Activity approach in Russian language lessons. System-activity approach in teaching the Russian language

reservoirs 14.08.2020

"A person will achieve results only by doing something himself..."
Alexander Pyatigorsky

The beginning of the 21st century requires educated people to be able to navigate independently in all kinds of extensive information, to solve numerous industrial and social problems. This means that the near future will require independent thinking, the ability to understand the situation and find a solution from every student today.

The child, placed in the position of a student attending school and carefully following the instructions of the teacher and homework, is not able to cope with the new demands put forward by life, since, first of all, he is a performer, armed with a sum of knowledge. Therefore, the task of the modern school is to form a person who improves himself, who is able to independently make decisions, be responsible for them, find ways to implement them, that is, it is necessary to become a creative person in the broad sense of the word.

According to the Federal State Educational Standard of the new generation, the success of a modern person is determined by the focus on knowledge and the use of new technologies, an active life position, an orientation towards the rational use of one's time and designing one's future, active financial behavior, effective social cooperation, a healthy and safe lifestyle. The implementation of these tasks is fully facilitated by a system-activity approach in training and education.

The idea of ​​the activity approach is that new knowledge is not given to children in finished form. Children "discover" them themselves in the process of independent research activities. They become little scientists making their own discovery. Our task when introducing the material is not to explain, tell and show everything clearly and easily, but to organize the research work of children so that the children themselves think of solving the key problem of the lesson and explain themselves how to act in new conditions . Children independently find their mistakes, identify the cause of these mistakes, they are given the opportunity to independently correct the mistakes and make sure that their corrections are correct, learn to reflect on their activities. And this is so relevant now, since the child’s relationship with others, exactingness towards himself, attitude towards successes and failures depend on self-esteem and self-control.

The main principles of the activity approach:

  • teach to learn
  • to teach to explain the phenomena of reality, their essence, causes, relationships, using the appropriate scientific apparatus,
  • teach to navigate the key issues of modern life - environmental, intercultural interaction, etc.,
  • to teach to navigate in the world of spiritual values, reflecting different cultures and worldviews,
  • to teach how to solve problems common to various types of professional and other activities (communicative, search and analysis of information, decision-making, organization of joint activities, etc.).
This approach assumes that knowledge is acquired and manifested only in activity, that there is always action behind the skills, development and upbringing of a student. In the educational field "Philology", the priority is communicative development - the formation of the ability and readiness to freely communicate in Russian, native and foreign languages, mastering modern means of verbal and non-verbal communication.

A feature of the educational process in the system of the activity approach is that the student becomes the center of activity, and the teacher acts as an assistant, consultant, encouraging original discoveries, stimulating activity, initiative, and independence.

What is the main difference between a traditional lesson and a modern one that requires a system-activity approach to teaching?

In the traditional lesson, knowledge was given in finished form, but now students must discover the knowledge themselves.
- Unlike the traditional lesson, the modern lesson allows students to come to the discovery of new knowledge through a practical orientation. The teacher is not a mentor, but a friend who helps to cope with the problems that have arisen in the lesson.
- At the modern lesson, the teacher needs to create conditions and direct the activities of his students to acquire knowledge in the process of their own activities in the lesson.

A modern lesson should form universal learning activities that provide students with the ability to learn, the ability for self-development and self-improvement. The general atmosphere in the school and the classroom contributes to the upbringing of positive motivation for learning: the student's involvement in various activities, the relationship of cooperation between the teacher and the student, the involvement of students in evaluation activities and the formation of adequate self-esteem in them.

It is at the lessons of the Russian language and literature that the formation of such basic competencies as general cultural, informational, and communicative takes place. This implies the relevance of the implementation of the system-activity approach in teaching the Russian language and literature.

Understanding the content of the text is the main and at the same time difficult task facing the modern student.
Text is the largest unit of speech. That is why the text is considered as a didactic unit in the methodology of teaching the Russian language and literature.

The text includes language units, the study of which is the goal of Russian language lessons. At the same time, the text has a pronounced idea, which is revealed through its content - and this is the subject of study in literature lessons. Therefore, the teacher faces the task of integrating two subjects of the Russian language and literature.

The proposed approach to teaching the Russian language and literature has a number of advantages: students systematically acquire the skills of communication, cooperation, self-regulation of behavior in a team. This happens in the familiar environment of a microgroup in which students are united. Working in microgroups gradually liberates the children, creates conditions for psychological comfort, teaches them to freely express their thoughts, prove their own conclusions, listen to others, respect someone else's point of view, argue, analyze their actions, evaluate them. There is a formation of a person who is able to assess the situation, see the problem, make a decision, implement it and be responsible for his choice.

It is in the lessons of the Russian language and literature that we directly work with the word, sentence, text; we teach children to make plans, abstracts, annotations and reviews of information messages; justify your statements; we educate students with respect for the word.

Previously, the main task in relation to the student in literature lessons was reduced to the formula "Read and retell." Now we need to learn how to search for information, how to use it. The task of the teacher is to develop in schoolchildren such reading skills as searching, choosing, evaluating information from texts used in extracurricular situations. These reading skills not only sharpen the minds of students, but also serve as the basis for academic success in all school disciplines, and are a prerequisite for successful participation in most areas of adult life.

Also, preparations are underway for the GIA, when it will be necessary to write a concise presentation with elements of an essay. At the lessons of the Russian language and literature, students must master the universal educational action - critically read the text, compress it, memorize the main thing, highlight it and write a short genre essay based on it, formulating the problem of the text.

Literature lessons are a space for the creative activity of students. When studying the text of "Teachings of Vladimir Monomakh", the students made up their own teachings: these were teachings to their sister, brother, classmates and even to themselves.
In the 5th grade, when studying folk tales, the words are written on the board: “A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it ...”. The lesson begins with a problematic question: "Why is a fairy tale called a lie?". Fifth graders give examples of magic in a fairy tale, call wonderful helpers. There is a dispute about the victory of good over evil, different points of view on this matter are expressed. After thinking about good and evil, students independently determine the purpose of the lesson by reading again the words written on the board, and now attention is turned to another key word “hint”.

A native person ... Such words are written on the board when studying the topic: A.S. Pushkin "Nanny". The first question in the lesson: “Who do we consider a native person?” makes all students think, leaves no one indifferent. From their own understanding of the word “native” students move on to understanding “A.S. Pushkin’s relatives”, understanding the poem “Nanny”.
The theme of the lesson is “Confrontation between good and evil in the work of A.S. Pushkin. "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs". The students themselves determine the purpose of the lesson. After a conversation about the confrontation between good and evil in a fairy tale, students in groups do independent work: write out key words that recreate the portrait and character of the heroines (1 - queen, 2 - princess), write out appeals and determine their role in the text.

One of the forms of the activity approach is the project activity of students. The project method involves solving a problem and is always focused on the independent activity of students - individual, pair, group, which students perform for a certain period of time. When studying epics, the children prepared mini-projects “About Russian heroes”.

Any activity begins with setting a goal that is personally significant for students, when this goal is “assigned” by the student, he can understand and formulate the task. In order for students to have a cognitive interest, it is necessary to confront them with a “surmountable difficulty”, that is, to create a problem situation, in order to solve it, educational actions are performed, at this stage it is necessary to create a situation of success. The new paradigm of education, education of the 21st century is to equip schoolchildren with the skills to study independently: to acquire knowledge, skills, skills of UUD.

The solution of a problematic issue or the formation of a problem based on the life experience of students (an inherent contradiction between knowledge and ignorance) contributes to the activation of the mental activity of students and the achievement of goal setting. So, when studying the topic “Predicate”, students are given a search task: to find how the predicates of the following sentences differ: The leaves turned yellow - The leaves began to turn yellow - The leaves turned yellow.

The following problematic questions allow you to complete the work:

- Into what groups can the predicates of these sentences be divided and on what basis?
- Which predicates can be called simple, and which - compound and why?
- How do the predicates of the second group differ?
- Which of them can be called verbal, and which - nominal? Why?

When studying the topic "Demonstrative pronouns" in the 6th grade, a research task is given to the class:

  • Consider the words. What do all these words have in common?
  • Divide the words into groups (each determines the number of groups independently)
This, this, here, now, such, so much, there, there, such, from there, that, then, so, that.
After the students distribute the words into groups, the answers and justifications for the proposed distribution are heard. Then the students are offered the teacher's version and given the task to explain the proposed distribution of words into groups (pronouns and adverbs):
  • such
  • so many
  • such is
  • that here
  • now
  • from there
  • then
Such a task allows students to show both independence of thinking, express their points of view about demonstrative pronouns, and shows possible difficulties in studying this topic.

Speaking about the system-activity approach in education, this concept cannot be separated from the educational process. Only in the conditions of an activity approach, and not a flow of information, moralizing, a person acts as a person. Interacting with the world, a person learns to build himself, evaluate himself and analyze his own actions. Therefore, project activities, business games, collective creative activities - this is all that is aimed at practical communication, which has a motivational conditionality and involves the creation of an attitude in children for independence, freedom of choice and prepares their lives - this is the system-activity approach, which Undoubtedly, it does not bear fruit immediately, but it leads to achievements.

So, the system-activity approach in education is not a set of educational technologies, methods and techniques, it is a kind of philosophy of education of a new school, which enables the teacher to create, search, become a master of his craft in collaboration with students, work for high results, form students have universal learning activities – thus preparing them for continuing education and for life in an ever-changing environment.

In the context of the introduction of new educational standards, the modern teacher is faced with the task of using a system-activity approach in teaching schoolchildren.

The teacher does not always have a clear idea of ​​​​how to put it into practice. The main thing to understand is that the essence of the activity approach in teaching is not that the student needs to be asked to perform certain actions that will lead him to create a specific educational result, since with such an organization of activity, the main thing is missing - personal initiative. When the task is “launched from above” and no one takes into account the interests, desires, needs of the student, the student has a natural question: “Why do I need this? Why should I do this?

The implementation of the activity approach in the classroom forces the teacher to restructure their activities, move away from the usual explanation and provide students with their own, in a certain sequence, to discover new knowledge and appropriate it. The teacher must realize that it is the students who are the main "acting heroes" in the lesson. And, therefore, the activity of each student in the lesson should be comprehended, personally significant. The child must understand: what I want to do, why I do it, how I do it, how I did it.

We educate young people living in modern society, and modern society needs young people who can identify problems, ask questions, independently find the answer to the questions posed, learn, draw conclusions, make decisions. We need proactive people! And the system-activity approach in teaching is designed to help in the education of an active person: not only able to do something, but understanding what he is doing, why and how.

The technology of the activity method of teaching is the structure of educational activity, which includes a system of activity steps, which are presented in the form of a diagram (reference signal-algorithm, which in an adapted form describes the main elements of the structure of learning activity, built in the methodological version of the theory of activity) that helps the teacher to correlate the stages of learning activity:

But in order to prepare and conduct a lesson that involves the creative activity of the student and teacher, where each student feels comfortable, has the opportunity to express their opinion on the problem being studied, to show their own capabilities, interests, independence, selectivity in ways of working, to feel the atmosphere of cooperation to feel and experience success, it is necessary to create conditions for the cognitive activity of students. The means, methods and techniques that allow success, the teacher must think through and select himself, thus demonstrating knowledge of the age, psychological, individual qualities of his students, the level of preparation of the class, his professional maturity, pedagogical intuition and creativity. The main thing is to build a lesson in such a way that children perceive the teacher not as an omniscient, wise and inaccessible adult for them, but as an older and more experienced, fair comrade in the search for truth, who is able to listen to other people's opinions, support students, help them with good advice in difficult moment, to rejoice for their students, for their small and big victories.

To form the activity abilities of a student, it is necessary to constantly train him in performing various types of activities: speaking, reading, listening and writing.To implement the personal-activity approach in the Russian language lessons, collaborative learning, the project method, and game technologies are used.

In technologies based on a collective way of learning, learning is carried out through communication in dynamic or static pairs, dynamic or variational groups, when everyone teaches everyone, special attention is paid to the options for organizing students' workplaces and the teaching aids used.

In order to implement the activity approach in accordance with modern trends, it is necessary to organize collective activity in the classroom, since collective activity includes mutual activity and mutual actions. The interaction of its participants can be understood as communication. In this case, the participants must constantly discuss some problems with each other, engage in dialogues in order to be able to understand the positions of others and at the same time learn to look at themselves through the eyes of others, that is, develop the quality of self-reflexivity in themselves.

To include a child in an active cognitive collective activity, in my opinion, it is necessary:

Link the material being studied to daily life and interests


Plan a lesson using a variety of forms and methods

Academic work, and, above all, all types of independent work,

Dialogue and design research methods;

Involve students' past experiences in discussion;

Evaluate student achievement not only by grade, but also by content


As my pedagogical experience shows, the level of communicative culture of schoolchildren is increased by the use of such methods of organizing a lesson as:

Solving communicative-situational tasks that allow

Bring learning closer to the natural conditions of communication and increase

The level of culture of speech communication, allow you to comply with the norms of Russian

Literary language, ethical norms and rules of speech behavior;

Participation in dialogue, discussions, presentations as a speaker,

An opponent speaking in a discussion of a question, asking a question or

answering it;

Performing creative work based on personal, reader, life,

Fantasy and musical impressions;

Using a variety of exercises to interpret and create

Texts (writing letters, announcements, posters, text editing,

Various types of restructuring of texts, creation of texts on key


Creation of linguistic newspapers, projects and multimedia presentations.

In my practice, I use active forms of learning to form a competent personality:

1) group work, work in pairs

2) role-playing and business games

3) language games

4) varieties of reflection that help students express themselves.

The game form of classes is created with the help of game techniques and situations that allow you to activate the cognitive activity of students. When planning a game, the didactic goal turns into a game task. Educational activity is subject to the rules of the game, educational material is used as a means for the game. An element of competition is introduced into the educational activity, which transforms the didactic task into a game one, and the successful completion of the didactic task is associated with the game result.

The following games can be used in Russian language lessons:

Unscramble anagrams(if any word from a rearrangement of letters in it forms another word that has a different meaning, then these words are called anagrams (Greek "ana" - pere, "gram" - letter): "linden" - "saw").

Condition :

The participants of the game, divided into teams, can make anagrams to each other, assigning either fines to the losers or points to the winners. The team, competitive element of the game will strengthen the verbal-game situation mastered by schoolchildren.

The task :

Come up with new words consisting of the same letters in a different order: atlas (salad), act (so), address (environment), glad (gift), army (Mary, world), author (goods, decoction, thief), image (boron, rose, slave), word (hair, ox), feeling (mustache, here).Methodological goals and objectives:

Develop resourcefulness, ingenuity, logic in students;

Development of students' speech;

Team building;

The development of collectivism among students;

Encourage students to develop a sense of language.

Incomplete word game

Condition :

The teacher writes a column of letters on the board, putting dots instead of consonants. Children guess the words only according to the given vowels. The game is played orally or in writing, in groups or as a competition of individual children. There are often two or three possible answers.

The task :

Make incomplete words complete. Sample answers: room, station, report, TV.

Methodological goals and objectives:

The development of students' erudition, ingenuity, resourcefulness, thinking;

Development of students' speech;

Raising students' love for the Russian language;

Relay race of delight(to the topic "Verbs and their role in our speech")

The task :

Using these verbs denoting feelings (love, rejoice, admire, admire, enjoy, adore), make phrases or sentences.

Condition :

To complete this game task, students are divided into two teams and sit in rows one after another. The facilitator gives the team members sitting first, cards with the verbs of feeling written on them. After completing the tasks, team members pass the cards to those sitting behind. The team that quickly and more correctly (more expressively) composes phrases and sentences wins.

Methodological goals and objectives:

Children are introduced to verbs expressing feelings;

Get acquainted with synonyms, synonymous series; learn to distinguish

Shades of synonyms;

Enriching students' vocabulary;

Development of students' speech;

Development of a sense of collectivism among students;

Teaching students a sense of language.

Guess the subject!(to the topic “The main members of the sentence. Subject”) The task :

The host offers riddles in which the predicates are given, but there is no subject. Children guess each riddle and insert the riddle - word - subject - into the text of the riddle.

1. It amuses in spring, cools in summer, nourishes in autumn, warms in winter. (Tree) 2. He walks on the ground, does not see the sky, nothing hurts, but everything groans. (Pig) 3. It flaps its wings, but cannot fly away. (Windmill)

4. They grow in summer and fall off in autumn. (Leaves)

5. Doesn't bark, doesn't bite, but won't let you into the house. (Castle)

6. Not a bull, but butting, not eating, but enough food. (Grip)

Condition :

Children must follow the order, do not shout, because. the answer will not be counted.

Methodological goals and objectives:

Acquaintance of students with the main members of the proposal;

Getting to know the subject;

Development of students' ingenuity, resourcefulness; - educating students' sense of language.

Come up with a fiction in 10 minutes

The task :

The teacher writes a phrase (or several), then folds the sheet so that what is written is not visible, and passes it on to the student. Now, in a clean place, the student writes his phrase. He also folds the sheet and gives it to another. Condition :

You are allowed to write anything, but there is one subtlety that you need to remember: all these phrases must answer (in order) the following questions:

Who was (or was) it?

What did (s) look like?

Where did (go) go?

Whom did you meet?

What did he (she) say?

What did he/she answer?

What did he/she do?

What was his/her reaction?

How did the whole story end?

Conclusion or moral.

When the answer to the last question is written down, the whole sheet unfolds and the resulting fable is read with an expression. This speech game can also be held as a competition between girls and boys (between the rows of the class).

Methodological goals and objectives:

The development of a sense of collectivism among students;

Development of imagination, thinking, resourcefulness;

Raising students' love for the Russian language.

Linguistic games - exercises (to the topic "The lexical meaning of the word. Explanatory dictionaries")

The task : Guess what it's about.

Condition :

Each team gets the same task. Whoever guesses what it is about, raises his hand and answers. Shouts are not counted.

What word are you talking about?

The most worthy word on which “the world stands”, which “sparkles brighter than the sun”, “does not burn in fire”, “does not sink in water”, “is not afraid of court”, “does not make friends with lies”, “always lives with good people." (Truth)

Find friends and enemies of the word "Truth". What words will you choose? (Synonyms, cognate words are “friends”, and antonyms are “enemies”). We make such a record: True

Synonyms Antonyms Related words

truth false truthful

justice lie truthfully lies truth seeker truth seeker

Methodological goals and objectives:

The development of students' thinking, logic, imagination;

Education in students of a sense of language, love for the Russian language.

Playing with words for gymnastics of the mind

"Riddles - jokes"

Riddles - jokes - a special kind of riddles. They differ from ordinary riddles in that they do not suggest an answer, do not lead to that, but, on the contrary, make our thought work in a false direction. The meaning of such riddles is in a trap or in a PLAY ON WORDS. They are witty, amaze with the unexpectedness of the question. Guessing a riddle is a very difficult joke. But this is not necessary. Children are satisfied with the answer they receive from their teacher, but then they themselves will willingly offer these riddles to their friends, classmates and rejoice at the opportunity to provide a suitable answer. Children should not be offered more than one or two riddles - jokes at a time. The following riddles - jokes, the teacher can use as gaming, competitive, olympiad tasks in Russian language lessons, as well as in extracurricular, circle work during linguistic games - competitions in case of disputes between teams.

When is a boy called by a woman's name? (When he sleeps for a long time - Sonya).

When the goat is seven years old, what will happen next? (The eighth will go).

What dishes can not be eaten? (From empty).

When are hands three pronouns? (When they are you - we - you).

What does half an apple look like? (On the other half).

How does day and night end? (soft sign)

A very important part of the development of fine motor skills in children is"finger games", which are used on dynamic pauses during the lesson. They are exciting and contribute to the development of speech, creative activity. During the "finger games" children, repeating the movements of adults, activate the motor skills of the hands. Thus, dexterity is developed, the ability to control one's movements, to concentrate on one type of activity.

Most of all, a personal-active approach takes place when organizing work on a project. The project method stimulates the children's interest in certain problems, which involve the possession of a certain amount of knowledge and provide for the solution of these problems through project activities. Project technology makes it possible to implement a student-centered approach to learning, as well as student self-motivation. Projects are also convenient in that they are very diverse in form, content, the nature of the dominant activity, the number of participants, and the duration of execution. The forms of project implementation are also different: it can be a printed work, an article, a conference report, a wall newspaper, an almanac, a multimedia presentation, a creative report, etc.

At the lessons of the Russian language in elementary school, you can organize work on the following types of projects:

Collective projects
At the Russian language lessons, students get acquainted with various types of reference literature, learn to work with dictionaries and create their own dictionaries following the model. For example, when studying the "Vocabulary" section, you can organize work on a draft dictionary of military terms based on a text about military events studied in a literary reading lesson. Working on such a project will help students not only learn how to work with reference books, but also learn more about the history of their country, see the skill of a poet or writer embodied in the work being studied. The project includes the following stages:
orientation stage
Students are given advanced homework in literature: read the work, write out unfamiliar words and find out their meaning.

We form informational, cultural competencies through the independent activity of students.
development stage
At the lesson, we consider homework, create a dictionary model together with students: a sample dictionary entry, the structure of the dictionary itself. To do this, we consider various types of dictionaries: encyclopedic, explanatory, etymological, orthoepic, spelling - we analyze the structure of dictionaries and dictionary entries.

We form information, research, subject competences through educational activities in the classroom.
project implementation stage
As homework, students create vocabulary entries according to the model developed in the lesson. Pupils in independent activity implement the knowledge gained at the lesson.

We form information, research, subject competences through independent activity.

When checking homework, students protect their dictionary pages, explaining the meaning of the word.

We form communicative competence through the organization of speeches and their discussion.
project evaluation stage
At the final stage, when independent work is presented, students discuss their work, express their opinion about what they learned, what they did, what else could be done.

We form reflective competence through discussion of independent learning activity and its results.

Group projects

The Noun Gender project includes the following steps:
orientation stage
Each group at the project preparation stage receives an advanced homework assignment and must determine the role of the group members:

a leader who organizes and coordinates the preparation of work, distributing the activities of students; a speaker who defends the project;

a working group that carries out work with educational literature and literary text.

At this stage, social, communicative competences are formed through the organization of students' independent activities.
development stage
In the lesson, when distributing groups, types of activities, we create a project passport, which reflects all the criteria by which the project is evaluated.
project implementation stage
Each group receives its own task, which consists in collecting material and preparing a presentation on the proposed topic.

Nouns are feminine.

Masculine nouns.

Nouns of the middle gender.

Nouns of the general gender.

Subject and informational competencies are formed through the independent activity of students.
project results presentation stage
In the next lesson, when studying the topic “Gender of a noun”, each group defends its report and evaluates it.
project evaluation stage
Students listen to the speeches, evaluate them according to the proposed criteria, supplement the answers.

We form subject, communicative, reflective competencies through the presentation and discussion of projects.
Individual projects
Students prepare individual projects as homework for the lesson of generalization and consolidation. Consider a project on the topic "Noun", as it is more familiar to students and independent work of students is supported by a deep knowledge of the theory and apply the knowledge gained in practice.
Each student of the class receives a sentence in which he must analyze the word belonging to the noun, having carried out a phonetic, spelling, morphemic, lexical, morphological analysis. This allows students to apply their knowledge in a complex and gives an idea of ​​the language as a holistic system and apply the learning skills acquired during the school year.

The project includes the following stages:
orientation and development phase
At the lesson of generalization and consolidation on the topic “Noun”, students are offered individual homework and a model (sample) for its implementation. Students need, using the knowledge gained in grade 4, to analyze one word of a noun in terms of sound, morphemic composition, spelling, grammatical and lexical meaning of the word. Subject competence is formed through learning activities.
project implementation stage
Doing homework allows students to use the acquired knowledge in a complex, exploring the word comprehensively and using various necessary reference books, dictionaries and their own knowledge of the subject.

Subject, research and information competencies are formed through independent learning activities in the course of doing homework.
the stage of presentation of the results of the project and its evaluation
In the next lesson, students defend their work by explaining their activities during the preparation of the assignment. The results are discussed by the whole class and conclusions are drawn about the noun as a part of speech. Subject, communicative, reflective competencies are formed during the defense, evaluation and discussion of the work performed.

The implementation of the activity approach in elementary school contributes to the successful learning of younger students. A feature of the method is the independent “discovery” of new knowledge by children in the process of research activities. This contributes to the fact that knowledge and learning skills acquire personal significance for students. Children develop basic learning skills that allow them to successfully adapt in the main school. The leading characteristics of a primary school graduate are his ability to think independently, analyze, the ability to build statements, put forward hypotheses, defend the chosen point of view; the presence of ideas about one's own knowledge and ignorance on the issue under discussion.

And for the teacher, the activity method is a universal tool that provides tools for preparing and conducting lessons in accordance with the new goals of education. The most important task is to educate the student-researcher. Achieving the set goals is possible using the activity method - a process that opens up wide opportunities for the development of an active and creative personality, able to conduct an independent search, make their own discoveries, solve emerging problems, make decisions and be responsible for them.


  1. Bystrova E.A. Approaches and principles of teaching the Russian language. //Teaching the Russian language. Moscow, 2007
  2. Korbakova I.N., Tereshina L.V. Activity method of teaching: description of technology, lesson notes. Grades 1-4. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2006
  3. Peterson L.G., Agapov Yu.V., Kubysheva M.A., Peterson V.A. The system and structure of educational activities in the context of modern methodology. Moscow. UMC “School 2000…” 2000
  4. Romanovskaya M.B. Projects in the lower grades.- Head teacher of elementary school- No. 6-2007
  5. Sesyunina L.G. "Activity approach in the lessons of the Russian language in elementary school", Primary school plus-minus 08.2008
  6. Spivakovskaya A.S. The game is serious, M, 1891, p.5 - 7Shatova E.G. Russian language lesson in a modern school. Moscow, 2007
  7. Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education / Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. – M.: Enlightenment, 2010.

"Designing lessons of the Russian language and literature based on a system-activity approach to teaching"

The four pillars on which education is based: learning to know, learning to do, learning to live together, learning to be.

Jacques Delors


At present, a new education system is being formed in Russia, focused on ascent into the world educational space. This process is accompanied by significant changes in the pedagogical theory and practice of the educational and cognitive process.

The concept of modernization of Russian education emphasizes the need to focus education not only on the assimilation of a certain amount of knowledge, but also on the development of his personality, his cognitive and creative abilities. A general education school should form an integral system of universal knowledge, skills and abilities, as well as independent activity and personal responsibility of students.

The FGOS IEO is based on a system-activity approach to teaching reading literacy in the lessons of the Russian language and literature. It provides active educational and cognitive activity of students, forms a readiness for self-realization, organizes educational cooperation with adults and peers in cognitive activity.

It is at the lessons of the Russian language and literature that the formation of such basic competencies as general cultural, informational, and communicative takes place. This implies the relevance of the implementation of the system-activity approach in teaching the Russian language and literature.


When developing federal state standards of the second generation, the formation of general educational skills and abilities, as well as methods of activity, the level of development of which largely determines the success of all subsequent education, becomes a priority for primary general and basic general education. At present, the use of techniques and methods in teaching that form the ability to independently obtain new knowledge, collect the necessary information, put forward hypotheses, draw conclusions and conclusions is becoming increasingly relevant in the educational process. General didactics and private methods within the framework of the subject call for solving problems related to the development of schoolchildren's skills and abilities of independence and self-development. And this involves the search for new forms and methods of teaching, updating the content of education.


    development of interest in the subject;

    acquisition of research experience;

    development of the ability to creatively design and convey the necessary information to an interested audience;

    development of the ability to work independently, in pairs, in groups, etc.;

    obtaining additional knowledge on the topic;

    development of monologue speech skills (according to given samples)


    study of the theoretical substantiation of the problem of designing modern lessons of the Russian language and literature based on a system-activity approach;

    development of lessons in the Russian language and literature based on a system-active approach;

    generalization of the results of the work

Part 1. Systemic-activity approach as a means of realizing the modern goals of education

I hear - I forget, I see - I remember,

I do - I learn.

Chinese wisdom

The insufficiency of any amount of knowledge for the successful solution of life problems is obvious to everyone today, therefore, the student’s personality, his ability to “self-determination and self-realization”, to independent decision-making and bringing them to execution, to a reflexive analysis of his own activity comes to the fore. Thus, the priority for the purposes of education has shifted towards the formation of activity abilities. Under these conditions, more and more attention is drawn to the system-activity approach, which includes all types of activities (self-determination, norm-setting and norm-realization), a reflexive analysis of one's own activity, and also systematically trains communication skills, thereby ensuring the formation of children's readiness for self-development. .

The system-activity approach is aimed at the development of the personality. What distinguishes the educational system is that it focuses on the zone of proximal development, that is, the area of ​​potential opportunities that allow the student to come into contact with an adult and, under his guidance, solve tasks at a higher level. Access to the zone of proximal development is carried out through setting learning objectives. The teacher directs the search for answers to a question or a learning task: help is expected, not a hint. The student's activity within his zone of proximal development provides for the use of additional information from auxiliary sources (dictionaries, reference books, encyclopedias), with which the student works independently. The student's work, taking into account the zone of proximal development, contributes to the actualization, self-control, self-regulation and planning of one's own activities under the control and assistance of the teacher.

The main pedagogical task: organizing the conditions that initiate children's action

The school today is rapidly changing, trying to keep up with the times. The main change in society, which also affects the situation in education, is the acceleration of the pace of development. So today important not so much to give the child as much knowledge as possible, but ensure its general cultural, personal And cognitive development, to equip such an important skill as the ability to learn. In fact, this is the main task of the new educational standards, which are designed to realize the developing potential of general secondary education. Structurally fulfill the tasks of educationXXIcentury helps system-activity approach.

Today, the most widespread is the "technology of the activity method of teaching", developed under the guidance of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Lyudmila Georgievna Peterson.

The activity approach is a teaching method in which the childѐ Nok does not receive knowledge in a ready-made form, but extracts them himself in the process of his own educational and cognitive activity.

The fundamental difference between the technology of the activity method and the traditional technology of the demonstration-visual method of teaching is that the proposed structure describes the activities of not the teacher, but the students.

The implementation of the technology of the activity method in practical teaching is provided by the following system of didactic principles:

1) Operating principle- lies in the fact that the student, receiving knowledge not in a finished form, but obtaining it himself, is aware of the content and forms of his educational activity, understands and accepts the system of its norms, actively participates in their improvement, which contributes to the active successful formation of his general cultural and activity abilities, general educational skills.

2) The principle of continuity- means continuity between all levels and stages of education at the level of technology, content and methods, taking into account the age-related psychological characteristics of the development of children.

3) The principle of integrity- involves the formation by students of a generalized systemic understanding of the world (nature, society, oneself, the sociocultural world and the world of activity, the role and place of each science in the system of sciences).

4) Minimax principle- consists in the following: the school must offer the student the opportunity to master the content of education at the maximum level for him (determined by the zone of proximal development of the age group) and at the same time ensure its assimilation at the level of a socially safe minimum (state standard of knowledge).

5) The principle of psychological comfort- involves the removal of all stress-forming factors of the educational process, the creation of a friendly atmosphere at school and in the classroom, focused on the implementation of the ideas of pedagogy of cooperation, the development of dialogue forms of communication.

6) The principle of variability- involves the formation of students' abilities for a systematic enumeration of options and adequate decision-making in situations of choice.

7) The principle of creativity- means maximum orientation to creativity in the educational process, the acquisition by students of their own experience of creative activity. 3

Typology of lessons in the didactic system of the activity method

The lessons of activity-oriented goal-setting can be divided into four groups:

    lessons of "discovery" of new knowledge;

    reflection lessons;

    lessons of a general methodological orientation;

    developmental control lessons.

1. The lesson of "discovery" of new knowledge.

Activity goal: formation of students' ability to a new way of action.

Educational Purpose: expansion of the conceptual base by including new elements in it.

2. Lesson of reflection.

Activity goal: the formation of students' abilities for reflection of the correctional-control type and the implementation of the correctional norm (fixing their own difficulties in activity, identifying their causes, building and implementing a project to overcome difficulties, etc.).

Educational Purpose: correction and training of the studied concepts, algorithms, etc.

3. Lesson of a general methodological orientation.

Activity goal: formation of students' ability to a new mode of action associated with the construction of the structure of the studied concepts and algorithms.

Educational Purpose: revealing the theoretical foundations for constructing content-methodological lines.

4. A lesson in developmental control.

Activity goal: formation of students' ability to implement control functions.

Educational Purpose: control and self-control of the studied concepts and algorithms.

Theoretically justified mechanism of control activity assumes:

    presentation of a controlled variant;

    the presence of a conceptually justified standard, and not a subjective version;

    comparison of the tested variant with the standard according to the agreed mechanism;

    evaluation of the comparison result in accordance with a predetermined criterion.

Thus, the lessons of developmental control involve the organization of the student's activities in accordance with the following structure:

    students writing a version of the control work;

    comparison with an objectively justified standard for the performance of this work;

    students' evaluation of the comparison result in accordance with previously established criteria.

The division of the educational process into lessons of different types in accordance with the leading goals should not destroy its continuity, which means that it is necessary to ensure the invariance of the teaching technology. Therefore, when building a technology for organizing lessons of different types, the activity method of teaching and provide a corresponding system of didactic principles as the basis for building the structure and conditions of interaction between the teacher and the student.

To build a lesson within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard, it is important to understand what the criteria for the effectiveness of a lesson should be, regardless of which typology we adhere to.

1. The objectives of the lesson are set with a tendency to transfer the function from the teacher to the student.

2. The teacher systematically teaches children to carry out a reflexive action (to assess their readiness, to detect ignorance, to find the causes of difficulties, etc.)

3. A variety of forms, methods and techniques of teaching are used, which increase the degree of activity of students in the educational process.

4. The teacher owns the technology of dialogue, teaches students to put and address questions.

5. The teacher effectively combines reproductive and problem-based learning, teaches children to work according to the rule and creatively.

6. At the lesson, tasks and clear criteria for self-control and self-assessment are set (there is a special formation of control and evaluation activities among students).

7. The teacher achieves understanding of the educational material by all students, using special techniques for this.

8. The teacher strives to evaluate the real progress of each student, encourages and supports minimal progress.

9. The teacher specifically plans the communicative tasks of the lesson.

10. The teacher accepts and encourages, expressed by the student, his own position, a different opinion, teaches the correct forms of their expression.

11. Style, tone of relationships, set in the lesson, create an atmosphere of cooperation, co-creation, psychological comfort.

12. At the lesson, a deep personal influence "teacher - student" is carried out (through relationships, joint activities, etc.).

RO based on SDP acts as a full-fledged innovative one. It really transforms TO into a developing one, which is not difficult to identify when comparing them.

Traditional learning

Innovative developmental education

1) is based on the principle of accessibility;

1) relies on the zone of proximal development;

2) the student acts as an object of PD;

2) the student acts as the subject of their own LL;

3) focused on the assimilation of a certain amount of knowledge;

3) is aimed at mastering the methods of cognition as the ultimate goal of teaching;

4) develops ordinary thinking, an empirical way of knowing

4) develops theoretical thinking and theoretical way of knowing;

5) when solving specific practical problems, students learn private methods;

5) learning tasks come to the fore, solving them, students learn the general ways of mental activity

6) as a result, an individual is formed - a person capable of performing activities.

6) a personality capable of independent creative activity is formed.

Let's compare a lesson in the activity approach mode with a traditional lesson on a number of elements:



Traditional lesson

Lesson in the activity approach mode

Formulation of the topic of the lesson

The teacher tells the students

Formed by students

Setting goals and objectives

The teacher formulates and tells the students what they should learn

Students themselves formulate, defining the boundaries of knowledge and ignorance


The teacher tells the students what work they need to do to reach the goal

Students planning ways to achieve the intended goal

Practical activities of students

Under the guidance of a teacher, students perform a number of practical tasks (the frontal form of organizing activities is more often used)

Students carry out educational activities according to the planned plan (group and individual forms of organizing activities are used)

Exercising control

The teacher supervises the implementation of practical work by students

Students exercise control (forms of self-control, mutual control according to the proposed coupon are used)

Implementation of the correction

The teacher, in the course of performing and following the results of the work performed by the students, corrects

Students formulate problems and correct them on their own.


The teacher evaluates the work in the lesson

Students participate in the evaluation of activities based on its results (self-assessment, assessment of the results of the activities of comrades)

Lesson summary

The teacher asks the students what they remember

Reflection is underway


The teacher announces and comments (more often - the task is the same for everyone)

Students can choose a task from the ones proposed by the teacher, taking into account individual abilities.

Obviously, the transition to new educational standards involves the improvement of the lesson - the main form of organization of education. What technologies can be used to implement the activity approach in the classroom?

The mechanism for implementing the system-activity approach is such technologies as:

    Information and communication technologies (communication - communication)

    Technology based on the creation of a learning situation (solving problems that are practically significant for studying the world around)

    Technology based on the implementation of project activities

    Technology based on the level differentiation of learning

    Activity method technology

The activity method is a method in which the child does not receive knowledge in a finished form, but obtains it himself in the process of his own educational and cognitive activity.

The technology of the activity method involves the following sequence of steps in the lesson:

Lesson stages

The organizing role of the teacher

Motivation for learning activities

They create conditions for the student to have an internal need to be included in the activity (“I want”) and to highlight the content area (“I can”).

Actualization of knowledge and fixation of an individual difficulty in a trial action.

Organizes the preparation of students for the independent implementation of a trial educational action: 1) updating the knowledge, skills and abilities sufficient to build a new way of action; 2) training of appropriate mental operations. At the end of the stage, a difficulty is created in the individual activity of the students, which is fixed by them themselves.

Identification of the place and cause of the difficulty

Organizes the students to identify the place and cause of the difficulty: 1) organizes the restoration of the operations performed and fixing the place, step where the difficulty arose 2) identifying the cause of the difficulty - what specific knowledge, skills are not enough to solve the original problem of this class or type.

Building a project to get out of trouble

It organizes the process of discovering new knowledge, where students in a communicative form think over the project of future educational activities: they set a goal, build a plan to achieve the goal, choose a method for solving a problem situation.

Implementation of the constructed project

Organizes: discussion of various options proposed by students; the choice of the optimal variant, which is fixed verbally and symbolically. Clarifies the nature of the new knowledge.

Primary reinforcement with pronunciation in external speech

Organizes the assimilation by students of a new method of action when solving typical problems with their pronunciation (frontally, in pairs or groups).

Independent work with self-test according to the standard

Organizes independent performance by students of a task for a new mode of action and self-examination based on comparison with the standard. Creates, if possible, a situation of success for each student.

Inclusion in the knowledge system and repetition

Organizes the identification of the boundaries of the application of new knowledge, the repetition of educational content necessary to ensure meaningful continuity.

Reflection of educational activity.

Organizes students' assessment of their own activities, fixing unresolved difficulties in the lesson as directions for future learning activities, discussion and recording of homework.

Under the conditions of application of the activity method, the attitude of schoolchildren to the world more and more often does not fit into the usual scheme “I know - I don’t know”, “I can - I can’t” and is replaced by the parameters “seek and find”, “I think and learn”, “I try and do”.

In order for students' knowledge to be the result of their own searches, it is necessary to organize these searches, manage students, develop their cognitive activity - this is the function of the teacher.

Part 2. Practical part

1. Russian language lesson in grade 7 on the topic "The concept of the participle"

LESSON TYPE: a lesson in the formation and primary consolidation of new knowledge


- Tutorials:

1. analyze and characterize the general grammatical meaning, morphological features of the participle, determine its syntactic function

2. to form the spelling competence of students

3. to form the ability to distinguish gerunds from other parts of speech

- Developing:

1. Development of a sense of language through the analysis of texts of different styles

2. development of educational, informational and communication skills

3. development of the ability to give self-assessment of one's activities

- Educational:

1. to form a personal-value attitude to the past and present of their homeland

2. to promote the education of interest in the lessons of the Russian language

Equipment: textbook, computer, multimedia projector, handouts

Planned results:

Subject - show a positive attitude to the correct oral and written speech; know and observe the norms of the Russian literary language; know the morphological features of the verb, define it in the sentence; understand the meaning of adverbs in speech; find them in the text; carry out independent writing of the text.


- Personal- express a positive attitude towards the process of cognition; evaluate their own learning activities; accept and master the social role of the student

- cognitive- reproduce from memory the information necessary to solve the educational problem; find information using reference literature; consciously and voluntarily build a statement in oral form; structure knowledge; build reasoning

- Regulatory- accept and save the learning task; plan their action in accordance with the task; correct the activity after its completion, based on the assessment and nature of the errors; analyze their work; assess the level of learning activity.

- Communicative- are able to coordinate various positions in cooperation; control the actions of the partner; form your own opinion and position.

DURING THE CLASSES(accompanied by presentation)

    Organizing time. Motivation for learning activities.

Guys, let's start our lesson with a game.

I you he she -

A friendly family together.

Smile to the neighbor on the right

Smile at the neighbor on the left.

We're friends.

Let's continue the lesson in a good mood

(The organizational moment allows you to positively set up students, organize their attention. At this stage, the ability to internally organize yourself, concentrate is formed)

2. Call stage

Is it easy to draw a night landscape? Why? And what, besides the night, can you see?

The Russian artist A. I. Kuindzhi, who was known as a master of light, not only knew how to paint such landscapes, but also created real masterpieces. In front of one of them people stood in prayerful silence. This is "Moonlight Night on the Dnieper". (slide with a reproduction of the picture)

Let's collect the working material for the picture. Let's write in a line.

1) beckons, open, rose, tightening

2) high, arched, dark, top

3) torn, shining, spread out, dying

Find the spelling in each word, explain the spelling.

And now let's play.


What do all the words in a line have in common? Think.

Discuss everything you know about the topic with a classmate and complete the "Know" column of the marking chart.

(Table - ZHU. The purpose of its application: 1) teaching the ability to determine the level of one's own knowledge; 2) awakening of interest in obtaining new information; 3) learning the ability to correlate new information with their established ideas)


What word is missing? Can you guess what part of speech this is? What do you think the topic of the lesson is?


(Fill in the "I want to know" box)

3. Making sense of the content

Student activities.

Let's go to the textbook.

a) read the paragraph, make notes in the text:

Learned new


Let's discuss. (At this time, ask students to prepare 4 questions - 2 for each two pairs)


In this term, we are familiar with the second part, but what does the first mean?

We can find it in such words as active, capable. Turning to the dictionary, we learn that the term arose in the 17th century, consists of two parts (dee + participle) and can be explained as involvement in the action. Indeed, this form denotes an additional action of the verb, and in terms of grammatical features it is similar to an adverb, because. does not change.

Checking questions.

Fill in the "Learn something new" column. Examination.

Who will try to create a gerund cluster?

Example of a Compiled Cluster

(The "Cluster" technique is used when you need to collect from students all the ideas or associations associated with a concept)



Student activity: primary consolidation of new material.

Write down the proposal. Find spellings in endings:

The sparkling, full moon illuminates the vast expanse that stretches out under the mysteriously shining sky.

Find the grammatical basis. What object is active? What action does it take? What additional action does it perform? Put a question to the additional action. What part of speech is in front of you?

Problem: Why is it important to find a grammatical basis in a sentence with a gerund?

Let's supplement the table with what we learned new.


Read to yourself first. Read expressively.

The night flew over the world

Dreams on people casting;

With a dark azure riza

The stars were falling, sparkling.

Joyfully the waves murmured

Reflecting her image;

The rye leaned more

The meadow grass smelled...

The flutter of slightly whispering leaves

And nightingale trills,

In a chorus of laudatory merging,

They rang in the quiet air. (A. Pleshcheev)

What did you imagine when you read the poem?

Find gerunds in the text (strong - a phrase with a gerund), mark which verbs they explain (the text is projected on the screen), what object act in the sentence?


Do participles help the poet to depict a picture of the night? How?

Please note that, using gerunds as additional actions, the author softens the colors, visual and auditory representations, thereby achieving a more complete image of the summer night picture.

What term would you suggest for a phrase with a gerund?

a) Find the adverb correctly

b) Found the gerund incorrectly

3) Caused difficulty:

Couldn't tell a gerund from a verb

Couldn't tell a gerund from a participle

5. Summing up the lesson. Working with signs

So what have you learned?

What surprised you in class?

What rating would you give yourself?

6. Homework: Paragraph, ex. according to the textbook or text using gerunds on the topic: "Night in the picture of Kuindzhi"

2. Literature lesson in grade 7 on the topic "Pushkin, about Pushkin, with Pushkin."

Lesson Objectives:


Recall the basic information about Pushkin, introduce some pages of the poet's biography;

To consolidate the ability of students to interpret the text, to analyze it comprehensively;

Continue teaching declamatory reading;


To develop interest in the further study of the work of A. S. Pushkin;

To develop the thinking of students by organizing non-traditional lessons;

Promote the development of creative imagination;

To develop cognitive activity, the ability to work with additional literature, using the capabilities of a computer, the Internet;


To instill in students responsibility, organization, independence, a sense of collectivism;

Continue work on the formation of feelings of patriotism on the material of literary local history associated with the name of A. S. Pushkin;

Education of aesthetic taste in students.


Portrait of A. S. Pushkin;

Multimedia projector with screen;


Musical accompaniment: Medtner's romance to the words of Pushkin; - Handout.


    Introduction by the teacher.

And again autumn outside the window,

And a leaf is spinning in a yellow waltz.

We are in our class.

The lesson starts.

Outside the window is autumn. Which of the Russian poets has autumn their favorite season? (Pushkin) That's right. I suggest you talk today about Pushkin, about his poetry. Pushkin comes to us in early childhood and does not leave until the end of his life. Our love for him does not weaken, his poems are getting closer, dearer, more necessary.

The theme of our lesson is "Pushkin, about Pushkin, with Pushkin"

(Preparation for conscious perception of the material, stimulation of cognitive interest, transformation of the learning content into personally significant)

    Working with an epigraph.

The epigraph to our lesson will be the words of Semyon Stepanovich Geichenko, a man who for many years was the director of the Pushkin Reserve in Mikhailovsky.

Pushkin is always ------ and always ------.

(Slide: skipped phrase)

Before you learn the statement of a connoisseur of Pushkin's work, try to make your own assumptions.

It would seem simple words, but what a wise thought.

Pushkin is always a discovery and always a mystery.

(Slide: complete sentence)

How do you understand this statement? Why exactly is it said about Pushkin?

So what is the challenge before us today? Right. To make your little discoveries and learn the secrets of Pushkin's works is the task of our lesson. At the end of the lesson, we will return to the epigraph and share our impressions.

(Reproduction of knowledge, skills, life experience necessary for the assimilation of new material. Evaluation by the teacher of the level of preparedness of students)

3. At the portrait of Pushkin.

We are at the portrait of Pushkin. Let's light candles of memory that will burn throughout the lesson, warming and uniting us.

The poetess V. T. Dorozhkina has a poem "In front of the portrait of Pushkin." Listen to an excerpt from this poem (read by a prepared student):

Writing poetry is certainly not fun,

When love guides

And the ghostly glory does not seduce,

And in my thoughts - forever young piit ...

... Alone with paper - until dawn.

Outside the windows - no sound, no fire ...

Am I worthy of being a poet?

And strictly Pushkin looks at me.

What thoughts and feelings do you have when you look at the portrait of Pushkin? (reading home creative works “At the portrait of Pushkin”)

4. Pushkin's paths.

Today we will try to make discoveries and unravel the secrets of Pushkin's creativity. To do this, I invite you on a journey. Take with you knowledge, imagination, ingenuity. Willingness to work alone and with everyone.

(Slide: Pushkin's ways)

Today's lesson was prepared not only by me, but also by your classmates. The guys worked in creative groups and their messages will help us make a journey along the paths of the poet's work.

Pushkin's roads... Country roads. Blurred in autumn. Dusty in summer. In winter - lost in the snow haze. In the spring - more like rivers. Roads of the eternal traveller.

And it all started the same way as everyone else, from the road of childhood.

(Slide: Moscow. Pushkin is a child)

Call Moscow! And talk about our right to be called a great people, because Pushkin was born among this people!

(bells ring)

Years will pass, and the great poet A. S. Pushkin will address his native city with such heartfelt words.


Moscow! How I love you!

My holy home!

How often in sorrowful separation.

In my wandering destiny

Moscow! I thought about you!

Childhood has passed. The road of adolescence led Pushkin to the Lyceum.

Pupil: Pushkin spent six years at the Lyceum, living without a break in Tsarskoye Selo.

(Slide: Lyceum picture)

These were wonderful unforgettable years of friendship, poetry, love. All his life the poet will remember them with tenderness, delight.

Student: In the Lyceum, Pushkin found comrades, with whom he kept friendship for life. He especially fell in love with Pushchin, Delvig, Kuchelbeker.

(Slide: Pushkin's friends)

My friends, our union is beautiful!

He, like a soul, is inseparable and eternal

Unshakable, free and carefree

He grew together under the shadow of friendly muses ...

Lyceum years passed quickly, six years behind. Parting with friends, they were already directed to the future, full of hope, faith, love.

(Slide: young Pushkin)

Guys, Pushkin the lyceum student was your age. And you probably want to know what he was like, how he studied, what he dreamed of?

Working with the text of the memoir of I. I. Pushchin “Notes on Pushkin” (card with text)

Why didn't the strict math teacher punish Pushkin? (he saw the future great poet in the little curly lyceum student)

And you will comment on this slide yourself. (Slide: Pushkin on the exam)

    Creative workshop.

How beautiful are Pushkin's poems1 We would like to unravel the secret of their impressive power. Let's go to the creative workshop of the poet.

(Slide: creative workshop)

I really want each of you to feel like a master, big, or maybe small, but definitely a Master. Onward to new discoveries!

Let's write the word "poem" on the board.

What words does it attract to itself and what associations does it evoke? (poet, stanza, artist of the word). What is the peculiarity of the morphemic composition of the word? (the word has two roots: verse- and creation-). And related words are such words: poetry, creativity, create). Listen carefully. How beautiful it sounds - "the creation of poetry." Yes, writing poetry is a real art.

The teacher opens the book. There is a dried flower.

What associations do you have when you see this flower?

In the 8th grade, we will study the love story told by I. S. Turgenev in the story "Asya", where the image of a dried flower has a symbolic meaning.

5. Poem "Flower"

(Slide: text of the poem)

- The history of writing is very interesting. Let's try to imagine how it was. (staging, against the background of music and skits, the teacher reads the text)

“The author was prompted to create this work only by a small dried flower, which he accidentally saw among the pages of a book. Just a flower - withered, lifeless, once forgotten by someone. But what a storm of feelings he aroused in the soul of the poet!

(reading a poem)

There is some mystery in this poem. It awakens a mood that cannot be expressed in words. But let's try to penetrate a little into its secret.

Vocabulary work.

“Unscented – unscented, unscented, unscented, unscented. (according to V. I. Dahl)

The hero only cares about the flower? (not only a flower, but also a person who put the plant in memory)

A. N. Gvozdev wrote in “Essays on the Style of the Russian Language”: “The poem “Flower” is a fixation of a chain of directly arising questions.”

Why does it have so many interrogative sentences?

A table will help us prepare for expressive reading.

Working with a table.

(Slide: table)



3 stanza (independent)

4 stanza (independent)

What does this poem make you think about?

Romance by N. K. Medtner to the words of Pushkin "Flower"

Pushkin fascinated and bewitched us with quivering and mysterious words. Reading The Flower is like listening to music. The Russian composer Medtner also heard this music. (recording of a romance)

What is the mood of the romance? What are your impressions?

Generalization: this is one of those poems that awaken "the soul's beautiful impulses." It gives place to a strong experience that is not forgotten over the years. And each new generation of readers will discover its magical secret.

6. Orenburg paths to Pushkin.

The journey through Pushkin's places was interesting. But it's time to go home. The Orenburg region is our small homeland, so it is interesting for each of us to know that Pushkin's muse has been here too.

(Slide: Pushkin's Orenburg paths)

We already talked about this in literature lessons when we studied The Captain's Daughter. We will talk about this many more times. We are overwhelmed with special pride and a sense of patriotism by the realization that our land is involved in the origins of Pushkin's creativity.

(Reproductive reproduction of the studied material; systematization and generalization, fulfillment of tasks for studying the main thing in new information, performing creative tasks based on what has been studied; primary verification of the level of assimilation and understanding of the material)

7. Return to the beginning.

Let's return to the question posed at the beginning of the lesson. (Slide: caption)

What discoveries did you make?

What mysteries did you try to unravel in today's lesson?

Who among you can say that he got to know the poet much better?

(Establishing a correspondence between the objectives of the lesson and the results, analysis of educational activities)


By choice: children who are fond of drawing can make illustrations for their favorite Pushkin's works, someone will make a crossword puzzle or a test task on Pushkin's work, and our lesson will inspire someone to create their own poems.


(Message of the volume and content of homework, instructions on its implementation)


Pushkin's name will never be forgotten. He is always with us: in books, in the names of streets and squares, in monuments and museums. We can say that Pushkin became a particle of each of us, a particle of our mind, our heart, a particle of our Motherland.

Slides: illustrations for Pushkin's works.

Having studied everything, having learned so much about Pushkin.

While our school road leads us.

Let the fleeting years pass

But Pushkin stays with us forever!


I think that the implementation of new standards largely depends on the teacher, who will no longer be the only bearer of knowledge, but will play the role of a conductor in the world of information. The task of the teacher is not only to form and develop the necessary qualities, but also to interact with the environment in which the child grows. To give students the opportunity to make a choice, to argue their point of view, to be responsible for this choice, and not to give ready-made. To build a new system of work and achieve high-quality results of educational activities, it is advisable to use the most effective methods and forms of its organization:

1. Use of differentiated tasks.

2. Inclusion of ICT in the educational process.

3. Using the project method.

Use of differentiated tasks.

I consider it necessary to include differentiated work at various stages of the lesson, depending on its goals and objectives.

Inclusion in the educational process of ICT.

The inclusion of information and communication technologies in the educational process is a means of training, education and development.

The use of information and communication technologies enables students to carry out the following activities:

    conducting a lesson with a multimedia presentation (accompanying the teacher's story; demonstrations when explaining new material; a pre-prepared presentation - a student's report on a specific topic;

    preparing for a speech, doing homework - searching for information, working on a text, writing a multimedia essay.

This form of organization of work allows for a more individual approach to learning.

Using the project method .

The development and implementation of new approaches, technologies and methods is a guarantee of movement, dynamics, growth, flexibility of the teacher and the educational system as a whole. And, most importantly, it creates favorable conditions for solving numerous pedagogical problems and helps to adapt to modern living conditions. independent successful assimilation by students of new knowledge, skills, competencies, types and methods of activity.

In general, the systemic-activity approach in teaching means that in this process the main task of education is set and solved - the creation of conditions for the development of a harmonious, morally perfect, socially active, professionally competent and self-developing personality through the activation of internal reserves. To implement the system-activity approach, it is necessary to move from the development of individual subjects to the interdisciplinary study of complex situations in real life. Accordingly, actions and operations specific to each academic subject should be supplemented by universal (meta-subject) learning activities.

The activity form of educational results implies a number of significant changes in education. For example, these changes will affect the system for assessing the achievement of the planned results of mastering the main educational program, including not only assessing the individual achievements of students, but also the activities of a teacher and an educational institution. The changes will necessarily affect the design of the educational process in terms of its focus on achieving the requirements of the Standard for results, including the use of modern activity-type technologies. These include technologies based on level differentiation, on the creation of educational situations, on the implementation of project and research activities, on cooperation in teaching, etc. Changes will occur in approaches to understanding and assessing professional pedagogical competence. A modern teacher should be able to design and organize the educational process in accordance with a system-activity approach, be able to design and implement a program for the development of universal educational activities among students in his class, be able to explore the level of achievement of not only subject, but also personal and meta-subject results of students mastering the main educational program .


    Abramova S.V. Design and educational and research work of schoolchildren in the Russian language // Russian language at school. - 2011. - No. 6.7.

    Alekseeva O.V. The modern lesson of morphology (on the problem of implementing priority approaches to learning) // Russian language at school. - 2010. - No. 4.

    Gorstkina Natalia. Designing a Russian language lesson using ICT (on the example of grade 7) // School planning. - 2010. - No. 1

    Deikina A.D., Yanchenko V.D. Trends in the national methodology of teaching the Russian language // Russian language at school. - 2011. - No. 6.

    Kiseleva N.V., Sinotina E.V. Design and analysis of a modern lesson: methodological recommendations // Russian language at school. - 2011. - No. 8.

    Lizinsky V.M. Modern lesson: features, approaches, diagnostics. - Center "Pedagogical search", 2009

    Ryabukhina E.A. Approaches to the assessment of tasks in the Russian language on a competency-based basis. - // Russian language at school. - 2009. - No. 7.

    learning brings integrity systemic ... activity game), innovative game, gaming design ... on the lesson; allows for a person-centered an approach in learning ... On the lessons Russian language And literature I...

  1. The work program for teaching literacy is compiled on the basis of the author's program M. S. Soloveychik, N. S. Kuzmenko, N. M. Betenkova

    Working programm

    ... Russian language, implemented in the author's teaching materials called "To the secrets of our language", built on the basis activity approach...) put into practice learning systemically-active an approach oriented on the components of learning activities (...

  2. Municipal budgetary educational institution

    "Ust-Udinsk Secondary School No. 2"

    Ust-Uda settlement, Ust-Udinsky district, Irkutsk region

    Related article:

    "System-activity approachin Russian lessonsas the main condition for the implementation of the GEF"

    prepared by: teacher of Russian language and literature

    MBOU "Ust-Udinskaya secondary school No. 2"

    Krys Olga Anatolyevna.

    P. Ust-Uda, 2016

    System-activity approachin the lessons of the Russian language, as the main condition for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard.

    "The only path leading to

    knowledge is activity.


    This topic is relevant, since the didactic system of the activity method, awarded the Presidential Prize in Education for 2002, is becoming increasingly important at the current stage of education modernization, since its goals and objectives fit well into the reform strategy proposed by the Russian Government. It reflects one of the most serious approaches to developing education: the technology of the activity method is aimed at the formation of the qualities and values ​​of a spiritually developed personality necessary in modern conditions in the process of professional development.
    Technology of systemic activity approach. What is its essence? The principle of activity lies in the fact that the formation of the student's personality and his advancement in development is carried out not when he perceives knowledge in finished form, but in the process of his own activity aimed at "discovering new knowledge".

    And here the role of the teacher is great, who puts at the forefront the task of developing the initiative of students, thanks to which a person will subsequently become the manager of his own destiny.

    It is difficult to overestimate the role of the teacher's activity, its influence is not the process of formation and development of the child's personality. Everything is important here: the rejection of an authoritarian style of communication in favor of a democratic one, and the personal qualities of the teacher, and his professional competence, and ability for self-development.

    Training should be organized in such a way as to purposefully lead development. Since the main form of organizing learning is a lesson, it is necessary to know the principles of building a lesson, an approximate typology of lessons and criteria for evaluating a lesson within the framework of a system-activity approach.

    The implementation of the technology of the activity method in practical teaching is provided by the following system of didactic principles:

    The principle of activity is that the student, receiving knowledge not in a ready-made form, but, obtaining it himself, is aware of the content and forms of his educational activity, understands and accepts the system of its norms, actively participates in their improvement, which contributes to active successful learning. the formation of his general cultural and activity abilities, general educational skills.

    The principle of continuity means continuity between all levels and stages of education at the level of technology, content and methods, taking into account the age-related psychological characteristics of the development of children.

    The principle of integrity - involves the formation by students of a generalized systemic understanding of the world (nature, society, oneself, the sociocultural world and the world of activity, the role and place of each science in the system of sciences).

    The minimax principle is as follows: the school must offer the student the opportunity to master the content of education at the maximum level for him (determined by the zone of proximal development of the age group) and at the same time ensure its assimilation at the level of a socially safe minimum (state standard of knowledge).

    The principle of psychological comfort - involves the removal of all stress-forming factors of the educational process, the creation of a friendly atmosphere at school and in the classroom, focused on the implementation of the ideas of pedagogy of cooperation, the development of interactive forms of communication.

    The principle of variability - involves the formation by students of the ability to systematically enumerate options and adequate decision-making in situations of choice.

    The principle of creativity means the maximum orientation towards creativity in the educational process, the acquisition by students of their own experience of creative activity.

    The activity approach in the lessons is carried out through:

    Modeling and analysis of life situations in the classroom;

    Use of active and interactive techniques;

    Participation in project activities, possession of research methods.

    Involving students in playing, evaluative and debatable, reflective activities, as well as project activities - providing a free search for an effective approach to solving a problem that meets the individuality of the child.


    work with sources of information,

    critically comprehend relevant social information coming from different sources, formulate on this basis their own conclusions and value judgments;

    solve cognitive and practical tasks that reflect typical situations;

    analyze modern social phenomena and events;

    master typical social roles through participation in educational games and trainings that simulate situations from real life (at the lessons of the humanitarian cycle)

    argue the defense of their position, oppose other opinions through participation in discussions, debates, debates about contemporary social problems;

    carry out creative work and research projects.

    An important characteristic of the activity approach in the work of teachers is consistency. So, in the practice of teachers' work, a systematic-activity approach is carried out at various stages of the lesson.

    At the stage of self-determination to learning activities and updating knowledge, a problem situation is created, which implies the existence of different options for solving problems.

    At the stages of setting a learning task and discovering new knowledge, there is a search, analysis, and structuring of information. Conducted laboratory and virtual research. The effectiveness of this stage of the lesson is achieved through work in groups of permanent and shift composition, organization of project activities. The collective activity of students is organized in the form of brainstorming, with the help of which a method for solving a problem situation is chosen. This technique is used when it is possible to offer the greatest number of options for resolving the problem. For example: “How not to make mistakes in writing prefixes pre-pri?

    At the stage of incorporating new knowledge into the system and repetition, such forms of work as individual work in solving quantitative and qualitative problems are used, individual elimination of gaps in students' knowledge is organized on the basis of self-control and mutual control.

    The stage of generalization of the acquired knowledge and reflection of educational activity deserves special attention. In the practice of our teachers, the use at these stages of such teaching methods as cinquain and cluster, which allow us to combine analytical and creative activities.

    The use of a system-activity approach is focused primarily on the formation of information and communication culture of students. The role of students' cognitive activity and their motivation for independent study work is sharply increasing. The advantage of the activity approach is that it is organically combined with various modern educational technologies: ICT, gaming technologies (business and retrospective games, intellectual tournaments), critical thinking technology, research and project activity technology, which contributes to the formation of universal educational activities.

    The system-activity approach contributes to the formation of key competencies of students:

    willingness to solve problems

    technological competence,

    readiness for self-education,

    readiness to use information resources,

    readiness for social interaction,

    communicative competence.

    The structure of the lesson in the technology of the system-activity approach

    1. Organizational moment.

    Target: the inclusion of students in activities at a personally meaningful level. "I want because I can."

    1-2 minutes;

    Students should have a positive emotional orientation.

    inclusion of children in activities;

    Work methods:

    the teacher at the beginning of the lesson expresses good wishes to the children; offers to wish each other good luck (clapping in the palm of each other with a neighbor on the desk);

    the teacher invites the children to think about what is useful for successful work in the lesson; children speak out;

    motto, epigraph (“With little luck, great success begins”);

    self-examination of homework according to the model.

    I set up the children for work by talking with them the lesson plan (“let's practice”, “get acquainted with”, “write an independent work”, “repeat”

    II. Knowledge update.

    Purpose: repetition of the studied material necessary for the "discovery of new knowledge", and the identification of difficulties in the individual activity of each student.

    1. 4-5 minutes;

    2. The emergence of a problem situation.

    actualization of ZUN and mental operations (attention, memory, speech);

    creating a problem situation;

    identification and fixation in loud speech: where and why the difficulty arose; topics and objectives of the lesson. First, the knowledge necessary to work on new material is updated. At the same time, effective work is underway on the development of attention, memory, speech, and mental operations.

    Then a problem situation is created, the purpose of the lesson is clearly spelled out.

    III. Statement of the educational task.

    Purpose: discussion of difficulties (“Why are there difficulties?”, “What do we not know yet?”); pronouncing the purpose of the lesson in the form of a question to be answered, or in the form of a lesson topic.

    Methods of setting a learning task: a dialogue that encourages from a problem situation, a dialogue that leads to the topic, a dialogue that leads without a problem.

    IV. “Discovery of new knowledge” (construction of a project for getting out of a difficulty).

    Purpose: solution and discussion of the project of its solution.

    Ways: dialogue, group or pair work:

    Methods: a dialogue that encourages hypotheses, a dialogue that leads to the discovery of knowledge, a dialogue that leads without a problem.

    organization of independent research activities;

    derivation of the algorithm.

    Children receive new knowledge as a result of independent research conducted under the guidance of a teacher. They are trying to express the new rules in their own words.
    At the end, the discussion is summed up and the generally accepted formulation of new algorithms of actions is given. For better memorization, where possible, the technique of translating mathematical rules into the language of images is used.

    V. Primary fastening.

    Purpose: pronunciation of new knowledge, recording in the form of a reference signal.

    Ways: frontal work, work in pairs;

    Means: commenting, marking with iconic symbols, performing productive tasks.

    performing tasks with pronunciation in loud speech in the process of primary consolidation, examples are solved with commenting: children pronounce new rules in loud speech.

    VI. Independent work with self-test according to the standard. Introspection and self-control

    Purpose: everyone must conclude for himself that he already knows how.

    A small amount of independent work (no more than 2-3 typical tasks);

    Done in writing;

    Methods: self-control, self-assessment.

    When conducting independent work in the classroom, each child pronounces new rules to himself.
    When checking the work, everyone should check himself - whether he understood everything, whether he remembered the new rules. Here it is necessary to create a situation of success for each child.

    VII. Inclusion of new knowledge in the knowledge system and repetition.

    First, invite students from a set of tasks to choose only those that contain a new algorithm or a new concept;

    Loan exercises are performed in which new knowledge is used together with previously learned ones.

    When repeating previously studied material, game elements are used - fairy-tale characters, competitions. This creates a positive emotional background, contributes to the development of children's interest in lessons.

    VIII. Reflection of activity (the result of the lesson).

    Purpose: students' awareness of their UD (learning activity), self-assessment of the results of their own and the whole class.

    2-3 minutes;

    What was the task?

    Were you able to solve the task?


    What were the results?

    What else needs to be done?

    Where can new knowledge be applied? In the process of primary consolidation, examples are solved with commenting: children pronounce new rules in loud speech.

    The activity approach in the educational Standards makes it possible to single out the main results of training and education.
    Personal development - development of students' readiness and ability for self-development and realization of creative potential in spiritual and subject-productive activities, high social and professional mobility based on continuous education and the competence "to be able to learn";

    Social development - the formation of Russian and civil identity on the basis of the adoption by students of democratic values, the development of tolerance for life in society, the education of patriotic convictions; mastering the basic social roles, norms and rules.

    Cognitive development - the formation of a scientific picture of the world among students; development of the ability to manage their cognitive and intellectual activities; mastering the methodology of cognition, strategies and methods of cognition and teaching; development of representative, symbolic, logical, creative thinking, productive imagination, arbitrary memory and attention, reflection.

    Communicative development - the formation of competence in communication, including the conscious orientation of students to the position of other people as partners in communication and joint activities, the ability to listen, conduct a dialogue in accordance with the goals and objectives of communication, participate in a collective discussion of problems and decision-making, build productive cooperation with peers and adults, on the basis of mastering verbal and non-verbal means of communication, allowing free communication in Russian, native and foreign languages.

    The inclusion of the activity method of teaching and the corresponding system of didactic principles into the practice of work is important not only from the point of view of increasing the level of assimilation of knowledge in the Russian language, but also as a step in the transition to the implementation of a new quality of education.

    The implementation of the activity method in Russian language lessons is a necessary condition for the formation of students' abilities necessary for successful self-realization in modern society.

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    MKOU Volokonovskaya secondary school

    Report: "System-activity approach of teaching in Russian language lessons"

    Work completed:

    Teacher of Russian language and literature

    Chernoguzova Tatyana Alekseevna

    " Amongmanylateralpaths,reducingroadtoknowledgeUSmore neededTotalone,whichwouldtaughtUSartacquireknowledgefromdifficulties" J.-J. Rousseau

    The methodological basis of the concept of new educational standards is a system-activity approach, the main result of which is the development of the child's personality on the basis of educational activities. In the conditions of their implementation, the teacher faces a difficult pedagogical task - the creation and organization of conditions that activate the educational and cognitive activity of schoolchildren.

    The Russian language is one of the most difficult subjects in school education. Motivation for teaching the Russian language has always faced a number of problems, which can be overcome by the competent implementation of the system-activity approach in the lesson, which will involve children in active learning activities, develop students' interest in the subject and ensure the effectiveness of learning.

    The main idea of ​​the system-activity approach is that new knowledge is not given in finished form. Children "discover" them themselves in the process of independent research activities. The teacher should coordinate the work of children, direct them to an independent search for information, analyze the information received, and find ways to solve the problem of the lesson.

    The leading tasks of school education were not just to equip the student with a fixed set of knowledge, but to form in him the ability to learn, work in a team, and the ability for self-development. The organization of the educational process should be aimed at creating a sustainable interest of schoolchildren in the subject and process of learning, successfully mastering the ability to study in a creative mode, gaining practical experience through various activities.

    The system-activity approach in the Russian language lesson is aimed at:

    development of intellectual, communicative, linguistic and creative abilities of students through research activities;

    Inclusion of each student in active creative activity;

    · strengthening the practical orientation of teaching the Russian language on the basis of involving students in various activities;

    creation of an atmosphere of cooperation, empathy, mutual support in the lessons of the Russian language and literature;

    · the development of skills that affect educational and cognitive activity and the transition to the level of productive creativity.

    An important characteristic of the activity approach in the work of teachers is consistency. So, in the practice of work, a system-activity approach is carried out at various stages of the lesson.

    At the stage of self-determination to learning activities and updating knowledge, a problem situation is created, which implies the existence of different options for solving problems.

    At the stages of setting a learning task and discovering new knowledge, there is a search, analysis, and structuring of information. The effectiveness of this stage of the lesson is achieved through work in groups of permanent and shift composition, organization of project activities. The collective activity of students is organized in the form of "debate", "brainstorming", with the help of which a method for resolving a problem situation is chosen. This technique is used when it is possible to offer the greatest number of options for resolving the problem.

    Statement of the educational task. Introduction to the situation of the learning task begins with the setting by the teacher problematicsituations when there is an explicit contradiction between what the student knows and what he is to learn. At the same time, a special role is given to motivationforthcomingknowledge.

    So, introducing a new concept of "Communion", the teacher in a pre-prepared text suggests defining all parts of speech. Students, as a rule, mistakenly attribute participles to either an adjective. There is a situation of contradiction between the previous knowledge and the obvious ignorance of the new, what they have to learn: what is this part of speech that looks like an adjective, but is not one.

    At the stage of incorporating new knowledge into the system and repetition, such forms of work as individual work are used, individual elimination of gaps in students' knowledge is organized on the basis of self-control and mutual control.

    A step-by-step instruction (algorithm) for selecting the studied concept from the mass of other linguistic phenomena or applying the studied concept (rule). It allows the student to control their actions in order to reach the desired result. This technique is good because, in case of an erroneous result, schoolchildren can return to the "instruction" and determine what they did not fully understand for themselves, etc.

    So, after studying the topic "-K - and - SK - in adjective suffixes" an entry appears in notebooks:

    1. I see and highlight the word for the spelling being studied.

    2. I determine the category of the adjective.

    3. If it is qualitative (has a short form), I write - K-.

    4. If relative, I look at which letter the base ends with.

    5. If on K, C, H, I write - K-.

    6. If on other letters, I write - SK-.

    7. At the same time, I remember that in relative adjectives the stem of nouns is completely preserved (French + ck + ij).

    The stage of generalization of the acquired knowledge and reflection of educational activity deserves special attention. In the practice of work, it is effective to use at these stages such teaching methods as cinquain and cluster, which allow you to combine analytical and creative activities.

    So, at the lesson on the topic: "Numeral" the children were asked to express the topic of the lesson by the genre already known to them - syncwine.


    ordinal, numeral

    Written, read, changed.

    We are studying with interest.


    For the formation of activity abilities in the Russian language lessons, the teacher must constantly direct the student to perform various types of speech activity: speaking, reading, listening, writing. The basic unit of teaching the Russian language is the text. A variety of activities with the text, a system of mental operations allows you to develop the metasubject skills of children:

    § carry out retelling, editing the text;

    § analysis of texts of different styles and genres;

    § explanation of the structure and content of the text;

    § conducting observation of linguistic features;

    § independent creation of their own speech statements (based on a picture, photo collage, drawing, according to a diagram, on a given topic, based on personal observations).

    This system of operations is transferred to all texts offered to students in the school curriculum. At any level of learning the language and its units, in theory and when performing practical exercises, the student observes strong connections, learns actions to master the meaning, form and functioning of language units of all levels and learns to use them correctly in his speech.

    According to the requirements of the standard, the speech-cogitative activity of students should be close to real life conditions. This is possible due to the use of information and communication technologies in the lesson, a diverse wide background of visibility in multimedia presentations (drawings, photographs, reproductions of paintings, photo collages). The use of visual images allows you to develop communication skills, express your thoughts competently, compare the phenomena of reality using various language units, enrich your vocabulary, visually represent a particular object, correlate it with a thematic group of words. Based on the selection of the visual range, students in the process of comprehending the phenomena of reality come to linguistic conclusions (comparison, thematic group of words, etc.). Working with visuals implements not only subject and meta-subject, but also personal goals: it cultivates taste, students learn to see beauty in the life around them, and also encourages creativity: students themselves or together with the teacher create a bank of digital photographs, presentations, texts that are used in class and at home.

    The use of information and communication technologies is effective for the development of universal key competencies that allow the student to adapt flexibly in changing life situations; independently acquire the necessary knowledge, skillfully applying them in practice; achieve educational outcomes.

    Most of the work with linguistic material in the lesson is connected with the comprehension of theoretical information. A selection of tasks should have a developing function, form general ways of mental activity: formulate a topic, headline, think over the composition of the statement, select arguments, draw conclusions, and also model, transform the object system - create a plan, table, diagram. The creation of tables, diagrams, images in the lesson is the basis for the learning activities of students on the topic under study in achieving subject and meta-subject results.

    The teacher directs the student to the desired action, helps to structure the theoretical material, find the right answers to the questions posed. Working with deformed schemes, tables gives rise to a communicative environment, a whole palette of general educational skills - it teaches methods of activity: to read, highlight the main and essential in theoretical material, memorize, compare, think over speech patterns, read a table, illustrate a rule with examples, make a linguistic statement.

    At the stage of self-examination, students acquire the ability to build an oral statement on a linguistic topic based on the table. All methodological techniques will be effective if they cause intense mental work of the student, aimed at solving cognitive and practical problems. The work must be built in such a way that children have cognitive questions that require independent understanding of the material, conclusions, generalizations and testing them in practice.

    The basis of the technology of the system-activity approach is not to give samples, to put the child in a situation where his usual ways of acting are obviously unsuitable, this gives rise to the motivation to search for the essential features of a new situation in which to act.

    Updating the content of school education, associated with the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard, requires an intensive search for new ways and technologies that can ensure not only the effectiveness of education, but also the desire of students to learn, the development of the need to learn new things. The use of a system-activity approach is primarily focused on the formation of information and communication culture of students. The role of students' cognitive activity and their motivation for independent study work is sharply increasing. The advantage of the activity approach is that it is organically combined with various modern educational technologies:

    § problem-dialogical technology;

    § gaming technologies (business and retrospective games, intellectual tournaments);

    § technology of critical thinking;

    § technology of research and design activities

    assessment of educational achievements (educational success);

    § cooperation technology;

    § ICT technologies.

    The teacher, through the use of various effective pedagogical technologies, ensures the motivated inclusion of schoolchildren in educational and cognitive activities with the aim of independent "acquisition of knowledge" by students.

    In improving the teaching of the Russian language, along with lessons, extracurricular work on the subject is of great importance. The lesson cannot contain everything that interests students, and everything that is necessary for the practical mastery of the Russian language. Favorable conditions for meeting the individual interests of students and for instilling speech skills and abilities are created by multilateral extracurricular activities. In extracurricular activities, students go beyond the narrow framework of textbooks, acquire many vital skills - they learn to independently select and analyze material, use reference literature.

    To achieve certain results in the study of the Russian language is possible only with the systematic inclusion of students in independent educational and cognitive activities. It is the activity method that ensures the continuity of self-development of the individual in the learning process. Obviously, it is impossible to realize the new goals of education if the student passively learns ready-made truths. Its independent search is necessary, in the course of which the experience of goal-setting, achievement of goals, reflective self-organization and self-assessment, and experience of communicative interaction is acquired.

    system activity approach training

    I propose to see how all of the above is implemented in practice using the example of a lesson organized on the basis of a system-activity approach on the topic “Communion as a part of speech”, Grade 7.

    1. Organizational moment.

    Purpose: the inclusion of students in activities at a personally significant level - "Want, because what can".

    II. Knowledge update.

    Purpose: repetition of the studied material necessary for the “discovery of new knowledge”, and identification of difficulties in the individual activity of each student.

    At this stage, a situation of emotional liberation is created, work is underway on the first teaching goal of the lesson - checking the degree of assimilation of the previously studied material. Quite a traditional beginning of the lesson, but an important element here is the independent setting of educational tasks and students' reflection.

    The lesson is based on working with text. This content of educational activity corresponds to the goal of competence-based teaching of the Russian language, which contributes to the formation of the language ability of the individual.

    At the stage of updating knowledge, I often offer students work with a short poem. The analysis of the poetic text brings up the artistic perception of the surrounding world, and at the same time, working with this text allows you to smoothly move on to the study of a new topic. The requirements for texts are their compactness and artistic exemplary character. For example, when studying the topic “Communion”, I offer texts saturated with adjectives that are already well known to children, and participles, which will only be discussed in the lesson.

    Assignment to the class: Formulate for yourself a study assignment for this text.

    Possible job options:

    Read the poem aloud.

    Title the text.

    Determine the theme and idea of ​​the text. Give a reasoned assessment of the proposed texts.

    What artistic means do the poets use?

    Point out and explain the studied spellings and punctograms.

    The tasks listed above are generally required to work with any kind of text in every class. Not only is the development of communicative competence taking place (mastery of all types of speech activity and the basics of the culture of oral and written speech), in parallel, preparations are underway for the state final certification, the development of practical skills in text science (speech science), such as the ability to accurately perceive the content of the text read, its main problems; determine the main idea, the position of the author of the text; recognize linguistic means of expression, etc.

    Introduction to the topic. Working with these texts allows you to smoothly move on to learning a new topic.

    Name all the words that indicate the attribute of the subject. How were you able to identify them? (on the question of what? What? What?)

    Exploring a new lesson topic.

    Research task for the class:

    Divide the words into groups, combining them according to common features (each determines the number of groups independently).

    After the students distribute the words into groups, the answers and justifications for the proposed distribution are heard. Then the students are offered the teacher's version and given the task to explain the proposed distribution of words into groups.

    When the yellowing field is agitated, And the fresh forest rustles at the sound of the breeze, And the crimson plum hides in the garden Under the shade of a sweet green leaf;

    When the dew is sprinkled with fragrant Ruddy evening or in the golden hour in the morning, From under the bush, a silver lily of the valley shakes its head amiably.


    The sun has worked up during the day, Curly forest is descending:

    The forest stands under a dark cap, bathes in golden fire.

    On the mound the green grass Sleeps, all sprinkled with sparks, Showered with pink dust, And humbled with stones.

    (AND .FROM. Nikitin )

    Fresh Forest, crimson plum, under shadow sweet, green leaf, dew fragrant, ruddy in the evening, in hour golden, lily of the valley silver, curly Forest, under hat dark, in gold fire, grass green, dust pink.

    yellowing field, spattered lily of the valley, grass spattered showered, humiliated.

    III. Statement of the educational task.

    Purpose: discussion of difficulties (“Why are there difficulties?”, “What do we still not know?”); pronouncing the purpose of the lesson in the form of a question to be answered ( What such participle how part speeches?)

    Such a task allows students to show both independence of thinking, express their point of view, and shows possible difficulties in studying this topic. Therefore, the next mandatory step is the goal-setting of students.

    Goal setting questions:

    What general at words in both groups? What part speeches they explain? How way educated data words? From what parts speeches educated data words?

    IV. “Discovery of new knowledge” ( building a project to get out of the difficulty).

    Conversation following the comparison of two texts:

    · What did you learn about the sacrament?

    · What is the difference between the points of view on the sacrament of the authors of different textbooks? What do they have in common?

    Draw your own conclusion.

    During a conversation about different forms of presenting educational material, students are offered background information on the board for the correct formulation of the answer:

    Words in help: highlights, thinks considers, relates, from points vision, on opinion.

    Choose for yourself a convenient form for a summary of important information about the sacrament (basic abstract, table, drawing, etc.)

    The teacher offers his form of recording only after the children express their own suggestions.

    V. Primary fastening.

    Purpose: pronunciation of new knowledge, recording in the form of a reference signal.

    The definitions of the participle are given both in poetic form, which facilitates memorization, and authoritative Russian classics.

    Here is my required property:

    I bow like an adjective.

    I answer all his questions.

    I recall the verb by meaning.

    Words by V. Dahl, creator of the Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language:

    "Participle - this part speech, sacramental verb in image adjective".

    A.S. Pushkin, the genius of our literature, spoke about participles:

    “Communion. usually shunned in conversation. We not talking: coach, galloping on bridge; servant, sweeping room; we talking: which the jumps, which the sweeps And other - replacing expressive brevity communion lethargic turnover”.

    After independent work, the answer options are heard, discussed, then the teacher's version is shown - a reference note.

    VI. Independent work with self-test according to the standard. Self-analysis and self-control.

    At the end of this stage of the lesson, reflection is carried out:

    Questions for reflections:

    · Were you able to solve your problem?

    What helped you in this?

    What difficulties have arisen?

    The stage of the lesson on the study of a new topic contributes to the development of educational and cognitive competence of schoolchildren through the goal-setting of the students themselves, the solution of a problematic task, the formulation of conclusions, and then reflection.

    Also, this stage of the lesson is aimed at developing the information competence of students through working with several sources, the ability to highlight the main information, to formulate their thoughts in a compact way is being developed.

    The development of the communicative competence of students is realized through an educational dialogue, tasks aimed at creating their own short notes, their protection, reviewing the speeches of classmates.

    VII. Inclusion of new knowledge in the knowledge system and repetition.

    Consolidation. At the next stage of the lesson, through a heuristic task, the new topic is consolidated in practical activities, since the task is aimed at using participles in speech.

    Exercise 1:

    Try replace adjectives from first column on the one-root communion.

    Heuristic task:

    come up with how can more proposals about his activities on the lesson And work classmates, using communion.

    Based on the results of the implementation, the resulting answers are heard, assessment and self-assessment are carried out.


    Be able to tell in your short record about the sacraments.

    Name the associative series with the word “Autumn” (autumn, leaves, sky, rain, clouds). Make up sentences in which these words will be used with the participle.

    VIII. Reflection of activity (the result of the lesson).

    · What was the most useful thing for me in the lesson?

    What was the most interesting part of the lesson for me?

    What was difficult for me in the lesson?

    What should I pay attention to in my homework in preparation for the next lesson?

    It is possible to form qualitatively new educational results only with the systematic inclusion of students in independent educational and cognitive activities.

    The possibility of creating your own educational product, working with various sources of information, other activities ensure the continuity of self-development of the individual in the learning process.

    Obviously, it is impossible to realize the new goals of education if the student passively learns ready-made truths.

    It is necessary to search for it independently, in the course of which the experience of goal-setting, achievement of goals, reflective self-organization and self-assessment, and experience of communicative influence are acquired.

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