Name numeral declension by cases. Declension of numerals in Russian and some of its features

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The category of simple includes such numerals that have only one root in their composition, for example: “five”, “seven”, “ten”. They are like singular nouns, feminine ("night", "help"). That is, in the nominative and accusative cases, the ending is “-ь”, in the instrumental “-ю”, in the rest “-и”. This is what five looks like:
- Nominative case: five.
- Genitive case: five.
- Dative case: five.
- Accusative: five.
- Instrumental case: five.
- Prepositional (about) five.

Declension of complex cardinal numbers

Compound numerals are called numerals that consist of two roots ("eleven", "fifty", ""). The declension of these numerals has the following features: for numerals ending in "-twenty" only endings, and for those ending in "-ten", "-hundred" (the latter also include "", "three hundred", "") are inclined in a series cases both roots. Detail:
- Nominative case: fifteen; sixty; seven hundred.
- Genitive case: fifteen; sixty; seven hundred.
- Dative case: fifteen; sixty; seven hundred.
- Accusative: fifteen; sixty; seven hundred.
- Instrumental case: fifteen; ; seven hundred.
- Prepositional (about) fifteen; sixty; seven hundred.

Features of the declension of some numerals

Numerals such as "forty", "" and "one hundred" have only two forms of declension: "forty", "ninety", "one hundred" (i.p., v.p.); "", "ninety", "hundred" (in other cases).

The declensions of the collective numerals "both", "both", "four" (and others), as well as the words "two", "three", "four" look like this:
- Nominative case: both; both; four; two; three; four.
- Genitive case: two; three; four; both; both; four; two; three; four
- Dative case: both; both; four; two; three; four.
- Accusative: (whom?) Both; both; four; two; three; four; (what?) both; both; four; two; three; four.
- Instrumental case: both; both; four; two; three; four.
- Prepositional (about, about) both; both; four; two; three; four.

Also keep in mind that in compound numbers consisting of several words (for example: “one hundred and thirty-one”), all words must be declined.

Declension of cardinal numbers

Examples of cardinal numbers: two, eighteen, one hundred and forty one.

The declension of the numeral one depends on the number and gender.

case Singular Plural
masculine Neuter gender Feminine All kinds
AND. one one one alone
R. one one some
D. alone one one
AT. one, one one one alone, alone
T. one one(s) alone
P. (about) one (about) one (about) one

The numeral two is masculine and neuter, the numeral two is feminine. The numerals two, two, three, four in relation to inanimate objects in the accusative case have the form of the nominative case, in relation to animate objects - the form of the genitive case. Examples: I see three horses, I see three chairs, I see two cats, I see two phones, I see two cars. The numeral four has the letter ь in the instrumental case - four b me. Let's summarize the rules with a table.

case 2 3 4
AND. two, two three four
R. two three four
D. two three four
AT. two, two three, three four, four
T. two three four
P. about two about three about four

Cardinal numbers from five to twenty and thirty are declined as nouns of the 3rd declension: in the genitive, dative, prepositional cases, the ending is -i, in the instrumental case, the ending is -u.

Cases 5-20 30
I., V. five thirty
R., D., P. five thirty
T. five thirty

It should be remembered that the cardinal numbers forty, ninety, one hundred, one and a half hundred have only two forms.

Cases 40 90 100
I., V. fourty ninety one hundred a hundred and fifty
R., D., T., P. magpie ninety one hundred semi-thorasta

In numbers from fifty to eighty, from five hundred to nine hundred, two hundred, three hundred, four hundred, both parts decline. We list them in the table below.

case 50-80 200-400 500-900
AND. fifty two hundred five hundred
R. five ten two hundred five hundred
D. five ten two hundred five hundred
AT. fifty two hundred five hundred
T. five ten two hundred five hundred
P. about five ten about two hundred about five hundred

In compound cardinal numbers, each word is declined in cases.

Example: 2537
I.p. two thousand five hundred and thirty seven
R.p. two thousand five hundred and thirty seven
D.p. two thousand five hundred and thirty seven
V.p. two thousand five hundred and thirty seven
etc. two thousand five hundred and thirty seven
P.p. two thousand five hundred and thirty seven

Declension of ordinal numbers

Examples of ordinal numbers: second, eighteenth, one hundred and forty-first.

Ordinal numbers vary by number and gender. This should be taken into account when declining in cases. For compound ordinal numbers, only the last word is declined. The ending is formed according to the same principle as for relative adjectives.

case 1 ... 10 ...
sred.r. male female ... sred.r. male female ...
AND. first 1st the first 1st first 1st ... tenth tenth tenth ...
R. first 1st first 1st first 1st tenth tenth tenth
D. first 1st first 1st first 1st tenth tenth tenth
AT. first 1st the first 1st first 1st tenth tenth tenth
T. first 1m first 1m first 1st tenth tenth tenth
P. about the first about 1st about the first about 1st about the first about 1st about the tenth about the tenth about the tenth

Example: 2325th
I.p. two thousand three hundred and twenty five
R.p. two thousand three hundred and twenty five
P.p. about two thousand three hundred twenty-five

For compound ordinal numbers, only the last word is declined:

Nominative case


one thousand nine hundred and eighty six wow


one thousand nine hundred and eighty six omu


one thousand nine hundred and eighty six wow(animated)

one thousand nine hundred and eighty six oh(inanimate)

Instrumental case

one thousand nine hundred and eighty six th


oh one thousand nine hundred and eighty six ohm

If we write down the date with one thousand in words, then we do not write the word one:

A.S. Pushkin was born in 1799.

Collective declension

An example of collective numbers: both, both, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, how many.

Collective nouns are declined in the same way as plural adjectives.

I.p. four how many
etc. four, how many
P.p. about four, how many

Collective numerals "both" and "both" decline differently.

case Male and
neuter gender
AND. both both
R. both both
D. both both
AT. both, both both, both
T. both both
P. about both about both

Declension of fractional numbers

Examples of fractional numbers: one second, seven hundredths, one and a half.

A fractional number consists of two parts: the numerator of a fraction (a cardinal number denoting an integer) and the denominator of a fraction (ordinal number). Both parts change in cases in accordance with the declension of cardinal and ordinal numbers. The second part is declined as an ordinal number in the plural: to three-fifths (d.p.), with two fifths (tv.p.). When denoting a quantity, a noun with a fractional numeral is used in the genitive case: from one-seventh of the plot, to two-sevenths of the area of ​​the rectangle.

It should be remembered that the numeral one and a half is declined according to a special rule.

case masculine Feminine
I., V. one and a half one and a half
R., D., T., P. one and a half one and a half

Schoolchildren are in the sixth grade. This part of speech is necessary in order to report in literal terms the number or order of objects when counting.

To determine the case y, put a question to it. You probably know that there are six cases in the language. They are determined with the help of auxiliary questions: - nominative case - who? what?
- genitive case - whom? what?
- - to whom? what?
- accusative - whom? what?
- - by whom? how?
- prepositional case - about whom? about what?

Depending on the case, they change their shape. For example, the numerals "two", "three", "four" change as adjectives. For example, in the genitive case it will be “two”, and in the instrumental case it will be “two”, in the prepositional case it will be “about two”.

Try to decline the numeral "fifty", and you will see that in the genitive, dative and prepositional cases it will have the ending "and".

Know that in compound cardinal numbers all words change form, and in ordinal numbers only the last word changes form. Moreover, it changes as an adjective.

You must remember that in numbers from two hundred to four hundred, denoting round hundreds, the same endings will be observed in different cases as in nouns belonging to the first declension. This can be seen by using the numeral "" in different cases: - nominative case - four hundred;
- genitive case - four hundred;
- dative case - four hundred;
- accusative case - four hundred;
- instrumental case - four hundred;
- prepositional case - about four hundred.

If you decline the numerals "forty", "ninety" and "hundred", you will see that they will either have the ending "o" in the nominative and accusative cases, or the ending "a" in the genitive, dative, instrumental and prepositional cases.

The masculine numerals "both" and the feminine "both" change in the same way as adjectives. So in the genitive, accusative and prepositional cases it will be "both", in the dative - "both", and in the instrumental - "both".

Learn to determine the case of numerals. This will allow you to avoid mistakes in writing.


  • how to change numbers by cases

Unlike the Finnish and Hungarian languages, in which there are one and a half to two dozen cases, in Russian grammar there are only six of them. The endings of words in different cases can be the same, so to determine the case, you must ask the correct question to the word being checked.


To determine the case of a noun, carefully read the phrase in which it is included. Find the word to which the noun you are checking belongs - it is from this the words you will ask a question. For example, you are given the phrase "I love dogs", and you need to determine the case of the noun "dogs". The word "dogs" in this sentence is subordinate to the word "love". Therefore, you will ask a case question as follows: “I love whom?”

Each of the six cases has its own special question. So, in the nominative case, they answer the question "who?" or "what?". The auxiliary word "is" can be substituted for this case. For example, there is (who?) . The question of the genitive case is “whom?” or "what?". The auxiliary word "no" can be substituted for the noun in this case. Dative to the question "to whom? / what?" and is combined with the auxiliary word "give". The question of the accusative case - "whom?" or “what?”, and its auxiliary word is “blame”. Nouns in the instrumental case answer the question "by whom?" and are combined with the words "created" and "satisfied." Finally,

It was formed much later than a noun or adjective, so linguists do not always clearly qualify individual words as referring specifically to it. The reason for the confusion is some formal similarity between the numeral and other parts of speech.


The numeral is a significant part of speech, the categorical meaning of which is an integer, a designation of the number of objects, a fraction, an order in counting. So, integer cardinal numbers - three (houses), five (kopecks), one hundred (friends); fractional - five sixths (way), one second (glasses), three point eight tenths (percent); ordinal - first (lane), second (turn), sixth (cup).

Morphological features numerals reflect their grammatical features. Most of the words of this part of speech do not change by gender and number (we will talk about exceptions later), and the declension of numerals has a number of features. Many of them go back to the case endings of nouns.

As for the sentence, numerals can act as a subject, predicate, definition, etc. The differentiation of numerals by category also determines their lexical and grammatical compatibility with words of other parts of speech.

Declension Features

The declension of numerals denoting integers is determined by several factors.

  • the numeral "one" is declined like adjectives: one - dad's, one - dad's, one - dad's, one - blue;
  • the numerals "two", "three", "four" are inclined according to the type of adjectives in the plural form: three - green, three - green, three - green, etc.;
  • the declension of numbers from five to twenty is the same as for nouns of the 3rd declension: five, thirty - night; five, thirty - nights; five, thirty - at night, etc.;
  • in the numerals forty, ninety, one hundred, two forms of declension are considered correct: in the nominative and with a zero ending - forty ravens and forty nights, in the rest case forms- with the ending -a: forty liters, about a hundred days, etc .;
  • the numeral "thousand" changes according to the pattern of nouns of the 1st declension: thousands - aunts, thousands - aunts, about a thousand - about aunt;
  • according to the type of nouns in the second declension, the declension of the numerals “million”, “billion” is also produced: million - a leopard, million - a leopard, about a million - about a leopard;
  • if the numeral is complex, then when declining, all parts of it change. For example, the declension of quantitative numbers from fifty to eighty is made according to the 3rd declension of nouns: fifty-six - mother, about fifty-six - about mother;
  • in complex numerals from two hundred to four hundred, both parts change during declension: two hundred, two hundred, about two hundred, two hundred and twenty, two hundred and twenty, etc .;
  • for the correct declension of quantitative numbers from five hundred to nine hundred, you must always change the first part according to the model of nouns of the 3rd declension, and the second forms its own ending. The declension of numerals of this type is as follows: no five hundred rubles, to five hundred rubles, five hundred rubles, about five hundred rubles;
  • if they are compound, then all the words of which they consist are declined: no one hundred and forty-five people, say one hundred and forty-five people, done by one hundred and forty-five people, talk about one hundred and forty-five people;
  • collective numerals also bow according to their own rules: both girls, both girls are absent, approach both girls, talk about both girls; or: five comrades, to five comrades, with five comrades, about five comrades;
  • ordinal numbers, denoting the order of objects when counting, decline according to the pattern of adjectives with a hard and soft base: the first is blue, the first is blue, the first is blue, about the first is about blue; the third - blue, the third - blue, the third - blue, about the third - about blue. With this algorithm, the declension of ordinal numbers is easy to remember;
  • fractional numerals in their declension combine the features of the declension of integer quantitative and ordinal numbers.

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