Careless attitude of the child to toys. Worried about the child's strong attachment to the toy Was treated like a toy

landscaping 30.06.2020

Players are good at pretending to have feelings quickly. Every day they will write you a bunch of messages and call you every evening, maybe even at night before bed. As soon as you feel that you are flattered by this - know that this is a trap! Its purpose is to accustom you to such signs of attention. By doing the above, he puts a certain monotony in your head, so that next week, when he suddenly stops communicating with you, you will begin to lose your head about him. You will need time to keep the player near you. Not Allow conversations on the phone before going to bed. One way is not to let the phone conversation last more than an hour.

  • How it works? For you, the conversation was normal - you are so used to talking to him all night, but suddenly he stops calling. As a result, you start to miss him. That's when you call him, and he will realize that he has circled you around his finger.

Players like to give nicknames. Most of the time, he will call you something affectionately to make the situation seem cute and all that. However, he gives you a nickname to make you feel connected to him. Some guys are very quick to call you "baby" or "sweetie" or "pretty pie." If you notice this in your boyfriend, be careful and keep in mind: players can be sweet talkers and gentle in words.

Players like to ask about your sex life. While guys may have a healthy interest in the subject, knowing how many partners you have is not essential to building a good, sincere relationship.

Players love to indulge in compliments. The phrase “Baby, you are so beautiful” can be one of them. Even if you felt ugly that day, there will always be a guy who will say “Wow, you look beautiful” or “You look great” for no reason. Although you will be very flattered, remember that they give compliments to give you more confidence. When a girl feels beautiful, their confidence level rises and she will do anything to increase that confidence even more. Guys know girls love compliments.

Players begin to talk about their lives. They might say something like, "I've had my heart broken in the past." They open up and make you feel like you have a close connection with him. It's all for the sake of creating even more sympathy! They flare up with emotion and talk about how they've been used before, how they've been badly hurt in the past, and how they understand your feelings. Most likely, they actually had their heart broken before, but this heartache led him to become a "player". For quite a long time, the players bend the line: “I am a different person, I have already played enough. Those days are already gone; I just want to meet someone who can point me in the right direction." Girls begin to feel sympathy for them. Usually, when a girl sees a guy with a broken heart, she tries to comfort him and give him a shoulder to lean on. The more they want to be as “players”, the more girls want to get to know them. But the more they become attached, the harder it is to leave later.

Players love to bend the line:"I would treat you better than that one - with me you would not be mistaken." Girls are often vulnerable. When girls see understanding from a guy, they begin to think of him as exactly the man who will not break her heart. Just because a guy claims he'll treat her better doesn't mean he'll keep his word in the future.

Players don't want to be seen in public or don't want to have a public relationship. One such example is Facebook. Players do not want to be seen with you in public - not because they are shy or afraid, or because of the possible jokes of friends about it, but because he can run to chat with one of his girls if you just turn away. The player will not want to change their Facebook status or talk about you with someone on Facebook. Often they may claim that they are not yet ready or simply do not want to be seen with you. The truth lies in the reluctance to show something in common with you, as this may prevent you from getting a new girl. There is a 50 percent chance that he is not really ready for a relationship, but there is also a 50 percent chance that it is just not wanting to be attached to someone. If a guy really likes you, he will want to be connected to you in a way that no one else can.




Preschool childhood, a unique age period with a peculiar logic and specifics of development; it is a special cultural world with its own boundaries, values, language, way of thinking, feelings, actions. To understand childhood means to find the most important mechanisms and factors of a child's development.

How do we comprehend the world of preschool childhood? How do we discover its influence on the development of the child? First of all, through children's games, because the game is the leading activity of a preschooler. The game is connected with all aspects of upbringing and educational work. It reflects and develops the knowledge and skills acquired in the classroom, fixes the rules of behavior that children are taught in life.

The world of childhood is inextricably linked with play and toys. Playing in the sandbox, building sand castles, putting dolls to bed, “travelling” around different countries, children learn the basics of life, model space, and learn time.

Characteristics of the toy

The game is the main activity of preschool children.

Most children's games involve the use of a variety of toys. However, the value of toys in the upbringing of children is much broader. A toy is a child's life companion, a source of his joy.

The toy is important for the development of facial expressions and personality of the child. Therefore, many teachers and psychologists have been studying the problem of the influence of toys on the child's psyche.

A toy is a special item intended for play and other life purposes. It presents in a generalized form the typical properties of objects that provide the reproduction of the corresponding actions with it.

The toy is extremely diverse in terms of types, materials, manufacturing technique, age and educational purpose. But with all the variety of toys in them, first of all, real things and objects with which the child acts are depicted. The conditionality of the image of the object does not exclude, but implies the reflection of the typical features of the object that distinguish them from others.

The toy should help children to study the surrounding concrete reality. A baby needs a toy that develops the ability to distinguish between the color, size of objects, their materials, etc.

The toy amuses and pleases the child, causes a positive attitude towards the environment. Sympathy and affection for the toy is also transferred to the objects, people depicted in the toy. Playing with a doll awakens a caring, caring attitude, attentiveness and tenderness in children, helps to accumulate experience of positive moral experiences. Thus, the impact of toys is versatile. But not every single toy can have a versatile impact, but their combination, their appropriate selection.

toy history

Toys have been known to mankind since ancient times, they were discovered by archaeologists during excavations of the remains of ancient civilizations. Toys excavated from the Indus Civilization (3000-1500 BC) include small wagons, bird-shaped whistles, and toy monkeys that can slide down a rope.

The most ancient toys are made from available natural materials, stones, sticks and clay. Thousands of years ago, Egyptian children played with dolls that had wigs and movable limbs and were made of stone, ceramic and wood. In ancient Greece and ancient Rome, children played with dolls made of wax and terracotta, bows and arrows, yo-yos. In Greece, when children, especially girls, came of age, it was customary to sacrifice childhood toys to the gods. On the eve of the wedding, girls around the age of fourteen brought their toys to the temple as a rite of passage into adulthood.

The technological progress of civilization has also affected children's toys. Today, toys are made of plastic, toys with batteries have appeared. If earlier toys were homemade, now there is a whole industry of toys with mass production and distribution mechanisms.

The evolution of toys can be traced on the example of dolls. The most ancient dolls were simply carved from wood or tied from grass. In ancient Egypt, dolls could already move their limbs. Dolls of the beginning of the 20th century already knew how to say “mother”. Today, there are already dolls that can recognize objects, the voice of their owner, and choose phrases from hundreds of options embedded in them by the program. Toys have changed, their manufacturing technologies have changed, only the fact that children love to play with them remains unchanged throughout the history of mankind.

Types of toys

Toys are classified according to the materials from which the toys are made, according to the manufacturing methods, according to the method of use by children and their educational impact.

In modern pedagogical literature, the classification of toys is based on their use in different types of games:

  1. Types of toys are divided according to the principle of correlation with different types of games: plot, didactic, sports, entertainment games.
  1. Plot-figurative toys, the prototype of which are animate and inanimate objects of the surrounding world, are used mainly in story games:
  2. a) dolls b) figurines of people; c) animal figurines; d) game items; e) theatrical; e) festive carnival; g) technical.
  3. Didactic toys are intended for didactic games, the content or design of which includes educational (developing) tasks:
  4. a) actually didactic - based on the principle of self-control; b) didactic games (sets) with rules - designed primarily for games on the table (printing and others); c) constructors and building kits; d) puzzle games; e) musical toys.
  5. Sports toys.
  6. Toys - fun
  1. Toys by degree of readiness:
  1. Ready.
  2. Collapsible, consisting of transforming parts and details.
  3. Blanks and semi-finished products for homemade toys.
  4. A set of various materials for creating homemade toys.
  1. Toys by type of raw materials used:
  1. Wooden.
  2. Plastic.
  3. Metal.
  4. From fabrics, including stuffed toys.
  5. Rubber.
  6. From paper and cardboard.
  7. From ceramics, porcelain and faience.
  8. From wood materials, papier-mâché.
  9. From new synthetic materials.
  1. Toys by size:
  1. Small (from 3 to 10 cm in size).
  2. Medium (size from 10 to 50 cm).
  3. Large-sized (commensurate with the growth of children in different age periods).
  1. According to functional properties:
  1. Pneumatic.
  2. Magnetic.
  3. Electrified (including electrotechnical, electromechanical, radio-equipped, on an electronic element basis).
  4. Electronic (on a computer basis).
  5. Sets of toys (or parts) - a set of parts of one or more toys, interconnected by purpose or functional feature.
  6. Game sets united by a single theme (task).
  1. Toys by artistic and imaginative solution:
  1. Realistic.
  2. Conditional.
  3. Constructive.

In addition to toys, children's institutions create a variety of play equipment: houses, models of cars, airplanes, etc.

A toy in kindergarten should be presented in all its diversity. Given the diverse functions of toys in the pedagogical process of the kindergarten, it is necessary to select them purposefully, in accordance with the age characteristics of children. Toys should contribute to the development of different types of games, meet the individual needs and interests of children, and at the same time encourage them to play collectively. The selection of toys should contribute to the physical, mental, moral and aesthetic education of children.

Selection of toys for different age groups

In younger groups there should be toys that ensure the development of movements and their improvement: large balls for rolling, rolling, throwing; a variety of colored trucks, wheelchairs, carts.

Plot-shaped toys (dolls, animals, household items) in content and design reflect the world around them, close to children. Game actions with them are available, simple.

The selection of didactic toys is determined by the tasks of sensory education and speech development. Toys should contribute to the development of the perception of objects, their color, shape, size, etc., understanding and use of words denoting various properties and qualities.

With fun toys, kids still do not know how to act on their own, they just watch and enjoy the movement of funny clockwork toys.

In children of the middle group, the roles in the game stand out more clearly, and, in addition to toys, they need additional items: sailor's hats, flags, a drum, binoculars, a doctor's pipe, etc. From building material, children of 4 years old create more complex buildings than kids , so it must be in different sets. Toys-fun pupils of the middle group themselves put into action.

Children 4-5 years old can play collectively and use complete toys. For example, a set of toys "Pets" makes you want to build a stable together, guard a herd, etc.

Preschoolers of the senior and preparatory groups are more in touch with life, their ideas, experience of communication, organization of the game allow the use of toys that enable the development of complex plots: games of “travel”, “theater”, “school”, “zoological garden”, etc. Technical toys with clearly expressed signs and methods of movement should be widely represented (sets of kits "Builder", "Little dressmaker", "Little artist", etc.).

Children 6-7 years old show great interest in sports games. Their movements are more coordinated, so they need not only large, but also small balls for games, to hit the target, and other sports toys that develop small muscles, improve coordination, and accuracy of movements. Children are interested in games that require dexterity, effort, training. To do this, you need toys such as children's croquet, bilbock, skittles, towns. In summer, children are given a sports scooter, and in winter - skis and skates.

Of great importance are theatrical toys, which are the necessary props for the design of performance games, dramatization games: costumes and their individual parts, masks, toys depicting binoculars, pipes, tools, etc.

In the kindergarten education program, instructions are given on the selection of toys according to age groups.

Methods for introducing children to a new toy

The appearance of a new toy in the group is always a joyful event. The method of introducing children to it is determined, first of all, by the tasks that the teacher wants to solve. If he sets the task of drawing the attention of children to one or another object depicted in a toy, he shows it and emphasizes its inherent properties and qualities.

Offering a figurative toy (depicting an adult, a child, an animal), the educator shows his positive attitude towards it, arousing the same attitude in children.

When introducing plot-motor toys, it is necessary to disclose their purpose, methods of action with them. The expectation of something new by children arouses their interest, sets them up for a joyful perception of the toy.

If the toy is fragile and its mechanism requires careful handling, you need to warn the children about this, show how to handle it.

Any toy cannot be separated from the game, turned into a visual aid. Children master the toy in the game, in game actions, take it into their world.

The process of playing with a toy, learning by children how to handle it is not the same in relation to different toys. Some quickly enter the independent games of children, others require gradual introduction, repeated beating.

For example, when getting acquainted with a doll, in the image of which an attractive, but unfamiliar person is reflected, children are imbued with a feeling of sympathy for her, but they do not know how to play. Games come down to the fact that they perform only typical game actions: they feed the doll, put it to bed, dress it, etc. To expand the children's ideas, the teacher repeatedly shows her clothes, household items, and labor. Introducing preschoolers to a new toy, the teacher is already using elements of the game: on behalf of the doll, she tells where she came from, how and where she lived, what fairy tales, songs, games, etc. she knows. what should be paid attention to children, the teacher organizes a game with a new toy.


Play is essential for a child. Undoubtedly, the game teaches and educates children. It is his vital need and a means of all-round development.

The toy is not an excellent part of the game. The toy is the regulator of mental and physiological development of the child. In my work, I found that the toy has survived many centuries. Indeed, even in ancient times, a person noticed that a toy contributes to the successful development of a child.


  4. Vasilyeva O.K. Figurative toy in the creative games of preschoolers. - St. Petersburg: Detstvo-Press, 2003
  5. Mendzheritskaya D.V. Educator about children's play. - M.: Enlightenment, 1982

Now, at this moment, I can't bear it.
I'm 16 years old, but you don't need to immediately say "Yyyy, transitional age!"
I have an extraordinary situation: my mother is 60, my father is 78.
Despite their advanced age, they still bruise me for bad grades or coming home late (at 8). Recently, I lost another tuft of hair for a walk with my boyfriend after school on a weekday.
Their views on my life also amaze me a little - they did not like my idea to try myself in medicine, and when I said that I was starting to feel sick from this, they started to make me want to.
My young man is amazing, by the way! He is also 16, he is an artist. Do not rush to throw slippers - this is the only ray in my life. Thanks to him, I am still alive and have a passion for jewelry (by the way, my parents are against this as well), I began to read books and develop spiritually. We see each other mostly on weekends. I am more than sure that this does NOT interfere with my studies.
My problem is that my parents treat me like a toy. After their fights, I hide in the corner of the room, trembling and whining like a puppy. After each such incident, I become weaker and weaker. I'm just tired of fighting that I'm not the person I want to be, against my will.
I see my way out only in suicide, but I feel sorry for my beloved. Not even my parents, because when I accidentally mentioned my intentions, I heard in response, "Pf, so what? There's a window - go!" or "Oh, you'll die and okay, the dog - dog death!" or "If you die, we'll bury it, don't worry!"
I'm starting to see this as a call to action. I'm tired of resisting their oppression.
I'm just tired of everything.
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Sapphire, age: 03/16/05/2018


My dear girl, I beg you, I beg you not to think about death. Baby, you will soon become completely summer and will be able to live separately from your parents and will make important decisions in your life yourself. Honey, I beg you to hold on. After all, suicide is not an option. There are also unsuccessful ways of suicide, and a person remains disabled for the rest of his life. Hold on, dear, I beg you. Be patient a little. Please be patient. Read a lot of stories about death and materials on this site. Read them and think, dear. There is nothing more precious than you and your life. Take care of yourself and your health, dear. There is nothing more precious than health.

Ldinka, age: 03/26/2018

Dear girl! All these phrases are just a figure of speech covering the fear of parents for their beloved child. Well, why would they waste their energy on scandals and showdowns, if your fate did not interest them! Not just interested, but disturbing and frightening!!! The child rushes from side to side: either medicine or jewelry art ... The strong attraction to the young man is also frightening. The thoughts of a parent draw all sorts of horrors of unhappy love, which almost every adult went through ...
I am sure that by understanding the feelings and fears of your parents, you can have much greater freedom without any war. I am absolutely sure, because just recently I was personally "disarmed" by my own son, he is 17.
He asks to go somewhere with a girl. Like any mother, I get worried and ask a bunch of interrogation questions ... Son: Mom, don't worry, I understand my responsibility and I won't spoil anyone's life: neither for her, nor for myself.
I let go with a light heart.
True, you are not a guy, and here everything is different. The guy is the master of the situation in a pair. A girl in love is often unable to cope with emotions and defend her principles.
Further, he asks for time off to a nightclub (for me this is a nest of debauchery, as for all mothers).
-Not until the morning, a little while the artists sing.
-With whom?!
- Yes, a friend called, birthday.
- Close friend?
- No, buddy.
- I’m silent, I think ... (I don’t want to let go, well, at all).
- Mom, okay, if you don't want to, I won't go.
- Thank you! Do not want! Come next time, with close good friends, with your company, so that adventure will bypass you.
- Well there is no problem.
I saw that the guy can control his desires and emotions, understands me, knows the risks, does not lose his head from a very tempting offer, is free from the herd feeling "everyone goes - and I need it."
I felt respect, even pride. This is exactly how a person should always behave, and others will always respect him.
Of course, I will still worry, because even the phone can be hit on the head. Fraudsters deceive so professionally that even the smartest adult falls for a divorce.
And yet I trust my son much more, because he has an adult approach to life. I will make an effort on myself to get away from the old rule of an experienced mother: the child must play any games, but always in the field of view of the mother.
You need to rethink your behavior with your parents. Demands for freedom, tears, scandal and threats to do something to yourself - this is a completely immature irresponsible infantile style of behavior. I'm sure you can do things differently. Just think, look at everything from the side. Including imagine yourself as a parent. Moreover, someday you will really become one.
To look like an adult in the eyes of your parents, you need to be one. An adult knows how to understand the feelings and fears of loved ones, knows how to control himself, knows how to give in, giving up his "I want right now" and so on and much more.
How to convince your parents that you are a future jeweler?! Yes, it's easier than ever! Create jewelry, invent, study the rules and styles, trends and materials... Have you already prepared your own jewelry for your mother on the 8th of March?!
Of course, the role of precious metals and stones will be played by completely different materials for the time being... plasticine, beads, clay, leather, even paper. But that's how everyone starts. A sense of taste and harmony can be demonstrated in any materials... Try to make something that your mother will like according to the design, according to the idea. You know her taste better than anyone else!
Don't think that some rich, luxurious woman will be easier to please than your mother. Expensive jewelry is mainly bought by wealthy people. This is a mature age and a person has already seen a lot of different things in his life. If mom turns out to be too tough a nut to crack, try doing it for her friends. It will be possible to please one person - then perhaps someone else will like it.
If you don’t create more and more jewelry from everything that comes to hand ... If you don’t rush to treat any stray dog ​​... Then it’s probably just useful hobbies ... but the work of a lifetime has not yet been found ... "Operation of parents" has nothing to do with it. You don't have to break the spears. Quietly and quietly do whatever you like without compromising your studies. There it will be seen whether you are a doctor, a jeweler, or there is something else interesting.
I beg you, don't fight your own parents! It's like two of your hands will fight each other. You will quickly get tired and achieve nothing.
Hands must create something together. It's the same with any parent. While you live together - just talk more often about life. This experience will help us in the future in various difficult situations. It is already valuable that at 78 and 60 years old people are still together. I wish you peace and kindness.

Elena, age: 42 / 03/06/2018

Hello. I sympathize with you very much. Perhaps these tips will help you.
- You get annoyed when once again your parents try to teach you about life. But it's not about the advice that parents give, but about attention. They want to feel needed. It is not at all difficult to thank my mother for the advice and say that her advice was very helpful. Even if you do it your own way.
- Let your parents take care of you. There is no point in constantly proving "adulthood". Let mom and dad scold for the lack of a hat in the cold or for coming home from school late, control their studies - this is their “work”. Be indulgent - you will always remain a child for your parents, whether you are 5, 15 or 30 years old.
- Do not try to re-educate your parents. They love you for who you are. Give them back, they deserve it.
- Be attentive to your parents. Don't forget to call if you're late. Take an interest in health, and be always ready to help. Regardless of whether you need to bring medicines, help with washing dishes or do something else around the house.
- Think of an activity for parents to distract them. For example, teach how to use a computer or laptop. On the Internet, they will find a lot of useful and interesting things for themselves. A mother can learn how to make beautiful crafts or knit a scarf with an unusual knit, a father can solve crossword puzzles or find out the weather for a whole week.
- Take the time and patience to listen to mom and dad's problems, advice, and even criticism.
- Choose words when communicating with parents. Don't upset them with rudeness or arguments. Do not respond with criticism for criticism or resentment for resentment. This is the road to nowhere. Mom swears? Walk up to her, hug, kiss, say kind words. Is dad unhappy? Smile, hug, say you'll get better.
I wish you patience, strength, do not leave the dearest people, they love you very much, despite the problems and differences in views!

Irina, age: 30 / 03/06/2018

Hello! I sympathize with you very much. Just don’t despair. I think that your parents are really worried about you. It’s just that people can react to thoughts of suicide in different ways. It’s great that you have such a young man, let him always be a support for you. read here) It will be best if you do not take offense at your parents. Just later, when they are gone, you will be very hurt by all these insults ... They, of course, can act with you unjustifiably because of excessive guardianship. But still, they are your parents, whatever they may be. Do not quarrel with them. Be more caring and attentive towards them, maybe they just do not have enough love ... Try to communicate at least with a psychologist online about what is bothering you. Try to go to study in another city. This is the best option. And if it doesn’t work out, then just be patient. ) God created you a wonderful person, He loves you very much and will never leave you) Ask Him for help more often and you will feel better) I wish you more patience and strength, good family relationships, academic success, good health, always good mood , happiness, more love, joy and peace in life and everything with all the best! Hold on, God will help you! Guardian Angel to you!

Anastasia, age: 03/19/2018

Sapphire Hello!
Yes, it hurts to hear that your parents react to your problems in such a way. Of course, parents want support and understanding ... My dad is the same, I don’t know, maybe it works for such people: the best defense is an attack. Of course, they do not want your death and love you, but this is their defensive reaction. They are wrong, forgive them, accept them. They are in your old age, not eternal, when they leave, you will be very worried. So now just forgive them.
You are still very young, hold on, your whole life is ahead of you. Turn 18, leave your parents, you will study, God forbid, start your own family. Sometimes life is unfair to us, sometimes loved ones offend us, sometimes there are problems, but this is temporary, and this is not a reason to deprive ourselves of life, to deprive ourselves of all opportunities! Be patient, everything will change soon! God help you!

Katya, age: 30 / 03/06/2018

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My daughter is 3.5 years old. She went to kindergarten after 3 years, from the first day she began to take a toy there, to which she became attached so that she began to walk with her everywhere - at home, and for a walk, and for a visit. Never let go of her. If he loses it somewhere, hysteria begins. Educators are no longer happy with this addiction, they say - remove the toy, but the daughter cannot live without it. She is very timid by nature, she doesn’t play with toys in the kindergarten, she doesn’t play with children either, she walks with her cat and draws. What should we do with this toy, we don’t want additional stress for the child, but I’m already tired of tantrums because of it.

4 pieces of advice were received - consultations from psychologists, to the question: Worried about the strong attachment of the child to the toy

Hello Marina! You should contact a psychologist in person - to examine the emotional sphere of the child - now her behavior indicates an increased level of anxiety, that she does not feel comfortable among her peers, seeks to protect herself, to avoid contacts. With her, you need to work out her feelings, help to realize her fears, work with fears, help to adapt in communication. The psychologist will also help you master the techniques that you can use in the game with your daughter - for example, draw situations of communication, show her in drawings different options for building relationships; you can work with her fears - also draw them. You can look at the book "what to do if ..." with your daughter - there is a section about fears and what you can do with them. How to draw, make them safe for the child. It is also important that you, for your part, encourage her independence, motivate her to work so that she gains confidence in herself and her abilities. If you start working with it, then the symptoms in behavior will go away.

If you decide - you can contact (I work with children and I can explain to you specific techniques that will help you work out her feelings with her) - via Skype or by email - I will be glad to help you!

Shenderova Elena Sergeevna, psychologist Moscow

Good answer 7 bad answer 3

Marina, hello.

If your daughter is "fearful" by nature, no doubt, the emphasis in her upbringing should be on developing her courage, the only question is how to do it.

1. Begin by unconditionally acknowledging the child's right to be afraid. Do not shame, do not reproach, do not mock her feelings. Treat them with respect. Do not be annoyed by the manifestation of her feelings.

Your attitude is the main support for my daughter. And this support must be reliable, and reliability is the complete acceptance of the child's feelings. If she is afraid, then there is a reason for that.

2. On this basis, you can take on teaching a child courage.

2.1. For this, a very good tool is telling stories about small creatures (bunnies, mice, etc.), or children who were afraid of everything (something), and then plucked up courage and committed some significant bold act. You need to specifically select fairy tales, books, cartoons suitable.

2.3. If you feel that some cartoon, book, the hero touched her. I especially liked them, show them more often, tell them. You can use him as an example in a difficult situation for her. Say: “Do you remember how that little mouse was afraid, and then stopped? Come on, and now we will be bold as a mouse. That is, you encourage her to act boldly.

At the same time, it is important to set tasks that are feasible for the child! Because success will add strength and courage to her. Be sure to praise her. Say what a fine fellow she is, how boldly she behaved.

If she was afraid again. Don't focus on it. Just note for yourself that this task of courage is not up to her yet. Save it for the future.

3. In light of the above, try to evaluate the situation with the toy.

It is obvious that this cat now performs a very important function of support for her, and therefore it can also be "cleaned up" very carefully, gently, and with small steps. Adaptation in the kindergarten group of such a child requires special attention of the teacher.

And if the caregiver simply tells you to "put this" toy away, reacting irritably, and does not help either you or the child to cope with the situation, you need not to succumb to the teacher's irritation, but to understand that he does not have to wait for his help.

You can also try

1) Agree with the teachers that you will remove the toy gradually. To say that you consulted with psychologists and you were told what to do abruptly will be traumatic for the child.

2) Now about how to "clean up" the toy. First, you need to understand what place it occupies in the life of a child. What story connects her with the cat. You need to join this story (fairy tale) so that "taking away the cat is not violence for the child. You need to communicate with the cat the same way she communicates with her. Say hello, talk to the cat. Encourage your daughter to talk to you on behalf of the cat.

In the next step, you can switch roles and speak on behalf of the cat yourself. Take your time and give your daughter and yourself time to get used to this game.

From this place you can start on behalf of the cat to ask to let her go for a walk (or to a cat meeting ... or ...). It is important that the "leaving the cat" even for a while is understandable to the daughter and accepted by her as a good reason why she will be ready to part with the cat for a while, and you have to come up with it. Do it at home first. And then talk to your daughter that when she is in kindergarten, the cat will be waiting for her in the locker. Because a cat, for example, gets tired of the noisy society of children. She prefers to sleep in a warm dark locker. If you say in a cat voice, it will sound more convincing for your daughter on behalf of a cat than if you convince her on your own behalf not to take a toy with you to the group.

Marina, I sketched you only a general idea. It consists in taking the toy away from the situation in a playful way, using the situation to the maximum to strengthen your own mutual understanding with your daughter and teach her courage.

All the best. If you have any questions, please contact us via Skype.

All the best,


Alyokhina Elena Vasilievna, psychologist Moscow

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you don’t need to remove the toy, you don’t need to scold the child. You need to help the child and explain to the caregivers that the toy saves her from anxiety, which is caused by separation from you. The toy is of great importance for her, as it represents the connection with you, she (the cat) must be with her all the time - the daughter is afraid of losing and controls it all the time. Be patient because no one can help the child and protect the child more than mom, and dad too). Contact a child psychologist in person to be more informed on how to behave during this period with a child.

Sincerely, Galushkina Marina Kubaevna, psychotherapist. Saint Petersburg

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Children's ability to believe in miracles and the ability to communicate with any inanimate object is probably familiar to each of us.

Almost everyone had a toy that meant something more than a toy. This bear, bunny or lion cub became a true friend for several years. The one who is near in funny and sad moments. Those without whom sleep or a full meal is impossible.

Now we are already adults, but the hand does not rise to throw away this friend, and sometimes glancing at him, we feel how our heart aches. In addition, we perfectly understand our children when they drag their favorite toy with them to the crib.

Psychologists will help us to understand why this happens and what encourages children to become so addicted to toys.

toy for children it is not an inanimate object at all. The toy has a soul and feelings endowed with children's imagination and faith. Especially the child's attachment to toys donated by people dear to him is strong. And the desire to sleep with a toy confirms that it is so expensive that even in a dream the baby does not want to part with it. Many parents use this attachment when laying down the child, emphasizing that, they say, look at Kesha's eyes are already sticking together, carry his bainki.

Of great importance is what kind of toy does the child take with him to bed. If this is a weapon: a pistol, a bow, a sword, then most likely he is afraid of something, and thus tries to defend himself. Usually, you can get rid of such fears by talking with the child about what worries him. Explaining to the child that can always count on your protection, you will see how he will go to bed more calmly, and soon he will change the machine gun for a teddy bear. But, not always a dream with a gun means fears, maybe he just hasn't played enough yet.

Sometimes children take a lot of toys with them to bed. As a rule, this is done by children who have difficulty falling asleep. They try to make the process as painless as possible. Covering themselves from head to toe with toys, they create a kind of microcosm in which they feel more comfortable and calmer. And it is in such a world that they calmly fall asleep. Another reason to take an extra toy with you can be become unwilling to share with a brother or sister. To explain that being greedy is not good, of course, does not hurt, but you must also understand that in this way he protects what is rightfully his.

With the help of toys, children try on new roles. They see how their parents treat them and try to do the same with the toy. By the way, it is very useful for parents to observe how your child behaves with his plush friend. This will allow not only to look at yourself from the outside, but also to draw certain conclusions.

Favorite toy is something bright that is dear to our heart throughout life. Even having reached a venerable age, we cherish the memories in which our favorite toys live. They help to understand their children and their desires.

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