How to make the insulation of the roof of the attic - a step-by-step instruction. The device of roofing pie for metal tile and what threatens the violation of the laying technology? Installation of roofing cake under the soft roof

Gardening 20.06.2020

How to warm the design schemes of laying

The insulation of an attic roof is a question that requires the most attentive consideration, as it insulates the broken roof is one of the most complex procedures, since it requires simultaneous insulation of several planes. In addition to the inner residential space on its lower rods, remote balconies and windows can be provided, which, in turn, further complicates the heat insulation procedure. Thus, before the attic of the attic, it is necessary to evaluate the design features and the real state of the attic space.

We will examine several options for the insulation of the attic.

Budget option: Interpartinery insulation

  • Mineralical wool - elastic thermal insulation material, and it is at the expense of this that it is held between the rafters.
  • The insulation is pre-cutting onto the plates by 4-5 cm in short, than the height of the rafter. It is chosen by the thickness, based on the characteristics of the climate of the construction area and the material of the inner covering.
  • In the cross-space with the attic of the attic, it shares the layer of vapor barrier. And on top of the roofing "cake" stretches (along the rafters) a hydro-eyed film. which are pressed by bars.
  • The heat insulation obtained between these layers is the film and the film - the roofing coating, two ventilation gaps should remain open in the skate and the cornese node to provide free air promotion. For this, in particular, the film near the skate can not be overweight to another skate, on the contrary, it is not reached by 5-10 cm to the skate.

  • The waterproofing film from temperature drops in places of fastening can be torn, so it is fixed to the rafters with the proviso - approximately 2 cm.
  • The air product should be higher than the wire film and the insulation at least 2 cm. However, this insulation technology has a significant drawback - the likelihood of education along the "cold bridges".

Full insulation of mansardes

  • Beginning work from the first option with the only difference that the mineral wool is fully filled with an interconnection space, to the very top. Next, across rafters are climbing wooden bars. Their height should be achieved to the calculated height of Minvati.
  • A second layer of thermal insulation material is inserted into the resulting frame, and it should cover and rafters, and the joints of the first layer mini. That is, so all possible "cold bridges" will be deleted.

The insulation must fully fill out all the space provided for it. It should not have a depression and cavities - loopholes for air passage.

After laying the insulation layer, the superdiffusion membrane, which is pressed with wooden bars on top of it. In height, the bars must correspond to the height of the ventilation, which should be at least 5 cm. After that, the counter tests are mounted and roofing.

  • The superdiffusion membrane is stacked throughout the roof plane and, unlike a hydrotreating carpet, with overweight through the horse and without any breaks for ventilation. This method involves the presence of a single ventilation product that is located above the superdiffusion membrane.
  • The second layer of the insulation is placed from the inside of the room along the same technology as on top of the rafted. Across the rafter turn the bars to the controls and put mineral wool between them. Following vaporizolation: depending on its species, they are either targeted with brackets to rafters, or pressed with wooden bars.

If a foil vapor barrier is used, it must be installed by foil inside the room. The reflex layer will only work in the presence of a gap from 2 cm, otherwise thermal infrared rays will not be reflected from the foil.

The attic of the attic, of course, depending on the species, is fixed or directly to the transverse, or to additional bars, which are kept vaporizolation.


Harding roof insulation: how to perform it correctly a roof insulation device: what and how to insulate the warming of the roof of metal tile: we make reliable roofing pie

Tools and equipment for mounting a naked roof

Installation of roofing is impossible to carry out naked hands. This requires the use of not only tools, but also special equipment. Depending on the type of roofing material, the corresponding inventory is selected.

When installing the elements of the rafting system, do not do without:

  1. Electropolis.
  2. Electrolake.
  3. Ax.
  4. Hammer.
  5. Set of chisels.
  6. Sculpture.
  7. Electriced.

When installing rolled materials on a bitumen basis, a gas burner will need. With this device, the material is heated to the desired temperature, joint bonding and fixing on the roof.

Gas burner reliably gluits a bitumen base and rubberoid

The use of roofing crane will greatly facilitate work. This equipment will allow preserving strength and time during the construction of an attic roof.

Roofing crane, being a small-sized representative of the lifting mechanisms, will greatly facilitate the construction of the attic

It should be noted that the equipment that is used in the construction of an attic must comply with the requirements of GOST 12.2.003-74. This standard establishes general safety requirements for manufacturing equipment designs:

  • special equipment used to melting bitumen materials should be equipped with thermal sensors and exhaust pipe;
  • equipment designed to dry the base under rolling materials should be equipped with a special protective screen;
  • the process of refueling fuel tanks used by the technique must be mechanized.

The following tools are needed for mounting roofing pie of the attic roof:

  1. Yardstick.
  2. A hammer.
  3. Ax.
  4. A sharp knife.
  5. Building stapler with brackets.
  6. Hacksaw.
  7. Plumb.
  8. Graphite pencil.
  9. Cord.
  10. Scissors for metal.
  11. Lubes.
  12. Drill with swirls of different diameter.
  13. Sculpture.
  14. Plane.
  15. Calculator.

Repair of the attic roof

In most cases, the base for the repair of the roof with an attic is leaks due to the deformation of the underfloor flooring under the influence of atmospheric phenomena due to the uneven shrinkage of the building or incorrectly selected lumber for the solo block. It is possible that during the construction, wind and snow loads were not taken into account, poor-quality roofing materials were used or gross violations were allowed during installation. The main thing is to identify the true reason to further eliminate the problem.

Replacing the damaged section of the roofing material is the easiest type of repair work. But here you need to take into account the appearance of the hiding flooring. For example, the bunting tile replaced with a new fragment is quite simple. But the repair of the bituminous shingle will require a professional approach - it needs to take off, seal and navigate the new strip. If the work is carried out in the cold time, then the bitumen tile is first softened by the construction hairdryer. It is necessary to do it very carefully, so as not to join the new and old fragments of the tile together.

Spoiled bitumen tile trunks need to tear off, and to navigate repaired or new coverage elements

If the cause of leaks lies not in roofing, then it will have to be fully repaired according to the following algorithm:

  1. A temporary wooden frame is taken over the roof, which is covered with polyethylene films to protect residential premises from bad weather.
  2. Disassemble the old roofing and disassemble all layers of roofing cake.
  3. Inspect the solry system. Evaluation of its state should be given by experts. Perhaps it will be enough to remove the mold, to handle the antiseptic, replace the elements made by fungus, improve geometry and strengthen the roof design. But it is possible that you will have to fully change the entire soling system.
  4. After the repair or prevention of the carrier block, all the layers of roofing pie are stacked, after analyzing their condition - whether they will be replaced by new materials for further use or make sense.

Video: repair of the attic roof - correct errors

If the homeowner does not have means for repairing a rafter design, then, as a temporary option, you can replace the existing roof of two-layer bitumen tiles. This durable roofing will protect the roof from leakage at a certain time, will provide an opportunity to solve financial problems and eliminate the actual cause.

Construction of the attic roof with its own forces is a complex, but very exciting process. The daily transformation of the house inspires, so I want to achieve the end result as quickly as possible

Performing work is stepdown, it is important to comply with the instructions, take into account the recommendations and not neglect the trifles. And then the attic roof will delight for many years

Selection of thermal insulation

The construction of the roof of the attic has the following features to be navigating, choosing material for its insulation:

  • As a roof and insulation, lightweight materials should be used for the attic roof, since its design is not designed for an increased load.
  • For insulation of the attic roof, the most effective materials should be applied so that the thickness of the roofing cake layer was minimal - it will also help reduce the weight of the roofing structure.
  • Mandatory device of the ventilation system of the roofing space, providing humidity control in the room.

Mineral wool

Mineral wool is often used for insulation of mansard roofs. Her advantages:

  • Small weight.
  • High thermal insulation qualities.
  • Good vapor permeability and noise insulation.
  • Ecology and fire safety.

The number of insulation corresponds to the area of \u200b\u200bthe roof rods per minus space of openings

Among the disadvantages of such thermal insulation of the roof of the attic is a relatively high price and a tendency to wet. In addition, the Minvat can over time and lose its properties.

IMPORTANT: For the insulation of the roof (inclined and vertical surfaces), it is better to use Minvatu in plates, and not rolls - it will facilitate installation.

You can also be used to insulate the roof of the attic glass gamble, but it is less convenient in operation and requires protective equipment: gloves, workwear and glasses.

In cold regions, the thickness of such thermal insulation should be 150-200 mm - this can be ensured by laying plates of Minvata in two layers. In the outdoor warming of work on the installation of material should be carried out only in dry weather.

Polyfoam or polystyrene foam

The insulation of attic roofs with foam is common due to its low cost. Among the advantages:

  • Little weight.
  • Low thermal conductivity.
  • Easy processing and editing.
  • Good performance.
  • Not deformed.
  • No moisture is afraid.

How to insulate the roof of the attic foam

The insulation of the attic roof of the foam has a significant drawback - fire hazard. But you can use extruded polystyrene, which are not burning, but only melted, but their value is much higher.

Polyurethan (PPU)

New effective material for the insulation of the roof of the attic. In essence, this is a modified mounting foam. The PPU can only be used for the insulation of the attic roof from the inside, video with application technology at the end of the article, but at the same time:

  • The thickness of the insulation layer is minimal.
  • PPU has good adhesion, and when applied, it fills all emptiness in the structures.
  • It is both heat, hydro and vaporizolation.

Warming with PPU

The spraying of polyurethane foam requires special skills and equipment, but the seams will be completely absent, which will prevent the impact of the structural elements.

Choosing, the better to insulate the attic roof, you can navigate on such a material as Equata. This natural insulation (manufactured from flax) not only protects from cold, but also from overheating in the heat, is breathing and environmentally friendly. Equata provides seamless coating and does not require a vapor barrier device. Suitable, for example, for the insulation of the mallandoic roof due to simple installation on inclined surfaces.

Roofing pie dismay

Types of insulation for roofing pie.

This type of roofing pie is created if the structure is insulated the ceiling under the attic, and in the attic room it is planned only in summer. Here, the main task of the insulation structure will arrange the insulation of the attic room from the condensate that falls outside the outside, so that the moisture could go outside. So that the microcirculation of the air has not been disturbed, a gasket from the waterproofing perforated film should be made.

With the arrangement of a laptile roofing cake, the sequence will be as follows:

  • device of the rafter system;
  • laying the waterproofing layer;
  • fixation of the counterclaim;
  • fastening of the crate;
  • flooring roofing material.

Insulated design includes a larger number of layers. It is used to arrange residential attic and the task is not only waterproofing, but also ensuring the safety of heat. Under the roof thermal regime is much different from the fact that on the first floor of the building.

The roof itself in the summer can warm up to sufficiently high temperatures, and in winter, there is often a phenomenon as a frozen roof. In such a housing, the comfort atmosphere cannot achieve. The roofing pie is arranged to perform the following tasks: holding in winter heat inside, providing insulation for air, which can come into contact with the frozen roof, and in the heat of the cake does not pass the hot air into the heat.

Insulation of the roof of the roof from the inside between the rafters

The process of indoor insulation of the attic roof should begin at the stage of the construction of the structure. Only so you can control the correctness of the layer of roofing "cake". At the same time, it is desirable to draw up a detailed diagram of the attic room with their own hands and note the places to be insulated from the inside on it.

Very often, the attic structure has a cropped design. Simply put, there is a free space between the lower part of the roofing slope and the interior of the room, which does not need to be insulated

But in such a situation, it is important to insulate overlapping on the edge of the roofing structure itself

  1. Pre-insulation must be unpacked so that the Minvat scares its original form. The material is cut on the necessary dimensions. Be sure to leave a reserve of 25-35 mm for dense adjacent to neighboring rafters.
  2. The canvas pushed into the space between the rafters. You need to slightly press on the middle of the insulation so that it straightened. It should be borne in mind that the thickness of the beams should be at least 25 cm.
  3. On top of the insulation, a vapor barrier layer with an adhesive was laid 10 cm, and the joints of the joints are sicked with scotch. The insulation is fastened with brackets or inches.
  4. For the root, 2,5 cm with a thickness of 2.5 cm.
  5. Decorative finishing material is fixed over the rails.

At this stage, all work on the insulation of the attic can be considered completed. But in order to fully understand the essence of the assembly process, you can get acquainted with the video, insulation of the roof of the attic floor. If you plan to insulate the attic in the old building, and there is no desire to dismiss the roofing design, then there is a small trick. The waterproofing layer is rolled directly from the inside of the attic, turning the rafting beams and the factory material into the space between them. But in such a situation it will not be possible to protect the wooden beams in case of roofing material.

The structure of insulated roofing cake

The roof pie from the corrugated floor.

Rafters. All the cake layers must be together approximately 35 cm. This must be taken into account by performing a rafter system. Decide with the material that you will be laid as a heat insulator - it will help to know if the height of the rafter will be sufficient.

The main load of the severity of the roof carries exactly rafters. Therefore, it is better to create them from the trees of a coniferous breed, choosing such elements in which there are no flaws. The level of moisture in the wood should be no higher than 22%. All wooden elements must be impregnated with antiseptic. The step of rafters and their thickness is chosen depending on which material is selected for the roof coating.

Parosolation. Actually, the installation of roofing pie begins just from this layer. The last of the inner layers will be finishing.

Inside housing is mandatory moisture. Its most contained in warm air, which, obeying the laws of physics, rushes up - in the attic. Ventilation is not able to ventilate to such an extent so that all the excess moisture is eliminated, they fall on the roofing construction and settle in the form of condensate. The vapor insulation layer protects the insulation, suitable as follows from the penetration of moisture. When drinking moisture, thermal insulation loses its performance.

Among the materials used to create a vapor insulating layer are most often used:

  • vapor barrier film. It is made multilayer, with the addition of a polymer reinforcing frame, which does not allow it to be saved;
  • pergamine - a vapor polypoletor with a democratic price, which has a significant minus: over time, his ability to retain moisture disappears;
  • foil materials.

The latter are a film, one side of which is saved by foil. There is also a material like chocolate wrappers, one of its foil side, the second - paper. Both options are performed not only the waterproof function, but also are a good barrier on the path of infrared radiation. It causes heat leakage from the room, and the foil layer helps a much reduce heat loss even without insulation materials.

The fixation of vapor barrier to the rafters is as follows:

  1. Rolled material in the direction along the skate rolled along the rafter feet. The laying should be performed from below, with the allen 15 cm on the previous layer.
  2. Film is fixed to the surface with the help of a construction stapler.
  3. The joints of the material and the edge adjacent to the wall are sealed using connective tape or tape.

When placing the film, do not pull it out, it should be slightly saved between the rafters.

Selection of insulation

At the stage of preparation for the installation of roofing pie, you should decide on the choice of material for insulation. The number of layers and the thickness of thermal insulation depends on the correct type and technical characteristics. The modern building market presents a wide range of materials for insulation of roofing structures. Among the most sought-after :

  • polyurethane foam;
  • extruded polystyrene foam;
  • glass gaming;
  • mineral wool.

A foamed glass can also be used, various types of natural insulation for mounting from the inside (wood chips, seaweed, granulated paper, etc.).

There are four main criteria for selecting thermal insulation material. :

  • coefficient of thermal conductivity;
  • moisture resistance;
  • fire resistance;
  • environmental Safety.

Note! For insulation of the roof of an attic type, it is recommended to use the material, the thermal conductivity coefficient of which is from 0.05 W / m * to and below. The higher the moisture resistance of the insulation - the longer it will save its functional qualities

Resistance indicator of burning - an important criterion for ensuring the safety of the house

The higher the moisture resistance of the insulation - the longer it will maintain its functional qualities. Resistance indicator of burning - an important criterion for ensuring the safety of the house

It is also important to take into account the environmental purity of the material and its safety for a person. But the last two parameters do not affect the durability and effectiveness of the insulation of the roof

Mineral wool - insulation, made from melt rocks. The material is well holding heat, does not rot, resistant to temperature differences and exposure to aggressive media, almost does not absorb moisture. Mats of various thicknesses made of mineral wool, especially convenient to use for the insulation of the roof, if the step of the rafter corresponds to the width of the mat.

The glass gamble is made of glass melt, according to its properties, this type of insulation is close to mineral wool, but has a lower thermal threshold -450 ° C. It has good heat and soundproofing characteristics. Glasswater is resistant to freezing. Between the fibers, the moisture can accumulate moisture, so waterproofing must be performed correctly.

Minvata and Glasswater allow you to warm the root with minimal financial investments. The disadvantages include the need to create a thick layer of insulation and several layers of pair and waterproofing.

It is possible to insulate the roofing design from the inside using polymer materials - polystyrene foam or polyurethane foam. The benefits of polyurethane foam (gas-filled plastics) include high ability to maintain heat, ease, durability. Polyurethan does not miss steam and is not affected by moisture. Extrusion polystyrene foam allows effectively to insulate the roof - its thermal conductivity coefficient is 0.05 W / m * to. The material has hydrophobicity, does not miss steam. The class of flammability from G1 to G4 depends on the material brand. The disadvantages of polymer insulation can include their artificial origin and relatively high cost.

If there is a goal to build a house exclusively from eco-friendly materials, you can warm the roof with natural heat insulators. Despite the good indicators of thermal conductivity and environmental purity, various types of natural insulation have their drawbacks. Foamed glass features high fragility. Granulated paper, as well as mats from a cantham, straw, seaweed and similar materials are characterized by high flammability and require special skills when making mounting.

How to insulate the attic roof criteria for selecting material for insulation

The choice of high-quality thermal insulation materials for the insulation of the attic room from the inside is a very responsible process. From the variety of insulation and its main characteristics will depend on the thickness and multi-layer of roofing cake.

Due to the fact that the attic - the premises of a specific design, then the choice of insulation should be based on requirements for it:

The minimum level of thermal conductivity. It is desirable to acquire materials of thermal conductivity indicators that do not exceed 0.05 W per square meter.

Low degree of moisture permeability. Due to the fact that condensate can be formed under the roof, and often the roof simply may proceed, the thermal insulation material should not absorb moisture, which adversely affects its main parameters

If it is impossible to adhere to such rules, it is important to equip high-quality waterproofing.

Material for indoor insulation of the attic must have a minimum weight. This parameter is very important, since it is impossible to overload the roofing design.

Weight parameters directly depend on the density of the material. Mineral or basalt wool will fit well for the roof. More hard options to use is not appropriate.

High fireproof performance. It is important that the insulation does not support the combustion process in case of an open source of fire.

The ability of the insulation to maintain the original shape. Due to the fact that the insulation is placed on a non-standard surface at an angle, rolled soft materials at a certain time can crawl down, forming large emptiness in the upper part. Therefore, the insulation for the internal insulation of the attic should not lose its form and size.

High frost resistance. which is caused by sharp drops of temperatures in the underpants space.

Long operational resource.

It is very important to correctly calculate the thickness of the insulation, which should be based on the peculiarities of the construction region, the thickness of the walls of the house, the presence or absence of insulation, as well as the thickness of the roofing cake. All these parameters are highly important and only on the basis of them, you can choose the thickness of the heat insulating material correctly.

If you skip the settlement step, then it is better to stop your choice on a mineral cotter 25 cm thick.

How to insulate the roof of the attic from the inside with their own hands

Many homeowners can be tempted to equip in the house comfortable noise attic. This desire is natural, this is a wonderful opportunity to increase the area and living space of your home. In addition, it gives the structure a special charm, brings some romanticism into its appearance.

Special mansard windows strengthen the impression. Today, most of the new private housing is immediately built with the attic. But often wanting to increase households, and in no new homes, the owners are equipped and the old non-residential attics are insulate.

Mansard are located almost under the roof

What requirements are usually presented? It is important that in the summer there was quite cool, and in winter dry and warm. So that the room meets the same requirements, it is important to know which processes in it proceed, understand the essence of competent insulation

Perform all the necessary work with your own hands is easy, their technology is quite simple. The main thing for this is a conscientious partner and the presence of the necessary tools. If everything is technologically correct, it will not get cut out of wood and do not rotate, and the thermal insulation material will serve for a long time and reliably.

In what cases may be needed the insulation of the attic

The attic floor is a special design room in which the walls are practically merged into a single whole with the surface of the roof and the ventilation gap does not exceed 100-150 mm. It is for this reason that there is a rapid cooling of the room in winter and heating in the summer year. The entire surface of the roofing structure is like the heat battery in the summer heat and through it the heat to go outside with the onset of cold weather. First of all, this is due to the level of thermal conductivity of materials used, for the roof structure.

In winter, thermal streams from batteries rise under the laws of physics up, distributing under the roofing arch and freely disseminantly on the street, as the materials from which the standard roof is made are easily carried out heat.

At the same time, the melting of snow, which turns into ice, destroys the roof. In turn, in the summer heat air in the attic room is so far that it becomes hard to breathe. At the same time, it is possible to cool such a room, not even a very powerful air conditioner.

How to be in such a situation? The answer is only one - high qualityly insulate the attic room, choosing the thermal insulating material, the parameters of its thickness and place of laying in the undercoil space, with the technological process.

For example, if the insulation is not fulfilled in a thick material, selected on the eye, the problem will be solved only partially and in the room will still be cool and uncomfortable. Just correctly chosen in thickness and thermal conductivity, the insulation will allow quality isolate the attic from the roofing design, and when building proper ventilation, all excess moisture will be quickly and unhindered outwardly.

Device of residential indoor room

When building a private house, some owners even the zone of the attic is trying to use under residential premises.

The design of the attic roof.

In the attic floors, in some cases, "summer" is planned, that is, unheated, premises. But it is preferable to all the rooms in which there is a complete insulation and can be comfortable to live not only in warm, but in the cold season.

Insulated material in attic rooms are usually installed on the floor: it helps to keep the heat that goes from the floor under it. An empty attic at the same time serves as a layer that does not allow the cold to pass into the room from the roof.

With the insulation of the attic room, everything happens somewhat differently. All thermal insulation material from the floor as it is transferred to the roof design. Therefore, roofing cake in buildings with attic will be a mandatory element of the design.

Warm roof

A roof should be warm. Recall that the pitched roofs can be warm and cold. The difference between them is the composition of the roofing cake. Warm roof involves insulation of roofing rods, as well as equipment hydro and vaporizoles.

For the insulation of the roof, any kind of insulation can be used: clayjit, polyurethane foam, polynene foam, foam concrete, foam glass, cellulose insulation and basalt fiber. Mats from basalt most sought after.

The insulation lays into the space between the rapid legs. To enhance the effect, you can put in two layers. In this case, the second layer is steel so as to close the joints between the first mats. Required waterproofing layer is required. The lack of wool - if moisture gets into moisture, they not only can lose their heat-saving quality, but also increase the load on the rafter system.

It is impossible to allow wetting insulation. To prevent the condensation of evaporation from the inner premises on the inner layers of the roof, a vapor barrier membrane is placed on top of mats. To protect the insulation from condensate, the formation of which is possible on some types of roofing materials, for example, from steel, waterproofing is laid between roofing and insulation.

As a waterproofing, a film or membrane is used. Using the latest preferable. Material has excellent diffusion abilities. It is not permeable for water, but the pairs misses well. Thanks to this, water evaporating, pass through the layers of the roof, is not settled anywhere. In addition, the membranes are practical in terms of saving space. Unlike films for their laying, it is not necessary to leave the gap between the layers. It places directly on the insulation.

First of all proceed with endand. From top to bottom, the membrane is paved along the entire length. The joints are sampled by a special ribbon, preferably the same brand as waterproofing. Rolls of waterproofing membrane are rolled horizontally from the eaves towards the skate. Separate canvases are stacked with overlap 15 cm. The joints are made on the rafters. The material must be well stretched without saving.

For insulation of roofing rods, foam plates can be used. Compared to the mineral wool, they do not drink moisture in case of leakage in the waterproofing system.

Foam plates are stacked between rapid legs on the crate. The width of the step of the rafter can reach 2 m. Stacked without a gap. The minimum thickness of the layer is 100 mm. The maximum is strictly defined. The thickness of the insulation layer is calculated for each specifically case, taking into account the climatic features of the area where the house is located.

Plates are attached with glue or dowels. If the gaps were formed between them and rafters, they were poured with sealant or mounting foam. It is impossible to leave open. They formed the bridges of cold, which leads to the formation of condensate. The result is the appearance of mold and dropping rafters. Steamproofing is stacked on top of foam plates and is sewn with lining, woodcipated or plasterboard. Depends on the functional purpose of the undergraduate room.

- This is not exactly the usual design.

Such a structure not only must complete the holistic building of the building and perform protection functions.

But also to have a comfortable life in the room, located under it.

In order for the living space to be suitable for use, it is necessary to understand the essence of the construction of such structures and the nuances of its installation processes.

This design has a number of elements, which is a holistic roof system.

The devices of the attic roof looks like:

  • Roof. Roofing is necessary for ensuring reliable protection against the influence of atmospheric conditions both the whole house and the entire roof system.
  • . The reference part of the system for attachment, most often constructed from wooden boards.
  • Skown run. The very top of the entire system.
  • Rafyla. Support ribs that create rigidity to the construction. Have two varieties - hanging and urban.
  • Mauerlat. Presented element beams that serve for fastening the rafter system. Repeats the element in the location of the perimeter of the house and is bonded with each wall with fasteners.
  • Diagonal piles. For, so that the roof design system has a high level of reliabilityThe rafters are combined between themselves beams located longitudinally and vertical racks, which are combined with diagonal connections or beams.
  • Internal supports. An element that is located under each rafter foot and provides stability.
  • Insulating layer. Such a layer combines the entire roof system into a single whole, when creating reliable sealing, vapor and sound insulation. This layer has its own structure and it is multi-layered. All materials that are used in the equipment of this layer are necessary to provide all sorts of properties that provide comfortable livelihoods on the attic.

What nodes and details are the attic roof, you will see on this drawing:

Drawing of the devil-roof

Roofing pie

In any kind of roof there is its own individual structure.

It is represented by several layers of various materials that need to protect the place of attic from cold air masses and high humidity level.

Roofing roof roofing pie includes:

  • Clamp;
  • Steamoilating layer;
  • Counterclaim;
  • Thermal insulation layer;
  • Waterproofing;
  • Ventilation systems;
  • Roofing material.

Each layer is designed to perform certain functions that are necessary for the normal operation of the entire roof system.

If you make mistakes when installing or neglected any of the layers, then this may lead to the need to remake the entire design..

  • . The easiest kind of roof over the attic, but not too popular. Represents one inclined planewhich has a support on the bearing walls of different heights.
  • . Such a kind presented by two slotswhich are opposite to each other.
  • Loan. This type of roof has more names - and the half-haired. Such a type of construction allows you to make an attic space optimal. Skates have four designs. It is quite convenient to live on the attic, having such a kind of roof.
  • Conical. The most complex type of construction submitted by the cone. Suitable for structures who have round or polygonal outlines.

Types of roofs

If we talk about the varieties of rafter systems, then they are 3 species:

  1. Hanging variety of rafters ensure the transmission of the load in a horizontal position to the carrier walls. Such rafters are the basis of the entire system. In intermediate supports, there is no need for connecting beams, wooden or metal tightening are used.
  2. The urban variety of rafters are applied in the case of the bearing wall in the center of the building or the presence of intermediate supports. Such a variety of rafters is installed on the outer walls, while their average part has a support for the inner walls. This design can be constructed only if the distance from the bearing wall to another to 6.5 m.
  3. Hanging and urinary variety of the rafter system is represented by triangles having a straight angle. Additionally, such a design is equipped with the fights from below and on top of the system. For hanging the ceiling use the tightening hanging rafters.

Children's roof: Double wooden house design

Tilt angle

A very important parameter in the roof structure is the determination of the angle of inclination of the roof. This value is determined not only by the design of the building, features of the facade, but also the selected roofing material and local climatic conditions.

If the precipitates falling on the ground where the house is located, is of great importance, then the angle of inclination of the roof ranges from 45 to 60 degrees.

Such a skate value will ensure the best snow from the surface, and, accordingly, reduce the level of load. In addition to precipitation, such an angle parameter protects the roof from glaciation.

If the house is located on the ground in which the frequent phenomenon is strong winds, then the value of the corner of the rowed to be minimal. Otherwise, the design can be destroyed due to weather conditions. Under such conditions, variations of this parameter from 9 to 20 degrees.

However, the most common and optimal roof inclination angle is 20-35 degrees.. Such a value is suitable for the arrangement of the roof by almost any variety of material.


The angle of inclination largely determines the durability and reliability of the structure.

Tilt angle

Mounting process

In order for the attic roof, you need to stick to a certain sequence of actions:

  1. Initially fasten the upper bar, which has the parameters of the cross section of 10x10 or 15x15 cm. Fastening is carried out using nails, metal brackets or screws. At the same time, the first timber provides a function of a substropsy frame.
  2. The following is mounting Maurolalat, which is necessary for making most of the load. It will take a board for its installation, a thickness of at least 5 cm and a ram with a cross section parameters 5x10 cm. Before laying the board, we settle The layer that is necessary for the deduction of moisture and did not destroy the design elements. They attach Mauerlat with nails or brackets and are additionally tied to a wall using a wire from metal. The wire is mounted on the construction stage of the walls.
  3. Next set raftersBy choosing a step from 0.6 to 2 m.
  4. First install fronton rafters, after which they stretch the level and begin to mount the other elements.
  5. After the rafter legs are all installed, provide additional strengthening of the design, connecting rafters among themselves in the upper part of them.
  6. If the value of the roof length exceeds 7 m, then conduct installation of a skate bar. Otherwise, the equipment has a similar element of the system rafters - not necessarily.
  7. After installed switch to the equipment of the layers of roofing pie, pre-installing the crate.
  8. The last stage in the construction of the roof is laying of roofing.

Installation of crates

Installing timing

The roof of the building is exposed to a particularly intense effect of various natural factors, therefore, not only comfort within the house, but also the duration of operation of the entire structure depends on the reliability and quality of its design. Special attention should be paid to the selection of the material and the sequence of the installation of the roof pie layers under metal tile. The article provides information on the materials necessary for the arrangement of a reliable roof - the main operational characteristics, the need for use, features of installation, etc. After reading the article, you will be able to control the quality of the works of builders, and if necessary, do not allow them to "save" on the acquisition of cheap construction and insulating materials or "simplifying" installation of installation.


Sequence and purpose of roof roofing layers with thermal insulation

The roofing pie from metal tile with insulation consists of several layers, each of which has its own purpose:

    Outdoor coating. Metal tile or its budget option - metal profil (profiled sheet, professional flooring). Metal turns are recommended to be used to cover the housekeeping and technical structures in the design of the roofs without insulation;

    Okeekhet. Wooden frame to which an external coating is attached;

    Waterproofing. Protects the rafter system and thermal insulation from moisture effects;

    Controlling. Wooden rails that create ventilation gap between the outer coating and insulating materials. Thanks to the counterclaim, the wet air and condensate are not in contact with thermal insulation;


    Sound-vibration isolation. Damping elements are included in the roof frame of a large area. It is allowed to use such brands as isoplast Bi-not, Sylomer, etc. Roofing structures of small and medium sizes can do without them, provided that accurate installation of the carrier base (flooring), the use of fibrous thermal insulation and accurate compliance with the metal of the metal tile;

    Slinge system. The set of carrier elements of the roof, which is the basis for fastening all the layers of roofing pie;

    Heat insulation. Reduce the heat loss of the building. It is recommended to use fibrous thermal insulation materials having a high degree of noise insulation: mineral wool, basalt wool, glass gamble;

    Parosolation. Protects roofing pie from wet air coming from interior facilities;

    Internal counterbelt. Wooden rakes of a small section, creating a ventilation gap between vaporizolation membrane and internal finishing materials;

    Sheaving. Chernovaya: plywood, OSB, plasterboard, designed for fastening decorative and finishing materials. Decorative: plastic or wooden lining, false bar, decorative panels.


Cold roofing sequence

The technology of arrangement of the cold roof is much easier than insulated:

    To rafters with a construction stapler attached waterproofing membrane;

    Along the rapid legs planks are installed counterclaims;

    Elements of doomles enchant perpendicular to rafalines;

    Fastened Roofing material - metal tile.

Cold roof is used for technical structures, garages, warehouses and other business buildings.


Main characteristics and features of the use of roof elements

Stropile carcass

For the roof of the metal tile, a standard solry system is used for light roofing materials. The cross section of the bar is 50x150 mm, the step of the rafter feet is 600-950 mm. As a rule, step 600 mm is taken for the convenience of installing thermal insulation materials. Such a distance allows you to position entire plates of the insulation between rafters without gaps and without the need for their cutting, which will significantly speed up the installation process.

In the northern regions of Russia for rafters, it is recommended to use a bar with a cross section of 50x200 mm. This is due to the need to resist high snow and wind loads, and also allows you to arrange a thicker insulation between the frame elements.



The choice of waterproofing material included in the roof under metal tile depends on the designation of the structure. The use of a conventional polyethylene film, pergamine or rubberoid is allowed for isolation of unheated roofing structures used in unheated technical buildings.

    Two-layer polymer - consists of two layers of a polyethylene film with a reinforcing grid between them;

    Superdiffusion membrane - characterized by one-sided vapor permeability. Its location when installing - the permeable side towards the insulation, so that the wet air is discharged from thermal insulation into the ventilation gap.

    Waterproofing with a rapid coating - Also is the diffuse material of the disintegrating moisture. In addition, prevents the formation of condensate. It is installed with a darous, vapor-permeable side to the insulation.

Any of waterproofing membranes fit onto the plane of the roof parallel to the skate, starting below. The overwear between the panels is 10-15 cm and is additionally sampled by construction scotch. Fastening to rafters is carried out by a construction stapler.



It is located between the elements of the root and rafters, forming a gap between the waterproofing layer and the roofing material. It is made of wood in the form of 30x50 mm bars. If the roof has a complex design, a large area or a significant length of the skate, then bars of an increased section are used for the counterclaim - 50x50 mm. It is located along the rafted and attached to them with nails or screws with self-draws with a length of 50-75 mm.



It is a carrier base for metal tile sheets. It is made from the board with a cross section of 50x200 mm or a bar of 40x60 mm, it is perpendicular to the rafters in practice, these elements are often used together, if necessary, a particularly strong fixing of the extreme sheets of metal tiles, in the case of increased wind loads in a region and / or high roof construction. In this case, the main area of \u200b\u200bthe roof is covered with a timber, and the lower part of the skate is a solid flooring. The step of the elements of the root depends on the wave of metal tile and is 800-1000 mm. The mount is carried out with the help of nails or screws on a tree (self-tapping) with a length of 60-75 mm.

Important! All wooden elements of roofing design must be treated with antiseptic (against fungus, mold, rot) and antipyarem (increase flame resistance) impregnations. Manufacturers of construction chemistry offer both universal means for processing wood, significantly increasing the service life.

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Heat insulation

The traditional thermal insulation material, the roof cake under metal tile with insulation, is the mineral (basalt) wool. It is realized in rolls and plates. The size of the plates in most manufacturers is 1000x600x50 (100) mm. They are installed in the interstropyl space of the Mospus.

The use of plates is preferable, since it does not require additional fasteners to hold the material between the rafters. The laying of thermal insulation is carried out as tight as possible, but it is necessary to ensure that the material is not deformed and not compressed.

For the insulation of technical buildings, it is more advisable to use polystyrene foam, as it is better with moderate mechanical impacts and does not need additional protection from the inside of the construction.

The gaps between polystyrene plates and between insulation and rafters are advisable to fill in the mounting foam. This not only eliminates the leakage of warm air from the room, but also give the whole design additional strength.



It is one of the most important layers of the roof cake under metal tile. Its main purpose is the protection of thermal insulation materials from the influence of warm wet air coming from the inside of the premises. The use of vapor barrier is mandatory when using fibrous thermal insulation materials, since absorbing moisture, minvat significantly reduces its effectiveness.

The most common vapor insulation material with an affordable cost is pergamine. However, it has low strength and durability. The polypropylene "woven" membrane is stronger and efficient. It is produced under many brands and is positioned by the manufacturer as a universal insulating agent - hydro-wind insulation. In addition, this material prevents the formation of condensate.

Source de

Sound-vibration isolation

One of the specific properties of the metal tile is a high level of noise from external influences. Therefore, special attention is paid to noise insulation:

    All elements of the design enchant Scorouses. Connected details securely sharpen them among themselves to prevent the formation of slots and backlash;

    Calculated the position of the elements of the doom so that the edges of the shelter of the roofing material are located on a bearing rail;

    Installation of all elements of the crate and the counter tests is performed without deviations From the working plane, as can be smaller, without hillocks and depression. This will avoid distortion when installing metal tiles.

The noise level significantly reduces the use of fibrous thermal insulation materials. Some manufacturers produce specialized thermal insulation brands with a high sound absorption coefficient, from 0.5 to 0.8.


Special measures for vibration insulation are advisable to exercise if the house is located near the railway, highways with intense movement or if the roof rates have a large area. For this, the layers of the roof are separated by special damper linings between the bars of the counterclaim and rafting beams.

Video Description

In the video, you can see the rules for mounting the roofing cake:


High-quality metal tile has a thickness of 0.4-0.6 mm and several layers of protection. Visually, the presence of internal protective mess check is almost impossible, so when purchasing roofing material, require the seller certificate. To protect against corrosion of metal tile, it is painted from the inside, and with an external has a polymer coating, which is much better with the external influence than paint materials. The durability of the external protective layer depends on the durability of the operation and the cost of the roof. The most common are the following types of polymer coatings:

    Polyester. The thickness of the protective layer is 25-30 microns. It has access to the cost and relatively high operational characteristics. Warranty period of metal tile with polyester coating 8-10 years;

Source SATU.KZ.

    Polyurethane. It is characterized by resistance to mechanical damage, temperature differences and various chemicals. When leaf bending, such a coating does not lose in integrity;

    Polyvinyl chloride. Demonstrates high resistance to mechanical, chemical and thermal influences. Has high plasticity. Metal tile with such a coating is recommended to use for laying on embossed surfaces. It is advisable to apply in regions with an extremely hot climate;

    Plaseris. It consists of polyvinyl chloride with the addition of plasticizer. It is applied with a layer of up to 200 microns, which makes it possible to apply metal tires to the surface. Have low resistance to high temperatures, which does not allow it to be used in regions with a hot climate.


Interior decoration

Between the vapor insulation membrane and sheets of drywall or OSB is also formed ventilation gap. For this, wooden rails are used in cross section 20x30 mm. Attached to the rafters perpendicularly.

Video Description

From the video, you can find out how to make roofing pie for metal tile:


Despite the high cost of materials and significant labor costs in the device of roofing cake under the metal roof, it is extremely recommended to "simplify" technology, flowing layers or using cheap insulating membranes of unknown manufacturers. The consequences can be the most sad to the complete roof replacement.

Mansard insulation pie specialists call the heat-insulating structure consisting of successively laid layers of materials, starting from the roof covering and ending the inner lining room. Stuffing serve insulating materials laid in a certain order.

The poor performance of the technologies for insulation of the roof can lead to the emergence of the main enemy of the wooden house - dampness. Moisture can act both outside and from the dwellings. The formation of condensate in the underfloor space will lead to the wetting of the heat-insulating material, the appearance of mold and rot, the destruction of the rafting structures and damage roofing material. The result will be a complex expensive repair. The correct attic of the attic will protect not only the living room from heat loss, but also the wooden and metal elements of the roof will save. Since the attic is located in close proximity to the roof, the process of heating and cooling the air in it occurs much more intense than in other rooms. The thermal insulation materials are designed not only to protect the inner space from the penetration of the cold from the outside, but also from overheating in hot weather.

When building a new house with an attic. Performing all stages of insulation occurs during the process of creating a roof. But often the owners of the already built houses with the attic seek to independently rebuild the top of the building and create an additional living space under the roof. The technology of insulation of the roof is not too complicated, and in the presence of some skills of construction work and the necessary information, it is possible to create a high-quality cake of the roof of the attic of the mansard.

Required insulation materials for insulation roofs of attic

The correct selection of insulation materials is of great importance for creating the right attic pie. Many owners of country houses prefer mineral wool, as a material with all the characteristics necessary for insulation and low cost.

No less popular use of foam. It has good thermal insulation properties, waterproof and low weight. The dense structure allows you to cut it into pieces of the desired size, which greatly facilitates the process of mounting the insulation. The modern industry offers a wide variety of thermal insulation materials manufactured by the latest technologies and possessing excellent characteristics. But usually their cost is higher than traditionally used materials.

No less thoroughly needed to choose the choice of hydro and vapor insulation materials. The effectiveness of the thermal insulation material depends on their quality.

Sequence and rules for the arrangement of attic cake

The focus should be given to the technological side of the creation of the attic of the attic of the attic. To do this, we need to have knowledge about the processes occurring in the underpants space under the influence of external conditions.

Works must be carried out in a strict sequence and in compliance with all installation rules:

Video - Mansard Warming, Roofing Pie

Recently, squirrels are very common in private construction. And it is possible to simply explain, the presence of the attic floor is primarily a fairly large savings in the construction phase, secondly, such a solution gives the owner of the house even an infallible useful area, but quite suitable, for example, for a bedroom.

At the same time, the devices of the attic roof is a bit more complex and requiring additional attention to the task. An attic roof must be fulfilled in full compliance with technology. Particular attention must be paid to the device of roofing pie, and in particular a vaporizolation membrane, it is she who will make a dunning roof dry.

Mansard roofs can have a different look. In private construction, several types of roofs of an attic type can be used. Main options, these are variants of double roofs, but there are other design solutions.

We must not forget that the warm attic roof itself is quite expensive, but the arrangement of the attic floor is an order of magnitude cheaper than the device of a full-fledged floor with a two-tie roof.

Features of the attic roof.

Any attic roof has a number of distinctive features. Below we will try to bring several key moments that distinguish the attic roof from other species.

  1. The main sign of the attic roof is its functionality. You must not forget that the attic roof is both the roof and the wall of the attic room or the attic floor.
  2. The height of the mansard roof is usually more than 2.5 meters at the highest point ..
  3. The surface area of \u200b\u200bthe attic roof is always greater than the usual two-tie.
  4. The lines of the attic roof should be made in such a way that the design solutions of struts and rafting legs minimally occupied useful space.

Video on the construction of an attic roof

Selection of coating material

The selection of the finish coating of the roof in cases of indulgence has a number of subtleties and nuances. The main selection factor is the ease of material. A light metal tile is perfect for the attic roof, piece glue tiles, not heavy coatings such as Ondulin or profiled metal sheet. Heavy materials, such as slate and clay tiles, are rarely used in the construction of an attic roof.

Features of the calculation of the attic roof.

When calculating this type of roof, special attention is paid to several elements of the roof.

  • First of all, the calculation of the structural part of the roof. The constructive includes the calculation of the angle of inclination, the step of the rafter system, the thickness of the lumber, its length and the total.
  • The second part of the structural roofing solution is the calculation of the final coverage and crate
  • All of the above decisions are based on the definition of the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe attic room. An attic room should be a height of more than 1.5 meters at the highest point. The construction of the rafter system and the roof in general depends on the height of the attic floor.
  • The whole zone is considered a useful roof space, where the height from the floor to the ceiling exceeds 90 centimeters. Those places in the room where this condition is not performed, called a deaf zone. From the area of \u200b\u200bthe deaf zone and the structure of the rigidity and additional ligaments of the rafter roofs depends on its appearance.
  • The calculation of the finishing area only at first sights looks quite complicated, in fact, the calculation of the final finish is the simplest part of the entire preparatory stage. For the miscalculation of the finish coating, several simple geometric shapes are distinguished from the entire roof. This is relevant for the roof of a complex view with several slots at different angles. By calculating the area of \u200b\u200beach figure, taking into account all technological stiffers, you can easily get the amount of all areas - this will be the amount of finish coating.

Device of roofing cake in the mansard roof

Roofing cake and its correct device is the main problem in the installation of the entire attic roof.

The first signs of the wrong roofing cake is the formation of condensate and education icicles on the roof rods. As soon as the first icicles appeared on the roof - this is the right sign of the outlet of warm air outwards. It is not necessary that it will immediately be dripped from the ceiling, but everything is worried, it should be worried.

Right roofing pie

Each layer of roofing cake is responsible for its functionality. And each layer must be correctly executed, in accordance with all the rules and construction rules.

Conditionally, you can divide the roofing pie for two types. Roofing cake without insulation. This design can only be applied in the summer attic floor. And the big roofing pie with thermal contour - this option is great for the construction of a full-fledged heap floor.

Pie without insulation. The main task of such a cake is the protection of the attic room from moisture and condensate. The device of such a cake looks simple enough. The first layer is the flooring of a vapor insulating membrane on the rapid system, a counterclaim is mounted on top of the membrane, then the shapper and the finish coating.

The main problems in the cake device without insulation.

The first thing to be done is to correctly mount vapor barrier, the second is a mandatory air gap between the crate and the membrane (for this you need a counterclaim).

Warm roofing pie. More often, the attic room is a dwell, so it is very important to mount the right warm roofing pie. It should be understood that the roof is exposed not only to cold, but also warm. The sun's rays can heat the roof to 70 degrees, it is impossible to be located on this temperature. Therefore, the attic roof does not only have to keep warm inside the building, it should not inlets hot air inside.

In the rafting system of roofing cake, the thickness of the insulation must be taken into account, it is very important for the convenience of mounting and the further proper functioning of the roofing cake.

Layers of roofing cake:

  1. The first layer is a vaporizolation from it to start the installation of the cake. Parosolation rolls on rafters, and attached to them. A clear fixation of vaporizolation is needed, often done with the help of a construction stapler. Roll over vapor barrier overlooking DRGUG on a friend from 10 to 15 centimeters. Adjusts seal with a special hermetic tape.
  2. The second layer is the insulation. Insulation needed to choose from climatic conditions, environmental friendliness and sound insulation qualities. We must not forget that the roof of the house is inherently the ceiling of your room, and the rain knock will be as never heard in the attic room. Now in the insulation market is a very large selection. Materials based on various wool are in great demand, it is glass gamble, and stone wool, and other materials. A fairly budget option is the insulation of polystolter, but its sound-absorbing properties leave much to be desired.
  3. The third layer is a moisture protection membrane, it is also rolled out on the rapid system, but already from the street. It is the membrane that will prevent the penetration of external precipitation into roofing pie. Some membranes can be used both indoors and outside. Installation of such a film occurs in the same way as vapor barrier, joints are sealed, and the film is rolled down in compliance with the adhesion of 10-15 centimeters.
  4. The next stage is the installation of a counterclaim, although manufacturers of materials with a wavy pattern (ondulin, slate, metal tile) argue that the passive ventilation of the roof is enough - it does not always happen. The counterclaim, even the minimum, creates a good ventilation gap, which helps to turn moisture faster from the inner surface of the finishing roofing coating.
  5. Obsek. The shelter itself in the attic roof can be both solid and shredded. It all depends on the material that is used as a finishing coating. For flat tiles, we use a solid female crate, or sheet material instead of the crate. For sheet material use a shredded crate.

The main problem of the mansard roof is its insulation and moisture protection. Otherwise, the construction steps are the same as in an ordinary two-tie roof.

  1. The first step is the miscalculation of materials, the calculation of the load
  2. The second fastening of carrier bars
  3. Assembling a challenge system
  4. Assembling rafting farms on the template, in accordance with the number of project
  5. Installation of timidate
  6. Device of roofing cake
  7. Finish coating device
  8. Internal roofing

Internal finishing of the attic roof

An attic roof inside can be reapped with almost any material. It is lining, and plasterboard, and plastic decorative panels. But it is ideal for the attic roof from the point of view of practicality, removable material, for example, lining, in cases of irregular roofing device, such a material will make it available to carry out repair work of roofing pie.

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