The meaning of 10 of swords in the relationship. Annie Lionnet

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The Ten of Swords tarot card represents the end of the struggle. Even the illustration of the Arcanum itself points to this. So, on traditional Tarot cards, a person defeated in battle is depicted. Ten swords pierced his body. In the background, dawn is a symbol of a new day.

Ten of Swords - a strict and serious card

Such an illustration is fully consistent with the meaning of the Arcana itself. But not everything is so simple. The Ten of Swords is known for its strictness and seriousness. And the end of the struggle for a person is a failure. If other cards indicate events that can be changed, then 10 swords does not apply to those.

The general meaning of the card in layouts

Most cartologists consider the 10 of Swords to be the scariest card. And what is important, danger to a person is possible, both with its general meaning, and in combination with other Arcana. It is impossible to prevent certain predictions.

A complete failure in personal life, at work and in relationships with loved ones - all this is "bad luck". Any action will not bring benefits, but only can bring the inevitable closer. 10 Swords Tarot value is determined by the general interpretation of all cards of the layout. Always Arkan is the end of good luck, financial well-being, love and one's own stamina. Man is like a victim of his own life. Do not escape fate.

It is very difficult to compare the Ten of Swords with other cards in terms of its significance. Only "Death" can compete with the sinister Arcana. Like a dozen Tarot swords, "Death" - promises death. Only the nature of such failures is different. There is only one exception. If a person has already had a difficult period in his life and the cards show this, then 10 swords can become a point in this “black bar”. The beginning of a bright future is a rare card meaning, but sometimes very significant and necessary for people who use the Tarot to solve their problems.

Physical and psychological significance

Tragedy is not the only possible outcome when falling into the 10 of Swords layout. "Finish line" refers not only to the events that take place in the World surrounding a person. It is important to correctly interpret the whole situation.

Psychological and emotional experiences are also characteristic of people. We all, like sponges, absorb everything we see, hear and touch. And the slightest violation of this “ideal” can cause various indignations. So, it is possible:

  • stress;
  • psychological exhaustion;
  • severe depression;
  • mental illnesses.

Stress is a condition that is common to all people.

Any emotions and emotional experiences must be supported by something. So, provocateurs are: the loss of loved ones, parting with loved ones, serious illnesses, etc.

For a person who is destined to go through the “inevitable”, it is important to keep himself “in control”. Often, severe painful consequences end tragically. Even a suicide attempt is possible. The important thing is that nothing is eternal - everything will surely come to an end. Everyone has to overcome difficulties in life. The better people tolerate them, the faster everything will return to normal.

The meaning of the card is often associated with Bible stories. Just like Christ, everyone carries his own cross.

And any road has thorny paths that are difficult. A person gets tired, kills himself, tortures himself. They are driven only by the hope of a better existence. But all to no avail. Death is the only outcome.

But do not accept "death", in the most serious sense of the word. Death is the end before a new life begins. Even the depicted fallen warrior on the 10 of Swords card indicates this. Deep night kill the first rays of the sun. New day, new life.

What does the reversed position of the card mean?

Reversed Ten of Swords - indicates reverse events. That is, the meaning of such an Arcana indicates that "there will be no end" or it will not happen in the near future. Sometimes, in the layouts with such a card, there is some inconsistency. But such a concept is far from the worst fact among all possible. There is always time to think.

If such a value is associated with a career, then this is often a common routine. No progress in work and achievement of positive results of activity is out of the question. What is important and interesting. Peculiar obstacles can be expressed not by the presence of problems in life, but by excessive success or positive abilities of the person himself.

Astrological influence on Tarot decks has always had a great influence on the solution of everyday issues. Thus, the Ten of Swords refers to the sign of Cancer. He is characterized by:

  • love relationship;
  • attachment;
  • arrangement of the hearth;
  • New acquaintances.

This zodiac sign falls under the influence of Jupiter. So, the Ten of Swords has:

  • good luck
  • success;
  • victory.

It is “victory” that makes it possible to understand the meaning of the inverted Ten of Swords card. Victory is the end of the Struggle, calmness and fatigue. The winners, having reached the goal, reap the fruits of the past - they rest on their laurels. That is, it is "inaction" and "life without progress."

The Ten of Swords, which fell out at a time when a person is lonely, is a good sign.

Some tarot readers have high hopes for the Ten of Swords. The card is especially beneficial in moments of loneliness, illness, poor financial situation, etc. But it is worthwhile to "soberly" assess the situation. Any life changes, even if they are positive, can be fleeting. And if a person is sick, and he clings to any chance of his existence, one should not expect a global improvement from Arkan.

Recovery, healing, remission - all this is very important, but you can't deceive fate. Man lives as he can. Even if things get better, you should not “give up”, because it is “inaction” that is the main concept of the inverted Ten of Swords. At such moments, fate can play a cruel joke.

Combining the Ten of Swords with other Arcana

The 10 of Swords Tarot card is the Arcana that few people would like to see in the layout in front of them. The main interpretation can often be distorted due to the influence of neighboring cards on the reading of the entire prediction. Some Arcana can even reduce the "importance" of the Ten of Swords itself.

Concentration and the ability to correctly form the meaning of the entire layout is the main task of any cartologist. Thus, the concepts of this or that prediction can give the most accurate information about the “coming end”. The Ten of Swords combined with other cards can give the following meanings:

  1. The Empress is a heavy quarrel.
  2. Two of Wands - self-confidence and own strength. Reduces the power of the Ten of Swords.
  3. The Hanged Man is a tragedy, sorrow. Sometimes this combination indicates suicide.
  4. Death is a direct concept of this word. Sometimes it points to a person's own death, and sometimes to the death of loved ones.
  5. The chariot is self-affirmation.
  6. The Six of Wands is self-love that leads to success.
  7. Nine of Cups - fear is not justified, everything will be fine.
  8. Four of Pentacles - grief from the present.

Ten of swords, dropped out along with the Four of Pentacles - grief from the present

Also, the combination of the Arcana with the Eight of Swords is more of a psychological nature for the person himself. The meaning of such a coincidence in the layout is impotence, severe psychological stress and falling under the influence of others. Such predictions are characteristic of workaholics who work for the Benefit of other people.

This combination of Arcana makes it possible to correct the course of one's affairs, which cannot be said about other interpretations. Also, correctable include getting into the layout of the Two of Cups. Meaning - dissatisfaction with surrounding affairs. There are no serious consequences to speak of. This is how the direct meaning of the Ten of Swords is weakened.

Love and Ten of Swords

Questions of love relationships worried people of any age. Everyone wants to love and be loved. Loneliness has never attracted anyone. Tarot divination is one of the most effective methods for solving Amorous Affairs. So, when the Ten of Swords fell out, the meaning of the card is associated with "refusal of the valuable." Any person who uses his own mind as a tool for broken things.

This comparison has a hidden meaning. What if nothing is broken? Repairing the whole, unbroken, is an attempt to change something that already works well. So, the mind is a “shovel” that digs a grave for relationships. And if a person is already lonely, his behavior can repel others. Until such people begin to look at the World in a new way, it is unlikely that anything will work out.

Breaking up a love relationship does not always bring great emotional and psychological problems. Sometimes people tend to hurt each other. Such relationships are meaningless. And the Ten of Swords advises to quickly finish unnecessary processes. Only after the end of the relationship, something new begins. So there comes a period of liberation, a kind of healing. Such a variation of interpretation will only positively affect the life of the fortuneteller.

Although the 10 of Swords card is one of the most terrible Arcana, you should understand the correct formation of the interpretation based on a particular case. Not every Tarot beginner can understand that the "end" is not a fiasco in the war, but just a lost battle, one of many. So in the professional field, this card may portend a demotion or dismissal.

But this does not mean that a person will not be able to find a new job. Especially if "World" appears in the layout. This combination is a junction of white and black stripes. Having parted with something old, a person will quickly find a replacement for it. So it is at work. Having lost a position or main source of income, do not despair, a solution to the problem will come soon.

Using the Tarot to solve your problems, it is important to be able to correctly divide your own values ​​into primary and secondary. Many may simply turn out to be something imaginary.

Living constantly looking back at the frontiers of the past is not an option. The constant striving for the best, the unknown and the useful makes it possible to correct at least something in your existence. People should at least sometimes "cover their tracks" and only then, the Ten of Swords will not seem like such a scary card.

"The darkest hour is before dawn."

Among the cards there are those that warn of troubles that can be avoided if desired. The Minor Arcana Tarot card Ten of Swords warns of a strike of Fate that cannot be avoided. In this article, we will look at the description and meaning in the relationship of a direct and inverted card, interpretation and combination with other cards in layouts for love, health, career and work.

The card promises you a complete collapse - the final break in relations, the collapse of the business, the disruption of all plans ...

Map Description

The image symbolically demonstrates the entry of the spirit into matter: a dozen swords shimmering with white light pierce the body that has fallen to the ground. And mortal matter is destroyed under the onslaught of the invincible force of pure consciousness. But the spirit, locked in a material shell, will be mortified.

General meaning of the Ten of Swords card

The card says dispassionately: "The fight is useless, this is the end!" This road leads only in one direction, and turning off it is almost impossible. Any action here is meaningless. You probably won't even have any options. Don't even count on help, everything has already been decided. This is a bitter pill to be swallowed in silence.

The Ten of Tarot Swords shows that you will be completely devastated and destroyed. In the worst case, it means an increase in the troubles that neighboring cards will tell about. At the best outcome of the case, this is the cancellation of luck. In any case, plans will not come true or will come true in the worst way for you, all improvements will not last long. As a result, even your personality can suffer: after such life disasters, people often lose confidence in themselves and their abilities.

But here's what's interesting, if before that things were going well, then this Arkan promises you hard times. If everything was impossibly bad, the end of the black stripe is near, with which you have almost become related. In this, the Ten of Swords is similar to the card of Death. It can become a sign of the end of difficult days, completion, separation, destruction of something. But Death is the action of the forces of nature, part of the process and its natural end. With the Ten of Swords comes a violent, untimely end. Someone or something invades your life and, like a blade, cuts off the chain of events.

Yes, changes of this kind often leave deep spiritual wounds, but not always. Perhaps the cutting blade is an unbreakable Mind Force that will cut the bonds that bind you? After all, often old attachments, habits (including bad ones) or life circumstances do not allow you to move on.

In any case, get ready for parting. Whether they will be painful and sad or bring the joy of relief - depends on you, not only on the circumstances. Think, perhaps, with the powers of the Swords, like a scalpel, you are getting rid of some kind of “cancerous tumor”?

A sharp answer, an unexpected revelation, a direct and decisive action - the events will be as “brutal” and coldly dispassionate as the already mentioned surgical instrument. Is it worth it to be afraid - you decide.

So, the Ten of Tarot Swords, the meaning of the card at best promises you the end of difficult times, a sharp break with the usual. You are already lying on the ground, there is nowhere to fall further, all that remains is to rise. But while it hurts, there will be tears and despair, as this card is traditionally interpreted.

Description of personality

If the card describes a person, then the personality is complex, sometimes completely unpredictable. It is sometimes simply impossible to guess his further actions even in relation to himself. Decisive, passionate and at the same time prudent, like all Swords, he can be very cruel.

But this cruelty is akin to the boiling lava of a volcano: it doesn't care who and what gets in its way, it simply flows in accordance with the laws of Nature. One of the main principles of this person is “all or nothing”, even if the whole world is against him.

Negative Traits

For all his impulsiveness and pride, a person is closed and secretive. He firmly believes in his own infallibility, and with an unwavering hand, without warning or notifying anyone, he reshapes reality to suit his needs. Even if a thrill is born deep in the heart, it will remain a mystery until the end of days.

The problematic situation in which this person finds himself is very burdensome. And he will throw all his strength and reserves to get out of the vicious circle, he will not regret even the most expensive. If a certain line is passed, then under the onslaught the energy used for the breakthrough will become destructive. And, captured by this energy, the person himself can bring himself to suicide.

His state of mind is unstable, he is devastated and torn to pieces, exhausted himself to the very bottom. After titanic efforts and frantic energy expenditure, he was crushed not by pleasant fatigue, but by terrible exhaustion, like a warrior who had just returned from a great battle.

This is spiritual burnout, mental old age, the state of a battered veteran who is no longer interested in life. All battles are won or lost, there are no more desires and aspirations. Physical age has nothing to do with it. Isn't this what 32-year-old Alexander the Great experienced?

Another touch to the portrait of a Ten of Swords man is negative thinking. His thoughts are heavy, depressing, like a dozen blades from the image on the map, they tear him from the inside, although one sword would be enough to cause death.

This internal conflict, taken to the extreme, to complete absurdity, is most often not visible to others. Or not interesting - everyone, they say, goes through this, what is there to talk about? And the greater the confusion when the bearer of these Swords decides to commit suicide.

If the Ace of Swords thinks clearly, like a computer, then the Ten is a state of extremes and excess, which confuses the mind and sows panic. A dangerous edge, when any word or action can be the last straw in an overflowing and seething bowl.

Questions from visitors and answers from experts:

On a deeper level

The previous Arcana - the Nine of Swords - speaks of an agonizing expectation, as if a condemned man is looking through the prison window for the dawn of his last day. Ten of Swords - this is the end of all delays, this is the executioner who appeared behind the prisoner. You have crossed the line, now the old laws have no power over you.

Having gone through the suffering of the Nine of Swords, which seemed to last forever, a person decides to take a step towards the next lasso. After all, it is not in vain that the first rays of the sun are depicted on the Ten card itself. The path to this light lies through the deepest darkness. Having experienced all this, he decides to take a desperate step and prefers to face all his fears with open eyes. No matter how pathetic this heroism looks from the outside, for Fate it is a sign that the subject is ready for change. So, soon she will contemplate one of her favorite spectacles - the restoration of the soul.

According to some tarot readers, the ten of swords is the worst card in the deck.

This Arkan carries a deep lesson: through thought, one who has felt hellish tortures accepts death for a new birth. The transforming power of thought, working with a specific layer of being, is symbolized by the last decade of Gemini. Reason analyzes everything that happens in life, defines itself as an active part of this reality. Physical life and thinking are two opposites united into one whole. Not only being determines consciousness, but vice versa - consciousness affects all facets of human existence in the material world.

Yes, we most often weed out our secret, deep thoughts, which even we ourselves cannot fully understand. But sometimes they seep through our cordons and materialize before we have time to imagine the result of this manifestation. Two antagonists - soul and body - are united into a single whole, into a person. And often manifesting itself too actively, the soul begins to destroy the material shell, to its own detriment.

For the sake of higher goals, it is necessary to stop the "rat race" and fuss, only in this way does the opportunity open up to find one's destiny. This is the only way to reflect in the material world what previously existed only in the element of thought. Purification, redemption through pain and blood is symbolized by the Ten of Swords.

The larger the activity of a person, the higher his requests and ambitions, the stronger his manifestation of the Ten of Swords, so the example of Alexander the Great was not accidental. The character of Capricorn is fully reflected here (as in the Ten of Cups, the opposite sign of Cancer). The activity of Capricorn is associated with strength tests and high stakes. In the social realm, this is likely to be a test of a large amount of power. Do not forget that those who climbed high will fall more painfully. Therefore, for those who have determined for themselves the path to distant peaks, the test of strength will be more serious than for those who are content with a walk to the neighboring hill.

Here there is a separation of paths - high, medium and low. You are faced with a choice: you can choose the path to the obstacle and overcome it (or at least try), you can stay in place and make a halt, and then completely settle down at this stone. Many roads have already been traveled, many accomplishments have been made, and there is no need to fear that you will be reproached for weakness or cowardice. You have something to lose.

And is it worth it? After all, losses will be inevitable not in case of failure, but vice versa, because this is the Line beyond which the gates to the new open. The world is completely unknown, from which there will be no return.

So, the Ten of Swords is a transition to a new level of reality. With the crossing of this barrier, a path opens to another layer of being, which will return one who goes to the Ace of Pentacles. The situation is very reminiscent of the plot of Lukyanenko's "Last Watch", when the main character, having gained strength and courage, makes his way to the deepest level of the Twilight and finds himself ... on the first step of the material world, which turned out to be the source of all other facets of the world and the forces acting in it.

Such actions and subsequent discoveries impose on the daredevil full responsibility for the consequences. Not everyone will have the strength to jump through the dark Abyss. But some, like Alexander the Great, do not reason, but simply break off the ground and rush to the other side. Great glory awaits those who reach it. But you can also "jump"!

The suit of Swords is reminiscent of the Knights Templar. The knights marched triumphantly towards world domination, but this victorious march ended very tragically. The death of the order was absurd, the measures applied to its members were redundant. But the flesh is nothing more than the receptacle of the spirit, over which the pain of the material world has no power. Liberation from the bonds of the earth is not always as scary as many of us make it out to be. Indeed, there is no going back. But the epitaph on the tombstone of such fighters remains for centuries.

The meaning of the Ten of Swords in various layouts

For career and work

You are in a situation where you need to perform a real miracle, and the price here is completely unimportant. Or it has already happened, and you are sitting in a state of devastation and entangled in fragments of experienced fear. Confusion and burnt wires from the strongest heat. You are one step away from professional burnout, a little more, and your fate will be decided. Stress and overwork will tear you to pieces and turn you into a kind of professional zombie. Another sleepless night or a quarterly report will drink you to the dregs.

Sometimes the card describes a situation with an unexpected dismissal, demotion or loss of a status position. This is probably an indication of your last fight, which is doomed to lose in advance. And even the manifestation of personal heroism does not solve anything and cannot affect anything.

The Suit of Swords is traditionally associated with intellectual work, as well as education and training. In this map of swords, the maximum number, but it does not flow into quality. Mental activity acquires a painful character. Perhaps this is a collective madness, corporate behavior, more reminiscent of the madness of adherents of a sect. An overly fussy boss can bring his subordinates to a state of losing touch with reality.

For finance and property

Complete financial collapse. deepest crisis. Losing in lawsuits. Temporary financial difficulties. Zeroing bank accounts, bankruptcy. The process is already running, and it simply cannot be stopped. It seems that there will be no return to normal life, this collapse affects not only the usual way of life, but also the very soul of the participants in the action.

Major renovation or relocation. A farewell to the past, a break and perhaps a sigh of relief. People dared to complete destruction and ruin in their homes. Or a complete change of scenery. As is often the case during relocations or repairs, complete chaos reigns around, which draws out the last forces.

For love and relationships

The Ten of Swords, meaning in relationships, speaks of a complete break, and in the traditional meaning of the Arcanum, tragic events, love disappointment, pain of loss. Relationships have reached a point where they either have to transform into something new or go into oblivion. The turning point has been reached, but the butterfly from the cocoon did not hatch, froze and died. The situation is unbearable, and people decide to part, divorce. Often these events come as a surprise even for the main characters themselves, and even more so for their entourage. There was a replacement of players, and the rules of the game changed, without announcing the reasons.

The Ten of Swords also speaks of a scorched heart, when the ability to love and feel anything in general disappeared as a result of the heat of passions. The fear of experiencing this nightmare again forces a person to forbid himself to come into close contact with people, to get close to someone. It seems that this is the final decision, not subject to appeal. But such categorical decisions are tested for strength in the first place.

The card warns of a sudden departure of a person from the family, when the situation is such that he suddenly decides or is forced to end this relationship. Moreover, both partners were not mentally prepared for such an outcome. This, like a bolt from the blue, surfaced circumstances that previously a person kept a complete secret from everyone. It is they who force him to suddenly withdraw from his place and change the course of his life. A painful situation for all who were involved in this process, but it is no longer possible to reverse it.

For the state of health

The strength of the physical body is running out, not only a good rest is needed, but also a complete revision of the regimen, a thorough examination and treatment. The Ten of Swords indicates inflammation of various kinds, fever, fever. Psychologically and psychophysically, depression and depression, asthenic conditions, apathy, and in the worst case, catatonia.

There was a case when the card pointed to a person who died transiently as a result of a knife strike (though it cannot be said that this was completely unexpected, he had been moving towards this for a long time).

The card is associated with the spine (in classical images, swords are located along the spine of a dead person), injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system. There is a connection with gynecological diseases and bleeding - the scarlet loincloth on the human body is very symbolic. This also includes abortion, loss of virginity, complicated childbirth, and so on.

Often, menstruation is also associated with it - a painful process of cleansing the female body through the blood, associated with psychological stress no less than with physical stress. In men, the Ten of Swords can mean loss of sexual desire, phimosis, various inflammations, including after various surgical operations.

Sometimes a card can indicate terrible diseases that are considered incurable - (AIDS, autoimmune diseases, when the body's defenses simply do not work). The crisis is near. So, after passing a certain point, there will be improvements in the state. Probably, the sufferer is waiting for a different outcome of the case, a lethal one. Here you need to draw a conclusion based on the surrounding cards.

It is better to end the game, get out of it, or create a stalemate by bringing passions to the maximum. If the state of affairs is more or less stable, it is better to throw away all the rubbish, be it old rags or old experiences. It is better to say goodbye to unnecessary habits and connections and start creating a new self.

Yes, it's not that easy to do. Sometimes such experiences become the most painful in a person's life and may even affect his subsequent incarnations. But often the Ten of Swords projects the questioner's fears. In this case, you just need to look at your phobias critically and understand what exactly they are caused by, to understand for yourself what a complete collapse of fate might look like. And, perhaps, having examined it more closely, a person will discover new ways for further development.

Before you cut the ends - think twice. Now is not the best time to finish things. The lasso may indicate that a person depicts a sacrificial lamb for too long and with inspiration, arranges funeral services for a failed, ruined life with pleasure, greatly exaggerating. The card can also suggest that some business is completely hopeless.

Reversed Card Meaning

The Ten of Swords reversed tells that the end is near, but is not yet at the door. There will be another surge of negative experiences, but this is the final chord. And the long-awaited sun will still rise in the realm of darkness. A card in this position can not only hint at a zero result. This may be a warning about other nuances in the case. For example, a positive outcome will only aggravate the position of the questioner, worsen the situation, and therefore Fate itself does not give the green light to progress in this direction.

There are suggestions that the opposite sign to Capricorn invades the meaning of the reversed card. The influences of Cancer with its lunar manifestations are quite traceable here: a return to the roots, the desire to hide in one's shell, love and affection, home and a measured way of life dear to the heart of Cancer.

You can also track the influence of Jupiter (this is the second ruler in the sign of Cancer): profits and gifts, any benefit, gambling and winning, an increase in authority, and at the same time - a complete lack of desire to move forward, because "we feel good here too We are respected here." Sometimes the Ten of Swords indicates the instability and momentary nature of the situation, its temporary, unstable nature.

Some see the Ten of Swords reversed as a rather positive sign. Violent manifestations of emotions are associated with the card. The joy of a sudden recovery, getting a high position and gaining power, unexpected luck, the patronage of the powerful of this world, gaining an advantage in business and gambling, understanding the real state of things (when a person feels that he was only miraculously alive, and these feelings are not unfounded).

There are authors who believe that the inverted card indicates the fleeting nature of the improvement, because everyone knows the changeable nature of Fortune. It is still too early to jump for joy: there is a risk of relapse, this happens at the very beginning of recovery. It is worth behaving extremely carefully, not overestimating your capabilities.

Combined with other cards

How the Ten of Swords is interpreted in combination with other cards:

  • With the Empress - showdown will be difficult;
  • With the Chariot - this card to a large extent interrupts the negative influence of the Ten of Swords, speaks of self-affirmation and strength;
  • With the Hanged Man - sometimes suicide or a tragic death, but more often - self-sacrifice or a rather expensive ransom;
  • With Death - tragedy, death, a rather difficult combination of cards will come to the house;
  • With the Two of Wands - speaks of self-confidence and strength, the negative interpretation is weakened;
  • With the Six of Wands - the conceit is too great, but if successful, the ovation will be truly deafening;
  • With the Two of Cups - extreme dissatisfaction with the situation;
  • With the Nine of Cups - your fears are completely in vain, everything will be better than you expect;
  • With the Eight of Swords - a depressive state is coming, aggravated by suspicions, omissions, a sense of one's own powerlessness
  • With the Two of Pentacles - you lack strength;
  • With the Four of Pentacles - you will be disappointed or upset by a gift (from an old collection of interpretations);

Do you know which card of the deck tarologists and clients are most afraid of? You probably thought it was Death or the Tower, but, in fact, the most terrible Arcana does not belong to the Elder category, and these are the 10 Tarot Swords, the meaning of which we will now analyze in detail. Why is she so afraid? What is so frightening and gloomy does it carry in itself? Let's figure it out.

General description of the card, plot and meaning in the layout

In order to better understand the meaning of the Ten of Tarot Swords, it is worth referring to the very image of the Arcana. The illustration shows a man lying on the ground, apparently dead, as ten sharp swords are thrust into his body. The gloomy background of the map inspires fear. Creepy picture, isn't it? "Its end!" - this is the motto of this frightening Arcana. Destruction, emptiness, severe pain, difficult experiences - all this is in the power of this card, according to the meaning of the Tarot Ten of Swords according to Rider-Waite. We can say that this is the culmination of the end.

Key words and ideas of the Arcana in the layout

  • The end of something, the irrevocable end
  • Extremely difficult, unfavorable period
  • deep suffering
  • The senselessness of any action
  • There's nowhere worse
  • Sorrow, intense sadness, tears
  • Despair

The value of the card in the upright position

So, you probably already understood that the interpretation of the 10 of Swords card is very close to the Major Arcana of Death and to the hopeless 9 of Swords. But why is this numerical map worse than them, why exactly is it “the most terrible”? If we compare it with Death, we will see that under the thirteenth Arcana some period ends naturally, but under the Tenth element of Air, the completion and rupture of ties occur by force, as if by the will of evil fate. If with the Death card we can describe, for example, the natural or expected departure of a person from life, for example, due to illness, then 10 of Swords will throw a completely different “feint” - death in an accident, murder, or some other wild accident. If we consider the situation of divorce, then Death will tell about a long family crisis, conflicts, incompatibility of a couple that precedes an immediate desire to leave, but in the case of 10 Swords, it will be an absolute “surprise” when a beloved spouse comes home and declares from the threshold “I love another and I'm going to her right now."

If we try to describe the difference between the meaning of the Tarot card of 10 Swords and the Nine of Swords of the same suit, we will see that the latter describes the suffering that can still be experienced, but the situations of the “most terrible” Arcana inflict a sudden and non-healing wound, which can then hurt for all life.

Reversed Card Meaning

There are different opinions about the reverse map. Someone considers it quite positive, reporting that the terrible end still did not happen, and the dark forces retreated at the last moment, but no one canceled the risk of relapse. Others suggest that Arkan is talking about serious obstacles, which, however, will soon be left behind - a kind of mini-tragedy far from a universal scale, in contrast to a direct map. Suitable situations are, for example, to survive during a serious accident, the rest of the participants of which died, to be late for a plane that crashed, to be on the verge of betrayal, but not change, to have an abortion, but change your mind at the last moment. On the one hand, this seems to be a tragedy that can destroy all life, but on the other hand, the danger has passed, but no one can guarantee that the situation will not happen again one day.

The meaning of the card in the layouts for love and relationships

According to tradition, we will consider the meaning of the Ten of Tarot Swords in relationships and see what the appearance of this frightening card can threaten.

Direct position

The classic meaning of the Ten of Tarot Swords in love is a break in love relationships, and most often it is sudden and causing the questioner a lot of pain. It's over and nothing can be fixed.

inverted position

There can be two situations here. The first is when there is a reason for a broken heart, however, the relationship still does not break. For example, a couple decides to divorce, but at the same time it never comes to an official divorce, because the spouses decide to give each other a second chance, or the husband leaves the family, and then, after a couple of months, returns back and the wife forgives him, accepts back. The inverted 10 of Swords can come just at the moment when the words about divorce or leaving were heard - it seems to warn: "Wait, it's not over yet, although you still have to suffer."

Video about the meaning of the card 10 of Swords

The second meaning of the 10 Tarot Swords in a relationship, if the card is turned over, are situations that are called "on the verge." For example, a drunk married girl desperately flirts with a stranger at a party, openly seduces him, and as soon as they are alone, she suddenly “sobers up” - and it doesn’t come to treason. For her, this is the reverse Ten of Swords, a moment that nearly shattered her entire life to the ground. In fact, the thought itself and the attempt to change are already quite dramatic events, but the collapse can be delayed, but whether it will be forever will become known only later.

The meaning of the card when divining for health

It is very difficult to voice your verdict to the client when this card came to the question about health. But what to do, the direct duty of the tarologist is to voice the interpretation under any circumstances.

Direct position

Fatal diagnoses (cancer, AIDS), serious life-changing injuries (for example, a fracture of the spine, chaining a person to a wheelchair), amputations, often difficult childbirth, female bleeding, subsequently affecting reproductive functions, abortions, loss of virginity. Sometimes a card is a direct indication of physical death, but on condition that this is confirmed by additional cards of the layout.

inverted position

The meaning of the inverted Ten of Tarot Swords in this case is the mortal danger that has passed, passed by, touched only slightly. For example, a difficult birth, in which there was a risk to the life of the mother or child, but everyone remained alive, profuse blood loss or an injury that was practically incompatible with life, when the person nevertheless survived. Wonderful stories about people who defeated cancer can also be attributed here.

The meaning of the card in the layout for personality analysis and state of mind

Can the darkest card of the deck tell something good if it falls out as a significator of a person or his psychological state? Let's see.

Direct position

A difficult, very determined person with his own concepts of good and evil. He is capable of too harsh actions both in relation to others and to himself. Lives on the principle of "all or nothing", can easily cut connections, agreements, relationships from the shoulder. Psychological state - complete emptiness, weakness, despair, reaching the highest point, depression.

inverted position

A person who is somewhat similar to the person described by the direct Ten, but at the same time something always keeps him from extremes at the last moment, although not always. State of mind - "picking yourself up piece by piece" after the stress.

The meaning of the Ten of Swords when divining for work, business, finance

Now let's move on to considering the meaning of the Tarot Ten of Swords in the work.

Direct position

A direct card is any acute situation, for example, a sudden dismissal, the loss of a prestigious position, the bankruptcy of a company, the collapse of a business, a strike of employees. Professions - surgeons, including plastic ones. The financial situation is a crisis.

inverted position

The same as the direct Ten, but at the last moment the final completion does not occur. Card situations - news of an impending dismissal, but at the last moment the boss changes, and the employee remains in his place, the loss of a high position, but at the same time the transition to an organization with no less good prospects, incomplete bankruptcy, in which the company still remains "on floating." The financial situation is a temporary, albeit severe, crisis.

Meaning of the 10 of Swords combined with the Major Arcana

Looking at this gloomy card, it immediately becomes clear that it will color even positive Arcana with negative shades. Let's see the possible interpretations of the combinations.

  • Jester: Accident due to negligence
  • Mage: Career End
  • High Priestess: Be the victim of blackmail
  • Empress: Destruction of anything of value
  • Emperor: Sudden dismissal, unexpected divorce
  • Hierophant: Soul Desolation
  • The Lovers: The Fall of a Relationship
  • Chariot: Accidental death, negligent homicide
  • Strength: Physical harm inflicted while under the influence
  • Hermit: Rebirth
  • Wheel of Fortune: Complete fiasco, loss
  • Justice: Severe punishment, retribution
  • Hanged Man: Death by suffocation, immobilization
  • Death: Unnatural death, end of former life
  • Moderation: Problems will gradually fade away
  • Devil: Being a victim of vice, sadism, total loss of self
  • Tower: Divorce, serious illness, knife wound
  • Star: Hope for healing
  • Moon: Prolonged crisis, clinical death, coma
  • Sun: Get out of a difficult state
  • Judgment: Closing the karmic cycle, resign to fate
  • World: Regain yourself, rise like a Phoenix from the ashes

The meaning of the card in combination with the Minor Arcana

Let us consider in more detail the combinations of the Ten of Tarot Swords with the numerical and court cards of the deck.

With the suit of Staves

  • Ace: Ruined Plans
  • Deuce: Intentional murder, separation, predictable ending
  • Troika: Missed Opportunities
  • Four: Tragedy in the house
  • Five: Overestimate your strength, lose
  • Six: Sad news
  • Seven: Complete failure, beating the lying down
  • 8: End of relationship or project closure
  • Nine: Live in anticipation of the worst
  • Ten: Fiasco
  • Page: Bad News
  • Knight: Lack of strength for further struggle
  • Queen: Dangerous Woman
  • King: Dangerous Man

With the suit of Cups

  • Ace: crushed feelings
  • Two: Breaking up a relationship
  • Troika: Friends become enemies
  • Four: Major depression
  • Five: Hopeless situation, see no way out
  • Six: Tragedy that happened in the past
  • Seven: The meaning of the Ten Swords Tarot with 7 of Cups - the collapse of plans
  • 8: Shattered Dreams
  • Nine: Lose property
  • Ten: Gap in the family, relatives
  • Page: A Love Tragedy
  • Knight: Plans Down
  • Queen: Breaking up with a close woman
  • King: Breaking up with a close man

With suit of Swords

  • Ace: Plans are not destined to come true
  • Deuce: The Collapsed World
  • Troika: Trampled Heart
  • Four: Bury yourself alive
  • Five: meanness, destruction
  • Six: Departure from a past life
  • Seven: Disillusionment
  • Eight: Very serious conflicts that break life
  • Nine: Depression, severe suffering
  • Page: Loss of memory, the desire to forget everything like a bad dream
  • Knight: Become a victim of evil criticism
  • Queen: To suffer because of a woman
  • King: Suffer because of a man, loss of a high position, social status

With the suit of Pentacles

  • Ace: Financial Crisis
  • Two: Tragic Change
  • Three: Meaning of 10 Tarot Swords with Three of Denarius - no one will help you
  • Four: Big money loss
  • Five: Lose a roof over your head
  • Six: Lose the main assistant
  • Seven: Complete lack of result
  • Eight: Lose skill, death of talent
  • Nine: Big loss
  • Ten: A gloomy period of life when absolutely everything goes wrong
  • Page: Expulsion from the Institute
  • Knight: Endurance Period
  • Queen: Loss of sanity
  • King: Lose everything, the ground is gone from under your feet

Live in expectation of the best, try to do everything in your power for further development, find a new meaning in life, be resilient in the face of losses. A person is not given more trials than he can bear - remember this.

Card Warning

Do not take losses as the end of life, otherwise it can really end (figuratively).

Questions the map answers

  • Can you find the strength in yourself to move on?
  • Is there anything you can focus on to get out of the dark streak?
  • Do you have plans for the future?

The Ten Swords of the Tarot, the meaning and interpretation of which we have just analyzed, is a kind of motto written on Solomon's ring - "And this too shall pass ...". Don't forget about it!

Description of the Tarot card Ten of Swords

On the Ten of Swords Tarot card, as a rule, a defeated person is depicted - ten swords pierced the body along the spine. They pour white light around the figure, dispelling the darkness. The sky is black, but beyond the river it is already dawning: a new day is approaching. This symbolizes the transition of the spirit into matter, which destroys everything perishable in order for the eternal to appear.

The general meaning and interpretation of the Tarot card Ten of Swords in divination and layouts

Direct card position

The Ten of Swords in the upright position represents the completion, the end of something, the time of hopeless losses, the collapse of hopes, an artificial, and sometimes a violent end, that is, one that comes at the wrong time. In any case, this Arcana means personal defeat, failure, collapse. Most likely, the person has already reached the bottom, reached the end of the path, found himself in an intellectual impasse. Maybe someone stabbed him in the back when he didn't expect it. However, at the same time, this card is open to change and new opportunities. A person stops fighting, accepts the inevitable and entrusts himself to fate or circumstances. Old ideas and mental models no longer work and are rendered useless. This may seem like a complete disaster, but in fact, the direct Ten of Swords also means the release, relief and end of negative processes.

Reversed card position

In an inverted position, the Ten of Swords says the same thing as a direct card, but exacerbates the situation with a long period of painful reflection and uncertainty. Sometimes Arkan speaks of the lack of results and the impossibility of further progress towards the goal. Moreover, an obstacle can be not only a barrier, but also success.

The meaning and interpretation of the Ten of Swords card in divination and layouts for work, business and career

Direct card position

In an upright position, appearing in fortune-telling and layouts, the Ten of Swords means a sharp cessation of work, resignation, parting with previous activities. In practice, this is, most often, leaving and moving to a new occupation. Less often, small changes, such as moving to another job within the same firm or suddenly canceling a previous job. Extremely negative course and development of business, significant losses, bankruptcy, collapse, force majeure.

Reversed card position

As in other areas, in the field of career and work, the inverted Ten of Swords does not lose its negative meaning and symbolizes unpleasant and depressing events, loss of control over the situation, irrevocably lost business. In some cases, Arkan can also mean such a terrible test as a test of power, honor, popularity; transitory success.

The meaning and interpretation of the Ten of Swords card in layouts and divination for health

Direct card position

A nervous breakdown, depression, mental confusion or physical illness, mental illness are not excluded.

Reversed card position

May indicate a slow recovery with relapses of the disease. Fever, inflammation, high temperature are possible.

The meaning and interpretation of the Ten of Swords card in divination and layouts for love and relationships

Direct card position

In the sphere of personal relationships, the direct Ten of Swords turns into its most dangerous, crisis side. The card indicates a very strong quarrel (sometimes with the use of physical violence), a scandal, a break in relations, mutual hatred or hatred of one partner for another. Heavy feelings about the terminated relationship are so strong that for a long time nothing new can arise, you have to wait until the wound heals.

Reversed card position

The Reversed Ten of Swords in the area of ​​relationships communicates that liberation and exciting changes are coming. Difficulties in relationships behind, ahead - renewal of relationships or new acquaintances. However, the person has not yet completely got rid of the consequences of the experience and still feels as if he miraculously escaped near death or serious misfortune.

The meaning and interpretation of the Ten of Swords card in layouts and divination for personality assessment

Direct card position

A man who has survived a terrible loss, a broken spirit pessimist.

Reversed card position

The card may indicate a person who is in danger or is recovering from surgery.

The Meaning and Interpretation of the Ten of Swords Card as a Card of the Day

Today is the day of summing up. Perhaps you are not ready to say goodbye to someone or something today, especially if it is about the most dear to you. Although, perhaps, you are already rejoicing at the near end of your troubles, grief or suffering. Either way, try not to give in to the urge to ruin everything so you don't regret it later.

Tip of the Ten of Swords card in divination and layouts

What seems irreparable now will look different to you after a while. A person always has the strength to overcome any difficulties and continue to live in harmony with himself.

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