Chinese zodiac signs. Romantic and sympathetic Pisces

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This article provides basic information about the Chinese zodiac signs and pays attention to their main features that will help you find a common language with them.

Characteristics of the signs of the rat, bull and tiger

- Rat
People born in the year of the Rat have such character traits as: prudence, purposefulness, diligence, curiosity. Often these people are very tolerant. All of the above traits of character in this zodiac sign develop extremely quickly. Pure reason and deduction are preferable to intuition.

- Bull
Bulls are strong and very energetic, their head is constantly filled with thoughts and ideas. The sign of the winner, they most often achieve success in their careers. These people are usually the most devoted and selfless friends who are always ready to help.

- Tiger
Tigers are distinguished by their masculinity and willpower. Such people often attract whole crowds who are ready to follow the Tigers. Their energy is in full swing and, despite this, they are distinguished by a special tolerance, which allows them to achieve many of the goals that they set for themselves.

Chinese zodiac signs general characteristics

- Rat
Years of birth: 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020. Corresponds to the zodiac sign Sagittarius. Element: water.

- Bull
Years of birth: 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021. Corresponds to the zodiac sign Capricorn. Element: earth.

- Tiger
Years of birth: 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022. Corresponds to the zodiac sign Aquarius. Element: forest.

- Rabbit
Years of birth: 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023. Corresponds to the zodiac sign Pisces. Element: forest.

- The Dragon
Years of birth: 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024. Corresponds to the zodiac sign Aries. Element: earth.

- Snake
Years of birth: 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, 2025. Corresponds to the zodiac sign Taurus. Element: Fire.

- Horse
Years of birth: 1930, 1942, 1954,1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014, 2026. Corresponds to the zodiac sign Gemini. Element: fire.

– Sheep
Years of birth: 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015, 2027. Corresponds to the zodiac sign Cancer. Element: earth.

- A monkey
Years of birth: 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016, 2028. Corresponds to the zodiac sign Leo. Element: metal.

- Rooster
Years of birth: 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017, 2029. Corresponds to the zodiac sign Virgo. Element: metal.

- Dog
Years of birth: 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018, 2030. Corresponds to the zodiac sign Libra. Element: earth.

- Pig
Years of birth: 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019. Corresponds to the zodiac sign Scorpio. Element: water.

Characteristics of the signs of the rabbit, dragon and snake

- Rabbit
People born in the year of the Rabbit are friendly and close to society, because they constantly need attention and warm friendly conversations. They know how to truly be friends and appreciate friendship, which is rare.

- The Dragon
The year of the dragon endows with a special desire for freedom, which is expressed in the desire to constantly protect their rights and be lonely. Such people are often unhappy in terms of love, and their career growth is at its peak. Often, Dragons who have not been able to achieve success in their careers establish their own business.

- Snake
The most contrasting among all the eastern signs are the Snakes, which can be stingy and aggressive, but when they see a person weaker than them, they show kindness and care. Emotionally stable and balanced in a career, which leaves them for a long time in one workplace.

Characteristics of the signs of the rooster, dog and pig

- Rooster
People born in the year of the Rooster are prone to excessive sensitivity and understanding, which often becomes one of the main problems for this sign. Roosters are attentive and can subjugate entire crowds to their will, sometimes this happens unintentionally and on a subconscious level.

- Dog
Like the likeness of a dog's personality, people born in the year of the Dog are loyal and friendly. They do justice for fairness and honor. A strong and rebellious sign has a detrimental effect on weak people and those who are in their subordination.

- Pig
People who were born in the year of the Pig are distinguished by their love of freedom. This character trait is very contagious and people who fall under the influence of this eastern sign become the same. They strive to provide themselves financially as much as possible.

Animal of the month according to the Chinese calendar

Rat - December 7;
Bull - January 6;
Tiger - February 4;
Rabbit - March 6;
Dragon - April 5;
Snake - May 6;
Horse - June 6;
Sheep - July 8;
Monkey - August 8;
Rooster - September 8;
Dog - October 9;
Pig - November 8th.

Mail Lady invites you to get acquainted with horoscopes based on the Chinese astrological system, which is widespread in almost all countries of the East Asian region.

Astrology is believed to have originated in China around the third millennium BC. Specialists in this field have always enjoyed great honor and respect, and both government officials and wealthy merchants turned to them for advice.

Approximately in the middle of the second millennium BC, a 60-year cycle was developed in China, based on the alternation of 12 animals (each of them rules one year) and five elements (fire, water, earth, wood, metal), bringing special features to the character a person born in a particular year.

The animals that the Chinese entrusted with managing the years - rat, bull, tiger, rabbit (cat), dragon, snake, horse, sheep (goat), rooster, dog, pig - were not chosen by chance. According to legend, it was these animals who came to say goodbye to the Buddha when he left the Earth.

According to another version, the rat was instructed to invite other animals to the emperor, who was supposed to choose the rulers for the years; according to the third, a swimming and running competition was arranged between them. All legends agree that the rat did not achieve the right to open the cycle honestly, but by cunning, and therefore people born in the years allotted to it are resourceful.

It must be remembered that the traditional Chinese astrological cycle is based on the lunar calendar, which is different from the Gregorian one. Therefore, people born in January or early February sometimes "obey" the sign of the previous year. You can determine in which year according to the Chinese calendar you were born using special tables.

Twelve animals, each of which patronizes its own year, are divided into four "triads".

The first triad includes the Rat, Dragon and Monkey. People born in corresponding years are energetic and active. They can be very kind or very evil, but they don't know the middle ground. The Rat and the Dragon are distinguished by a rather authoritarian style of communication, the Monkey achieves his goal in a more diplomatic way. For the most part, people of these signs are smart, charming, but tend to trust stereotypes.

The second triad includes the Bull, the Snake and the Rooster. All of them win success through hard work, constant and tireless efforts. Their industriousness is worthy of praise, and the ability to plan their actions is completely admirable. In addition, people born in the corresponding years are usually kind, patient and punctual.

The third triad is made up of the Tiger, the Horse and the Dog. They are attracted to each other like a magnet and are distinguished by a special, humanistic view of the world, which, however, does not prevent the Horse from being selfish. People of these three signs are characterized by the ability to deftly conduct a conversation, convince people, and easily establish contacts. Each of them has many acquaintances, but really needs only one close person to whom he can entrust all the secrets.

The fourth triad is Rabbit (Cat), Sheep (Goat) and Pig. They are distinguished by the desire for a beautiful life, a heightened sense of beauty and pronounced creative abilities. All of them are artistic, have developed intuition and good manners. Their souls are made for love and turn it into a real art. But for all their merits, the signs of the fourth triad seem to be devoid of some kind of internal rigidity, a special energy necessary for real success.

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Learn more about the character and fate of the child according to the ancient Chinese horoscope.

Contrary to popular belief, the eastern horoscope does not contradict the western one, but rather complements it. Therefore, it is important to know both of these horoscopes in order to have a more complete picture of yourself, your abilities and potential, as well as the character and abilities of your baby.

There are also 12 signs of the Chinese horoscope, however, unlike the Western one, they replace each other not by months, but by years. In particular:


This is a pragmatist who carefully plans his every step and at the same time always leaves room for maneuver. Rats are visible in any company for their flamboyance and good sense of humor, but they themselves do not strive for popularity, trying to stay away from the “herd mentality”, to which they are simply allergic. Rats love to work and earn money because it gives them a sense of stability and self-importance.

In relationships, rats are not very constant, they rarely become attached to a person, much more often to a house. Therefore, the surest way to keep a rat is to create a safe harbor in which peace and stability will reign, the rat will never leave such a house. You should not expect crazy passion from this sign, but if such components as friendship and mutual respect are developed in a relationship with a partner, the rat will definitely complement them with tender, reverent romance.


The stubbornness of the bull is well known - he goes to his goal, sweeping away all visible and invisible obstacles on the way. This is the strongest, strongest and most purposeful sign, down to earth, seeing its goal in achieving something, making money, standing firmly on its feet. He is very responsible and can be an excellent manager, strict but fair. By the way, the bull’s sense of justice is incredibly developed - he instantly rushes to protect the weak and offended, making their enemies his own, and you won’t envy the bull’s enemies - he scatters them like fluff.

In relationships, the bull is a very faithful monogamous. He is very passionate and devoted to his partner to the bone, demanding the same in return. Treason or betrayal can greatly knock down the bull, suspicions can make it a tough and domineering tyrant, demanding obedience in everything. At the same time, a gentle and loving partner will help the bull become softer, open to the world, teach him to relax and enjoy life.


This is a very bright, ambitious and addicting sign. He is purposeful, tirelessly goes to his goal, "igniting" others along the way. By the way, the tiger always affects others, conquering them with its aggression and charm. Alas, many of his projects remain unfinished. he is an addictive nature. The image for the tiger is everything and he will try very hard not to "wet" it, which, by the way, is not so easy, because the tiger is capable of rash acts and does them quite often. In work, if he truly loves his job, the tiger is ready to sacrifice even his own interests for his success. He is the ideal manager who will build an effective team and make everyone obey him unquestioningly.

In relationships, the tiger needs thrills, novelty all the time. Unfortunately, he is prone to betrayals and short-term romances on the side, which he doesn’t really consider cheating - so, a fleeting adventure. Therefore, the partner of the tiger will have to try to keep the fire of passion in him all the time.


This is a very lucky sign that always "lands on its feet." This applies to everything: work, financial de, and even risky projects. Although the rabbit does not like risk, therefore, it will not be subjected to it once again. This is a great esthete with good taste, who loves universal adoration and admiration. In fact, everything he does has the ultimate goal of being praised, admired, set as an example. The rabbit looks soft and supple, but don't let that fool you. If desired, its pressure will be such that even a tiger or a bull will not withstand it. The Rabbit always sympathizes with others and is ready to help, but usually this desire is caused primarily by his sociality and social activity. Own failures and hopeless situations are very upsetting for the rabbit, he may even fall into melancholy or depression. However, he calms down quite quickly and eventually finds a way out.

In a relationship, the rabbit gives himself entirely, often sacrificing his own interests for the sake of love and expects the same from his partner. To create an ideal family, a rabbit needs a gentle and trusting atmosphere in the house, as well as many children, whom he loves very much.

The Dragon

This is a truly unusual sign in the Chinese horoscope. This is an amazing, bright personality, whole, purposeful and moderately ambitious. The dragon subtly feels other people, their problems, is always ready to help. He can communicate with everyone on equal terms, which attracts others to him and makes him desirable for any company. He is very strong, but does not like to show his strength, only if he himself or those close to him need protection. In business, the dragon always achieves the goal with the least sacrifice, he is an excellent worker and easily finds a way out of even the most difficult situation. The dragon, although not boastful, can always show off his abilities in time, so in any team he is in the spotlight. He willingly shares with others everything that he himself has, and fate always rewards him with high status and good income for such generosity.

In a relationship, the dragon is not too passionate, but loves reverently and deeply, easily approaches people and quickly falls in love, which often repels potential partners.


This is perhaps the most wise, prudent, but at the same time lazy sign. The snake is able to find a way out even from tightly walled walls, is able to convince, “reads” people well, achieves its goal by waiting a long time, and at the right moment grabs its prey tightly, never missing. He is very cautious and will never act knowing that he is taking even the slightest risk. If the snake sees a real danger, it prefers to move out of the way and wait for more than a convenient moment. The snake is always in the center of attention, it has many admirers and acquaintances, but this person does not let anyone deep into his world, being an egoist and an individualist. People can be frightened by the coldness and sometimes even the greed of the snake, but she feels quite comfortable alone, she doesn’t really need anyone. The snake could achieve unprecedented heights, but often it is too selfish to rise above a certain level, which it considers “sufficient” for itself.

In a relationship, the snake is able to simply bewitch the partner, subjugating his will completely and completely. She needs someone who will surround her with care and love, and she can live lazily on his shoulder. The snake lets all the rest out of his life without a drop of regret.


The horse is bright, fickle and free, she does not tolerate rules and restrictions, she loves to earn money and be creative, she cannot be tamed, she can only be admired. This sign combines, as it were, 3 incarnations: a horse can work (and even a bull will envy its performance), can shine at points and secular receptions, and can rush through a green meadow. But it cannot be restrained, just as it is impossible to predict what it will be like in the next moment. The horse is very impulsive, she can say harsh words, for which she will later repent. Perhaps that is why the horse does not have many friends - only those who know her violent temper and accept her for who she is. The horse loves and knows how to live beautifully, she loves expensive things, jewelry, travel. But she also knows how to make money, all her expenses are strictly coordinated with income, you cannot reproach her for squandering.

In love, as in everything else, the horse is very selfish, even self-centered. Therefore, her ideal partner should be very calm and patient, philosophical about all the antics of the horse.


This sign always shines in society and receives compliments - both of which are very important for a goat. She can be noticed immediately, by elegance, smartness and good manners. She should be admired and complimented by everyone, she does not look for difficult ways, does not strive to take the initiative, be the boss (if she is provided with a good job), she does not like problems and often does not know how to solve them. The material in her nature often prevails over the spiritual, so in her personal life a goat needs a secure partner. A goat can surprise loved ones with the inconstancy of nature - sometimes it is gentle and affectionate, sometimes it bucks and butts. In general, the main thing for a goat is its complete and absolute comfort here and now, changes and risk are not for it, as well as excessive freedom.

In a relationship, a goat needs someone who will lead her on a leash, but on a weak one, so that she can sometimes run and frolic to her heart's content. The partner must surround her with love, care and comfort, otherwise the offended goat will throw tantrums or even feign illness.

A monkey

This insanely charming sign will not leave anyone indifferent to its charm and the gift of persuasion. Monkeys often become excellent “gray cardinals”, allowing others to think that they are in control, but at the same time it is the monkey who is in charge of all the processes. They keep secrets well and are often trusted by others, even if they are unfamiliar people. Monkeys are always easy-going, but if they don't succeed in something, they can leave it, forcing their team to "clean up" after themselves. In this work, the monkey can be so devoted that he often sacrifices his own interests, becomes dependent on superiors and can be exploited.

Monkeys are always light, festive, but a little frivolous and superficial. This also shows up in relationships. The partner of the monkey should not burden her with problems once again and must have a sense of humor, since monkeys do not tolerate dullness and monotony.

The zodiac signs popular in our country are not at all as popular in China. If you ask a simple Chinese - who he is according to the sign of the zodiac - they will answer you with difficulty. Nevertheless, in China, horoscopes are popular, but not European, but oriental.

What is the eastern or Chinese horoscope, we will understand below.

The legend of the origin of the Chinese horoscope

Legends and myths have played an important role in Chinese culture for thousands of years. The origin of the Chinese horoscope is also rooted in Chinese mythology.

There are two main legends explaining where the 12 animals (rat, bull, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, goat, monkey, rooster, dog and pig) came from, representing the Chinese horoscope, as well as their sequence.

First legend talks about how the Buddha invited all the animals to take part in the competition: they had to swim across a cold wide river, and the prize was a place in one of the 12 months of the Chinese zodiac calendar. The first 12 animals to cross the river took their place in the order in which they reached the Buddha.

The first animal to reach the finish line, according to legend, was a rat. It may seem strange that, of all the contestants, such a small animal was the winner.

The legend explains that it was her quick wits that helped the rat win. Jumping on the back of the best swimmer - the bull, she reached the shore, jumped off his back and managed to complete the race faster than the bull.

In the next second, a bull appeared and took second place among the animals listed in the Chinese horoscope.

The tiger was also strong, so he came in third.

Fourth came the rabbit. Among some Eastern peoples, the cat was the fourth animal. To date, there is no consensus on this matter.

The dragon reached the finish line fifth.

Hiding in the hoof of the horse, the snake crossed the river, and climbing ashore, frightened the horse and took sixth place.

The horse came seventh.

The goat, the monkey and the rooster, helping each other, reached the shore and took their places in the calendar.

The dog decided that bathing was more important to her than taking a place on the calendar, so she came only eleventh.

The last to appear was the pig. According to legend, she ate and rested half the way, but, nevertheless, she took her rightful place among other animals.

According to second legend, The Jade Emperor (according to some versions, it was the Buddha) invited all the animals to the feast. Some sources say that it was the celebration of his birthday, others - the New Year, and thirdly - the day of his death.

Of all the animals, only 12 came, and in the order in which they came, the animals as a gift received their places in the Chinese zodiac calendar.

But no matter how the legends describe the origin of the Chinese horoscope, for thousands of years it has continued to amaze and entertain people all over the world.

Chinese horoscope signs

The basis of the Chinese zodiac calendar are 12 animals, representing a repeating 12-year cycle.
Below are the characteristics that are attributed to people born in the year of each of the animals:


Those born under the sign of the Chinese horoscope are the Rat: they are quick-witted, intelligent, sociable, charming and cunning. They have great taste, are good friends, generous and loyal to others. People of this sign are motivated by money, can be greedy, always curious and eager to learn. Compatibility: with dragon and monkey.


Another of the strong signs of the Chinese horoscope is the bull. He is a constant, firm and driven leader with a focus on details. Bulls are also hardworking, stubborn, serious and withdrawn, but can feel lonely and insecure. Feel comfortable around friends and family, and are reliable protectors and strong companions. Compatibility: with a snake or a rooster.


Those born under the sign of the Chinese horoscope - the tiger: are authoritative, cold-blooded, possessing leadership qualities, at the same time very charming and very seductive. They are purposeful, brave, warm-hearted, sullen, tense and ready to pounce at any moment. Compatibility: with horse or dog.


Those born under the Chinese zodiac sign of the rabbit love to be surrounded by family and friends. They are compassionate, sincere, prefer to avoid conflict and sometimes seem too simple. Attentive to detail and practical. Rabbits love the house and love to spend time at home. Compatibility: with a goat or a pig.

The Dragon

Those born under this strong sign are the dragon: energetic and sincere, charming, selfish and they are lucky in love. They are leaders by nature, give orders well and do what it takes to stay on top. Compatibility: with monkey and rat.


Those born under the sign of the Chinese zodiac are snake: attractive, sociable, charming, good analysts, love money, but at the same time generous. They are also withdrawn, insecure, envious, maybe even slightly dangerous, smart, they rely on intuition, hardworking and intelligent. Compatibility: with a rooster or a bull.


Those born under the sign of the Chinese horoscope - horse: they love freedom. They are energetic, independent, wise about money, love to travel. They are excellent seducers, witty, impatient, often selfish. Compatibility: with a dog or a tiger.


Those born under the sign of the Chinese horoscope - goat: love solitude in their thoughts. These are creative people, thinkers, wanderers, they are disorganized, easily excitable, insecure, and can be restless. They need love, support and comfort. Also, appearance is very important to them. Compatibility: with pig or rabbit.

A monkey

Those born under the sign - monkey: they love to live for their own pleasure. They are energetic, cheerful, good listeners, but they lack self-control. They are cunning, ironic, quirky, smart, first of all they think about themselves, and not about others. They are heartthrobs, not prone to long-term relationships, can be immoral. Compatibility: with rat or dragon.


Those born under the sign of the Chinese zodiac are the rooster: practical, resourceful, observant, good analysts, but impractical. They are straightforward, trusting, honest, perfectionists, neat and conservative. Compatibility: with a bull or a snake.


Those born under the sign - a dog: loyal, faithful, honest, distrustful, afraid to offend another person. They are temperamental, prone to mood swings, categorical and sensitive. Dogs are successful in business, but they can have trouble finding partners. Compatibility: with tiger or horse.


Those born under the sign of the Chinese horoscope are pigs: people are very nice, well-mannered and have good taste. These are perfectionists who love good things, but are not perceived as snobs. They love to help others, good companions, but if someone gets in their way, then beware! They are intelligent, smart, always in search of new knowledge, picky in acquaintances. Compatibility: with rabbit or goat.

Compatibility according to the Chinese horoscope

Animals representing the Chinese horoscope are always depicted in a circle. It is believed that the signs located opposite each other are complete opposites and therefore are not compatible.

Also, all signs of the Chinese horoscope are divided into four groups, corresponding to four types of temperament. It is believed that people born under the signs of the same group can more easily find a common language.

  1. Rat, Dragon, Monkey- energetic, open, active signs.
  2. Bull, Snake, Rooster- hardworking, purposeful, self-confident signs.
  3. Tiger, Horse, Dog- decisive, strong-willed, friendly signs.
  4. Rabbit, Goat, Pig- responsive, sensitive, creative signs.

The Inner Animal and the Secret Animal of the Chinese Zodiac

In addition to the animal representing the year of birth, there are also so-called inner and secret animals in the Chinese horoscope.

According to the year of our birth, we can easily determine which of the 12 animals we were born under. But in reality, who we really are and our future will be told to us by our inner and secret animals.

The 12 signs of the Chinese horoscope are associated with a person's year of birth, and these signs are repeated in a circle every 12 years.

The inner and secret animals are associated with the person's month of birth (of which there are also 12) and the hour of birth (all daily times can be divided by 12, assuming that each period lasts 2 hours), respectively. In total, 12 zodiac signs, 5 elements, 12 months of birth and 12 time periods of birth make up 8640 different personal combinations!

Simply put, the animal that represents your year of birth defines your “outer” side.

The animal that represents your birth month determines your "internal" state - the person you would like to be.

The animal representing your birth time defines your "secret" side - who you really are, but carefully hide it from the outside world.

When you look at the Chinese horoscope, you determine that you were born, for example, under the sign of the goat. But in reality, your nature is characterized not only by this sign, but by a combination of 3 different Chinese zodiac animals! To truly understand who you are, you need to consider the combination of the qualities of these 3 animals. And this combination will help define your uniqueness.

The table below shows the zodiac animals and their respective time periods:

What characterizes the inner animal?

As mentioned above, your inner animal, according to the Chinese horoscope, represents the type of person you think you would like to be. In addition, your inner animal helps you determine which other zodiac animals you are not compatible with.

What characterizes the secret animal?

It is believed that the secret animal is the most accurate representation of a person, since this animal is determined by the smallest denominator: the hour of birth of a person.

The Chinese horoscope is based on astrology, so those 2 hours of time coincide with the position of the sun in the sky; not with your local time. The so-called solar time is not the same as daylight saving time or GMT, so make sure you calculate your birth time correctly, otherwise you might get your secret animal wrong.

The next time you use a Chinese horoscope to predict your future, remember that most of the information will be based on your inner and secret zodiac animals!

Elements of the Chinese horoscope

Much of Chinese philosophy is based on the characteristics of the five basic elements or elements and how they interact with each other. It is believed that everything on earth consists of these five elements.

The five elements have been part of Chinese culture almost from the beginning. Interestingly, few people outside of Asia understand the importance of the five elements, and especially how each of them is related to the Chinese horoscope.

The five elements: wood, fire, earth, metal and water are associated with the five main planets of the solar system: Jupiter, Mars, Saturn, Venus and Mercury, respectively.

These five elements are natural phenomena that have a generative and annihilating influence on each other. For example, wood creates fire, water creates wood, water destroys fire, fire destroys metal, etc.

Five elements: metal, wood, fire, water and earth affect the twelve animals of the Chinese horoscope, giving them different characteristics.

  1. Metal- White color; season: autumn; main qualities: willpower, determination, straightforwardness, intelligence.
  2. Wood– color: green (blue); season: spring; main qualities: kindness, responsiveness, individualism, pessimism, fantasy is well developed.
  3. Fire– color: red; season summer; main qualities: passion, energy, perseverance, emotionality.
  4. Water- black color; season: winter; main qualities: flexibility, purposefulness, sociability, calmness, intuition.
  5. Earth– color: yellow (brown); season: all year; main qualities: practicality, endurance, prudence, reliability, conservatism, morality.

The interaction of the 12-year cycle defined by the zodiacal animals with the five elements actually creates 60 different combinations.

Yin and Yang in the Chinese horoscope

Hieroglyph Yin and Yang in the Chinese horoscope

Another important concept in Chinese philosophy is Yin and Yang: two opposites, two principles that complement each other or a balance that can be traced in all phenomena of our life, such as day and night, femininity and masculinity, etc.

The concepts of Yin and Yang influence the five elements of the Chinese horoscope, attributing certain characteristics to them. Each of the elements can exist in both states. Zodiacal animals are found in only one of the forms: Yin or Yang.

Yin is the feminine, passive principle, and Yang is the masculine, active principle.

Thus, even years: Ox, Rabbit, Snake, Goat, Rooster, Pig are under the auspices of the feminine Yin.

And odd years, such as the Rat, Tiger, Dragon, Horse, Monkey, Dog - under the auspices of the masculine Yang.

Chinese horoscope by year

If you don't know your Chinese zodiac sign, find your year of birth in the table below to determine it. But be careful and keep in mind that the new year in China does not start as it is customary for us - on January 1st.

New Year in China is celebrated on one of the dates from January 21 to February 20, which is determined by the lunar calendar. Accordingly, the change of sign also occurs according to the lunar calendar.

Rat Bull Tiger Rabbit The Dragon Snake
(the fire)
(the fire)
(the fire)
(the fire)
(the fire)
(the fire)
Horse Goat A monkey Rooster Dog Pig
(the fire)
(the fire)
(the fire)
(the fire)
(the fire)
(the fire)
(the fire)
(the fire)
(the fire)
(the fire)

The Chinese believe that the year of birth does not represent a person's age, but their position in a 60 year cycle. The characteristics personified by the zodiacal animals, as well as the influence of the five elements and the elements of Yin and Yang, together determine the "good" and "bad" periods, "good luck" and "bad luck", and other details of life.

Thus, the Chinese horoscope serves as a powerful tool for determining one's own destiny.

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