What can be done from the infernal growth. What is a hellish wart for minecraft

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Infernal Growth ID: 372 .

NID : nether_wart .

The creative team: /give Player Nickname nether_wart.

Nether Wart is the English name for the infernal wart in Minecraft. It is also called: Outgrowth from the Nether or even hell wart.

Hellish outgrowth, oddly enough, in Minecraft is a plant. There is an opportunity to plant, grow and harvest it. For mining, you can use the tools or not. Note that, starting from Minecraft 1.3.1, seeds grow on the sand of souls in any dimension, and not just in hell, where growths are naturally generated. The screenshot shows this action in the normal dimension (in the Overworld). Of course, in order for this to happen, the plants had to be planted.

An infernal outgrowth planted on the sand of souls in the ordinary world.

Where to find a hellish outgrowth in Minecraft

Lost - do not say, found - do not show (proverb).

“Why you go, you will find,” another proverb says. And you have to go to the Hell dimension, where the hellish outgrowth grows. But it is not enough to get to the Lower World, there you need to find a fortress. Infernal fortress(Nether fortress) should not be confused with the fortress (eng. Stronghold), which is searched with the help of the eye of the Edge.

The fortress in hell, which is a natural structure, is mainly composed of hell bricks. By the way, ifrits and wither skeletons spawn in hellish fortresses. In addition, in the infernal fortress you can find:

  • hell fence,
  • hellish steps,
  • and hellish outgrowth.

Infernal growths can be found in a specially designated place and, in addition, in chests with a small chance. But how to find a hellish growth in Minecraft console editions? According to available information, they randomly appear in clusters of soul sand (all in the same dimension).

How to grow

To break a tree is a second, and to grow it takes years (proverb).

The most important condition for growing infernal growth is the presence of soul sand. It is on it that these plants will grow. Neither measurement, nor light, nor bone meal play any role. Therefore, the question of how to fertilize the infernal outgrowth disappears.

Plant growth has four stages, although only three are visible. It's not particularly long, but the timing is random. If we destroy the plant at the last stage, we will get from 2 to 4 seeds. If you hurry and do it at other stages of growth, then only one seed will fall out.

Interestingly, jumping on the infernal growth will not damage the plant. How many representatives of the Minecraft flora can boast of this?

The infernal outgrowth grows unevenly.

How to use

If there is a result, there was a reason; if there is a benefit, there was harm (Chinese proverb).

As of game version 1.10, Nether Wart is used to craft Red Nether Bricks and Nether Wart Blocks.

Red hellish brick (block) is made according to the following crafting recipe, in which the ingredients can be swapped:

Red Hell Brick

In order to make a block of infernal growth, you will have to fill all the cells of the workbench.

Infernal Growth is used when making an Awkward Potion, which is used to make a large number of secondary potions. Infernal Growth is a plant that grows only in Hell, in Hellish Ruins, on the Sands of Time, a mature plant that can be harvested without a tool drops several seeds - some can be planted again, and some can be used to make potions if you dig up the unripe one plant, only one seed will fall. Hell growth seeds cannot be planted in the normal world, but can be planted in hell, in unlimited quantities, as long as the sands of time last, you need to protect yourself from hostile mobs that can destroy vegetable gardens when hunting you.

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372 hellish outgrowth Any

How to get infernal outgrowth

The most difficult thing in the extraction of the infernal growth is to find the infernal ruins, they happen in hell, but someone is lucky, and he immediately appears in the infernal ruins, after creating the portal and entering it, while someone will have to search for hours. If you can't find it, then try to move the portal away, then you will be taken to a new place in hell. In the infernal ruins you will find two beds with a planted infernal outgrowth, wait for it to grow and collect it with your hands. Plant some of the seeds again, they can only be planted on the sands of time, you can use the beds that you already have or transfer the sand of time to another place in hell and create your own vegetable garden.

Many players who are just starting to comprehend the basics of the Minecraft game want to find a particularly important ingredient for potion - hellish growth, but do not understand where to get it. It is used in many potions, therefore it is an integral part of the game itself.

Where to find the infernal outgrowth?

It spawns exclusively in a hellish fortress, in hell, and to get there, you first have to make a portal to hell, then find a fortress, and already in this fortress try to find a garden bed on which there will be a hellish outgrowth. It usually spawns about 30 pieces there, so this amount is enough to grow new species and get many times more ingredients. Remember that potions are heavily used in Minecraft on many servers. And if you want to find a great server with version 1.12.2, we recommend using the rating by clicking on the link - http://monitoringminecraft.ru/servera-1.12.2.
From one mature growth, you can get from 2 to 4 units of seeds, and they are very well determined by height. The taller the plant, the more mature it is. Let's say you find seeds and decide to grow them, but how do you do it? Let's move on to the next point.

We grow a hellish outgrowth in the ordinary world

For the growth of the infernal build-up, a separate coating is needed - soul sand. It only grows on this block, so in order to successfully plant seeds, you will need to plant them in Soul Sand in Hell, or break a certain number of these blocks and plant them in the overworld.

You set the required number of blocks with soul sand and you already plant a hellish outgrowth on these blocks. Moreover, he does not need light, water and other conditions. He is generally unpretentious. If you want to speed up the growth process, you can go through bone meal and get mature fruits that can be replanted. In general, you understand the landing pattern. Each time you can increase the number of seeds by 2-4 times, and you don't have to do it in hell.

Infernal Growth Seeds- this is what allows you to grow a hellish outgrowth in the right amount. Infernal growth has no use, but here hell growth seeds are used in potion brewing to create a crude potion from which all other potions are made.

Seeds are obtained by destroying a block of infernal growth, and it must grow in order for the player to get more seeds when it is destroyed (more on that below). The infernal outgrowth must be grown in order to get more of its seeds, which can then be used. hellish outgrowth- this is one of the plants of Hell (Netherworld), therefore, in order to find it, you will need .

Rough Potion Recipe

Where to get seeds

Seeds of the infernal growth can be taken from itself, that is, by destroying the block of the infernal growth. It grows in the infernal fortresses of the Nether, and only on blocks of soul sand. I will immediately mention that hell growth seeds can only be planted on a block of soul sand, which is only in Hell, so when extracting seeds there, do not forget to grab a certain number of blocks of sand (as much as you want to plant a build-up - better with a margin so as not to return). On long winter nights, growing growths in the Lower World will help you not to freeze with zenet carbon heaters, which you can buy in the online household store mirzdorovia.com.ua (url). Since the seeds are used in potions quite often, it will be inconvenient to constantly go to Hell for them, so you can pull blocks of soul sand from there and hell growth seeds and after that build in the normal world hellish excrescence farm.

How to plant seeds

Infernal Growth Seeds, as I mentioned above, sit only on the sand of souls, but in all other respects they are not demanding. Hell growth doesn't need light, water or plowed earth - it can grow in dull darkness without water and air, so infernal excrescence farm will not take you much time - build it as you like, in any corner, focusing only on how convenient it will be for you to harvest.

After using the seeds on the sand of souls, a stalk of infernal growth appears there. After that, the build-up has four growth phases, which can be tracked by its size (the second and third are the same in size). If you destroy a growing growth that is in the first, second or third phase of growth, it will drop hell growth seeds, but only one item, but if you destroy a fully grown growth (the fourth period of growth), then 2-4 seeds will fall out of it, which can then be used to grow more growth or immediately into potions.

Where to find the infernal outgrowth
In order to get the infernal outgrowth, you must first go to hell. In another way, hell is called the "Lower World". This is a dimension that was added in the Halloween Update. There are a lot of dangers in this dimension that you will have to overcome.
So, how to make a portal to hell? You will need at least 10 blocks of obsidian and a flint and steel. We put the blocks as in the picture below and set fire to the lower block. After that, enter the portal and try to find the fortress of the Nether. Usually the fortress is generated with its own "surprises". In these places you can see a lot of mobs from the Underworld, such as zombie pigs, wither skeletons, ifrits, gasts and others. Infernal growth, mushrooms and soul sand are also generated in these fortresses. Yet " infernalwart» can be generated in chests (approximately 3-7 pieces). Let's move on to the next point.

How to grow hell growth
To grow a hellish outgrowth, we don’t need much, just a hellish outgrowth and soul sand, which we can get in the Lower World. Ripe Infernal Growth drops 2 to 4 seeds. To make it grow faster, you need to place the infernal growth and soul sand in a separate dark room and fertilize with bone meal. When the infernal growth is fully mature, it can be harvested and replanted, and it does not have to be done in hell.

Next article: What is the infernal outgrowth for and its uses?

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