Ointment. Lapping Lapping new millstones 11 letters

Site arrangement 03.07.2020
1. What is a harpius? 2. An analogue of the square in Venice? 3. Tired of Onegin? 4. Esquire Bettor? 5. A jester in a manor house? 6. Imitation from Georg Strass? 7. Woman mathematician Noether? 8. The owner of untold wealth? 9. Justin the Great? 10. Lapping new millstones? 11. Is there metal in the pewter? 12. Cossack rank? 13. Russian poet named Antioch? 14. Indian cobra? 15. Travel chest? 16. Roman emperor? 17. State of imaginary death? 18. Compatriot Kostimoryak? 19. The character of the play Seagull? 20. Invented the invisible hand? 21. Etruscan at Merimee? 22. The author of the poem Herman and Dorothea? 23. Monetary unit of Georgia? 24. Payment to Charon for transportation? 25. Japanese coin (obsolete)? 26. Will report to whom it is necessary? 27. Queen of Norway? 28. What is measured with a goniometer? 29. Dakota? 30. Egg candling? 31. Dangerous effort? 32. June in old Russian? 33. Dance, a kind of swing? 34. In which city is the monument to the paper clip? 35. Writer Zozulya? 36. People of Tuantinsuyu? 37. Hello, ... in the song NaNa? 38. Sister of the obstinate Katharina? 39. Chemical compound? 40. Suppository? 41. Memorial... sorrow? 42. Author of the tragedy Sutyaga? 43. Demographic...boom? 44. Type of primitive harrow? 45. Dohyo wrestling? 46. ​​Solovetskaya at 1084 meters? 47. Military alliance? 48. Broken numbers in Russia? 49. Heroine of the Cherry Orchard? 50. Father's attire? 51. Port on the Nile River? 52. Women's wide coat? 53. False maple? 54. The hero of the novel Chapaev? 55. A resort on the Sea of ​​Azov? 56. Snack at a Spanish bar? 57. What is the object of study of a vexillologist? 58. Divine dog among the Aztecs? 59. A fabulous monster? 60. Ree with a hoarse voice? 61. Deadlock? 62. Male name? 63. Amur goby? 64. Satellite of Neptune?

For two decades, the name of the Berdyansk entrepreneur and philanthropist Yevgeny Shapovalov has not left the lips of people and newspaper pages. Thanks to his industriousness and ingenuity, back in perestroika times, having created one of the first production cooperatives in the region, he became a wealthy man. And at the same time, he never spared his own money for the material support of those who were in trouble. In the early nineties, he united entrepreneurs around him into a city association, and together they gave a decisive rebuff to crime. That is, he became such a respected person that they began to prophesy the position of the mayor for him.

But there was a black streak in the life of Evgeny Shapovalov, when he had to try the prison gruel. Not everyone then believed that such a person could get on a slippery path, and the Voice of Ukraine also came to the defense of Shapovalov. Finally, the Supreme Court reviewed the criminal case and overturned the verdict. Returning to his hometown, in 2002 he became a deputy of the City Council, gaining 87.4 percent of the vote. And now, after the early elections held on March 16, he finally reached his goal - he became the mayor. But after looking through the materials of the Berdyansk newspapers, one involuntarily comes to the conclusion that the deputies do not want to recognize either Yevgeny Shapovalov himself, or his team, or the election program, although they declare their desire to help in the work. And besides, in some print and electronic media, a real campaign of total criticism was launched against the mayor.

With an open visor

Confrontation with the deputy corps of the City Council, unfortunately, is a reality, - Yevgeny Ivanovich confirmed during the meeting. - But it was not imposed by our team. On the contrary, after the elections, I met with my main rivals - City Council Secretary Anatoly Stepanenko and First Deputy Mayor Petro Goncharuk, and we decided to work together for the benefit of the territorial community. The same frank and, as it seemed to me, constructive conversation took place with the leaders of the most influential parliamentary factions from the Party of Regions and the Natalia Vitrenko Bloc, Viktor Popov and Svetlana Vorobieva.

To implement the election program "Berdyansk Success", a new staffing structure of the city executive committee was developed, providing for the introduction of two posts of deputy mayors. They had to coordinate the work on its implementation. However, contrary to the agreements, it was criticized in the standing committees, so I proposed removing this issue from the agenda of the session. But the deputies did it their own way and then practiced their eloquence in front of TV cameras for a long time to show the Berdyansk people who was the boss in the house and who, contrary to the election program, wasted budget funds on the maintenance of new officials.

However, Anatoly Stepanenko, secretary of the city council, denies any obstruction on the part of the deputy majority.

The situation in the council is normal, working,” he says. - We regularly hold sessions and strive to help the newly elected mayor solve all problems. It is possible that someone is trying to stir up some interest in our relations, bringing them to a general review or interpreting them accordingly, but we do not see the conflict itself.

Is the community of Berdyansk people united?

Virtually all local media outlets speak openly about the confrontation in the City Council, with the exception of perhaps the municipal ones. “Reforms are canceled? Most of the deputies are forcing Shapovalov to play according to the “old” rules,” believes Berdyansk Delovoy (April 17). “According to the responses of Berdyansk residents, they fully support the actions of the deputies in their desire to restore order in the city,” the secretary of the City Council Anatoly Stepanenko answers “Pivdenna Zorya” (May 14). “A mass capture of dissidents has begun in the city,” Our Choice calls out in despair (May 3). So much for you, but they say that there is no conflict!

Going to the polls, Yevgeny Shapovalov promised voters to eradicate embezzlers and bribe-takers, and, assuming office, at a session held on March 25, he called on deputies to take part in the anti-corruption month. Already at the next session, the head asked the deputies to remove the consideration of the issue of allocation of land plots from the agenda until the completion of the audit of the activities of public utilities in accordance with his order No. 228 of April 3, 2008. But the head was not “heard” again, motivating their decision by the fact that the postponement of the consideration of land issues would block the flow of funds to the budget, which means it would harm the interests of the territorial community. After additional study of the materials, Shapovalov put his signature under the decisions of the council, but not under all. And then, at the next session, the deputies overcame his "veto" by two-thirds of the votes. Yevgeny Shapovalov was not able to get members of his team into the executive office of the City Council, but the commission he created "dug up" a lot at some public utilities and institutions. Either the mayor or his assistant Sergei Tkachenko had a difficult conversation with their leaders, after which some people wrote a letter of resignation of their own free will, and more than ten people turned to Anatoly Stepanenko, secretary of the City Council, for help, and then to the city district prosecutor's office . This gave grounds to accuse the mayor of inciting "political terror".

Yevgeny Shapovalov does not agree with this formulation of the question, since he himself is a non-partisan and maintains good relations with people not according to the “color” of their convictions. But he admits that among the compromised leaders there are deputies, which means members of certain parties. Therefore, in order not to “sew politics”, he himself asked law enforcement agencies to put an end to this story ...

Hard "grinding"

The problems that have arisen in Berdyansk after the early elections of the mayor, unfortunately, are not new. And they are caused by imperfect legislation, which actually led to the establishment of dual power in local councils and the subordination of the deputies not to territorial communities, but to party leaders. And where politics begins, they do not disdain by any means.

Yevgeny Shapovalov has not yet had time to start work, and he is already pecked from all sides. They say that not all roads in the city were repaired by the first of May, they did not make markings, they lay a pavement on the central avenue of poor quality. But after all, the city executive committee submitted documentation for tenders last year, when Anatoly Stepanenko performed the duties of the mayor. Even under these conditions, Evgeny Shapovalov did more than any of his opponents could do. At least potholes are being patched up in the streets, although there is no guarantee that the contractor will be paid with budgetary funds. But is it the first time he has to lay out money from his own pocket for the improvement of the city? Here is just one example. After prolonged April rains, the Colonia area was flooded. There, accompanied by journalists, several deputies of the City Council immediately left. People expected help from them, and the deputies showed off in front of the cameras and left. Only the mayor was laconic. Having explained that in connection with the announcement of a new tender, municipal vehicles are standing without fuel, he gave one and a half thousand hryvnias for the purchase of gasoline, and in half an hour sewage trucks arrived here.

The politicization of the deputies of the City Council is also felt in the fact that they do not miss any opportunity to accuse Yevgeny Shapovalov's team of incompetence and commercialism, and they are trying to drag him into a protracted and fruitless discussion. It got to the point that they demand to draw up measures for the implementation of the election program and report at the sessions on the results of working trips to the capital. Perhaps this seems to some to be the pinnacle of hardware art, but Shapovalov suspected that he was simply not being given the opportunity to work normally, and did not respond to such challenges. What if they really get tired of it (smart people!), And then joint work will begin for the benefit of the territorial community.

Valeriy Kharchenko, deputy mayor for the work of executive bodies, does not dramatize the situation either. He believes that "grinding" is a temporary phenomenon, and work is for life.

Ointment- finishing operation of machining in order to fit mainly parts working in pairs (for example, a valve - a valve seat). During the operation, a layer of material is removed from the workpiece surface with the help of abrasive grains freely distributed in a paste or suspension. Lapping paste or suspension is applied to the surface of the tool - lapping. The operation is reduced to multiple relative movements of the lap - and the part or both parts together with the abrasive material. The lap corrects the shape of the part within tolerance and reduces surface roughness. This technique of finishing operation makes it possible to obtain surfaces with roughness Ra = 0.04-0.02 µm and Rz = 0.1-0.025 µm with deviations from the required geometric shape up to 0.1-0.3 µm.

Types of lapping operations

  • Manual lapping
  • Semi-mechanical lapping
  • Mechanical lapping

Manual lapping used in single-piece production and in the processing of parts of complex shape.

Semi-mechanical lapping used in small scale production. The main movement is carried out by the lapping machine, and the supply of abrasive to the lapping plate is carried out manually by the operator.

Mechanical lapping Designed for high volume and mass production. The main movement and supply of the abrasive is performed by a lapping machine, the operation of which is controlled by the operator.

Lapping pastes and slurries are made from a variety of abrasive materials such as silicon carbide, alumina, boron carbide, diamond, etc. The choice of abrasive and grit size depend on the type and hardness of the material being processed and the requirements for the final result of processing.

Grit M20-M40 is used for preliminary finishing of surfaces to roughness Ra = 0.16-0.63 µm, M10-M14 - for semi-finishing to Ra = 0.04-0.08 µm, Ml-MZ - for final finishing to Ra = 0.02-0.04 µm.

Lapping plays the main role in finishing technology. The lap must be rigid and wear-resistant in order to maintain the shape and precision of the work surface. The laps are made of cast iron, steel, copper, bronze, glass, ceramics, aluminium, stainless steel, hard and viscous woods, and composite materials. The most common are lappings made of cast iron. Steel is used for the manufacture of thin long laps, glass - for particularly precise lapping, composite laps are used mainly with diamond suspension, for processing products made of hard alloys.

Depending on the type of processing, laps are made for roughing and finishing. Roughing laps have grooves that hold the lapping paste or compound and the waste. Lappers for finishing channels do not have. When finishing flat surfaces, flat lapping plates are used, when finishing cylindrical and conical surfaces, round lappings are used.

Lapping tools for finishing holes are made in the form of bushings mounted on mandrels. Lapping are adjustable and non-adjustable. Adjustable ones have a split shirt with an internal cone with a taper of 1:50 and an expanding device, which, when the cone is moved, increases the diameter of the lap. The initial diameter of the lap is usually 0.005-0.03 mm less than the diameter of the hole being machined. The length of the working surface of the lap is: for through holes 1.2-1.5 of the depth of the hole being processed, and for deaf holes, less than its depth.

Lapping machine

A machine for finishing and grinding flat and cylindrical surfaces of products using lapping machines, on the surface of which abrasive mixtures, pastes, suspensions are applied. There are vertical lapping machines (for processing external and internal surfaces) and horizontal lapping machines (for external surfaces). The horizontal lapping machine has one or two lapping plates, between which the parts to be processed are placed in the separator (part holder). The plates rotate with different frequencies in one or opposite directions, the separator oscillates in a horizontal plane. As a result of the complex movement of the machined surfaces of parts relative to the lapping plates, their uniform processing, high shape accuracy (error up to 1-3 microns) is ensured.

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