How can you destroy Borschevik on the site forever. Effective methods to combat Borshevik on the site

The buildings 04.03.2020
The buildings

The fight against Borshevik is pleasant in appearance, but a very dangerous pest plant, today in Russia is under national scale. Farm farms, and the rules of settlements are trying to get rid of it, in which the shoots of this plant appear. But what to do, if a tubular barrel look like a giant umbrella appeared on your summer cottage or an inadequate area and threatens to quickly capture most of its territory?

Search the most effective method of processing owners of private possessions usually begin on the Internet forums. And here the funds, with which the garden can be defended, are mentioned very different. That's just on the question: how to deal with Borschevik Sosnovsky, all these recommendations are not responding. And the garden and the garden in the meantime risk becoming to turn into a field of combat operations, where the "traveling" seed and poisonous evaporations are easily on the plant, which can cause significant harm to health. And, in the absence of experience and special funds, to bring a dangerous green enemy for a very long time.

How to recognize the source of danger?

Before you begin fighting Borschevik in the country area, you should make sure the botanical affiliation of the found vegetation to this form. The plant, referred to as the beautiful Latin term Heraclum, really has a hebules power and is able to quickly capture the impressive area of \u200b\u200bthe territory. But the main danger in this case, as the struggle against Borschevik, is not at all his fertility. The fact is that this is a plant, externally similar to a giant harmless dill, is extremely poisonous.
Moreover, it can crack to 5 m in height, and the inflorescences diameter can reach 1 m. Accompanied by a weed blossom is a very pleasant aroma. But with him a poison that can cause nausea, vomiting and loss of consciousness. And the main danger of the plant is for allergies - during contact with toxin, they can develop a larynx swelling, causing choking.

Dangerous contact: What should I avoid?

What is the way to fight Borshevik? Specialists of the company "Eco-processing" warn:

Do not try to cope with a dangerous plant "bare hands". As soon as contact with the open areas of the human body occurs when sunlight enters extensive burns, redness and formation on the surface of the skin of the discarded bubbles filled with liquid. The brighter skin and extensive contact with poisonous secretions, the more dangerous consequences may be.

Before proceeding with the process of combating Borschevik in the country area, it is necessary to acquire a special protective suit and respirator. Not closing faces, you can get the burns of the mucosa of the eye, nose and mouth. It is important to take into account that just snatching with the root even a young weed is unlikely to succeed. And as the thick trunk increases, it will be difficult to even cut - it becomes as strong over time.

Review of our client: With Borschevik first faced last year. At first, I was not given the importance, but then the mother-in-law received serious burns, and we ourselves were afraid to destroy him. Thanks to your dispatchers for understanding, and masters for the operational processing of the site. I forgot about the problem, as if it was not. Work very well.

It is worth noting that the seeds separated throughout the territory preserve the ability to give germination for 15 years. And in the first year, the green pig is gives, on average, just over 20% of seeds. Accordingly, the struggle against the plant in this case will remind the war with windmills.

Soil Mulching - Video

Can I handle yourself?

To understand how to deal with Borshevik in the country area effectively, it is necessary to show an integrated approach to the case. For example, among the measures that can give results can be noted:

Does the chemical effects help herbicides?

When all "folk" funds are exhausted, the time of "heavy artillery" comes. But, before starting processing against Borshevik Sosnovsky with special chemicals, it is important to consider that the plant has an impressive resistance and can safely transfer contact with the pesticides Without special damage for his "health." This is due to the fact that the household group of drugs is not too toxic and most often involves the use of the same substances to which the green pest is easily adapted.

Review of our client: We have Borschevik Sosnovsky periodically appeared on the site. But until recently they coped with their own. And then missed the moment, and the umbrellas died the meter for two. They themselves saw them were afraid, they called specialists from "Eco-processing". Firm prices are available, leave the city. Satisfied with cooperation. If necessary, we will be happy to contact again.

Moreover, if it is not about a single case, but about the extensive lesion of the site, one-time spraying may be simply insufficient for effective destruction of the plant. So, if you choose the chemical method of struggle, it is worth taking care that the tools applied to the "addressee" in full.

How do professionals act?

How to get rid of Borshevik Sosnovsky in the country area most effectively? Just trust the performance of work by professionals and get an impressive result in the shortest possible time. Experts will study the territory, denoting the front of the work. You will select the most efficient and safe drugs. If necessary, develop a set of measures that include not only a chemical, but also mechanical impact. And also carry out processing as soon as possible, securing the possible negative impact of the inhabitants of the site. Upon completion of the work, the Master will offer a set of recommendations that can protect against the re-appearance of a malicious plant on the site.

Processing from Borshevik - promptly and efficiently

The company "Eco-processing" offers its customers a whole range of services for the destruction of a malicious plant. Our wizards will provide an operational arrival at the destination, do not be afraid of the extensive spread of dangerous weed, will give the opportunity to breathe freely and move around the territory of the site without feet. Want to make sure of their professionalism on personal experience? Contact our dispatcher to get all the necessary information about the services provided in full.

We work both in Moscow and with departure in the suburbs, we work with the conclusion of an official treaty and always find optimal solutions for problems with weed plants. The herbicides used are used, fully safe for animals, humans and cultural plants.

How to get rid of weeds on the plot - video

Borshevik came up with scientists who, in principle, pursued peaceful goals - to provide horned food. Everything went well, the cows liked this grass, but only the milk acquired the opposite taste and smell. This plant came to us, according to one of the versions, from the Caucasus, on the other, from America.

But the fact that the plant is difficult to win and is growing, it is more than the weeds, it became for everyone a surprise ...

Features Borshevik:

  • the plant grows very quickly - 10 cm per day
  • seeds can be trimmed on cut off umbrellas, so they need to immediately burn them
  • if you have grown on this fluffy flower on the site - next year wait for a big family, because the plant is a lively and self-pollen
  • borshevik grows 8 years
  • kosti Borshevik is useless
Methods of combating Borshevik:
  • The practice of many people showed that the scattering of the result does not give at all. The rest circle and wait a certain point, then umbrellas are cut and burned - helps, but not very. Another part, losing the strength and faith in success, kill the plant with herbicides (it is very harmful to soil and plants nearby) ...
  • borshevik can be digging. The occupation is long and tutorial, especially if it divorced him. Roots can leave enough deep into the ground and kidney can remain on them - future plants. If it happened - wait for the addition.
  • It is very strange why people turn away from folk remedies. Our ancestors were far from fools and at one time came up with a great many useful things that help us greatly in our time. It also applies to Borshisov.
This method, of course, will take time if you have already formed thicket, but really effective. Acetic acid will come to the rescue. You may first cut umbrellas, and then pour the acid into the tube, but keep in mind that you can shed, breathe yourself, etc. In our opinion, the best method is:


Acid is recruited in the syringe and the plant makes an injection, in the stepless of the stem and closer to the top. It is proved that the seeds after that no longer mature and the root system of the plant dies.

The second method is also effective, but only if Borschevik started at your site

Borshevik need the sun. He dies without him. We just need to close it from the Sun - on the year and he dies.

If Borshevik on the field

If you have fields and on them fields of Borshevik, you can take advantage of the experience of the Baltic farmers. There, they sit down to Borscheviks even more aggressive plants that displacing them. For example, "Kozswall" (he is the "Galley Dosage"), or "fireless fire".

Borshevichny mole

If you have a garden on the site to which Borschevik approached, in no case use the "Borshevichny mole". These creatures will first honestly eate the weed umbrellas, and then go to cultivated plants.

Borshevik needs to be destroyed around


In sunny weather or when Borschevik has already matured, it is impossible to approach it. Because besides the juice of poisonous, he has evaporation.

You must be completely dressed in a suitful suit that does not pass the material of the material, on the face a protective mask. Places where rubber gloves intersect the jacket wrap scotch.

If all the same juice hit the skin:

  • rinse the damaged part of the body with soapy water;
  • impose a napkin, moistened with furaticillin, half an hour;
  • lubricate "Panthenol" and close the bandage or plaster to protect against sunlight;
  • take antihistamine drug
  • do not appear in the sun! (close the scene of the burn with a dense cloth)
If suffered mucous - Immediately rinse with water with the household soap and immediately to the doctor.

Borshevik - Malicious weed, which lightning can displace cultural plants and turn the plot into impassable poisonous jungle. The weed juice contains toxic substances that cause strong burns. Get rid of Borshevik on the plot is difficult, but maybe. For this, the gardeners resort to different ways and as a result they save a plot from malicious weed.

Features of the fight against Borshevik Sosnovsky

So that Borschevik did not become the master of the household site, it is necessary to know the varietal features of the plant and how to get rid of it.

There are the following weed varieties:

  1. Wild Borschevik grows in the southern regions and foothills. Adult copy reaches 2 m.
  2. The view of the Sosnovsky - one-year culture, reaches a height of up to 3 m. It grows on a well-lit place, along the roads, on the fields and household plots. Inflorescences are large, painted in a snow-white or gentle pink color.

  3. Mantaggatsi is the most dangerous look. The height of the adult Borshevik can reach 6 m. In large quantities, the view can be found in the Caucasus and in the southern regions. Huge inflorescences of umbrellas are painted white. After flowering on 1, the flower ripens up to 70,000 seeds, which extend to long distances by the wind and insects.

  4. Siberian - safe weed, which is distributed throughout Russia. The plant is small, forms the inflorescences of green or canary umbrellas.

Important! A safe species can be attributed to the Borshevik dissected, growing in Siberia, and a shaggy, growing in the Crimea.

Discern the Borschevik in varieties is difficult, but poisonous species can be recognized in appearance:

  • the plant reaches 2 m or more;
  • sheet plate is wide and large, and the edges of the tangible and rough;
  • the stem is covered with a small flush with lilac strings.

Borshevik Sosnovsky is a poisonous, which is common, reaching a height of 3 m. In the growing season, the plant increases the powerful above-ground part and produces large snow-white or pink inflorescences. Self-pollined culture, on one flower can ripen from 20,000 to 70,000 seeds. If we can not get rid of the weed, it can float the entire area and spread to long distances.

To get rid of Borschevik, you need to know that it loves and does not tolerate this culture:

  1. Borshevik does not multiply vegetatively - the above-ground part does not appear if all sleeping kidneys are removed on the rhizome.
  2. Lives from 2 to 15 years, but fruiting comes once in life. Therefore, if you take the right tactics, you can stop further development.
  3. Borshevik prefers to grow in a sunny place, but do not tolerate strong soil moistening.
  4. Poisonous culture safely tolerate drought and severe frosts.

Since Borschevik adapted to unfavorable conditions from it you can get rid of the complex of events:

  • chemical;
  • agrotechnical;
  • mechanical;
  • biological.

How to destroy Borschevik forever

Get rid of Borshevik is very difficult, but perhaps. There are different ways to destroy weed grass. They are effective, and with the right conduct you can forever get rid of Borshevik on the plot.

Digging or scraping

You can get rid of Borshevik by digging. The method is effective, but labor-intensive. It is better to conduct a digging procedure in the late spring or in early June, while Borschevik has not released inflorescences. Since Borshevik root powerful and go deep into the earth, they need to extract them with a sharp bayonet shovel. For this, the soil is dug, blinding the roots, and gently pull out a young sprout behind the stem. If the root broke down, then you need to die again and try to remove all the rhizome, since sleeping kidneys can be preserved in a small part, which will eventually wake up and be in growth.

Important! Since the stem and leaves contain a poison that can cause a burn, work should be carried out in rubber gloves.

Spacing are carried out if a poisonous culture took most of the household plot. Getting rid of Borshevik in the country are beginning until the first inflorescences appear. The first turning is carried out in the spring, during the appearance of sprouts, the further procedure is carried out systematically once a month.

After the mowing, the above-ground part will quickly grow, so the wratching must be combined with other ways of struggle, for example, using herbicides or folk agents.

Important! Cut shoots and dug rhizomes are folded into the bag and burned. The young folia can be embedded in compost, since the plant contains a rich chemical composition, it is often compared with manure.

Plow and dispensing

This method is very laborious and suitable for empty areas. The procedure is carried out several times per season:

  • in early May, after the appearance of sections, there is a rescue with subsequent cut;
  • after every month only disking is carried out.

Thus, you can destroy even large plantations of Borschevik on the site and engage in favorite work next year.


Since Borschevik is a light-loving culture, the absence of the Sun leads to her death. You can get rid of Borshevik only if you follow certain rules:

  1. At the beginning of the spring, the plot plow.
  2. Prepared soil is covered with geopologo at least 100 g per 1 square meter. m.
  3. The material is pressed by a 3-5-centimeter soil layer.
  4. In the soil driving a hinting mixture of grass (1 kg per hundred).

At the end of the season, lawn grass appears, which destroys Borshevik on the site. This method is bad because after 2-3 years it is impossible to use a plot for growing vegetables and berries. During this time, while the seeds do not lose their germination, only the mowing of grass is carried out.

Faster to destroy Borschevik Sosnovsky will help black polyethylene with a density of at least 100 micrometers. Air and moisture does not pass through it, so the seeds quickly lose their germination. Get rid of Borshevik as follows:

  1. At the beginning of the summer, shoots stick.
  2. The film is stretched along the site and pressed stones or sand bags.
  3. Purpose material is left for a year.
  4. Next season, the film is removed, and the site is drunk.

This method is effective in that in the first year the roots with sleeping kidneys die, and the next year, shoots that appeared from seeds cease growth and development due to the lack of moisture, air and sunlight.

Protecting inflorescence

If the time is missed, and the poisonous culture revealed the inflorescence-umbrella, then the peroxide and mulching will no longer help. To prevent reproduction with seeds, buds and inflorescences are removed manually. For this, rubber gloves are put on, clamp the inflorescences with the hand and cut off with a sharp knife or sickle under the base. Cut flowers are folded into the bag and burn.

Important! Cut inflorescences for compost are not used, as the seeds retain the germination for 5 years.


This method is dangerous and comes only for a large plot when Borschevik appeared far from buildings and fruit-berry plantations. Get rid of Borshevik as follows:

  1. Green mass and ground around it are poured with gasoline or liquid to ignite the campfire. During the combustion, it is necessary to ensure that the fire does not spread to a large distance, and, in the event of rapid growth, to seduce it with a jet of water.
  2. After burning Borshevik, the area is dripped and throwing fresh ground. On this land, agronomists do not recommend landing vegetables and fruit and berry cultures over 1 year.


You can get rid of Borshevik using chemicals. This method is used only in cases where other methods are not effective.

To destroy Borshevik use the following means:

  1. Roundapt. The drug is used in the initial stage of the growing season. For the removal of Borshevik is quite single application. To do this, 120 g of the drug is separated in the water bucket. Thoroughly stirred and poured into the garden sprayer. Treatment is carried out in the morning hours and windless weather. Consumption of the working solution - 5 l per 100 square meters. Since the Roundaptop drug may harm the body, the spraying of the Borshevik is carried out in the respirator or a marlay bandage.

  2. Tornado-500. At the beginning of the summer, Borschevik sprayed once with a solution prepared as follows: 50 ml of the drug is diluted in 3 liters of water. Per 100 sq. M. M consumption 2 liters of medication.

  3. Hurricane forte. Borshevik spray in sunny weatherless weather, once. In the bucket of water, 90 ml of the drug are separated. Per 100 sq. M. M consumption up to 3 liters of solution.

  4. Sprut-extra for a single spraying of Borshevik and the soil near it. In the bucket of water dissolve 84 ml of the drug. Per 100 sq. M. M use at least 3 liters of working solution.

Important! When using chemicals, security rules must be followed.

All of the above preparations contain glysophosphate, so cooked solutions do not harm insect pollinators and warm-blooded animals. But the treatment can harm the growing cultures, therefore, with a minor defeat, the weed is better not to spray, but to apply a solution with a wide painting brush.

Plants Remediators

Also on the household site, which became a home for Borschevik, you can sow remidiatric plants. It is best to use seeds of fast-growing cereal and legume crops. Also, to get rid of the weed, it will be quite good to plan the potatoes or Topinambourg.

Important! These plants will not only help get rid of Borshevik, but also enrich the soil necessary macro and microelements.

Experienced gardeners for personal experience know that raspberry bushes will help to get rid of Borshevik. This berry culture has powerful branched roots that occupy a large space and impede seed germination.

Natural enemies

Borshevichny mole - a winged insect, which quickly eats a poisonous weed. But before launching an assistant to the garden, you need to know that the mole will not only help get rid of the weed, but also destroy all umbrella garden crops.

How to bring Borschevik from the site by folk methods

To get rid of the Borschevik plant, many gardeners resort to folk remedies.

Treatment of the site with salt

In places where Borschevik grows, they scatter salt and carry deep loosening. By 1, the messenger meter consumes at least 1.5-2 kg of large salts. The method is effective, but not safe. After such treatment, the soil will not be suitable for growing vegetable, berry and decorative crops.

Acetic Essence

There are several ways to use acid:

  1. After removing the umbrella into the stem tube pour vinegar. After a short period of time, the acid will start its action and destroy the weed.
  2. Also acetic essence can also be typed in the syringe and enter the acid into the tissue of the plant. After such a procedure, the plant does not bloom and die quickly.
  3. You can prepare a special solution to get rid of Borshevik. To do this, 1 liters of vinegar are mixed in 1 liter of water, 2 liter of citric acid, 50 ml of alcohol and 4 hours of detergent. Everyone is thoroughly mixed and poured into the garden sprayer. The cooked solution spray the weed in the morning weatherless weather.

Important! Acetic solution must be used very carefully, since when spraying it can harm vegetable and fruit-berry cultures. To protect the garden from death, it is better to mock the weed, the roots are frustrated, and the soil shed acetic essence.

Combined Methods

A good result gives such a combination:

  1. Early spring, after the appearance of germs, weed is treated with herbicides.
  2. A month later, it is plowing and disinteging.
  3. If, after the manipulations conducted, single shoots appear, then the 2 top points are repeated throughout the season, with intervals of the month.

You can also combine mulching with sowing remidiators. After removing the black shelter, the plowed ground is covered with a goat, mustard, cereal or legumes. After germination, the grass will help not only get rid of weed on the plot, but also restore the structure of the soil.

What to do when dealing with Borshevik:

  1. You can not make a weed after the disclosure of the inflorescence. Since the flooded seeds, even in immature form, infect the soil even more.
  2. All beveled and cut parts of the plant are mandatory. The stem contains a large amount of nutrients that have enough for the ripening of seeds.
  3. During the disposal of Borshevik, it is necessary to observe security measures.

Safety in the destruction of Borshevik

While getting rid of Borshevik, security measures must be observed:

  1. Working with chemicals is better to spend in the respirator and glasses, in the morning hours, in a glad weather.
  2. Since the plant is poisonous, the cutting is better to make in rubber gloves and water-mounted clothes. The juice quickly absorbs into the fabric and under the influence of sunlight can cause a skin burns.
  3. When making Borschevik, it is impossible to use manual motocos and trimmers, as the crushed grass, from which it is difficult to defend, is scattered in all directions.

Borshevik is a poisonous plant and when it is destroyed, the precautions must be observed. But if the juice got on the skin, then in the open sun, it causes burns. If skin covers blushed and a small itching appeared, then emergency measures need to be carried out:

  1. The affected area is washed with warm soapy water.
  2. The sterile napkin is wetted with furacilin and applied to the affected area.
  3. After 30 minutes, the panthenol preparation is applied to the scene and closed with a marry bandage.
  4. Antihistamine preparations (Tuevel, Supratine) are taken to eliminate itching.

Important! If Borschevik inflicted strong burns, then it is mandatory to contact a specialist for help.

An alternative way to combat harmful weed is to appeal to special services. The price of the destruction of Borshevik varies, depending on the area and the degree of thickening.


Each Ogorodnik wants to see his homeland, beautiful and safe, but there are cases when a poisonous weed appears on the site, which can harm health. Checked methods will help to get rid of Borshevik on the site. By choosing the most appropriate method, you can forever forget about malicious weed and about the problems that it can cause.

The fight against Borshevik is becoming increasingly relevant, especially given the latest changes in our legislation. And in general, the questions of the destruction of Borshevik worry many owners of land and country sites. After all, getting rid of a poisonous plant turned out to be very difficult, Borschevik is a very powerful and alive weed. What realistic workers to combat poisonous weed exist and how to get rid of Borshevik - in this article.

How not to do

Be sure to protect the open areas of the body and especially the eyes of the possible hit of the Borshevik juice. It's really very and very dangerous!

During preparation for the fight against Borshevik on the selected area, it is necessary to allocate a pre-buffer zone. She will prevent new seeds on the processed area and if this is not done - it will be almost useless to fight Borshchevik. If you wondered how to fight with a Borshevik on your own summer cottage - then check what happens around the site. If the Borschevik rose close to him closely, let them eat them so as to leave the buffer with a width of at least 6-10 meters. It will raise the chances of bringing the Borshevik from the site will still succeed. Do not forget that the seeds of Borschevik are scattered from flowering adults for considerable distances.

If you have a section of neighbors under your nose, the neighbors with thickets of Borshevik - it is better to agree with the owners of thickets on joint activities for its destruction, since the seeds of the neighboring weed can easily be on your site.

In no case mow the Borshevik by electrical and mechanical instruments, since the poisonous grass has blurred by knives will fly away in all directions and affect unprotected parts of the body. In this case, even the usual overalls may not cope with its task, as particles with poisonous juice will fly away with acceleration. Kosite Borshevik solely manually and necessarily using protective agents. Also keep in mind that especially Borshevik poisonous and filled with juice during the flowering and ripening of seeds!

Useless or almost useless methods of fighting Borshevik

Given the features of Borschevik and its strengths and weaknesses, it is obvious that most of the standard ways to combat weeds can immediately cut off due to their uselessness. Analyze them with us and you will never be able to engage in useless and dangerous works to eradicate Borshevik, and immediately choose the effective ways to destroy.

Circuit of St Bear

Skinking Borshevik

Absolutely useless way to fight due to the fact that Borshevik will grow very quickly again. There are examples of this method of extermination of Borshevik - as a multiple screaming, however, people faced the fact that weed continues to grow perfectly both in the current year and the next year.

Rocking should be applied only as a preliminary stage with a strengthened method of combating poisonous grass or to organize a buffer zone, or to prevent the dish. Either as a preliminary preparation for the flooring of geopolite and substitution in this way Borshevik new plants (see below).

Manual cutting of stacking

This is an extremely labor cost procedure that implies a root cut from each Borshevik at a depth of at least 10-15 cm from the soil surface. The fact is that the Borschevik torture is very difficult (its roots germinate on a very large depth). But you can trim the root of the shovel at a depth, so as not to leave the kidney at the root (and if you leave, they will quickly grow again). Not only is it a very time-consuming and long process, it also does not guarantee the getting rid of Borshevik (do not forget about the seeds in the soil), therefore, as an independent method, it can be safely attributed to inefficient methods of struggle. The exception will be the fight against single-standing copies of Borshevik.

Borshevik burning is dangerous!

Mulching with hay or no chick

Powering methods for the destruction of Borshevik using hay or nonwoven materials are too soft methods. Thus, to remove the Borschevik will not work and need something more serious. For example, a black dense polyethylene dense film or geopolite (see below).


It is useless and dangerous to burn a giant grass of Borshevik, since the seeds are already dropped into the soil. Effectively burn (extremely cautiously) by combustible substances of young. However, due to the fact that Borshevik has a very serious seed bank, which is contained in the soil - alone burning the young rigor to destroy the grass is also unrealistic. Therefore, this method must be combined with events to further combat seed germination (see working methods of struggle below).

Protecting inflorescence

As we already understood - this method also need to combine with further measures to prevent seed germination. However, circumcision of inflorescence makes it possible not to give Borshevik to multiply the number of offspring. Do not forget to work in protective clothing and carry and burn inflorescence, without giving the seeds to ripen and get into the ground.

Methods that have proven their effectiveness

Herbicide treatment

One of the popular herbicides - Roundap

One of the effective ways to get rid of Borshevik on the plot is the chemical treatment of plants, which greatly simplifies the task. Many owners of country sites doubt the safety of this method, but herbicides to combat perennial plants (including Borschevikov) are low toxic and bio decomposed. In addition, from the point of view of effectiveness, herbicides is one of the best ways to combat Borshevik, and sometimes without it without him. However, to decide of course to you.

To destroy Borschevik Sosnovsky most often used chemicals based on glyphosate. The most popular chemicals for the fight against perennial weeds are a round and its counterparts (tornadoes, spruit, hurricane), as well as preparations such as a grader, buran, grade, etc. Not all used drugs are produced on the basis of glyphosate, so be careful. The selected drug and features of a particular land plot determine the dose, processing time from Borshevik and its frequency.

Glifosate is a weakly toxic herbicide. When complying with all technological dosages, it is considered safe for humans, animals, birds, fish, and even insects. He does not have an unpleasant smell, and it is quickly destroyed to natural compounds and does not pollute the environment (relatively, of course). Therefore, this herbicide experts consider the work option to fight Borschevik. However, it is still a toxic chemical preparation, to refer to which you need carefully.

The treatment of Borshevik herbicides Next (parts depending on the specific drug - carefully read on its packaging or in the instructions, since different drugs may contain not the same active substances at different concentrations):

  • Drag the drug according to the specified dosage in a special capacity. Explore - in what capacity you can breed a specific drug. For example, glyphosate-based preparations cannot be used galvanized containers, the plastic is mainly used, and aluminum containers or stainless steel are suitable.
  • Treatment of Borshevik is carried out in warm windless weather, not involving rain in the coming hours. Treat leaves from a spray gun so that they become wet. If possible, you also process the leaves and from the reverse side. Make sure that most of the Borshevic leaves have been treated evenly. It is important that the area of \u200b\u200bthe treated leaves amounted to at least 70%
  • A month after the first processing, it is necessary to check whether the effect of measures carried out with chemicals is. If most plants wished and began to die - this is a good result. However, a new booster of Borshevik may also appear next to the processed plants. In this case, it is necessary to get rid of it or by re-chemical processing or manual removal of Borshevik.
  • If the processing of herbicides from Borshevik did not give the result or it is insignificant - then you need to understand why it happened. It may be prepared too weak solution, or not well sprayed. Also during spraying, too much makeup could carry the wind or wash off the rain after processing.
  • After another month, we carry out a re-verification and, if necessary, re-processing. So, in several approaches you can withdraw the Borschevik from the processed area.

If Borschevik designer - treatment with herbicides

Important moment. The effect of glyphosate herbicides can be seen no earlier than in 2-3 weeks, which is why the control check is carried out about a month after the treatment of Borshevik.

The fight with the help of herbicides can be started with the advent of the first leaf in spring and including the flowering phase of the plant. The best period can be considered - the end of May - the beginning of June, since you get rid of yourself from spraying high thickets of Borshevik, which is much more difficult and more dangerous.

Do not forget precautions: Be sure to protect the skin surface, the respiratory tract, both from the chemical composition and from the poisonous juice and harmful evaporation.

Herbicides based on glyphosate do not affect the seeds! Therefore, remember that the processing will affect only one generation of Borshevik, most likely the next year of the weed will appear next year. Therefore, in order to get rid of Borshevik on the site forever - use seeds of treated land by seeds of replacement crops. This is necessary so that the plants be able to oust the Borshevik finally and did not give it to return in the former scale.

Purchase method of struggle

At the heart of this method of combating Borschevik Sosnovsky lies the idea that if you deprive the plant of sunlight, it will soon die, since vital processes will cease to occur in it. As a material with which it is possible to reliably deprive the light such a powerful plant as Borshevik, it is necessary to use a black light-tight film (thickness from 100 microns).

Film from Borshevik should be thick - from 100 μm

As usual - to fight the Borshevik on the summer site should be started during the period when the plants are just beginning to grow, as they do not have to mow. But in general, this method works even if the plant has already gained strength and height. In this case, after mowing Borshevik, you need to ensure that the sharp residues of the stems do not break through the film.

The process of removing Borshevik Sosnovsky with the help of a strengthened method of struggle is quite banal. It is necessary to cover the sprouts of Borshevik film and press it with a power with essential weight throughout the area. This is necessary due to the fact that the next couple of weeks Borschevik will actively grow and try to raise the film. After about 2 weeks, it will stop and the weeds will die. However, after that, it is impossible to remove the film, since we remember that Borsheviki is extremely fruitful and there are still many seeds in the ground. To destroy Borschevik on the site with the help of this method - it is necessary to leave the film in the same place for a whole year, about the next day of the next year, when all the seeds of Borshevik will again germinate and have time to die. As a result, you will get purified from both Borshevik and other plants the soil, which is best to immediately fall on seeds of replacement crops.

Important moment. If you decide to fight a Borshevik using a streaming method, it is necessary to ensure the buffer zone at least 10 (and better than 50) meters to the nearest weed plants. Otherwise, there is a great chance that the seeds from adult Borschevikov will fly to your sedentary or holled sections.

Plants against Borschevik

Topinambur - great fights against Borshevik

One of the excellent eco-friendly methods of combating Borschevik Sosnovsky is a weed displacement with other cultures. There are so-called remamp plants that aggressively destroy the "enemy", in our case Borschevik.

To defeat Borschevik with other plants, it is necessary to create favorable conditions for replacement crops - and unfavorable for weed.

At the heart of this method of struggle, the same idea is used about the deprivation of unwanted sprouts of sunlight, but the scheme of action differs from the destruction of the Borshevik using the film. Similarly, germinating Borschevik or if he has already managed to grow - bevelled, covered with geotextiles. The density of such a material should be from 100 g / m 2 or more. Unlike the film, geopolite immediately falls asleep soil and sills with cereal or twin-forming, lawn cultures.

Perennial cultures that are well and quickly developing in a given area can be taken, or the most common here. Also plants that are able to fight against Borshevik are considered topinambourg, Lupine, Dress, Cabinet, Kozswall, Grass and Lawn Grass.

Geotextiles and bulk soil create favorable conditions and allow to germinate and seeds and at the same time do not allow light to Borshevik. Thus, Borschevik is supplanted by other cultures.

The bulk soil is applied quite tightly and its layer should be about 3 - 5 cm. To create the most favorable conditions for sewage germination - organic mineral fertilizers immediately contribute. In order for the plants on geopolite to form a fully accurate and sustainable plant community - it is necessary to make fertilizers during 2 seasons. For three years, we get the replacement of Borshevik to the culture seed on top of geopolot.

Seeding seeds to the ground on geopolite must be carefully carried out attentively and use clean soil so as not to mix the seeds of Borshevik in the sorting mixture.

Replacing cultures also fall without the use of geotextiles, simply rebuilding the place of grief of Borshevik. Such a method of struggle is also quite working due to the properties of the plants themselves, but the variant with geopolo is much more reliable.

Destruction of Borshevik in the fields

Plowing and disservation

If we are talking about large agricultural land or just large areas where Borschevik grows, then you can use the plowing method using the tractor with the subsequent disk. However, in order for this method of struggle to occupy an action - it is necessary to remove the remains of Borshevik from the field and immediately singing the field with replacement crops.

Fighting single plants

If there are no plants of Borshevik on your site and several separate weeds appeared, then in this case you can apply both the above methods of extermination of this weed and digging along with the root. The main thing is to prevent the blooming of the weighing plant and the spread of its seeds.

Also, a fairly effective method of combating a poisonous aggressor in this case will cut inflorescences. In this case, the strategy is the opposite: to give Borshevik to produce umbrellas (and Borschevik considers its function to be completed) - and then cut off. It must be remembered that Borschevik can throw away new inflorescences, even the root itself, which also need to cut, without allowing the aging of the seeds.

Experimental methods

Borshevichny mole against weed

There was a proposal for breeding insects to combat Borshevik. At the Institute of Ecology Problems, consider the possibility of creating caterpillar farms, these experiences have already become interested in the Moscow region.

Borschevichny moth larvae destroy flowers and are able to reduce the productivity of seed reproduction. Two-three caterpillars of flat moth, Pasternakova or Borshevikovikovka scoop lacking for the liquidation of inflorescences.

Work on the study of this method of fighting Borshevik continues. However, while it is absolutely not clear what you need to do with Borshevichny Mol, after she will deal with Borshevik and go to other plants in the garden ..

Borshevik winter

Foreigning Borshevik

Sosnovsky has a special relationship with spring frosts in Borshevik. If young shoots appeared until the full end of frosts, the plant dies. And in general, there is an assumption that when the right minus temperature is reached in the land - the seeds of Borshevik will still die.

The authors of this idea (I. Dalke and I. Schadin, in the winter of 2018-2019 conduct an experiment to study the effectiveness of such a way to combat Borschevik and invite to participate in this all those wishing.

In detail the essence of the method can be studied on the site of the authors, however, in general, the idea is as follows. It is known that snow cover covers the land and seeds in it - from the cold. From here there was a proposal to clear the snow into the commercially suitable frosty days to quell the earth deeper and force the seeds of Borshevik to die.

Soon we learn about the results of the experiment, but if it works, then such an eco-friendly method of struggle will be able to become a wonderful decision in the destruction of Borshevik. This is especially true of the territories of medical institutions, kindergartens and platforms and country sites.

Folk methods to combat Borschevik: experience and reviews

The "people's methods" of the fight against this plant can be attributed to the same experimental methods of struggle:

Fighting Borshevik at the state level

Given the recent changes in the legislation, it would seem possible to expect the creation of a program and service to combat Borshevik. However, so far there are no information about it. Currently it is assumed that subsidies will be allocated to the processing of large areas. How really the need to follow the law will be implemented - we will learn later.

Professional assistance in the destruction of weed

If you do not want to deal with the problem yourself, order the professional destruction of Borshevik. Most of the maintenance companies have already included this service in their range.

Borshevik Sosnovsky is a dangerous and aggressive plant that can easily capture the entire area. We have prepared cards with recommendations of experts, how to eradicate this nasty times and forever.

  1. Where did this Borschevik come from?
  2. What is dangerous Borschevik for people and other plants?
  3. Effective and complex way to deal with Borshevik.
  4. Effective and easiest way to deal with Borshevik.
  5. Herbicides help from Borshevik.

1. Where did the Borschevik of the Sosnovoy come from on my site?

After the war with the filing of Academician Vavilov, Borschevik Sosnovsky began to introduce in agriculture to prepare silo from it: this plant is growing rapidly, gaining a large mass and does not need to care. But the authors of this project did not take into account that Borschevik an aggressive plant, which is easily introduced into natural ecosystems and in many cases completely destroys them. Now Borschevik is entered in the "Black Book of Flora of Central Russia". According to different estimates, it takes 30% of the farmland of Central Russia.

2. How does Borschevik introduced into the site?

In his first year, on your site, Borshevik Sosnovsky looks like a small and harmless bush of several leaves. But at this time he places the most powerful root length about a meter. At this time, the fight against it will be the most efficient. In the following years, Borschevik brazenly grow up, growing 10-12 cm per day!

3. What is dangerous Borschevik Sosnovsky for people?

This is a huge poisonous plant. Finding on the skin, his juice and even dew under the influence of the Sun leaves the burns that do not heal for a long time. Many times were fixed burns of 3 degrees caused by Borshevik juice, including with fatal outcomes - small children died with an extensive lesion of the skin.

In more "light" cases after a meeting with Borshevik Sosnovsky on the skin, blisters remain, who do not pass for several months, and may return even a year if the sun will come to the scene. Another Borschevik can cause vitiligo - this is a disease in which human skin is covered with white spots. While this disease cannot be treated.

4. Is Borschevik Sosnovsky dangerous for other plants?

Yes. It allocates its toxic substances in the soil too; It interferes with the germination of seeds of other plants and thereby destroys competition, providing the best conditions for their germination. The huge leaves of Borshevik Sosnovsky take themselves to 80% of sunlight, and other plants are accurate in his shadows.

5. What to do after contact with Borshevik?

Volchonok participant FORUMHOUSE

Be sure to wash all the skin with a loose soap, and then process the emerging burners with SKINAP cream. Soots fast enough. Good luck and as small as possible to face this monster!

6. Is it possible to exclude Borschevik Sosnovsky from his site

Borschevik Sosnovsky spreads with comic speed and it is very difficult to eradicate. It is relatively easy to defeat Borschevik, if he just began his expansion to the site and we are talking about the destruction of several single instances. The stronger the borevik plot, the less chances of success.

7. Does the Borshevik help to mow?

Yes. But subject to several conditions:

  • shot Borshevik needed before flowing;
  • if you crush the Borschevik after flowering, then the unripe seeds will divert and sway on the site (so such a Borshevik needs to be burned).
  • repeat this event several times, until the root is completely exhausted.
  • if in each handset that remained from the stem of the beveled Borshevik, pour salts, the chances of success will increase.

8. And how to eradicate Borschevik not for several years, and faster?

  • copy Borshevik before the start of flowering;
  • lost it with dense mulching: to store the bevelled Borshevik thick, dense nonwoven material or dense black polyethylene film.
  • on a nicanant or film pour the earth.
  • sow cereals.
  • success.

9. Can I somehow easier?

Can. In the spring, when Borschevik will only germinate, cover it, not making a black film (100 μm.). Put the edges of the film with bricks. Flush the earth. By June, Borschevik should perish. Film can be removed, and the ground is switched under it.

10. How to create a lawn on the site of Borschevik?

At first, as in the card 8 - in the spring, the Borshevik coat, cover with a non-book, pour a layer of the earth with a thickness of 5 cm. Important: the earth must be brought from the territory, an unreleased Borshevik. Dutching her lawn grass.
The event will be successful if Borschevik does not grow in neighboring sites.

11. But they say, there is some kind of vaccination from Borshevik, what is it?

The vaccine is done only when the plants of Borshevik on the site can be counted on the fingers. In each stem, the syringe needs to injected "arboricide" or similar drugs, but the best results can be achieved by injected into stem acid from the battery and other similar substances.

Such a vaccination is made after the mowing - in each pennies. This prevents the appearance of shoots.

12. Do they help Borshevik herbicides?

Not really. In most cases, they survive after applying almost all allowed poisons. But sometimes help.

Sodmaster Agronom, consultant forumhouse

It is better to use a rayonap mixture + 2.4 d or lintur. Roundap does not always kill dicatular.

13. What method of fighting Borschevik is considered the most effective

Digging. It needs to be taken early in the spring, while the ground part of Borshevik is very small. But this is the most dangerous way, besides, the danger of burns.

14. I bought a plot that the Borshevik ruling. What should I do?

15. Can I spend such plowing in the fall?

In no case - you will only help the ripening seeds of Borshevik get a delay in the soil and germinate.

16. Is it possible to use Borshevik under the pasture?

Yes. In the Borshevik of the Sosnovsky, full of nutrients, and the sheep eating it willingly. But:

  • sheeps will need a short time to get used to such a meal.
  • it is better to graze on Borshevik of black sheep - due to pigmented skin, the risk of burns are reduced to almost zero.

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