Is solarium dangerous? Tanning in a solarium: harm or benefit? Safety precautions and useful tips

Encyclopedia of Plants 27.05.2023
Encyclopedia of Plants

You'll be surprised: tanning salons are still popular. People go for artificial tanning for various reasons: to make the skin look rested, to dry out inflammation and to prepare the body for vacation. The radiation in a solarium is different from natural, such a tan does not bring any benefits - and here's why.

Going to a solarium is the same as sunbathing?

Solar radiation is divided into several types: UVA, UVB And UVC. The latter lingers in the atmosphere and does not reach the Earth's surface. UVB rays penetrate the surface layers of the skin and cause burns, and UVA reach deeper layers and cause photoaging, the noticeable effect of which appears only after years. This same radiation is responsible for the development of melanoma. Mainly used in solariums UVA radiation, because it provides rapid darkening of the skin without burns. At the same time, radiation in a solarium on average 10–15 times more intense than natural. That is, 20 minutes under the lamps is equivalent to several hours in the open sun without protection.

I need vitamin D. Will tanning help?

In winter, almost all residents of Russia are deficient in vitamin D, which many people go to the solarium to replenish. But it is synthesized under the influence UVB radiation, which is practically not used in solariums. By the way, UVB rays also do not pass through glass and clouds. In order to get the required amount of vitamin D, you need to be in the open sun for about 15 minutes a day, and the use of sunscreen, according to many studies, has no effect on its synthesis. In conditions of lack of sun, WHO recommends eating foods containing vitamin D: dairy products, fatty fish and egg yolks.

Is it possible to dry acne in a solarium?

Treating acne in a solarium is an extremely common practice, but, unfortunately, it does not work. Light therapy is valid for treating a variety of skin conditions, including mild to moderate acne. But it does not use ultraviolet light, but rays from the visible spectrum, which give a red and blue glow. Scientists have not yet discovered the properties of UVA radiation that are beneficial for human skin. The pleasant effect of tanning is that it masks both the inflammation itself and the traces from it. But this tan will not last long, because UVA rays color the melanin that is already in the skin, without provoking the production of new one. Because of this, trips to the solarium become frequent. Exactly the same, but at the same time safe, effect will be provided by self-tanning, which does not age the skin and does not cause melanoma.

Should you prepare your skin for a vacation at sea?

Another popular practice is to go to a solarium before going on vacation so that the skin gets used to the sun in advance and does not get burned on vacation. The problem is that photodamage is not limited to burns alone: ​​solar radiation damages cells in the superficial and deep layers of the skin, because of this it loses its elasticity and pigment spots appear. That is, the absence of burns does not mean that the skin is protected. In addition, tanning creates protection equivalent to approximately SPF 2-4, while minimal protection starts with SPF 15, and for every day use products with a factor of at least 30.

What now - don’t go to the solarium at all?

Solarium is one of the most, if not the most harmful procedures that are still popular. It is still believed that tanned skin is a sign of health, although in fact everything is exactly the opposite. And if natural solar radiation in limited quantities brings benefits in the form of vitamin D synthesis, then solarium lamps only cause harm to the skin. The Skin Cancer Foundation, for example, that the risk of developing melanoma from visiting a tanning bed is higher than the risk of developing lung cancer from smoking, and people who regularly visit a tanning bed are 75% more likely to develop melanoma. Back in 2012, a study was conducted that compared the skin condition of identical twins. The most striking difference was between sisters Jean and Susan. The first one loved tanning and looked 10 years older than her sister, who did not tan at all.

Getting a little tan before summer is a common desire of many women. A solarium allows us to prepare our body for contact with the sun. Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation from lamps, the pigment melanin is produced in the skin, and it becomes darker - the mechanism is the same as when exposed to ordinary sunlight.

UV rays have some beneficial effects on the body, for example, they stimulate the production of endorphins - joy hormones, which help fight winter depression due to lack of sun. They also activate synthesis and increase. Solarium is also useful for a number of skin diseases, for example, psoriasis. However, excessive use of artificial tanning can undoubtedly be dangerous to health.

How can a solarium be dangerous to your health?

1. Oncological diseases

Ultraviolet radiation can cause skin cell mutations and the formation of malignant tumors. Frequent visits to the solarium and long stays in it increase. Fans of bronze skin suffer from this disease 2-3 times more often than those who are not fond of artificial tanning. It's about the rays - solarium lamps emit the most aggressive waves of the UVA spectrum. People with many moles and those with fair skin are especially at risk.

2. Corneal burn

Ultraviolet radiation can cause burns to the cornea, as well. Never visit a solarium without special glasses. Even closed eyelids cannot completely protect your eyes from UV rays.

3. Age spots

A tendency to pigmentation is a contraindication for visiting a solarium. You need to know that the skin becomes sensitive to sunlight during pregnancy, taking certain medications, and also after using cosmetic peels with acids.

4. Photoaging

UV rays destroy the collagen-elastin framework of the skin and dry it out. As a result, wrinkles are formed. UVA waves penetrate deeper into the skin than other types of ultraviolet radiation, so tanning beds cause photoaging faster than natural tanning.

5. Acne

Solarium worsens the condition of inflamed skin. After the first two or three sessions, you may notice an improvement due to the local anti-inflammatory effect of UV rays. But after three or four visits, they are less responsive to treatment.

6. Psychological problems

There is a psychological dependence on visiting a solarium, called tanorexia. It often occurs in people under 30 years of age. When they miss a session, they feel irritated and angry, and a change in skin tone to a lighter one is perceived as a tragedy.

7. Fungus and bacteria

Solarium cabins are not always treated in accordance with sanitary standards, so microscopic fungi or bacteria can get on the skin, causing skin diseases.

Simple rules for safe tanning in a solarium

It must be remembered that it is better to avoid solariums for people with fair skin and a large number of moles. You can minimize the harm of artificial tanning if you follow simple rules:

  • eyes protect sunglasses with UV filter– simply tinted glass will not work;
  • breasts must be covered with pads to protect breast tissue from aggressive radiation;
  • you need to use special creams or solarium gels - they moisturize and protect the skin, accelerate the appearance of tanning;
  • Remove cosmetics before visiting the solarium, you should also not use skincare products - some of them increase photosensitivity;
  • After a tanning session, the skin needs to be well moisten any cream You should also drink a glass of water or juice.

To achieve results and reduce harm to health, it is recommended do not use a solarium more than 3-4 times a month. The first session should not last more than three minutes.

Ekaterina Kushnir

Illustrations: Anastasia Leman

In many parts of our country the sun is rarely visible. So, in December 2019 it shone in Moscow for only 8 hours.

If you want to tone up your pale skin and stock up on vitamin D, you can go to the solarium near your home. However, you shouldn't do this, and here's why.



How is going to a solarium different from lying on the beach?

Tanning beds and the sun emit similar ultraviolet (UV) light: a lot of UVA and a little UVA.

The difference between a solarium and the sun on the beach is the radiation power. The light from the lamp can be compared to the midday sun in the tropics.

Ultraviolet type A (95% of the light in a solarium) is no joke. I use it in an experiment to create burns on laboratory animals.

Differences between natural and artificial tanning

Why is ultraviolet harmful?

UV rays gradually make the skin dry, rough and wrinkled, and when in contact with the eyes, it can cause inflammation (conjunctivitis) and clouding of the lens (cataracts).

What else is harmful about a solarium? Ultraviolet radiation also damages the DNA molecules of the skin. With repeated visits to the solarium, these damages accumulate, and skin cells can mutate into cancerous ones. The harmful effects of radiation are usually not immediately visible, but take years to appear.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) believes that tanning in solariums has no health benefits and is associated with the risk of the most dangerous skin tumor, melanoma.

Is it possible to dry out acne in a solarium?

Also a bad idea. Tanning masks red-brown acne spots, but light therapy is still not recognized as an effective treatment for them.

Some studies indicate the positive effects of photodynamic therapy. This is when skin treated with special substances that enhance photosensitivity is irradiated with blue, red light, or a combination of them. It doesn't sound like a solarium, you'll agree.

Will a solarium help with psoriasis?

Not again. And in this situation, a solarium only does harm.

Psoriasis and some other skin diseases are treated with other ultraviolet lamps - they emit light with wavelengths specially selected to reduce inflammation and flaking of the skin. Such equipment is expensive and simply cannot be sold. It is installed in hospitals and skin clinics, and the course of treatment can only be completed as prescribed by a doctor.

I can’t give up going to the solarium, what should I do?

You are not alone: ​​there is a real addiction to tanning beds.

It has been established that exposure to ultraviolet radiation increases the release of endorphins - substances that relieve pain and cause pleasant sensations. And this can lead to addiction, the same as from cigarettes, alcohol, gambling and drugs. Many tanning users have reported improved mood and relaxation after tanning.

In a 2006 study, tanning salon patrons were given naltrexone. It blocks endorphins that are formed in the skin under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. It turned out that 50% of frequent visitors to the solarium under naltrexone experienced discomfort, nausea and nervousness (withdrawal syndrome). None of the rare visitors to the solarium showed such signs.

If you feel that you cannot refuse another trip to the solarium:

  • replace tanning with another source of endorphins, for example, sports;
  • contact a psychologist and discuss the problem with him.

If the only thing that matters to you when tanning is skin color, try self-tanning or bronzers.

Video for the curious

Watch the BBC story about people who couldn't give up fake tanning and regretted it

In Russia there are no accurate statistics on the attendance of solariums. But it is in America. It is estimated that almost 30 million people in the United States sunbathe regularly, of which 2.3 million are teenagers. Supporters of tanning beds all over the world vote for dark skin - it’s beautiful and uplifting. Opponents stubbornly repeat that sunbathing under the rays of artificial sun is harmful and dangerous. Who is right?


This vitamin is necessary to maintain immunity, and also affects the state of the nervous system, heart function and blood clotting. It is synthesized under the influence of ultraviolet rays. Recent scientific research confirms that vitamin D deficiency, especially in women, leads to premature aging: early wrinkles appear, dull complexion, and aging occurs earlier. Sessions in artificial sun cabins 2 times a week for 5–7 minutes will help replenish the vitamin deficiency.


According to WHO, lack of sunlight, especially in the autumn-winter period, leads to depression. To avoid this, it is recommended to spend as much time in the sun as possible. Under the influence of ultraviolet rays, endorphins are produced - “pleasure hormones”. All this is especially true for residents of northern regions, where there is an acute shortage of light in winter. In the Scandinavian countries, Siberia and the Arctic, doctors often prescribe solariums and light therapy for prevention and treatment.


Since in a solarium we receive strictly dosed ultraviolet rays, the body adapts to them gradually and without stress. In just a few sessions, the skin acquires a golden hue, and when we finally go on vacation to the sea, we are much less at risk of getting exposed to the southern sun. Of course, this does not eliminate the need to use sunscreen cosmetics on the beach and sunbathe only before 11.00 and after 17.00.


For example, with psoriasis, limited exposure to ultraviolet rays is very useful: often the skin noticeably clears up after just a few sessions. True, in this case, it is not a regular solarium that is recommended first of all, but a course of PUVA therapy - a combined treatment with drugs and long-wave ultraviolet rays (UVA). But when PUVA therapy is completed, a solarium will also come in handy: you can go there after treatment to make the marks of psoriasis invisible.



Expert: Anzhelika Shatrova, Ph.D., dermatologist, chief cosmetologist of the Guthy Renker brand in Russia

Today it has been absolutely proven that solarium causes a kind of drug addiction, like cigarettes and alcohol. This phenomenon was called tanorexia. Characteristic signs: without getting to the next session, a person begins to get nervous, angry, and his mood deteriorates sharply. Adolescents and young people under 30 are especially susceptible to this disorder. Experts are unanimous: tanorexia must be treated, both with psychotherapy and medications.


“The spectrum of rays in a solarium differs from natural solar radiation,” says Dr. Katja Warnke, head of the NIVEA Sun Laboratory in Hamburg. – To quickly achieve a tanning effect, solariums use ultraviolet rays type A (UVA) in high doses. They penetrate into deeper layers of the skin than type B radiation (UVB) and negatively affect elastin and collagen - the main structural proteins of the skin responsible for youthful skin.” As a result, the process of premature aging starts, the risk of wrinkles and the formation of free radicals increases, and the risk of allergic reactions increases.

After many years of research, experts have concluded that the use of ultraviolet lamps increases the risk of melanoma. According to the latest scientific data, 75% of young people under the age of 30 who regularly visit solariums are especially at risk. In addition, scientists from the University of Albany came to the conclusion that frequent visits to the solarium can lead to disorders in a variety of body systems.


If you take hormonal medications, for example, contraceptives, as well as some antibiotics and diuretics, you need to be especially careful with solariums. UVA exposure can cause skin spots to appear very quickly. The same applies to pregnant women: due to hormonal changes in the body, there is a high probability of chloasma - the so-called pigmentation of pregnant women.


Contrary to popular belief, solarium is contraindicated for inflammation and skin rashes. At first, it may seem that it is causing improvement: under the influence of ultraviolet rays, the local immunity of the skin is suppressed, due to which greasiness decreases and inflammation disappears. But this is only a temporary effect: after a few sessions a reverse reaction occurs, acne appears with renewed vigor and is less treatable. Solarium is indicated only after a course of acne therapy to make acne scars less noticeable.


There are still more disadvantages to a solarium than advantages. But who cares if you are tanned or want more sun, even artificial sun, during the long winter. It's like high heels: everyone knows that they are harmful, but no one is going to part with them. The smart way out is to minimize the risk.

First, follow the optimal schedule for visiting the solarium: once a week for 5–7 minutes.

Secondly, be sure to use nipple covers, cover moles, fresh scars or wounds (including tattoos and piercings), as well as areas of skin with pigmentation or spider veins.

Thirdly, sunbathe in protective glasses, cover your hair with a headscarf, and protect your lips with a moisturizing balm.


* Carrot, pumpkin and apricot juices will help make your tan darker and more lasting. To enhance the effect, add 1-2 drops of orange, lemon or tangerine essential oil to a glass. It is better to drink juice before a solarium session.

* Use special cosmetics for solariums, both before and after the session. It activates melanin production and also moisturizes the skin.

Text: Alla Colina

Chocolate skin is the dream of many women, but not everyone has the opportunity to spend time and money on trips to the sea. A solarium is a suitable solution. In just a couple of hours you will get an even tan, and the amount paid for it is not so great. Another plus, suitable for a business woman, is the speed, because often it only takes 10-15 minutes to get tanned skin. However, there are a number of restrictions that must be observed after tanning.

Is it possible to go to the bathhouse/sauna after solarium?

In winter, when the intensity of the sun's rays decreases, many people, like birds, tend to the south to sunbathe and relax. Others prefer solariums. Since it’s cold outside, baths and saunas are not inferior to solariums in popularity, but how exactly can they be combined?

Dermatologists are confident that there is no particular risk in going to the bathhouse after a solarium, because in the latter the temperature of human skin is not greatly affected, which means that additional “sweating” will not affect the person’s condition. However, dermatologists believe that the reverse order (solarium after sauna) is quite dangerous for a person, since by steaming and immersing in water, a person partially washes off his natural protection from UV radiation, which means he risks getting skin irritation or irritation in the solarium. even burns.

Can I wash immediately after tanning or should I wait?

A shower after a solarium is a good thing, but not right away. Wait 2 hours if you only used sunscreen, or 4 hours if you used enhancers such as bronzers and the like.

Unlike a shower after a solarium, you should not arrange water procedures before a solarium. If you rinse in the shower in the morning, then without using scrubs and gels that could damage the natural protection of the skin.

Is it possible to sunbathe during your period?

If we are talking about natural tanning in the sun, then please, but not in the most active phases. A solarium is prohibited, since the rays there are directed and not scattered, as in sunlight. Such a tan can lead to complications and pain.

Is it possible to sunbathe topless?

No, taking off your swimsuit is strictly prohibited. The problem is that it is extremely sensitive to any radiation, which means the risk of skin diseases, including breast cancer, increases.

Can I take my mobile phone with me?

UV radiation and radiation from telephone devices do not interfere with each other in any way. Therefore, it is not forbidden to take a mobile phone with you. Of course, the connection may not be perfect, but this is not due to radiation, but due to the thick walls of the booth.

How often can you sunbathe in a solarium?

If your skin is fair, it is recommended to visit the solarium no more than twice a week until it darkens, then you can reduce the interval and go every other day. The first session should be no more than 3 minutes, after which the time increases, based on the sensitivity of the skin.

Is it possible to get burned in a solarium?

Yes, you can, that’s why you can’t stay there for a long time, otherwise you’ll get burned. Tanning bed burns are no more dangerous than sunburns. Of course, you will have to wait a while until the skin recovers, but there is nothing wrong with that.

Is it possible to sunbathe without glasses?

Not recommended. Sunglasses prevent directed UV rays from reaching your eyes. The retina of the eye is not designed for such a load, if you sunbathe without glasses and open your eyes (and it is quite difficult to keep them closed for a long time in strong light), you risk getting a burn.

Is it possible to sunbathe without cream?

Needed to change the shade or for a quick tan. You may not use the cream during the procedure. However, it is recommended to apply a soothing cream after tanning to help regenerate skin cells. This could be a special cream after solarium or just a moisturizing gel. The main thing is that the substance is not aimed at cleansing the skin: scrubs and cleansing gels can seriously damage sensitive skin.

Appearance of redness

Many girls complain that redness appears after tanning. This is due to the skin's sensitivity to UV rays. If the redness is painful, you are most likely sunburned. In this case, you can use panthenol to speed up skin healing. If the redness is not painful (and there is no discomfort at all), it is likely that you used a cream that stimulates blood circulation. In this case, the redness will go away on its own after some time.

Do I need to use stickini?

Stikini is a nipple-sized sticker to protect the delicate skin of the areola from exposure to ultraviolet radiation. If you have a fairly thick swimsuit, you don’t have to use stikinis, otherwise it is recommended not to risk it and stick them under the swimsuit.

Peeling skin

People with dry skin experience flaking and dry skin after tanning. In this case, it is recommended to use moisturizers after tanning. You can also apply soothing masks or special oils to soften the effects of UV radiation.

Is it possible to visit a solarium with bruises and abrasions?

Of course, if you have been seriously beaten (God forbid!), visiting a solarium is not recommended. This applies to large lesions and skin lesions that occupy a significant surface of the body. In other cases, scratches and bruises do not interfere with visiting the solarium.

Is it possible to sunbathe with a lot of moles?

Doctors do not recommend this practice, since radiation may stimulate growth and/or unhealthy processes in the case of. If you still need to visit a solarium, cover problem areas with a strong protective cream to reduce the risks.

At what age can you sunbathe in a solarium?

You can sunbathe from about three years old. Of course, sun rays do not harm a child even at an earlier age, but a solarium, where UV radiation is directed directly at a person, is not recommended. Also, children have a reduced time spent in the booth, since their skin is more sensitive compared to adults. If possible, try to delay as much as possible the moment when the child needs to go to the solarium. Of course, before a special event, you can make a similar trip, but if there is any possible alternative, refuse to do so in order to reduce the risks.

How long after tanning can you peel?

There are several options for how long you need to wait after a tanning salon. If you are going to do superficial peeling, 2-3 days are enough; for deeper cleansing, it is recommended to wait about a month. In addition, the meaning of a solarium is lost if you immediately “cleanse” your face of it using peeling.

How long after solarium can you sunbathe?

No matter how paradoxical it may sound, you can’t sunbathe after a solarium for about 2 days, since a solarium and sun rays in one day is a huge burden on the skin. Moreover, you will not immediately see a bronze tan on yourself after a solarium; it needs time to fully manifest itself. Such diligence can lead to burns on the skin, not to mention irritation.

Is it possible to visit a solarium while taking antibiotics?

It is forbidden. Some types of antibiotics are not compatible with ultraviolet radiation. This combination may cause skin irritation. After taking a course of antibiotics, you need to wait about 7-10 days so that the substances are completely eliminated from the body and do not interact with UV rays. For more effective cleansing, it is recommended to drink more liquid.

Is it possible to get heatstroke?

If you visit a professional solarium, special channels must be installed in the booths to remove heat. Heat stroke occurs not due to radiation, but due to overheating, so in a solarium the risk of getting a stroke is minimal.

Is it possible to use certain products to increase the intensity of tanning?

You can, of course, eat more foods containing vitamin D, but it is far from certain that they will greatly affect the intensity. However, you can make your tan more yellowish (reddish) by taking more vitamin C, either natural (carrots) or artificial (vitamins/pills).

Is it possible to visit a solarium during pregnancy and lactation?

During pregnancy, visiting a solarium is not prohibited, but it is not recommended. The skin is more sensitive during this period, so UV rays may not have the same effect that the mother experienced when in contact with them previously. During lactation, you can sunbathe, but not with your breasts exposed (in a swimsuit, not even in a swimsuit), as some doctors believe that the composition of milk may change under the influence of UV radiation.

Yes maybe. A person is in a supine position, in one position for quite a long time.

The temperature is slightly elevated, so people with a tendency to hypertension experience an increase in blood pressure.

Is it possible to have an allergy?

There is a disease called photodermatitis. Photodermatitis occurs due to increased sensitivity of the skin to sunlight (UV radiation), and is therefore also known as “sun allergy”. In this case, the allergy manifests itself in the form of blisters, redness, peeling or itching. Typically, such diseases are detected at an early age, so manifestations of the disease in a solarium are unlikely.

Before and after solarium

Despite all the restrictions, very few solarium visitors fall into these categories, and the result encourages more and more girls to get a bronze tan in a similar way.

What you can and cannot do after visiting a solarium was last modified: February 4, 2020 by MaximB

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