A project on the value priorities of my generation. Value priorities of my generation

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    Project Execution Plan 4
    Introduction 5
    1. Values ​​of the previous generation 6
    2. The influence of the Internet on value priorities 8
    3. The attitude of the younger generation to previous values ​​11
    4. How modern lifestyle affects value priorities 15
    Conclusion 18
    List of sources used 19

    Excerpt from work:

    Some abstracts from the work on the topic Value priorities of my generation
    I am in the 10th grade, soon I will have to finish school and enter adulthood, which means not only entering a higher educational institution, but also an independent life in a society that is guided by its own value orientations. My dad, born in 1977, was brought up in the USSR and instilled in me the values ​​that were common in a socialist society. I often found myself in situations where my peers did not understand me.
    Now I am 16 years old, and I see that the worldview of my peers is strikingly different from mine, formed by my parents. In this regard, the theme of the life values ​​of the modern generation and their difference from the values ​​of the previous generation is relevant for me. I do not like the modern view of many social phenomena, so it is important for me to determine why such mores have developed in society.
    1. Values ​​of the previous generation
    Perestroika began in the USSR in the 1980s. During the period of perestroika, people born in 1977 were at school and senior school age. Their value system was formed in the conditions of reforming the social structure and cardinal transformations that took place in the 1990s.
    On the one hand, the formation of the value world of young people was influenced by parents and their views, which were formed in the era of “stagnation” that began under N.S. Khrushchev. On the other hand, the socialization of adolescents and young people was influenced by the transformations initiated by M.S. Gorbachev. During this period, young people began to focus on other values ​​that differed from the values ​​of their fathers. At this time, the so-called "Iron Curtain" was raised, and things became available to young people that had previously been categorically condemned by society. The intelligentsia and students vividly perceived the spirit of freedom, change, novelty, they began to be attracted by things that did not correspond to Soviet ideology.
    Our parents at first perceived perestroika with hopes for a better future, which they vaguely imagined, but by the end of perestroika, the mood changed to diametrically opposite ones, as the quality of life deteriorated sharply.

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The processes taking place in the country over the past two decades have changed a lot not only in the economy and politics, but also in the everyday life of every person, in relations between people, in understanding that today there is success in life, what goals one should set for oneself and by what means for achieving these goals can be enjoyed. Many Russians have an opinion about the complete and irretrievable loss of moral standards by our society and its citizens, that the erosion of morality has reached that critical point, beyond which spiritual rebirth is coming, or rather, the degeneration of Russia. At the same time, young people are recognized as the most vulnerable to negative moral transit.

Thus, according to the majority of respondents, both older people and young people themselves, today's youth as a whole is characterized by "moral relativism" and even cynicism, indifference to any ideals. This point of view is shared by 64% of young respondents and 70% of the older generation. And only a third of Russians hold an optimistic view of the situation, believing that young people are drawn to high ideals (36% and 28%, respectively) (see Figure 7.1).

Picture 7.1

The attitude of young people to ideals,%

Moreover, a comparison of assessments given by representatives of certain age subgroups of young people shows that the spread of cynicism and indifference to ideals among young people is most felt among our youngest fellow citizens. Thus, in the group of respondents aged 17-19, the tendency of young people to cynicism is noted most often (43% with 36% among 20-23-year-olds and 31% among 24-26-year-old respondents). On the contrary, representatives of the “older youth” are not so pessimistic, among them 68% are sure that their peers are drawn to ideals that allow them to live their lives meaningfully (with 63% among 20-23-year-olds and 57% among 17-19-year-old respondents) (see figure 7.2).

Picture 7.2

Attitude of young people towards ideals (in youth subgroups), %

A curious look at the attitude of young people to ideals and, on the contrary, their tendency to cynicism, among young respondents surveyed in settlements of various types. The highest level of concern about the spread of cynicism is characteristic of young people living in Russian villages - here 54% of young respondents spoke of the indifference of young Russians to ideals.

In many ways, the mood of pessimism is due to the presence of a "second reality" -television, where there is its own special world, which has little to do with the reality surrounding people, but which, nevertheless, forms the idea of ​​​​so many about the immorality of modern youth and, in general, that Russian culture, and with it primordial traditions, moral and ethical foundations are gradually degrading, giving way to examples of Western mass culture. These fears are shared by about ¾ of our fellow citizens - 73% of young people and 80% of the older generation are sure that today's young people have little interest in our history, culture, and are mainly oriented towards Western values. Those who believe that Russian history and Russian culture are still interesting and relevant for young people are in the minority (26% and 19%, respectively)
(see figure 7.3).

Picture 7.3

Orientation of youth towards Russian or Western culture, %

Moreover, Western culture attracts many not only as some models that are pleasant to contemplate, and, perhaps, serve as an example to follow, but also as the most preferred habitat. Thus, 41-43% of the respondents stated that, in their opinion, the majority of young people in their circle would prefer to live and work not in Russia, but abroad (see Fig. 7.4).

Picture 7.4

Orientation of young people to Russia or a foreign country as a place of permanent residence, %

Against the background of an insignificant difference in the opinions of young people in general and older people on the issue of the most preferable place of residence for young people (Russia or a foreign country), there was no significant difference in certain age subgroups of young people. On the other hand, the difference in the views of the youth subgroups distinguished by the type of settlement attracts attention. Thus, among young respondents living in megacities, the ratio of supporters of two opposite points of view (“young people want to live in Russia” - “young people want to live in the West”) is approximately the same (49% -50%). The smaller the type of settlement, the greater the proportion of those who are sure that young people do not want to live in Russia - in the district centers and in the countryside, it already constitutes the majority, growing to 56% in the district centers and 65% in the countryside.

The question arises - have the last decades really radically changed Russians, deprived them of their moral support, destroyed the traditional foundations of communication and interaction? Or is the catastrophism of the situation greatly exaggerated?

As the current survey has shown, today the concepts of morality and morality, in the opinion of many of our fellow citizens, and especially young people, often acquire the character of anachronisms, to use which means dooming oneself to failure. Thus, a little less than half of the young people surveyed (46%) during the survey agreed with the statement that today we already live in a completely different world, different from what it used to be, and many traditional moral norms are already outdated. The opposite point of view is held by the majority of young people, but far from overwhelming - 54% are sure that the basic moral norms are not affected by time and always remain relevant and modern.

Not only many young Russians believe that the process of moral corrosion of society is natural. Almost one in three older respondents (31%) admitted that moral norms are “aging” and no longer correspond to modern norms and the rhythm of life (see Fig. 7.5).

Figure 7.5

Judgments of young people and representatives of the older generation about the relevance of moral standards, %

It is impossible not to admit that modern life realities are quite severe and subject the morality of Russians to serious strength tests. In the course of research, many respondents admit that the difficulties they have to face in various areas of life force them to take a serious “inventory” of values. As a result, the majority of young people (55%) today are forced to admit that their success in life largely depends on the ability to close their eyes to their own principles in time, and agree with the thesis that “the modern world is cruel, and in order to succeed in life, sometimes you have to step over moral principles and norms. The opposite point of view, that it is better not to succeed, but not to overstep the norms of morality, is held by only 44% of young people.

The moral "lag" of young people in this case, as they say, is obvious: among the respondents of the older generation, the ratio of the number of those who focus on moral norms and those who consider it possible to neglect them is in favor of supporters of the inviolability of the moral charter (63% versus 36%) . However, it is impossible not to see that skimping on moral principles is considered possible by more than a third of the representatives of the “fathers” generation, who, in fact, should pass on their moral baggage to children (see Fig. 7.6).

Picture 7.6

Judgments of young people and representatives of the older generation about the possibility / impossibility of overstepping moral principles, %

What are our contemporaries, and above all young people, willing to sacrifice in the name of success, what can they be condescending about, and are there any moral taboos left in contemporary Russian society?

As studies show, in general, Russians demonstrate a fairly high moral level, at least in words. With regard to the majority of actions and phenomena that are commonly considered immoral or at least unethical, more than half of the respondents speak strongly negatively and say that they can never be justified. Among the unconditional taboos are the abandonment and homelessness of children, cruelty to animals, drug use, treason. They could never be justified by more than ¾ of the respondents, both among young people and among older people.

The number of taboo actions for the generation of fathers also includes homosexuality, public manifestation of hostility towards representatives of other nationalities, enrichment at the expense of others. These actions and phenomena are not acceptable for the majority of young people, but although not overwhelming.

In addition, more than half of young people and older people consider rudeness, rudeness and the use of obscene language, drunkenness and alcoholism, business non-obligation and prostitution to be completely unacceptable. Almost half of the respondents in both groups do not accept adultery either.

At the same time, the assessment of some traditionally condemned phenomena is being revised today, they are no longer denied so unconditionally. For example, a noticeable “drift” in the direction from condemnation to acquittal is observed in young people’s attitudes towards tax evasion, giving/receiving bribes, and abortion, which remain unacceptable only for 34%-40% of young Russians.

The loyalty of young people, as well as older people, to resistance to the police, appropriation of found things and money, evasion of military service, ticketless travel in public transport is even greater - all these actions cause understanding and are justified by the majority of Russians (from 59% to 84% of respondents consider them acceptable). Thus, it can be stated that the critical mass of people who do not attach much importance to these "pranks and misdemeanors" has already been reached, and they have moved into the category of socially acceptable actions (see Fig. 7.7).

An analysis of the deviations between the proportions of respondents who condemn certain unethical and immoral acts and actions in groups of young people and middle-aged people shows that today's "children" lag behind "fathers", primarily in mastering the norms that regulate interpersonal relations of people - unacceptability of enrichment at the expense of other people, rudeness and rudeness, business non-obligation, public manifestation of hostility towards representatives of other nationalities. For all these positions, the prevalence of moral norms among young people is 15% -23% lower than among the older generation. Young people lag behind in mastering the norms regarding the appropriation of found things and money, prostitution, homosexuality, drug use, as well as in the field of socio-economic cleanliness - bribery and tax evasion (by 11% -13%).

For the rest of the tested actions and deeds, the positions of young people and people of the older generation are closer, the differences in the acceptance of these norms by groups do not exceed 7%.

Picture 7.7

Attitude towards immoral and unethical acts* of young people and representatives of the older generation (expanded list, proportion of responses “can never be acceptable”, sorted by youth responses) , %

* To the question, “Which of the following actions can never be justified, which can sometimes be permissible, and which should be treated with indulgence?” one of the following answers could be given: “can never be justified”, “sometimes it is permissible”, “this should be treated with condescension”, “I find it difficult to answer”.

It is significant that with regard to the moral norms governing the sphere of family life (adultery, abortion), young people turned out to be even more strict than people of the older generation. In particular, abortions are condemned here almost 9% more often than in the generation of fathers (see Table 7.1).

Table 7.1

Attitude towards immoral and unethical acts of young people and representatives of the older generation (expanded list, proportion of responses “can never be acceptable”, sorted by deviation) , %

Older generation


(% older generation minus % youth)

Getting rich at the expense of others

Rudeness, rudeness, foul language

Business optional

Public manifestation of hostility towards representatives of other nationalities

Appropriation of found money, things



drug use

Giving/receiving a bribe

Tax avoidance

Drunkenness, alcoholism

Ticketless public transport

Avoidance of military service

Animal abuse


Poor parenting, abandonment, homelessness

Police resistance



Of course, declaring one's adherence to one or another moral norms is far from being identical to how people behave in real life. In the course of the survey, the respondents were specifically asked whether they personally had to do something that is usually considered unethical, immoral.

As the analysis of the obtained data shows, homosexuality and drug use, for example, have the status of a “practical taboo” for young people and older people. Although even in relation to these seemingly unshakable moral prohibitions, part of the population, more often young people, demonstrates tolerance, and some even point to personal experience of such actions. In particular, 9% of the young respondents said they had tried drugs, another 1% said they do it often. Another 8% said that they themselves have not tried drugs, but others are not condemned for their use. Among the older generation, 4% said that they had tried drugs, another 3% said they were tolerant of their use by other people.

Regarding other tested situations and phenomena, the positions of the respondents are not so consolidated. Only about half of the respondents consider the use of sexual relations for personal gain, tax evasion and giving bribes categorically unacceptable, and 34%-50% of young people and 20%-41% of older people do not consider it shameful. At the same time, about the same number of respondents in both groups spoke about personal practice of violating prohibitions in the sphere of economic relations - 9% each evaded taxes, 19% each gave bribes.

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Grishina Antonina

The paper attempts the first sociological study on this topic. The periodization of adolescence, leisure and hobbies of young people, their professional hobbies are studied. The distinctive features of the modern generation, the pros and cons of modern schoolchildren, their subsistence level, the images of Russia in the historical self-consciousness of young people are revealed.



"Lifestyle and priorities of a modern young person"

P L A N.

1. Introduction.

1.1. Relevance and novelty of the work

1.2. Goals and objectives of the study

1.3. Object, subject and research methods

1.4. Research hypothesis

2. The main part.

2.1. The work of scientists on this issue

2.2. periodization of adolescence

2.3. Analysis of the survey on the issues: the living wage of a modern young person, the moral qualities of young people, how to rationally spend money, without which youth cannot do, etc.

2.4. Leisure and hobbies of young people

2.5. Professional self-determination

2.6. The prestige of professions in the assessments of representatives of different generations

2.7. Socio-professional status of the younger and older generations

2.8. Generation X and PEPSI generation - a portrait of the younger generation in the works of writers, directors, sociologists, etc.

2.9. Distinctive features of today's youth

2.10. Pluses and minuses of modern schoolchildren

2.11.Images of Russia in the historical self-consciousness of the young and older generation

3. Conclusion.

4. List of used literature and Internet resources


In adolescence, the most complex and not yet conscious connections of a teenager with the world, other people arise, character is formed. The inner world of a young person becomes much richer, deeper, more interesting. It was during these years that he painfully and persistently tries to solve many questions for himself. He takes knowledge from the people who surround him, from adults and peers, as well as from what he constantly sees and hears, from books, films and television. Many moral values, attitude to work, to life, the foundations of the worldview are laid in the years of youth. Youth always faces a choice, decides for itself the question: who to be? what to be? But along with self-determination, there is always self-restraint. Each young person who enters life, out of the hundreds of opportunities presented to him by society, chooses what best suits his interests, demands, needs and ideals. L.N. Tolstoy believed that the need to prove oneself is one of the urgent needs of a person, even more urgent than food, drink, etc.

The topic of my research work is the problem of the “living wage” and the priorities of a modern young person. The problem is not new, every generation of young people has faced it, but it relevant . It is relevant even today for young people, especially in the completely new historical conditions in which today's youth lives. Relations between generations have never been, and certainly today they are not idyllic, just as they are not antagonistic. But it is precisely the problems of youth that turn out to be the subject of the most acute contradictions in sociological analysis, causing the most social anxiety, since both the future of society and its present depend on how young people use their youth. at one time they were not like that ... but now the behavior is not the same, and the mods are not the same, and the requests are too high. There is nothing new in such conversations. They say that even during excavations in ancient Greece they found a tablet, on which, allegedly, it was written: "Young people went wrong." As you can see, this problem is a thousand years old, and maybe more. On this occasion, the writer Boris Polevoy said very well: “... In my opinion, all this is nonsense. All my observations of today's youth strengthen the confidence that they are no worse than us, and maybe even better in some ways. 1 . Is it really better? Why, then, is our generation called "lost"? Infantile? In a conversation with their peers, the thought slips through the desire to be independent and financially independent from adults, to find a job that pays a lot. People who are 14-20 years old today will form the basis of our society in a very short time. What is it like today's youth of Russia? What does it value? What are her aspirations? Spoiled, spoiled, "mad with fat" or normal, adequately perceiving everything that happens, "searching", "energetic", knowing what she wants in life? What do young people think about themselves? The portrait of the young part of our society is based on the results of a sociological survey. The novelty of the work consists in comparing data and in a comparative intergenerational analysis. The study identifies areas where the connection between “fathers and children” is most lost and where it will be reproduced, maintaining social, moral and spiritual continuity. "Draw" a general portrait of a young person and identify the characteristic features inherent in the younger generation in the 21st century, in thismain goal of my research. The results of the study are presented in the form of graphs and diagrams (attached).Purpose of writing this work- try to answer the question: what kind of modern youth is it? Does she have signs of a generation, i.e. a certain unifying dominant of views and values. Sociologists, researchers of youth subcultures, and writers will help answer these questions.This work is research. It consists of introduction, main part and conclusion.

1-B.Polevoi, PSS, Moscow, Fiction, 1986, v.3, p.347

Object of study: high school students aged 15-17. Subject : lifestyle and priorities of a modern young person. Research methods:theoretical (analysis of statistical and scientific literature) and diagnostic (observation, questioning, conversation, statistical methods of data processing).Research hypothesis:I assume that today's youth and their life priorities are not much different from their peers in the past. Only today's youth more adequately assesses the specific situation, more practical and rational.

The results of this work can be used for educational purposes in the work of class teachers. The formation of economically literate, self-sufficient and successful people is one of the tasks of the modern school. My work can help in solving this problem.

Main part.

Unfortunately, the peak of interest in youth issues is behind us. It was in the 60s and 70s. Now the study of youth problems is conducted less intensively. The research centers of the Institute of Youth of the Russian Academy of Education, the All-Russian Center for Public Opinion Research, as well as regional research centers in Russia (Ekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, Tyumen, Vladimir) work more actively than others. A new phenomenon is youth research commissioned by various social and economic structures: foundations, societies, associations.

A lot has been written and said on this issue, but this problem has not disappeared and, it seems to me, is unlikely to disappear. J.-J. Rousseau called youth the second birth of a person, thereby emphasizing the depth and significance of the changes taking place at this stage of life: in youth, the physical maturation of a person ends, his intellect and will develop. One of the main, according to psychologists, the acquisition of this period is the discovery of one's own "I". Almost all sociologists come to the conclusion about the complexity of the processes taking place today in the youth environment. All of them are forced to admit that the social and economic situation of young people has deteriorated markedly. In general, it is characterized as unstable, not providing the necessary opportunities for youth self-determination in life, which manifests itself in all spheres of life. Accordingly, sociologists note changes in the sphere of value orientations of young people.

In my work, I tried to express my vision of this problem in modern conditions, based on the results of a sociological survey. The survey was conducted among high school students. The age of the respondents is 15-17 years old.

There are many different periodizations of adolescent age development (Elkonin D.B., Bozhovich L.I., Vygotsky L.S., Abramova G.S., Nemov R.S., etc.) When conducting a sociological survey, I chose the periodization of Abramova G .FROM. , which defines the border of adolescence 13-17 years. She considers the problems of self-presentation, time perspective, the role of goals and ideals in career guidance, and also flexibly approaches the definition of "teenager", calling a teenager an older teenager, a young man, a high school student. This period is the period of the deepest crisis. Childhood is coming to an end, and this great stage of life, ending, leads to the formation of identity. A holistic identity of the individual, trust in the world, independence, initiative and competence allow a young person to solve the main task that society sets for him - the task of self-determination, choosing a life path. The personality of a teenager is disharmonious (according to A.I. Vorobyova, V.A. Petrovsky, D.I. Feldstein). The curtailment of the established system of interests, the protesting way of behavior are combined with increasing independence, with more diverse relationships with other children and adults, with a significant expansion of the scope of his activities.

The survey was conducted among students in grades 8, 9 and 11. The survey was individual. The system of questions was aimed at obtaining information on the issue of "living wage of a modern young man." After analyzing the collected material, having studied the literature on this issue, I tried to systematize it and present it in such a way that it would correspond to the purpose of my research.

Today, the youth of the Russian Federation is 39.6 million young citizens - 27% of the total population of the country. In accordance with the Strategy of the State Youth Policy in the Russian Federation, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 18, 2006 N 1760-r, the category of youth in Russia includes citizens of Russia from 14 to 30 years old. 2

When it comes to modern Russian youth, many representatives of our society instantly change their faces and begin to scold the younger generation with fervor, blaming them for all the troubles of the country - from dirty entrances to failures at the Olympic Games. Are such characterizations and accusations true? What caused such categorical judgments, by whom and how are ideological myths and fables about the young generation of Russia formed in the country? These are questions that we face quite seriously, and they will have to be answered quite frankly.

But what do we really have, what kind of youth? Has it really been possible to make cynics, vulgarities and cosmopolitans out of it, or is not everything lost yet? To answer this question, one should break away from the TV screens and move on from philistine conversations to concrete facts. Personally, for me, one of the representatives of the modern generation, based on my own observations, based on communication with the younger generation of Russia in the classroom, in an informal setting, in various life situations, it becomes clear that today's youth is not lost yet - moreover, young people are outraged how their image is presented to the older generation and society as a whole. So, high school students sharply objected to the fact that they are characterized by the desire to earn money at any cost and the thirst for profit. The youth does not agree with the vulgar and bestial appearance that is often attributed to her and in which she appears to our society from the screens of vulgar serials and from the words of the yellow press. But the voice of this dissent is being silenced by disruptive education reforms, inhuman experiments in family law, beggarly scholarships and high unemployment.

Today's young man is well versed in issues related to technology, computer technology, new scientific and technological achievements, he is intellectually more developed than his peers in the past. Today's youth has the opportunity to satisfy their diverse material and spiritual needs much more fully, but the life priorities of today's youth are much higher. When answering the question, what should be the “living wage” of a young person, more than a third of the respondents named figures from 1,500 to 5,000 rubles. Where to get them, if there is still no permanent job, no profession, vague prospects ahead, and the market economy dictates strict laws?

Under these conditions, young people are required to sharply increase their independence, skills, and the ability to maintain optimistic well-being during periods of failure. How do today's youth solve these issues. The survey showed that 30.7% of girls and 61.5% of boys want to become economically independent on their own, and 34.6% of girls and 15.5% of boys at the expense of their parents (see Appendix 2). In my opinion, a fairly high percentage

2-“The social world of youth”, Novosibirsk, 2007, p.209

Those young people who are used to solving their problems at the expense of their parents, and not trying to establish themselves on their own, especially girls. The figures clearly support this conclusion. Some young people are too accustomed to the idea that parents are obliged to feed and clothe them, teachers to give them knowledge, the director will ask the teacher about their academic performance, parents will come to school after a working day and listen to criticism for the poor upbringing of children. This is how a dependent is formed. The origins of dependency must be sought primarily in the shortcomings of family education. It is known that parents often argue like this: “We ourselves have seen many difficulties in life, so let's create an easy life for children.” And they create. As a result, the growing child gets used only to receive, without giving anything in return. You see, parents are no longer able to meet the needs of their child. And it, except for the word "give", does not know another.

In three-quarters of families surveyed by Moscow criminologists, from which juvenile delinquents came out, parents unconditionally satisfied all the desires of teenagers. At the same time, none of the respondents knew the family budget. 3 Some parents, without introducing their children to spiritual values ​​from an early age, try to pay off them later with things.

The ability to earn money is not the main thing in life, the main thing is how you can manage this money and what you will spend it on. The results of our survey show that modern youth does not assign the most significant role to money. So almost 74.2% of all respondents believe that money is a secondary thing in life (see Appendix 3). According to respondents, the main thing is what moral qualities a person has. Modern youth appreciates: kindness (73% of girls and 84.6% of boys), the ability to sacrifice personal for the public (19.2% of girls and 30.7% of boys), but practicality and the ability to arrange one’s life are in the first place 73 % of girls and 76.9% of boys), as well as the ability to stand up for oneself (see Appendix 4). As a positive fact, it can be noted that independence is a priority for young people, as the ability to act independently and decisively. This is the acquisition of our time. There is an obvious need for life and professional self-determination, full self-realization of young people in the near future.

The younger generation is taught about money from childhood. They are taught to count, distribute the budget, know their capabilities as accurately as possible, so as not to flatter themselves about high earnings. This phenomenon, of course, has its advantages. From childhood, a child has an idea of ​​what a dollar, euro, pound is; has the opportunity to really feel what savings and calculation are.

The problem is how the money earned is skillfully and rationally spent. And most importantly, what to spend. And the numbers show the following: 60% of girls and 59% of boys spend on entertainment and small expenses, and both spend most of their money on fashionable clothes and phones (54% of girls and 77.5% of boys), and only a small a percentage (3.8% of girls and 7.6% of boys) would like to invest in a business (see Annex 5). The latest figures tell us that there is a very small percentage of young people who are ready to take the risk of investing money in a business. This is the fault, in my opinion, of our education system. And foreign experience shows that training in entrepreneurial activity must be carried out in the process of real labor activity at school mini-enterprises, on farms, cafes, and shops. So 80% of schools in England have mini-enterprises where children learn the basics of business. Their experience is not so much about making money, but about gaining insight into the world of business and entrepreneurship. From this we can draw some conclusions: as we see, the interests

3-V.T. Lisovsky "What does it mean to be modern?", Moscow, 2004, p.12

In this regard, we received interesting results when answering the question about the hobbies of modern young people. The figures show the following: 50% prefer music and sports, 28.8% prefer television and computers, 13% and 14% of respondents prefer idleness as their main hobby (see Appendix 7). On closer examination of the deficit of inclinations and interests typical of young people, it turns out that in most cases we are not talking about their complete vacuum, but about a certain set, which, however, does not satisfy the elders and cannot determine the important life choices of young people. A growing child is drawn to the society of peers, busy, in the opinion of an outside observer, with an empty pastime. He tends to sit for hours in front of the TV, watching not very intellectual films, or at the computer, traveling along the routes of "walkers" and "shooters". He conducts endless telephone conversations that irritate the elders with their obvious lack of content, or indulge in a similar process in the virtual space of the chat. But often he is completely unable to focus on a more meaningful activity, since it seems to him boring and, moreover, insignificant in the eyes of his friends. In fact, such "empty" activities (or inactions) of young people are quite important. Community with peers, the exchange of meaningless (to an outsider's eye), but full of deep meaning (in the eyes of the children themselves) replicas, opinions, impressions - delicate work, the result of which is a new level of self-awareness, understanding of oneself and others. It is a necessary stage of development, as if clearing a place for subsequent creative work on the formation of new interests.

But there is another point of view on the hobbies of young people. Leisure is a kind of test of a young person for the content of his inner life. If a person in childhood is not accustomed to systematic serious studies, in adolescence he will meet with the problem of how to fill his leisure time. After all, it is not free time itself, but the nature of its use that determines the degree of moral maturity of a person. I believe that there is no good or bad leisure. This or that leisure is good when it is psychologically justified. "Tell me how you relax and I'll tell you how you work." This is not a pun, but a psychological law. To learn how to work well, you need to learn how to have a good rest. Unfortunately, this psychological law in modern conditions works poorly due to certain circumstances related to the peculiarities of the socio-economic situation in the country.

There is an opinion that adults should teach young people how to live. I agree with this, but only in part, because a person himself must work on himself, not be a dependent, learn to live interestingly.

Self-assertion with the help of fashion is, although tempting, but an external, superficial way of self-expression that does not affect the inner world of a person, his intellectual, moral development. Choosing this path, young people do not notice how they replace the real with the imaginary. No thing will harm a person as long as he treats it as a thing, and not a means of expressing his own "I". Otherwise, this is already a “symptom of consumerism” with its psychology of a distorted, “inverted” attitude to life, where the highest value is not the things themselves, but their “image” (image). With the help of these false images, one can easily manipulate the minds of people, impose on them needs that are “profitable” for business, which, in principle, is happening in our country at the present time. In this situation, there is another equally important consequence. The point is that monetary relations can often replace purely human relations. The psychology of pragmatism, and this is what we can note on the basis of the data obtained, becomes the main thing for a modern young person in his activity. Ushinsky "the person, the heart and morality are spoiled." I believe that there is no good or bad leisure. This or that leisure is good when it is psychologically justified. "Tell me how you relax and I'll tell you how you work." To learn how to work well, you need to learn how to have a good rest.

Fashionable, status things, money, obscure all other joys of life from a person. They don't go to the cinema and theaters, but why should they if there is a new personal computer in the room. They do not invite friends to visit, but more and more new things appear in their apartment. Young people talk more about money than about life. This is of great importance. Some believe that if there is money, then there is everything, then a modern person. I believe that money is important, it is true, but such values ​​as happiness, respect for friends, love are much higher. What money can you buy it for? If a person achieves material security with his work, there is nothing wrong with that. It is unlikely that anyone will doubt the need for comfort. The problem lies elsewhere. Do not personal life plans and personal interests contradict human moral standards? “Difficulties and difficulties of education,” said the famous Soviet teacher V.A. Sukhomlinsky, - not at all that the abundance of material and spiritual wealth is fraught with some kind of danger. It’s just that the more joys of life we ​​give to the younger generation, the more carefully and persistently we should invest in young hearts those moral values ​​and riches, those sacred things, without which life will turn into vegetation. 4 .

In the final grades, students focus on professional self-determination. A high school student has to navigate in various professions, which is not at all easy, since the attitude to professions is based not on one's own, but on someone else's experience - information received from parents, friends, acquaintances, television programs, etc., this experience is usually abstract, not survived, not suffered by a child. In addition, it is necessary to correctly assess the objective possibilities - the level of training, health, material conditions of the family and, most importantly, one's abilities and inclinations. How prestigious the chosen profession will be depends on its level of claims. In this regard, the results of the survey about the future profession are as follows. When asked what is the main thing when choosing a future profession, 27% of the girls answered - wages, demand for this profession, inclination to this work. 80.7% of young men identified wages as the main criterion in choosing a profession, 7.6% - prestige, 46% - inclination for this work (see Appendix 8).

4- V.A. Sukhomlinsky, op. in 5 volumes, Orenburg, 2010, v.1, p.211

The most striking trend identified in the course of our study is a significant expansion of the range of prestigious professions. If in 1997 89% of young people chose law or the financial sector among the most prestigious professions, ten years later, only 63% of them were. But now managers, scientists, and programmers are among the most prestigious professions (see Table 1).

Table 1. The prestige of professions in the assessments of representatives of different generations of Russians, % 5

Youth, 2007

Youth, 1987

Older generation, 2007

Lawyers, lawyers, prosecutors, notaries.

Financiers, economists, accountants, bankers

civil servants


Workers of culture, art, sports, show business, modeling business, TV presenters.

Military personnel, traffic police, the Ministry of Internal Affairs.


Entrepreneurs, businessmen.

Trade workers, managers.

Programmers, scientists.



Thus, we can talk about changing the very concept of prestige in the eyes of young people. Whereas in the past decade prestige was generally measured by the possibility of earning high incomes, now prestige is increasingly associated with the words "professionalism" and "power." Thus, the number of those who mentioned work in the field of state power among prestigious professions has increased over the years from 10 to 17%. Business has also lost its attractiveness. Now only 9% of the younger generation consider doing business prestigious, while in 1997 there were 13%. Business has ceased to be the only "social lift", but has acquired additional "risks". 6

First of all, let's turn to the socio-professional status of young Russians and see if Russian youth differ from the older generation in this respect (Figure 1). As we can see, in many positions the differences between the youth and the older generation are insignificant or non-existent. Thus, 12% in both age groups are currently employees - office workers, laboratory assistants, librarians, etc. The shares of those who belong to the socio-professional group of specialists with higher education are also very close (23% among young people and 21% among the older generation; however, this gap can be expected to increase over time, as another 10% of young people are currently university students, that is, they receive higher education). The shares of entrepreneurs and the self-employed are close in these groups - 12% among young people and 10% among those over 40 years of age. The share of young people working in the public sector has significantly decreased (from 40% in 1997 to 28% in 2007). At the same time, the share of those who work in private enterprises increased by more than 1.5 times.

5- according to the results of the Central Russian Consulting Center

6- same place

Chart 1. Socio-professional status of young people and older generation, % 7

This gap can also be seen when comparing today's youth with the older generation. Among those under the age of 26, there are far fewer employees in state-owned enterprises than among those over 40 (28% vs. 43%) and more in the private sector. However, among young people themselves, the share of those who work in state-owned enterprises grows with their age.

It is noteworthy that young people who work in state enterprises are much more likely to work in their specialty than those who belong to the private sector - 70% of those working in state enterprises say that their work corresponds to the specialty indicated in the diploma, and among those working in private enterprises are only half of them.

48% of young people now work in their specialty. At present, young Russians are less likely to be forced to work outside of their specialty than 10 years ago (10% versus 19%). However, the share of those who have never worked in their specialty remains virtually unchanged and amounts to about one-fifth of all young people.

The largest proportions of workers outside their specialty are observed among young entrepreneurs (53%), young workers in the service sector (45%), workers in enterprises,

7- same place

mines, construction sites (43%). Analyzing the given data, we are once again convinced that material values ​​are the most important for a modern young person. And when determining their path, young people think more about what such a choice will give in terms of material well-being, but in real life there is not only this question, but another one - what should we give. It is in the choice of a profession that one can see how much the correctly understood personal and public interests coincide. After analyzing the obtained data, we can draw some conclusions. Most young people adequately perceive everything that happens, they know what they need in this life. And they are not "spoiled" at all. Yes. There are upbringing costs, shortcomings of the school, family, society and the state as a whole. We need understanding of the young, support and assistance in the implementation of their aspirations from the adults of society. It will fill the niche of missing qualities, become a factor in the socialization of the individual and adaptation to the socio-cultural environment, will assist in the transfer of young people from the socially passive position of the consumer to the socially active position of the creator.

Young people in a significant part have the level of mobility, intellectual activity and health that distinguishes them favorably from other groups of the population. At the same time, any society faces the question of the need to minimize the costs and losses that the country incurs due to the problems associated with the socialization of young people and their integration into a single economic, political and socio-cultural space.

The German sociologist Karl Mannheim (1893-1947) defined the youth as a kind of reserve, coming to the fore when such a revival becomes necessary to adapt to rapidly changing or qualitatively new circumstances. Dynamic societies must sooner or later activate and even organize them.

Youth, according to Mannheim, performs the function of an enlivening mediator of social life; this function has as its important element incomplete inclusion in the status of society. This parameter is universal and is not limited by place or time. The decisive factor that determines the age of puberty is that at this age young people enter public life and in modern society for the first time face chaos.antagonistic ratings.

Young people, according to Mannheim, are neither progressive nor conservative in nature, they are potential, ready for any undertaking. 8

Young people as a special age and social group have always perceived the values ​​of culture in their own way, which at different times gave rise to youthslangand shocking formssubcultures. Their representatives werehippie, beatniks, dudesin the USSR and the post-Soviet space -informals.

Why is the current generation called “lost”, “infantile”?

The current generation is called "lost" by traditional systemic sociologists, referring to its lack of value orientations, clear and adequate life programs for "adult values", the ambivalence and indistinctness of its moral attitudes. In general, the modern generation does not have an "idea" that would make it a complete and accomplished phenomenon in the eyes of the older generation.

There used to be a Soviet stereotype of a cheerful guy with a guitar who yesterday saved someone from a fire, tomorrow he is going to BAM the day after tomorrow, maybe he will fly into space. This is the standard, but why rush to call it stilted and far-fetched. Any social archetype is, by definition, pretentiously trivial, and its American counterpart differs little from the Soviet wooden template. All the standards set by the Soviet system were artificial, and when this was discovered, the lost generation appeared to the country as it is.

8-K. Mannheim, "Essays on the sociology of knowledge", Moscow, 2004, p. 137

Even at the indistinct dawn of perestroika, many were frightened for some reason by the film of the now deceased Juris Podnieks "Is It Easy to Be Young?" Its pathos is fundamentally simple: young people are simply bored with life. Drugs, hooliganism and everything else

extremism is the release of the energy of a deep rejection of life (sometimes even at the biological level), the inability to take seriously the ephemeral values ​​of the adult world, the inability to find oneself in this world. These are not just words.

The form of social existence becomes just an empty "waste of time", spending time (remember the Hippie maxim - "time does not exist at all"), the search for unusual entertainment (the range of which is very diverse) and their own kind; retreat to your world. If the outside world, which claims to be authentic and solid, is recognized as a game, then there is a temptation to respond with an adequate pass. Instead, another, own game is offered, which in fact is nothing more than a buffoon's mask of genuine seriousness.

Our conversation about today's youth would be incomplete without mentioning two works: Victor Pelevin's novel "Pepsi Generation" (M., Vagrius, 1999) and Douglas Copeland's novel "Generation X" (Foreign literature - 1998. - No. 3).

The term "Generation X" appeared immediately after the release in 1991 of the novel by D. Copeland with the exact same title and subtitle "A Tale for Accelerated Time".

Generation X was interpreted as a “mystery generation”, “an equation generation” (which society must solve), an “unknown generation”. The novel turned into a cult work, rumors about which were passed from mouth to mouth. In 1998, Generation X was translated into Russian, and it was immediately stated that what Copeland wrote was very close to the worldview of twenty-year-olds in Russia, that acquaintance with it determines the “advancement” of young people, that the spirit and style are clearly expressed in it. time.

The portrait of the generation of the end of the millennium, drawn by Copeland, looks like this: it has a rational attitude to being, “Generation X behaves eccentrically, strangely,“ against the rules ”and does not fit into this world.” To their unconditional values, those who are from 20 to 30 years, they refer to “qualite time” - rich time. The novel does not have this expression, but there is an image of “time - not lived in vain” - this is communication that becomes almost ritual, “storytelling”.

This is a book about three young people living in the Californian desert near Palm Springs, visiting their parents for Christmas and telling each other (and the reader) various stories. After all, the previous “classical” generations were characterized by their inherent spiritual (image) due to historical conditions of upbringing, and for generation X, a certain mobile and constantly expanding list of goods is indicative, which includes not only material objects, but also special, often exotic styles of existence.

Reflecting on what brings modern Russian youth closer to the heroes of Generation X, the young historian Sergey Antonenko says: “... the very concept of “work” has not only depreciated, but has turned out to be completely lost. In a situation where the word "bandit" has become a designation of a completely respectable type of activity, work as an image of the creative transformation of the world or as a way of personal self-realization has disappeared. It now exists only as a means of survival. The connection between education, profession and how a person earns his living has been destroyed. Most of my peers are forced to work outside their specialty: after all, the former education system does not correspond to the nomenclature of “new” professions. Consequently, the school questions “Who to be”, “Who do I want to become?” lost their meaning. - I will finish some technical school, transformed into an academy, learn how to use a computer and start working at a company. Profession, "craft" can no longer be an object of life choice. Work for generation "X" in Russia is only a means, never an end. What for the people of a classical bourgeois or socialist society was at the center of their personality, in the generation of the end of the millennium turned out to be pushed to the periphery.

So, we found out how sociologists, researchers of youth subcultures, and writers see the younger generation.

Today, the next generation of school graduates is faced with the choice of a future life path. Obviously, modern young people are guided by different principles of choosing a profession than their parents - social, economic and political conditions have changed radically since the time when representatives of older generations were determined in their professional preferences.
It turned out that the image of modern youth, which has developed among Russians, is very far from favorable. Thus, the vast majority of respondents' statements to the question of how today's youth differ from the generation of their parents when they were young (62%) contain negative estimates.
Modern youth, according to sociological research, is different:

impudence: "awe-inspiring impudence"; "impudence, impudence, irreverence"(17%);

laziness: "lazy young people don't want to work"; "do not like to work"(10%);

indifference, lack of goals:"they are not interested in anything"; "there are no interests, no goals for today's youth"(7%);

irresponsibility:"carelessness and irresponsibility"(4%);

commercialism:"they are looking for profit"; "think more about money"; buy-sell generation(4%);

aggressiveness, cruelty"cruel youth, it's scary to go out into the street"; "more aggressive, cruel"; "more vicious" (4%);

lack of spirituality and immorality:"there are no spiritual and moral ideals"; "without heart and soul"(3%);

infantilism:"they are helpless without the participation of their parents"; "more infantile"; "not independent, entirely dependent on parents"(3%);

widespread bad habits:"more bad habits"; "more alcoholism and drug addiction"(3%);

lack of education:"education is falling"; "low educational level"; "all ignorant" (2%);

lack of patriotism"youth has no patriotism"; "Love for the Motherland is not instilled in young people"(2%).

Positive assessments of today's youth came from the mouths of the respondents two and a half times less than negative (33%). Among these differences were mentioned:

independence and autonomy:"young people today are more independent"; "became more independent than their parents"; "more independence"(9%);

education: "Young people are more literate than their parents"; "more developed, more literate"; "more educated"; "more literate, erudite"(7%);

looseness: "less notorious"; "more relaxed"; "more open, liberated" (7%);

activity and courage:"more active than before, more energetic, purposeful"; "they are more penetrating than we are"; "bold in decisions" (3%). 9

It is noteworthy that the respondents talked about the independence of today's youth much more often than about infantilism and lack of independence (9% vs. 3%), they also mentioned education more often than lack of education (7% vs. 2%) (see Appendix 9).

9-S.A. Sergeev "Youth subculture" // Sociological research, 2008, No. 11, pp. 42-47

From these data, of course, we can conclude that young people have become different. But the question is: is this good or bad? Of course, most formed, adult people will say that this is bad. But the world is also changing. Everything has become different.

Contrary to popular belief, young Russians, for the most part, quite highly appreciate the life achievements of their parents - more than half of Russian youth believe that at least one of their parents has achieved success in life, and in this regard, the picture has not changed much over the past 10 years. At the same time, a fairly clear trend can be traced - the least prosperous and low-status groups, primarily workers, believe that both of their parents did not achieve success in life (which, apparently, is why their children had to take relatively unprofitable social positions).

In this regard, it is interesting to see what is the young people's assessment of their possibilities for upward mobility and the dynamics of the views of young Russians in this matter?

In general, as the results of the study showed, there is no pronounced dynamics here - more than half of young Russians are firmly convinced that they will be able to achieve more than either of their parents. Over the past 10 years, the structure of these assessments has remained virtually unchanged, and if there is a small change, it rather reflects a certain increase in optimism. First of all, given that attractive status positions in society require a certain level of education, let's see how the education of "fathers" and "children" correlate. According to the present study, these indicators are very close, i.e., from the point of view of its educational structure, modern Russian society provides only a simple reproduction of the country's human capital, and relatively favorable statistics reflect the dynamics of young people's education in relation to "grandfathers" rather than to "fathers". 10

At the same time, getting a higher education by a member of low-resource groups in itself does not guarantee the occupation of adequate social positions in modern Russia. For example, among young people who have received a higher humanitarian education, 6% work in the positions of workers, 4% are unemployed, 6% work in the positions of employees (in fact, being simple clerks). Only about two-thirds of them work as specialists or managers. The picture is almost the same for young people who have received a higher technical education. 11

Definitely a plus and at the same time a minus of schoolchildren is computerization.

Firstly, it is definitely a plus because students can learn a lot of different information from a computer (meaning from the Internet. Now about 90% of families in the house have it). The Internet is certainly one of the most necessary things for a modern student. But he can also give unnecessary information that only “clogs” the brains. This is of course a minus.

How can young people earn money and spend it rationally?

The Russian Federation has a high unemployment rate among young people aged 15-24 (6.4 percent) 12 .

Since the 90s of the last century, the number of young couples who lived without legal registration of marriage increased to 3 million, which led to a real increase in illegitimate children and an increase in the number of single-parent families.

Housing is one of the most pressing problems facing young people and society. The problems caused by the aging of the housing stock and the underdevelopment of forms of rental housing provoke an increase in prices and rents for housing in

10-ibid., p.63

11-ibid., p.72

12-ibid., p.54

Russian Federation. Mortgage interest rates remain out of reach for young people. In this regard, the implementation of the priority national project "Housing" deserves attention, within the framework of which housing subsidies are provided for young families.

Unlike the youth of Western countries, whose age of entry into adulthood is objectively increasing, Russian youth have to enter into socio-economic relations much earlier. At the same time, various sectors of the economy will receive young labor resources extremely unevenly. And if in the sphere of services and entrepreneurship young people already make up and will make up a significant percentage of employees, then in the social budgetary sphere and the sphere of state and municipal administration the share of young workers today is insignificant and will not be able to ensure continuity in the transfer of functions in the future.

By the nature of work in material production, young people were distributed as follows: 89.8% are employed, 2.7% own a business with hired labor, 2.2% are employed and have their own business, 2.5% are engaged in individual labor activity , 5.5% other activities (small commerce, work in personal subsidiary and household) 13 . That is, the vast majority of young people in material production is wage labor.

Only slightly more than two percent of young people own their own enterprises that produce products and are employers. And about ten percent are engaged in small business.

In general, the level of education of young people in material production is quite high. 61.6% of those employed in this area have not only a profession, but also professional education, which indicates a high reproductive potential of young people. factor of reproduction of this sphere. It acts as the main source of replenishment of the ranks of the intelligentsia, which constitutes the core of the middle class. Russian entrepreneurs, when hiring workers, on average, also give a certain preference to younger people. Moreover, under the condition of open employment (announcing vacancies or applying to recruiting agencies), many employers stipulate that they accept applications for employment only from persons younger than a certain age (usually up to 30 years old). As a result, in general, in Russia at present, youth have much more employment opportunities than middle-aged and older people, even despite the lack of work experience among young people.

Self-consciousness of any society begins with history. Its symbolically significant events form the semantic basis of national and civic identity. At the same time, historical consciousness is subject, as it were, to the imperceptible influence of everyday changes. Life is changing - and after it, historical consciousness is gradually changing. That is why the results of sociological monitoring of historical ideas, especially of the generation just entering life, are an effective tool for social diagnostics and can be important both for predicting the political behavior of the population and for understanding the actions of various segments of the political elite.

In the course of the “Youth of New Russia...” survey, respondents were asked the question: “What period of Russian history, starting from the time of Peter the Great, are they most proud of?” The distribution of opinions on this issue showed that the sympathies of young people focused mainly on the personality and era of Peter I. Over 48% of respondents aged

13-ibid., p.102

up to 26 years. The second epoch in terms of rating - the “golden age of Catherine” - was given at least 3.5 times fewer votes, the remaining periods of national history: the abolition of serfdom, the revolution, the rule of Stalin, the “thaw”, “stagnation ”, etc., until the recent past (“perestroika” and the presidency of B.N. Yeltsin) attracted the sympathy of very few - from 2 to 6% of the surveyed boys and girls. 14

Ten years later, the same question for assessing the main periods of Russian history was again asked to young Russians. The Petrine period as a whole retains its central position on the value scale of historical images, but compared to the data of the mid-1990s, the indicator of its attractiveness has decreased quite noticeably. With regard to young people, this decrease was at least 8% (from 48 to 40%). In the older group, it was not so significant (from 40 to 33%) (see Table 2)

Table 2. What periods in the history of the country cause a sense of pride among representatives of different generations of Russians, % 15

Older generation






1. The era of Peter

2. The era of Catherine

3. Reforms of Alexander II

4. Revolutionary years and the period of Soviet power

5. The era of Stalin

6.Khrushchev period

7. Brezhnev period

8. Gorbachev period

9. Yeltsin period

10.Other period

11.No period

12. Difficult to answer

The level of education strongly affects the choice of historical heroes. Peter's reforms are closest in spirit to students and those who have already graduated from universities. In this group, the level of sympathy for Peter I and his era is much higher than the average - 47%, while among those with an education not above average, it ranges from 30 to 36%. It should be noted, however, that in the mid-1990s, the proportion of Peter I admirers among young people with higher education was much higher and amounted to approximately 64-65%. 16

The younger generation sees itself as the main factor in the stability and development of Russia in the 21st century, the driving force behind fundamental changes in society. The younger generation believes that the next century will be the century of prosperity for our country.

14-according to the results of the Central Russian Consulting Center


16-N.S. Klenskaya, "Conversations about the meaning of life", Moscow, Enlightenment, 2003, p. 89


To be modern today means to be able to find yourself, find your place in life, determine your vocation, choose a profession in accordance with your inclinations and abilities. For a truly modern person (for all his busyness) it is necessary to meet people, exchange interesting ideas, spiritual values.

A person, especially in his youth, increasingly thinks about his life path, strives to treat himself consciously, self-develop, self-educate. One of the philosophers called this process of human elevation "human self-construction". The object of this construction, first of all, is the spiritual world of man. Parents, family, school and all kinds of collectives give a person or do not give him a lot. But of all the circumstances that shape a person, the most important is one's own conscious attitude to life, to one's own thoughts and plans, and above all, to one's own actions.

Youth always faces a choice, decides for itself the questions: who to be? What to be? But next to self-determination is always self-restraint. Not always our desires coincide with the possibilities. Based on a survey conducted among high school students, we found out the "living wage" of a modern young man. It is equal to approximately 5000 rubles, taking into account the factor of living together with parents. This money, by modern standards, is quite large. This is the monthly salary of some categories of adults. Where to get them? The percentage of those young people who are used to solving their problems at the expense of their parents is quite high, but many will try to solve this problem on their own. The psychology of pragmatism becomes the main one in his activity for a modern young person. Most young people adequately perceive everything that happens and are able to adapt to the realities of today. How to manage money? This proved to be a difficult task for many. Since childhood, we have an idea of ​​what a dollar, euro, pound is, we really feel what savings and calculation are, but life puts very harsh conditions for existence, including financial ones. The main problem turned out to be what to spend the money on. Here, modern young people do not differ in diversity. The funds would be mainly spent on entertainment, fashionable clothes, telephone, computer. In my opinion, one should pay closer attention to foreign experience in preparing for entrepreneurial activity in the process of real labor activity at school mini-enterprises, cafes. stores. Here and earning money for pocket expenses (no need to ask your parents), and gaining entrepreneurial skills. For this, I believe, it is necessary to equip school workshops with the necessary equipment, increase the number of school hours of technology. The course "Economics and Business" or other elective courses of pre-profile and specialized training, in my opinion, should not be conducted as an optional course, but should be in the second hours of the school curriculum. School profiling - profile training should be more effective. In the meantime, the absence of a unified holistic educational program in schools can lead to the loss of any interest in this issue.

Expansion of social science courses focused on the socialization of adolescents, expanding and deepening their knowledge in the field of economics, law, sociology, psychology.

According to a sociological study in order to identify the civic and moral maturity of today's schoolchildren, 47.9% of the students surveyed consider themselves kind and sensitive; conscientiousness and diligence are noted in themselves by only half of them (51.5%); honesty and decency - 56.2%; the ability to adapt to life as a valuable personality trait is considered by 37.9% of the respondents (see Appendix 10). The process of reorientation of the moral consciousness and feelings of Russian youth in relation to those phenomena that have recently been categorically condemned continues: failure to fulfill the duty, the given word, the manifestation of dishonesty, infidelity, sexual promiscuity, drug addiction, dependency, theft, prostitution, homosexuality, worship of Western values, etc. P.

And yet, what is it, modern youth? Everyone will answer this question for himself. But it seems to me that whatever this answer is, we can look to the future with a sense of optimism and hope for the best.

The main conclusions (characteristic features of the modern young generation):

1. An analysis of the aspirations of modern youth allows us to say that for the majority of young people, the values ​​of family and work in one variation or another remain unconditional: when work is desirable and interesting, or when it makes it possible to achieve material well-being. Modern youth plans to achieve a lot in life, while they rely on their own strength, as they basically believe that a person’s financial situation depends, first of all, on himself: 70% of young Russians are convinced of this, while half of the older population (50%) believe that their life depends primarily on the economic situation in the country.

2. According to their life aspirations in today's Russian youth, you can

identify conditionally different social types. The most common are "entrepreneurial" who plan to succeed in business and wealth, "maximalists" who are confident that they will succeed in almost all areas of life, "workers" who count on a good job, "family" whose main aspiration is creating a solid family, "hedonists" who count on a life full of pleasure, and "careerists" who believe that they will achieve everything, but only at the cost of such efforts that they will not allow them to have much free time. At the same time, the formation of these models of life aspirations is influenced by the characteristics of the social environment in which young people are formed.

3. Quite frequent discussions about the politicization of the current generation of youth

research data are not supported. The proportion of young people directly involved in political activities, as well as 10 years ago, varies within 1-2%. Approximately at the same level as before, the share of young people who are actively interested in politics (14%) remains 17 .

4. As the analysis of the results of this study shows, in Russia over the past 10 years a generation of young people has formed that does not particularly count on the authorities, but acts independently.

5. In general, it can be stated that the older generation, unlike today's youth, is more conservative, which is natural given their life experience - they do not like to take risks, stand out, are inclined to solidarity and are not used to relying only on themselves, which cannot be said about modern youth . At the same time, there are positions that bring the youth and the generation of "fathers" closer together. So, among the main aspirations of the older generation and youth, as well as 10 years ago, first of all is the creation of a strong family and the upbringing of good children. But along with this, young people are paying more and more attention to work, which, on the one hand, should be interesting, prestigious and loved, and on the other, ensure material well-being.

These signs that I have identified in the course of the study can be considered characteristic features of the modern young generation, inherent in it in the 21st century.

17 - according to the results of the Central Russian Consulting Center


  1. V. Bulychev Who are we? // Moscow., 2001.
  2. I.S. Klenskaya Conversations about the meaning of life// Moscow; "Enlightenment", 2003
  3. V.T. Lisovsky What does it mean to be modern?// Moscow., 2004
  4. Copeland D. Generation X // Foreign. lit. - 1998. - No. 3. - p. 121-129.
  5. V. Pelevin "Pepsi Generation", Moscow, Vagrius, 1999
  6. "Social World of Youth", Novosibirsk, 2007
  7. Youth of Russia: Problems and Prospects. - Vladimir, 2010 - 100 pages - (Central Russian Consulting Center).
  8. Sergeev S. A. Youth subculture // Sociological. research. - 2008 - No. 11. - p. 42-49.
  9. B. Polevoy, pss in 9 volumes, Moscow, Fiction, 1986
  10. Sukhomlinsky V.A., collected works in 5 volumes, Orenburg, 2010
  11. Mannheim K., "Essays on the sociology of knowledge", Moscow, 2004

Internet resources:

Ricolor. org/rus/5/gam/2/-54k

revolution. allbest.ru

Under conditions of very unfavorable influences of the macro-environment, the prestige of morality has decreased, mercenary orientations, purely personal, pragmatic interests among the youth have increased. A significant part of young people have destroyed and lost such traditional moral and psychological traits as romanticism, selflessness, readiness for a feat, honesty, conscientiousness, faith in goodness and justice, the desire for truth and the search for an ideal, for the positive realization of not only personal, but also social significant interests and goals, and others.

Values- these are people's ideas about significant things, what they attribute more importance to, certain preferences. This is a relatively stable, socially determined selective attitude of a person to the totality of material and spiritual public goods.

The value world of each person is immense. However, there are some "cross-cutting" values ​​that are practically pivotal in any field of activity. These include diligence, education, kindness, good breeding, honesty, decency, tolerance, humanity. It is precisely the decline in the significance of these values ​​in a given period of history that always causes serious concern in a normal society.

Undoubtedly, such eternal (true) values ​​still exist and are recognized: love for people, faith, family, diligence, responsibility, love for art, kindness, justice, mercy, respect for elders. But they have recently been opposed to the love of comfort, material wealth, selfishness, the desire for power (if power becomes the highest value). And as a result of the emergence of this confrontation, the young man has a problem of choice. Choosing your own life principles and priorities. A new idea and attitude towards true values ​​is being formed.

Now young people put material well-being on one of the first positions. That is, preference is given not so much to spiritual and moral values, as to material material well-being, as a kind of incentive for vital activity. Moreover, the goal of making money can be achieved in any way possible. And such life principles as “it is better to be honest, but poor” and “a clear conscience is more important than well-being” are becoming a thing of the past, and remain - “you - to me, I - to you”, “success - at any cost”.

Young people prioritize independence and career, achieving high status. In recent years, many opportunities for financial self-assertion of a person have appeared in Russia, where a high level of education is not required, but they pay a lot of money. For some young people, these paths are quite attractive, although they do not lead to real success, but enhance the feeling of spiritual emptiness and the meaninglessness of life, the temporality of everything that happens.

Attitudes towards friendship and camaraderie have also changed. Faithful friends, reliable comrades remain in childhood. Attitude towards close people is becoming more and more selfish. The selfish attitude “for oneself” is higher than humane relations, mutual understanding, mutual support and mutual assistance.

The modern youth of Russia goes through its formation in very difficult conditions of breaking many old values ​​and forming new social relations. Hence the confusion and pessimism, disbelief in the future. Aggressiveness and extremism, chauvinism and criminality are growing.

The value of intellectual labor, education and knowledge also continues to fall rapidly. For the most part, the younger generation strives to get any education with minimal effort, works for the result - just to get a diploma. Education is seen primarily as an opportunity to get a good job, and only then - as a means of obtaining new knowledge. The formation of these values ​​is influenced by the economic and social changes taking place in society. Those priorities that previously seemed unshakable are replaced by others. New value orientations appear, which means that old ideals and traditions are destroyed and a new type of personality is formulated. Society, habitat with their spontaneous, chaotic, unwritten requirements and principles change, often simply disfigure the views of a personality that has not yet been fully formed.

The analysis shows that in the conditions of the general social crisis that we are experiencing today, such values ​​as the family and education are also in crisis. There is still a high number of divorces, abandoned children and the elderly, children running away from home, cruelty towards children and the elderly is not uncommon - all these are signs of the social unhealthiness of the family. In the field of education - a negative attitude towards the school of both children and parents, countless conflicts with teachers, the degradation of the teaching profession (many examples of professional failure of teachers), the decline in the prestige of education, the low level of training of specialists in universities, etc. is also a picture of a crisis.

However, the crisis of any phenomenon is by no means tantamount to the fall or disappearance of its social value. On the contrary, active public criticism may mean the existence of a value conflict in this area, i.e. “feelings of deviation from the ideal”, discrepancy between social needs and the presence of existing circumstances. At the same time, this may mean a change of orientation in this area, and with it a rethinking and even strengthening the value of this phenomenon.

So, the values ​​of modern youth in Russia are in a state of dissonance. Young people put material well-being and independence in the first place, but despite this, such eternal values ​​as faith, family, love are relevant. The youth of today should strive to strengthen eternal, true values.

11. Value orientations of young people in European countries.

1. Financial crisis against the backdrop of a crisis of values. There is a huge problem: the crisis of the value system, acting as a fall in moral standards, the lack of clear rules, principles and imperatives that characterize the direction in the actions and deeds of the individual. Ideas about value orientations are blurred, there is no competent mechanism for the formation and way of influencing the consciousness and behavior of the individual. Accordingly, the attitude towards education, work, relatives, and family has changed. The breakdown of value orientations led to a decline in the prestige of socially significant work, an increase in deviant behavior, indifference, and social passivity.

The decline in the system of value orientations of young people is especially pronounced in their attitude to education as a basic social value. The modern education system mainly focuses on self-study and self-study, the development of students' creative abilities. This is manifested in generalization, critical analysis, development of knowledge based on previous experience. However, today's youth is not ready for such individual steps. Most of them do not know how to independently develop judgments, establish causal relationships, identify patterns, think logically correctly, formulate their ideas harmoniously and convincingly, and competently argue conclusions.

Despite the fact that modern society is actively introducing information technologies, young people, especially students, as Internet users do not always use them effectively. The educational information field is flooded with ready-made "crib" products of rather low quality, written essays, term papers, theses, and even educational material of dubious content. Today's youth is not ready to use primary sources, being inclined to use abridged versions, interpreted by no one. The vast majority of young people are focused on getting any education with minimal effort - just to get a diploma. The high level of claims to education is of an instrumental nature, education is seen as a means of a promising competitive position in the labor market and only then as a way to acquire knowledge.

Standing aside is a stable worldview and moral position, manifested in social responsibility, decency, and sincerity. Youth, as in other things and the whole society, is characterized by confusion, misunderstanding of what is happening. She is often credited with hard pragmatism, social immaturity, infantilism, aggressiveness, envy.

The dominant of life values ​​and behavioral priorities remains material well-being . Recently, the following trend has been observed: young people generally prefer not so much spiritual and moral values ​​as big money. For example, for 73% of the 600 young people surveyed, material well-being is an incentive for their vital activity. The ability to make a fortune for the majority is a measure of human happiness. The usefulness of work for most young people is determined by the achievements of their own economic prosperity. Moreover, the main goal is to make money, and in any way possible, if only this way would bring income and the more, the better. And therefore, success in life is associated with enterprise and money, and not with talent, knowledge and diligence.

Such a breakdown of value orientations among young people clearly emerges among the still undeveloped stable system of their moral socio-cultural attitudes. Moreover, the changed life (transition from administrative-planned to market mechanisms) requires new models of behavior. Such life principles as "it is better to be honest, but poor" and "a clear conscience is more important than well-being" are gone and such as "you - to me, I - to you", "success - at any cost" have come to the fore. There is a clear orientation of economic values ​​associated with the fastest enrichment, and success is determined by the presence of expensive goods, fame, fame. In the minds of today's youth, a motivational attitude to one's own strength in the realization of life goals and interests in the spirit of the new conditions of market economy is clearly expressed, but here, as you know, any path is possible.

In a relationship family values young people above all put independence and career, achieving a high status. The family is planned in the long term, after creating a successful, in their opinion, career.

Communicative values move away as they get older. The vector of change in value norms and rules that characterize behavior is determined by market relations. Faithful friends, reliable comrades remain in childhood. Relationships with loved ones are becoming more and more steadily selfish, commercial in nature. In the youth environment, a selfish individualistic attitude (“for himself”) is higher than humane relations, mutual understanding, mutual support and mutual assistance. High communicativeness is shown with the necessary, influential people, reflecting a certain desired status.

The relevance of the problems of the dynamics and transformation of values ​​is as follows: when a society goes towards a new state, with a different, new structure of social life, the study of "eternal", existential problems in the axiological aspect is of practical and political interest. The cardinal destruction of all values, undertaken in recent years, has affected not only the Russian state in general, but has also put each of us before a value choice. A person himself determines his value priorities.

The relevance of the problems of the dynamics and transformation of values ​​is as follows: the choice of new values ​​is directly related to the problem of the moral education of the younger generation, which is always one of the most important problems of all peoples, because the future of the people is determined by the level of consciousness and moral principles of people entering adult independent life. to preserve peace, of which every nation is an integral part, it is necessary to take into account the interconnection between the national and the universal.

The purpose of my work: To study the theoretical material corresponding to the chosen topic; to get acquainted with concepts and definitions; to identify the impact of value orientations on society in general and young people in particular, as well as on the basis of sociological research, surveys to study the features of the value orientations of today's youth and the reasons for their transformation.

Value Orientations Value orientations are the most important elements of the internal structure of the personality, fixed by the life experience of the individual, the totality of his experiences and delimiting the significant, essential for a given person from the insignificant, non-essential. Value orientations are the main axis of consciousness, the continuity of a certain type of behavior and activity, which is expressed in the direction of needs and interests. Value orientations ensure the integrity and stability of the individual, determine the structures of consciousness and programs and strategies of activity, control and organize the motivational sphere, instrumental orientations to specific objects and (or) types of activity and communication as a means of achieving goals. A stable and consistent set of value orientations determines such personality traits as integrity, reliability, loyalty to certain principles and ideals, the ability to make strong-willed efforts in the name of these ideals and values, and an active life position.

Developed value orientations are a sign of a person's maturity, an indicator of the measure of his sociality ... The main content of value orientations is a person's political, philosophical (ideological), moral convictions, deep permanent attachments of a person, moral principles of behavior. Because of this, in any society, the value orientations of the individual are the object of education, purposeful influence. They act both at the level of consciousness and at the level of the subconscious, determining the direction of volitional efforts, attention, and intellect.

Value orientation includes three components: cognitive, or semantic, in which the social experience of the individual is concentrated. On its basis, scientific knowledge of reality is carried out, which contributes to the formation of an emotional value attitude, which involves the individual experiencing his attitude to these values ​​and determines the personal meaning of this behavioral attitude, based on the results of the interaction of the first two components. the subject forms a willingness to act, to carry out what has been conceived in accordance with a well-thought-out plan.

Socio-economic transformations in Russia are difficult. The present time is characterized by the instability of the social situation. As one of the negative consequences of the period of economic reforms, a qualitative change in the system of social and personal values ​​is often called.

The study of changes taking place in the minds of today's youth reassessment of values, their crisis is most evident in the minds of this social group. The study of the changes taking place in the minds of today's youth is becoming especially acute today. The reassessment of values, their crisis, which is inevitable in the condition of breaking the established foundations, is most of all manifested in the consciousness of this social group.

Any society is characterized by a complex process of formation of values ​​and attitudes towards them, especially young people. Young people are part of civil society from birth. And if it simply activates its participation in its activities, this will already be a powerful stimulus for the development of the entire community and the democratization of the state.

YOUTH VALUES are the general ideas shared by the general population of young people about what is desirable, right and useful. Young people, not weighed down by the burden of prejudices of old guidelines, on the one hand, adapt to new conditions faster, and on the other hand, they are more susceptible to the destructive influence of the consequences of macrosocial processes.

In the process of becoming a young person's personality, a certain system of value orientations is formed with a more or less developed structure of personality behavior. The system of value orientations of the individual, although it is formed under the influence of the values ​​that prevail in society and the immediate social environment surrounding the individual, is not rigidly predetermined by them.

The system of value orientations is not given once and for all: with changes in living conditions, the personality itself, new values ​​appear, and sometimes they are completely or partially reassessed. The value orientations of young people as the most dynamic part of Russian society are the first to undergo changes caused by various processes taking place in the life of the country. At present, interest in the problems and culture of youth is growing in Russian society.

Changing value orientations is undoubtedly a rather painful process, and the study of its patterns can help identify ways of influencing a young person by relevant social institutions in order to reduce the intensity of her emotional stress and prevent possible social tension. The value world of young people is represented by a pluralism of values ​​and value orientations, reflecting the diversity of social relations in the absence of a state ideology of a social ideal and a national idea.

Youth is a specific component of Russian society. Her interests, cultural life are different from the interests of representatives of other age groups. The range of interests of modern Russian youth is very wide and versatile. Young people are actively interested in religion and fashion, painting and computers, sports... One of the features of youth culture is its heterogeneity. Along with the traditional culture, there is also a counterculture that manifests itself in various youth movements.

The family partially or completely loses its function as an instance of socialization of the individual In dynamic societies, the family partially or completely loses its function as an instance of the socialization of the individual, since the pace of changes in social life gives rise to a historical discrepancy between the older generation and the changed tasks of the new time. With the entry into adolescence, the young man turns away from the family, looking for those social ties that should protect him from a society that is still alien. Between a lost family and a society not yet found, young people strive to join their own kind. The informal groups that form in this way provide the young person with a certain social status.

Previously, young people largely relied on the experience of previous generations, young people master and create new social experience, relying mainly on themselves. In general, in modern society, the process of socialization of young people is complicated by difficulties that arise as a result of a reassessment of traditions, norms and values: if earlier young people largely relied on the experience of previous generations, now young people master and create a new social experience, relying mainly on themselves, which largely predetermines the presence of conflicting trends in the minds and behavior of today's youth.

For many students, the main values ​​are "find yourself in this life", "remain human", "material support". As a result, many different models of self-realization operate in the student environment: remain human”, “material support”, etc. So, modern students think about both material well-being and spiritual values, in contrast to their predecessors, who felt less material difficulties, but also thought less about the meaning of life, which was largely determined.

At the same time, the value of personal freedom, which provides a person with free choice, has increased. In conditions when it becomes for a person freedom from any restrictions, this can lead to the formation of asocial models of socialization. In conditions when it becomes for a person freedom from any restrictions, this can lead to the formation of asocial models of socialization.

The value space of young people is characterized by the following features: the formation of value relations in the youth environment is a complex and controversial process; among vital values, the most popular are material well-being, interesting work, health, love; among everyday values, pronounced tendencies of pragmatism and individualism prevail, which is due to the transition of society to market relations;

The value space of young people is characterized by the following features: everything that goes beyond the scope of everyday life, whether it is the problems of social structure, foreign policy or ecology, is on the periphery of youth attention; spiritual values ​​occupy an insignificant place in the value space of the personality of a modern young person; education as a value is perceived through the prism of the social demand for specialists with higher education, which indicates a utilitarian attitude towards it;

The value space of young people is characterized by the following features: young people judge poverty with maximalism, not seeing the causes that give rise to it, explaining this by “the inability to live and adapt”; family values ​​are important; a high rank in the system of the most important personality traits and how a social value receives such a quality as responsibility;

The results of sociological research show that young people rate their intellectual and creative abilities very low. Only 19% of them consider these abilities to be high, 22% call themselves talented. Such a low self-esteem characterizes the disbelief of the young in their own strength, and this, of course, negatively affects their influx into the sphere of intellectual work.

Professionalism and qualifications, the ability to get along with people, then - health, autonomy and independence, the presence of connections, initiative and enterprise. If we consider the hierarchical series of values ​​among respondents with incomplete secondary education, professionalism and qualifications, the ability to get along with people, then health, self-reliance and independence, connections, initiative and enterprise occupy a high place. professionalism and qualifications, diligence and perseverance, initiative and enterprise, connections, health. Young people with general secondary education consider professionalism and qualifications, diligence and perseverance, initiative and enterprise, connections, health as important means.

A society that has made material well-being and enrichment the meaning and philosophy of its existence forms the appropriate culture and vital needs of young people. The mass media, which gained freedom, various forms of mass culture began to influence the formation of value attitudes, style and lifestyle of the population, especially young people. The mass media, which gained freedom, various forms of mass culture began to influence the formation of value attitudes, style and lifestyle of the population, especially young people.

Among young people, a sharp decline in the importance of spiritual and moral values ​​began. For the greater part of it, the significance of folk and spiritual art, the artistic works of Russian classics, is unjustifiably underestimated. At the same time, young people are interested in mascult and avant-garde art, which is a kind of stimulator of socio-cultural values. For the greater part of it, the significance of folk and spiritual art, the artistic works of Russian classics, is unjustifiably underestimated. At the same time, young people are interested in mascult and avant-garde art, which is a kind of stimulator of socio-cultural values.

Many adolescents subjectively experience an urgent need to maintain or create a family. However, the rather high rating of the family among other values ​​is confirmed by the fact that many adolescents subjectively experience an urgent need to maintain or create a family. However, today the family is in a difficult crisis. This is evidenced by the huge number of divorces.

An analysis of the group hierarchy of students' value orientations shows… The most significant values ​​for this age group are: health (physical and mental); development (work on oneself, constant physical and spiritual improvement); happy family life; fullness and emotional richness of life; life wisdom; having good and true friends; knowledge; freedom (independence, independence in judgments and actions); self confidence

From the hierarchy of instrumental values, students preferred: From the hierarchy of instrumental values, students preferred: honesty (truthfulness, sincerity); the value of tolerance (to the views and opinions of others, the ability to forgive others for their mistakes and misconceptions); good manners (good manners), diligence (discipline), responsibility (sense of duty, ability to keep one's word), breadth of views; cheerfulness (sense of humor), independence (ability to act independently, decisively), education (breadth of knowledge, high general culture), sensitivity (caring).

The fall in the prestige of socially significant work, the growth of deviant behavior, indifference, social passivity. The breakdown of value orientations led to a decline in the prestige of socially significant work, an increase in deviant behavior, indifference, and social passivity. Young people generally give preference not so much to spiritual and moral values ​​as to big money. Material well-being remains the dominant feature of life values ​​and behavioral priorities. Recently, the following trend has been observed: young people generally prefer not so much spiritual and moral values ​​as big money. For example, for 73% of the 600 young people surveyed, material well-being is an incentive for their vital activity.

The usefulness of work for most young people is determined by the achievements of their own economic prosperity. And that is why success in life is associated with enterprise and money, and not with talent, knowledge and diligence. And therefore, success in life is associated with enterprise and money, and not with talent, knowledge and diligence. Moreover, the main goal is to make money, and in any way possible, if only this way would bring income and the more, the better.

Success is determined by the presence of expensive goods, fame, fame. There is a clear orientation of economic values ​​associated with the fastest enrichment, and success is determined by the presence of expensive goods, fame, fame. motivational attitude to one's own strengths in the realization of life goals and interests in the spirit of the new conditions of market economy way.

Communicative values ​​move away as they grow older, which is due to market relations. Faithful friends, reliable comrades remain in childhood. Relationships with loved ones are becoming more and more steadily selfish, commercial in nature. Faithful friends, reliable comrades remain in childhood. Relationships with loved ones are becoming more and more steadily selfish, commercial in nature. In the youth environment, a selfish individualistic attitude (“for himself”) is higher than humane relations, mutual understanding, mutual support and mutual assistance. High communication skills are shown with the right, influential people, reflecting a certain desired status.

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