Dishes from chickpeas: cooking recipes. Meals from Chickpeas - Original Recipes of Oriental Assumptions for every taste

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Grilled chick is almost an analogue of pop-root, it is only preparing not from corn. You can make it both sweet and salty. Roasted nute is very crispy, with a pleasant nutty taste.

Nut has many original names: Bariums peas, Nakhat, Bubble, etc. The characteristic walnut flavor made it one of the favorite legumes in Central Asia. In Turkey, a rice pilaf is prepared from chickpeas, cabbage rolls and cutlets, served on the table in the form of a dessert under the layer of sugar powder or as a side dish with vegetables (perfectly combined with tomatoes and podolkova) to meat and bird.

Fried nuts just cook, it gives a variety of taste, depending on what seasoning you decide to take advantage, salt or add a spoonful of small sugar. In addition, such a nute is a useful alternative to chips and crackers when serving to beer.

  • 200 g of chickpeas (Turkish pea)
  • 1 tsp. Papriks
  • 1 S.L. Sea salt
  • ½ l of cold water
  • full cabinet of olive oil

1. Soak nuts in cold water all night.

2. Check the nut on the teeth: if it is easily bursting, then you can begin to fry. Do not forget to drain the water.

3. In a small pan with a double bottom, pour olive oil (you can use and sunflower without smell), split and pour the dyeing chick. Fry a few minutes to light goldenness until the nuts will come up in oil.

4. Lay out the noise nut on a plate, covered with napkins, so that the oil is absorbed, sprinkle with fine sea salt and paprika. Washed wipes remove, shifting the fried nut into a clean dry vase for snacks.

Some hostesses argue that the nuts do not explode at high temperatures, not as an example of ordinary peas. Where did they get this information, it is unknown, because personally my chick began to explode in a couple of minutes, as soon as the golden shade acquired. By the way, the first pea "explosions" in your kitchen signals the readiness of the chickpea. Therefore, do not try to deliver the chicks as roasted real nuts, the buckle sides you do not get.

Recipe 2. Roasted Nut with sausage, tomatoes, onions

  • Nut 500 g
  • Soda ¼ teaspoon
  • Creamy butter 100 g
  • Bow 1 piece
  • Tomatoes 3 pieces
  • Paprika 1 teaspoon
  • Sausage pork with garlic ½ pieces
  • Salt to taste

1. Put peas in a spacious bowl, fill with warm water and add to the pinch of soda and salt. Leave to twist at least 12 hours.

2. Drain the water, rinse peas. Bring salt water in a saucepan almost to a boil, send peas there, close the lid, reduce the fire to the middle and cook for 2-3 hours, while peas will not be soft: time depends on the age of pea itself and from the softness of water.

3. During this time - finely finish onions and tomatoes. And the scab with the size of the finger, clean the skin and slightly cut.

4. Melt the oil in a frying pan, add the bow and prepare on a slow heat, stirring, 5 minutes until it becomes soft and transparent. Add tomatoes and prepare, crushing them with a shovel, another 10 minutes. Interfere with Paprik and Chorizo, then remove the frying pan from the fire.

5. Pour peas through a colander and send it to a frying pan, prepare on a high fire, stirring, 5 minutes. Apply immediately.

Recipe 3. Roasted Nut in the oven

  • nut 250 g
  • a mixture of exotic spices "Panch Puren" 1 tsp. (Fennel, Quinch, Luca Seeds Calugge, Fenugreek Seeds, Mustard)
  • olive oil 2 tbsp. l.

Nut soak in a large amount of water for the night (12 hours), the other day the water is to merge, rinse the nuts, pour fresh water (I poured boiling water) and cook.

To prevent the gas formation process, it is recommended, after 30 minutes. Warding, drain water, rinse the nut, pour fresh water and cook until readiness. I cooked 1.5 hours.

Ready do not drop into a sieve, to dry.

Little baking sheet with a foil (brilliant side up), lay out nute, salt, sprinkle with spices, add olive oil and mix. Split nute into one layer and put into the oven heated to 200 * for 30 minutes.

Mix several times in the process of baking.

Nut is obtained crisp outside with a solonish-sharp crust.

Recipe 4: Roasted Nut Sweet Crisper In Cinzon

  • cinnamon
  • powdered sugar

Nut rinse and soak in clean cold water for 10-15 hours, changing 1-2 times water. After that, you do not cook until ready, but not allow it to weld. When the chick will be ready, the water merge and the pea is a little dry.
In order to prepare a sweet version of this snack, you need to generously sprinkle with cinnamon. For an acute version, sprinkle curry, paprika or any other spices.

After that, put the peas with one layer in the form, put the oven in a heated to 190 degrees and bake about 40 minutes. If the warm air in the oven is unevenly distributed, then the nute must be mixed several times so that the peas are prepared at the same time.

As a result of cooking, the pea should be empty inside and crunch. After that, if desired, the sweet option can be sprinkled with powdered sugar.
It is possible to store the finished nut in the bank, but you need to fold in the utensils of peas already cooled.

Recipe 5: Chunping Roasted Chubble with Honey

  1. 400g Pea Nut.
  2. ½ teaspoon cinnamon
  3. 2 teaspoons of olive oil
  4. ¼ tea cup honey
  5. A pinch of salt

Preheat oven to 180ºС and prepare the form by checking it with aluminum foil. Next, rinse the peas, then let's track water. After that, put the chickle into a bowl, add cinnamon to it, olive oil, and honey, and mix so that the spices are completely covered with nut.

Then lay out gently into one layer peas chicks in the prepared form and send it into the heated oven.

Bake for 45-60 minutes, stirring every 15 minutes. The finished peas should sprinkle with salt, as soon as you remove from the oven until the peas are hot. Give the peas completely cooled, then shifting into a bowl.

Nut is peas with a variety of useful trace elements and unique taste. It can be successfully combined with meat and vegetables, as well as add to salads.

Nut is not rarely called the "Turkish pea" and even less often "Barbus Pea." However, humanity began to grow it for a long time for a long time only for eating. All because the NUT has many useful properties. Unfortunately, they grow it only in the Far East, where for him the most favorable conditions.

  • minerals.
  • many vitamins: groups in, s, e, a, p
  • fiber
  • proteins
  • amino acids

IMPORTANT: If the main calculation of the useful substances of the chickpea, it can be noted that they contain more than 80 items.

Nut is a low-calorie product, one hundred grams of weight it contains only 120 kcal. Amino acids located in the nute reduce blood cholesterol and even able to prevent liver obesity!

Peas Nut.

Important: It is also known that the unique properties of the chickpea make it possible to significantly improve the performance of a person during the day and even eliminate any depression.

It is interesting to know that this pea contains such a unique substance as selenium. Selenium is able to extend the youth of the body and even increase the activity of the brain. This trace element blocks the formation of cancer cells, which means there are nute - to prevent oncological diseases.

Nut - leggings

Video: "Useful and therapeutic properties of chickpeas"

Nut - harm

Nut is a wonderful substitute for animal protein, which means it can easily and pleasure in food vegetarians. Even avid raw foods can use chicks, pre-winding it in water.

But everyone should understand that having positive properties it can have a negative impact for a person. The individual intolerance to this product can be attributed to the harmful qualities of pea. Like all the plants of the legume family, the nute becomes the cause of excess gas formation and meteorism in the intestine. However, this insignificant drawback can be avoided if adding foods such as fennel or dill to be helped to remove gases. Therefore, Nut is contraindicated:

  • pregnant
  • nursing mothers
  • people suffering in intestinal diseases

Nut in raw

How to cook chicks?

Boiled nut is a delicious and useful garnish. It is perfectly combined with meat, bird and other vegetables.

Important: To properly cook this pea, it is necessary to clearly observe the proportions and for one cup of dry pea you will need about four liters of water.

Before you begin to boil peas, it must be thoroughly washed under running water. The washed nut is left in the dishes and is poured by several glasses of warm water, in which it will dull at least four hours.

After that, the nut is poured with water (approximately 3 liters per cup of pea) and boiled an hour on a small fire. As a result, you will get a beautiful crumbly pea. It is necessary to solit it in five minutes to the end. Dog is not required.

Boiled Nut.

If you want to make a porridge from chickpea, you will have to leave peas on slow fire and cook it for about three hours, gradually adding water and stirring. Solo porch also need at the very end. The finished porridge is seasoned with vegetable oil and served. The structures of a homogeneous puree can be achieved using a blender.

Puree from Nuta

Video: How to cook and clean the chick?

Soup with chickter is a very nutritious and satisfying dish, it can be offered to children and adults. Because of the high content of vitamin C in this bean plant, we can safely say that it is a preventive drug from influenza and infectious diseases.

IMPORTANT: Since NUT - Eastern pea, its cooking is often combined lamb. But if you do not have the ability to purchase it, you will be able to replace the barractions of the beef broth.

Fill out 200 grams of chickpeas in the evening with water so that he stood in it until morning. In the morning, put the broth boiling. In the pan, prepare a fried from vegetables:

  • one bulb half rings
  • carrot 2 pcs, large circles
  • pepper 2 pcs, straw
  • tomato or Tomato Pasta

Soup with chick

Fry vegetables preferably on creamy oil. When the broth boils, remove the film and pour the chick. Cooking broth you need to cook meat, removing the foam every time. When the meat was welded enough, add a snag into the pan and squeeze a pair of garlic cloves. Soup to cook for another 20 minutes. The plate is decorated with greens of parsley or kinse.

Video: Nude and lamb soup

Those who have repeatedly fry the nute were able to notice that he could well be a substitute for popcorn. Fried Turkish pea can be made sweet and salty at will. Pea fruits are obtained by beautiful, crispy and have a pleasant nut flavor.

Be sure to soak peas for one night in water. If you try on the chick in the morning and it bursts - this indicates that it can be frying. Nut is rid of the water dried on the towel. The refined oil is poured into a high frying pan (approximately 2 cm), nuts are sprinkled into the hot oil. It is necessary to fry it not in time a before the formation of a pleasant golden crust.

Like the usual peas of the Nut has the ability to "explode", but only in those cases when you worryed it in a frying pan. Do not try to please the peas, if you felt the "first explosions" - this is a readiness signal.

The roasted chicks are harvested and laid out on paper towels, giving absorbing excess fat. After that, the peas poured into the dishes and, depending on preferences, salts or sprinkled with sugar.

Fried Nut.

Video: Fried Nut - Crispy Snack

How to cook cutlets from chickpeas?

For the preparation of a kitlet from chickpea, you will need:

  • 200 grams NUTA
  • flour 1 tbsp
  • seeds of Seung
  • coriander
  • black pepper
  • turmeric

Cutlets from Nuta

Nut is pre-soaked for the night in water. When it softens it to the morning, it can be easily killed in a blender and get a puree shape. We add salt and spices to the ground, as well as flour, which fastens all the ingredients. We form the cutlets, catch them in sesame and fry on hot oil.

Video: Cutlets from chickpea

How to cook delicious chicks in the oven?

As in the previous recipes, Nut is pre-soaked for the night in water. The softening nuts can be applied in spices to taste, but do not try to cross or redund. Use paprika, turmeric, coriander, mixture of peppers, salt. Put on the parchment paper chips and bake at least half an hour at a low temperature of 160-180 degrees. You can bake separately, and you can combine with other vegetables. Often the nute is prepared, sprinkling cheese and mixing with other beans: peas or beans.

Video: "Nut in the oven from broccoli"

Multicooker makes it possible to cook soft. Pre-clumsy Nut for the night sucks into a multicooker's bowl and poured with water. Water should be higher than the level of pea by about two fingers. Salt, pepper to taste and tea spoon are added to the bowl. You can also squeeze the three cloves of garlic in the garberody.

IMPORTANT: Prepare Nut in a slow cooker in "Plov" mode. The timer must be installed for about two hours.

Nut can be prepared separately, and you can successfully combine with other vegetables: cabbage, carrots, pepper.

Video: How to cook chicks in a slow cooker?

How to cook nut with lamb?

To prepare this fragrant and rolling dishes you will need:

  • lamb 300 gr
  • 1.5 cups of chickpeas
  • garlic
  • three tomatoes
  • vegetable oil
  • parsley
  • olives

Nut with lamb

Nut is pre-soaked for the night. Lamp is cut into small cubes. In a cauldron or a pot with a thick bottom, or a high cast iron frying pan is a little oil and the meat is laid out. When meat in the process of frying acquires a white look, the NUT is added. Tomato is blanched with boiling water, cuts into cubes and added to the cauldron along with whole cloths of one garlic. Toms a dish on fine fire for about two hours. 15 minutes before readiness can add olives. Decorated with a dish of fresh greens.

Video: Nut with lamb

How to cook chicken chicken?

Nut is perfectly combined with chicken. You can use any meat, but the most beautiful and delicious pieces are obtained from the fillet. The meat cuts into cubes and climbs on the bottom of the multicooker's bowls or saucepans with a thick bottom. Vegetable oil is added. In the "quenching" mode, meat languishes while you are largely cut vegetables:

  • carrot
  • bell pepper

Put vegetables and pre-closed nuts in the bowl. You can add a turmeric or kari to taste, as well as garlic with whole tooths. Tomit dish no more than an hour.

Video: Chicken Nut

Nut with meat

You can also cook with pork, beef and even a rabbit. Fry the finely chopped meat in a pan to the whitewash, add vegetables to taste and pour a pre-clumsy chub. Garlic can give piquancy. Very often, green olives add to such dishes, which replace salt and other seasonings. Add tomato juice, paste and small water in the pan. Touch the dish of an hour on a small fire.

Video: Nut with Moldovan meat

Very often, lovers prepare nuts with various vegetables. Try to diversify the menu and prepare vegetable stew with chickter. It is best to prepare a multicooker dish, but you will not be bad to handle cooking and in a conventional saucepan. Pour the oil to the bottom and pour vegetables that love. Any suitable: carrots, potatoes, beans, onions, cabbage and others. Nut soot in advance and also add to the total mass. Fill the steag tomato juice or tomato paste, diluted with water. Space. Tomit dish on not big fire no less than an hour.

Nut with vegetables

The paste from the chickpea will help to make a blender. For this you need to flick peas for 12 hours. When he fell down and becomes soft - pour it into the bowl and grind it well. You can add any spices to taste and olive oil. Solish the paste needed with full grinding. In the paste you can add any fragrant greens:

  • petrushka
  • kinz.
  • basil
  • dill

Pasta from Nuta

How to cook pilaf from chickpea?

It turns out the pilaf with the addition of chickpea. It is best to use lamb, but pork will become her an excellent substitute. The meat is roasting in a pan before whitewash, after that it consists in a saucepan. In the roaster of vegetables: onion, carrots, peppers, add a couple of cloves of extruded garlic. We put a roaster in a saucepan and suck in advance the chumped chub. Rice can be boiled to half-preparation with the addition of turmeric, drain the water. Add rice to a saucepan, mix all the contents. Add a small amount of water, season to taste.

Video: Uzbek pilaf with zero

Very fresh and rich taste has a salad with chickpeas. Mix large chopped vegetables:

  • a tomato
  • cucumber (optional)
  • dill
  • green Luc
  • blue Luc

Season the oil salad, add the softening chick and sprinkle.

Salad with zero.

Hummus from Nuta

Hummus is a traditional Jewish dish of chickpeas. You will need for cooking:

  • nut (two glasses)
  • sesame
  • walnut
  • olive oil
  • lemon juice
  • garlic


You need to soak nut for the night. Soft beans stretch the blender. Add grid walnut, spices and oil with extruded garlic.

The gentle nut is a very useful variety of ordinary. From it, you can successfully make a variety of fresh salads, combining with leaf greenery and vegetables. Try to make yourself such a salad:

  • lolo-dew leaves
  • salad leaves
  • arugula
  • dusty Nut.
  • greens
  • boiled egg
  • olive oil
  • olives

Dusty Nut.

The lettuce leaves are torn by their hands and fold into the salad bowl, the gentle chosen is added, greens and stirred with butter. Solives to taste. Top of the salad is laid out by slices cut boiled egg and olives.

Video: Salad with germinated

The dishes from the chickpea characteristic of oriental cuisine are gradually entering the Slavic diet. The bean product has a huge stock of nutrients and is used in fried or boiled form. An example of this is a popular Israeli falafel, delicious Tofu and Arab Hummus - nutritious food with high food properties.

What to cook out of chickpeas?

Recipes from chickpeas are characterized by special "plasticity", since this product is perfectly rolled with spices, seafood, vegetables and pasta. Thanks to the nutty taste, it is used not only in the treated, but also in a gentle form, adding into soups and pies. Dishes from it are filled and contain a huge stock of protein and fiber.

  1. To prepare lean dishes from chickpea, you should soak it for 12 hours. After that, to slaughter for 2 hours without adding salt and spices. In this form, the nute is suitable for any dish.
  2. You can cook a slight snack: rubply chopping by coriander, chili, nutmeg and add fresh lettuce leaves.
  3. Spaghetti with feta cheese and dried tomatoes will get a spicy taste if you add a welded nut.
  4. If we put out the cooked nut with tomatoes and walnuts - it turns out a great hot dish.

In incision with a common opinion, is not a sauce or seasoning, but represents a saturated snack. In addition to a specific taste, it is rich in protein, fiber and very nutritious. Thanks to the rapid and easy preparation with the help of a blender, fragrant spices and herbs, the dish became incredibly popular not only in Eastern, but also in the world cooking.


  • dry nut - 300 g;
  • schuput - 80 g;
  • paprika - 1/2 h. spoons;
  • zira - 1/2 h. spoons;
  • garlic teeth - 3 pcs.;
  • lemon juice - 40 ml;
  • olive oil - 60 ml.


  1. Nut soak for 10 hours, pussy 2 hours before soft.
  2. Water drain into a separate container.
  3. Choose clean and grind in a blender.
  4. Add garlic, zira, sesame, lemon juice and oil.
  5. Wake up a blender, pour the decoction, bringing the mass to the desired consistency.
  6. Snack from chickpeas - hummus - refills oil and decorated with paprika.

Soup from chickpea has different versions: it can be light vegetable, and can become satisfied if you add meat. Traditionally, low-fat varieties are used, such as beef or lamb. The last grade has dietary properties and will not "waste" the dish, and the nute, capable of absorbing neighboring flavors, will add a special taste.


  • nut - 150 g;
  • potatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • lamb - 650 g;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • acute pepper - 1/2 pcs.;
  • celery root - 150 g;
  • garlic teeth - 3 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil - 40 ml.


  1. Nut soak for 10 hours.
  2. Lady weld.
  3. Pour the chick and an hour of Tomit.
  4. Add potatoes.
  5. Carrots, pepper, celery and garlic fry.
  6. Put in the soup and cook for another 20 minutes.
  7. The feed of meat and nude is carried out after 15 minutes.

Falafel from Chickpea is a popular Israeli dish, which is prepared from the welded chickpeas and various spices. Beans are peathed in pasta, seasoned, give the shape of the balls and fry to rosy in oil or baked in the oven, which is useful. Traditionally, snack wrapped in Lavash and served with vegetables marinated cucumbers and sauces.


  • dry Nut - 200 g;
  • garlic teeth - 6 pcs.;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • fresh parsley - handful;
  • flour - 70 g;
  • cumin - 10 g;
  • olive oil - 100 ml.


  1. Nut soak for 10 hours. Hello before soft. Grind in a blender.
  2. Add bow, garlic and spices.
  3. Once again and roll the mixture into the balls.
  4. Cut in flour.
  5. Roasting this dish from chickpea is carried out in the heated oil to the rosy.

Chicken balls are the traditional Falafel's feed form. The original Arabic dish is incredibly popular in Israeli cooking, it is created from crushed chickpea. The homogeneous mass is seasoned with oriental spices, molded and roasted in deep fryer. Creamy inside and crispy outside, spicy balls are prepared exclusively on olive oil.


  • dry nut - 250 g;
  • onions - 1 pc.;
  • coriander - chinful;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • flour - 50 g;
  • bunch of parsley;
  • garlic tooth - 5 pcs.;
  • olive oil - 100 ml.


  1. Nut soak for 12 hours. Wake up in a blender. Add greens, spices, onions, garlic and egg, after once again scroll.
  2. Cancel for 30 minutes.
  3. Add flour, form the balls.
  4. Roasting Spicy Nutu dishes occurs in boiling fryer.

Puree from chickpeas - hearty and nutritious food, which will be an alternative to the usual garnist. The dish, the preparation of which is similar to a potato mashed potatoes, is prepared from milk, oil and legose itself, while the blender is not used to keep the texture and not turn the product into a liquid viscous mass. This recipe is simple and accessible even to beginners.


  • dry Nut - 200 g;
  • milk - 150 ml;
  • oil - 30 g;
  • paprika - chinful;
  • coriander - chinful.


  1. Soak chicks for 12 hours. Heat the softening.
  2. DINKING TO STATUS. Add milk, butter.
  3. Cooking this dish from the chickpea is completed, fuel with spices.

In the oven make competition with meat dishes, for all who preferred menu without animal products. Machine from chickpea can be prepared without eggs (it is perfectly holding the shape in itself), adding vegetables and spices, and change the components daily, achieving new flavors. Do not forget to accompany them your favorite sauce during the filing.


  • dry Nut - 200 g;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs;
  • breadcrumbs - 90 g;
  • garlic teeth - 2 pcs.


  1. Nut soak in water for 10 hours, tapping until soft.
  2. Grind in a meat grinder with onions, garlic and tomatoes.
  3. Cut in breadcrumbs and bake for 20 minutes at 180 degrees.

Sweets from chickpeas are nutritious, tasty, small-calorie and, unlike most other delicacies - useful. They are made of boiled purricated chickpeas, adding dried fruits, peanut pasta, nuts, honey and other natural components. To give candy festive look, the finished product is decorated with cocoa, coconut chips or watered with icing.


  • nut - 100 g;
  • kuraga - 20 g;
  • figs - 20 g;
  • honey - 20 g;
  • orange juice - 30 ml;
  • cocoa - 50 g;
  • coconut chips - 60 g


  1. Nut soam and weld.
  2. Dried fruits are impregnate with juice.
  3. Twist in a meat grinder with chickpeas. Add honey, mix.
  4. Balls cut into cocoa and coconut chips.

Cupcake "Potato" from chickpea - recipe

From the knot, it is favorably different from the traditional, and can replenish the menu of losing weight sweets. This recipe is small-caloriene and, except proteins and fiber, contains a lot of useful trace elements. The delicacy is simply and easily prepared: you need to beat all the components in the blender, bake the mass of the cake and give it the shape of the cake.


  • nut - 150 g;
  • almonds - 50 g;
  • yogurt - 100 g;
  • egg - 2 pcs;
  • banana - 1 pc.;
  • coffee - 20 ml;
  • cocoa - 40 g;
  • coconut flour - 40 g


  1. Choose and grind in pale, adding almonds, eggs, banana, yogurt and part of cocoa.
  2. Form the korzh and bake it in an hour at a temperature of 180 degrees.
  3. Frost, add coffee, cocoa and flour.
  4. Form the cupcake.

Baking from chickpea is excellent for any dietary menu, because it contains minimum carbohydrates, but the hunger quenched for a long time. The popular American dessert is "dangerous" for a figure, and cooked from the chickpea turns into a dietary delicacy, with a half norm of kilocaloria.

What are dishes from chickpea? How to cook them? Answers to these and other questions you will find in the article. Jews with chickpeas, or, as it is yet called, ram or Turkish peas, they differ symbols and are very tasty. Nut is most popular in Central Asia, as well as on the Mediterranean and the Middle East.

Here, sickness, snacks, sweets and side dishes. Recipes with zero are interesting for those who observe the post, and vegetarians: in view of the special structure, which after cook processing acquires the barractions of peas, and its nutritional food is obtained very dense, warmed and leave the feeling of satiety for a long time. Consider some of them below.


Many like meals from chickpeas. The beans of this Turkish pea have a strange uniform that resembles a brave head with a bird beak. Their diameter ranges from 0.5 to 1.5 cm.

Nut contains much less protein than other legumes. He is also superbly absorbed. But basic essential acids - tryptophan and methionine - it is more in it than in the rest of the beans.

Nut contains a fiber that improves digestion, favorably affects the work of the heart. The gentle nut contains potassium, magnesium, a huge amount of calcium, vitamins A and C, high-quality fats and proteins. Bariums peas gives the body energy that is consumed gradually without increasing blood sugar. This is a low-calorie product with high nutritional value.

Nut is stored flawlessly. Dried, compared to the fresh, saves up to 70% of all minerals and vitamins. In the world of dried products, this result is considered a record.

Osh Burida

Have you ever tried lean dishes from chickpeas? We will try to prepare the soup of Burida. It has a lot of greens, which makes it extremely useful. We take:

  • 1 tbsp. flour;
  • two bulbs;
  • 1 tbsp. chickpea;
  • three carrots;
  • 5 tbsp. l. cloth oil;
  • garlic - three teeth;
  • pepper;
  • greens (on the bunch of dill, sage, mint, thyme, kinse, cerema, green basil, rosemary, parsley, tarhuna);
  • salt.

This is a dish of chickpeas.

  1. Nut overnight soak in hot water. Next, boil it until readiness. You will need 2 hours.
  2. Check the very cool dough from ¼ Art. Water and flour. Pour into it ½ tbsp. l. Large oil.
  3. Slim dough slightly, let him dry a little. Fry fine chopped garlic, onions and carrots in lean oil.
  4. Create the dough with the roll and apply neatly noodles with a width of about 1 cm.
  5. In a saucepan with boiled nude, send thyme, rosemary and sage (and other herbs, if any). Speak, salt and boil. If there is not enough water in a saucepan, throw boiling water.
  6. Add noodles to boiling soup. Now quickly cut the small greens, send to the soup and turn off the fire. Boil around the plates, you can add yogurt or sour cream.

Lean candies

Everyone must examine the recipes of lean dishes from the chickpea. How to concrete lean candies from this pea? Take:

  • three art. l. nut paste;
  • 1 tbsp. dry chickpea;
  • salt (to taste);
  • honey - three large spoons;
  • dark chocolate tile;
  • vanillin (to taste).

This dish of chickpeas prepare as follows:

  1. At night, soak the nute, then boil within two hours.
  2. Honey, and boiled nuts move the blender to a very thick, sideline puree. From it, you will then form candy, so the number of honey adjust in the process of creating puree.
  3. Ride puree balls. To do not stick the dough, lubricate them with lean oil. Finished balls send to the freezer for an hour.
  4. Melts on the bath water chocolate, do not remove from the fire. Dry in it alternately zoyarey balls. You can do it with toothpicks.

Briani with chicken

  • one bulb;
  • 1 tbsp. rice bass;
  • one tomato;
  • chicken weigh 0.5 kg;
  • 0.5 Art. chickpea;
  • garlic - four teeth;
  • a piece of ginger 1 cm long;
  • kurkuma - one part;
  • 3 tbsp. l. cloth oil;
  • 150 g of natural yogurt;
  • pepper red, cinnamon, coriander, quinam, cardamom - 0.5 h.;
  • 3 tbsp. l. oil cow;
  • parsley;
  • 3 tbsp. l. Almond.

This is a delicious dish of chickpeas.

  1. Wash the chicken in the evening, cut into large pieces, soda salt and spices, add yogurt, wrap in polyethylene and send to the fridge for the night. Pour the nuts with water (2 tbsp.) And also leave for the night.
  2. Rinse the rice and dry. Boil the chick for an hour. Cut the onions by half rings, soda the ginger and garlic on a shallow grater, cut the tomato with cubes. Fry all this in lean oil, add spices, salt and extinguish three minutes.
  3. Fry on the almond cow oil, then add turmeric, rice, salt and curry. Fry three minutes. Fill with boiling water (1.5 tbsp) and cook so much time so that the rice is ready is not completely completely.
  4. Finely cut the chicken and fry almost until readiness. Pass the clings to her and roast a couple of minutes.
  5. Combine the contents of all pans: first lay out the chicken layer, then rice, then vegetable roaster, again chicken and rice. Pour another 0.5 tbsp. Water hot.
  6. Touch so that all the water evaporates. Then turn off the fire, sprinkle parsley, retain for 5 minutes. After apply to the table.

Italian pasta

So, you already know what recipes are dishes from chickpeas. Now consider the process of cooking Italian pasta - Pasta E CECI ALLA ROMANA. It is also called the paste made in Roman. This is a daily, but a completely unusual dish of chickpeas is perfect for the taste and flawlessly in appearance. You will need:

  • one sprig of rosemary;
  • dry Nut - 200 g;
  • olive oil - four large spoons;
  • garlic - one tooth;
  • paste "Ditalini" - 200 g;
  • two fillets of Anchovov;
  • pepper and salt (to taste).

This recipe with photos of the dish from the chickpea provides for the implementation of such actions:

  1. Over the night you do so clean, rinse in the morning and put cooking. Depending on its variety and quality, you will leave from 30 minutes to 2 hours. After the nut boils the first time, drain the water, pour the new one and boil it until readiness. This technique will help you get rid of the unpleasant smell of legumes. Nut boiled? Turn off the gas, it is not necessary to drain the water - you will be useful to you decoction.
  2. Put the oil into a saucepan with a thick bottom, warm. Add garlic sliced \u200b\u200bplates and lay out anchovies. Still and watch - anchovies should almost dissolve, and garlic is not shred. Professionals believe that if you missed the moment, and the garlic was transformed into brown lapties, everything needs to be thrown away. Therefore, follow Zorko.
  3. As soon as the anchovies turned into a paste, add the chick, pour a glass of sugar, boil.
  4. Add the paste, salt to taste, stir. If necessary, pour some liquid (vegetable broth, decoction of chickpea or simple boiling water) - the paste must be covered with 1 cm water.
  5. Cap, cover the lid, reduce the fire and continue cooking. When the yoke is almost ready, turn off and leave under the lid. During this time, the dish is soaked with juices and is saturated with flavors.

Spray Olive Oil Oil, add rosemary and pepper twig, serve on the table. By the way, if you do not have the ability to purchase "Ditalini" paste, you can use identical.

Pumpkin with zero

Carefully learn the recipes and photos of simple dishes from chickpea. After all, in the end, you can please your family with appetitive disasters. How to make a pumpkin with zero? We take:

  • nut - 200 g;
  • garlic - two teeth;
  • one banana;
  • pumpkin - 400 g;
  • cumin - 1 tsp;
  • one bulb;
  • olive oil - three tbsp. l.;
  • two tomatoes;
  • ginger root - teaspoon;
  • salt;
  • turmeric - ½ h.;
  • cinnamon - ½ tsp;
  • ground pepper black;
  • ½ h. L. Coriander hammer;
  • ½ h. L. curry.

This is a simple dish of chickpeas.

  1. Fill the night with cold water, after cooking in salted water for 2 hours. Then leak on the colander and cool. To obtain 200 g boiled chickpeas, you need to take 100 g dry.
  2. Make on cuts of cuts, pour boiling water.
  3. Cut onion by half rings, fry to transparency in oil.
  4. Add a crumpled ginger and garlic, fry two minutes.
  5. Remove the skin with tomatoes, cut them with cubes and send to the frying pan.
  6. Add cinnamon, coriander, curry, cumin and turmeric, extinguish on a small fire 3 minutes.
  7. Cut the pumpkin with large cubes and add to vegetables. Fill 2/3 tbsp. Water and extinguish 10 minutes.
  8. Now patch the chick, stick and salt as you like, cover with a lid and tomit another 5 minutes.
  9. Clean the banana, cut the circles, fry until a golden crust on a hot pan.
  10. Explore the dishes on the plates, decorate the banana circles from above.

Serve with fresh kinse leaves.

Pumpkin curry with zucchini and nude

Consider another recipe for simple and tasty dishes from chickpeas. Take:

  • two zucchini;
  • one slicker garlic;
  • 400 g of chickpeas;
  • color cabbage - shelter;
  • 500 g pumpkins;
  • one bulb;
  • 1 tbsp. lentils red;
  • curry - two parts l.;
  • 1 tbsp. l. cloth oil;
  • 1 l vegetable broth;
  • fresh cilanthole (coriander) to taste.

Cooking process:

  1. Clean the peel raw pumpkin and cut 3x3 cm cubes.
  2. Heat in a large saucepan lean oil. Send into it the crushed onions, curry, garlic, pumpkin and cook on a strong fire for three minutes, indiscriminately stirring.
  3. Pour into the pan vegetable broth, add canned (or pre-prepared) lentil, boil.
  4. Prepare on moderate fire for another five minutes. Pumpkin should become soft.
  5. Cut the zucchini cubes, color cabbage divide on inflorescences and all this together with a welded knitting in a saucepan. On medium fire, cook for 5 minutes.
  6. Remove from the stove, spray and pepper.

Sprinkle the dish fresh coriander and serve on the table.

Cutlets from chickpea with carrots

Do you like the recipes provided by us? Dishes from chickpeas are easy and easy to cook. To create carrots you need to have:

  • one carrot;
  • one bulb;
  • 100 g of chickpeas;
  • salt;
  • one slicker garlic;
  • ground pepper black.

This recipe stipulates the execution of such steps:

  1. Nut in cool water soak overnight.
  2. Tighten the operated chicks through the meat grinder or blender.
  3. Add carrots, onions and garlic.
  4. Blow from the resulting mass of the cutlets and fry on olive or any other lean oil.

Vegetarian pilaf with zero

To create this dish, take:

  1. Large down onions.
  2. Sattail on the grater carrot.
  3. Boil in advance until half-ready.
  4. Pour oil into a deep frying pan so that it covers the bottom.
  5. First lay out the layer of onions, then - carrots, and after - chickpeas.
  6. Push up from above rice, add spices.
  7. Unclealed teeth of garlic "hide" in pilaf in several places. It will give the dish a thin fragrance and taste.
  8. All pour with water (2 tbsp.) And boil until ready.

Fried Nut.

To create this tender, we take:

  • three tomatoes;
  • one bulb;
  • teaspoon paprika;
  • 500 g of chickpeas;
  • salt;
  • 100 g of cow oil;
  • quarter soda;
  • half of pork sausage with garlic.

This dish needs to be prepared as:

  1. Put peas in a big bowl, fill with water warm, add salt and soda to a pinch. Cancel for 12 hours.
  2. Water drain, rinse peas. Win salt water in a saucepan. Pour peas there, cover with a lid. Fire Deliver to moderate and cook for 3 hours so that the peas become soft.
  3. Cook the finely tomatoes and onions. Clean the sausage from the skin and slightly cut.
  4. Melt the oil in the pan, pour onions and prepare 5 minutes on a small fire, stirring until it becomes transparent. Pour tomatoes and prepare for another 10 minutes, warm up with their blade. Next, interfere with chorizo \u200b\u200band paprika, remove the pan from the stove.
  5. Peas sweep on the colander, and then send to the frying pan. Cook five minutes on a strong fire, indiscriminately stirring. Serve immediately.



  • five tomatoes;
  • one bulb;
  • 500 g beef;
  • one sweet pepper;
  • 400 g of chickpeas;
  • salt (to taste);
  • three garlic teeth;
  • half of the chili pepper;
  • pepper ground red (to taste);
  • 70 g of foam oil;
  • ground pepper black.

Perform such actions:

  1. Soak nuts in cold water for a day (12 hours). As soon as it wakes up 2-3 times, rinse it under cold water.
  2. Beef cut down with tiny cubes and fry in brain or cow oil to brown, claw in the cauldron or deep frying pan. Beef can be replaced by lamb.
  3. Fill tomatoes with boiling water.
  4. Add nut to roasted beef. Constantly stirring, make sure that the water is evaporated. Next, fry beef with chickpeas for 7 minutes.
  5. Fill roasted products with water so that it completely covered the nute. Boil, cover with a lid, make a weak fire and extinguish for about an hour. If necessary, sometimes pour water.
  6. Remove the skin from tomatoes, cut them with cubes. Bulgarian red pepper Cut into cubes too, and chili peppers - circles.
  7. Add tomatoes to stewed products, stir. Pour pepper, salt, chili pepper, paprika, stir again. Pour a little water and carve on a moderate fire for half an hour under the lid.
  8. Onions Cut with semirings, rinse with cold water, peel, pepper and spray. Set aside.
  9. When the dish agrees the second time (the water must completely throw out), add a crushed garlic to it, stirre and turn off the burner.

Spread the nut with meat on plates, placing the bow with the edge.

Vedic candies

To create this amazing expectation, we take:

  • 100 g almond fried;
  • 15 g of vanilla sugar;
  • 150 g of chickpeas;
  • 1 tsp. cinnamon with hammer;
  • 3 tbsp. l. Sunflower seeds;
  • honey - 2 tbsp. l.

This is an expectation as follows:

  1. Soak in water Nut for 12 hours. Further, we drain the water, rinse the peas, negotiate within an hour and dry on the towel.
  2. If you want, you can choose yourself to clean from the peel so that the future mixture is more tender.
  3. Mix in a blender all the components so that the crumbly mass is obtained, identical to sand test.
  4. Scatter balls from the resulting mass. You can also compress sweets with molds.

Eat with pleasure!

Multi-legumes are popular in all countries, they are used to prepare first and second dishes, as well as for salads. Such products are the source of the mass of the useful substances, among which the plant protein and vitamins of group B. In addition, all beans are very satisfied, and they can be consumed instead of meat products. One of the well-known representatives of such products is the peas of the Nut, which came to the Russian market not so long ago. Let's talk about the peculiarities of its preparation in more detail.

In stores you can now buy a dry chub, as well as canned. The latter is suitable for direct addition to different dishes, and dry - needs to be prepared.

So before the boiling of the dry Turkish pea, it is strongly recommended to pour with water at least twelve hours before cooking. After that, the nute is boiled about an hour and a half until readiness. Note that it is possible to salt and season it only after softening.



To prepare such a dish, you will need four hundred grams of chickpea, fresh-free juice from one lemon, seven tablespoons of unrefined olive mass, a pair of tablespoons of the ground sesame sesame, the middle of the garlic tooth and half the tablespoons of the grinding seeds of coriander, cinema and paprika.

First of all, lean peas until soft, then drain the remaining water, leaving in the container about half of the liquid cup. Place the prepared raw materials in a blender and connect with all other ingredients, without olive oil. Grind peas before receiving a homogeneous mass, after which, continuing to work by a blender, pour into it gradually the oil.
The resulting dish should have a consistency of pasta, slightly sour cream. Before serving it on the table - insist about an hour, then sprinkle with parsley and paprika, sprinkle with olive oil, etc. Ready hummus is customary to use as a snack or apply for cooking sandwich.

Hummus (second option)

To prepare another Humus option, you need to prepare half a kilogram of Turkish pea, somewhere a hundred grams of dried tomato (or half a variegh of fresh), as well as a couple of middle garlic heads and a table spoon of fresh, well-chopped horseradish. The composition of such a dish will also be included hundred and fifty milliliters of olive oil, a small pod of acute pepper, medium bulb, four celery stems, medium carrots, black pepper and salt to taste.

Prepared peas (clouded for twelve hours) Send to boot for two hours with whole vegetables - celery, onion, carrot. Also in the saucepan need to fold the black pepper and the bay leaf. About a couple of seconds before readiness, add to the container lonely sliced \u200b\u200btomatoes, salt and horseradish, as well as garlic and pepper pod. Drain the water, add olive oil to the saucepan, then grind the prepared products to the state of the puree. The finished paste is great for sprawling on slices of fried eggplant or on ordinary bread.

Fried Nut.

For the preparation of such a dish, prepare half aologram of chickpeas, three medium tomatoes, half a pork sausage stick with garlic, one hundred grams of butter, a middle bulb, a teaspoon of paprika, a quarter of a teaspoon of soda, as well as salt to taste.

First of all, pour peas with warm water and leave it. At least twelve hours, the liquid needs to merge, and the nute is rinsed. Bring the salted water with soda in a saucepan practically to a boil, pour peas in it and cover the lid. Weganize peas until soft (two or three hours).

Cut the bed of tomatoes and onions, also grind and sausage, pre-purified from the skin.

Melt the oil in a pan, add onions into it and fry on a small heat before transparency. Next, add tomatoes and extinguish another ten minutes. Add your paprika, after which praise the peas from which you need to drain the water with the help of a colander. Prepare a dish on high power fire for five minutes, stirring constantly.

Cutlets from Nuta

To prepare this dish you will need a hundred gram of chickpea, one medium carrots and a bully, as well as garlic teeth. Salt and pepper are applied to taste.

To begin with, soak Turkish peas overnight in cool water. After check it in the meat grinder or blender. Add crushed onions, garlic and carrots to peas. Generate small cutlets from the resulting mass and fry them in a frying pan in the heated vegetable oil.

Nut with cheese and tomato

To prepare such a dish, you will need a glass of chickpeas (soak, after drunk it), a pair of tomatoes, two hundred grams of Adygei cheese, as well as greens (parsley and dill), half of the turmeric tea spoons, salt and pepper - to taste.

Cut Adygean cheese cubes for one and a half centimeters. Pour turmeric and fry the cheese in it for a couple of minutes. Next, add sliced \u200b\u200btomatoes to the cheese and fry another minute. From a boiled nuta, drain the water using a colander, and pour it into the pan. If necessary, salute. Take about ten minutes, under the lid. After sprinkle a ready-made dish of a lonely abandoned greens and black ground pepper.

Because you already know how to cook peas nuts, recipes, cooking you are familiar, you can hope that it will become a frequent guest on your desk. Peas Nut can easily take its place in your habitual diet, bringing new taste sensations and a lot of body benefits.

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