Here we see grinding nozzles on a drill - plate and drum form.

There are grinding devices for a drill, where you yourself can change Entround paper - remove the old screaming sand and refill a new one.

By the way, it is possible to buy on Aliexpress at once the grinding drums on a drill for 3-4 dollars per batch of 100 pieces. If you can look and cheaper to find.

And in order for the drill when working, you cannot create a special fastening structure in your hand, which fixes Your homemade grinding machine in one place, and all that you will remain to bring items to the grinding drum.

The design of the mounting pallet may be different, with a wooden clamp (photo above), or with a retainer in the form of a metal bracket (as in the photo below).

With such an assistant to make crafts from wood with their own hands - one pleasure. Quickly nice and immediately beautiful the result. Such work can be put on the flow - and establish a whole manufacture of beautiful wooden (smooth and safe) toys for children, gift wooden paintings.

You can become a successful master. Completely unexpected for himself. That's so simple, looking at this article and falling in love with the idea.

Fantasy wooden craft is limitless. Remember the success formula - everything can be done from the tree. The main thing to start ... then continue ... and finish.

For example, puffing toys. Beautiful fun and for children and to decorate cottages. Such a hammer or woodpecker can knock on your door, reporting a guest on the porch. As in the fairy tale, you can drown for the rope, and you will open the door.

You can do your own decorations for the children's room. In essence, reincarnate and become a designer of interesting interior crafts from a tree. Any boy will be happy if his children's room will play with the jungle motifs.

You know ... I will probably continue the theme of wooden crafts for the design of the children's room in one of the following articles. I want to see what ideas are glowing here. And fall in love with someone in this good thing.

And also, perhaps, you need to create an article with wood toys for children - handmade. Also need to write. And then it will earn link.

In the meantime continue ...

Crafts from wood

and throwing material.

Where do future crafts live? .... Old half-satiest boards. For example, from grandmother's fence. Which usually go on firewood or exported from the yard as an extra garbage. Stop. Let's not throw them out. Run in this heap and create something wonderful - do it yourself from the tree.

Wooden mop-brush, if you cut it in half - turns into a mouth of an evil pp. A little fantasy and work. And now the service dog has grown and rocks on you.

Elegant artistic design. Tree and throwing material.

Any throw material (hardware, plastics) and old woods can populate your house with fabulous characters. They are alive. They have a soul and their own story.

Crafts from wood

Intense beauty.

Displaced veneer , from old furniture shields, quietly reacted in your Saraike - can also be a source for craft appliqués from a tree.

From this thin woody material It is possible to cut the details of the future craft right scissors and stick on hot gun glue (or on joinery glue).

And instead of a veneer, you can use a thin birch bark. And also make interesting flat crafts from the tree.

Crafts from wood

(lamps, firewood and bark)

Ordinary firewood from your lunite can become a source of inspiration for wooden crafts to the cottage.

If the round is crawled to cut down the painter, then you get a figurine with a person turned to you. It remains only to draw this face, add the elements of the eyes, ears, nose to it.

You can fold the body of the animal from the lanes and round chumbs. Churbans will be legs and laminated back. You can do the head from the round sleeve a small log. Or sleep the ax The face to the desired form from the same is full as the body of your four-legged trees from the tree.

Show fantasy, do not stop before a difficult task. Squirrel from a tree or a snail from the lane - there is nothing complicated. We turn on the head and sense of humor - it will tell the most ridiculous, but effective ways to convey the delicate image of the animal using a coarse tree and another natural material.

You can work with a chainsaw or ax - drinking or shining your craft from a tree. You can make such pretty pigs with your own hands as a funny craft from a tree to the cottage.

And in the thickets of shrub, you can put a beautiful proud deer - too, a simple and fast craft of wood and branches.

Wooden crafts

from the chip from the village.

It happens that when the cutting of firewood, a figured big chip is chopped off. This church often has a bizarre form - already similar to something (bird, panther, face profile). You need such a gift of fate carefully to put aside in order to return to him and complete the cradle, started by nature. Something to cut a knife, to allocate paint, stick something like an additional part. And it turns out an exercise from the tree with their own hands - beautiful and original.

These ideas managed to find me for masters of wooden creativity.

Now you can also make beautiful crafts from wood with your own hands. Especially since this article is only the first of the cycle on the topic of wooden craftswhich are understandable and easy to do at home. You probably already fell in love with some ideas and fulfill their determination - I hold the cams for you - let everything get out best. And your handicraft from the tree will enjoy your whole family pile.

Handy crafts from various materials is an excellent opportunity for creative identity development, upbringing aesthetic taste and, of course, a reason for pride. If you wish, you can create a lot of useful items to decorate the interior. Consider how to make crafts from wood with your own hands with drawings.

Original ideas of experienced masters

For a long time, wood has been and remains the most widely used material in the construction and finishing of the premises. Many of us after repair in the house or apartment there are pieces of bars of various thicknesses, trimming plywood or laminate and other so-called construction trash. But all this can be used. For example, how most of us spend your free time?

It's time to part with your four-legged sofa, turn off the TV and show fantasy, blow away the dust from abandoned tools, rebuild the bores stored in the storage room, and to do, in the end, something useful or beautiful, feeling yourself with the Creator and the artist. So what can be made of wood? If you still have not visited creative ideas, we offer to warm up to use our:

  • You can make a frame for a picture or embroidery from cropping laminate and braid residues.
  • The wooden box is the perfect option for storing all the trivia, jewelry or jewelry.
  • Treat your son with a new fascinating desktop game called Pinball. By the way, this is a good reason to hold time along with your son.

  • Make a chair from one boards with a minimum of tools. And his name is relevant - minimalist.

  • From the well-known pallet or pallet, you can create a real suspended masterpiece. No, not a bridge, of course, but a chair in the form of a swing is something that was so lacked on your summer cottage.

Go to the practical embodiment of our fantasies. Let's start with the younger generation. We offer to make a gift for the kitchen for mom. It will be a stand in the form of fish under your favorite mother's mug.

Necessary materials:

  • a piece of plywood size no less than 10 * 10 cm;
  • wooden rails 0.5 * 1 * 15 cm - 3 pcs.;
  • hacksaw or jigsaw;
  • a hammer;
  • small nails.

Process description:

If you increase the size of the blanks, then you can make a stand for a frying pan or pan. As you can see, it is quite simple to create homemade crafts made of wood with your own hands, especially according to the drawings.

Mastery Organizer for country interior

Now make a craft from a tree with your own hands for giving. This product will help bring order on your desk and will decorate the interior in a cozy corner at the cottage, where you can have a quiet summer evenings, you can write a bestseller. We present the organizer for stationery from the remains of DVP.

Necessary materials:

  • dVP residues with a thickness of 0.65 cm;
  • wooden strips of walnut in 1 cm thick;
  • brass screws - 5 pcs.;
  • brass hooks - 3 pcs.;
  • pVA glue;
  • small nails;
  • white wood paint;
  • varnish, polyrolol;
  • tool processing tool.

Process description:

Tree crafts are a wonderful decision, thanks to which you easily decorate your interior with an ease, because they are able to make sophistication to the familiar setting. Decorative products made of wood do not cease to be in fashion, because they are very appreciated by their aesthetic species and unique beauty of natural wood.

This craft came to us from the distant past, it was from those times when our ancestors were pulled out and invented many beautiful and useful items made of natural wood.

To all, I would like to add that this time there is a mass of tools that significantly facilitate this occupation. The original trees made from the tree made personally, can become an amazing and pleasant gift for your loved ones and relatives.

What is it worth starting so exciting and useful occupation?

To begin with, we advise you to study the elementary instructions and drawings for crafts from the tree and then start this interesting things. This will also require some materials. Perhaps every home has non-demand wooden boards, fiberboard or chipboard. Otherwise, you will have to purchase them in a construction supermarket.

Simple drawings of crafts for beginners

If you live in the country or in a country house, then in any in your site, or near, trees are defined. Wood is an incredibly universal natural material, with which you can independently create a sufficient amount of useful things and decorative souvenirs.

There is a lot of master classes on the crafts from the tree, who will introduce you to all the subtleties in the process of working with wood. And they will pump you to a huge number of ideas that can be easily implemented with ease.

What will be required to start

A small sheet of plywood or other pressed wood chips, electric jigsaw, grinding machine (you can do and grinding paper, this process will take more time, but it is less expensive), high-quality glue, a simple pencil.

We listed the most basic tools that will be needed in any case, despite the way you are going to do. We bring to your attention a photo of a tree crafts in the form of a bird feeder ...

Universal craft from a tree, from which, perhaps, many are facing - this is a feeder for birds. This is a very useful thing that attracts your decorative decoration and at the same time benefits a winged.

Its service life may be long, if you pre-treat with special protective equipment (varnish, veneer, paint), which will be protected from the external environment. This lesson is very fascinating, so you can make it with children, because it will cause them a real delight, and will lead the true feeling to create good.

In addition to this useful thing, you can make other decorative crafts that will become an impressive decoration for your garden. For example: Owl, will be a pleasant decoration at the entrance.

From small twigs of trees, you can create a subframe for photos, which can later serve as a pleasant surprise for an expensive person.

Cute little things can also be mastered from the bark of various breeds of trees (oak, ash, acacia, chestnut, birch).

An interesting decision will be - to build decorative magnets on the fridge from the tree bark. This original idea will not leave anyone indifferent.

A classic option for crafts from a tree is plywood. From her, without much effort, you can cut any animal, subsequently coloring it with bright colors. This method will help you together with children will unite, and do such an entertaining business.

From durable wooden rails, you can make it possible to make children's swings in the garden, beautiful decorative fences for small parisades. Spit tree by half rings about a height of 60-80 centimeters, you will provide yourself and your loved ones, real chairs - foams for a pleasant stay in the garden.

Do not be afraid to experiment, create, let the will of fantasy, and you will certainly get everything!

Stock Foto Crafts from wood

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