Send documents by registered mail. How to send a registered letter with notification

Encyclopedia of Plants 21.10.2019
Encyclopedia of Plants

In the age of computer technology, people are less and less likely to write paper letters to each other. It may seem that in the near future such an organization as the post office will become obsolete altogether. But in reality this is far from the case. Quite often, it is simply impossible to do without mail forwarding. In this article, we will consider the procedure for sending a registered letter with an attachment description. Let's also talk about how long the letter will take, and how much such a service costs.

What is allowed in the envelope

Before talking about how to forward registered letter with a description of the attachment, let's clarify what exactly is allowed to be sent in an envelope without violating the rules.

It is fundamentally wrong to think that in a postal envelope you can only send greeting card or a letter. The shipment can contain almost any paper:

  • diplomas and certificates;
  • passport;
  • various certificates;
  • contracts;
  • flat paper products, cardboard frames or crafts;
  • Photo;
  • brochures;
  • magazines;
  • much more.

The most important thing is that the shipment does not exceed the allowed weight:

  • 100 g - on the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • 2,000 g - for shipments abroad.

Often, post office employees refuse to accept letters that contain small items, such as jewelry, for sending. They argue this behavior by the fact that when stamping and sealing, the envelope may break. The reason for this will be a voluminous investment, and postal workers will disentangle the situation. However, many of those who regularly send such things claim that it is possible to obtain consent to such an investment if explicit probing of the subject is excluded. To do this, the attachment can, for example, be wrapped with thick cardboard.

Sending a registered letter

Now let's talk about how you can send a registered letter and how it differs from a regular one.

  • complaints;
  • claims;
  • notifications;
  • contracts;
  • requests;
  • petitions;
  • other official papers.

Unlike a regular letter, a registered letter is supplied with a special track number. On it, you can, if desired, trace the path of departure from one point to another. To do this, you just need to go to the official portal of the Russian Post and drive in the track number in the "Tracking shipments" section.

If you decide to send a registered letter, you can be sure that the person to whom it is addressed will receive it. Such a letter is not thrown into mailbox. It is issued personally to the addressee after presenting a civil passport.

A registered letter is paid, and even if you have a postal envelope with a stamp, you simply cannot throw such a shipment into the box. To do this, you need to personally visit the post office, contact the employee and inform him that you need the "Registered letter" service. An employee of the branch will weigh the envelope and calculate the cost of sending. After payment, the shipment will be registered in a special magazine, a track number will be assigned, and a special barcode will be stuck on the envelope and right amount stamps.

Why order a notification and how to issue it

Sometimes it is necessary to send a registered letter with a description of the attachment and notification. This is necessary in order to know exactly when the addressee received the envelope. To do this, a special form is attached to the letter, in which the addressee signs upon receipt of the shipment. After that, the notification form is detached from the letter by the postal employee and sent back to the sender.

To issue a notification, a special form F-119 is used. You can get it from a branch employee or download it on the Internet. Filling out this form is easy. Simply answering the questions is enough. If nothing comes out at all, you can ask the postal worker for help.

How to send an envelope with an attachment description

Quite often it happens that you need to clearly record which papers were sent to the addressee. To do this, there is a registered letter with a description of the attachment. This type of sending correspondence is considered the most reliable. After all, in this case, the post office takes on additional financial obligations. In the event that your shipment, God forbid, is lost, the Russian Post will be obliged to pay compensation in the amount that you estimated the letter when sending. Such a letter is assigned a special number by which it can be tracked at any point on the route.

In order to send a so-called registered letter with an inventory of attachments, you will have to work a little. First of all, you need to download on the Internet or ask the post office worker for a special form marked "f-107".

The sender at home or directly at the branch fills out this sheet. And he does it in duplicate. Each item listed in the inventory must be evaluated. The letter is brought to the post office open and the employee of the department carefully compares the contents of the envelope with the list that is indicated in the document. Only after that the post office worker signs on each copy and puts a seal. The sender also leaves his autograph.

One copy of the inventory is placed inside the envelope, and the sender keeps the second one. In the future, it will serve as confirmation of what exactly was invested in the envelope. Now the package (envelope) can be sealed and handed over to the post office employee for clearance.

Subtleties of sending

And now it's time to reveal the most terrible secret to you! Russian Post does not send a registered letter with an attachment list. Due to their ignorance, post office customers often confuse some concepts.

An exceptionally valuable letter is sent with an inventory of the attachment. In this case, the sender fills out a special form, which was mentioned above.

Of course, you can also send a registered letter with a description of the attachment. No one has the right to forbid you to do this. But only such an inventory you will have to draw up by hand and in any form. No one will compare it and generally pay any attention to it. There will be no seal or signature of the branch employee on it. And this means that if necessary, you will not be able to confirm that the envelope contained exactly the documents that you, according to you, put there.

How to fill out an inventory

If you are not sure that you understand how to issue a registered letter (with a list of attachments), a sample can be viewed directly at the post office or in our article. This is, in general, a simple matter.

  1. First of all, you must specify the address of the recipient of the correspondence, that is, the one to whom you are writing.
  2. AT special field all documents placed in the envelope are entered in turn. It is advisable to indicate the title of the document, the date of issue, number and summary.
  3. The next column indicates the number of documents with the same name.
  4. Another column is occupied by the value of each security you declared. You can put any amount here, but do not forget that it is from this figure that the state duty will be calculated, which will have to be paid. So do not rate a photo of your beloved grandmother in a million.
  5. At the bottom, the total amount is summed up, which is obtained by adding all the numbers in the "Cost" column.

Since the attachment inventory is filled out in two copies, it is very important that the information in them is letter-by-letter identical. Having found a discrepancy even in one letter, the operator can demand to rewrite the document.

How much does it cost to send a letter

It is almost impossible to answer this question unambiguously. The thing is, it all depends on too many factors. Shipping costs are affected by:

  • shipment weight;
  • forwarding distance;
  • delivery method;
  • with notice or not;
  • whether it is ordered or not;
  • whether the letter has a certain value.

For letters with an attachment description, it is worth remembering this nuance. Such letters are called "Valuable". This means that upon shipment you will have to pay an additional duty (insurance fee) in the amount of 4% of the declared value. So before evaluating the investment, think carefully about whether you have enough money to pay for the shipment.

By the way, in case of loss of the letter, the insurance fee will not be reimbursed to the sender. You will be refunded only the declared value of the shipment.

Delivery terms

Another question that is often of interest to citizens: As you understand, clarification is also required here. It all depends on where exactly the letter was sent. For example, delivery of correspondence within the same municipality cannot exceed three business days. Well, if you are on the other side of the country, then it will be rather difficult to answer the question of how much a registered letter takes in Russia.

In any case, the Russian Post has certain rules that it must adhere to. So you can often find out at least an approximate delivery time from the branch operator.

In order to send a registered letter with an inventory and notification, you must perform the following steps. First things first, after typing with an appeal, you should put a signature and the current day and month on the approval, as well as make a photocopy of it. The latter must be in your hands to confirm the fact of sending the parcel.

Next, you should pack the parcel in a postal package for further shipment through the office. The front face of the postal package is drawn up according to the following standards: the upper left corner contains information about the addresser (full name is indicated without any abbreviations, the address of the post office and the index of the place of residence), the lower right corner of the postal package must contain information about the recipient ( the name of the organization to which the letter will be received or the full name of the individual / legal entity, index and place of residence).

It is advisable to send a registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt, because in this case you will have the opportunity to find out the exact month of receipt of the parcel, and you will also have all the evidence of its dispatch. In order to send this type of letter, you should pay a visit to the nearest post office.

If you are interested in the question of how to send a registered letter without notification, then this should be decided in a specialized post office. In some situations, performing this operation without notification implies a lot of nuances.

If we talk about how to correctly send a registered letter with a notification of the fact of delivery, then first you need to issue it. Notification forms should be obtained from the teller.

The front face of such a form must contain the type of notification (simple or custom). The reverse side of the form contains the full name. addressee (place of residence and post office index).

Other columns of the notification should be left empty, they are filled in a separate order by the employees of the postal point.

The main advantage of sending a parcel with a notification of the fact of delivery is that immediately after the delivery of the letter to an individual or legal entity, the notification document will be returned directly to your mailbox. It will contain the specific day and month of delivery of the parcel, as well as the signature of the addressee's representative.

Accordingly, the notification of the fact of delivery is proof of who was the sender of the letter, as well as the fact of its delivery. This is critical in cases where the recipient refuses to receive the parcel and does not provide an answer to your application, responds, violating the deadlines that were established by law.

After filling out the form of notification of the fact of delivery, you can send registered parcels.

At this stage, it is specified how much it costs to send a registered letter with a notification. After paying for the services of sending the parcel, you will receive a receipt from the post office employee. It must be kept, as it will confirm the sending of the letter to the government authorities. This is necessary in order to defend oneself in the case of criminal rights in court and similar executive authorities.

It is guaranteed to prove the fact of receipt of the letter by the addressee using a document such as a mail notification of receipt of the letter.
And at the stage (sending a claim, notification), and when considering the case ().

Very often, the obligation to provide proper notice to the counterparty (the second party to the transaction) rests with the sender. In this case, information about what a mail notification of delivery of a letter is, how to send documents correctly is useful.

How to receive a mail notification of delivery of a letter

What do you need to fill out

The acknowledgment of receipt of the letter is a small form with text on both sides. It is necessary to fill in the columns: to whom, address of the recipient. Mark with an X the type of letter (registered, simple, with declared value - when there is an inventory of the attachment, a parcel, a 1st class item, a parcel post).

The address and full name are indicated on the reverse side. (name of organization) sender. So that the mail notification with a mark of delivery is returned to the addressee. In this case, a document with a delivery mark can be returned not to the sender, but to another person. Then the address and information of such a person is indicated.

Return of the mail notification of delivery of the letter

The completed mail notification is checked by a postal employee. On the correctness of the entries on both sides. Then the receipt number is affixed, a stamp is affixed and the sender is charged.

The receipt is given to the sender. If the letter was registered, a track number is affixed to it. Convenient to track. Especially with the prospect and proving the fact of compliance with the pre-trial procedure for going to court.

After the return, the mail notification of delivery of the letter will contain the date of delivery and the signature (with decoding) of the person who received the letter.

Despite the most modern technical means information transfer, mail communication structure for communication and transmission of messages (letters, postcards, telegrams and parcels and parcels) not only has not lost its significance, but has become the most powerful public service Russia.

And it is not surprising that when you come to the post office to send a gift to your relatives, and you specify the method of sending:

  • Registered parcel with the declared value;
  • Shipping first class.

This only confirms that the modern Post service keeps pace with the times and introduces all advanced technologies.

Russian Post uses two basic mandrel formats:

  1. Normal sending, when the sending process is carried out independently by the sender. So you can send letters and postcards by simply dropping them into the nearest mailbox.
  2. Registered departure possible only through post offices. In this case, there are already legal relations between the sender and the mail.

Since the post office assumes full legal and liability. The sending procedure requires sender identification(passport or other identification document).

After the sender fills in the necessary receipts and documents indicating his passport data, he is given a track number, with which you can track the entire path of movement of the sent material.

Situations often arise in life when you need to know one hundred percent that the recipient (addressee) received this or that postal item. Sometimes it is necessary to comply with the legal rules of the legal procedure. postal service Russian Federation assumes full responsibility and provides this service - notification of delivery of letters(hereinafter just a notice).

Until quite recently, such a service could only be used by legal entities, in our time, delivery notification is available for all senders of Russia.

If desired and necessary, at your first request, you will be provided with the opportunity to receive digital legal confirmation notifications of delivery (delivery) of your shipments. Both formats of notices (digital notice and on paper) have the same legal force and can be used as documents in judicial and other bodies.

The digital version of notifications significantly reduces the costs in the work of postal services, employees of legal authorities and departments of enterprises. Notifications in document format can be received by all users of the mail service, simply via the Internet by going to the Russian Post website.

The new leadership of the Russian Post has recently been widely implements the most advanced IT technologies and every day improve the service of providing services to consumers. The official website has become more convenient for working online, you can quickly get all the necessary information.

And since the digital format of the document of notification of receipt (delivery) is official, from the point of view of jurisprudence, a digital electronic signature is required for the procedure for its execution.

For the recipient, this service is free of charge, he is only obliged to confirm the very fact of receiving the item. Payment Notice included in shipping cost and paid by the sender. Using a modern mail service, the sender can be notified of the receipt of the letter by his recipient during the grids.

Since the beginning of this year, in Moscow and the Moscow region, the postal service has connected the possibility of using a digital signature to receive mail, parcels and letters. The service is completely free. The only thing is that in order to use it, you will need to activate this option once at your nearest post office.

So having spent a little of your time, you will each time receive a notification in the form of an SMS about the receipt of a registered letter or parcel at your post office. In addition to SMS messages, your phone number will also receive secret confirmation code.

Upon receipt of your correspondence, you will need to name it to the post office employee.

Test program of the Russian Post on the use of digital technologies when receiving notifications, accelerated processing time correspondence more than five times. This suggests that Russia is waiting for a new technical digital revolution in the field of postal services. In the very near future, every corner of vast Russia will have digital communications to serve all citizens.

Moreover, the Russian Post performs much more services and not only postal, but also financial. In remote areas of the country, people receive the most necessary goods through post offices, and over time this trend will only expand.


You need to buy an envelope suitable for this type of shipment. The post office will tell you which one to choose. It will be necessary to purchase the appropriate brands for it.

Then the letter will be weighed, a barcode and stamps will be glued. When all the necessary procedures are done, you will be given a detailed receipt, which will indicate all payments. To them, the sender's address, the recipient's address, the weight of the letter, the type of departure (for example, 1st, air), the date the letter was received, the barcode number, total amount payment, who received your letter, the signature of the employee. Be sure to check if the receipt is filled out.

The receipt must be paid. After that, you will receive a 14-digit code with which you can track the movement of the letter. You can view its location on the official website of the Russian Post.


If you send a simple letter, the post office does not bear any responsibility for the speed of delivery and the receipt itself. The maximum weight of a registered letter must not exceed 100 g.

Useful advice

Always enter the recipient's index correctly. The absence or misspelling of it often leads to the loss or delay in receiving letters.


  • sending a notification letter

As a rule, registered letters are used to send important documents - various certificates, receipts, notices. Their delivery to the recipient is often extremely important for the sender. The registered order will definitely reach its addressee if it is sent correctly. This is not at all difficult to do, but you need to follow a certain sequence of actions.


So, you have a situation in which you send a custom order. First of all, come to the Russian Post office. It can be either a branch of residence, or residence, or any other. You must have a passport with you in order to verify your identity by postal workers.

Tell the postal staff the reason for your appearance. After that, you will be given an envelope that matches the attachments that you are going to send. Present these attachments to the operator, he will place them in an envelope before your eyes and seal it securely.

Fill out the registration form, in which you need to specify how the letter will be - with or without notification. On the sealed envelope, write the recipient in legible letters, do not forget to indicate the index - without it, delivery will take much longer.

Your letter will be given a unique identification number that will track its movement throughout the country - this number will be marked at each post office through which the letter passes.

After completing all the above steps, you can finally send a registered letter to the addressee, while being quite sure that he will receive it soon.


  • sending registered letters

Most Internet users regularly exchange letters via e-mail. It is very comfortable. Letter comes in in electronic format. Delivered almost instantly. You can send a letter from anywhere the globe where there is internet. Sometimes it is very important to know whether the addressee received the letter, or whether it is necessary to duplicate it several times. Many mail services provide the service to send a letter with notification. This is when the recipient acknowledges receipt of the letter. And you will receive an e-mail notification that the recipient has received the letter. You will learn how to do this in this article.


Further, just above the "to" field there is an item "Show all fields". Click on it with the left mouse button. You will see additional fields to fill out. On the same line with the "file" button, you will see two more items: "important" and "with notification". Put a checkmark in the box with notification". And send a letter.

The addressee, having received the letter, will confirm receipt of the letter. And you will immediately see this confirmation in your mailbox. After that, you will know for sure that your letter has been received and read. By the same principle of writing with notification can be sent to other postal services.


  • how to send email notifications

Custom letter differs from a simple one in that it is assigned an identification number by which you can track its movement to the addressee. This number is recorded at each postal point where the envelope arrives. In case of loss of a letter, you can always find out at what stage the loss occurred.


To send an order letter, you must contact any branch of the Russian Post. There, in a special window, you can issue this departure.

To order letter accepted, present your passport to the post office employee. His data is entered into the database, and if the envelope does not reach the addressee, it will be returned to the sender. In addition to a civil passport, the following are accepted as certificates: - a military ID;
- international passport;
- certificate of a member of the Federation Council or a Deputy of the State Duma;
- resident card;
- Passport or ID card with a visa stamp of the Russian Federation.

Decide if you need an inventory of the letter attachment. This is important when sending multiple documents. When filling out an inventory, contact the postal worker - he will tell you if this is correct, or he will fill out the inventory on his own, for an additional fee.

Be careful when writing the address. Do not forget the postal code and last name of the recipient - these are the most common mistakes when sending. If your letter is sent abroad, keep in mind that other countries may have different address formats. Carefully rewrite streets and cities on foreign language- the employee is unlikely to be able to verify their correctness. Remember - letters with incorrectly written addresses are returned to the sender.

Consider whether you need a letter receipt notice. This is important if you need to know the exact date and time of receipt.

Once again check the completeness of the attachments, the correctness of the address and give the envelope and the letter itself to the postal worker. He will seal the envelope, weigh the letter and tell you the amount you have to pay for postage and Additional services if they were rendered.


Please note that the rules prohibit accepting especially valuable documents, money, credit cards for sending. All these valuables are sent by express delivery - for example, DHL.


  • Official site of the company "Post of Russia"

If you want to be absolutely sure that the addressee of your letter will receive it personally, and at the same time you need to know exactly when this will happen, send letter With notification on delivery (form 119 of the Russian Post). Send from notification you can all types of written correspondence - both simple and. For simple letters, you can also issue an inventory of the attachment or simply declare its value.

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