Arrogant behavior pride 9 letters. What is the difference between pride and pride: signs, deliverance and how to deal with feelings

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Pride and pride


Snezhana Ivanova

Signs of pride are often a feeling of injustice, irritation. Such a person always believes that he was wrongfully offended.

In the modern world, the concepts of pride and pride are often confused with each other. People perceive them as one and the same or something very similar. Meanwhile, these two entities have completely different meanings. If the first concept testifies to a sense of self-worth, self-sufficiency, then the second one speaks of a complex character, internal unresolved problems of the individual. Signs of pride are often a feeling of injustice, irritation. Such a person always believes that he was wrongfully offended. This article focuses on the issue of pride and explains how it differs from pride. We will look at the components of each of the concepts in order to understand what is the danger of cultivating this feeling in oneself and how it can be overcome.

Pride and pride. Differences

Both concepts have the same root, which means they are derivatives of vanity, narcissism and arrogance. However, in the case of pride, the manifestation of a sense of false superiority over others is not as pronounced as with pride. In the modern world, you can be proud of your homeland, your own achievements, loved ones. And pride comes from pathological self-doubt.


It is unlikely that anyone will argue with the fact that it is necessary to respect and appreciate one's own personality. Without healthy self-love, there is no development, just as it is impossible to fully advance, reveal talents and one's own capabilities. A person should have a sense of pride. Otherwise, anyone can manipulate and use it for their own purposes. But, at the same time, any should be moderate. It is impossible to see a dirty trick in everything, and in people - the worst enemies or deceivers. Unfortunately, the realities of modern reality are such that many of us have to go through numerous trials, which are accompanied by pain, resentment and disappointment. But this is not at all a reason to become a weak, embittered person, is it? On the contrary, it is necessary to gather all your will and a good beginning in order to maintain faith in the best and in people.

Trust in the world

The more a person is disposed towards others, the more he is open in relation to himself, the easier it becomes for him to accept the new. Trust in the world consists of several components, such as: the situation in the family where a person lives, the attitude of the people around him, his own desires and dreams, character, temperament. Pride, most often, subjugates people, makes them not free, hostages of their fears. One who is proud cannot really be happy. He does not know how to truly trust, to open towards relationships. Just a proud person is able to recognize the feelings of another, he empathizes, helps others, but at the same time does not lose himself.


Pride always makes a person an egoist. With no exceptions. Concentrating only on your experiences, it is impossible to think about others, to bring real help to others. A person who has not managed to curb his pride will not be able to really feel the feelings of loved ones, will remain deaf to spiritual impulses. Pride sometimes adds strength to a person, helps to understand the essence of what is happening, while pride sometimes deprives one of common sense.


To fully progress along the path of life, a person constantly needs to develop. The essence of development is not only learning new things. It is extremely important to work on your own shortcomings, learn from what is happening, let go of the past in time. Pride can handle this, pride, more often than not, makes a person suffer further.


Overly proud people are often accused of not being attentive enough to the needs of others. Meanwhile, if a proud person simply does not let himself be offended and therefore gives the impression of an impregnable loner, then the one who is led by true pride still tries to subordinate those around him to his own worldview, to impose his point of view on them. Narcissism, or, in this case, should be considered as a psychological defense of the individual from a sense of his own inferiority.

Essence of Pride

Pride, like any personality characteristic, includes several structural components. Simply put, pride has three main components that keep it alive.

Pride is a mortal sin

In Christianity, as in any religion, pride is considered a great sin. The fact is that according to religious beliefs, there is no particular difference between pride and pride. Pride must also be condemned, as well as pride, and therefore the observance of divine commandments is an integral element of religious canons. There is an opinion that one who is proud cannot truly open his heart to true love. Such a person cares, first of all, about himself and his interests. All he cares about is that his needs are met.

The overthrow of pride occurs through deep repentance and overcoming the negative qualities of character in oneself. It is impossible to overcome pride in oneself if a person consciously does not go for it. “Pride is a sin,” the Bible says, and all spiritual teachers past and present agree with this statement.

How to get rid of pride?

Often people, having experienced serious difficulties in life due to the fault of their own character, ask themselves: how to deal with pride? After all, it prevents you from leading a full life, with pride, you are likely to lose old friends, but you will not gain new ones.

Pride makes both the person himself and his environment suffer. To overcome this quality of character in yourself, you need to work long and hard, work on yourself. The following tips can be called constructive methods for overcoming pride.

Respect others

Show genuine interest in the needs of others. If you respect their dreams, then no one will judge yours. Respect for others begins with acceptance of one's relatives. It is extremely important to accept loved ones for who they are, and not try to remake them. Vanity and pride cannot help in this. It is necessary to completely reconsider your feelings and attitude towards loved ones.

Pride dulls the feeling of closeness of souls, kinship of relationships, patience and humility. It is known that a proud person is not able to retreat from his own claims, he goes to the end, achieves the goal at any cost. To overcome this quality in yourself, just try to think at least sometimes how the other person feels. Imagine yourself in the place of your friend, to whom you did not understand why you were rude, or your father. Do you think it was pleasant for these people to hear sharp remarks or unfair accusations from you? Analyze your own actions more often, then the feelings of other people will gradually begin to open up to you, you will understand their experiences.

be careful

If you want to be useful to people, then be more attentive to them. It is worth starting to notice even small things, as you will see how much easier life has become. It is important that the degree of trust between you and your relatives increases day by day. Even if they have not noticed such manifestations of care for you before, do not worry: your efforts will someday be objectively evaluated anyway. You should not admire your pride and consider it your main thing. Warm, trusting relationships between people sometimes need to be built for years, but it's worth it.

Pay attention to your own feelings as well. If you note in detail what is happening inside you, you will understand that you feel much better when you give joy to others, even if it is fleeting, short-lived. Take time to take care of your parents, sisters, brothers, friends. Take a closer look, perhaps one of them needs your help at the moment? Do not miss this opportunity to improve and overcome your pride.

Don't be afraid to break stereotypes

Most people all their lives act in a certain way, not at all assuming that it is possible to act differently. For every event in life, a normal act has already been “invented” that would reflect the essence. Just think about how much we ourselves schematize everything and turn it into a routine, and meanwhile, each event is unique and unrepeatable in itself. For example, it is customary to congratulate young parents on the birth of a child, to give gifts for the new year. Perhaps someone does not celebrate everyone's favorite holiday and he does not want to make a feast just because it is customary.

Remember, every event, even if it has been repeated on earth millions of times, is unique. Accordingly, for each situation, you need to look for your own individual approach, the most acceptable for this case. Pride cannot be admired, pride must be overcome and let go. Allow yourself to experience feelings, even if they are negative. Just start taking any action from the moment you understand the mistakes and focus on a constructive solution. Having overcome pride, you will feel incredible lightness and mature self-esteem.

love yourself

Usually a person is able to hurt another only when he himself is experiencing a strong dissatisfaction with life. Otherwise, there would be no need to offend a loved one. In fact, everything that is said in a fit of anger is addressed not to the person to whom everything is expressed, but to oneself. If each of us had the ability to listen to our own words, then there would be no need for pride. After all, nothing can be achieved with pride.

Love yourself and see how you don't want to use pride anymore. Self-love awakens harmony in the human soul and gives rise to satisfaction. There will be no trace of pride.

Find your purpose

Note to yourself, are you living your own life? After all, how often does it happen that a person follows the opinion of the majority, is influenced from outside and chooses a completely different path. Purpose should be understood as the purpose for which we come to this physical world. And it's up to us how we do it. Pride has no place among those who strive for a whole, fulfilling life. The search for a destination, of course, is an important component of human life, and therefore it is important to approach this process with all responsibility.

If you, despite your mature age, have not yet found your own unique path, it's time to decide on the direction. Listen to yourself, remember your youthful dreams. Maybe it's time to fulfill the most cherished desire? There will be no trace of your former pride when you find yourself. This is a long and exhausting work that requires maximum honesty and full dedication. Anyone who is dissatisfied with his pride and intends to replace it with a more positive feeling should carefully monitor his emotional state. Emotions tell us what is happening in our soul. Pride is not at all a feeling to be cherished.

Come to terms with your own shortcomings

As strange as it sounds, you need to learn to accept yourself the way you are. Long-term work on yourself, negative always involves significant changes. But it's just as important to learn to accept the flaws you can't do anything about. Forgive yourself for small mistakes, understand that no one is perfect, and stop blaming yourself for the past. You can even thank yourself for the mistakes and mistakes that you once made. Without them, you would not have known that you can be a completely different person. In other words, thanks to the shortcomings, we move forward, develop and improve.

Thus, the concept of pride is closely related to the emotional sphere of a person, his character, habits, lifestyle. In a small number of manifestations of this quality of character are characteristic of all people. What matters is how the person is going to work with pride. The community has over 58,000 subscribers.

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Pride is a mortal sin leading to complete spiritual oblivion, because a person does not just show his tactless arrogance, but denies the help and will of God. He often does not know what gratitude is and does not know how to appreciate what he has, considering it a given. As a rule, pride corrodes from within, and if one who has such a sin does not come to a righteous faith, he will be doomed to certain death.

Often a person does not even realize that he is absorbed in pride and takes it for any other quality of character. Further, the problem is aggravated - and this sin completely takes possession of him. How to recognize it in yourself and the people around you in order to be able to stop yourself in time and help others? To do this, you need to know and be able to distinguish the signs of sin, including:

  • exorbitant pride;
  • arrogance;
  • arrogance;
  • selfishness;
  • arrogance;
  • resentment and irritability;
  • inability to accept and forgive;
  • ignoring God's commandments;
  • malice and hatred;
  • prejudice;
  • sarcasm towards others, humiliation, contempt;
  • vanity.

It is they who can often be confused with pride, sometimes taking it even for virtue, but only when they come to the fore in character and begin to control a person. Then, as the facts show, he can no longer control himself on his own, and, as a result, he harms himself and his loved ones.

fruits of pride

Pride in most cases is a source of negative thoughts and emotions that adversely affect the state and behavior of a person, in other words, do not allow him to live a “normal” life, because:

an excessive sense of the importance of one's own "I" gives rise to an aggressive attitude towards the environment;

the inconsistency of ideas about the world causes a surge in the soul of such emotions as: anger, resentment, hatred, contempt, envy, pity. And they, in turn, lead to the complete destruction of a healthy psyche, and hence consciousness.

Getting rid of pride

If a person, realizing his vice, wants to lose its influence on his life, then the question invariably arises: “How to get rid of pride?”. It cannot be argued that doing this is easy enough, because in order to overcome this difficult path, you need to understand yourself, understand the causes of sin and, most importantly, make every effort to eradicate it, since you will have to fight with yourself.

Getting rid of this vice is the way to meet yourself and God, and each step must be verified and accurate. To do this, you need to remember the basic rules, namely:

  1. love the world around you as it is;
  2. learn to accept any circumstance that happens in life, without claims and offenses, and always thank the Almighty for what has been sent to them, for all this is a sign of something new;
  3. be able to see the positive aspects of any situation, even if not always obvious at first glance, because understanding often comes with time.

How to deal with pride

But sometimes it also happens that a person is no longer able to overcome pride on his own. At such moments, it is important to seek help from "senior comrades": to hear their wise advice and accept them. This will not only help in a difficult struggle, but will also provide an opportunity to move further along the path of self-knowledge.

The most effective way to fight sin is to serve: your loved ones, society, the world, the Lord. After all, devoting himself to others, a person begins to change himself, because the world around him becomes different - cleaner, brighter, more righteous. No wonder the great sages of the past said: "Change yourself - the world around will change."

Pride of humility

A successful struggle with a serious vice leads to humility. And then life takes on new colors. For humility is:

  • internal self-restraint (spiritual freedom);
  • lack of arrogance and pride, which are replaced by meekness, patience and prudence;
  • recognition of God and peace in the soul;
  • an indicator of knowledge and inexhaustible power;
  • harmony in everything.

Achieving such a state is a very difficult task. A person who has embarked on this path must be truly courageous and spiritually strong, for he will have to go through many trials, the main of which is himself. Therefore, if someone wants to find humility, it is important to be able to take the first step - to recognize their sin.

And it will be the most significant. Until then, nothing else can be done. The famous theologian C. Lewis once said:

“If you think you don’t suffer from pride, then you really do.”

It often happens that people deny their sin, passing it off as imaginary virtues. To do this, you need to know the main differences in order to be able to correctly and in time determine the significance of the defect.

Pride vs Pride, what's the difference?

In most cases, a person, absorbed by pride, does not want to admit it and passes it off as pride, while talking about high virtue, which helps him achieve everything in life himself and know the world on his own. This is a huge misconception. What is the difference between pride and arrogance?

  • pride is a manifestation of the spiritual strength and inner dignity of a person, which is expressed in respect for oneself and everything dear, as well as in the ability to protect and preserve it;
  • pride is an external manifestation of selfishness, which carries disrespect for others and undeserved exaltation of oneself in the eyes of others.

Pride and vanity

As for vanity, this quality is closest to pride, since it also has nothing to do with virtue and is one of the signs of this vice. This vain desire to constantly confirm their superiority in the eyes of others and the desire to hear flattery, often knowing about its insincerity.

Pride and arrogance

Arrogance also borders on pride and often even takes on its appearance. This is the tendency of a person to put himself “on a pedestal”, to show indifference and disrespect for others, ridiculing them and showing his contemptuous attitude.

Pride is a terrible sin, and it is he who leads a person away from himself, from others, from the world, from God, not allowing him to find the cherished grace and harmony. Therefore, one must always remember that life is a great miracle, and it cannot be defiled by vices in order to be able to enjoy all its earthly and heavenly blessings.

Proverbs about pride

Climbed into wealth - and forgot the brotherhood.

Stupidity and pride grow on the same tree.

We do not grieve, we do not serve anyone.

Pride leaves on horseback and returns on foot.

You stand high - do not be proud, you stand low - do not rot.

Praise - do not be proud, teach - do not be angry.

Opinions are high, but deeds are low.

Arrogance destroys dignity.

Last in number, but first in importance.

Prayer from pride to the Monk Alexy, the man of God:

Oh, the great saint of Christ, the holy man of God Alexis, stand with your soul in Heaven to the Throne of the Lord, on the earth given to you from above by grace perform various miracles! Look graciously on the upcoming holy icon of your people, tenderly praying and asking you for help and intercession. Prayerfully stretch out your honest hands to the Lord God, and ask us from Him to forgive our sins, voluntary and involuntary, in sickness suffering healing, attacking intercession, grieving consolation, distressed ambulance, all those who honor the peaceful and Christian life of death and a good answer in the Terrible Judgment of Christ. She, the servant of God, do not disgrace our hope, which we put on thee according to God and the Mother of God, but be our helper and patron for salvation, but with your prayers, having received grace and mercy from the Lord, we will glorify the philanthropy of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, in the Trinity glorify and the worshiped God, and your holy intercession, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

The Lord is always with you!

Watch a video about pride:

What is arrogance and what are its characteristics? Where does arrogant behavior come from in a person, what are the reasons for arrogance? What are the risks of arrogant people? What behavior is often mistaken for being arrogant? If you are interested in the answers to all these questions, read on.

This is confidence in one's superiority, a dismissive attitude towards others. (Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova)

Arrogance is pride, arrogance, arrogance, contempt for others, lower in mind and position. (Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov)

These definitions do not fully reveal the essence of arrogance, therefore it is better to consider in detail the characteristic features inherent in the behavior of an arrogant person.

Signs of arrogance

An arrogant person puts himself above all. He is arrogant, proud, selfish, overly proud.

You perceive communication with people not of your own circle, an arrogant person as a heavy duty that offends his dignity.

Arrogance manifests itself in indifference to the opinion of others.

A sign of arrogance is disrespect for people, ridiculing them.

Arrogant people have their own opinion on everything, which they fearlessly express. And in general, it's good, but that's just sometimes defending your point of view, they do not take into account the feelings and emotions of the people around them.

An arrogant person will never go back on his word. And if you point out to him that his words are far from the truth, and demand that he refuse them, it will seem ridiculous to him.

Such people rarely apologize, even if they are not one hundred percent right, they believe that this is below their dignity.

Signs of arrogance are readable in facial expressions that demonstrate contempt, neglect, indifference, lack of compassion.

Where does arrogance come from

In ancient Greece, they said that "arrogance gives birth to luck." The Greeks meant that a person becomes arrogant, by the will of blind fortune, by accident rising up and getting rich. But this is not always the case, sometimes the cause of arrogance is also shortcomings, such as poverty or some other shortcoming. A poor person, feeling the inferiority of his position, tries to overcome this shortcoming with the help of arrogance, and even can show it to the rich. For example, a poor person who hears a truthful remark from a rich man thinks: “You are rich, and besides, you want to teach me too? You're wrong!". That is, arrogance in this case is manifested in the denial of truth, the truth.

It turns out that trying to hide his shortcomings, his inferiority, a person puts on a mask of arrogance, which, according to the majority, is more inherent in people with certain virtues (handsome, strong, smart, rich, etc.) than with flaws.

Sometimes arrogance manifests itself when a person receives some knowledge, he thinks he is the smartest (for example, he shows his red diploma of higher education at every opportunity), thinks that he knows everything, and you can’t argue with him anymore. He begins to look down on those around him and think of them as ignorant.

Arrogance can also be the cause of a person's high skill. For example, outstanding athletes, actors, singers, artists, etc. often suffer from star fever (also arrogance and pride). They think that their outstanding abilities give them the right to treat ordinary people with disdain.

People themselves often cultivate arrogance in those whom fate has lifted up. They begin to flatter, fawn over and please such people, which is why they begin to think that they are actually superior to the rest. As a result, they swell like a soap bubble, and their arrogance and arrogance reach enormous proportions, often exceeding the size of their position or position. As Nicolas Chamfort, a French thinker and moralist, wrote, “ Sometimes it is enough not to come to terms with arrogance and swagger in order to turn them into nothing. Sometimes it is enough not to notice them for them to become harmless.»

Likewise, arrogance is nurtured (one might say inherited) by wrong upbringing. Parents by their example, their behavior show how to communicate with people. Children absorb, for them parents are an example to follow. And if a father or mother behaves arrogantly towards others, then surely their child will grow up the same way.

What is dangerous and harmful arrogant behavior

Many believe that arrogant people are not only uninteresting, but disgusting to communicate with! An arrogant person is unpleasant to others, he has few friends, work colleagues avoid him, often does not stick in his personal life (partners run away). And this is understandable, will anyone really like it when they perceive it as a primitive substance, unless someone agrees to be recorded in the “gray mass”, and only because someone imagines himself to be a god.

Arrogance creates an obstacle to friendly communication, it can cross out any, absolutely any dignity.

arrogant man, trying to convince himself that he is the best, the most worthy, and should always be at the very top, falls into a trap. Firstly, he cannot afford to relax, so as not to drop the brand, everywhere and everywhere he must show his importance and significance. After all, the more a person loves himself, the more he depends on the opinions of others. Secondly, life is a fair thing and punishes arrogant people by trampling them into the mud. Thirdly, the proud and imagined painfully endures failures, losses and falls - “ How could this happen to me? - after all, he must always be at the very top, for him defeat is always a tragedy.

Arrogance can negatively affect a person's financial situation. Here is a quote from a book by a famous investor and entrepreneur Roberta Kiyosaki - « What I know is that I make money. Due to the fact that I do not know something, I lose money. Every time I'm arrogant, I lose my money. When I'm arrogant, I sincerely believe that what I don't know is not particularly important.«.

What behavior is not arrogant

People often confuse it with self-confidence 7 tips for gaining self-confidence), but the desire to believe in yourself, in your strength, does not at all indicate arrogance. Confidence gets along well with modesty, unlike arrogance, self-confidence is friendly to others, arrogance is always offensive. A self-confident person is always responsible for his words and deeds, unlike an arrogant person, he easily admits his mistakes.

We sometimes see arrogance where there is none. And this happens for a variety of reasons: out of shyness, out of embarrassment, or considering yourself unworthy of someone. It happens that a person, wounded by inattention to his person, takes another person for an arrogant person when he is simply passionate or busy with something, and therefore does not notice him.

Do not be arrogant and do not attribute this quality to people for nothing!

In the following article, you will learn - How to get rid of arrogance

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Pride and Pride are branches of the same root, but the fruits on them are different ...

Pride- exorbitant pride, arrogance, arrogance, selfishness (Explanatory Dictionary).

Pride differs from simple pride in that a person blinded by pride boasts of his qualities before God, forgetting that he received them from Him. This is the arrogance of a person, the belief that he can do everything himself and achieve everything on his own, and not with the help and will of God. The proud man is rarely a grateful person: he is always convinced that he receives less than he deserves. In pride, a person does not thank God for everything that he has (for example, hearing, sight, life) and receives (for example, food, shelter, children).

In other words, pride is when instead of God, who is in the center of the picture of being, I myself become this center. And then the whole picture of the world is distorted, because God is still in the center, it’s only in my imagination that everything is somehow different. So it turns out that with my wrong picture of the world, I always stumble upon something. It seems to me that there should be a passage here, and here is a column, and I will fight against it all the time.

All religions recognize this quality as one of the most serious mortal sins. It underlies or intersects with such vices as greed, envy and anger. For example, the desire for enrichment (Greed) is caused by the fact that a person wants to become not just rich, but richer than other people, he is envious (Envy), because he does not allow the thought that someone should live better than him, he gets irritated and angry (Anger ), when the other person does not recognize his superiority, etc. That is why almost all theologians put pride in the first place in the black list of sins.

But, nevertheless, it is sometimes very difficult to discern it in oneself. Because the line of difference between pride and pride is sometimes very thin. As the saying goes "Respecting your self - you may not notice how you spit in the souls of the people around you ... an overly respected ego - this is pride."

"Pride goes before a fall." (English proverb)

So, as they say, you need to know the enemy by sight. And by carefully studying the signs of pride, we can begin to meditate on them and monitor their manifestations in our heart. This will greatly help us develop favorable qualities such as humility, respect, and will help harmonize our relationship with this world and strengthen us on the spiritual path. Because our pride helps us see the bad in people and prevents us from seeing the good.

"Sleepers dream of their own significance. Awakened ones become conductors of the significance of the universe for those who are still sleeping."

This list of "distinctive" signs of pride is based on the seminar of Sri Jishnu prabhu (Sergey Timchenko) "54 signs of pride".

Pride is:

1. The immutability of the fact that you are always right. Confidence in one's own constant rightness (infallibility).
2. Patronizing attitude towards others, attitude down.
3. Feeling of self-importance.
4. Humiliation of yourself and others.
5. The idea that you are better than others, boasting.
6. Attributing to oneself the works and merits of other people.
7. The ability to put an opponent at a disadvantage, managing people to achieve the desired.
8. Control over the situation, but without taking responsibility for the situation.
9. Haughty attitude, vanity, the desire to often look in the mirror.
10. Displaying wealth, clothes, etc.
11. Refusal to allow others to help themselves and unwillingness to work together with others.
12. Attracting attention to yourself.
13. Talking or talking about your problems.
14. Touchiness.
15. Excessive sensitivity or insensitivity.
16. Excessive preoccupation with one's own person.
17. Thoughts about what others think or say about you.
18. Using words that the listener doesn't understand and you know about.
19. Feeling worthless.
20. Refusing to change or thinking you shouldn't change.
21. Unforgiving yourself and others.
22. Dividing people into hierarchical levels - who is better or more important,
then behavior according to the hierarchy.
23. The thought that you are more important than others when doing a specific job.
24. Take on overwork.
25. Distrust of people, God, Messengers and Masters.
26. A state of concern about what impression you make on others.
27. The idea that you are above the law and are a special son of God.
28. Creation of an idol from oneself and from others.
29. Work beyond measure, i.e. so much that the physical body can not stand it.
30. Changing the manner of behavior depending on who you are talking to.
31. Ingratitude.
32. Ignoring "small people".
33. Inattention.
34. Unawareness of one's pride and spiritual problems.
35. The presence of an irritable tone.
36. Raising the voice in anger and annoyance.
37. The thought of teaching someone a lesson, or talking about a third person in a humiliating tone.
38. Disobedience to the will of God.
39. Lack of self-respect.
40. "What could you do for me?".
41. Recklessness and folly.
42. The presence of the attitude "my brother is my keeper", the reverse position "I am the keeper of my brother."
43. Dishonesty towards self and others
44. Inability to compromise.
45. Desire to always have the last word.
46. ​​Unwillingness to share their knowledge in order to be able to control.
47. Inattention to the physical body or excessive attention to it. Inattention to your soul.
48. The thought that you have to do it, because. no one else can do it better.
49. Pointing out the mistakes of another in a tone of condemnation.
50. The thought of the need to save others from their problems (both thought and action).
51. Prejudice towards people depending on appearance, skin color, etc.
52. Pride in position.
53. Excessive self-respect.
54. Sarcasm.

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