Designation of formats. Sizes of all paper sizes

The buildings 18.10.2023
The buildings

Like all objects around us, paper has its own dimensions and dimensions. Moreover, this is not just length, width or area, these are the accepted ratios of these parameters. There is a table of sizes of paper formats, where all the information is recorded regarding a sheet of paper, which are called A2, B1 or C3. These are not just letters and numbers, they are encoding for a specific paper format.

What is format

Format is the dimensions of the paper. It replaces words such as "length", "width", "diagonal" and "area". Agree, it is much easier to ask for A4 or A3 than to name the dimensions of sheets of paper in cm. The very concept of this term appeared relatively recently - only at the beginning of the 20th century. Before this, every publishing house, and every person who dealt with a printing house, used different paper sizes that were convenient for them.

The most popular was the Golden Ratio. Painters and sculptors of the Renaissance were very fond of it; accordingly, these parameters were also used to measure sheets. This was inconvenient for the development of printing and, in general, widespread use.

In the end, a more convenient sheet size was found to be one whose sides were in the ratio of one to the square root of two. If such a “piece” is bent in half, we will get a rectangle, the sides of which are similar to the first one, only having a smaller scale. This was the first step towards the creation of an international standard: the ISO 216 system. But this is not the only classification of formats. There are others:

    North American standard;

    Japanese standard;

    guest accepted in our country.

International system

ISO 216 and the North American standard are the most common. Sheet sizes A1 A2 A3 A4, etc. belong to the first system, which is common in Europe and the former Soviet republics.

The basis by which the dimensions of A-format paper are measured is Whatman paper A0 - it has an area equal to 1 m2, and all subsequent sizes are half of it.

That is, A1 is half of A0, A2 is a quarter of A0, and so on.

Printing paper is most often in A4 format - it is standard. In English-speaking countries such as Great Britain, New Zealand and Australia, it has long been the main size for business letters.

Our country had its own measurement system - according to GOST, the paper size format in cm differed from the international system. The main difference is that in ISO 216 measurements are made in millimeters, while for us, centimeters are more familiar. But since we mainly use imported equipment, which is oriented to European standards, format A is the most popular among us.

Other options

Paper sizes according to international standards are divided into several series:

Everyone understands where sheet sizes A1 A2 A3 A4 are used; they are very common in everyday life. Other series are also common, they are just not as well known.

For example, Series B is practically not used in the office, but is often used to create books, posters, envelopes or some kind of identification. B0 is somewhere between A0 and A1, and is 1 meter wide, unlike A0. But format C is used only for envelopes, and its definition can be found in the table of ISO 269 standards.

The North American standard is used in the USA, Canada and parts of Mexico. It is based on generally accepted parameters, but at the same time has slight differences: firstly, they use the inch as a unit of measurement, not mm, and accordingly, different paper sizes have a different designation from ours.

Knowledge of formats is essential if you are dealing with construction, architecture, or need to produce drawings and visual aids for other reasons.

size table

Height x Length (mm)

Height x Length (" inches)

Pixels *

2378 x 1682 mm

93.6 x 66.2" inches

28087 x 19866 px

1682 x 1189 mm

66.2 x 46.8" inches

19866 x 14043 px

46.8 x 33.1" inches

33.1 x 23.4" inches

23.4 x 16.5" inches

16.5 x 11.7" inches

11.7 x 8.3" inches

8.3 x 5.8" inches

5.8 x 4.1" inches

4.1x. 2.9" inches

2.9 x 2.0" inches

2.0 x 1.5" inches

1.5 x 1.0" inches

Sheet formats are determined by the dimensions of the outer frame. It is drawn on the drawings with a thin line (Fig. 1 and 2).

Main formats:


Side dimensions, mm 841x1189 594x841 420x594 297x420 210x297

The most common paper size is A4 (210 x 297 mm). For technical documentation, such as diagrams, drawings, diagrams, A4 to A1 are usually used.

Format Serie A Serie B Series C
Size mm mm mm
0 841 x 1189 1000 x 1414 917 x 1297
1 594 x 841 707 x 1000 648 x 917
2 420 x 594 500 x 707 458 x 648
3 297 x 420 353 x 500 324 x 458
4 210 x 297 250 x 353 229 x 324
5 148 x 210 176 x 250 162 x 229
6 105 x 148 125 x 176 114 x 162
7 74 x 105 88 x 125 81 x 114
8 52 x 74 62 x 88 57 x 81
9 37 x 52 44 x 62 40 x 57
10 26 x 37 31 x 44 28 x 40

Envelope format

The most popular DL envelope (110 x 220 mm), it holds an A4 sheet folded in three. C6 and DL formats are good for wedding invitations

Envelopes with dimensions 114 x 162 mm (C6), 110 x 220 mm (DL), 162 x 229 mm (C5) are made with windows in place of the addressee's address area, then they are designated: C6/O; DL/O; C5/O.

Additional formats:

The designation of the derivative format is made up of the designation of the main format and its multiplicity, for example, A0x2, A4x8, etc.

Multiplicity Format
A0 A1 A2 A3 A4
2 1189x1682 - - - -
3 1189x2523 841x1783 594x1261 420x891 297x630
4 - 841x2378 594x1682 420x1189 297x841
5 - - 594x2102 420x1486 297x1051
6 - - - 420x1783 297x1261
7 - - - 420x2080 297x1471
8 - - - - 297x1682
9 - - - - 297x1892

Position of title block:

On all formats (except A4), the inscription can be placed both along the long and short sides of the format (see Fig. 2). The additional column on all formats (except A4) is located along the long side. On A4 sheets, the main inscription is located along the short side, because this format is used only with the long side vertical (see Fig. 3).

Formats according to GOST 2.301-68

Drawing sheet formats must comply with GOST 2.301-68.

Sheet formats are determined by the dimensions of the outer frame (Fig. 1)

Basic format– a format, the largest of which has side dimensions of 1189x841 mm (area 1m2), and subsequent formats are obtained by sequentially dividing it into two equal parts parallel to the smaller side.

Additional format– format, formed by increasing the short side of the main format by an amount that is a multiple of its size.

Table 1- Designation and dimensions of the sides of the main and additional formats
Basic formats Additional formats
Designation Designation old Side dimensions
Designation Side dimensions
A0 44 841×1189 A0×2 1189×1682
A0×3 1189×2523
A1 24 594×841 A1×3 841×1783
A1×4 841×2378
A2 22 420×594 A2×3 594×1261
A2×4 594×1682
A2×5 594×2102
A3 12 297×420 A3×3 420×891
A3×4 420×1189
A3×5 420×1486
A3×6 420×1783
A3×7 420×2080
A4 11 210×297 A4×3 297×630
A4×4 297×841
A4×5 297×1051
A4×6 297×1261
A4×7 297×1471
A4×8 297×1682
A4×9 297×1892
A5 148×210 - - -

Note- A5 format can be used if necessary.

The maximum deviations of the format sides are given in Table 2.

Formats according to GOST 3450-60

GOST 3450-60 establishes the formats of drawings and technical documents provided for by the standards for the drawing management system, executed on separate sheets or on one common sheet with formats highlighted for each drawing (document).

The determining dimensions of the sheets are the dimensions of the copies after cutting.

Basic and additional formats and their designation must correspond to those indicated in tables 3, 4 and Fig. 3.


1. It is allowed to use the 148×210 format, designated ½ 1 and corresponding to the consumer A5 paper format.

2. It is allowed to make drawings on sheet drawing paper in accordance with GOST 597-56 while maintaining the working field of the drawing inside the frame in accordance with GOST 5293-60.

Table 4- Additional formats
Format designation Sheet side dimensions, mm Format designation Sheet side dimensions, mm
13 297×631 25 594×1051
14 297×841 26 594×1261
15 297×1051 26 594×1472
16 297×1261 27 594×1682
17 297×1472 28 594×1892
32 892×420 54 1486×841
42 1189×420 64 1783×841
52 1486×420 74 2081×841
62 1783×420 84 2378×841
72 2081×420 94 2675×841

In addition to the formats indicated in tables 1 and 2, in exceptional cases it is possible to use special formats formed by increasing format 11, as shown in Fig. 3, and the magnification factor must be an integer.



1. The construction of basic and additional formats is shown by solid lines, and special formats are shown by dash-dot lines.

2. The designation of the main and additional formats is indicated in bold.

3. The designation of the main formats is circled.

4. The designation of format 11 (297×210), taken as the unit of measurement for other formats, is circled with a double circle.

Format designations must be composed of two digits (numbers), the first of which indicates the multiple of one side of the format to the value of 297 mm, and the second - the multiple of the other side to the value of 210 mm.

The product of the numbers that make up the format designation determines the number of formats 11 (ie, 297x210 format) that are contained in this format. For example, format 74 consists of 7x4, i.e. 28 formats 11.

When designating special formats, two-digit numbers indicating the multiple of their sides to the corresponding sides of format 11 are separated by a dot. For example, format 2.10 is 594×2102, format 10.4 is 2972×841.

To calculate the dimensions of the sides, 297.25 and 210.25 mm are taken, rounded to 1 mm upward for decimal values ​​>0.5 and downward for values ​​≤0.5.


  • GOST 2.301-68 ESKD Formats
  • GOST 3450-60 Formats
  • GOST 9327-60 Paper and paper products. Consumer formats
  • Mechanical engineering drawing: Directory / G.N. Popova, S.Yu. Alekseev. – St. Petersburg: Politekhnika, 2006. – 456 p.
  • A short reference book on descriptive geometry and mechanical engineering drawing / N.P. Sberegaev, M.A. Coat of arms. M.-L., Mechanical Engineering, 1965, 264 p.
  • Reference guide to drawing / E.I. Godik, A.M. Haskin. M., Mechanical Engineering. 1974, 696 pp.

The basic formats are determined by successively halving the long sides of the previous formats, starting with the format

A0 (1189841 mm), the area of ​​which is 1 m 2.

Sizes of main formats:

Table 1.1

Format designation

Side dimensions in mm (format)






It is allowed to use additional formats, the long side of which must be a multiple of the short side of the main format.

Picture 1

Additional sizes:

Table 1.2





















The designation of an additional format consists of the designation of the main format and the multiplicity of the long side of the additional format to the short side of the main format. For example, 420 format 1486 is designated A3 5.

The format has a frame at a distance of 5 mm from the edge on three sides of the sheet and at a distance of 20 mm from the fourth left edge.

The main inscription is placed in the lower right corner of the format. Formats, with the exception of A4, can be arranged both horizontally and vertically. A4 format can only be laid out vertically.

Questions for self-control.

    What are the main format sizes?

    2. where is the main inscription on the format located?

2. Scales (GOST 2.302-68)

Scale is the ratio of the linear dimensions of the object depicted in the drawing to its natural dimensions.

Table 2.1

Figure 2

Questions for self-control.

    What is scale?

    What scale of increase do you know?

    What scale of reduction do you know?

3. Drawing lines (GOST 2.303-68)

The thickness of the lines, the length of the strokes of dashed and dash-dotted lines must be the same for all images on the format and are selected depending on the scale and complexity of the image. The dash-dot lines must intersect and end in dashes. The strokes of the axial and center lines should be 2…3 mm (up to 5) beyond the contour of the image.

In circles and other figures with a diameter of less than 12 mm, the center and axial lines are drawn solid.

In Figure 3.1. shows an example of the use of different types of lines

GOST 2.301 – 68

Drawing and graphic documents and other accompanying materials should be executed in the formats established by the standard, strictly observing the necessary rules and regulations. The standards by which technical documentation is carried out are supplemented over time and adjustments are made to them in accordance with the changing requirements of modern production, but the main directions regarding their functional purpose remain unchanged. To implement design documents in graphical and textual form, special formats are designed that define linear dimensions measured in millimeters. The use of sheets of certain dimensions is justified by the conditions of storage and organization of document flow.

To prepare technical documentation, you can download drawing forms.

Word " format", used in particular in relation to design documents, comes from the Latin word " formo”, which means – model, I give shape. The paper format is actually the size of a paper sheet, the dimensions of which are specified by a certain standard. Almost everything that is created by the intellectual component of human thought is written down on a sheet of paper, reflecting text or graphic elements on it in order to reproduce rational knowledge of the surrounding world. Although the necessary data is currently successfully stored on other media, paper still remains an important component of the formation of a common information field.

Sheet Format selected taking into account the nature of the work performed. For example, A4 format is used to draw up specifications, and A1, A2 or A0 to implement master plans. The choice of scale is determined by the dimensional characteristics of the graphically displayed object. For example, simple rotation parts such as small flanges, special mounting screws, pins, non-standard washers, etc. It is advisable to perform on A4 sheets, which, due to its small dimensions, is very convenient to handle.

Parts consisting of a significant number of geometric elements, in order to provide them with a graphically clear design, should be enlarged, and the format should be selected in accordance with the dimensions that provide the specified conditions. For example, a panel for a control panel is a piece of sheet metal containing a number of holes with different geometric features. All of these components require detailed dimensional data, which requires sufficient space. Details are generally rendered in a 1:1 ratio whenever possible, but if they are too small or large to be visually reproduced, they are converted to a standard zoom amount.

Placing the image on the drawing field and correct layout is a fundamental part of the design document design. The dimensional cell of the depicted graphic fragment should be located at the same distance from the lines of the drawing frame. The graphic design document must be easy to read and easy to understand. The drawing should contain enough informative elements such as: dimension and extension lines, text inscriptions, technical requirements, additional views, etc., and all of them should be evenly distributed in the drawing segment without cluttering it.

Each drawing and graphic document must be executed technically competently and graphically clearly. The drawing must comply with the requirements of the standards and contain all the detailed information necessary for the manufacture of parts.

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