How to make a weapon out of paper. Master class: paper machine How to make a paper machine with your own hands

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This article is devoted to the question of how to make a machine gun out of paper. There are various ways to make such crafts. The simplest ones are origami and gluing a very accurate model. It is these methods that this article is devoted to. In the first case, the logic of thinking and manual dexterity and motor skills develop. Using the second method, you can get a real work of art. Such crafts have become increasingly popular lately, and they can be sold at a very respectable price. Therefore, knowing how to make a paper machine in this way can be both a hobby and an additional source of income.

Origami has become increasingly popular lately. Everyone does this: both the little ones and adults. The advantages of origami are undeniable - with their

With help, memory develops, hand motor skills are developed and the logic of thinking is improved. All this led to the fact that most people, if not engaged in such crafts, then at least heard about them. The main material used in the origami making process is paper. Quite stringent requirements are put forward for it. It is best to use specialized paper. It is already painted, and its size can be either 15x15 cm or 20x20 cm. It has the necessary density and strength. This makes it easy to make the necessary bends and quickly obtain figures. There are no restrictions for real professionals in this business - they can use any material, including napkins. Any paper for crafts of this class is, in principle, suitable. But for beginners it is better to take a hard one, since it is much easier to work with. But the real guru of this business makes no difference in what material he works with.


The easiest way to make a Beretta in this way. This is where we will focus our attention. Now let's figure out the algorithm, that is, how to make an automaton from

paper. Unlike the recommendations stated earlier, it is better to use a rectangular sheet of A4 format, for example. We divide it in width into 3 equal parts and draw straight lines using a ruler. Next we make the handle. To do this, we draw another line perpendicular to the drawn lines at a distance of 6-7 cm from the edge using a ruler. The next stage is the trunk. Its length should be about 10 cm. It is at this distance that we draw another line parallel to the previous one. Now you need to attach two longitudinal lines to each other and make a good bend. There should also be one seam at the bottom. The result should be the letter W. Next, make 2 turns. One at a right angle is for the handle, and the second (at 180 degrees) is for the barrel (for this you need to make two cuts at the end of the barrel). That's it, the work is finished and the origami is ready.

Exact copy

The second option for making a paper machine is to assemble it from a ready-made kit. The easiest way to do this is to buy a ready-made assembly model. You need to cut it

properly according to the attached instructions. Next, connect the parts using glue. Let it dry and you're done. More advanced craftsmen make their own models. Their crafts are works of art that are in demand, so they can sell them profitably.


Paper crafts are becoming increasingly popular. Origami, full-fledged models and other options are increasingly used in practice. There is nothing special about this, since tinkering means receiving positive emotions and useful skills.

How to make a machine gun out of paper?

Origami is an ancient art that is enjoyed by many people. There are crafts that can be done in a matter of minutes, and there are complex things that require special attention and perseverance. They are the ones who bring joy that cannot be compared with anything. In this article you will learn how to make a machine gun out of paper.

Basic Steps

  • Take a regular sheet of A4 paper. We lay it on the longitudinal side and roll it evenly along its entire length. To completely fix the element, use transparent adhesive tape along the edges and in the middle. At this stage, a rolling pin or an ordinary bottle will do to make the work easier.
  • We place another similar A4 sheet on the finished element, wrapping the first roll. We secure the second part with tape. This is done so that one of the paper rolls can then be tightly inserted into the other. Thus, we secure the parts together at a certain distance and secure them with tape.
  • Using the already proposed algorithm, we build another similar structure. And here in front of us lie two elongated paper parcels.
  • Then you need to carefully connect the edges using tape. After this, we cut off a part of one roll from either side by about ten to fifteen centimeters. We got a separation between the barrel and the piston.

Making a handle and bandolier

Using the same principle, you can easily make a handle and bandoleer.

  1. We fold the sheet of the same A4 format with the longitudinal side, securing the edges. We flatten the finished roll to an oval to make our part comfortable to grip. We cut off about a quarter or a third of the part transversely, it all depends on the dimensions of the part you specified.
  2. Next, we cut the element on one side at an oblique angle and make a comfortable handle out of it. We fasten it in such a way that it does not fall off the first time you use the machine.
  3. The length of the magazine with cartridges will depend solely on your desire. The principle of its manufacture is the same as that of a paper handle. You can attach the magazine at a place convenient for you using transparent tape.
  4. A similar scheme will be used in the manufacture of the butt and other additional parts: a tripod for gaming “prone combat”, an imitation of an optical sight.

Stock up on colored paper in advance to decorate your machine. You can use paints and felt-tip pens. In other words, all this will help you in the manufacture and design of the machine. You can read about the creation of other types of weapons in the material

Games can be used not only for entertainment, but also for development. It is for this purpose that very often parents and children make toys and various crafts with their own hands - panels, paintings, airplanes, weapons, doll houses and much more. This helps develop imagination, fine motor skills and visual-figurative thinking in children. They treat such toys more carefully.

Paper is a universal material; almost any craft can be made from it, even a machine gun, and you will find out exactly how in our article.

How to make a machine from paper?

You will need:

  • colored paper;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • scotch.


  1. We make 5 tubes with a diameter of 1-2 cm from paper of different colors. To prevent them from unfolding, we seal their ends with glue.
  2. We attach one more to two of them in continuation. We shorten the blue one by 5-7 cm.
  3. We take a sheet of blue paper, wrap it around three tubes folded side by side, so that they move smoothly, and secure it.
  4. We cut off the excess paper and make a rectangle out of it.
  5. On the upper side of the resulting box, cut a rectangular hole to the middle.
  6. And on the brown part of one of the tubes we make a hole so that it is located in the second half of the box. We connect the double parts together with tape.
  7. On the side where the hole is made in the box, glue a small (up to 5 cm) lever to the middle tube located inside it.
  8. We make the following tubular parts from colored paper.
  9. We attach the long parts to the outer tubes located in the box.
  10. From the rest we make a stock and a sight, connecting them with transparent tape.
  11. We make a rectangular box with an open top out of blue paper and attach it to the lower tube of the butt.
  12. We attach a long one to the middle tube, and then a small funnel to it.
  13. Cut out a rectangle from brown paper and twist it as follows. These will be bullets.
  14. The machine gun and shells are ready.

But the question immediately arises: how to shoot from it? It’s simple: we put the cartridge into the hole made in the middle tube, closes the gap by pushing it forward by the lever. Then we blow with all our might into a funnel made near the butt.

It may seem incredible, but it is quite possible to make weapons out of paper. And not some resemblance that vaguely resembles a machine gun, pistol or rifle, but an exact copy of almost any type of small arms. There are craftsmen who reproduce even heavier and more massive weapons, like RPGs (grenade launchers) or even mortars. To do this, you need to be an avid fan of weapons and have remarkable patience, because you need to study for more than one year to achieve a decent result.

Such craftsmen are conventionally divided into two movements. Some strive to achieve perfect resemblance to the original samples. To do this, they carefully study photographs, drawings and other characteristics, noting even the smallest details of the design. After that, they begin directly to manufacturing and painting their product. The result is a paper gun that looks absolutely identical to the real thing. This is the highest level of skill that still needs to be reached, which not everyone can do.

Other fans of weapons are more interested in their technical component and do not need absolute similarity with the metal original. They make shooting models. True, they shoot with paper bullets and the power of such weapons is not great; at most they can pierce a piece of newspaper from a few meters. But only very high-quality samples are capable of this. In general, the main goal of such modellers is to recreate the mechanisms of a rifle, pistol, etc. as accurately as possible. However, achieving such an effect is extremely difficult. This is preceded by a lot of research and experimentation. But in any case, you need to start with the most basic.

For those who have decided to take the difficult path of making weapons from paper with their own hands, the World Wide Web will come to the rescue. It’s enough just to type in a search engine the queries “how to make a weapon out of paper” or “how to make a gun out of paper” and they will receive a lot of information on this issue, mainly video materials. Serious enthusiasts will initially be disappointed by the simplicity of the proposed solutions for organizing paper model shooting. Most tutorials describe the wind method of firing. To do this, you simply need to insert the hollow tube into the model. But this is the simplest option. An equally popular, but slightly more complex mechanism, based on the principle of shooting from a slingshot, for which a rubber band is mainly used. But children can also come up with such options. Keen modelers need more interesting solutions. But the situation is complicated by the inability to use flammable substances such as gunpowder due to the fact that paper is highly flammable. At first glance, there is only one option left - to use pneumatic mechanisms, but not everything is so smooth here.

If you dig around the World Wide Web more, you can find a guide on how to make a gun out of paper that will shoot without problems. Oddly enough, this does not require special materials or special equipment. Everything you need can be found in your office or home. First of all, this is thick A4 paper, tape, a stationery knife, scissors and a thin elastic band for banknotes. That's all you need.

So, how to make an origami paper gun that shoots? There is no point in describing this process in detail because there are a huge number of videos on this subject on the Internet, but it is simply necessary to give some practical advice. First of all, the main parts of the weapon must be made in the form of tubes from rolled sheets of paper. This is the method that will give it the necessary rigidity. In this case, these parts should be made from solid sheets; cutting and saving them is not recommended. And finally, the golden rule of paper modeling, the more paper, the stronger and more powerful the weapon will be.

When making a pistol with your own hands from paper, special attention should be paid to the barrel. To ensure its reliability, the seam must be carefully taped. Another important part of the pistol is the handle. You should also not spare paper on it; it should consist of at least two A4 sheets. Of course, all other parts of the weapon must be firmly attached to it with tape. Another important point is to glue the trigger only on the side where it touches the paper cylinder - the barrel. The same thing needs to be done on it in the same place. This is done in order to reduce the friction of the trigger when pressing it, which significantly reduces the effort required for this and extends the service life of the weapon.

In addition to high-quality spare parts and assembly, due attention must be paid to the manufacture of ammunition. The most important thing here is that the bullet is the same diameter as the barrel. If it is larger, it will increase friction during shooting and worsen its performance; this will also happen if the ammunition has a caliber smaller than that of the barrel. If you follow these simple rules, you can already create fairly reliable and powerful paper weapons in the first few stages. True, its appearance will be quite far from the original. But later you can bring your skills to perfection and make amazing shooting copies of weapons. The pistol is just an elementary example, with which everyone is recommended to begin their journey into the fascinating world of modeling.

Here is the simplest manufacturing example. In fact, there are a huge number of options and methods for such modeling. Studying the ancient art of origami can help create exact copies of models; weapons can also be created from paper along with other objects. True, you will have to pay a lot of attention to this and acquire patience. But if you set a goal, this type of modeling can become an exciting hobby that has no age restrictions.

Today I would like to highlight a hobby that is enjoyed by millions of people around the world. This is a paper model. Surely, someone you know is or has been involved in modeling - aircraft/ship modeling, wood modeling, assembling plastic models (tanks, airplanes), etc. In a word, it’s a fun business, and the results of successful work are even more pleasing, and especially pleasing to your guests.

But while almost everyone knows about the above, not many people know about the craftsmen who assemble voluminous and beautiful models from paper. Although you will hardly find a material more accessible and easier to process than paper. Another obvious advantage of this direction is that the entire process of creating a model can be carried out at home, because No special tools/machines are required here.

Briefly about the types of models

And the paper modeling itself is also different. Various types of origami also fall under this direction, and this is already a whole warehouse of directions. In this article I would like to show three-dimensional (3D, 3D) paper modeling. I still doubt the correctness of the formulation of this direction, but oh well. In general, you will see and understand everything.

Models vary in size and complexity. The main factor here is the number of sheets of drawings in A4. What you need to start with is paper (you can use “snow maiden”, sometimes you need something thicker - cardboard), scissors, a ruler (preferably two), pencil, glue (different ones are suitable, but the PVA one turned out to be more familiar to me). Perhaps that's all. We search the Internet for “download paper models” sites, download the models, print and get to work. For starters, I would recommend the Canon Creative Park website. There, the models are presented with clear instructions “for dummies” and other beginners. Actually, this is where I started, here are a couple of my endeavors:

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