Types and characteristics of engineering barriers. Purpose and characteristics of types of engineering barriers

landscaping 18.10.2023

Educational and educational goals:

3. To form in the student the military-professional culture of an officer, leadership qualities, skills and abilities;

4. To form the student’s theoretical and practical basis for solving command and staff issues;

5. Cultivate persistence in mastering military knowledge.

6. Instill in personnel a sense of professional pride in the officer’s chosen specialty, hatred and respect for a potential enemy.

Time 90 minutes

Calculation of study time:

Material support:

1. Methodological development.

2. Computer and multimedia equipment for the audience.

3. Microsoft Office PowerPoint presentation on the topic.

4. Notebooks, stationery.

5. Journal of military training classes.


A) main

1. Combat regulations for the preparation and conduct of combined arms combat. Part III (BUSV) M.: Voenizdat, 2004.

2. Combat engineering support. M.: Voenizdat, 1988.

3. Fortification: past and present. M.: Voenizdat, 1987.

b) additionally

1. Dictionary of military terms comp. A.M. Plekhanov. – M.: Voenizdat, 1988.

c) normative

1. Charter of the internal service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, approved by decree of the President of the Russian Federation of November 10, 2007 No. 1495, M., 2008.

2. The drill regulations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, put into effect by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated March 11, 2006, No. 111, M., 2008.


Microsoft Office PowerPoint presentation on the topic "Purpose, classification of engineering barriers and their characteristics".

Self-study assignment:

1. Study the material from the specified literature, finalize the lecture notes.

2. Be prepared for a quiz on class questions.

3. Prepare answers to the following questions:

Purpose of engineering barriers.

Classification of engineering barriers.

Characteristics of engineering barriers.

Purpose of engineering ammunition.

Classification of engineering ammunition.

Rules for handling explosives.

Guidelines for preparing and conducting classes:

When starting to work on a lecture, the teacher begins with:

1. Study of the qualification requirements for a graduate according to VUS-063300, 445000 in terms of studying this topic.

2. Study of the Specialist Training Program for VUS-063300, 445000, thematic plan.

3. Studying the text of the lecture.

4. Selection and study of literature, periodicals and Internet resources.

5. Improvements to the lecture text.

6. Selection and preparation of educational materials for conducting classes.

7. Drawing up a plan for the lecture.

Structurally, a lecture on the topic of the lesson consists of three interconnected parts: introduction, main part, conclusion.

Purpose of entry– arouse interest in the topic being studied, establish contact with students, and direct their attention to the subject of the upcoming conversation. The introduction should not exceed 5 minutes.

In the introduction, it is recommended to write down a) the name of the topic, b) the allocation of time for its study, c) the educational goals of the lecture (educational goals are not announced), d) the educational questions of the lecture and e) recommended literature. Then you should justify the importance of studying this topic, its relevance, connection with subsequent topics of the course and relationship with other subjects of study.

Moving on to the presentation main content lecture, the teacher must restate the first question of the lecture to the audience as the initial thesis, pose a problem, the justification of which will be subject to the entire logic of his reasoning during the presentation of the material.

Having finished presenting the first question, the teacher must draw a conclusion on the material presented, invite students to ask questions that arose during the lecture and briefly answer them. Then, in the same sequence, proceed to present subsequent questions.

When opened educational issues it is necessary to emphasize and highlight the main provisions of the issue (in the text of the lecture these provisions are highlighted bold italic ).

During the lesson:

When opened first question it is necessary to focus on the purpose, classification of engineering barriers and their characteristics.

Lighting material second educational issue, it is necessary to focus on the classification of engineered ammunition.

When finishing third educational question, it is necessary to prepare students to study safety requirements when handling explosives.

In order to activate students, it is advisable to conduct a lecture on a topic using an active method, using elements of visual illustration (using slide shows or visual aids) and the principle of feedback, using for these purposes questions prepared in advance for students on the topic being studied.

When presenting the main content of the lecture, to clarify educational issues, it is recommended to use a SMART board with a prepared set of slides on which the following should be presented:

– new concepts revealed during the presentation of the material;

– illustrative material.

(A set of Microsoft Office PowerPoint presentation slides is attached to the lecture text).

In order to control the assimilation of the presented material, it is recommended to ask 1–2 questions during the lecture on each of the main issues of the lecture.

On the first main question:

– Define it – an engineering barrier.

– Classification of engineering barriers.

On the second main question:

What engineering ammunition do you know?

On the third main question:

– Precautions when using explosives.

The teacher should evaluate each answer and enter grades into the journal. Therefore, 20% of the personnel present should be assessed during the lecture.

IN conclusion teacher:

– makes brief conclusions about the lecture as a whole;

– evaluates the participation of students during the lesson and the degree of achievement of the set educational goals;

– gives tasks to students for independent preparation, provides information about additional literature on the topic of the lesson;

– answers questions from students on the topic of the lecture.

The order of the lecture.

1. Accept the report of the duty officer on the readiness of the training platoon for training.

In the introductory part, it is necessary to conduct a written survey on the previous lesson Topic 7: “Engineering support for combat operations of units and units.”

Control questions:

1. The main tasks of engineering support for combat operations.

2. Types and purpose of shelters.

Before moving on to the lecture, the teacher gives the platoon duty officer the opportunity to provide the trainees, within 3 minutes, with information about events in the world.

2. Introductory part:

– announce the topic, purpose of the lesson, the order of its conduct, the main educational issues and the time allocated for their presentation;

- put learning objectives On the lecture;

– bring to students the basic educational literature on the topic.

3. Main part:

The presentation of the main issues of the lecture is carried out according to the following scheme:

a) a statement of the first main issue;

b) asking students control questions on the first question;

c) conclusion on the first question;

d) answer to questions that arose during the presentation.

e) moving on to the next main question of the lecture, etc.

At the same time, the teacher monitors the class and the quality of students’ work.

4. Final part.

– draw a general conclusion on the topic of the lecture;

– note the positive aspects of students’ work and point out the shortcomings;

– remind the date of independent work on this topic;

– answer students’ questions;

– announce grades;

Give a task for independent work.



Department of General Military and Tactical Training


VUS-063300, 445000


With today's lecture we are continuing the theoretical course on the study of the academic discipline " General tactics» topic number 7 « Engineering support for combat operations of units and units» Lecture No. 16 « Purpose, classification of engineering barriers and their characteristics».

Since ancient times, the Russian people have created various kinds of barriers with great skill to fight the enemy. This is evidenced, for example, by data on the nature of the defensive system of Kievan Rus. This defensive system consisted of a number of fortified towns and long defensive lines, the so-called “serpent ramparts.” These ramparts, being not only barriers, but also fortifications, were usually built along rivers or had a ditch on the outside. The height of the shaft reached 6-8 m, and the width - 16-17 m.

This system played an important role in the fight against nomads in the 10th-11th centuries.

While creating a defense and skillfully using the natural properties of the terrain, the Russian troops at the same time made good use of artificial field fortifications: fences, stakes driven into the ground, and knew how, if necessary, to “lay down” the forest, that is, to set up a fence.

Zaseki were one of the most common barriers used by the Russians at the beginning of the 12th century.

In the 16th century The abatis (or the so-called abatis line) did not consist of forest rubble alone, but was a complex system of fortifications in which forest obstructions alternated with natural obstacles on the ground (rivers, lakes, swamps, ravines, etc.) and artificial ones (by palisades, gouges, earthen ramparts and ditches erected in treeless spaces, that is, where there was nothing to build a fence from in the proper sense of the word).

Barriers were widely used during the organization of the Sevastopol defense of 1854-1855. Here, in the defense system in front of the main defensive line, various types of barriers were built (ditches, wolf pits, landmines, abatis).

In the combat operations of the Soviet Army, barriers created by our troops found the most widespread use during the Great Patriotic War.

Already at the very beginning of the war, the Soviet Supreme High Command demanded that the troops widely practice the construction of ditches, rubble and other obstacles, making every possible use of local materials and means for this.

Recently, the designs of engineering barriers, as well as the methods of their use, have received further, more advanced development, further ensuring the defense capability of the Russian Federation.

Classes on this topic will be conducted so that you (students) can properly apply your knowledge in practice. And they correctly built a scheme for improving their knowledge, skills and abilities in this academic discipline.

Purpose of the lecture.

1. Reveal the essence of engineering support for modern combined arms combat.

2. To familiarize students with the purpose, classification of engineering barriers and their characteristics.

3. Form in the student:

The officer’s military-professional culture, leadership qualities, skills and abilities;

Theoretical and practical basis for solving command and staff issues;

4. develop in students the ability to navigate in a rapidly changing tactical situation.

5. - instill in students skills in searching, summarizing and presenting educational material.

In accordance with these goals, as well as taking into account the topics of classes in the academic discipline " General tactics"The lecture discusses the following issues.

First study question: Purpose, classification of engineering barriers and their characteristics.

Second study question: Purpose, classification of engineering ammunition.

Third study question: Rules for handling explosives.

I turn to the presentation of the lecture questions.


Question #1:Purpose, classification of engineering barriers and their characteristics.

Engineering obstacles are set up in order to inflict losses on the enemy in manpower and equipment, delay his advance and hinder his maneuver.

Engineering obstacles are engineering means, structures and destruction installed or arranged on the ground with the aim of inflicting losses on the enemy, delaying his advance, complicating maneuver and thereby facilitating the destruction of manpower and equipment by all types of fire and counterattacks of our troops.

Barriers are used in all types of combat, but most widely in defense. In the offensive and in oncoming combat, they are used to cover the initial areas and flanks of the advancing units, repel enemy counterattacks and consolidate captured lines; in a defensive battle - to cover strong points, defense areas and the gaps between them, as well as artillery firing positions, control posts and other important objects. In modern combat, a number of engineering and tactical requirements are imposed on the obstacle system.

It must be highly effective in terms of the degree of destruction of the enemy, reduce the pace of his offensive, and complicate his actions; be resistant to all types of enemy fire and difficult to overcome; be closely linked to the fire system and not hamper the maneuver of your troops; arranged taking into account the conditions of the area, time of year and climatic conditions.

A barrier system is created during preparation and during the battle. To increase the effectiveness of barriers, a larger number of them are installed on identified directions of enemy action during the battle.

In addition to engineering units, units of the military branches are involved in constructing barriers; For their construction, a remote mining method is used.

Classification of engineering barriers (option).

Based on the nature of their impact on the enemy, engineering barriers are divided into:

1. Non-explosive - anti-tank ditches, scarps, counter-scarps, snow banks, gouges, forest debris, barriers, as well as wire, electrified and water barriers

2. Mine-explosive barriers (MVD), consisting of minefields, groups of mines, single mines, as well as landmines and explosive charges used to cause destruction. According to the method of actuation, they are divided into controlled and uncontrolled.

3. Combined - representing a combination of cost centers and non-explosive barriers.

The purpose of engineering barriers:

Ensure high combat effectiveness and surprise impact on the enemy;

Allow quick installation on site and the use of mechanization;

Be resistant to the shock wave of a nuclear explosion and means of overcoming obstacles;

Do not restrict the maneuver of your troops;

Difficult to find;

Easy to disguise.

Sub-question #1 : Non-explosive barriers.

Based on their purpose, non-explosive barriers are divided into anti-tank and anti-personnel.

Anti-tank weapons include:

Anti-tank ditches;



Gouges (wooden, metal, reinforced concrete, stone);

Barriers in the forest made of logs and on the banks of ponds made of ice;

Fences made of metal hedgehogs;

Barricades in populated areas;

Snow shafts;

Icing stripes on mountain slopes;

Ice holes on rivers and reservoirs;

Flooding of the area;

Forest and stone rubble in populated areas.

There are anti-personnel barriers portable and permanent.

Portable Wire fences are used mainly for quickly closing passages, destroyed sections of barriers, and also in cases where the construction of other barriers is difficult. They are usually manufactured in advance and delivered ready-made to the installation site (inconspicuous wire nets, quickly installed barriers made of garlands of barbed and smooth wire, spirals, slingshots and hedgehogs).

TO permanent barriers include wire fences with high and low stakes, wire fences, thrown wire, snares and loops, notches in the forest, braiding of stumps with barbed wire, etc.

Non-explosive barriers can be used independently or in combination with mine-explosive barriers. In the latter case, the greatest efficiency of their use is achieved.

To ensure the passage of friendly troops, passages must be left in non-explosive barriers, and the necessary amount of means (spiral wire, slingshots, hedgehogs, etc.) must be provided to quickly close them.

Sub-question #2:Mine-explosive barriers.

(name and text of the educational sub-question of the lecture)

The main characteristics of a cost center are:



Consumption min;

The probability of defeating the enemy.

Mine consumption refers to the number of anti-tank mines (ATM), anti-personnel mines (APM) per linear or square kilometer of a minefield.

It's called a minefield a section of terrain on which mines are installed in a given order and for a specific purpose.

The main characteristics of a minefield (MF) are:



Length along the front.

Depth and density depend on the purpose of the minefield, the tactical situation, terrain characteristics, conditions of fixation, visibility and fire, as well as on the number of rows of mines, the distance between rows and the distance between mines in rows.

The minimum distance of the rear row of MPs from the positions occupied by friendly troops should prevent personnel from being damaged by a shock wave or fragments formed during a mine explosion. As a rule, it should be at least 50m, and for fragmentation mines, at least the radius of continuous damage. The density of PTMP is from 550-1000 min per 1 km of front. To ensure a good overview and shelling of minefields, they should be located no more than 100-150 m from the positions of our troops.

Minefields must provide:

The greatest combat effectiveness (maximum probability of hitting enemy targets).

Resistance from the effects of explosions of nuclear and conventional ammunition, demining charges and adjacent mines is ensured by the use of explosion-resistant mines, installation of mines in the ground, dispersed arrangement of mines in rows and rows of mines in a minefield).

Difficulty in detecting and making passages for the enemy (provided by careful camouflage; a variety of mine layouts, installation of false mines, surprise mines, etc.)

The ability to quickly detect and clear minefields with one’s own troops is ensured by careful recording of minefields)

According to their purpose, MPs are divided into:





MPs of any type can be:



PTMP from anti-track mines are installed as a rule:

In 3-4 rows;

The distance between rows is from 10 to 40 m;

Mining step 4-5.5 m;

MP depth is from 60-100 m or more;

MP density is from 550 to 1000 min per 1 km.

PPMP from high-explosive mines are installed:

In 2 rows or 4 rows;

The distance between rows is from 2 to 4 m;

The distance between mines in a row is at least 1 m;

MP density is 2000 min per kilometer.

PPMP from fragmentation mines is installed:

In 2 rows;

The distance between rows is 10-20 meters;

The distance between mines in a row is 1-2 radii of continuous destruction;

MP density is 100-300 min per kilometer.

Mixed MPs are installed from PT and PP min. PPMs are installed with PTMs in groups of up to 2-3 pieces or in independent rows. The depth of a mixed minefield should not exceed 120-150 m.

PPMP covering access to PTMP from the enemy side are installed at a distance of 10-15 m from them.

False minefields are installed according to combat patterns.

Imitation of mines is carried out by burying cans, metal objects, making tubercles, raising turf, and stretching pieces of wire above the ground surface.

Each minefield, depending on its location in the battle formation, must have a certain degree of combat readiness.

The first degree of readiness - barriers are in full readiness: mines are installed, safety devices have been removed, there are no MP markings and fences; detonators are inserted into the explosive charges.

The second degree of readiness - the barriers are prepared for rapid introduction into full readiness (MPs are marked, if necessary they have passages, EDP-r are not inserted into explosive charges)

Anti-tank minefields are installed:


Helicopters equipped with mine laying kits;

By means of remote mining;

Using vehicles equipped with trays;

Manually (by drill crew or along a mine cord).

Question #2:Purpose, classification of engineering ammunition.

(name and text of the educational question of the lecture)

Engineering support is organized and carried out in order to create by units and subunits the necessary conditions for timely and covert advance, deployment, increasing the protection of personnel and military equipment from all modern weapons, as well as to inflict losses on the enemy and hinder his actions.

To achieve their goals, units must skillfully use standard engineering equipment and engineering ammunition.

The army of the Russian Federation has various engineering ammunition in service.

Engineering mines are engineering ammunition intended for constructing mine-explosive barriers in order to destroy enemy personnel, combat and transport equipment, and destroy roads and various structures. Engineered mines include anti-tank, anti-personnel, anti-amphibious, anti-vehicle, object, signal and booby traps.

A mine is a charge of an explosive substance (EV), structurally combined with a means for detonation (drive device, fuse).

Mines according to their intended purpose are divided into:

Anti-tank (TM-62, TM-57, TMK-2),

Anti-personnel (PMN, POMZ-2M, OZM-72, MON-50, MQH-90, MON-100, MON-200),

Anti-landing (PDM-1, PDM-2, YARM),

Special (magnetic, signal, under-ice, surprise mines, booby traps, objective, etc.)

The main elements of PTM, PPM, PDM are:

Explosive charge;


Drive device.

Anti-tank mines (ATM) of the Russian Federation.

Anti-personnel mines (APM) of the Russian army.

Tension signal mine. Designed to provide a sound and light signal. The mine is installed manually.

1.1. Mine-explosive engineering barriers: purpose, performance characteristics, design and installation

Anti-tank mines

Anti-tank mines are intended for mining terrain against enemy tanks, armored personnel carriers and other military equipment.

Anti-tank mines are anti-track, anti-bottom and anti-side.

Characteristics of anti-tank mines

Indicators TM-62M TM-57 TMK-2
Dimensions, mm
diameter 320 320 307
· height 128 110 265

height with extension

- - 1130
Housing material Metal Metal Metal
Weight, kg
· explosive charge 7-7,5 6,5-7 6-6,7
· mines 9,5-10 9-9,5 12
Fuse brand MVCh-62 MVZ-57 MVK-2
Actuation force, N (kgf) 1500-5500
80-120 (8-12)
for tilting the fuse pin
Closure (wooden boxes) Four mines
in a box 725x398x425 mm with a total weight of 60 kg
Five minutes
in a box 860x370x425 mm with a total weight of 61 kg
Two mines in a box 820x350x370 mm with a total weight of about
25 kg

Anti-tank mine TM-62 M with MVCh-62 fuse

The principle of operation of the mine: when it hits the fuse shield, it lowers, its sleeve with the M-1 detonator cap rests on the detonator; when the pin is pressed further, it is cut off, the balls release the firing pin, which, under the action of the mainspring, punctures the M-1 detonator cap, causing it to explode and the mine to explode.

Device of an anti-tank mine TM-62 M with a fuse MVCh-62 1 - body; 2 - plug; 3 - gasket; 4 - charge; 5 - bottom; 6 - additional detonator; 7 - eye for attaching the handle;

  • Unscrew (remove) the plug from the mine and make sure that the rubber gasket is in the correct position in the mine end.
  • Screw the fuse into the mine and tighten it with a wrench.
  • Place the mine in the hole or on the surface.
  • Remove the safety pin from the fuse and sharply press the starter button.
  • Disguise the mine

To remove a mine you must:

  • Make sure that the mine is installed in the retrievable position.
  • Remove the camouflage layer from the mine.
  • Move the fuse from the firing position to the transport position.
  • Remove the mine from the installation site, clean it of soil and inspect it for damage.
  • Place the working mine in the package.

When transferring the MVCh-62 fuse from the combat position to the transport position, you must:

  • Remove the rubber cap from the transfer valve.
  • Using a key, turn the transfer valve clockwise three-quarters of a turn, and the starter button should pull up.
  • Turn the key to its original position and remove it from the socket.
  • Put on the rubber cap.
  • Place the safety pin on the starter button and lock it with the latch.

Anti-tank mine TM-57 with MVZ-57 fuse

The TM-57 anti-tank mine is designed to destroy enemy tanks, self-propelled guns, armored personnel carriers and other mobile equipment.

1 - body; 2 - plug; 3 - gasket; 4 - charge; 5 - bottom; 6 - additional detonator; 7 - eye for attaching the handle;

The TM-57 mine consists of a body with a pressure part, which plays the role of a target sensor, a charge with two additional detonators and fuses MVZ-57, MV-57 or MVSh-57.

The body of 1 mine is made of steel and has a pressure part. At the bottom center of the lid there is a hole for screwing in the fuse. Diaphragm 4 separates the charging chamber from the cover.

On the side there is an ignition socket with a thread for an electric detonator (ZTP ignition tube, MD-5M fuse). This socket is used when installing a mine in a non-removable position with a MUV-2 (MUV-3 or MUV-4) fuse. At the bottom of the 6th mine there is a folding handle for carrying. Charge 5 has two additional detonators: 7 and side 8.

How the mine works

When hitting an installed mine, its cover is deformed; the impact mechanism of the fuse, lowers down, is baked by a sleeve with a KD-MV detonator capsule into the mine diaphragm; with further pressing, the pin is cut off, the balls release the striker; under the action of the mainspring, the firing pin pierces the detonator cap, causing it to explode and the mine to explode.

To install a mine you need:

  • unscrew the cap from the fuse, wind the clock mechanism with the key;
  • screw the fuse into the mine;
  • install a mine in a hole or on the surface;
  • cock the mine fuse into firing position by removing the safety pin from under the fuse button and pressing the button;
  • disguise the mine.

To remove a mine you must:

  • make sure that the mine is installed in the retrievable position;
  • remove the masking layer from the mine;
  • unscrew the fuse from the mine;
  • transfer the fuse from the firing position to the transport position and screw it into the mine;
  • remove the mine from its installation site.

Anti-tank cumulative mine TMK-2

The TMK-2 anti-tank cumulative mine explodes under the bottom of a tank, armored personnel carrier and other equipment.

Device of an anti-tank cumulative mine TMK-2 1 - extension; 2 - screw; 3 - fuse; 4 - fuse; 5 - cap; 6 - short circuit lining; 7 - body; 8 - charge; 9 - lens; 10 - additional detonator; 11 - bottom; 12 - detonating device DUM-2; 13 - legs; 14 – bracket; 15 – glass.

Operating principle of the mine:

When hitting a mine fuse, the tube bends, the coils rotate, the rod pulls the cap out of the sleeve, as a result of which the balls release the firing pin, which, under the action of the mainspring, pierces the primer-igniter of the fuse, and from it the moderator ignites. After 0.3-0.45 s, i.e., when the middle part of the tank (vehicle) is above the mine, the detonator cap explodes from the moderator flame, and from it the tetryl bomb explodes. Its explosion is transmitted to the upper tip of the mine's detonating device (DUM-2), then to the detonating cord and then to the lower tip of the DUM-2, which detonates the additional detonator and the shaped charge of the mine.

To install a mine you need:

  • unscrew the caps from the upper and lower tips of DUM-2;
  • screw the plastic bushing into the hole in the glass from below until it stops, and then the metal bushing into the ignition socket of the mine;
  • secure the middle part of DUM-2 to the bracket with claws;
  • dig a hole measuring 30x30 cm and depth 32x35 cm;
  • install a mine in the hole with the bracket facing away from the enemy;
  • fill the mine body with soil up to the upper end of the glass, gradually compacting the soil to give the mine greater stability;
  • screw the plug from the upper end of the glass in place with the gasket;
  • screw the fuse into the fuse all the way;
  • screw the fuse into the glass;
  • fill the hole, compacting the soil;
  • disguise a mine;
  • Place the extension on the fuse head, securing it with a screw.

To remove a mine you must:

  • remove the extension;
  • remove the camouflage layer of soil until the top of the glass is discovered;
  • unscrew the fuse;
  • unscrew the fuse from the fuse;
  • carefully dig a mine;
  • remove the mine from the hole.

The TM-83 mine is an anti-tank, anti-aircraft, cumulative mine based on the principle of an impact core.

Main performance characteristics:

  • Mine weight - 20.4 kg.
  • Charge weight - 9.6 kg.
  • Damage range - up to 50m.
  • Cocking time - 1-30 minutes.
  • Lethal effect - hole Æ 80 mm, in armor 100 mm thick.
  • Fuse type - non-contact two-channel with seismic and infrared target sensors.

Set contents:

  • Mine not fully equipped - 1 pc.
  • Optical target sensor (ODS) - 1 pc.
  • Seismic target sensor (STS) - 1 pc.
  • Safety actuator mechanism (PIM) - 1 pc.
  • Closing mechanism - 1 pc.
  • Bracket - 1 pc.
  • Current source - 3 pcs.
  • Pin - 1 pc.
  • MZU control panel (for 10 fuses) – 1 pc.
  • Packing box - 1 pc.

Installing a mine in an uncontrolled (autonomous) version

  • place the box on the platform, fill it and sprinkle it around the perimeter with ballast (soil, stones, snow, etc.);
  • direct the mine facing towards the mined road (the expected location of the target's passage), rotating it with the bracket counterclockwise;
  • secure the mine against rotation in the horizontal plane by rotating the clamp handle clockwise;
  • remove the ODC from the box and check the integrity of the lens protective film;
  • unscrew the plug from the ODC, install the current source with the “+” contact inward and screw in the plug until it stops;
  • hold the ODC for at least three minutes in a position that excludes moving objects (including clouds) from entering the lens field of view (solid angle 1°);
  • with a wave of your hand in front of the lens, check the serviceability of the ODC by the flash of the indicator LED; install the ODC on the mine by inserting the rod into the bushing of the mine body from the point side, the protrusion on the ODC rod should fit into the groove of the bushing, and the movable washer at the end of the rod should go down beyond the cut of the bushing;
  • prepare and install the SDC for what:
  1. remove the SDC and the accessories for its installation (tip, column and bushing) from the fuses package;
  2. unscrew the plug from the SDC, make sure that the current source is suitable and install it with the “+” contact inward, screw in the plug until it stops;
  3. dig a hole with a depth and diameter of 20-30 cm near the mine installation site;
  4. screw the column onto the tip, put the column and bushing on the threaded tail and drive the tip into the bottom of the hole;
  5. mask the SDC with soil (snow) (on rocky and frozen soils it is possible to install the SDC on a tip without a column or directly with the bottom of the housing on the ground, followed by masking with crushed stone, small stones or snow);
  6. connect the components of the fuse, aim and camouflage the mine for what:
  7. remove the PIM from the packaging, check for checks on it, remove the insulating tape from the tips and unwind the wires;
  8. connect the tip of the wire with the SDC tag to the top terminal of the ODC, and connect the tip of the second wire of the SDC to the terminal of the PIM wire lug;
  9. connect the tip of the PIM wire to the bottom terminal of the ODC;
  10. install a signpost on the far side of the road;
  11. point the mine at the pole in a vertical plane and secure it from turning with the handles of the trunnions of the mine body;
  12. Carefully, so as not to disrupt the aiming of the mine, put the cover on the mine from the side of the charge facing;
  13. check the accuracy of aiming the mine at the pole;
  14. remove the MD-5M fuse from the canister, unscrew the plug from the PIM and screw the fuse into its place;
  15. screw the PIM fuse into the mine point until it stops;
  16. make sure that there are no crew numbers or moving equipment on the mine’s aiming line;
  17. remove the PIM pin and, without interfering with the mine’s aiming line, immediately retreat to cover or to a safe distance;
  18. hand over the PIM check to the squad (platoon) commander.

Removing a mine

It is allowed to remove (neutralize) mines installed only in a controlled version. Such mines may be reinstalled only in a controlled version no earlier than 1 hour after removal.

Safety requirements

When installing and removing a mine, the order and sequence of work must be strictly observed. The PIM check is removed after all operations have been completed when installing and camouflaging the mine.

After removing the PIM pins, you must immediately move away from the mine to a safe distance (200 m) or to shelter. Control of the state of the mine when installing it in a controlled version should be carried out from a shelter located at a distance of 90-100 meters from the mine. It is allowed to approach a mine installed in a controlled version and remove it no earlier than 3 minutes after moving it to a safe position. If the fuse is stored in a heated warehouse, it must be kept in the package for at least 12 hours at ambient temperature before use.


  • install a mine closer than 200 m from powerful sources of seismic vibrations (operating power plants, sawmills, machine shops, etc., as well as power lines, electrical power plants, radio and radar stations);
  • install mines and fuses that have mechanical damage or malfunctions, as well as disassemble or repair them;
  • screw the MD-5M fuse into the PIM, which does not have a pin;
  • cover the ODC lens when masking a mine;
  • be on the mine aiming line when the PIM pin is removed and cross the mine aiming line after the pin is removed;
  • remove a mine installed in an uncontrolled version, as well as a mine installed in a controlled version, if it is not possible to transfer its safe state to the MZU control panel.

The TM-89 mine is an anti-tank, cumulative high-explosive mine

Main performance characteristics:

  • Fuse type - non-contact magnetic with a built-in ampoule current source.
  • Overall dimensions of the mine: height - 132 mm. diameter - 320 mm.
  • Weight: mines - 11.5 kg. explosive charge (TG-40/60) - 6.7 kg. packages with mines - 63.5 kg.
  • Long-range cocking time - 20-700 s.
  • Installation method: manually, minelayer GMZ-3, equipment VMR-2.

Set contents:

  • Mine with fuse – 1 pc.
  • Detonator – 1 pc.
  • Trigger – 1 pc.
  • Key - 1 for 4 mines

The mine consists of a warhead (mine body, explosive charge and built-in fuse) and an additional detonator.

Mines can be equipped with an A-332 type power source (in the absence of an MTs-0.7A ampoule current source).

The warhead of the mine has an explosive charge with a cumulative notch, a non-contact fuse of a magnetic operating principle, an overburden charge, and a pyrotechnic moderator.

How the mine works

After the cover of the remote mechanism is torn off and its thread is pulled out, or after the cover of the trigger mechanism is torn off after 20-700 s. The hydraulic retarder rod moves upward, releasing the HB engine. Under the action of the spring, the slider rotates, closing the contact, which ensures the connection of the current source to the electrical circuit. By turning the engine, the central CD is installed under the PIM cover, and the side CD is brought to the wall of the fuse casing. When a tank passes over a mine, the magnetic field changes. This change is sensed by the target sensor.

The target sensor produces a signal, which, after processing by the electronic circuit, is sent to the actuator, causing the activation of the electronic device, ignition of the pyrotechnic amplifier and initiation of both CDs. Triggering of the side CD causes the PIM cover to be cut off, the tip of which pierces the CD. At the same time, the PIM engine is released, which moves under the action of the spring, and the PIM CD is installed in line with the retarder and PZ. The igniter capsule ignites the moderator, triggering the CD, PZ, and detonator of the fuse of the main explosive charge of the mine.

Installation procedure

The installation of the TM-89 mine is carried out manually or by means of mechanized mining (GMZ-3, VMR-2).

To install a mine manually you must:

  • inspect the mine and make sure there are pins;
  • place the mine bottom side up;
  • install a detonator;
  • place the mine bottom side down;
  • start the ampoule current source;
  • transfer the mine to the firing position (by turning the transfer handle);
  • remove the pin and pin from the remote mechanism;
  • plant a mine in the ground.

The transfer of the mine to the firing position during mining is carried out:

  • tearing off the cover of the remote mechanism and pulling out the thread attached to it manually (when installing a mine manually) or automatically (when mining using a GMZ-3 minelayer);
  • tearing off the trigger cover automatically when mining using VMR-2 equipment.


Regardless of the installation method, approaching a mine installed in the firing position is strictly prohibited!

Anti-personnel mines

Anti-personnel mines are designed to destroy enemy personnel. They are divided into: high-explosive, fragmentation, special.

Characteristics of anti-personnel mines

Mine brand Size, mm (L - length,
B - width, H - height, D - diameter)
Charge/mine weight, kg Fuse type; actuation force, N (kgf) Characteristics of the affected area Capping characteristics (wooden boxes)
High explosive
PMD-6M L=200, B=90, H=50 0,2/0,49 MUV
(MUV-2, MUV-3);
60-280 (6-28)
- The box contains 100 mine bodies, four mounting pins, 32 m of twine, 110 T-shaped pins, total weight 43 kg.
PMN D=110, H=53 0,2/0,55 80-250 (8-25) - 25 minutes in a box, total weight 22 kg.
PMN-2 D=120, H=54 0,1/0,4 50-250 (5-25) - In a box 25 minutes, total weight 20 kg.
PMN-4 D=95, H=42 0,05/0,3 50-150 (5-15) - 25 minutes in a box, total weight 18 kg.
POMZ-2M D=60, H=107 0, 075/1,2 MUV
(MUV-2, MUV-3);
5-13 (0,5-1,3)
Radius of continuous damage
4 m
The box contains 22 mines without checkers, 54 pegs, 20 carbines, 160 m of wire, total weight 55 kg.
OZM-72 D=108, H=172 0,66/5 MUV-3
20-60 (2-6)
Radius of continuous destruction 25 m The box contains 6 sets of mines, total weight 54 kg.
MON-50 L=226, B=66,
H= 155
0,7/2 Managed Continuous damage zone: range - 50 m, zone width at a distance of 50 m - 45 m There are 6 sets of mines in the box, total weight 25 kg.
MON-90 L=345,
B= 153,
6,2/12,1 Managed Continuous destruction zone: range - 50 m, zone width at a distance of 50 m -
60 m
The box contains 1 set of mines, total weight 14 kg.
Signal mine (SM) D=25, H=278 -/0,4 MUV,
(MUV-2, MUV-3)
- 60 minutes in a box, total weight 36 kg.
Mina MS-3 D=110, H=65 0,34/0,66 Unloading High explosive
ML-7 L=72, B=69, H=30 0,3 Unloading High explosive

Anti-personnel mines very often pop out of the ground with the help of a knockout charge and hit with fragments from above; “finger”, containing one pistol cartridge and striking a fighter with a shot in the foot at the moment when he steps on it.

High-explosive mines and bullet mines hit one person when they explode. When they explode, fragmentation mines can hit several people at the same time.

According to the principle of actuation, anti-personnel mines are divided into automatic and wire-controlled.

Mines that operate automatically have drive devices that are triggered by:

  • from pressing a mine (in push-action mines);
  • from tension (in tension mines).

Depending on the combat situation, terrain conditions and design features, anti-personnel mines are installed in the ground or on its surface; If the snow cover is deep, mines can also be laid in the snow.

When installing mines in the ground, they are installed in holes dug according to the size of the mine so that the installed mine or its fuse rises slightly above the ground surface (mine by 1–2 cm, MUV-2 or MUV fuse by approximately half its length) and easily disguised as the surrounding background.

Mines are installed on the ground in the presence of vegetation (tall grass, bushes, crops), which well camouflages the installed mine.

If there is snow, mines are installed:

  • with a snow depth of up to 10 cm - on the ground;
  • at greater depths - on compacted snow with a masking layer of snow up to 5 cm.

Installation of anti-personnel mines on the ground is carried out only manually.

Mines installed with a MUV-2 fuse, as well as PMD-6 and PMN mines, are not subject to seasonal rearrangement and neutralization; they are destroyed at the installation site.

Anti-personnel mine PMD-6M: 1 - cover; 2 - fuse; 3 - rubber cap; 4 - metal element; 5 - cutter; 6 - safety pin; 7 - combat check; 8 - drummer; 9 - combat check; 10 - the body explodes; 11 - fuse MD-5M; 12 - metal plate; 13 - mine body; 14 - explosive charge; 15 - masking layer.

Design and operation of the mine

The PMD-6m mine consists of a body, an explosive charge (200-gram TNT block), an MUV-2 fuse with a T-shaped pin with a 5 MD-5 or MD-2 fuse. The body of the mine is wooden, rectangular in shape, with a hinged lid hinged to the body.

In the front wall of the case there is a hole for the MUV-2 (MUV) 4 fuse, and in the front wall of the cover there is a rectangular groove into which the fuse rod fits when the cover is closed. In the firing position, the front wall of the cover rests with its lower base on the shoulders of the T-shaped fuse pin.

The PMD-6m mine has a metal plate attached to the inner surface of the cover. The plate, resting on the body of the fuse inserted into the mine, increases the force required to trigger the mine.

How the mine works

When the mine is pressed, the lid lowers and pulls the T-shaped pin out of the fuse. The firing pin is released and, under the action of the mainspring, pierces the MD-5M (MD-2) fuse, which, when exploding, causes the mine to explode (after removing the safety pin from the MUV-2 (MUV-3) fuse, the cutter, under the action of the mainspring, cuts the metal element - a temporary fuse and the fuse goes into firing position, the time is at least 2.5 minutes, which ensures safe installation of the mine).

  • Check the serviceability of the mine body. Place a 200 gram TNT block into the mine body with the ignition socket towards the front wall of the body. Replace the P-shaped combat pin on the MUV, (MUV-2, MUV-3) fuse with a T-shaped one.
  • Check the fuse for the presence of a metal element and the correct location of the safety pin.
  • Dig a hole the size of the mine, so that the installed mine protrudes 1–2 cm above the ground surface.
  • Place the mine with the lid open in the hole and use a pointed object to push through the paper wrapper of the ignition socket.
  • Screw the MD-5M (MD-2) fuse into the fuse body.
  • Insert the fuse into the hole in the front wall of the housing until the shoulders of the T-shaped pins touch the wall of the housing, the fuse should enter the ignition socket of the checker.
  • Holding the body of the mine, remove the safety pin from the MUV-2 (MUV-3) fuses.
  • Close the mine cover without pressing the arms of the pin.
  • Disguise the mine without pressing its cover.

Installation diagram

Basic tactical and technical data Anti-personnel mine PMN

Design and operation of the mine

The PMN mine consists of a body, an explosive charge, a pressure device, a trigger mechanism, a striking mechanism and an MD-9 fuse.

a – general view: b – section: 1 – body: 2 – shield;
3 – cap; 4 – wire or tape; 5 – rod;
6 – spring; 7 – split ring; 8 – drummer;
9 – mainspring; 10 – thrust bushing; 11 – safety pin; 12 - metal element; 13 – explosive charge; 14 – MD-9 fuse; 15 – plug; 16 - cap;
17 – rubber gasket: 18 – metal frame; 19 – string.

The body of 1 mine is plastic, cylindrical in shape. It contains: an explosive charge, trigger and impact mechanisms and an MD-9 fuse. Explosive charge I3 is a TNT block fixed in the housing on varnish. The mine's pressure device (cover) consists of a rubber cap 3 and a plastic pressure shield 2, attached to the inside of the cap on its bosses. The rubber cap is placed on the body and secured to it with wire or metal tape 4. The junction of the cap with the body is sealed with varnish.

The trigger mechanism is mounted in the vertical channel of the housing and consists of a plastic rod 5, a spring 6 and a split ring 7. The rod has a window with a lug. A striker passes through the window when a mine is detonated. The lug is designed to hold the striker of the striking mechanism cocked.

The rod is protected from rotation in the channel by a longitudinal projection on it, which fits into a groove on the inner surface of the channel.

In the assembled mine, the rod is pressed by a spring to the split ring so that the upper end of the rod rests against the pressure plate.

The impact mechanism is assembled into a separate unit and screwed into the side socket of the mine body. The impact mechanism consists of a striker 8 with a sting and a cutter, a mainspring 9, a thrust bushing 10, a safety pin 11 with a ring and a temporary fuse (metal element) 12, the same as in the MUV-2 fuse.

The cutter in the form of a metal frame 18 with a string 19 fixed in it is in turn secured with a rivet in the tail part of the striker.

In the assembled impact mechanism, the spring is compressed, the impactor passes through the thrust bushing and is held in it by a safety pin. A metal element in the form of a lead plate is placed in the groove of the sleeve under the cutter string.

A cap 16 is screwed onto the thread of the thrust bushing, which seals the impact mechanism with a rubber gasket 17.

The MD-9 fuse 14 is inserted into the horizontal channel of the housing through a hole closed by a plug 15 and a rubber gasket 17. A tetryl fuse block weighing 6.5 g serves as an intermediate mine detonator.

How the mine works

After the pin is pulled out and the fuse is activated, the firing pin rests against the lug of the rod and is held by it. When you press the mine's pressure device, the rod lowers and its combat protrusion disengages with the firing pin. The released firing pin, under the action of the mainspring, punctures the detonator cap of the MD-9 fuse, resulting in a mine explosion.

To prepare and install a mine you must:

  • unscrew the cap from the thrust bushing and check for the presence of a lead plate of a temporary fuse under the cutter string;
  • screw the cap back on;
  • unscrew the plug;
  • insert the MD-9 fuse into the mine;
  • screw the plug tightly.
  • dig a hole according to the size of the mine so that the mine’s pressure device rises 1–2 cm above the ground surface;
  • without pressing the mine cover, pull out the safety pin;
  • place a mine in the hole;
  • disguise the mine without pressing its cover.
Installation diagram
anti-personnel mines PMD-6M6.

Basic tactical and technical data

Design and operation of the mine

The POMZ-2M mine consists of a body, an explosive charge and an MUV-2 fuse with a fuse and a P-shaped pin, a mounting peg, a carbine with a wire 0.5 m long, two tripwire pegs and a trip wire 8 m long.

The body of the mine is cast iron, has a chamber open at the bottom for the explosive charge and mounting peg, and in the upper part there is a threaded hole for the fuse.

For better and uniform crushing of the body, a notch is made on its outer surface.

The mine charge is a drill TNT block. The MUV-2 fuse is equipped with a P-shaped pin. The POMZ-2M mine uses an MD-5m fuse

How the mine works

When the tension wire is pulled, the pin is pulled out of the fuse, the firing pin is released and, under the action of the mainspring, pierces the fuse, which, when exploding, causes the mine to explode, the body of the mine is crushed into fragments, which, when scattered, cause damage.

Mine installation

The POMZ-2M mine is installed with one or two branches of guy wire.

Installation diagram of the POMZ-2M mine
with one branch of guy wire. Installation diagram of the POMZ-2M mine
with two branches of guy wire:
1 – mine; 2 – peg; 3 – stretching.

To install a mine with one branch of guy wire you need:

  • drive a guy wire peg into the ground so that its height on the ground surface is within 10–15 cm;
  • secure the end of the guy wire to the peg;
  • stretch the guy wire towards the mine installation;
  • at the mine installation site, hammer in the installation peg so that the base of the mine body mounted on it is at a height of 2–3 cm from the ground surface;
  • insert a drilling TNT block into the mine body with the ignition socket towards the upper hole;
  • Using the lower (large) hole, place the body of the mine onto the installation peg driven into the ground until it touches the TNT block;
  • tie the carabiner to the guy wire;
  • connect the fuse body with the corresponding fuse;
  • screw the fuse with the MD-5M fuse into the upper hole of the mine body;
  • hook the carbine to the combat pin ring;
  • camouflage the mine to match the general background of the surrounding area;
  • After making sure that the combat pin is securely held, remove the safety pin from the MUV-2 fuse.

To install a mine with two branches of guy wire you need:

  • drive two guy rope pegs into the ground at a distance of about 8 m from one another;
  • put a wire loop with a carabiner on the guy wire;
  • tie the guy wire to the driven stakes so that it is taut;
  • drive the installation peg into the ground, placing it approximately in the middle of the tripwire and towards the enemy at a distance from the wire equal to the length of the wire loop with the carabiner;
  • Perform all subsequent operations in the same way as when installing a mine with one branch of the trip wire.

Mine clearance

Disarming POMZ-2M mines installed with an MUV-2 fuse is prohibited. They are destroyed only by detonation at the site of their installation with the help of cats thrown onto the mines from cover.

The neutralization of POMZ-2M mines installed with an MUV fuse is carried out by cutting the guy wires, for which it is necessary:

  • insert a safety pin (for fuses of older releases, put a safety tube on the firing pin rod and insert a pin);
  • cut the tripwire or unhook the carabiner;
  • remove the fuse from the mine;
  • unscrew the fuse.

1 - mine; 2 - wooden pegs; 3 - metal pegs; 4 - coils with guy wires; 5 - cable with carabiners; 6 - KD No. 8A; 7 - MUV-2 fuse; 8 - guide glass; 9 - bushing with HF;
10 - cap; 11 - plug; 12 - cover; 13 - charge; 14 - body with fragments; 15 - additional detonator; 16 - central bushing; 17 - bushing with HF; 18 - drummer; 19 - mainspring; 20 - bushing; 21 - cover; 22 - tension cable; 23 - striker heel; 24 - cap; 25 - camera; 26 - expelling charge; 27 – tube.

How the mine works

When the guy wire is pulled, the MUV-3 fuse is triggered and pierces the igniter primer, the fire ignites the expelling charge, under the action of powder gases the body is ejected from the guide cup, and the cable unwinds when the mine body flies out to a height equal to the length of the cable.

The mainspring is compressed, the wedge-shaped lock releases the firing pin, which, under the action of the mainspring, punctures the igniter primer. The detonator cap No. 8-A, the additional detonator and the mine charge explode, the fragments contained in the body, scattering in different directions, cause damage.

1 - body; 2 - plug; 3 - sighting slot; 4 - fragments; 5 - explosive charge; 6 - additional detonator; 7 - hinge; 8 - flange; 9 – knives.

The mine is installed, as a rule, in a controlled version and explodes from an EDP-r electric detonator or mechanically (with an MUV, MUV-2 fuse with an MD-5M fuse and a tension wire). When a mine explodes, fragments scatter mainly in the direction of the target. The mine is placed on the ground (snow) on legs or attached to local objects using a clamp.

The MS-3 mine is intended for installing anti-tank mines in a non-retrievable position and for setting various kinds of traps (surprises).

Basic tactical and technical data

a – general view; b – section; 1 – shield; 2 – cover; 3 – explosive charge; 4 – split ring; 5 – rod head; 6 – rod; 7 – metal tape; 8 – cap; 9 – metal element for summer installation; 10 – metal element for winter installation; 11 – cutter; 12 – safety pin; 13 – ring; 14 – gasket; 15 – bushing; 16 – body; 17 – mainspring; 18 – drummer; 19 – rod spring; 20 – combat ledge; 21 – detonator capsule; 22 – sleeve; 23 – detonator – tetryl block;
24 – traffic jam.

Installation procedure:

  • prepare a hole for installing an MS-3 mine (when installing an MS-3 mine under an anti-tank mine, the hole comes off at the bottom of the hole for the anti-tank mine);
  • unscrew the cap of the impact mechanism and check the serviceability of the cutter and the presence of a metal element; if necessary, replace it (the metal element for installation at temperatures above 0°C has red ends, the metal element for installation at temperatures below 0°C has white ends);
  • screw on the cap;
  • unscrew the plug, install the MD-9 fuse into the mine and screw the plug until it stops;
  • install the MS-3 mine in the hole so that the protrusion on the cover rises above the level of the top of the hole;
  • if necessary, install the rod head on the protrusion of the cover;
  • hook the hook onto the ring of the safety pin;
  • install an anti-tank mine (load) on the MS-3 mine so that the anti-tank mine (load) presses on the head of the rod or the protrusion of the cover and closes the MS-3 mine;
  • holding the anti-tank mine (load) from moving with your left hand, pull out the safety pin with a hook;
  • disguise the MS-3 mine and anti-tank mine.

When mining various objects, the MS-3 mine is installed in the ground under the object or can be clamped between objects, for example, between boxes with military equipment (ammunition, food) stacked.

MS-3 mines installed in thawed ground under anti-tank mines and under various objects can spontaneously detonate when the ground freezes as a result of soil heaving, leading to the removal of the load from the mine.

Mine clearance procedure

It is prohibited to neutralize MS-3 mines. They are destroyed at the installation site by explosions of explosive charges or by pulling the load installed on them with a cat and a rope from a safe distance (from cover).

1.2. Non-explosive engineering barriers: purpose, performance characteristics, design and installation

Anti-tank non-explosive barriers

Anti-tank non-explosive barriers include scarps, counter-scarps, gouges, anti-tank ditches, barriers and rubble in the forest, ice barriers, hedgehogs.

Rubbles are arranged in forests with trees with a diameter of at least 20 cm and a distance between trees of no more than 6 m. Rubbles are arranged on the edges of the forest, in clearings, clearings and roads. When creating rubble, trees fall crosswise with their tops towards the enemy and are not completely separated from the stumps. Their butts are attached to the stumps with wire. The height of the stumps left should be 60–120 cm, the depth of the blockage should be at least 30 m, counting from the outermost stumps of the cut down trees. The rubble can be reinforced by braided barbed wire, the installation of mines and landmines. Manually installing 10 linear meters of obstruction requires 3.5 hours and a chainsaw.

Barriers are installed on roads, clearings and areas of sparse forest. It takes 40 man hours to build a 5 m log barrier. Material: logs 3.5 m long – 12 pcs.; 5 m long – 24 pcs.; wire – 7 kg. It takes 75 man hours to build a 5 m stone barrier.

Anti-personnel non-explosive barriers

Anti-personnel non-explosive barriers include wire nets, fences, spirals, thrown wire, abatis, slingshots and hedgehogs. The wire mesh and fence are reinforced with anti-personnel and signal mines.

Wire nets on high stakes

A wire net on high stakes is made of three to five rows of stakes 1.0–1.75 m long, hammered in a checkerboard pattern and braided with barbed wire. The outer rows of stakes are braided with five threads: two diagonally and three horizontally. The inner rows of stakes and the spaces between the rows are braided with three threads: two diagonally and one horizontally from above.

It takes 120 man hours to install 100 linear meters of wire mesh on high stakes. Material: single-strand barbed wire – 10 skeins, staples – 25 kg; stakes 175 cm long - 100 pcs.

SLINGSHOTS, hedgehogs, WIRE SPIRALS AND inconspicuous wire nets

Slingshots, hedgehogs, wire spirals and inconspicuous wire nets (WM) are used for installation on roads, in trenches, to cover passages and damage in barriers, as well as in swampy areas and in winter.

a – slingshot b – hedgehog

It takes 4 people an hour to make a slingshot. Material: poles 3.5 m long – 1 pc.; 1.5 m long – 6 pcs.; barbed wire – 7 kg.

It takes 1 man-hour to make a hedgehog. Material: stakes 1.5 – 3 pcs. long; barbed wire – 2.5 kg.

Wire fences are made from one row of stakes braided with five strands of barbed wire or reinforced with guy wires with an additional two or three horizontal threads stretched across them.

Installing 100 linear meters of reinforced wire fence requires 30 man-hours.

Material: single-strand barbed wire – 4–5 skeins; staples – 5 kg; stakes 175 cm long – 34 pcs.; stakes 70 cm long – 67 pcs.

The wire net on low stakes is made 4.5–6.0 m wide. The 70 cm long stakes are driven in rows at a distance of 1.5 m from each other in a checkerboard pattern with an elevation of 25–30 cm above the ground surface. Each row of stakes and spaces between the rows they are braided with wire in two threads, one thread stretches with loops.

The installation of 100 linear meters of wire netting on low stakes 6 m wide requires 120 man-hours. Material: single-strand barbed wire – 20 skeins; snobs – 15 kg; stakes 70 cm long – 350 pcs.

The abatis is made of trees with a diameter of at least 15–18 cm, which are felled (and the trees are not completely separated from the stumps) towards the enemy. It can be reinforced by mines and the braiding of trees with barbed wire.

Natural obstacles included in the general barrier system are reinforced:

  • Anti-personnel mines are installed in swamps, in places where gates can be constructed, and on trails. Existing roads are being destroyed or mined.
  • Ascents and descents with a steepness of less than 45° are escarped or mined.
  • Gullies with steep slopes of less than 2 m and a width of less than 5–6 m are brought to the size of anti-tank ditches.
  • Anti-personnel mines are installed on the slopes into the ravine, at the bottom of the ravine and on its bank in the probable directions of enemy movement.
  • Anti-personnel mines are installed in the forest, on clearings and roads, and rubble is also created.

Masking of barriers is achieved by choosing means for barriers and their locations in accordance with the nature of the terrain, using artificial masks and constructing false barriers. When laying minefields, the mines are camouflaged to match the background of the surrounding area. Crews to mine installation sites move along communication channels, trenches and existing paths. When installing mines on a grass surface in holes, the turf must be carefully rolled back and, after laying the mines, the areas with the grass surface must be carefully sealed, preventing soil from being scattered in the grass. Do not leave caps from under mines and fuses, milestones and indicators at the installation sites.

2. Actions of personnel when they are in a mined area and when explosive objects are detected. Safety requirements

Reconnaissance by three groups

This method of mine clearance is used if there are sufficient forces and resources in places most convenient for installing guided landmines.

At a distance of 20 m or more from the road, two groups are moving in a deployed chain to search for landmine control wire lines. Each group includes up to half of the MSO from the cover unit and up to three sappers, each group is equipped with the R-299G device. A distance of 20 m or more is determined by the fact that the enemy masks the wired control line in an area up to 20 m from the road. In addition, when sappers detect a wired control line, the enemy may decide to detonate a guided landmine ahead of time. In this case, at the specified distance, the probability of hitting personnel in search groups for wired control lines is reduced. Depending on the situation, the GRAZM commander may decide to move groups searching for wired control lines at a closer distance from the road. At the same time, the groups are also charged with searching for directed fragmentation mines and landmines installed on roadside objects.

The third group (one squad with the platoon commander) conducts reconnaissance of the roadway and roadsides for the presence of mines and landmines. At a distance of at least 50 m from the wire control line search crews, two MRS crews are moving. Behind him, at a distance of 15-20 m, are sappers with devices for searching for some OSI mines. Following, at intervals of 10-15 m, are sappers with IMP-2 mine detectors and sappers with probes.

The number of sappers with mine detectors and probes is determined by the width of the road, based on the fact that each sapper is assigned a 1.5 m strip. On hard-surface roads, the number of sappers with probes and mine detectors can be reduced, while the main focus of the search is on checking the sides of the road, potholes and puddles on the roadway. If necessary, the survey can include sappers with MMP mine detectors to search for mines and landmines without metal parts.

It is advisable to equip all groups with sets of portable (backpack) jammers. Sappers with portable jammers move directly behind their groups, so that the largest number of personnel are within the transmitter's coverage area.

The actions of the GRAZM are covered by a motorized rifle platoon, one section of which is distributed among groups searching for wire control lines for land mines, the rest of the personnel and equipment of the MSV are advanced along the road 25-30 m from the GRAZM in readiness to open fire.

During training and when performing tasks, it is necessary to pay special attention to the safety of the specified intervals and distances during the movement of the GRAZM, especially in conditions of lack of direct visibility between groups. One way to achieve this is to periodically maintain voice communication between the first number of the group moving along the road and the numbers closest to the road in the wire control line hunt groups.

When a wired control line is detected, sappers give a set signal to the platoon commander and cut the line. The MSV commander organizes the capture of the landmine control point by two groups. One group moves along the control line, the second group makes a detour and goes to the flank or rear of the control point.

Depending on the situation, preemptive shelling may be carried out at possible ambush sites or an explosion control point.

When the road width is less than 4 m, the GRAZM includes one MRS team and one sapper with an OSI device, searching the entire width of the road and on the sides.

If necessary, it is possible to use the considered option without performing the task of calculating the MRS.

GRAZM consisting of 4 people

This method is the simplest and is used in conditions of lack of strength and resources, on narrow roads (with a roadway of up to 4 m).

Numbers 1 and 2 check their half of the road and the side of the road using a mine detector and probe. The 3rd number and the GRAZM commander visually check the surrounding area for the presence of mines and landmines controlled by wires and radio - in bushes, trees, light poles, roadside buildings, etc.

The GRAZM may include a calculation of the MRS, moving 10-15 m ahead, searching across the entire width of the roadway.

In hot climates, the effective work time of an MRS dog is no more than 30 minutes. To complete the task in the recommended way, two MPC calculations are required, working alternately.

When the road width is more than 4 m, it is also advisable to use two MRS calculations working in parallel.

The 3rd number can search using the OSI device, alternately scanning one and then the other side of the road and the adjacent strip of terrain.

  1. If wires are detected, the sapper informs the commander of the demining group with a set signal. The group commander gives the command to be ready to repel an attack. At the command of the group commander, the sapper cuts the detected wire one strand at a time.
  2. The combat guard with one of the sappers, guided by the wires, advances in the direction of the proposed control point. When moving forward, the sapper visually checks the area for the presence of ammunition mounted on trip wires. After capturing the command post of the military outpost, the sapper reports this to the commander of the demining group, who gives the command to search for the landmine.1. If wires are detected, the sapper informs the commander of the demining group using a set signal. The group commander gives the command to be ready to repel an attack. At the command of the group commander, the sapper cuts the detected wire one strand at a time.
  3. A detected landmine is destroyed on the spot with one sapper, overhead charge. It is strictly forbidden to remove (remove) a detected landmine.

  1. When a sapper (usually equipped with an OSI proximity mine detector) detects a radio-controlled landmine, the command is given: “Move back and take up a perimeter defense.”
  2. Only one sapper approaches the detected landmine, and with the help of a “Cat” he trawles the area adjacent to the landmine. The actions of a sapper who discovers a radio-controlled land mine are covered by a sapper equipped with an RP-377.1 jammer. When a sapper (usually equipped with an OSI proximity mine detector) detects a radio-controlled landmine, the command is given: “Move back and take up a perimeter defense.”
  3. The combat guard carries out harassing shelling of the area at possible enemy locations.
  4. A detected landmine is destroyed on the spot by one sapper overhead charge. It is strictly forbidden to remove (remove) a detected landmine.

  1. When searching for explosive objects on routes passing through populated areas, the distance between sappers is reduced by 2-3 times, and the actions of each sapper are directly covered by 1-2 military guards. In this case, special attention is paid to destroyed sections of the roadway, culverts, wells, garbage dumps, and property of local residents.
  2. When a landmine is detected, the sapper notifies the commander of the demining group with a prearranged signal. The group commander personally inspects the site where the landmine is installed and makes a decision to destroy or remove it. At the same time, residents are evacuated from nearby houses to a safe place.1. When searching for explosive objects on routes passing through populated areas, the distance between sappers is reduced by 2-3 times, and the actions of each sapper are directly covered by 1-2 military guards. In this case, special attention is paid to destroyed sections of the roadway, culverts, wells, garbage dumps, and property of local residents.
  3. If it is necessary to remove a land mine, it is first pulled off from the installation site with a “Cat” and the possibility of transportation to the place of destruction is visually determined.

2.5. Actions of the squad upon detection of a landmine installed in an uncontrolled version

  1. The sapper who discovered the contactor carries out additional reconnaissance and the location of the landmine installation. A landmine is destroyed on the spot by an overhead charge. It is strictly forbidden to remove (remove) a detected landmine.1. When a landmine installed in an uncontrolled version is detected (usually with the help of MRS crews, by a sapper with a mine detector), the sapper informs the group commander with a set signal. The group commander gives the command: “Prepare to repel the attack.” The sapper retreats to a safe distance, while marking the boundaries of his verified area on the ground.
  2. After destroying the landmine. The area is being inspected. The sappers return to the designated boundaries of the checked areas and continue to carry out the task of reconnaissance of the route.

Ivanovo State Energy University

Military training center


By discipline

"Military engineering training"
"Engineering barriers"

Discussed at the meeting

Military training center

Protocol No. ___ dated ________ 200_g.

Ivanovo 2009

1.1. Explosive barriers…………………………………………………………………………………………3

1.1.1.Anti-tank mines…………………………………………………………………………………3

1.1.2.Anti-personnel mines…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..7

1.1.3.Means for reconnaissance and detection of mines (shells), explosive objects…………………..13

1.2. Non-explosive barriers………………………………………………………………………………….18

2. The procedure for overcoming engineering barriers…………………………………………………………..21

2.1. Possible types of obstacles arranged by the enemy……………………………………………...24

2.2.Organization of making passages in engineering barriers…………………………………..26

2.3. The order of making passages in engineering barriers (options)…………………………27

3. The procedure and methods of overcoming water obstacles………………………………………………………………………………30

4. Means of water purification in the field………………………………………………………………………………….37

4.1. Water purification products………………………………………………………………………………………39

4.2. Water purification…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….40

Literature……………………………………………………............................. ........ ……………………………..43

1. Engineering barriers.
Engineering obstacles include means and structures installed (arranged) on the ground in order to delay the enemy’s advance, hamper his maneuver, cause losses in manpower and equipment, and create favorable conditions for friendly troops to defeat the enemy with fire weapons.

Engineering obstacles are used in all types of combat operations by troops, they are arranged in accordance with the decision of the commander, in combination with natural obstacles, and are closely linked with the fire system.

Engineering barriers are divided into mine-explosive, non-explosive and combined.

1.1. Explosive barriers.
The basis of engineering barriers are mine-explosive barriers, consisting of individual mines, groups of mines and minefields.

Mine-explosive barriers were widely used by the warring parties during the Chechen War from 1994-1996; they covered base areas, checkpoints and important objects.

Analysis of the losses of militants during the counter-terrorist operation at minefields is 20-22%. This once again confirms the high combat effectiveness of minefields.

Mine-explosive barriers, depending on the availability of forces, means, time and type of battle, can be installed:

  • manually;

  • mechanized method (PMR, GMZ and VMR-1);

  • remotely (by means of multiple rocket launchers).
The dimensions of anti-tank minefields along the front can be 300-500 m or more, and the depth is 20-100 m. The mines are installed in three or four rows, the distance between mines in a row is 4-6 m for anti-track mines and 9-12 m for anti-bottom mines. The consumption of mines per linear kilometer of a minefield along the front is: TM-62 type mines – 750 – 1000 pcs.; mines type TMK-2 – 300-400 pcs.

The probability of hitting equipment in minefields from mines of the TM-62 type is 0.65-0.75, from mines of the TMK-2 type - 0.7-0.8.

The dimensions of anti-personnel minefields along the front can range from several tens to hundreds of meters, and in depth - 10-15 m. Minefields can consist of two to four rows with a distance between rows of at least 5 m, and between mines in a row for high-explosive mines at least 1 m, and for fragmentation - 1-2 radius of continuous damage.

The consumption of mines per kilometer of a minefield along the front is 2000-3000 pieces for high-explosive mines, 100-300 pieces for fragmentation mines.

The probability of hitting enemy personnel in these minefields is 0.15-0.25 and 0.3-0.5, respectively.

Engineering mines are an explosive charge structurally combined with a fuse.
1.1.1.Anti-tank mines

Designed to disable tanks, self-propelled missile and artillery systems, armored personnel carriers (IFVs) and other enemy combat and transport vehicles. Anti-tank mines are divided into: anti-track, anti-bottom, anti-side and combined.


mines MINES





TM-57 TM-62

TM-89TM-62 MVSH-62

TMK-2 TM-72

TM-73 TM-83

The TM-89 mine is triggered under the lower projection of the tank at a speed of 5-50 km/h, and the armored personnel carrier - 15-75 km/h. A mine installed in the ground with a camouflage layer of up to 10 cm or on the ground provides through penetration of armor 100 mm thick at a distance of 25-60 cm at angles up to 30° from the normal.

Design features of the TM-89 mine

The detonator is installed before using the mine in its bottom instead of a red polyethylene cover. The fuse consists of a body, a starting and remote mechanism, a moderator, an electronic unit, an actuator-safety mechanism, and also contains elements of the fire chain: an electric igniter, a pyrotechnic sleeve and two detonator capsules.


The handle is designed to transfer the fuse from the transport to the firing position and has a double color:

Red color - transport;

It is installed manually and can be effectively used when constructing road barriers, as well as for closing passages in barriers, especially during maneuver defense.

The TM-83 mine, at a distance of 50 meters, with its impact core punches a hole with a diameter of 80 mm in armor 100 mm thick, resulting in damage to units and ammunition.

Combined-action mines according to the existing classification include explosive mines, a bottom and an engine (TMK-2, TM-62 with a long extension, TM-72, TM-89).

To install a TM-62 mine with a pin fuse, additional fastening of the mine to the ground is required in order to prevent it from tipping over when exposed to the extension cord.

In recent years, in order to expand the capabilities of TM-62 type mines, the MVN-80 proximity fuse has been developed. This made it possible not only to interrupt the caterpillar, but also to damage the bottom and internal components of targets.

Anti-tank mines There are anti-track, anti-bottom, anti-side. They are designed for mining terrain against enemy combat and transport equipment.

The anti-tank mines of the TM-62 series include the following mines: TM-62M (Fig. 76), TM-62PZ, TM-62T, TM-62P2, TM-62P, TM-62D, TM-62B.

Mines of the TM-62 series are used with fuses MVCh-62, MVZ-62, MVP-62, MVP-62M, MVSh-62, MV-62, MVD-62, MVN-80.

Depending on the availability of fuses and the means of mine mechanization used, all mines of the TM-62 series can be equipped with any of the listed fuses. However, it is recommended to use:

mine TM-62M - with fuses MVCh-62, MVZ-62, MVSh-62, MVD-62;

mines TM-62PZ, TM-62P2 and TM-62T - with MVP-62 and MVP-62M fuses, ensuring undetectability by induction mine detectors and installation by mine mechanization;

mines TM-62P, TM-62D and TM-62B - with MVP-62M and MVP-62 or MV-62 fuses, ensuring undetectability by induction mine detectors.

Installation of TM-62 series mines into a non-retrievable position is carried out using an MS-3 mine-trap.

Mines of the TM-62 series, not fully equipped, represent an explosive charge enclosed in a housing (in a shell or without a shell) with a unified fuse point. During storage, the point is closed with a plastic or polyethylene stopper.

The installation of mines of the TM-62 series with fuses MVCh-62, MVZ-62, MVP-62M, MVP-62 and MV-62 is done manually in loose and medium soil - the top of the fuse is installed flush with the soil surface (Fig. 77,a), and also in hard ground - with an elevation of part of the fuse protruding from the mine above the ground surface (Fig. 77, b).

To install a mine with a fuse manually, you must:

Dig a hole and place a mine in it;

Remove the safety pin from the fuse and sharply press the starter button with your thumb (after pressing the button, the noise of a working clock mechanism should be heard on the MVCh-62 and MVZ-62 fuses);

Disguise the mine.

Installation of a mine with an MVD-62 fuse (Fig. 78) is done manually into unfrozen soil so that the top of the fuse is buried 2-5 cm below the ground surface, masked by a layer of soil 5-8 cm thick.

To install a mine with an MVD-62 fuse, you must:

Open a hole 15-18 cm deep;

Place a mine in the hole;

Remove the safety pin and turn the handle to a horizontal position (90º clockwise); mask the mine with soil.

To install TM-62 series mines with an MVSh-62 fuse manually, you must:

Dig a hole and install a mine in it (when tearing off a hole in soil with turf, the turf is cut in the shape of the letter H so that the fuse pin passes through the middle cut);

Turn the transfer valve to the firing position (red line against the letter “B”);

Disguise the mine;

Unscrew the safety cap.

To neutralize a mine with fuses MVCh-62, MVZ-62, MVP-62M, MVP-62, MV-62 or MVD-62, you must:

Remove the camouflage layer from the mine;

Move the fuse from the combat to the transport position;

Remove the mine from the installation site, clean it of soil and inspect it for damage;

Place serviceable mines in packaging.

To transfer the MVCh-62 fuse from the combat to the transport position, you must:

Remove the rubber cap covering the transfer valve;

Insert the key into the socket and turn the transfer valve clockwise ¾ of a turn, while the starter button should rise up (a click is heard when the button is raised);

Turn the key to its original position (counterclockwise) and remove it from the socket;

Put on the rubber cap;

Place the safety pin on the starter button and lock it with the latch.

In winter, there may be isolated cases of the starter button freezing, as a result of which the button does not rise up when turning the tap. In this case, you should not use much force to turn the key. You need to break the layer of ice that adheres the button to the fuse shield, press the button several times with your thumb, or destroy the ice with the end of the pin (knife blade). After the ice has broken, turn the tap and the button will rise up.

The procedure for installing and neutralizing TM-62M anti-tank mines.

To install you need:

- unscrew (remove) the plug from the mine and make sure that the rubber gasket is in the correct position in the mine body, screw the fuse into the mine and tighten it with a key, install the mine in the hole or on the surface, remove the safety pin from the fuse and sharply press the trigger button, disguise the mine.

To remove a mine you must:

– make sure that the mine is installed in the retrievable position;

– remove the camouflage layer from the mine;

– transfer the fuse from the firing position to the transport position;

– remove the mine from the installation site, clean it of soil and inspect it for damage;

– place the working mine in the package.

When transferring the MVCh-62 fuse from the combat position to the transport position, you must:

– remove the rubber cap from the front tap;

– use a key to turn the transfer valve clockwise 3/4 of a turn, while the starter button should rise up;

– turn the key to its original position and remove it from the socket;

– put on the rubber cap;

– put a safety pin on the starter button and lock it with a latch.

Safety requirements when installing and clearing mines:

– it is not allowed to use or repair mines and components that are damaged or malfunctioning, or that have fallen from a height of more than 1.5 m. Such mines are destroyed by overhead charge:

– after the expiration of the shelf life of the replaceable power source, it must remain for at least 2 months, it must not have electrolyte leakage or traces of corrosion;

– it is prohibited to install mines closer than 200 m from power lines, electrified railways, radio stations, radar stations;

– persons who have received instructions immediately before removal work and who do not have large ferromagnetic objects with them are allowed to remove mines;

– it is allowed to remove mines installed in the ground or on the surface and without damage;

– when removing, moving the mine is prohibited until the fuse handle is moved to the transport position.
1.1.2.Anti-personnel mines.
Designed to defeat enemy personnel.

They are divided into fragmentation and high-explosive.

Fragmentation mines, in turn, are divided into circular and directional mines.

The POMZ-2M and OZM-72 mines are used in minefields in front of troop positions; directional mines are more often used to cover objects, as well as during sabotage and reconnaissance activities.

In general, various sources indicate a growing trend in the production and use of fragmentation mines. Minefields made from fragmentation mines are a highly effective means of destruction and have a strong psychological effect on the enemy.

The disadvantages of these mines are: poor explosion resistance, significant labor costs for installation and camouflage, and the need for precise aiming of MON-type mines.


Mine brand

Explosive charge mass

Mines (kg)

Fuse type, trigger force (kg)

Nature of the affected area















R SP.POR.=4m




R SP.POR =25m.




Complete damage zone:

Range –50 m;

The width of the zone at a distance of 50 m is 45 m.




High explosive










POMZ-2 MON-200

OZM-4 MON-100

OZM-72 MON-9

High-explosive mines PMD-6, PMD-6M and PMN are distinguished by their simplicity of design and installation, which prevented their mass production and use. PMN mines can be deployed by PMZ-4 minelayers. The installation of mines in the ground, their transfer to a combat position and camouflage are done manually.

The PMN (Fig. 79) consists of a housing, an explosive charge, a pressure device, a trigger mechanism, a striking mechanism and an MD-9 fuse. To prepare a mine for installation you must:

Unscrew cap 9 from bushing 14 of the impact mechanism, check the serviceability of cutter 10 and the presence of metal element 11, screw cap 9 back on;

- unscrew plug 22, install the MD-9 fuse into the mine and screw in plug 22.
In summer conditions (when the ground is thawed), PMN mines are installed in the ground with the cover raised 1-2 cm above the ground surface and masked with local material (grass, leaves, soil, etc.). In winter (if there is loose snow cover), mines are placed in the snow and masked with a 3-5 cm layer of loose snow.

Mines are installed in hard compacted snow (ice) in the same way as in the ground.

Disarm PMN mines prohibited. They are destroyed at the site of their installation by the explosion of explosive charges, which are located next to the mine, or by repeated passage of tanks, tanks with trawls or with towed road rollers through the minefield.

Anti-personnel high explosive mine PMN-2 consists of a housing, an explosive charge, a pressure sensor and a built-in fuse with a pneumatic long-range cocking mechanism. It is installed in the ground and on the ground in the summer, and in winter conditions - on the ground surface under the snow and in the snow (Fig. 80). To install a mine in the ground you must:

Dig a hole the size of the mine, 3-4 cm deep;

Place a mine in the hole;

By turning the safety rod, cut off the safety pin and, holding the mine in such a way as to prevent pressing on the drive, remove the safety rod;

Disguise a mine in no more than 25 seconds.

Mines installed on the ground in a combat position, It is prohibited to remove or neutralize it. They are destroyed by the explosion of an explosive charge weighing 0.2 kg, placed next to the mine, or by repeated passage of tanks with trawls through the minefield.

Anti-personnel high explosive mine PMN-4 (Fig. 81) enters the troops, is stored and transported in its final equipped form. The mine consists of a body, an explosive charge (TNT) and a built-in fuse. The body of the mine is plastic, cylindrical, and has cavities to accommodate the explosive charge and fuse mechanisms.

Anti-personnel mine OZM-72 fragmentation, barrage, all-round impact, incompletely equipped, consists of a guide cup, housing, explosive charge, expelling charge and impact mechanism. It is installed in the ground in the summer, and on the surface of the ground in the snow in winter. To install a mine in the ground (Fig. 82) you must:

Place a mine in the hole;

Unscrew the plug with the bracket;

Install detonator cap No. 8-A into the mine, barrel down;

Screw the plug with the bracket as far as it will go;

Cover the free space around the mine with earth and compact the earth;

Drive a metal peg at a distance of 0.5 m from the mine towards the enemy (the peg is driven with a recess towards the mine, the height of the peg above the ground should be 15-18 cm);

Hook the carabiner attached on a short section of the cable to the cork bracket, and pass the other two carabiners on long sections of the cable through the holes in the peg;

Release the end of the stretcher and the ring at the end from the slot in the reel, hook it to the cable carabiner;

Stretch the guy line along the front to half its length, drive a wooden peg at a distance of 7.5 m from the mine and pass the guy wire through the slot at its upper end;

Stretch the guy wire to its full length and hammer in a second peg at its end;

Pull the guy with a little slack; the sagging of the stretch between the pegs should be 2-3 cm;

Tie the end of the guy wire to the peg (the second guy wire is stretched and attached in the same manner);

Unscrew the cap from the mine nipple;

Take the MUV-3 fuse, remove the rubber cap from the bushing, inspect the presence and serviceability of the metal element and the cutter (string), then put the rubber cap back on the bushing;

Screw the MUV-3 fuse onto the nipple;

Unfasten the cable carabiner from the plug bracket and disguise the mine and the MUV-3 fuse;

Hook the carbine onto the ring of the combat pins of the MUV-3 fuse;

Having made sure that the combat pin is securely held, pull out the safety pin by the ring (if the combat pin is pulled out when the carbine is hooked onto it, then in this case, tilting the peg towards the mine loosens the tension of the cable);

Move away from the mine without touching the tripwire.

When installing a mine in soft ground, a piece of board with a thickness of at least 2.5 cm and a size of at least 15x15 cm is placed under the mine.

In winter, when the ground is frozen, the mine is installed on the surface of the ground in the snow. In places where mines and pegs are installed, the snow is cleared to the ground surface. To install pegs, holes are punched in the ground with a crowbar or a specially made punch. Pegs are driven into the holes. A metal peg is also driven in at the mine installation site, to which the mine installed on the ground surface is tied with nylon tape. Snow is poured around the mine and pegs and compacted. The sequence for installing a mine in winter is the same as when installing it in the ground.

OZM-72 mines can be installed in an autonomous version with a MUV-3 fuse or in controlled minefields with VKPM-1, UMPP-3 sets. To activate mines electrically in controlled minefields, electromechanical pinning mechanisms NM-71 are used, which are screwed onto the mine nipple.

OZM-72 mines installed autonomously must be neutralized (removed) prohibited. They are destroyed by trawling with cats or passing by tanks. When trawling with cats, the cat is manually thrown into the minefield and pulled up from a shelter. It is allowed to remove only mines installed in controlled minefields, after they have been transferred to a safe state (the control panels have been turned off).

Anti-personnel fragmentation mine MON-50 (Fig. 83) is not fully equipped, consists of a body 1, equipped with ready-made fragments 8, and an explosive charge 4. It can be installed on the ground (snow) on legs 9 or attached with a clamp to local objects. To install a mine on the ground you must:

Remove the mine from the bag;

Loosen the plug of one ignition socket;

Turn the mine with the convex side of the body towards the enemy so that the arrow located above the sighting slot 2 is directed towards the target;

Turn the folding legs of the mine 9 down, open them to the sides and press them into the ground to a depth that ensures the stability of the mine;

Aim the mine at the target using the aiming slot so that the gunner's eye, the slot groove and the aiming point are on the same line, at the level of the lower plane of the slot; when aiming, the distance from the eye to the aiming slit should be 140-150 mm;

Screw an electric detonator or MD-5M fuse into the mine ignition socket 5;

Screw the fuse pin mechanism onto the nipple of the MD-5M fuse;

Disguise the mine.

If the combat situation allows, a pole is installed at a distance of 10 or 30 m from the mine to aim the mine.

In winter conditions, when the snow cover is up to 20 cm thick, the mine is placed on the ground surface, the snow is compacted around the legs, and the mine is masked with a layer of loose snow. To increase the stability of the mine legs, a bag is placed on the icy ground.

MON-50 mines installed in a controlled version are allowed to be neutralized. To defuse a guided mine, you must:

Disconnect the wires at the control point from the power source;

Disconnect the electric detonator from the wired network;

Remove the camouflage from the mine and unscrew the electric detonator from the mine;

Remove the mine from its installation site.

Mines POM-2 (Fig. 84) are installed by remote mining systems and manually using KRM-P manual mining kits.

POM-2 mines are destroyed at the site of their installation by mechanical trawling, explosive or shooting from small arms.

Destruction of mines mechanical trawling carried out with the help of a cat from behind cover or from an armored vehicle, as well as by repeatedly driving tanks through a minefield.

When destroying mines explosively next to the mine, an explosive charge weighing 0.2-0.4 kg with an electric detonator attached to it, connected to an electric explosion network, is placed remotely (for example, from an armored vehicle using a pole).

Destruction of POM-2 mines can be carried out shooting from small arms from an armored vehicle or from a shelter, taking precautions.

The PMN-2 mine is fully equipped, has a built-in long-range cocking mechanism and can be installed using the PMZ-4.

The PMN-3 mine has a current source and a self-destruct mechanism; it can only be installed manually and can be used as a delayed-action booby trap.

The procedure for installing the PMD-bM mine.

To prepare and install a mine you must:

– check the serviceability of the mine body;

– insert a two-hundred-gram TNT block into the mine body with the ignition socket towards the front wall of the body;

– replace the P-shaped pin with a T-shaped one;

– check the fuse for the presence of a metal element and the correct location of the safety and combat pins;

– dig a hole the size of a mine (3x3.5 cm);

– install a mine with an open lid in the hole;

– screw the MD-5M (MD-2) fuse into the fuse body;

– insert the fuse into the hole in the front wall of the housing until the shoulders of the T-shaped pin touch the wall of the housing;

– holding the mine body, remove the safety pin, close the mine cover without pressing the combat pin with the shoulders;

– disguise the mine without pressing its cover.

Anti-personnel mine PMN.

The principle of operation of the mine: when you press the mine, the cover and the rod are lowered, the combat protrusion of the rod disengages from the firing pin, it is released and, under the action of the mainspring, pierces the fuse, which, when exploded, causes the mine to explode.

To install a mine you need:

– unscrew the plug, insert the fuse into the mine, and screw on the plug;

– dig a hole according to the size of the mine so that the mine installed in it protrudes 1-2 cm above the ground surface;

– pull out the safety pin without pressing the mine cover (after removing the safety pin, the cutter, under the action of the mainspring, cuts the metal element - a temporary fuse, and the mine goes into the firing position, the cutting time is at least 2.5 minutes, which ensures safe installation of the mine);

– place the mine in the hole and carefully, without pressing the mine, disguise it.

Remove installed anti-personnel mines CATEGORICALLY PROHIBITED!

Anti-personnel high-explosive mines in winter conditions with a snow depth of up to 10 cm are installed on the ground, and at greater depths - on compacted snow with a masking layer of no more than 5 cm.

1.1.3. Means of reconnaissance and detection of mines (shells), explosive objects.
To check the area for mining and to clear it, units of military branches and special forces are equipped with mine detectors and reconnaissance kits (IMP, KR-O).
Composition of mine clearance kits KR-I and KR-O

PKM mining kit Designed for mining areas using disposable mine cassettes. The PKM consists of a PM-4 blasting machine, a machine (Fig. 85) with a cassette and an anchor, two wire line reels of 15 m each. The diagram for using the PKM mining kit is shown in Fig. 86.
When preparing for mining you must:

Level and, if necessary, compact the launch pad measuring 20x40 cm;

Having oriented the machine in the direction of shooting mines, install it on the launch pad, if possible, so that the spikes are completely recessed into the ground;

When installing the machine on soft and medium soils, insert the anchor into the hole and hammer it into the ground, and on a hard base, insert it into the bracket;

Place the cassette in the machine cup and secure it with the lock;

- through the control window of the cup, make sure that the bottom of the cassette fits tightly to the cup;

Unwind the wires of the wire line coil to a length of 2-3 m, pulling them out from the end of the housing, closed with a large diameter cap;

Strip the ends of the wires to a length of 3-5 cm, bend each of them in half and twist;

Connect the ends of the wire line to the machine terminals: one to the central contact terminal, the other to the ground terminal;

Unwind the wire line, while you need to move back to the left (right) from the machine by 10-15m;

Make sure that the blasting machine is in the transport (test) position;

Connect the ends of the wire line to the line terminals of the blasting machine;

Press and sharply release the pusher of the blasting machine (if the electrical network is working properly, at the moment the pusher is released, the indicator should flash).





|"_____" _____________________2001 | |

CONDUCTING CLASSES on tactical training


| |Discussed at the cycle meeting |
| |"______"______________2001 |
| |Protocol No.____ |

Yekaterinburg city




Educational and educational goals:
1. Study with students the design, purpose and performance characteristics of mine-explosive barriers.
2. Teach students how to install cost centers, explore them and overcome them in various ways.
3. To cultivate determination, courage, and independence in students.

TIME: 2 hours
PLACE: field, classroom

METHOD: practical work

Educational and material support:

|Literature: |Manual on military engineering training of the Armed Forces |
| |Engineering intelligence. |
| |Engineering ammunition |
| |Textbook for Sergeant of Engineering Troops BUSV Part III |
|Armament and equipment: |Armament and equipment according to MSV staff |
| |Car |
| |KR-I |
| |Infantry induction mine detector |
| |PT mines |
| |PP mines |

Study questions and timing:
|№ |Training questions |Time |Note. |
|1. |Introductory part |5 | |
|2. |Main part: | | |
| |Engineering barriers, their purpose and | | |
| |requirements for them. | | |
| |Classification of engineering barriers. | | |
| |Mine-explosive barriers. Destination, | | |

| |installation and neutralization. Minefields and | | |
| | ways to install them. Fixation and | | |
| |documentation. Establishment | | |
| | minefield. | | |
| |Engineering barriers of foreign armies. | | |
| |Their characteristics and structure. Means | | |
| |remote mining and views | | |
| |commands of foreign armies on their | | |
| |application. | | |
| |Ways to overcome obstacles | | |
| | motorized rifle units. Ways | | |
| | making passages in minefields. | | |
| | Commandant's service on the passages. | | |
| |Overcoming minefields installed | | |
| |by remote means. Destination, | | |
| | classification, general structure, order | | |
| |installation and neutralization of mines and | | |
| |foreign armies. Purpose, device and | | |
| |characteristics of reconnaissance means and | | |
| |Demining. | | |
|3. |Final part |5 (30) | |


The lesson should be carried out together with topic 14 in a field or at a ticket office on a mock-up area. During classes, use methods of telling, showing and exercises. Students should pay special attention to the performance characteristics of mine samples from their own and foreign armies, the procedure for their installation and neutralization, as well as the installation of a minefield by combat crews. Consider in more detail the issue of remote mining by enemy means and overcoming such fields.

1. Accept the report of the training platoon duty officer.
2. Check availability of students.
3. Test questions to test students’ knowledge on the topics covered.
4. Announce the topic and learning objectives of the lesson.

1st study question






The teacher says that barriers are designed to delay the enemy’s advance, impede his maneuver, inflict losses on him in manpower and equipment, and create the most favorable conditions for his troops to defeat the enemy with all types of weapons. They are installed in front of the front of positions occupied by subunits and units, on the flanks and in the spaces between them. In addition, engineering barriers cover control posts, position areas of missile units, and other important facilities.

Engineered barriers are used in all types of combat and are installed in combination with natural obstacles and a fire system.

Engineering barriers are being created along the lines and in the directions. They must be unexpected for the enemy, resistant to all types of fire and not hinder the maneuver of troops.

According to their purpose, barriers are divided into:

Anti-tank (anti-tank minefields, groups of mines, individual anti-tank mines, explosive charges, non-explosive obstacles);

Anti-personnel (anti-personnel and mixed minefields, explosive charges, booby traps, non-explosive anti-personnel and combined obstacles);

Anti-vehicle barriers (mine-explosive barriers installed on railways, roads, bridges, tunnels, and other places, as well as rubble, gouges and other non-explosive barriers);

Anti-landing barriers are installed on sea coasts and rivers.

Engineering barriers are installed in the first and second stages of readiness.
The first degree of readiness - the barriers are brought to full combat readiness: the mines are finally equipped and installed, and the guided mines and minefields are brought into combat condition, the minefield barriers are removed; non-explosive barriers are fully prepared, passages and passages through them are closed, destroyed or mined.

Second degree - barriers are prepared for their rapid transfer to the first stage: mines are finally armed and installed, but the fences have not been removed, controlled mines and minefields are in a safe condition, non-explosive barriers are fully prepared, but passages and passages through them are open.

Based on the nature of their actions, engineering barriers are divided into:
- mine-explosive (MVZ), which form the basis of all engineering barriers and are installed in the form of minefields, groups of mines, individual mines, etc. and nuclear.
- Non-explosive barriers, which are made of earth, concrete, stone, brick, metal, wood, water, snow and other materials. According to their purpose, they are divided into anti-tank and anti-personnel. Anti-tank non-explosive barriers include: anti-tank ditches, counter-scarps, scarps, gouges, barriers, forest rubble, snow banks, hedgehogs, etc.

Submarine non-explosive barriers can be portable or permanent. Portable barriers are used mainly for quickly closing passages, destroyed sections of barriers, and also in cases where the construction of other barriers is difficult. These include inconspicuous wire nets, barriers made of garlands of barbed and smooth wire, spirals, slingshots and hedgehogs.

Permanent anti-personnel barriers include:
- wire nets on high and low stakes.
- Wire fences.
- Throw wire.
- Snares and loops.
- Notches in the forest, etc.

The location of non-explosive barriers should not be formulaic. When constructing such barriers, passages are left in them for the passage of friendly troops, and the required number of mines or portable barriers are prepared to quickly close them.

In addition to mine-explosive and non-explosive barriers, combined barriers are also installed, which are a combination of PT and PP non-explosive barriers or a combination with reinforcement of mine-explosive barriers, as well as signaling means.

When constructing such barriers, measures must be taken to prevent the defeat of friendly troops.

Minefields are anti-tank, anti-personnel and mixed. They are installed in front of troop positions, on the flanks and in gaps along the enemy’s identified lines of attack, as well as to cover areas where troops and facilities are located.

Minefields are characterized by dimensions along the front and in depth, the number of rows of mines and the distance between mines and rows, the consumption of mines per
1 km. front and the probability of destruction of military equipment and railways.

Groups of mines (individual mines) are installed on road bypasses, fords, roadsides, mountain trails and populated areas.

AT minefields usually have a frontal size of 300-500 m or more, and a depth of 60-90 m or more. Mines are installed in 3-4 rows with a distance between rows of 20-40 m and between mines in rows of 4-6 m for PTMP from anti-track mines and 9-12 m from anti-bottom mines. The mine consumption per 1 km of mining front is: TM-62 type mines, TM-57, TM-72 mines - 750-1000 pieces, TMK-2 type mines - 300-400 pieces. In particularly important directions with a flow rate of min.

Probability of hitting tanks, armored personnel carriers, infantry fighting vehicles in minefields from mines of the TM- type
62 at a cost of 750-1000 pcs. for I km. is 0.65-0.75, and from mines like
TMK-2 with a consumption of 300-400 pcs. for I km. - 0.7 - 0.8.

Anti-tank minefields are laid with minefields, helicopters equipped with a mine-laying complex (BMR-2), as well as with the use of vehicles equipped with trays, manually.

Trailed and tracked minelayers (PMZ-4. GMZ) are designed for installing anti-tank mines in the ground, snow and on the surface of the ground, snow, as well as for installing controlled minefields. Minelayer PMZ-
4transported by car or armored personnel carrier.

The BMR-2 set of removable equipment for the helicopter is designed for installing the AT on the surface of the ground or snow, the mining speed is 15 km/h. BMR - sets one row of mines with a mining step of 5.5 m, ammunition - 110 minutes, ammunition lay-out time 3-4 minutes.

PMZ-4 in ammunition has 200 anti-personnel mines of the TM-62 type, anti-personnel mines of the PMN type - 1000 pieces. Installation time min:

Finally equipped PTM - 8-10 minutes;

Incompletely equipped – 35-40 minutes;

Incompletely equipped PPM - 60-90 min.

Calculation 6-8 people. (department).

AT minefields are set manually by combat crews. From the field depot, each soldier brings 4 mines.

The unit (platoon, squad) is lined up on the starting line in one line with intervals between soldiers of 8 steps. (The teacher lines up students with mines) and is calculated in numerical order. At the command of the teacher (student), all numbers take 12-15 steps forward, where they place one mine each, taking a step to the side. Then, at the command of the commander, they take 30-40 steps and the odd numbers take a step in the other direction and lay another mine, etc.

When installing PT mines manually into the ground in flight conditions, holes are opened for them in accordance with the shape and size of the mines. If the soil is grassy, ​​then the turf is cut over an area of ​​60x60 m and turned towards the enemy, a hole for a mine is opened, the mine is installed in the hole and covered with earth and compacted, then camouflaged. At the mine installation site, the earth is removed or scattered.

It is prohibited to place a mine in depressions and potholes, as well as near stumps and boulders.

Push-action PTM is installed in the holes in such a way that the mine cover in hard ground rises above the ground surface by 2-3 cm, and in soft ground it is installed flush

You need to know that the installation of PTM on the ground surface is carried out in the following cases:

When the ground is frozen or particularly hard;

If there is snow cover more than 25 cm deep;

When installed from a helicopter;

When mining directly on the combat courses of advancing enemy tanks (when there is no time to plant mines in the ground).
In all other cases, mines are installed in the ground.

When installing PTM type TM-62, you must:

Unscrew (remove) the plug from the mine and make sure that the rubber gasket of the mine is in the correct position.

Place the mine in the hole or on the surface.

Remove the safety pin from the fuse and sharply press the starter button.

Disguise the mine.

Having told the story, the teacher shows the installation of a mine.

Next, tell us that caps from mines and fuses, tools, milestones and pointers cannot be left at the minefield sites.
Squad commanders check the quality of the installation of mines and the correctness of their equipment.

During the installation of a minefield, the commander of the right-flank squad marks the border of the mined area with milestones, which are removed during the subsequent approach.

After all the soldiers have left the minefield and upon presentation of the safety pins they have taken out, the unit is sent to retrieve the mines. Further mining continues in the same order.

Then the teacher explains the procedure for installing the PPMP.
Anti-personnel minefields can be made from high-explosive mines (PMN, PMN-2, PMD), fragmentation mines (POMZ-2m, OZM-72), as well as their combinations. PP minefields are usually installed in front of anti-tank minefields.

In certain areas inaccessible to military equipment, only PPMP can be installed.

The dimensions of the PPMP along the front can range from several tens to hundreds of meters, and in depth 10-15 or more. Minefields can consist of 2-4 or more rows of mines with a distance between rows of 5 m, and between mines in a row, for high-explosive mines - at least 1 m, for fragmentation mines - 1-2 radius of continuous destruction. Min consumption per 1 km. minefield accepts: for high-explosive mines - 2-3 thousand, for fragmentation mines 100-300 pcs. The probability of defeat in these minefields is 0.15-0.25 and 0.3-0.5.

The installation of mines manually begins with a remote row. Fuzes are issued to the commander only at mine installation sites. Mined areas are marked with clearly visible signs during installation, and guards are posted in these areas. After the installation of the minefield is completed, the guards are removed.

Recording a minefield includes: drawing up a report card for each one established after the form, and for each individual mine.

The form and report card consists of a minefield reference diagram and a text part. In some cases, a minefield diagram is included in the form. The following is applied to the minefield diagram:

Coordinate grid.

The contour of the minefield with the corner points tied to landmarks on the ground and the diagram.

Azimuths and distances from the main landmark to the anchored points.

Characteristic nearby local objects and elements of the area.

The front line of the enemy's defense.

To reference minefields, permanent landmarks are selected that are located outside the boundaries of the minefield. The text part indicates the number and types of installed mines.

The minefield diagram indicates the contours of the minefield, the number of rows of mines and the distance between the rows and mines, and the locations of passages in the minefield.

Forms and report cards for minefields and individual mines are stored in the unit that laid the minefield.

In addition to the above minefields, controlled minefields can be installed, which are activated by command via wire or radio, as well as false minefields.

2nd study question



Recently, attention to landmines has sharply increased in foreign armies. As foreign experts note, they have undergone major changes, as a result of which the effectiveness of their actions and the complexity of detection and neutralization have noticeably increased.
At the same time, the ability to quickly install minefields has significantly increased due to the use of cannon artillery, helicopters, and airplanes. The tactics of using such barriers have also changed. Now they can be installed in a few minutes and not only on the battlefield, but also at a considerable distance from it.

In foreign armies, the main type of barriers in all types of combat operations are mine-explosive barriers. The greatest application is found
PT and PP minefields. For their installation, minelayers of various designs are widely used.

Recently, remote mining systems have become widespread. Below are the main characteristics of the remote mining system.



|Tools |Main characteristics of funds |Characteristics |
|mining |mining |minefields |
| |Applicable grades |Composition of one b/c |Mine dimensions |
| |min | |fields |
|Ground: |PTM M75 |400x2=800 |1000x60 |
|USA |PPM M74 | | |
|Germany |PTM AT-2 |100x6=600 |1500x40 |
|England |PPM |1296 |(20x20)x18e.g. |
|Helicopter: | | |Stripe |
|USA |PTM M56 |80x2=160 |(150x320)x20 |
|Germany |PTM AT-2 |100x2=200 |Strip 500x50 |

In the designs of anti-tank mines, mainly non-contact fuses are used with an element of non-removal, non-neutralization and self-destruction, with a wide range of deceleration (from several hours to 4 days). The mines are small in size, with a charge weight of up to 2 kg. Anti-personnel mines also have self-destruction elements. The explosive mass of high-explosive mines is 20-50 g, fragmentation mines are up to 0.5 kg.



Minefields laid manually are made according to a standard design.

PTMs installed manually and by ground minefields, as a rule, have increased explosion resistance with elements of non-removal.
Charge weight is about 10 kg. for anti-track and anti-bottom mines.
Anti-aircraft mines were further developed.

It must be remembered that booby traps of various modifications are widely used. Techniques for setting booby traps are very varied and insidious.
Detecting and neutralizing them requires high levels of observation, caution and diligence.

The US Army mainly uses the following mines:
M15 anti-tank, anti-track, push-action, metal, diameter 320 mm, height 124 mm, explosive weight - 10 kg. Mine weight 13.6 kg.
M19, plastic, push-action, anti-track, 330x330mm, height 76 mm, explosive weight 9.5 kg, mine weight 12.7 kg.
M11 (Germany), frameless, push-action, anti-track, diameter
300m, height 90 mm, explosive mass 7 kg, mine mass 7.4 kg.


|Brand |Dimensions, mm|Weight, kg |Material |Type |Character |
| | |Explosive mines |body |fuze |defeat |
|M14 USA |56 |31 |Plastic. | push | High explosive |
| |40 |125 | | | |
|M25 USA |29 |9 |Plastic. | push | High explosive |
| |92 |90 | | | |
|M16 USA |100 |450 |steel |Comb. |fragmentation |
| |140 |3500 | | | |
|M11 Germany |80 |110 |Plast. | tension | High explosive |
| |35 |200 | | | |
| M31 Germany | 102 | 550 | steel | tension | fragmentation |
| |126 |4000 | | | |

PTMs of foreign armies are neutralized using the KR-1. To remove a mine, you need to use a probe to establish its exact location, remove the masking layer of soil, hook it with a grapple and move the mines from their place from the shelter, set the mine in a safe position, for which you turn the fuse block to position, unscrew the plug and remove the fuse from the socket.

Having finished the story, the teacher shows the procedure for clearing mines. Then he says that the installation of minefields during daylight hours can be determined visually by the dropping of small objects or containers from airplanes and helicopters.

One of the main directions in the development of conventional weapons in the armies of foreign states is the improvement of remote mining equipment. According to the views of the US Army command, modern principles of warfare provide for a significant increase in the use of minefields installed by remote means in front of the front line of defense and to a significant depth in the battle formation of enemy troops. This is facilitated by equipping the armies of foreign states with modern means capable of quickly laying minefields directly on the battle formations of enemy troops.

Minefields installed by such means have a number of advantages over traditional installation methods.

Remote mining ensures that a minefield is laid out unexpectedly for the enemy, in a short period of time for its installation, and throughout the entire depth of the battle formations of enemy troops. Minefields laid by remote means against enemy columns are especially effective. As a result of using such a field, the delay in column advancement can be up to 40 minutes.

The main way to overcome minefields installed by means of remote mining is to bypass, and if impossible, overcome using mine trawls.

3rd study question




Motorized rifle units overcome the cost center along the completed passages or bypass them.

To overcome the cost center, continuous and rutted passages can be constructed.

Continuous passages can be arranged with a width of 4-6 m for tanks, armored personnel carriers,
infantry fighting vehicles and manpower of first echelon units and 8-10 m for second echelon units. They are marked with signs and a commandant service is organized at them.

In front of the front edge, passes can be made manually or by explosive means, as a rule, one pass per attacking platoon. Passages in mine-explosive barriers can also be tracked, i.e. done by tanks with rut mine trawls.

Minefields installed by special means of remote mining are overcome along the passages made. Passages in such fields can be made into tanks with rutted mine trawls or by explosive means. In addition, with the help of various devices manufactured by the troops.

Then the teacher talks and shows the mines of the Russian army, gives their performance characteristics and general design.

Engineering mines are explosive charges structurally combined with means of exploding them. They are intended for the device
Cost centers and are divided into PTM, PPM, anti-landing and special.

Depending on their purpose, mines can be: high-explosive, fragmentation and cumulative. The main elements of engineering mines are an explosive charge, a mine fuse, and a body.

A mine fuze is a special device for initiating the explosion of a mine charge. They can be: mechanical, electrical, electromechanical and electronic.

Engineering mines explode when exposed to an object. Depending on the nature of the impact leading to the explosion, mines can be:

Contact (pressure, tension, breaking, unloading action)

Non-contact (magnetic, seismic, acoustic, etc.)

After the specified time has elapsed.

Anti-tank mines are designed for mining terrain against tanks, armored personnel carriers, infantry fighting vehicles and other mobile equipment. PTMs are divided into anti-track, anti-bottom, and anti-board.

Anti-track mines are detonated when a tank track hits them
(wheels of an armored personnel carrier, car) and ensure the destruction of the chassis of the equipment. These include mines: TM-57, TM-62, TM-72, TM-83.

Anti-water mines are detonated when a tank track hits them.
(wheel of an armored personnel carrier) or under the bottom of a tank, armored personnel carrier, infantry fighting vehicle. Mine TMK-2.

Anti-aircraft mines hit military equipment on the side. They are a disposable grenade launcher (RPG-18) and a fuse.

Performance characteristics of the main anti-tank mines

|indicators |TM-62 |TM-57 |TMK-2 |
|Mine diameter, mm |320 |320 |307 |
|Mine height, mm |128 |110 |265 |
|Case material |metal |metal |metal |
|Explosive mass, kg |7-7.5 |6.5-7 |6-6.7 |
|Effort |150-550 |200-500 |80-120 |
|actuation, kg | | | |
|Fuse brand |MVI-62 |MVZ-57 |MEK-2 |
|Type of mines |anti-track |anti-water |

The TMK-2 mine is activated by an MVK-2 pin fuse. When the tank moves, the bottom tilts inward, a tube bends, which turns the coils and releases the balls through a cable. The fuse balls roll out and release the firing pin. The firing pin punctures the primer and ignites the substitute. After 0.3 sec. The detonator capsule explodes and detonates the tetryl block, from which the explosion is transmitted to the main charge along the detonating cord. When the main charge explodes, a cumulative jet is formed and pierces the bottom of the tank.

Non-contact fuses have a more complex device. Proximity fuses can operate under a variety of conditions depending on their design. Some are triggered when a tank, armored personnel carrier, infantry fighting vehicle passes over them or next to them, others after passing a certain amount of equipment, etc.

Anti-personnel mines are designed to mine terrain against infantry. They are high-explosive and fragmentation. By drive: push, tension or unloading action.

High explosive mines are designed to kill one soldier, while fragmentation mines can hit multiple people.

Tension-action fragmentation mines, when exploded, infect personnel located in the zone of scattering of fragments. Fragmentation mines can stop in a controlled manner. Fragmentation mines are either circular or directional. When directed mines explode, they produce fragments of the same voltage.

Depending on the combat situation, mines can be installed in the ground or on the surface of the ground.

High-explosive PMPs, usually push-action, are triggered by pressing on the mine. Fragmentation mines of circular destruction - tension action. They are triggered when the pin is pulled from the fuse through a cable.

|Indicators |PMN |POMZ-2 |OZM-72 |MON-50 |
|Dimensions: diameter, mm |110 |60 |108 |- |
|Length, mm |- |- |- |155 |
|Height (width), mm |53 |107 |172 |226 |
|Explosive charge mass, kg |0.2 |0.075 |0.66 |0.7 |
|Mine mass, kg |0.55 |1.2 |5 |2 |
|Fuse brand |MUV-2 |MUV-3 |MUV-3 |Control. |
|Trigger force, kg |6-28 |0.5-1.3 |2-6 |- |
|Type of mines |High-explosive |Fragmentation |
|Radius of continuous damage, m|- |4 |25 |50x50 |

Then the teacher uses training mines to show the procedure for preparing and installing mines and putting them into action.

Reconnaissance of the cost zone should be carried out not only by engineering and sapper units, but also by motorized rifle units. During reconnaissance, the following must be determined: the depth and extent of minefields, hidden approaches to them, the type of mines, the number of rows and the distance between them, the method of installing and camouflaging mines, covering the minefield with fire.

Detection of mines can be carried out using unmasking signs or using engineering reconnaissance tools. The latter include: a tank with KMG-6 mine trawls, induction mine detectors, sets of reconnaissance and mine clearance equipment.

Mine trawls are designed for reconnaissance and making passages in minefields. Show on the poster and explain the device and principle of operation of KMG-6.

Tell us that installations are used to make passages in cost centers
UR-73 and UR-83. These installations make it possible to throw an extended charge through the air onto a minefield, and then detonate it. Such a charge makes a passage up to 6 m wide and 80-90 m deep.

Ground Force units are armed with an IMP induction mine detector, which is used to conduct minefield reconnaissance under enemy fire. IMP detects mines with metal casings relatively easily, but you need to have experience to work with them more effectively.

Using IMP, mines with metal casings installed in the ground at a depth of up to 40 cm, in water up to 1.2 m are detected; mines with wooden, fabric and plastic casings and metal parts of fuses are detected in the ground at a depth of up to 12 cm.

When searching for mines with a mine detector, the search element is continuously and smoothly moved in a horizontal plane parallel to the ground surface at a height of 5-7 cm in a strip 1.5 m wide (standing) and up to 1 m while lying down. When mines are located under the search element, a change in sound tone is heard in mine detector phones.

The reconnaissance and demining kit is designed to search and remove anti-tank vehicles and anti-tank weapons from the site and clear wire barriers. The kit includes 6 prefabricated probes, 3 crampons, 60 flags and 6 covers for detected mines, 2 crampons with black and white tape, scissors for cutting barbed wire, and a storage box. The weight of the set is 50 kg.

The prefabricated probe is designed to find mines in the ground (snow). It consists of a 310 cm long needle with a diameter of 5 mm and a assembled handle consisting of 3 links. During operation, the tip of the probe is held at an angle
20-45 degrees to the ground surface. The soil is gently pricked with a probe to a depth of 10-15 cm every 10-20 cm to avoid missing a mine.

The black and white tape is intended to mark the boundaries of passage in minefields, its length is 100 m.

A four-legged cat with a 30 m long rope is designed for removing mines from the site, reconnaissance and destruction of long-term mines, and moving objects from the meta when checking for mining.

It is necessary to remember that only solid values ​​of engineering ammunition and equipment, combined with solid skills in mine clearance and high cost reconnaissance, will help you prevent the loss of life and the explosion of military equipment, thereby having a significant impact on the successful completion of the assigned combat mission.

Having finished the story, the teacher begins practical work with the mine detector and KR-1


1. Remind the topic and learning objectives of the lesson.

2. Announce grades and give tasks for self-preparation.

3. Against the background of the tactical situation, return the platoon to its location.

4. Answer questions.

In modern combat, engineering barriers will continue to play an important role in supporting the combat operations of units. They set up on the ground (in water or in the air) with the goal of defeating the enemy, slowing down his advance and making it difficult to maneuver. Based on the nature of their impact on the enemy, engineering barriers are divided into mine-explosive, non-explosive, and combined (a combination of the first two). The main type of engineering barriers are mine-explosive barriers. During the Great Patriotic War, about 10 thousand enemy tanks were destroyed at minefields installed by soldiers of the Soviet Army. The enemy suffered particularly large tank losses in the battles of Moscow and the Kursk Bulge.

Mines are used to construct mine-explosive barriers. According to their purpose, they are divided into anti-tank and anti-personnel.

Anti-tank mines

These mines are used to destroy tanks and other military equipment. They are anti-track, exploding when a tank directly hits them, and anti-bottom, exploding under the projection of the tank when a special fuse is triggered. The first factory-made anti-tank mine was proposed in 1924 by the Soviet military engineer D. M. Karbyshev.

Rice. 13. Pootizotank mine 1 TM-57: a - general view; b - section; 1 - body; 2 - explosive charge; 3 - central intermediate detonator; 4 - side intermediate detonator; 5 - ignition socket of the side intermediate detonator; 6 - MV-57 fuse in firing position; 7 - shield; 8 - cover

General device. The mine (Fig. 13) consists of a body (metal, wood, plastic), an explosive charge, a fuse and an intermediate detonator. On the bottom and on the side of some anti-tank mines there may be threaded ignition sockets for a fuse when the mines are installed in a non-retrievable position. The tactical and technical characteristics of anti-tank mines are given in table. 4.

Table 4

Operating principle. When a caterpillar (wheel) hits a mine, its cover is crushed and lowered together with the fuse until it touches the intermediate detonator. With further compression of the pressure cover, the fuse body stops, and the impact mechanism continues to move down. In this case, the pin is first cut, then the released striker, under the action of a spring, pierces the fuse, causing the mine to explode.

Anti-tank mines hit with a high-explosive charge and a cumulative jet.

Anti-tank mines

These mines are used to destroy enemy personnel. They come in high explosive and fragmentation types.

General device. The mine (Fig. 14) consists of a body, an explosive charge and a fuse with a safety device for installation safety. Some mines come with special tools for their installation. The tactical and technical characteristics of anti-personnel mines are given in table. 4.

Operating principle. The mine is brought into firing position 2.5 minutes after the pin is pulled out and the metal element (temporary fuse) is cut. When you step on a mine in the firing position, its cover lowers and pushes the T-shaped pin out of the fuse. The firing pin is released and, under the action of the mainspring, pierces the fuse, causing an explosion.

Rice. 14. Anti-personnel mine PMD-6M: a - general view; b - section; c - MUV-2 fuse; 1 - fuse; 2 - cover; 3 - mine body; 4 - explosive charge; 5 - fuse; 6 - metal plate; 7 - safety pin; 8 - T-shaped combat pin; 9 - mainspring; 10 - cutter; 11 - rubber cap; 12 - metal element; 13 - drummer; 14 - fuse body

When they explode, anti-personnel mines produce high-explosive blasts or shrapnel. High-explosive mines usually affect one person when they explode. Fragmentation mines can hit several people at the same time.

Setting min

Anti-tank and anti-personnel mines are installed on the routes of movement of enemy tanks and infantry. In defense, they are installed in front of the front edge, especially to cover the flanks and gaps, and in depth, and in the offensive - in front of the line of repelling the enemy’s counterattack.

Anti-tank mines are installed on the ground manually, with the help of minelayers and helicopters equipped with special equipment, and anti-personnel mines are installed manually.

To install a mine manually, you need to dig a hole according to its dimensions so that the installed mine protrudes slightly above the ground surface, and put the mine in it, screw in (insert) the fuse, move the fuse to the firing position (pull out the safety pin) and disguise the mine. Anti-tank mines are camouflaged with a layer of soil of 5 - 8 cm, anti-personnel mines - with a layer of 1 - 2 cm. It is prohibited to remove anti-personnel mines; they are destroyed by detonating an explosive charge or in another way.

Rice. 15. Unmasking signs of installed mines

Mines laid on a certain area of ​​the terrain form minefields. Minefields can be anti-tank, anti-personnel or mixed.

Unmasking signs of mines are the presence of bumps above them, the ground that was not removed during their installation, trampled snow in winter, ground sediment, forgotten closures from mines and fuses, abandoned tools and accessories for mining, traces of cars, people, pointers and fences. Some characteristic unmasking signs of mines are shown in Fig. 15.

We recommend reading
