Skis for the combined skiing style. For ski lovers

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Classic skis are wooden and plastic, expensive and not very expensive. But main criterion when choosing - their rigidity. Manufacturers usually designate this indicator, linking it to the weight of the athlete: the heavier the owner of the skis, the harder they are. But sometimes you have to define this parameter yourself. To do this, put the skis on a flat surface (floor), and then stand on them. There should be a small distance between the floor and the holding side of the skis so that a piece of paper can pass there. If there is no gap, the pair is too soft for you. If it is too big - think about whether you have enough skill to stay on such skis.

Rigid skis are suitable for those who have high level skills in this sport. After all, only professionals will be able to move for a long time on such a pair, where there is no coupling of the holding zone with the snow cover. If you are a beginner, it is better to choose softer skis, on which it is easier to maintain balance. Yes, and the ointment on such holds tight.

The required rigidity depends not only on the weight of the skier and his skill. So, if you are going to ride in the cold, it is better to stop at a soft and elastic pair. The fact is that in cold weather it is not necessary to apply a lot of ointment. And with positive indicators or very light frost, a thick layer is needed. Therefore, the skis must also be rigid so that the difference in the thickness of the lubricant is compensated by a small deflection.

Another important criterion when choosing skis - their length. According to the established standards for classic skis, it should exceed the height of the skier by 25-30 cm. When choosing a pair, stand it upright, stand side by side and stretch your hand up. The edges of the skis should reach the middle of your palm. However, if you are a beginner athlete, it is better to take shorter skis: they are easier to manage, therefore, learning to ride them is much easier. When you master the basics of the classic move, move on to a longer pair to make it easier to slide.

When choosing cross-country skis, first of all, you need to focus on the intended style of skiing. If you have firmly decided that you will run "classic", the following rules will help you in choosing skis and ammunition.


Start collecting your ski kit by buying boots. More precisely, with the selection of special socks in which you will ride. Try on boots with these socks, because ski boots should fit perfectly and be absolutely comfortable. Boots for the "classics" should be soft enough and low, not hindering the movement of the leg above the ankle. The toe of such boots should easily bend, forming an angle of 90 degrees. Once you've chosen your boots, it's time to start choosing bindings. Depending on which system the ski boot is designed for, select SNS or NNN bindings.

Choosing yourself and ski poles, be guided by the parameters of your height and weight. The length of the skis should exceed your height by 20-30 cm (ideally - by 25). However, if your weight exceeds the norm (height minus 100), add a few more centimeters to this length. The ends of the skis should be more oblong and pointed than those of the skis intended for the course. Sticks for the "classics" should reach the armpits (unlike sticks for the "skate", which should be just above the shoulder). On average, their length will be less than your height by 30 centimeters. People with a large weight are advised to choose stiffer and stronger sticks.

Cross-country skiing can be conditionally divided into groups, taking into account the style of skiing, into several categories - these are sets for classic and combined, as well as skating. When choosing one or another model, it is important to take into account the level of training and the preferred style of riding. Experienced skiers recommend purchasing a separate, specially selected set, but if the funds do not allow this, opt for the combined ones.

Classic models are perfect for rolled and flat tracks - they are the best choice for beginners. In this case, parallel setting of skis and alternate repulsion by jerky movements of the legs are provided.

Their maximum length reaches up to 205–207 cm, they are soft in their sliding due to the corresponding shoe and are distinguished by a longer, sharply curved toe. They are marked with the abbreviation Classic or Cl, while under the block itself there can be a special notch on the left track, on the right without it. If they do not have notches, anti-slip is achieved through the use of a special lubricant, although models with notches are the best option.

How to determine optimal size? He is selected taking into account his own height, adding 20 cm to it. Or you can simply raise your hand up - the palm lowered down should touch the toe of the track. An important point in the choice is the criterion for the rigidity of the product - at the very beginning, determine the center of gravity on it. Put the ski track on your hands so that its ends are in a balance position, then fold them with the sliding side of the bottom to one - just squeeze your hands, lowering them 3 cm below the center of balance. It is optimal if the distance between them is a maximum of 1–1.5 cm.

With regard to the selection of shoes - they should be low and soft, not have any inserts that will fix the foot. The main thing is not to buy shoes that go back to back, because in this case the feet will freeze faster. When - the main thing is to take into account their length, when it is worth picking them up according to their height, when the lanyard outlet itself reaches the level of the shoulder joint. The sticks themselves can be aluminum - they quickly bend under loads, and are also made of glass or carbon fiber - it is the latter that professional athletes choose.

Skate models are chosen for running on a rolled, flat surface without a paved ski track, when during skating the main focus is on the muscles of the body, rhythmic hand movements. This style of riding is best mastered after you have completed the initial basics of training.

In this style, the skier's movements resemble those of a skater, when the push comes from the snow with the inner surface of the ski, and the subsequent transfer of body weight to the moving, sliding side. It is optimally suited for tight and wide trails - the thing is that its feature is active, swinging arms and upper body. The very same repulsion with sticks goes to the rhythm of the work of the legs.

They differ from similar products in height - they are shorter, since their maximum length does not exceed 190 cm, they are more rigid in twisting and in relation to their longitudinal direction. So during the repulsion, their surface will not completely touch the snow cover of the track with its middle part. In this case, a gap of at least 2–3 mm must remain - otherwise the effectiveness of the push at the start of the run will decrease.

Mark them with the abbreviation Skate or Sk and in your own way appearance they are more like a block with smooth surface- in this case, notches are not applied, as they will interfere with sliding, clinging to the snow crust and thereby reducing speed. For correct selection length - you just need to add no more than 10 cm to your own height. As in the previous description, it is worth determining the rigidity of the product - so the gap between the canvases should not exceed 2 mm.

To prevent injury and excessive stress on the feet, an additional medium or hard fixation must be installed on the boot. Most often, these boots are high, and are supplemented in their structure for reinforcement with a plastic cuff. When choosing sticks - in the kit they go higher than the classic ones, when the lanyard itself goes at the level of the skier's chin / lips.

Combined types of skis go as for the style of skiing in both styles described above. In the howling structure, they go in a length of no more than 2 meters, but if you choose models longer than this length, it will be simply inexpedient and inconvenient to use them in the future. The thing is that when the skier moves, the latter will cling to each other with their heels. This point should be taken into account when choosing.

By virtue of their design, the combined ones will be closer to the classic models, since the latter allow the skier to move in a skating style. At the same time, on skating performance classic version skiing is hardly possible even for a professional skier. The thing is that, due to the high rigidity, the skier himself does not have a phase of sufficient repulsion during the movement. But for mastering both styles of movement, experienced skiers recommend choosing them.

When choosing, please note that they are marked with the abbreviation Combi, they will be longer than the ridge canvas, but at the same time a little shorter than the classic ones. To select the optimal length - simply add 15 cm to your own height. Regarding the notches applied to them - some of them have a removable, replaceable middle. So for supporters of the classical style of skating - just choose the appropriate nozzle with notches, for supporters of the skate - just remove it.

Skiing enthusiasts know that there are two types of skiing, these are classic skiing and skating skiing. And if beginner skiers ski exclusively with classics, then those who are already familiar with skiing prefer skating. And all because such a move is more convenient, it is less expensive in terms of physical strength, and, most importantly, it is faster! But there is one essential but, and this - but - lies in skiing. After all, not all skis are suitable for skating. And there are several reasons for this. How to choose skis for skating - that's what we'll tell you about today. For your convenience, we have a photo, video and table for weight and height. So watch it all the way to the end. In order not to be mistaken and buy exactly those skis in which you will be comfortable and comfortable.

Features of skis for skating

If you are trying to skate for the first time, you will immediately notice that it is more difficult for them to move than the classic one. And therefore, for skating, manufacturers make skis stiffer. When the skis are stiff, it's easier to kick off the snow with your feet, you pick up speed faster, and each new kick becomes easier for you. But if your skis are soft, then you will have to make great efforts to push off for skating. And all because when repulsed, your legs will rest against the skis. And if they are soft, they will push back and your costs will be in vain, you still won’t be able to pick up speed and will get tired in a few minutes.
Also, skating skis are characterized by small noses in front. They should not be curved or high. After all, you will ride in skating style on a rolled track, and you don’t need corners in front. Curved front corners are needed for skis for classic walks. They bend the snow with them and it's easier for you to roll.

What materials to choose skis for skating?

There is only one answer - plastic. The main thing in skating is repulsion. And plastic allows you to achieve maximum repulsion of skis from snow with minimal physical effort.
The plastic is strong and tough - we wrote about this above. It won't break even if you bend it. This material withstands frost, and scratches on the skis will not affect your speed and riding in general.
Also, plastic skis are more durable. They are not afraid of thaw and moisture. It is easier to care for such skis and you can choose a lubricant for any weather. So if you are assured that wooden skis are the most comfortable - do not believe it! Next year, or maybe earlier, you will have to buy new skis.

Table - how to choose skis and poles for skating by height

Even if you don’t have such a table at hand, choosing skis and poles is not difficult. The main thing to remember are two rules.
Skis for skating must be 10 centimeters taller than a person.
Second rule:
And sticks should be 10 centimeters lower than a person’s height. Ideally, sticks should be on your nose, then pushing them off will be easy and not so expensive.
You see, everything is quite simple.

How to choose the stiffness of skis?

Everything is very simple here. When you have chosen the skis that suit your height and color, you simply place them on the floor. And then in the place where the mount will be, get up with your feet. And if the skis are pressed to the floor, but there is a distance of 3 or 4 millimeters between them and the floor, then these are the perfect skis for your weight!
If the skis are completely in contact with the floor, then they are not suitable for you. You can easily push through such skis, and they will prevent you from developing speed.
If the skis, on the contrary, remain in the same position, then your weight is insufficient for them. On the contrary, you won’t push such skis and you won’t be able to achieve any speeds on them due to the fact that you will put all your efforts not into speed and repulsion, but into punching through the skis.

Video how to choose skis for skating.

From the video you will learn the opinion of the master of sports and hear a lot of advice from him. So watch closely and remember.

With the onset of the most fabulous and magical time of the year, it would be worth considering what you can do with yourself in winter? What is only worth playing snowballs, sledding, skating and, of course, skiing. Why not bring to life the best moments of the past? Today, the shelves of shops with ski equipment are clogged with various products, so the question is more acute than ever: how to choose skis, mountain or cross-country?

How to choose the right skis: we decide on the style of riding

Before you go shopping in a specialized store, you should decide what style of riding you own.

If you're new to skiing and want to get a pair of skis to explore the winter forest, then most likely your skiing style is classic. This style is inherent in almost all people who start skiing.

The second style is skating. A skier in this style resembles a skater, pushing off the inside of the track from the snow. This view implies a wide track and dense snow.

Having set the goal of how to choose skis for a beginner, do not try to assign yourself a pro riding style, as it will be problematic to move through a snowy forest on skis for skating.

Going to the mountains: what skis to choose?

Skis for skiing in mountainous areas are called mountain skis. According to the target audience, they are of several types:

  • professional- the name speaks for itself, this species designed for professionals. They are marked English word Sport. For buyers of such skis, there is no question of how to choose skiing right. These are people who have been riding for years and have professional riding skills. Professional alpine skis are very light in weight, but the most expensive in price;

  • amateur skiing- this type of ski is also sports and is marked "Fitness". Such skis should be chosen by people who ski not so long ago and do not consider themselves professionals in skiing. They are much heavier in weight. professional skis, but also at a more affordable price;
  • tourist or "Touring"- this type is intended for long and difficult tourist travel. The width of tourist skis is much larger than the rest, as well as the weight, which sometimes reaches 1.5 kg. In their structure, they are more rigid, often come with notches to avoid slippage;

  • pleasure- they are slightly similar in appearance to touring skis, but are lighter in weight. Pleasure skis are intended for short skiing over short distances on snow-covered plains, beginners can choose them;
  • children or teenagers- this type is marked with the word "Junior". They are often made of plastic; skis of this type have fasteners for a regular boot. Such skis are light and comfortable for a child to ride, it is a pleasure to choose from the range of this series of skis.

How to choose skiing according to a person's height

Before choosing skis, pay attention to their length or, as they say, size. If a person is a beginner and is not confident in his abilities in skiing, then it is better to take skis at the rate of minus 20 cm from the person’s height.

A person with an average level of training should pay attention to skis, the length of which is 10 cm less than his height. Professionals choose alpine skiing according to their height or 10-15 cm less.

Choosing the right cross-country and skating skis

Purchase ski equipment only in specialized stores, check for certificates of conformity of goods to European standards.

Before proceeding with advice, how to choose skis cross-country and skating, it is necessary to clarify what kind of ride they are suitable for. Cross-country skis are designed for fast riding over short distances, they are light, smooth, and gliding.

Skating skis are the toughest, their main visual difference is that they do not have a corner bent up.

How to choose cross-country skis

  • Choose cross-country skiing follows individual parameters, such as: height, weight, professional skills and, of course, financial capabilities.
  • Cross-country skis are selected at the rate of +15, 20, 25 cm to a person's height.

  • The weight of skis and poles should not be too large. Cross-country skiing involves a fast pace of skiing, pay attention to these parameters, as they are very important.

How to choose skate skis

  • Skis for skating must be rigid, since when moving, the block of the ski track must spring back and push the skier forward. This type has a blunt, not bent toe, and the length of the ski track should exceed the height of a person by 17-20 cm.
  • Determine hardness. Place two ski tracks vertically, with the sliding surface towards each other and, squeezing the pads with all your might, look at the gap between them. If the clearance is 3-4 mm, then these skis will suit you. If only 1-2 mm, then it is better to refuse the purchase due to insufficient rigidity.

How to choose skis by height? The table will help determine the length of skis and sticks for skiing an adult.

How to choose skis and poles for the height of the child

Children's and teenage skis should first of all be soft, which will allow the child to quickly learn to ride and get the most out of riding. Many parents, in an effort to save money, purchase skis for their children for growth.

Longer skis are harder to manage, the child may not be able to cope, and this will push him away from the desire to ride. When choosing skis for a child who is just learning to ride, you need to calculate the size of the skis by the weight of the child: if the weight is about 20 kg, then the length of the skis should be 70 cm, 20-30 kg - it is better for the child to buy 90 cm skis.

« How to choose skis child so that he does not get injured while riding them? This question worries many parents. If skis and equipment are chosen correctly, then the child will feel comfortable on the ski slope, and the likelihood of injury will be significantly reduced.

It should be noted that it is not at all necessary to buy expensive skis for a child to ride. Children grow up and are often not advanced professionals in skiing, the feeling that loved ones are nearby and doing a joint activity is much more important for them.

This table will help you choose the right length of skis and sticks for skiing a child:

Making the right choice: wood or plastic

wooden e is classic and ecological view skis, proven over the years. The disadvantages of wooden skis include the fact that they are not as slippery as plastic ones. In addition, they weigh significantly more.

plastic skis more practical and modern. They benefit in operation under various weather conditions and snow conditions. If snow makes it difficult to ski on wooden skis at above zero temperatures, then plastic will pass this test with a bang.

Besides, plastic skis durable, they are not deformed, like wooden ones from moisture and dampness.

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Skiing is one of the most popular sports and also a favorite hobby of many people. Someone prefers extreme driving, others are not averse to calmly ride in the park. In any case, when buying modern skis, it is important to take into account not only the riding style and terrain features, but also indicators such as the height and weight of the skier. It is difficult to make a choice today, as hundreds of models are presented in sports equipment stores, both for skating and for walking. Let's try to figure out the main indicators that you need to pay attention to when choosing skis.

Selection of skis based on the height and weight of the skier

The selection of skis for height differs depending on the type of product. It is also worth considering the length and stiffness of the ski. For example, beginner athletes are advised to choose shorter models. On such products, you can move around with any convenient technique, but if a beginner buys skating skis, then ride them classic style he can't. Therefore, consider the most popular types of skis.

Ski selection for classic skiing

Classic type skis are distinguished by their configuration, as they must always be parallel to each other when moving along the track. As a rule, such products are longer than skating ones, but the maximum value does not exceed 207 cm. In addition, they are distinguished by their softness, this is necessary so that when repulsed, the ski block touches the snow surface, in which case the products will not slip back during the push. But such skis should not be too soft either, otherwise, during sliding, the block will bend too much, deepening into the snow, as a result of which they will slow down.

When choosing the stiffness of a suitable ski model, you should consider weather. For example, for cold winter soft and elastic products are more suitable, since in this case you do not need to apply a large layer of ointment. But for positive temperatures it is better to choose rigid models.

Professional skiers differ in their riding style, as a rule, they push off the snow surface with a powerful push, so for the “pros” hard products are suitable, on which athletes can do a long ride.

If you choose classic type skis, then their length should exceed your height by 25-30 cm. Sticks, unlike Nordic walking poles, on the contrary, it is better to choose 25-30 cm less height, although if you have excellent physical fitness and strive to increase the load, you can also purchase longer products.

To choose skis by weight, you need to check how stiff they are for your body weight. To do this, just use the flex tester. First you need to find the center of gravity of each ski and put a mark on this place with a marker. After that, you need to put the products on a flat surface and stand on them. In this case, the toes of the boots should be located on the line marked earlier. Try to relax and evenly distribute your weight on both legs. Have someone take a thin sheet of paper or a feeler gauge no thicker than 0.2 mm and pass it under one ski. In this case, the tester must move freely at a distance of 20 to 40 cm forward and backward from the marked center of gravity. If a sheet of paper or a probe does not go further than 5 cm, you need to take softer skis.

There is a similar method for determining the rigidity of products. To do this, all the weight must be transferred to one leg. Next, you also need to use paper or a probe, which should move freely 10-15 cm from the control point.

Selection of skis for skating

Skating skis are called so because during the movement the skier uses the same running technique as the skater. To do this, he pushes off the snow surface with the inside of the ski, transferring at that moment all his weight to the sliding ski and vice versa. It is worth noting that skating is more suitable for those who have well-trained arms and body.

In terms of length, this type of ski is shorter than classic skis, their maximum length is no more than 192 cm. While skating, the athlete should not come into contact with the middle part of the ski with the surface. Therefore, such models should be tougher than classic ones. And if you plan to use them only for walking, then it is better to choose products that are more elastic and soft, on which it is easier to maintain balance.

In order to decide how to choose skis for skating by height, it is enough to remember the following: such models should be 15 cm larger than the athlete’s height, and poles 15 cm smaller. Thus, the size of the skis for height will be optimal.

In order to determine the weight, on skating skis it is also necessary to determine the center of gravity, put a mark on it and stand on the products, distributing the weight. The probe or paper in this case should move freely 40 cm to the nose of the products and 10 cm from the heel of the boot to the back of the ski. If you stand on one ski, then 10 cm must be subtracted from these values.

Selection of combined skis

This type of ski can be used for both skating and classic skiing. The maximum length of combined models is 200 cm. But for use various styles riding, it is better to choose skis with a length of no more than 192 cm, in this case, during the skating, the “heels” will not touch each other. The design of the Combi skis is more reminiscent of the classic models, but their length should be determined a little differently. Combined skis should be 20 cm longer than the height of the skier, and as usual, it is better to choose poles 20 cm shorter, unless you plan to train with increased loads.

The selection of skis by height and weight, the table of indicators of which is presented below, will not take much time. Most importantly, do not forget to take into account other characteristics. If we talk about mini-skis for children, then there is another story, which we will consider in more detail.

Skier's height, cm Length of walking (combined) skis, cm
190 205-210
185 205-210
180 200-205
175 195-200
170 190-195
165 185-190
160 180-185
155 175-180
150 170-175
145 160-170
140 150-160
130 140-150
120 130-140
110 120-130

Selection of children's skis

When choosing sports equipment for young skiers, it is necessary first of all to assess the level of preparation of the child for such training. For children, it is better to choose products that do not develop high speed, manageable and reliable. If we talk about growth, then:

  • Skis for children 3 years old should be 100 cm long, provided that the height of the baby is also 1 m. If less, then it is better to choose shorter models;
  • Children's skis from 4 years old should be no more than 110 cm long, with a similar height;
  • It is better to purchase children's skis from 5 years old with a length of 120 cm, while the height of the child should be about 115 cm.

The remaining indicators (for children from 6 to 11 years old) can be found in the table.

Child's height, (cm) Ski size, (cm) Approximate age, years
120 130 6
125 140 7
130 150 8
135 150/160 9
140 165 10
145 170 11

As with the choice of adult skis, purchasing products for a child must take into account its weight. The shortest skis with a length of 70 cm are ideal for children weighing up to 20 kg. Further, the division proceeds as follows:

  • If the baby's weight is 20-32 kg, then choose models with a length of 90 cm;
  • For children weighing 32-42 kg, products with a length of 100 cm are more suitable;
  • If your child weighs more than 41 kg, then when choosing skis, you need to build on the height of the young skier (while the skis should reach the nose).

The choice of children's skis based on the height and weight of the child is very important, since only with the right ratio of these indicators will children be able to train properly. If your child has not yet practiced winter riding, then choose skis for him that will reach his chin, that is, shorter models.

In custody

When choosing skis, also consider the manufacturer of sports equipment. Cheap analogues will have the worst grip on the snow surface, so it is better to give preference to companies that have proven themselves in this industry. Before buying, it is better to try to ride on the model you like, since in this matter everything is very individual and depends on your weight, height, level of training and physical activity.

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