Summary of the story Gogol's terrible revenge. Terrible revenge characterization of the image of the Sorcerer (father, brother Koprian, Antichrist)

Encyclopedia of Plants 24.09.2019
Encyclopedia of Plants

Year of publication of the book: 1831

Work " Terrible revenge» Gogol was first published in 1831 in one of the periodicals. The story is included in the popular collection of one of the most titled "Evenings on a farm near Dikanka". Based on the work "Terrible Revenge" in 1988, an animated film of the same name was shot.

The story "Terrible revenge" summary

In the story "Terrible Revenge" by Gogol, we can read that the wedding of an old Cossack Yesaul by the name of Gorobets is taking place in Kyiv. Gathered at the festival a large number of people, among whom the named brother of the Yesaul - Danila Burulbash, together with his wife Katerina, who came from the farm. By the end of the noisy celebration, Gorobets brings two huge old-fashioned icons from home, with which he wants to bless the young for a happy family life. Suddenly, strange screams begin to be heard from the assembled crowd. The fact is that from the sight of the icons one of the Cossacks suddenly turned into an evil sorcerer with a huge hump on his back. The guests believed that such evil spirits could inflict a curse, which would make the lives of all those present miserable. However, holy icons and prayers help the captain to drive the sorcerer as far as possible.

If we read a summary in the story “Terrible Revenge”, we will find out that after the wedding celebration came to an end, all the guests began to go home. Danila, together with his wife Katerina, sailed along the Dnieper, thinking about the sorcerer who suddenly appeared. When their boat almost reached the farm, Danila saw a tall and gloomy castle, around which there was an old cemetery. Sailing past him, the Cossacks notice three dead men who break out of the grave with heart-rending cries, and then suddenly disappear. All this haunts Burulbash also because he is suspicious of Katerina's father, who is visiting him. The old man appeared unexpectedly and looked rather suspicious, was withdrawn and sullen and had little resemblance to real Cossacks.

The next morning after returning from Kyiv, the father of his wife approached Danila and began to inquire why the young people were at the wedding for so long. The conversation turned to raised voices, and the men began to quarrel among themselves. In a fit of anger, Danila told his father-in-law that he was not a true Christian because he did not attend church. The skirmish ends with a saber fight and further wounding of Burulbash. Watching this whole picture, Katerina cannot hold back her tears. She asks the men to stop the quarrel and make peace with each other.

In the story “Terrible Revenge”, the summary tells that on the same night Katerina sees a terrible dream in which her father turns into that sorcerer whom everyone saw at a wedding in Kyiv. In a dream, an old man persuades a young girl to leave her family and marry him. The next morning Katerina tells everything to her husband. He is distrustful of the words of his wife, but remembers all his suspicions about his father-in-law. When dinner time comes, Burulbash notices that the guest does not eat anything from what is on the table. He refuses dumplings and pork, using only some strange liquid that he constantly carries with him. Several hours pass, and Danila sees that a light is on in the old mysterious castle. He takes his comrade with him and goes to the light. On the way, they notice Katerina's father walking in the same direction. The old man swims across the Dnieper and quickly finds himself not far from the castle. Young Cossacks climb the highest tree and watch the room in which the light is on. It was then in the story "Terrible Revenge" by Gogol, as in, that the real devilry begins. Through the window, they see how Danila's father-in-law turns into that same sorcerer. The old man utters a spell, after which Katerina's soul appears in the room. She begins to ask the sorcerer why he took the life of her mother and when he will stop his atrocities. After what they saw, Danila and his friend quickly descend from the tree and head towards the farm.

In Gogol's Terrible Revenge, the summary describes that, having returned home, Burulbash told his wife about everything that had happened to him that evening. It turns out that it was this room that Katerina herself saw in her dream. Now the spouses are sure that their guest is not only an apostate, but also the same devilry that harms all living things. Enlisting the help of his comrades, Burulbash was able to twist his father-in-law and imprison him in the basement. The man thinks for a long time about how exactly to deal with the sorcerer, and decides to execute the old man tomorrow.

Meanwhile, the villain himself is thinking about how to find a way out of this situation. He notices Katerina walking past him and decides to ask his daughter to release him and set him free. The girl cannot believe in the words of her father, but he claims that if she grants him the will, he will go to the monastery and will atone for all his sins until the end of his life. Katerina succumbs to the words of the old man, and lets him out of the basement, after which she immediately faints. As soon as the girl comes to her senses, she realizes that her father has run away. She does not want to tell anyone that she released him, because she is afraid of the wrath of the Cossacks.

Meanwhile, not far from the Danila farm, there is a whole camp of Poles. All this time they wait in ambush and plan to attack the land of the Cossacks. Without even suspecting that the enemy is so close, Danila feels some confusion and approaching death. He talks with Katerina, recalling all his battles and victories and asks, in the event of his death, to take care of their son. Suddenly, his servant bursts into the house of Burulbash, who tells about the approach of the enemy. Danila organizes a detachment of Cossacks and goes to the battlefield. Despite being seriously wounded, he enthusiastically fought with the enemy. But unexpectedly, an old sorcerer appeared on a nearby hill, who killed his son-in-law with a shot. Katerina, with tears in her eyes, runs out of the house and clings to the body of her dead husband. The situation is saved by Yesaul Gorobets, who just arrived in time to help.

After the death of his son-in-law, the sorcerer goes to the banks of the Dnieper. There he finds a small dugout and begins to cast his spells. As a result, he sees a man's face, which horrifies the old man and makes him scream in fear.

If the story "Terrible Revenge" is read in full, then we learn that Katerina arrives in Kyiv and tells the captain about her terrible dreams, in which the sorcerer asks to marry him, threatening to kill her son. Gorobets promises the widow that he will protect her child with all his might, but on the same night the boy is found stabbed to death in his cradle.

Katerina cannot stand the double loss and falls into unconsciousness. She wanders recklessly through the forests and sings mournful songs about the Cossacks. The next morning, an unfamiliar young man arrives at the farm to the widow, who introduces himself as a friend of the late Danila. He tells her that he made an agreement with Burulbash that he would marry Katerina in the event of her husband's death. During the conversation, the girl even begins to come to her senses, but she immediately realizes that in front of her is not a friend of her murdered husband, but an old sorcerer. Katerina grabs a knife and wants to kill her father, but he manages to quickly disappear.

That same evening, something unexpected happened - a complete picture of all the lands opened in Kyiv, including the majestic Carpathian Mountains. At their top stood a horseman whom the sorcerer recognizes. It was this face that appeared to him in the dugout during the casting of spells. Terrified, the old man quickly grabs his horse and goes to atone for his sins to the schemer. However, he refuses to confess the sorcerer and says that it is impossible to atone for his sins. The villain, in a rage, kills the hermit and tries to escape to the Crimea, but the horse rushes him directly to the rider on the top of the mountain. The strange spirit that appeared to the sorcerer grabs him and throws him into the abyss. Suddenly, the dead appear, who have an outward resemblance to Katerina's father. Enraged, they surround the sorcerer and begin to eat him. At that time, one of the dead cannot get out of the ground nearby, who is forced to gnaw on himself.

The story "A Terrible Vengeance" on the Top Books website

Gogol's story "Terrible Revenge" is popular to read in our time, especially thanks to the latest film adaptation of the book. This allowed the story to get into ours, as well as into. And given the fairly stable interest in the work "Terrible Revenge", we will see her more than once among, although not in such high positions.

You can read Gogol's story "Terrible Revenge" online on the Top Books website.

Yesaul Gorobets once celebrated the wedding of his son in Kyiv, to which many people gathered, Only the old Katherine's father, who had recently returned after a twenty-year absence, did not come with them. Everything was dancing when the captain brought out two wonderful icons to bless the young. Then a sorcerer opened up in the crowd and disappeared, frightened by the images. Danilo returns at night along the Dnieper with his household to the farm. Katerina is frightened, but her husband is not afraid of the sorcerer, but the Poles, who are going to cut off the path to the Cossacks, he thinks about this, sailing past the old sorcerer's castle and the cemetery with the bones of his grandfathers. However, crosses are tottering in the cemetery and, one more terrible than the other, the dead appear, pulling their bones to the very month.
Consoling his awakened son, Pan Danilo gets to the hut. His hut is small, not roomy for his family and for ten selected fellows. The next morning a quarrel broke out between Danilo and his gloomy, absurd father-in-law. Danilo was wounded, but if not for the pleas and reproaches of Katerina, he would have fought further. The Cossacks reconciled. Katerina soon tells her husband her vague dream, as if her father is a terrible sorcerer.
After dinner, during which the father-in-law disdains dumplings, and pork, and a burner, in the evening Danilo leaves to scout around the old sorcerer's castle. Climbing up an oak tree to look out the window, he sees a witch's room, lit by God knows what, with wonderful weapons on the walls and flickering bats. The father-in-law who enters begins to tell fortunes, and his whole appearance changes: he is already a sorcerer in filthy Turkish attire. He summons Katerina's soul, threatens her and demands that Katerina love him. Shocked by what has opened, Danilo returns home, wakes up Katerina and tells her everything. Katerina renounces her apostate father. In Danila's basement, in iron chains, a sorcerer sits for conspiring with the Poles. But, promising to start a righteous life, the sorcerer asks Katerina to let him go and thereby save his soul. Fearing her act, Katerina releases it. As expected, Poles run in innumerable clouds, set fire to huts and steal cattle. Pan Danilo fights bravely, but the bullet of the sorcerer who appears on the mountain overtakes him. In the dugout, the sorcerer casts spells, but not Katerina's soul appears to him, but someone uninvited; although he is not terrible, but terrifying. Katerina, waking up from a dream, finds her son dead and goes crazy. A certain guest arrives, asking Danila, mourns him, wants to see Katerina, talks to her for a long time about her husband and, it seems, introduces her to her mind. But she recognizes her father and rushes to him with a knife. The sorcerer himself kills his daughter.
Behind Kyiv, “an unheard-of miracle appeared”: “suddenly it became visible far to all corners of the world” - and the Crimea, and the swampy Sivash, and the land of Galich, and the Carpathian Mountains with a gigantic rider on the peaks. The sorcerer, who was among the people, flees in fear, for he recognized in the rider an uninvited face that appeared to him during divination. Night terrors pursue the sorcerer, and he turns to Kyiv, to the holy places. There he kills the holy schemer, who did not undertake to pray for such an unheard-of sinner. Now, wherever he rules the horse, he moves to the Carpathian mountains. Here the motionless rider opened his eyes and laughed. And the sorcerer died, and, dead, he saw the dead rising from Kyiv, from the Carpathians, from the land of Galich, and the rider was thrown into the abyss, and the dead stuck their teeth into him. King Stepan with Turchin and the Cossack brothers Ivan caught the Turkish pasha and shared the royal award with his brother. But the envious Peter pushed Ivan with his baby son into the abyss. After the death of Peter, God allowed Ivan himself to choose the execution for his brother ... And he cursed all his offspring and predicted that the last of his kind would be an unprecedented villain, and when he was finished, Ivan would appear from the failure on a horse and overthrow him into an abyss, and all his grandfathers will be drawn from different parts of the earth to gnaw on him, but Petro will not be able to rise and will gnaw on himself. God marveled at the cruelty of the execution, but decided what to do according to that.
In short, Gogol explained the cause of earthquakes in the Carpathians))) 8 years ago


Tale (1832)

Sorcerer (father, brother Koprian, Antichrist) - a hero who combines the negative features of all the negative characters of the "Evenings" cycle. The sorcerer is Gogol's first attempt to portray the Antichrist. In this attempt, Gogol relied on the novelistic experience of the German romantics (the alchemist in L. Tieck's "Glass", the child-killer in his "Charms of Love") and their Russian epigones (the image of the demonic villain Bruno von Eisen in the story by A. A. Bestuzhev (Marlinsky) "Castle Eisen", 1827). At the end of the story, the image of K. receives a “mythological” interpretation in the spirit of the same L. Tick (short story “Pietro Apone”) and the folk cosmogony of the Bogumil sectarians; The "German" image of the main character-villain is woven into the stylistic pattern of Ukrainian song folklore.

Something dubious is present in the appearance of K. from the very beginning. After many years of wandering, having returned from there, “where there are no churches”, he lives in the family of his daughter Katerina and her husband Danila Burulbash, a Zaporozhian. Vagrancy is a sign of rootlessness; homelessness is an attribute of demonism. K. smokes an overseas cradle, does not eat dumplings, pork, prefers "Jewish noodles" to them. The fact that he does not drink vodka finally convinces Burulbash that his father-in-law "seems not to believe in Christ either."

K., with her husband alive, tries to control her daughter - and even tries to kill her son-in-law in a duel; when he kisses Katerina, his eyes burn with a strange brilliance. The allusion to incest, the lawless passion of the father for his daughter, is transparent; he finally clears up in Katerina's nightmare. She dreams that her father is the same werewolf Cossack whom she and her husband saw at the Kyiv wedding of Yesaul Gorobets (the story begins with this episode): when the young were blessed with icons from the hermit of the elder Bartholomew, which had a special "protective power", this Cossack had a nose grew to the side, his eyes turned green instead of brown, his lips turned blue as hell, and he himself was transformed from a young man into an old man, so that everyone screamed in horror: K. is back again! In the dream, K. tries to seduce Katerina: “Look at me,<...>I'm good<...>I will be your glorious husband...” The exposition is over: the plot is tied up.

But it turns out that Katerina, having woken up, remembers far from everything that her soul saw in the realm of sleep. The next night, Pan Danilo sneaks into the old castle on dark side Dnieper, where the Poles (in the world of "Evenings" the Poles are always Together with the devil) are going to build a fortress on the way of the Cossacks; through the window, he sees his father-sorcerer, changing his appearance, exactly as the “Kyiv” Cossack werewolf changed his. K. is wearing a wonderful hat with “a letter not in Polish and not in Russian” (that is, with “kabbalistic” signs of the Hebrew alphabet or Arabic-Muslim script; both are equally bad); bats fly in the room, instead of images on the walls - "terrible faces". Through the transparent layers of "astral" light (blue, pale gold, then pink) a figure passes, white as a cloud - this is the soul of the sleeping Katerina. Danilo learns something that his wife will not be able to remember after waking up: her father once stabbed her mother; Katerina, he is trying to "replace" the murdered wife. The next morning, Burulbash tells Katerina with horror that through her he became related to the Antichrist tribe; alas, he is right, but he does not yet guess what price he will have to pay for this relationship.

The plot of K. is moving towards its climax. As time passes, the antichrist father finds himself in prison, in chains; for conspiring with Catholics, a cauldron of boiling water awaits him or skinning. Witchcraft spells are powerless against the walls built by the once "holy schemer". ( symbolic image The “scheme”, endowed with prayer power over dark forces, constantly appears in the stories of the cycle.) But Katerina, succumbing to the false persuasions of K. (who begs to grant time for the atonement of sins - “for the sake of the unfortunate mother”!), Lets her father out of prison. And although Danilo Burulbash decides that the sorcerer himself slipped out of the chains, the “ideological betrayal” of the wife to her husband has already taken place; although the father does not receive power over the daughter's body, his power over her soul overpowers her husband's power. This means that some kind of incorporeal "anti-Christ" possession of her will is nevertheless accomplished. The false climax portends the imminent denouement of Burulbash's storyline.
Even if the father does not replace him in the marital bed, but on the other hand he "forces" him out of life.

Katerina's "apostasy" brings damage to the Zaporozhye world, violates its internal unity: in Ukraine there is no more order, there is no "head"; Danilo, who has long foreseen his imminent death, dies in the battle with the Poles. However, even K. cannot triumph: the trizna, which the Cossacks perform over Burulbash, restores, as it were, the unity that was lost. The sin of the wife is washed away by the sacrificial blood of the husband, and through the clouds the miraculous face of the “wonderful head” looks at the “Antichrist”. The riddle of this image will be explained in the epilogue. In the meantime, K. is trying to complete the villainous work that has begun; appears in dreams to Katerina, who, together with the baby, moved to Kyiv, to Yesaul Gorobets; K. threatens her daughter to kill her son if she does not marry her father - and in the end kills an innocent child. This is the second climax.

K.’s “persistence” is explained not so much by his sinful lust as by the global “anti-Christ” goal: having completely taken possession of his daughter, mystically destroy the natural ties that reign in the world. Destroying them, you can completely destroy the already weakened Cossack brotherhood, the Orthodox army; for as long as Ukraine holds the defense against the "Polyakhs" - evil cannot triumph on earth. But the closer K. is to his goal, the closer he is to his own death. Once again, a mysterious “out-of-plot” image appears on the pages of the story: a hero horseman of inhuman growth, galloping into the Carpathians on a black horse and falling asleep on a mountain top. This image exudes an incomprehensible threat for K., who, under the guise of “brother Kopryan” in a red zhupan, reminiscent of the “red scroll” of the devil in the “Sorochinsky Fair”, comes to Kyiv, to the distraught Katerina, in order to deceive her away.

But madness only sharpens the daughter's spiritual sensitivity; her soul, acting now apart from her mind, recognizes its tormentor; the blood of her husband and son finally atones for Katerina's criminal weakness; the integrity of the world restored; The coming of the Antichrist has not yet taken place. K. is doomed; at the moment of the second climax, his storyline goes through the stage of denouement.

Now nothing will help K.; even the murder of the “holy schemer”, who refused to pray for the soul of a terrible sinner, looks more like a gesture of despair than a sign of omnipotence. (Although in itself, and even near the “holy places” of Kyiv, this murder testifies to the transcendent mystical power of the “antichrist”.) Wherever K. directs his horse, he gallops in one and only direction: to the Carpathian mountains, where the Great Horseman is waiting for him to kill and throw the bodily revived soul into the abyss, where the teeth of the dead will forever gnaw at K.

K. dies "instantly" and immediately opens his eyes after death, without resurrecting at the same time. The same thing happens with the plot of the story: it ends, exhausts itself (the punishment is commensurate with the crimes), and immediately continues on. This "animated plot" finally deciphers the mythological background of the legendary events; the reason for the hatred of the “antichrist” for the Orthodox brotherhood, unity, and pathological attraction to his daughter becomes clear. K. is the last man in the family, the beginning of which was laid by Judas-Petro, who betrayed the great brotherhood out of envy of glory and killed Ivan, with whom they had “everything in half”. For this, Ivan begged from God that the last in the family of Petro be such a villain as never before in the world, and that he, Ivan, would throw this villain into the abyss, where the dead gnaw at each other, and rejoice, looking at his torment. God agrees, but "dooms" Ivan to sit "eternally on his horse", enjoying a terrible revenge, but not having the kingdom of heaven. (The lunar reflection of this lonely figure falls on the figure of Pontius Pilate in the novel by M. A. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita"; Yu. N. Tynyanov pointed to the plot-semantic projection of the images of the story in "The Mistress" by F. M. Dostoevsky.)

Evil is punished; good does not prevail. The heroes of the myth that crowns the legend of K., “the old story” — such a genre definition was given to the story at the first publication — link together the apocryphal version of the biblical story about Cain and Abel with the Bogumil cosmogony, in which the apostle Peter is often identified with Judas, and the apostle John the Theologian (inseparable from John the Baptist) — with God himself. All this is superimposed on the background of the German romantic tradition, from Schiller's The Robbers to L. Thicke's novel Pietro Apone. In this mythological "offshoot" of the plot, K. instantly turns from the main character into a secondary character, an indirect participant in the plot, who does not and cannot have a denouement.

Terrible revenge

The end of Kyiv is noisy and thundering - this is Yesaul Gorobets celebrating the wedding of his son. The named brother of the Yesaul, Danilo Burulbash, also arrived with his wife Katerina and a one-year-old son. But everyone was surprised that her old father came with her. He left his wife and daughter, and only returned after twenty-one years. The wife was no longer alive, the daughter was married. The father settled with the Burulbash. He did not say anything about where he was during those years.

The guests at the wedding had fun, drank a lot, but when the captain raised the icons to bless the young, Katerina’s father’s whole face changed: “the nose grew and leaned to the side, instead of brown, green eyes jumped, the lips turned blue, the chin trembled and sharpened like a spear , a fang ran out of his mouth, a hump rose from behind his head, and an old Cossack became ..

It's him! This is it - shouted in the crowd, closely clinging to each other.

The sorcerer has reappeared! mothers shouted, grabbing their children in their arms.

Majestically and dignifiedly, the captain stepped forward and said in a loud voice, setting up icons against him:

Get lost, the image of Satan, there is no place for you here! And, hissing and clicking like a wolf with his teeth, the wonderful old man disappeared.

The young ones asked "What kind of sorcerer?", And the old ones said "There will be trouble!"

The wedding feasted until late at night. And at night, on an oak (hollowed boat), the Burulbashi set off home across the Dnieper. Katerina was gloomy, she was upset by the stories about the sorcerer. And Danilo told her:

It’s not so scary that he’s a sorcerer, as it’s scary that he’s an unkind guest. What a whim came to him to drag himself here?

Danilo promised Katerina to burn the old sorcerer, and then showed her the cemetery, past which they sailed, and said that unclean grandfathers lie and rot the sorcerer there. When the oak turned and began to hold on to the wooded bank, a call and shouts were heard. The rowers in horror pointed to the cemetery:

“The cross on the grave staggered and a dried-up dead man quietly rose from it. A beard to the waist; on the fingers the claws are long, even longer than the fingers themselves. He quietly raised his hands up. It's heartbreaking for me! Stuffy!" he groaned in a wild, inhuman voice. His voice, like a knife, scratched his heart, and the dead man suddenly went underground. Another cross staggered and a dead man came out ... The third cross staggered ... Terribly he stretched his arms up, as if wanted to get a month, and screamed as if someone had begun to saw his yellow bones ...

The child, sleeping in Katerina's arms, screamed and woke up. The lady herself screamed. The rowers dropped their hats into the Dnieper. Pan himself shuddered.

Don't be afraid, Katherine! Look, there's nothing! he said, pointing around. “This sorcerer wants to frighten people so that no one gets to his unclean nest ... Listen, Katerina, it seems to me that your father does not want to live in harmony with us.”

So they got to the grandfather's mansions of Pan Danil. And the farm stands between two mountains, in a narrow valley descending to the Dnieper itself.

The next morning, Katerina's father appeared in the house and they began a quarrel with Burulbash, and then a duel. They fought first with knives, and then with muskets. The sorcerer-father wounded Danila.

Father! cried Katerina, embracing and kissing him. - Do not be inexorable, forgive Danila: he will not upset you more!

For you only, my daughter, I forgive! he answered, kissed her, and his eyes flashed strangely. Katerina shuddered a little: both the kiss and the strange glint of her eyes seemed strange to her. She leaned on the table, on which Pan Danilo was bandaging his wounded hand, rethinking what he had done badly and not in a Cossack way, asking for forgiveness, not being guilty of anything.

The next day, Katerina woke up and told Danil that she had a dream: that her father was the same freak that they saw at the Yesaul's wedding, and he told her that he would be a glorious husband for her. Danilo also suspected that Katerina's father did not even believe in God. My father came to dinner and left.

In the evening, Danilo sits and writes, while he looks out the window. There was an old castle on the cape of the Dnieper, and it seemed to Danil that fire flashed in its windows, and then the boat sailing across the Dnieper turned black, and again the light flashed in the castle. Danila decided to swim to the castle with his faithful Cossack Stetsek, and Katerina asked to lock her with the child in the bedroom with a key.

They got to the castle, hid it in a thorn bush, and then Danilo climbed a tall oak tree under the window and that's what he found out.

It was Katerina's father in the castle, then he became like a sorcerer from the wedding, then the sorcerer became like a Turk in clothes. And Katerina appeared next to him, but somehow completely transparent, and her legs did not stand on the ground, but seemed to hang in the air. Danilo learned from his father's conversation with Katerina that the sorcerer had killed Katerina's mother. Then the woman asked the sorcerer where his Katerina was. And Danilo realized that this is the soul of Katerina, who knows a lot that she herself does not know. And Katerina's father wants to take her as his wife, that's why he came back here. He is sure that Katerina will love him. But Katerina's soul answered the sorcerer in this way:

Oh, you are a monster, not my father! she moaned. - No, it won't be your way! True, you took with your impure charms the power to call out the soul and torment it; but God alone can make her do what he pleases. No, Katerina will never, as long as I stay in her body, decide on a ungodly deed. father close Last Judgment! If you were not my father, and then you would not have forced me to cheat on my beloved, faithful husband.

Danilo understood everything. When he returned and woke Katerina in the room, she began to tell him her dream. But Danilo told her everything he saw, and it turned out to be Katerina's dream, only she did not remember everything in it.

The Antichrist has the power to summon the soul of every person... If I had known that you had such a father, I would not have married you, I would have abandoned you and would not have taken sin upon my soul, becoming related to the Antichrist tribe.

Danilo! - said Katerina, covering her face with her hands and sobbing, - am I to blame for what before you? ..

Don't cry, Katerina, I know you now and I won't leave you for anything. The sins are all on your father.

No, don't call him my father! He is not my father. God knows, I renounce him, renounce my father.

Danilo planted the sorcerer in a deep basement and put him in chains, but he is not sitting for witchcraft, but for secret betrayal, for collusion with the enemies of the Orthodox Russian land. He wanted to sell the Ukrainian people to Catholics and burn christian churches everywhere. He only has one day left to live. He persuaded Katerina, begged, swore that he would repent. Katerina opened the basement lock to save the future Christian soul, and released her father.

On the border road, the Poles feast in a tavern. They did not come together for a good cause. You can hear what they are saying about the Zadneprovsky farm of Pan Danil, about his beautiful wife ...

He senses Pan Danilo's near death and asks Katerina not to leave her son. Soon the fun went over the mountains. The Poles and Cossacks fought for a long time. And I noticed Danilo's father Katerina among the Poles. He drove the horse straight to him ... They killed Danila, Katerina is being killed over his body. And Yesaul Gorobets is already making his way to help.

"The Dnieper is wonderful in calm weather, when it rushes freely and smoothly through forests and mountains full of its waters. It will not rustle or thunder. You look and do not know whether its majestic width is moving or not, and it seems that it is all poured out of glass, and as if a blue mirror road, without measure in width, without end in length, flies and winds through the green world. It is then a pleasure for the hot sun to look around from above and plunge the rays into the cold glassy waters and the coastal forests brightly light up in the waters. Green-haired! They crowd together with wild flowers to the waters and, bending down, look into them and do not look enough, and do not stop admiring their bright sign, and smile at him, and greet him, nodding their branches.

In the middle of the Dnieper, they do not dare to look: no one, except for the sun and the blue sky, looks into it. A rare bird will fly to the middle of the Dnieper. Lush! It has no equal river in the world.

The Dnieper is also wonderful on a warm summer night, when everything falls asleep - both man, and beast, and bird; and God alone majestically surveys the sky and the earth and majestically shakes the robe. Stars are falling from the robe. The stars are burning and shining over the world, and all at once resound in the Dnieper. All of them are held by the Dnieper in its dark bosom. None will escape him; unless it goes out in the sky. The black forest, humiliated by sleeping crows, and anciently broken mountains, hanging down, are trying to close it even with their long shadow - in vain! There is nothing in the world that could cover the Dnieper.

Blue, blue, he walks in a smooth flood and in the middle of the night, as in the middle of the day; visible as far as the human eye can see. Basking and clinging to the shores from the night cold, it gives a silver stream by itself; and it flashes like the band of a Damascus saber; and he, blue, fell asleep again.

Wonderful and then the Dnieper, and there is no river equal to it in the world! When the blue clouds move like mountains across the sky, the black forest staggers to the root, the oaks crackle and lightning, breaking between the clouds, will illuminate the whole world at once - then the Dnieper is terrible!

Gogol, Nikolai Vasilyevich 69 Water hills rumble, hitting the mountains, and with a shine and a groan they run back, and cry, and fill in the distance.

The sorcerer returned to the dugout after Danil's funeral and began to boil some herbs with evil. And then he became motionless, with his mouth open, not daring to move, and his hair rose like bristles on his head. And in front of him in the cloud shone someone's wonderful face, uninvited, uninvited. He had never seen him in his entire life. And an overwhelming fear came over him. The cloud disappeared, and the sorcerer turned white as a sheet, cried out in a wild voice and knocked over the pot.

Katerina moved with the child to the Yesaul in Kyiv. She had a dream that the sorcerer promised to kill her child. Katerina blames herself mercilessly for releasing the sorcerer then and calling on everyone such a disaster. Everyone went to bed, it became quiet. Suddenly Katerina screamed and jumped up in the middle of her sleep. The others woke up behind her. She rushed to the cradle and petrified with fear: in the cradle lay an inanimate child. Everyone was horrified at the unheard-of villainy.

Katerina went crazy with her mind, returned to her hut, does not want to hear about Kyiv, and from morning until late in the evening she wanders through the dark oak forests, runs around with her knife and looks for her father.

In the morning some stately guest arrived, introduced himself as a colleague of Burulbash, told how he fought with him, and began to ask Katerina. Katerina came and seemed not to understand his speeches, and finally, as it were, came to her senses and began to listen, as if she were reasonable. When the guest spoke about Danila, as if almost a brother and conveyed to everyone Danila's testament: "Look, brother Kop-ryan: when, by the will of God, I will not be in the world, take a wife to you, and let her be your wife ..."

Katherine glared at him terribly. "Ah!" she cried, "it's him! It's the father!" - and rushed at him with a knife.

"Koprian fought with her for a long time, trying to snatch the knife from her. Finally he pulled it out, swung it - and a terrible thing happened: the father killed his crazy daughter." The Cossacks rushed at him, but he jumped on his horse and disappeared from sight.

And then on the Carpathian Mountains, at the very top, a man on horseback began to appear in a knight's harness, with his eyes closed, and he was visible to everyone as if he were standing nearby. Among the people there was a sorcerer, as he saw that knight, he jumped on a horse and galloped straight to Kyiv to the holy places ... He galloped to one very old schemer and began to ask him to pray for a lost soul. But the schemnik called him "an unheard of sinner" and refused to pray. Then the rider killed the schemnik, and he himself rushed to Kanev, from there, through Cherkasy, thinking to get to the Tatars in the Crimea. But no matter how hard I tried to choose the road, for some reason I always went the wrong way. And the road led him back to the Carpathian mountains. The Horseman descended straight from the cloud, he grabbed the sorcerer with one hand and lifted him straight into the air. The sorcerer died instantly. Once again the knight laughed and threw the body of the sorcerer into the abyss.

"The Dnieper is wonderful in calm weather ...". All of us at school were forced to memorize this passage from Gogol. However, not everyone remembers what work it is from. Let's not torment the reader and say that this is an excerpt from the story "Terrible Revenge". "The Dnieper is wonderful in calm weather ..." - with these words, the 10th chapter of this work begins. That is what we will talk about today.

The story that interests us in 1831 was created by Gogol. "Terrible revenge", the summary of which interests us, is included in the collection, which the author called "Evenings on a farm near Dikanka". The work begins as follows.

Danila's wedding

In Kyiv, once Yesaul Gorobets celebrated the wedding of his son. Many people gathered for it, including Danilo Burulbash, the brother of the owner, with Katerina, his young wife, and little son. Only Katerina's father, an old man who recently returned home after a 20-year absence, did not come to the wedding. When the owner brought out 2 icons to bless the young, everyone danced. A sorcerer suddenly appeared in the crowd and disappeared, frightened by the images.


Along the Dnieper at night, Danilo returns to the farm with his family and relatives. Katerina is frightened, but her husband is not afraid of the sorcerer. He is afraid of the Poles, who may cut off their path to the Cossacks. All his thoughts are on that as they pass the old sorcerer's castle and then sail past the graveyard. Meanwhile, crosses are shaking in the cemetery. Terrible dead appear from the graves. They stretch their bony hands towards the moon.

Quarrel between Danila and father-in-law

Here, at last, the newlyweds with their relatives return home, but the hut cannot accommodate a large family. Danilo and his absurd, gloomy father-in-law quarrel in the morning, it came to muskets and sabers. Danilo was wounded from Gogol's story, only the plea of ​​Katerina, who mentioned her little son, kept him from continuing the fight, and the Cossacks reconciled.

Who is the real father of Katerina?

Katerina soon told her husband her dream. She dreamed that her father was that terrible sorcerer. Danila does not like the foreign habits of his father-in-law, he suspects a non-Christ in him. However, we note, describing the plot of the story, that her husband is most worried about the Poles at this time, about which Gorobets again warns.

In the evening, Danilo goes on reconnaissance to the sorcerer's castle. He climbs an oak tree, looks out the window and sees a room lit by some unknown source. Terrible things are described further by Gogol ("Terrible Revenge"). Summary their next. The father-in-law appears and begins to conjure. Here his appearance changes, he turns into a sorcerer dressed in Turkish attire. The father-in-law summons Katerina's soul. He demands that the girl love him, threatens in case of disobedience. However, Katerina's soul refuses this. Danilo is shocked by what he saw. He returns to his home, wakes up his wife and tells her everything. The girl renounces the sorcerer-father.

Fatal mistake

In Danila's basement, his father-in-law is sitting in iron chains. The sorcerer's castle is on fire, and tomorrow he will be executed. However, not for witchcraft, but for collusion with the Poles. The sorcerer inclines with promises to improve and deceive Katerina to release him in order to be able to save her soul. The girl lets him go, and hides the truth from her husband, realizing that she did something irreparable. Danilo anticipates imminent death. He asks Katerina to take care of her son.

The grief that befell Katherine

As expected, a large army of Poles attacks the farm. Poles steal cattle, set fire to huts. Danilo fights bravely, but he is overtaken by a bullet from a sorcerer who appears suddenly. Gorobets, who jumped to the rescue, is unable to console Katerina. The Poles are defeated, a sorcerer sails along the Dnieper to the ruins of the castle. He creates spells in the dugout, someone terrible appears at his call. Katerina lives at Gorobets, sees her former terrible dreams and is afraid for her son. The girl wakes up and discovers that her child has died. The mind of the heroine created by Gogol ("Terrible Revenge") cannot withstand all this. The summary of the work continues with the fact that the girl becomes insane.

Death of Katerina

Katerina, distraught, is looking for her father everywhere, longing for his death. A stranger arrives, who questions Danila and then mourns him. He wants to see Katerina, talks to her for a long time about her husband. It seems that the mind returns to the girl. However, when he says that Danilo asked him to take her to him after his death, Katerina recognizes her father in a stranger and throws herself at him with a knife. But the sorcerer is ahead of her. He kills his own daughter.

The further fate of the sorcerer

Behind Kyiv is an unexpected miracle. The whole earth is illuminated, all its ends are visible. A huge horseman appears in the Carpathian mountains. The sorcerer from Gogol's story runs in fear. He recognizes in the rider an uninvited giant who appeared during divination. Nightmares haunt the sorcerer. He flees to the holy places of Kyiv and kills an old man there who refused to pray for him. Wherever the sorcerer goes, his path lies to the Carpathian mountains. The rider suddenly opens his eyes. He is laughing. The sorcerer dies instantly. He sees already dead that all the dead from Galich, the Carpathians and Kyiv stretched out their bony hands to him. The horseman threw them a sorcerer, and they sunk their teeth into him.

old song

Gogol Nikolai Vasilievich ends the story with an old song. It tells about King Stepan, who fought with the Turks, as well as about the Cossack brothers Ivan and Peter. Ivan caught the Turkish pasha and shared the king's reward with his brother. However, out of envy, Peter threw his brother into the abyss along with the baby son, and then took all the goods for himself. When Peter died, God allowed Ivan to choose the execution for his brother. Ivan cursed his offspring, saying that a terrible villain would be in the last generation of his brother. Ivan, on the other hand, will appear on a horse from the failure when the time for the death of the villain comes. He will throw him into the abyss, and all his ancestors will be drawn to gnaw this villain. Only Peter will not be able to rise and will gnaw at himself in impotent rage. God was surprised at the cruelty of this execution, but agreed with Ivan.

Thus ends the work that Gogol created ("Terrible Revenge"). We outlined a summary of its main events. We now turn to the analysis of this story.

The meaning of the work

Perhaps the most significant for Gogol and Russian literature in general from the stories of the "Evenings" cycle is "Terrible Revenge". This is a historical story. Its action is timed to the 1st half of the 17th century, when Ukraine fought against Turkey and the Commonwealth for national independence. In particular, Danilo Burulbash, the hero of the work, recalls how he participated in military campaigns led by Hetman Konashevich. At the same time, this story also bore a legendary-fantastic character. It touched upon the magical themes of the separation of the soul from the body, the execution of the villain in the offspring, the apocalyptic horseman, etc.

Two epic levels of work, two traditions

Andrei Bely, a symbolist poet, at the beginning of the 20th century put forward the thesis that Katerina's father and the sorcerer are not identical. This became the starting point for subsequent observations on the poetics of this story. In "Terrible Revenge", it would seem that 2 epic levels can be found: legendary and real, in which there is a conflict between Katerina's father and husband. At the second level, that is, in the legend, there is the supernatural. At the same time, Gogol Nikolai Vasilievich skillfully masks the border between them, so one world sometimes seems like a natural continuation of the other. The sorcerer for the reader is Katerina's father. At the same time, he is a legendary projection of his father. Being in a quarrel with his son-in-law, he acquires more and more the features of a terrible sorcerer, since everything that does not correspond to the principles established in the patriarchal community is considered as the machinations of the devil. This story arose, like other works of Gogol from "Evenings", at the intersection of two traditions: national-Ukrainian and Western-romantic (mainly German). The author in it mixed with elements of modern narration the features folk tradition. In line with romanticism is found in the work of the author's personal attitude to what is happening.

The discovery made by the symbolists

At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, the Symbolists discovered autobiography, which Gogol's works from "Evenings" and, in particular, "Terrible Revenge" have. V. V. Rozanov for the first time saw the projection of the author himself in the figure of the sorcerer. Andrei Bely (his portrait is presented above) compared Nikolai Vasilyevich with a sorcerer who runs away from the "rider in the Carpathians." He likened the author's love for Russia to the love for Katerina of the sorcerer from the story "Terrible Revenge". The main characters of her with such a look have symbolic meaning, are symbolic images.

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