What is a dictionary of antonyms of the Russian language. Russian Antonimia and its lexicographic description

The buildings 29.09.2019

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Faculty of basic training
Synonyms and Antonyms
Educational discipline: speech culture and business communication
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Table of contents
Introduction ........................................................................... 3.
1 Concept and essence of speech culture ..................................4
2 The meaning of dictionaries in the life of a person .................................... .6
2.1 Synonymous dictionaries ................................................ .7
2.2 Antonymic dictionaries .......................................................................................................................................... ..9
List of references .......................................................................... ... 10

Culture of speech is a relatively young science area about language. As an independent section of this science, it took shape under the influence of the indigenous social change that occurred in our country. High level of speech culture is an integral line of cultural person. Improve your speech - the task of each of us. To do this, you need to follow your speech in order to avoid mistakes in pronunciation, in the use of words, in building a sentence. It is necessary to constantly enrich your dictionary, learn to feel your interlocutor, be able to select the most suitable for each case of the word and design.
Great and diverse mighty Russian language and also diverse his dictionaries. The vocabulary of any live language is in continuous change and addition. New words appear, reflecting the development of modern science, culture, art, outdated unused words. Associate the element of national culture, because in the Word, many aspects of the people's life are captured. All the wealth and diversity of the lexical stock of the language collected in the dictionaries. It is difficult to imagine what it would be in our lives without dictionaries and reference books. Where and how we would find the importance of the new Namslov, the correct writing, pronunciation, explanation of a kind of event? Many people use dictionaries and reference books: translators, disciples and students, specialists working in various fields of activity.
The purpose of this work is to study the essence of the concepts such as the dictionaries of antonyms and synonyms and speech culture, understanding their role and importance in the life of a modern person.

1 Concept and Essence Roll Culture
The phrase "Culture of Speech" (Synonym - "Speech Culture") is currently applied in Russian-speaking literature in three values.
Culture of speech is, first of all, some of its signs and properties, the aggregate and system of which are talking about its communicative perfection;
Culture of speech is, secondly, the totality of the skills and knowledge of a person who ensure the expediency of an uncomplicated application of a language for communication purposes;
Culture of speech is, Third, the area of \u200b\u200blinguistic knowledge of the culture of speech, as a totality and system of its communicative qualities. It is futured to see the internal relationship between the culture of speech in the first sense (we call it objective) and the speech culture in the second value (let's call it subjective) : In order for the speech structure of the acquisitive communicative perfection, the author of the speech must have a set of necessary skills and knowledge; At the same time, in order to get these skills and knowledge, you need to have samples of communicatively perfect speech, you need to know its signs and patterns of its construction.
Suggesting that the signs and properties of the language structure of communicatively perfect speeches admit to generalization and the results of the concepts of communicative qualities of speech (correctness, accuracy, expressiveness, etc.), the possibility of other than that has just been done, to formulate two important Definitions:
Culture of speech is a totality and system of its communicative qualities;
Culture of speech is the doctrine of ...

Antonyms (gr. anti. - against +. onyma. - Name) - these are words, various sounds that have direct opposite values: true - Lies, kind - angry, talk - silent. Antonyms, as a rule, belong to one part of speech and form a pair.

Modern lexicology considers synonymy and antonym as extreme, limiting cases, on the one hand, interchangeability, on the other, the opposition of words in content. At the same time, the semantic similarity is characterized for synonymic relations, for antonymic - semantic distinction.

Antonimia.the language is represented by `already than synonymy: only words are entering by antonymic relationships, correlative, temporary, spatial, and belonging to the same category of objective reality as mutually exclusive concepts: beautiful - ugly, much - little, morning - evening, delete - closer. Words of other values \u200b\u200busually do not have antonyms; Wed: house, thinking, writing, twenty, Kiev, Caucasus. Most antonyms are characterized by quality ( good - bad, smart - stupid, native - someone else, thick - rareand under.); A lot and such that indicate spatial and temporary relations ( large - small, spacious - close, high - low, wide - narrow; Early - Late, Day - Night); fewer antonymic pairs with quantitative value ( many are few; The only one is numerous). There are opposite names of actions, states ( cry - laugh, rejoice - grieve), but such a bit.

The development of antonymic relations in vocabulary reflects our perception of reality in all its controversial complexity and interdependence. Therefore, contrasting words, as well as the concepts designated by them, are not only opposed to each other, but also closely related to each other. Word kindFor example, it causes the word in our consciousness evil, distant Reminds O. close to speed up - about slow down.

Antonyms "are at the extreme points of the lexical paradigm" [Fomina M. I. Modern Russian language: lexicology. Pp. 140], but between them in the language there may be words reflecting the specified feature to varying extent, i.e. its decrease or increase. For instance: rich - prominent - the poor - poor - beggar; Harmful - harmless - useless - useful. Such opposition involves the possible degree of enhancement, quality, actions, or gradation (LAT. gradatio. - gradual increase). Semantic gradation (graduality) is thus characteristic of only those antonyms, the meaning structure of which contains an indication of the degree of quality: young - old, big - small, small - large and under. Other antonymic pairs are deprived of a sign of graduality: top - bottom, day - night, life - death, man - woman.

Antonyms who have a sign of graduality, in speech can be intermediative to impart a polite form; so better to say thinthan skinny; elderlythan old. Words used to eliminate the sharpness or rudeness of the phrase are called euphemisms (gr. eU - Good +. phemi. - I say). On this basis, sometimes they talk about antonym-euphemisams, which express the value of the opposite in a softened form.

In the lexical system of the language you can allocate antonyms-conversion (LAT. conversio. - change). These are words expressing the oppositeness of opposites in the original (direct) and modified (reverse) statement: Alexander gave the book Dmitry.- Dmitry took the book from Alexander; Professor taking offset from the trainee. - The trainee is offset by Professor[See: Novikov L. A. Antonimia in Russian. M., 1973. P. 35, 145].

There is in the language and intrasloous antonymy - antonymy of meaningful words, or enantiosemia (gr. enantios. - Opposite + Sema - sign). This phenomenon is observed in multivalued words that develop mutually exclusive values. For example, verb disagree It may mean "coming to the usual state, feel better," but he can mean "die, say goodbye to life." Enantiosemia becomes the reason for the ambiguity of such, for example, statements: The editor looked through these lines; I listened to the divertiment; He made a reservation and under.

According to the structure of Antonyms are divided into circulating ( day Night) and single-dorn ( come to leave, revolution - counter-revolution). The first components of the lexical antonyms actually, the second - lexico-grammatical. In single-corner antonyms, the opposite of the value is caused by various consoles, which are also able to enter into an anthony relationship; Wed: attach - lay out, put - retain, close - open.Consequently, the value of such words is obliged to word formation. However, it should be borne in mind that adding to high-quality adjectives, adverbs not without- Most often gives them the meaning of only weakened opposites ( young - elderly), so that the contrast of their value in comparison with the smooth antonyms is "muffled" ( emole - It does not mean "old"). Therefore, not all subservation education can be attributed to antonyms in the strict meaning of this term, but only those that are extreme members of the anthony paradigm: successful - unsuccessful, strong - powerless.

Antonyms, as already mentioned, usually make up a pair correlation in the language. However, this does not mean that something or another word can have one antonym. Antonymic relationships allow you to express opposition of concepts and in the "unclosed", polynomial row, Wed: concrete - abstract, distracted; Cheerful - sad, sad, sad, boring.

In addition, each member of an antonymic pair or an anthony can have its own, non-crossing synonyms in antonym. Then a certain system is formed, in which synonymic units are arranged by vertical, and horizontally - antonymic. For instance:

A similar correlation of synonymic and antonymic relations reflects the system links of words in vocabulary. The relationship of multigid and antonymy lexical units indicates the systemity.

M. R. Lviv

Dictionary of Antonyms of the Russian Language

More than 2,000 antonymic steam

Edited by L. A. Novikova

Edition 2nd,

Corrected and supplemented


Russian language 1984


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BBK 81.2Р-4

Reviewers: Dr. Philol. Sciences D. N. Shmelev,

cand. philol. Science E. L. Ginzburg

Lviv M. R.

L89.Dictionary of Antonyms of the Russian Language: more than 2,000 antonym. par / ed. L. A. Novikova.- 2nd ed., Act. and additional - m.: Rus. Yaz., 1984.-384 p.

The dictionary contains more than 2,000 pairs of antonyms - words with the opposite value. Synonyms are given to the antonyms (synonymous pairs of antonyms). All of them are illustrated by quotes from artistic, scientific, journalistic literature. In quotes are both opposed words. The dictionary is given a pointer and application. In this edition, the vocabulary of the dictionary is increased, synonymic nests of antonyms are replenished, illustratively updated illustrative material.

The dictionary is intended for philologists, translators, print workers and radio, it can be recommended as a reference manual for people studying Russian as non-non-foreign or foreign. The dictionary presents the NTTERES and for a wide range of readers.

L 4602020000-219

0.5 (01) -84 "22 - 84 BBK81.2R-4

© Russian Publishing House, 1978, 1984, Amendments

The content of the dictionary

Russian Antonimia and its lexicographic description

(L. A. Novikov) ........................................... ................... five

How to use the dictionary ................................................. .. 33.

Conventional cuts and signs adopted in the dictionary .... 36


AND I............................................... .................................... 37.


I - II ............................................... .................................... 319.

Index of antonymic steam included in dictionary 333


[Email Protected]


Russian Antonimia and its lexicographic description

Antonyms ", or words with opposite values, became the subject of linguistic analysis relatively recently, and interest in the study of Russian Antonimia increases noticeably. This is evidenced by the emergence of a number of special linguistic studies on Antonimia 2 and Antonyms 3.

Dictionary Antonyms occupies an important place among other dictionaries: it gives a description of vocabulary from the point of view of the semantic opposite of its units. The need to pick up words with opposite values, find a figurative oppression, "grab" the polar manifestations of a particular quality, feature, the properties often arise in people of various specialties, all who are interested in the language and especially associated with it their profession, i.e. . at Philologists, teachers of the Russian language, translators, writers, journalists.

The lexical units of the dictionary composition of the tongue are closely related not only on the basis of their associative bonds in similarity or adjacency as lexico-semantic options for multivalued words (nose\\"The sense of smell" \u003d "\u003d *" OG "Front of the boat, vessel, aircraft" * \u003d Fc nose 3."Body beak" + * hoc a"front end of shoes"; cutting"Action on the verb cut "** clipping 2"Cut piece of the text of the newspaper, magazine" ^ \u003d FC cut ^."The meat of the highest grade, Fillet, semantic substantial resemblance as synonyms (attraction, grave, traction, tendency, passion),mutual "images" with the designation of the same action or relationship as a conversion (Student exams exam professor- Professor takes the student's exam; Aleksey- brother Marina-«*- Marina- alexey's sister), family species relationships as hyponyms (the science - physics, chemistry, biology, political economy, philology ...; day - morning day Evening night),but on the basis of their opposites like antonyms: tall- low, beautiful- ugly, cultural- unclear, revolutionary- counter-revolutionary, love- hate, Nadezhda- despair, enter- go out- dark, start- kind, often- rarely, you can- it is impossible.

1 from Greek. Anti - against and onyma - name.

2 See, for example: Novikov L. A. Antonymy in Russian (Semanti
Analysis of opposites in vocabulary). M., 1973; Lexical Antoni.
We. - In the book: Apresian Yu. D. Lexic semantics. Synonymic
Tools language. M., 1974; Ivanova V. A. Antonimia in the language system. Kishi.
Neu, 1982.

3 Vvedenskaya L. A. Dictionary of Antonyms of the Russian language. Rostov-na-
-Don, 1971; Also. 2nd ed. Rostov-on-Don, 1982; Kolesnikov N. P. Slot
Varia Antonyms of the Russian Language, Tbilisi, 1972; Lviv M. R. Dictionary
Antonyms of the Russian language. M., 1978; Lviv M. R. School dictionary
Antonyms of the Russian language. M., 1980.

■ Antonimia is based on the contrast association, reflecting the significant differences in homogeneous in nature, phenomena, actions, qualities and signs. Antonimia is one of the most important linguistic universals, one of the substantial measurements of the lexico-semantic system of various languages.

In the semantic field, i.e., in an ordered multitude of language units combined with a common (invariant) value, antonyms are closely interrelated not only with each other (Wed. full - thin) Tbut also with other categories of lexical units: synonyms (full- fat, plump, fat, thin- bony, skinny),lexical conversion (She is fuller than him-*> He is thinning her)lexico-semanthi (Full ^"Fat" -sp. full\\"Containing something to its limits substituted entirely" (Full of jug of water), full"The whole imbued with something - either" (Eyes, full of life), full ^"One-piece, finished, exhaustive" (Full collected works. Full list of present), full ^"Aged the limit, the highest" (In full bloom. Full freedom);they can also enter the relationship of homonymy (Thin 1"skinny"- thin 2."Bad" - thin 3."Leaky, spoiled ^ and some others. The semantic field is the most complete andadequate reflection of the lexical language system, those diverse ties of words that exist inlanguage consciousness of people 4.

A diverse semantic relations of antonyms with other categories of words, and, first of all, synonyms, testify to the close connection of the vocabulary of antonyms with other dictionaries, and above all with synonymic. Such dictionaries mutually complement each other when disclosing complex andthe full picture of the synonym and antonymic interaction of lexical units. Therefore, antonymia does not accidentally find additional reflection in synonyms dictionaries, and synonymy - inantonym dictionaries. In the academic "Dictionary of Synonyms of the Russian Language" (L., 1970-1971. T. 1-2) In many dictionary articles, the corresponding synonyms of antonyms or even whole rows of antonyms are indicated: cheerful, cheerful, nozzles, cheerful(Antonyms: sad, sad, dull, weighty, boring, twisted),enable, enter, pour(Antony: exclude),enable, connect, connect(Antony: turn off)together, together, together, at the same time, together(Antony: apart),high, tall, high, long, long-grade(Antonyms: low, low, low, low, low, small, fine-sized, short, short),high, thin, squeaky, squeaky(Antonyms: low, thick, bass, bass)etc. On the other hand, on the contrary, in antonym dictionaries, synonymous means of expression of one or another opposite are given: important- unimportant(synonyms: significant- minor, important- minor, important- insignificant, significant- unimportant),import - export(Synonym: import Export),defend- attack (synonyms: defend-- attack, fight- attack),reality- unreality(synonyms: reality- fantasy, reality- fantasy, Friend- nonbylitsa, Fr.- nearby, Friend- fairy tale, Celebre- nearby), revolutionary- counter-revolutionary(Synonym: red- white),connect - Disconnect(synonyms: unite- disconnect, unite- share, tie- disconnect),ripe - Nipely(Synonym: ripe- green)and so on (examples are borrowed from this dictionary).

4 On the nature and structure of the semantic field, see: Karaulov Yu. N, General and Russian ideography. M., 1976.

It is also not by chance that many dictionaries of English, French, German and other languages \u200b\u200bare called: dictionary of synonyms and antonyms.The most complete description of synonymy and antonym in. Their attitude to other lexico-semantic categories x is able to give the ideographic dictionary - the thesaurus, in which "words-concepts" (leek-sico-semantic variants of the word) are located not alphabetically, but according to semantic fields, "meanings." Together with other close on "the meanings of synonyms and antonyms, they are grouped around such" meanings * 4 as the language means of their expression 5.

Of course, it does not mean that the antonym dictionary does not have independent value. It reflects and describes one of the essential characteristics of the dictionary composition of the language - the systematization of words from the point of view of their mutual opposite, contributes to the in-depth and comprehensive realization of the semantic contrast of the linguistic units, introduces the rich arsenal of the shape-stylistic functions of antonyms.

It is possible without any exaggeration to say that the opposite as a concept ("naive" or strictly scientific) is one of the characteristic manifestations of the natural inclination of the human mind and underlies the various ideas in everyday life, scientific knowledge, philosophical construction, ethics, aesthetics, religion.

It is important to emphasize that the feeling and perception of the opposite may depend on the age of age, the profession of people, geographical, climatic, social and other conditions of their lives and be sometimes quite subjective. Interesting facts of various perception of the opposite leads in their article I. Gritskat 6. So, in children at the age of three or four years, the opposite is formed by words uncleand aunt, handand leg,more adult "irrefutable" opposites are basementand attic, Sun.and rain.For a person who is accustomed to mixed geographical relief, most naturally opposition mountain- plain,but for a highlander, who never saw the plains opposite to mountainand cobbin(or valley).The farmers are opposite, apparently will be words pashnyaand luga, Naz.and harvest,astronomers have the sunand planets.Not without reason you can assume that in relation to the words whole, allglass cutter will consider the opposite word broken,tailor - speedor tornother masters - broken, fragmented, broken,and the artist, photographer and architect - fragmentary.Experimental study of Antonimia Along with a big coincidence in the perception of the opposite of words, the tests detects at the same time the individual features of its awareness.

Of course, Antonimia as a phenomenon of the language should be "cleared ** from private, local, narrowly special and random" outstanding ". It must be defined as the most significant and characteristic of all native speakers the maximum opposition of words, enshrined in the standards of literary estimation.

Similar information.

There are dictionaries in which not separate words are collected and interpreted, and two or more words, when the relationship between their sound and meaning is taken into account. These associations may consist of words, similar or loved ones, but different in sound (synonyms), having opposite values \u200b\u200b(antonyms), similar to sound, but different by value (homonyms), etc.

Synonyms Dictionaries are designed to give a systematic description of synonymic groups and rows. In these dictionaries, semantic and stylistic differences are indicated between synonyms, the conditions for their interchangeability in various contexts. In one vocabulary article of the dictionary contains a characteristic of a number of words close to the meaning. Usually, their general meaning is given, and then each word synonymic series is described from the point of view of the semantic and stylistic features that are inherent in it.

"Warrior - Fighter, warriors (talk.).Participant of fighting, battles, military man. "Warrior" is used primarily in high speech; The word "fighter" emphasizes direct participation in battles, battles; "Voyka" - an experienced dashing warrior, the word is sufficing jokingly ironically. "

The first dictionary of the synonyms of the Russian language was compiled by the famous Russian writer of the XVIII century D.I. Phonvizin. He came out in 1783, called "The Experience of the Russian Slider", and there were only 32 synonymic groups of words.

Today there are several dictionaries of synonyms: "A brief dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language" V. N. Klyova (1961); "Dictionary of Synonyms of the Russian Language" edited by A.P. Evgenaya (1970); "Dictionary of Synonyms of the Russian Language" 3.e. Alexandrova edited by LA Czechko is widely known in the tenth edition (1998), repeatedly reprinted, there are about 11,000 synonymic rows; "New explanatory dictionary of the synonyms of the Russian language" edited by Academician Yu.D. Apresian (2000). The last dictionary is given a rather detailed description of not only the semantic and stylistic differences between synonyms, but also the conditions for their use in the text, compatibility with other words, there are examples of using these synonyms in Russian literature.

Antonym dictionaries explain the semantic ratios of words with opposite values. They clearly show what the distinction of antonyms is, teaching words with the opposite value. For example, such words with the opposite meaning are selected to "rejoice" as "sad", "grief", "sadness", and examples of the use of antonyms in the language (in particular, in the artistic literature) are given. Known are the "Dictionary of Antonyms of the Russian Language" N.P. Kolesnikova (1972) and "School Dictionary of Antonyms of the Russian Language" N.P. Lviv (1980).

D.E. Rosenthal


Lexicography (gr. lexikon. - Dictionary +. gRAPHO.

Main types of dictionaries


Intelligent dictionaries


Frameological dictionaries

Onomastic Dictionaries (Dictionaries of Own Names)

In 1966, "Dictionary of Russian Personal Names" N. A. Petrovsky, containing about 2,600 male and female names (3rd edition - in 1984) - anthroponymic dictionary. In 1966, a "brief toponymic dictionary" V. A. Nikonova. Containing about 4 thousand titles of the largest geographical objects in the USSR and in foreign countries. The dictionary presents the origin and history of toponyms.

A peculiar combination of toponymic and word-forming dictionaries are the publications: 1) "Dictionary of the names of residents of RSFSR", containing about 6 thousand titles, edited by A. M. Babkin (1964), 2) "Dictionary of the names of the residents of the USSR", containing about 10 thousand titles, edited by M Babkina and E. A. Levashova (1975)

Foreign Word Dictionaries

The first dictionary of foreign words was handwritten "Lexicon Vokabulam new on the alphabet", compiled at the beginning of the XVIII century. Throughout the XVIII-XIX centuries. A number of dictionaries of foreign words and close-to-matted terminological dictionaries came out.

At present, the most complete "Dictionary of Foreign Words" edited by I. V. Lechina, F N. Petrov, et al. (1941, 18th edition - in 1989) in the dictionary is given a brief explanation of words and terms of foreign language The origin of the word is indicated in various styles, the origin of the word is indicated in the necessary cases of borrowing.

In 1966, a two-volume "dictionary of foreign language expressions and words ..." A. M. Babkina and V. V. Shendetsova (2nd edition - in 1981-1987). It contains words and expressions of foreign languages \u200b\u200bused in Russian without translation, in compliance with the graphics and spelling of the source language.

In 1983, a "School Dictionary of Foreign Words" was published under the editors of V. V. Ivanov (compilers - V. V. Odintsov, P. Smolitskaya, E. I. Golanova, I. A. Vasilevskaya).

D.E. Rosenthal


Lexicography (gr. lexikon. - Dictionary +. gRAPHO. - I write) - the section of linguistics dealing with the preparation of dictionaries and their study.

Main types of dictionaries

Dictionaries of two types are distinguished: encyclopedic and philological (linguistic). In the first, the realities are explained (items, phenomena), information about various events: Big Soviet Encyclopedia. Literary encyclopedia, children's encyclopedia, political dictionary, philosophical dictionary. Secondly, the words are explained, their meanings are interpreted.

Linguistic dictionaries in turn are divided into two types: bilingual (multilingual less often), i.e. the translations that we use when studying a foreign language in working with foreign language text (Russian-English dictionary, Polish-Russian Dictionary, etc.), and single-band.

Intelligent dictionaries

The most important type of the same-speaking linguistic dictionary is dictionarycomprising words with explanation of their values, grammatical and stylistic characteristics. The first actually intelligent dictionary was the sixtime "Dictionary of the Russian Academy", published in 1789-1794. and containing 43,57 words taken from modern secular and spiritual books, as well as from ancient Russian writing. The 2nd edition called "The Dictionary of the Russian Academy, for Azbigo Procedure Located" went out in 1806-1822. and contained 51,388 words. The 3rd edition of the academic dictionary was published in 1847. The four-volume "Dictionary of the Church Slavonic and Russian language", which included 114,749 words.

A valuable lexicographic manual became released in 1863-1866. The four-volume "explanatory dictionary of the living Great Russian language" V. I. Dalya (8th edition - in 1981-1982). Putting a popular question into the dictionary, including the vocabulary, dialectic, book. Dahl sought to reflect all the lexical wealth of the Russian language in it (about 200 thousand words and 30 thousand proverbs and sayings). The weak party, Daly's activities, was his desire to prove the unnecessaryness of most foreign ones in the origin of words, an attempt to introduce non-existent words as their equivalents, which he himself composed, a tendentious explanation of the meanings of many words of social and political vocabulary.

In 1895, the first volume of the new academic dictionary was published edited by Ya. K. Grota, which contained 21,648 words. Then the dictionary was published by separate issues until 1930.

The four-volume "explanatory dictionary of the Russian language" was played the most important role in the history of the lexicography of the Soviet era, edited by D. N. Ushakov, which was released in 1934-1940. In the dictionary consisting of 85,289 words, many issues of the normalization of the Russian language, ordering the wording, formation, pronunciation were permitted. The dictionary is built at the vocabulary of artistic works, journalists, scientific literature. In 1947-1948 The dictionary was reissued by the photomechanical way.

On the database of the dictionary edited by D. N. Ushakov in 1949, S. I. Ozhegov created a one-volume "Dictionary of the Russian Language", containing over 52 thousand words. The dictionary was repeatedly reprinted, starting from the 9th edition, he was edited by N. Yu. Swedovaya. In 1989, there was a light 21st publication of a dictionary, a supplemented and processed (70 thousand words).

In 1950-1965 A seventeenth academic "dictionary of the modern Russian literary language" was published (including 120,480 words). The values \u200b\u200bof words and features of their use are illustrated in it examples from the literature of the XIX-XX centuries. Different styles and genres. The grammatical characteristic of words is given, the characteristics of their pronunciation are noted, standard stylistic litters are given, information on word formation is reported, etymological references are given.

In 1957-1961 The four-volume academic "Dictionary of the Russian Language", containing 82,59,59 words, covering common vocabulary and phraseology of the Russian literary language from Pushkin to this day. The 2nd, corrected and supplemented dictionary publication was published in 1981-1984. (chief editor A. P. Evgeniev).

In 1981, a "School Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language" M. S. Lapatukhin, E. V. Zlorupovskaya, P. Luminovoy, edited by F. P. Filin, was published.

Frameological dictionaries

The desire to collect and systematize the phraseologisms of the Russian language found an expression in the publication of a number of phraseological collections.

In 1890, a collection of S. V. Maksimova "Winged words" came out. The collection was reissued in 1899 and 1955.

In 1892, another collection of S. V. Maksimova was released "The winged words (attempt to explain the walking words and expression)", which contains the interpretation of 129 words and expressions (sustainable combinations of words, sayings, etc.).

In 1955, a collection was published "Winged words. Literary quotes. Figurative expressions" N. S. Ashukin and M. G. Ashukina (4th edition - in 1988). The book includes a large number of literary quotes and across different expressions located in alphabetical order.

The most complete (over 4 thousand phrases) is published in 1967 edited by A. I. Molotkov "Frazheological Dictionary of the Russian Language" (4th edition - in 1986). Framealogism are given with possible components options, the interpretation of the value is given, the forms of use in speech are indicated. Each value is illustrated by quotes from fiction and journalism. In some cases, an etymological reference is given.

In 1980, the "School Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language" V. P. Zhukova, containing about 2 thousand most common phraseological units found in artistic and journalistic literature and oral speech. Much attention is paid to the book historical-etymological reference. In 1967, the 2nd issue (1st - in 1966) came out the "dictionary of Russian proverbs and sayings" of the author, which includes about a thousand expressions of this character.

The most complete assembly of such a material is the collection of "Proverbs of the Russian People" V. I. Daly, published in 1862 (reissued in 1957 and 1984)

In 1981, the "Dictionary Directory of Russian Phraseology" was released, R. I. Yaranzueva, containing about 800 phrases (2nd edition - in 1985).

Dictionaries of synonyms, antonyms, homonyms, paronims and dictionaries of new words

The first Russian dictionaries of Synonyms were the "Experience of the Russian District" D. I. Phonvizin (1783), which contained 32 synonymous series, and the "Experience of the Russian Synonyms Dictionary" P. F. Kalaydovich (1818), which contained 77 synonymic rows. In 1956, "A brief dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language" P. N. Klyova, intended for school practice, which contained about 1,500 words (the 2nd edition was published in 1961, the number of words was brought to 3 thousand). More complete is the "Dictionary of Synonyms of the Russian Language" Z. E. Alexandrova (1968), containing about 9 thousand synonymous series (5th edition - in 1986). The two-volume "Dictionary of Synonyms of the Russian Language" is responsible for modern scientific requirements under the general editors of A. P. Evgenaya (1970-1971). In 1975, on the basis of this dictionary, a one-volume "Dictionary of Synonyms was created. The reference manual" under the same editor.

In 1971, the first "Dictionary of Antonyms of the Russian Language", L. A. Vvedenskaya, was published, containing more than a thousand couples of words (2nd edition, recycled, in 1982). In 1972, the "Dictionary of Antonyms of the Russian Language" was published by N. P. Kolesnikova, edited by N. M. Shanskaya, containing over 1300 pairs of Antonyms. In 1978, the "Dictionary of Antonyms of the Russian Language" was published by M. R. Lvova, edited by L. A. Novikova, containing about 2 thousand antonymic couples (4th edition, supplemented, in 1988). The same author published in 1981 "School Dictionary of Antonyms of the Russian Language", which includes over 500 vocabulary articles.

In 1974, it was published in our country "Dictionary of Omonimov of the Russian language" O. S. Akhmanova (3rd edition - in 1986). It is given in alphabetical procedure, homonymic pairs (less often a group of three or four words), in the necessary cases are given grammatical information and stylistic litters, references on origin. In 1976, the "Dictionary of Omonimov of the Russian language" N. P. Kolesnikova, edited by N. M. Shanskaya (2nd, corrected publication, containing more than 3,500 nests, was published in 1978).

In 1968, a dictionary-directory of Yu. A. Belchikova and M. S. Panyusheva "difficult cases of consumption of single-corned words of the Russian language", which can be considered the first experience in creating a dictionary paronimov. It contains about 200 pairs (groups) of single-handed words, in the use of which in the practice of speech there is a mixing. The second edition of the publication was the "dictionary of Russian Paronimov" N. P. Kolesnikova (1971), containing over 3 thousand single-cornered and differently iridescent words, broken at 1432 nests. Paronim dictionaries are available in O. V. Vishnyakova books: "Paronims in Russian" (1974) and "Paronims of the modern Russian language" (1981 and 1987). In 1984, a separate publication was issued "a dictionary of the Russian language of the author.

In 1971, N. Z. Kotelovoy and Yu. S. Sorokina Dictionary "New Words and Values", containing about 3,500 new words, expressions and meanings of words not included in previously published dictionaries. The new publication of a dictionary, containing about 5,500 new words, values \u200b\u200band combinations of words, came out edited by N. 3. The boiler in 1984, these dictionaries reflect the material of the press and literature of the 60s and 70s.

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