2x2 Rubik's Cube World Record. Robot sets new record for fastest Rubik's Cube

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Everyone knows such a puzzle as the Rubik's Cube. The assembly record was sought by many. But who did it? About this and will be discussed. But first things first.

Sculptor Erno Rubik invented the famous puzzle in 1974, all the while it gained popularity and became the best-selling toy in the world. AT different parts Erno's invention is called differently, in most countries it is called the "Rubik's Cube", although the author originally called it the "Magic Cube". This name is firmly entrenched in the toy in China, Germany and Portugal.

Varieties of the Rubik's Cube

There are many varieties of the Rubik's Cube. Some of them differ in the number of cells in the face: in a standard puzzle, each of the six faces consists of 9 cells, but 2x2x2 cubes and, to a lesser extent, other types, such as 7x7x7, are also common. There is a known case of creating a cube with dimensions of 17x17x17. Obviously, the more elements form one face, the more difficult it is to assemble such a cube.

Some have a completely different shape, such as the octahedron, dodecahedron, and so on. It is worth noting that the so-called Moldavian pyramid, or Meffert's pyramid, was invented earlier than the Rubik's cube.

World record for assembling the "Magic Cube"

Everyone knows the Rubik's Cube puzzle. The assembly record was tried to be set in many countries of the world. Enthusiasts who assemble a Rubik's Cube for a while are called speedcubers. Until 2014, the official records were updated quite often, but it becomes more difficult to beat the best results over time.

To date, the official world record: the Rubik's cube is solved in just five and a half seconds. This result was given by Mats Volk, who displaced the puzzler in 5.66 seconds.

It is worth noting that the ex-champion recorded a video on which he installed new record assemblies. He collected the Rubik's Cube in just 4.21 seconds, but this fact is not official, and some even dispute this result. Another unofficial record is held by the CubeStormer-3 robot, which was designed by two enthusiasts. As you might guess from the name of the robot, the designers have already tried to create a mechanism that can assemble a puzzle faster than a person, but they only succeeded in March 2014. World record: CubeStormer-3 solved the Rubik's cube in 3.25 seconds, finally overtaking Felix Zemdegs.

Puzzle in the world

In the world, there are constantly many competitions related to this puzzle. In addition to assembling various variations of the cube for a while, there are even contests for collecting the Rubik's cube with a blindfold. Yes, few can solve the Rubik's Cube even with their eyes open in less than a minute. The world record for blind assembly is 26 seconds! It belongs to Marshall Andrew, an enthusiast from Hungary.

Rubik's Cube in Russia

In Russia, this puzzle is also widely used, almost every student knows the standard Rubik's cube. And the older generation knows the Rubik's cube. They tried to set a record for assembly at competitions dedicated to this. The first serious competition associated with the "Magic Cube" in our country was held in early 2009, since then open assembly championships have been periodically organized. It is worth noting that among the programs at all-Russian tournaments there are various types of puzzles with a face size from two to seven.

Rubik's Cube: a record for assembling in Russia

The most famous speedcuber in Russia is Sergey Ryabko. Fame brought him victory in many international competitions related to the famous puzzle. Sergey is also a two-time European champion in this kind of activity. Ryabko began his professional career as a speedcuber in 2010. At that time, an open championship for assembling the "Magic Cube" was held in Moscow, dedicated to the thirtieth anniversary of the puzzle. At these competitions, Sergey became the winner in two categories. It is worth noting that at that time the speedcuber was only 15 years old.

In the same year, Ryabko replaced the reigning European champion during the international championship in Budapest. The speedcuber became the European champion for the second time in 2012, taking the place of Michal Pleskovich from Poland.

Sergei has repeatedly won all-Russian competitions, often invited by the organizers of such tournaments abroad. This speedcuber can also blindly solve some varieties of the Rubik's Cube.

In 2009, Erno Rubik came up with another puzzle - the Rubik's sphere. During the assembly of this invention, more complex movements of the hands are necessary, in addition, the process is complicated by the fact that gravity must be taken into account for success.

Felix Zemdegs set the world record for solving a 3x3x3 Rubik's Cube with two hands in one attempt

People have long lost hope of competing with robots in terms of the speed of solving the Rubik's Cube. So, the absolute record among robots is 0.38 seconds, and robot designers still boasted that they deliberately paused between movements to reduce the risk of breaking the cube.

Against this background, the achievements of people look faded, but no one thinks to cancel the championships. After all, championships are held in checkers, chess, go, poker and other games where the computer has surpassed the human. People compete with each other and demonstrate the amazing abilities of the human mind. Though not as fast as a computer program, but the brain of Homo sapiens is also able to calculate options and make decisions with great speed.

Another proof of this is the new record for solving the Rubik's Cube in 3×3×3 format. The world record now stands at 4.221 seconds - again held by a 22-year-old Australian named Feliks Zemdegs, who has held records before and was a multiple world champion.

According to the Australian press, Felix bought his first Rubik's Cube in 2008 at the age of 12, inspired by speed cube solving videos he found on YouTube. An hour later he picked it up.

A month later, the guy already coped with the puzzle in half a minute. In less than two years, the boy won the Melbourne Cube Day 2010 championship with a world record.

In an interview huffington post after winning the second Rubik's Cuban World Cup, he said that this trick is available to everyone, it just takes practice and patience. Almost all participants in such championships learned how to solve the Rubik's cube using manuals from the Internet or on YouTube: “It just takes a little practice and patience. But once you understand the way to solve it, everything becomes very formulaic. You understand that for the first stage you need to make such movements, then go to the next stage and solve this part. It's kind of a beginner's method. And then, as you learn more and practice, you start picking it up more intuitively.”

“I'm always very impressed with people who have found a solution themselves, and I think it's incredibly difficult,” says the record holder. “I couldn’t even imagine that – it’s one of the most impressive things.”

According to the table of records, this is already the eighth record of Felix Zemdegs. He installed the very first one in 2010 (7.03 seconds). Then, within two years, he improved his own achievement five times, and then the palm passed to another athlete. Finally, Felix regained the record in 2016 (4.73 seconds), then lost again, and now he again improved the world record by 37 hundredths of a second at once.

Felix has one piece of advice for those who want to find a way to solve the Rubik's Cube on their own. He recommends submitting 54 colored cube squares not stickers, but fragments.

The champion also refuses to recognize himself as more gifted than the other competitors. He does not agree that he has some kind of talent: “Literally anyone can learn this. Obviously, to achieve a high result, you need some ability in pattern recognition, spatial thinking, finger dexterity. I'm not sure if this necessarily correlates with general intelligence, but it definitely requires spatial reasoning. And to achieve high speed, in reality, you just need a lot of practice and determination.

By the way, Felix holds several other current world records in other disciplines: the record for the average of five attempts, with the exception of the slowest and fastest (5.99, 5.28, 5.25, 6.13 and 9.19, average 5, 80 s), as well as a world record for assembly with one hand (6.88 s, set in 2015, on

American schoolboy Colin Burns has managed to set a new time record for solving the famous Rubik's Cube. The new achievement is 5.25 seconds. The teenager did everything faster than the previous record holder by 0.30 seconds. It is difficult to imagine that such a speed of assembling a puzzle is generally possible, but practice shows that people sometimes do what few people expect from them.

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It should be noted that the Rubik's Cube is already 40 years old and during this time a huge number of records have been set using it. In addition, this puzzle is recognized as one of the most successful of those that have been created in the history of mankind. The Rubik's Cube allows you to develop spatial thinking and fine motor skills, and is also ideal for people of any gender and age.

If you want to test yourself, you can buy such a puzzle in any toy store, especially now there are numerous variations on the market, some of which provide for certain complication of the task. However, to begin with, it is recommended to practice on the standard version of the puzzle, because even mastering it is not as easy as it seems at first glance.

Colin's record was fixed during the competition for the prizes of the World Cube Association, which took place in the town of Doylestown (Pesnylvania, America). Very soon, these data will be officially confirmed, after which the record will get on the pages of the next edition of the Guinness Book of Records, along with hundreds of other new, and no less interesting achievements.

It is important to note that the Rubik's Cube records are trying to be set all the time, and the previous one was officially certified in 2013. Given the interest in this puzzle and the number of people doing something like this on an ongoing basis, then there is a high probability that the next achievement will not be long in coming. In the meantime, Colin Burns can rightfully be considered the person capable of solving the Rubik's cube faster than anyone on this planet.

For the first time, the popular mechanical puzzle called the Rubik's Cube (very often mistakenly called the Rubik's Cube) became known in 1974, when the Hungarian sculptor Erno Rubik presented his creation to the world. In the original (classic version) the puzzle consisted of three rows of multi-colored cubes, consisting of 24 elements in 54 color faces. For this, the puzzle was called 3x3x3. All parts are made of plastic and can rotate around its own axis.

Each visible side of such a cube consists of 9 faces of the same color, which are random in their original state. In the future, he needs to rotate the cube around the axes until all the colors of one side come together. The game is considered over when all 6 faces of the die consist of the same color elements.

It is worth noting that today the Rubik's Cube is considered one of the most popular toys. Over the entire period from the moment of its creation, over 350 million such products have been sold in the world.

It is important to note that in the future, the Rubik's Cube received some improvements and varieties. Today, modifications are known from 2x2x2 (when you need to fold only 2 faces on each side), to 17x17x17 (this is more of a computer puzzle). Toys are also produced in the form of trapeziums, pyramids, gigaminxes and other varieties. But the most sought after is still classic version 3x3x3.

Rubik's Cube World Records 3x3x3

Chronology of world records Rubik's Cube 3x3x3

year 2013 In 2013, the Dutch teenager Mets Valk managed to set another speed record for solving the classic Rubik's Cube. At the moment when all sides of this mechanical puzzle were painted in the same colors, the stopwatch recorded an unprecedented result - only 5.55 seconds.
2015 The record set by Mats Valk did not last very long. Already in April 2015, another teenager from America managed to surpass the world leader by assembling the puzzle in a record 5.25 seconds. Thus, another record was left for him.
2015 But this achievement did not last long. Already in November 2015, a teenager from America, Lucas Etter, managed to set an updated world record by collecting the classic version of the Rubik's Cube puzzle in a record 4.904 seconds. And he did it on the first try! At that time, the teenager was only 14 years old.
2016 Already in November 2016, a student from Australia, 20-year-old Felix Zemdegs, managed to set another record for collecting the classic version of the Rubik's Cube loved by everyone. He managed to "keep within" in just 4.73 seconds.
2017 But all this was not the limit of perfection. Already in the current 2017, it took American teenager Patrick Pons just 4.69 seconds to complete the classic version of the Rubik's Cube. Thus, he becomes the next champion in solving this exciting problem.

It is not surprising that the appearance of this puzzle and huge amount such toys in the hands of teenagers provoked an unprecedented boom, and gave impetus to competitions between them. Initially (at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries), such competitions had a relatively formal format. But with the advent of the global network, when it became possible to actually record your results live and share them with other cubers, work with this puzzle has accelerated significantly. Even informally, a time limit was set for a real super champion - namely, he must collect the classic version of the Rubik's Cube in a time interval not exceeding 10 seconds.

For the first time this milestone was overcome in May 2007 by the Frenchman Thibault Jacquelineau. During assembly, he managed to meet the record time for that time - it took only 9.86 seconds for all the faces of the puzzle to be painted in the same colors. It is important to note that this record did not last long. He was “beaten” twice in 2007 and in 2008, and later almost sensational moments began to appear in cubing. So already in July 2008, Erik Akkersdijk sets the then phenomenal speed of assembling a magic cube in a classic version - to complete full cycle Kuber took only 7.08 seconds to assemble. As an unprecedented result for that time. True, this record did not last long. It was already surpassed in 2010 with a new result of 6.77 seconds. And this is also not the limit.

Of course, 3x3x3 is the most commonly used puzzle variant in competitions, but other variations are also starting to develop gradually today. Already today, records are officially set in the nominations of high-speed assembly of puzzles with parameters 2x2x2, 4x4x4, puzzles 5x5x5, as well as 6x6x6, and with them 7x7x7 are gaining momentum. At the same time, computer developments do not stand aside, when the assembly of puzzles is entrusted to "artificial" intelligence.

To understand at what stage the competitive process is today, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with several records officially recorded to date.

Records Rubik's Cube 2x2x2

  • In January 2014, the unsurpassed Australian cuber Felix Zembegs was able to please his fans with another unprecedented result in terms of the speed of solving the Rubik's Cube - he managed to correctly set the colors on all its sides in just 0.88 seconds.
  • Another fairly impressive record for the speed of solving a Rubik's Cube with parameters 2x2x2 at the world championship in September 2015 was set by Lucas Etter, which took place in Nashville. It took him only 1.51 seconds to do this.
  • In 2016, the new world record for solving the 2x2x2 Rubik's Cube was reached by the Pole Maciej Czapiewski, who took only 0.49 seconds to set all the faces!

Records Rubik's Cube 4x4x4

  • In 2014, the fastest time to solve a 4x4x4 Rubik's Cube was recorded by the German cuber Sebastian Weier, who took just 21.97 seconds, a record at that time.
  • Later, already in 2015, 19-year-old Australian Felix Zembegs managed to solve the 4x4x4 Rubik's Cube in just 4.9 seconds at competitions in China.

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