Do not put a plug on the sewer. How to remove the plug from the sewer

reservoirs 26.06.2020

Sewerage is a complex system that consists of a large number of pipes connected in series and in parallel. There are situations when part of this system needs to be turned off. To do this, use plugs, the types of which differ depending on the specific purpose of the application.

Plugs on pipes perform a different function.

The purpose of the stubs depends on their location. Install such elements when assembling the system. They are required in the following cases:

  • Installation of the system with a margin. In this case, we are talking about main pipes that divert sewage from the apartment. The architecture of the system, even within the apartment, can change. New devices, elements are attached to it, the configuration of pipes is changing. A simple example: installing sewerage in an apartment. At the moment, there is no washing machine in the bathroom, but it may appear later. A drain is made under the washing machine in the sewer pipe and a plug is attached to it. Until the device is connected, this branch will be closed. When it becomes necessary to connect a washing machine to the sewer, the plug can be removed.
  • Construction of large highways with branches to new branches. Construction work is constantly going on in large cities. There are more houses, but it is difficult to rebuild the sewers for new buildings all the time. To do this, even when installing the sewer system, spare dead-end branches are created, on which plugs are attached. Their difference from household ones, which are used to change the sewer system within one apartment, is exclusively in large sizes. If necessary, it is removed and the outlet is connected to the pipe system.
  • Revision. Sewerage must function continuously. The problem is that sewage carries various impurities that can clog pipes. To eliminate blockages, access to various sections of the pipe is necessary. Blind bends are used as access, on which removable plugs are attached. If a blockage occurs, the plug can be removed, special tools can be inserted into the outlet, the pipe cleaned, and then put back on.
  • Overlapping a specific branch. In those places where the main sewage pipelines branch into smaller ones, plugs are needed. They will be needed if you need to block drains from individual parts of the system. For example, in the place where the pipeline from the apartment is connected to a common riser, a tap with a plug is required. In the event of an accident or repair work, plugs are installed and part of the system is switched off from operation.

Apartment buildings are equipped with rather complex engineering structures, which, nevertheless, are installed in an affordable and compact way. Maintaining such a system is not an easy task. Some don't pay their bills, forcing utilities to take extreme measures. One of them is the installation of a special valve for the sewer. Of course, apartment owners find loopholes here too. How to remove the plug from the sewer, read below.

In contact with

Description of the blocking element

There are enough defaulters, so utilities find ways to stop the water supply to a certain apartment - it just turns off. Sewer plugs for debtors are the easiest and most affordable way. In the case of apartment buildings, there is a certain difficulty, since there water is supplied through one riser, which is only completely blocked.

Of course, plumbing-type valves are also installed inside apartments, but every citizen has the right not to let controllers into their homes. The companies have developed an interesting solution: if it is not possible to turn off the water for the apartment, then a plug is used on the sewer pipe.

Depending on the purpose of the valves, they are of the following types:

  1. Solid - completely block the movement of drains.
  2. Trellised - pass liquid, but not solid waste, which accumulate over time.

The defaulter stub is a legal solution, as the company still needs to service the apartment without entering it. The result does not make you wait long, since the drains become a headache for the non-payer within one day (on average, about 200 liters of waste are produced during the day).

Valve installation features

So, it was found out that the installation of plugs on the sewer is carried out by non-payers to block the pipe. Plumbing valves come in different types and configurations. As for the installation itself, this process is high-tech and was not available a few years ago.

An employee of the company does not have the right to enter the apartment of the debtor, therefore he enters "from the rear". The equipment for this work is the most diverse, ranging from remotely controlled video cameras, fiber-optic LEDs, manipulators and others.

As for the procedure itself, it looks like this:

  • first, a company specialist studies the sewer system using the example of a neighboring apartment. In some apartments, two or more risers are installed, to which in-house pipes are connected;
  • having studied the design, the specialist determines where the plug will be installed on the sewer pipe. As a rule, we are talking about an intra-apartment pipe going from the toilet to the main riser;
  • then the entry point is selected, where the equipment used for the work is located. There are two options: an apartment above the defaulter or the end of the ventilation pipe, located on the roof;
  • a manipulator controlled remotely is lowered into the pipe. A video camera and an LED are attached to it. The plug for the sewer to the debtors is carried out along the main riser and installed in the chosen place.

As a result, drains partially or completely stop flowing through the sewer pipe in the apartment. As for the main vertical risers, their operation continues, which allows drains to be removed from other apartments.

The equipment used to install plugs on the sewer is different, its price is also different. At the moment, the most practical option is to use a special system, which includes the following elements: cables, remotes, control units, batteries, video cameras and the valves themselves. The cost of such equipment reaches 300 thousand rubles.

Why is extracted

Now consider the situation from the other side. For example, you are a respectable citizen and, despite this, the public utilities still installed the valve. You think that the debt has been accrued unfairly. In this case, there are ways out - you just need to know how to remove the plug from the sewer yourself.

You should immediately understand that your apartment and everything in it is your property. Engineering communications, that is, a vertical riser, is an exception.

You have no right to interfere with their work, in addition, the valve is placed in a horizontal outlet, which makes it possible for neighbors to freely use the amenities.

And if there is any foreign element in your sewer pipes, you have every right to remove it. Of course, you can assume, and without reason, that this is just a blockage.

You need to know how to remove the plug from the sewer yourself, or you will have to pay the debt. Otherwise, you can face unpleasant consequences - the apartment will simply be flooded with sewage.

Important! If you do not want legal problems, all work should be carried out in your apartment, without catching the eyes of your neighbors.


And now let's come to the question of how to remove the plug from the sewer yourself. There are two simple and proven ways to do this: use a plunger or a metal cable, since the elements are attached pneumatically.

Everyone at home has such a useful item as a plunger, with which blockages in the bathtub drains, sinks or toilets are cleared. In any case, the use of a plunger is a legitimate action.

You should know certain subtleties:

  • you need to tap the pipeline, thereby determining where the element is installed (there will be a dull sound);
  • after that, they study which particular plumbing device is closest to the obstacle;
  • the device is filled with water until it appears in the drain;
  • a plunger is taken and the actions familiar to many are performed until the silencing element pops up into the riser.

We found out how to install a special blocking plug on the sewer, now we will consider another way, using which it is easy to remove it. We use a plumbing cable as a tool. At one end there is a special sleeve, and at the other - a handle for rotation.

Attention! When purchasing a cable, make sure that it is sufficiently resilient and durable.

The plug for the sewer or toilet is removed according to the following algorithm:

  1. Before work, it is recommended to turn off the water in the apartment.
  2. The toilet bowl is removed, after which a cable is inserted into the opened hole and reciprocating movements are performed, as a result of which the cable reaches the valve.
  3. Faced with an obstacle, it is necessary to make efforts, as a result of which the valve is pushed into the riser.

As noted above, the installation of plugs on the sewer is carried out by the pneumatic method. By the way, the sleeve with which the cable is equipped has a special hook, on which, if desired, the valve is picked up and dragged into the room. This is the best option, because if the valve goes into the riser, it can form a blockage that prevents the free movement of drains.

Using a cable, you should build on such nuances:

  • the cable rotates only clockwise, otherwise its shaft will unravel;
  • you should flush the pipe after the plug is removed from it. It is best to use hot water for this, gradually increasing the pressure;
  • It happens that the cable gets stuck in the pipe. It should be pulled out carefully, rotating it in one direction or the other.

Attention! If you have to remove the toilet, then this can only be done with the new model, since they are bolted to the floor.

You can also remove the valve yourself. Here, too, you will have to dismantle the toilet or other plumbing, depending on the location of the valve. You will also need to remove the socket, since you need to get as close to the problem as possible. How to install it, already mentioned above. Now pliers are taken and the valve is pulled out, only carefully so as not to damage the pipe.

The installation of plugs on the sewer is carried out everywhere, and each of the residents may encounter this. We have considered what can be done in such situations and what the delay will lead to. In general, removing the valve is not difficult, you can do it yourself. Experts note that it is better to use mechanical rather than chemical methods, since the latter can cause damage to the riser. It is also recommended to keep the blocking element and not push it into the pipe, otherwise it will form a blockage.

Useful video: how to remove the plug with your own hands

They install a stub for debtors, so it’s better not to bring it to this at all and pay utility bills on time.

Relatively recently, an original method has appeared to “reach out” to citizens who do not want to pay bills for water and thermal energy. Indeed, a sewer plug for debtors is a very effective way, because it excludes the possibility of using the toilet and bathroom. We will figure out how to remove the plug from the sewer and whether it is possible to do it yourself.

In any city there are citizens who do not pay utility bills for a long time. It is difficult to deal with non-payers, because they also do not pay the fines and penalties issued, and the only way to get a debt is to go to court, which takes time. But relatively recently, public utilities began to use a new and very effective tool, they simply install plugs on the sewer for debtors.

How does it work?

Sewer plugs are barriers that restrict the discharge of sewage effluents. Non-payers will feel the effect of installing this device almost instantly. After all, despite the presence of running water, it will be impossible to use water. Plugs are:

  • Trellised. Water will pass and solid waste will accumulate. That is, in this case, the consequences of installing the plug will not appear immediately, but gradually.
  • Solid. This option makes the use of water almost impossible. Most often, the installation of pneumatic plugs is practiced.

Advice! Install a plug on the pipeline with fecal waste with a diameter of 110 mm. If the apartment has two risers, then the second drainage system, as a rule, remains free.

Legality of the method

To begin with, it is worthwhile to figure out whether it is legal to use such a method as installing plugs on the sewer to debtors. This method of struggle is not a violation on the part of public utilities.

Installing a plug in the sewer does not make the apartment uninhabitable. In addition, this element absolutely does not interfere with residents of other apartments in a multi-storey building. Thus, this action of public utilities is quite legitimate, and it will not work to appeal against it in court.

Another thing is that public utilities do not have the right to put a plug on the sewer without warning. First, tenants receive a notification that they need to pay off the debt within a certain time frame. If these warnings are ignored, then the utilities may decide to install a sewer plug for non-payers.

What to do?

What to do if the utilities installed a plug? Can I remove it myself or only specialists can remove it? Let's figure out how to remove the plug from the sewer.

I would like to note right away that the safest and most effective way to remove the plugs from the sewer is to contact the management company, which put a barrier in the sewer pipe, having previously paid all debts.

After that, just check how the water goes, as a rule, after the elimination of non-payment, the company removes the plug on the same day. Check with your management company for exact dates. If this option is unacceptable for some reason, you can try to remove the obstruction in the pipe yourself. How can I do that? There are two ways:

  • use a chemical agent that removes an obstacle in the pipe;
  • pull out the inserted "barrier" mechanically.

Advice! It is not safe to remove an obstruction in a pipe chemically. Tools that help remove and dissolve plug materials are aggressive and unsafe for pipes. In addition, with this method of disposal, the risk of clogging the sewerage system of the entire house is too high, which, of course, will not contribute to good relations with neighbors. In addition, chemicals do not dissolve all types of materials.

The mechanical method is safer, but it requires effort. Many people think that if I know what the plug looks like, then it will not be difficult to remove it. Actually, it is not.

What will be needed?

To remove the plugs that are installed by public utilities, you need to prepare:

  • rigid metal hook;
  • flashlight for illumination;
  • a set of keys;
  • pliers;
  • a hammer.

How to delete?

There are two ways to pull out the “barrier” installed by public utilities:

  • through an audit on the sewer riser;
  • by removing the toilet.

Advice! Revision is a special fitting installed on the pipeline during installation to provide access inside. These parts prevent the need to disassemble the pipeline in the event of a blockage.

Doing work through revision is the easier way. However, this detail is not installed in every apartment. As a rule, the revision is installed after 4-5 floors along the riser. Therefore, most often, it is necessary to carry out work by removing the toilet bowl and partially disassembling the riser. Work order:

  • first you need to turn off the water;
  • then we remove the drain tank, unscrewing all communications connected to it;
  • remove the toilet;

Advice! This work can be carried out only in houses where new-style toilet bowls are installed, bolted on. If the apartment has a toilet fixed to the solution, then to remove it, you will have to break the plumbing, which will entail new costs for the purchase and installation of the toilet.

  • then you need to remove the bell, at the base of which there is an obstacle installed by the public utilities;

  • the device must be picked up with a hook or long-handled pliers and gently pulled out. In no case should you try to push it inside the pipe, otherwise the services supplied by the utility company will become inaccessible to the residents of all apartments located along the riser. It is clear that the neighbors, having learned what caused such troubles, will not have warm feelings for the culprits;
  • if the device has fallen apart, you should try to remove all the pieces to prevent clogging;
  • after completion of work, it is necessary to install the toilet in its original place.

Self-removal of the plug is not considered an unlawful act, provided that the debtor does not cause damage to the common property, that is, does not contribute to the blockage in the riser.

However, if the utility company finds out that the obstacle in the riser was removed by the tenant on their own, then the company can install the plug again. Therefore, the best way is to pay off debts and pay utility bills on time.

So, a sewer plug can be installed by a utility company in the debtor's apartment. Therefore, it is not worth accumulating debts, it is better to pay invoices on time. If there are financial difficulties in the family, then an agreement should be concluded with the management company on the redistribution of debt. Utilities, most often, go towards residents who really want to solve the problem, and not just accumulate debt.

Recently, a special practice of influencing persistent non-payers of utility bills has begun to spread among management companies. It consists in installing a barrier to the sewer pipe, which is located in the apartment.

Shutting off the water can be problematic, as it requires getting into a specific apartment, but the homeowner can simply not let the controllers into his house and he has every right to do so by law.

And without access to a separate apartment, it is impossible to turn off the water due to the fact that, in this case, it will be necessary to block the entire riser, that is, all apartments from the first to the last floor, located under and above the debtor's apartment. This cannot be allowed.

Utilities have found a way to suspend one of the services without access to the apartment. They limit the outlet of sewerage. The method is called the installation of a stub.

It can be solid (overlapping drains completely) or trellised (for exiting liquid effluents, but retaining feces).

The effect of using this method turned out to be very effective. The fact is that each resident can drain up to 200 liters of sewage into the sewer. If you just imagine that all this will remain in the apartment, then the resolution of the conflict promises to move much faster towards paying off the debt.

Installing drain caps

Installation of plugs for sewers to debtors

The technology of mounting and placing a barrier on a sewer pipe or a plug does not prevent the neighbors' drains from moving along the riser. But it does not allow the passage of drains from a separate apartment.

Plugs are made from various materials and have different shapes. Their installation is a high-tech process, which has become possible to implement only in recent years.

To do this, public utilities use:

  • video cameras working remotely;
  • manipulators;
  • fiber optics.

The installation process of the plug is as follows:

  1. First, a utility worker inspects and evaluates the shape of the sewer pipe in the apartment, since in some cases two or more risers can be connected.
  2. After that, he decides exactly where to mount the plug. Usually it is installed from the toilet to the main riser.
  3. Then he looks for a place to place equipment, for example, it can be an apartment on the floor above or the end of a ventilation sewer pipe.
  4. A manipulator is lowered there, on which a video camera or light guide is mounted. The plug is carried out along the riser, the lateral intra-apartment outlet and is installed in the required place.

After the manipulations, the flow of effluents in the sewer pipe of the selected apartment completely or partially stops.

There are a lot of companies offering services for the installation or, conversely, the dismantling of sewer plugs. But in terms of design and principle of operation, they are, in fact, no different.

Remote installation of plugs on the sewer

UK and companies for the installation and dismantling of plugs

Since the service has become increasingly popular and the demand for it is only growing, many companies have appeared working in this area. For example, these are Terminator, Cockroach, Octopus, Grotto, West Cleaning and many others.

Management companies with a large number of debtors can conclude a subscription service agreement with a company for installing and dismantling plugs, which provides for the number of persistent non-payers and the deadlines for setting barriers for them. This company can take over the notification of debtors about the upcoming operation and, in case they have not paid the debt within the time period specified in the notification, block the sewerage system. Cooperation is also possible when the company simply performs work on the basis of the terms of reference, installing plugs, which is advisable in isolated cases of existing non-payers.

To install plugs, a number of requirements must be met:

  • risers should not have branches;
  • before work, you need to collect information about the pipes, namely: their size, type, number of bends;
  • a safe exit to the riser must be provided;
  • above it there should be a space of eighty centimeters;
  • the debtor was informed of the ongoing operation on the basis of the law.

Can it be removed?

Many debtors who have had plugs installed are looking for a way to remove it. The best way in this case is to pay utility bills. As for other methods, they are difficult to implement, but possible.

It is problematic to do this because the debtor does not have and cannot have similar equipment with which the plug was installed. If you try to do this from your own apartment, then you need certain skills in working with plumbing equipment. Without it, there is a risk that the whole riser will become clogged or, even worse, damaged. And you have to take responsibility for it. Also, don't forget how dirty this job is. After all, in order to remove the device, you need to remove the toilet. And by this time, he must have already been filled with sewage.

If the risers are metal-plastic, then it will be easier to remove the plug than in the case of cast-iron structures.

Removing plugs from sewer pipes

There are two ways to remove them:

  • mechanical;
  • chemical.

mechanical method

If you disassemble the section leading to the plug, then it is quite possible to get rid of it on your own. This is easiest to do if the plumbing fixture was recently installed and is bolted. If the toilet is old, and even filled with cement mortar at the base, then it is better not to even try to remove it, because this will lead to its deformation. The plug is installed at the inlet of the apartment sewer, therefore, the toilet must be removed to provide access to it.

With modern bolted plumbing fixtures, the situation is much simpler - they are simply unscrewed and the socket is disconnected. The first connection after it is the exit to the riser. Already at this stage, the blocking plug will be visible.

With a small length of the pipe, it is grabbed with pliers. If this fails, then you can make a hook or use a fishing harpoon. Having hooked, it is carefully pulled out. In case of deformation or breakage, it is removed in parts.

To carry out all the work you will need: an adjustable wrench, a hammer, a hook, wrenches, a flashlight and dowels.

Unlocking the plug mechanically

Chemical method

Removing the plug with chemical means or through revision does not guarantee a positive result. But sometimes they try them.

In order to try to remove the plug with a revision, a long thin stick with a hook or harpoon at the end is prepared, the hand is covered with dense polyethylene and gloves are put on. A rope is tied to the handle so that if the stick slips out of the hand, it can be pulled out. Further, everything is simple: the revision is opened, a hook is inserted there and the device is hooked. However, it is necessary to adhere to safety precautions, since, at the time of work, neighbors can not only go to the toilet, but also release very hot water. There is also the danger of plug damage, which, as already mentioned, can lead to a clogged riser. Another disadvantage of this method is that you have to work blindly.

Sometimes they try to remove the Mole stub. This can only happen when the plug is made of metal. But even in this case, it will take a lot of time - one week, at least. In addition, do not forget that the Criminal Code can always re-install it.

In addition, as will be said below, the Civil Code provides for the responsibility of a citizen for unauthorized interference in general house communications. Therefore, before trying to remove the plug yourself, you need to think about the possible negative consequences.

Dismantling the plug with chemicals

The easiest way to remove the plug is to call the company that installed it. After paying the debt, they remove it for an additional fee. The whole process, as well as installation, will take no more than half an hour. In addition, this does not require the removal of the toilet and the rest of the dirty work. Using the same equipment as the installation, the plug is removed quickly and safely.

Sewer plug for debtors: legality

When this practice was just beginning to be carried out, the city authorities (in the capital) strongly opposed its implementation. But, gradually, the attitude to this method qualitatively changed.

By itself, turning off the water supply, including the sewer, does not make the apartment uninhabitable. Therefore, this measure in itself does not violate the law. At the same time, it is necessary to notify the debtor of the application of the planned measure. In this part, there are violations when the non-payer was not properly notified of the shutdown.

The legality of the installation of sewer plugs for debtors is questionable

Civil legal acts proving the legality of this procedure are the Housing Code, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and government decrees.

Thus, Article 155 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation obliges tenants to pay utility bills in full on time.

Article 119 of Government Decree No. 354 of May 6, 2011 provides for restrictive measures for the provision of services. At the same time, the suspension of all their types is allowed, except for heating and cold water supply.

This measure was forced to be taken because of the huge debt of citizens for utility bills. As of the end of 2012, the debt to the state amounted to almost one hundred and thirteen billion rubles. On September 1, 2012, it was decided to suspend the provision of services to bad debtors, hoping that it would become an effective mechanism in the fight against non-payers of utility services.

Paragraph 29 of Government Decree No. 491 of August 13, 2006 includes expenses incurred for the collection of debts at the expense of the payer.

And Article 15 of the first part of the Civil Code provides for the need to compensate for losses for unauthorized interference in the communications of common house ownership.

Thus, these legal acts testify to the full legality of the application of the procedure for installing a stub in the event that the debtor was notified of it, in accordance with the law.

To pay bills or not to pay

As of October 2015, the debt of citizens for utility bills amounted to 250 billion rubles. Therefore, measures that tighten the position of non-payers continue to be taken.

So, from January 1, 2016, a new law will come into force, according to which penalties will be charged for arrears in utility bills. Debtors will be required to provide regional authorities with a bank guarantee to secure payment obligations.

The decision to pay or not pay their bills on time is up to the homeowners. But, as it turns out, one way or another, someday you still have to pay. And this amount will increase significantly.

Recently, more and more employees of the management company use the method of influencing the non-payer of utility bills by limiting the supply of services. Sewer plugs for non-payers, which limit the volume of the pipeline, are becoming one of the impact measures. The appearance of a plug leads to the accumulation of fecal masses that do not move along the pipe, and the vertical main risers remain functional, they remove sewage from other apartments.

According to the installers, this method of influence should encourage the debtor to pay. However, many people do not agree with this and are looking for other methods to solve such a delicate problem.

Plug installation process

The specialist inspects the sewer system, counts the number of risers in the defaulter's house or apartment, understands the scheme of the internal waste collection system. After evaluating the design, the specialist selects a place for installing the plug (as a rule, this is an intra-apartment pipe), determines the area for entering the drain system and installing equipment.

The process of disconnecting the toilet

Removing the plugs is a labor-intensive procedure, since their installation is carried out from the roof with special probes with manipulators. The installation has a camera, thanks to which the operator accurately installs the device in the required sewer hole.

They can also be installed to protect nozzles during repairs or before transportation so that the structure is not damaged.

What plugs can be installed?

Plugs for plastic and cast iron pipelines can be of the following configurations:

  • solid type, completely blocking the passage of drains;
  • lattice type, retaining only feces without closing the wastewater passage.

There are also decorative plugs that have different shapes and shades, designed to muffle holes in the nozzles.

installation of a plug in a pipe

Plugs can be installed in the following ways: flanged, flat welded, wafer, elliptical, spherical plastic and rotary.

Pneumatic plugs can also be mounted on sewer pipes. They differ in different parameters, resistance to high temperatures and remote installation. There may be a plug with a valve and a padlock for wells.

do-it-yourself plug removal

Gate valves completely seal the pipes, prevent the ingress of debris, water and dirt. They serve to protect the pipes from mechanical damage.

Plugs can be made of metal, plastic, polyvinyl chloride, metal-plastic and polypropylene. Each type of device is used on nozzles made of a specific material. So, metal plugs are placed on cast-iron pipelines.

connecting a toilet to a sewer pipe

Polypropylene and PVC plugs have numerous advantages. With their help, it is possible to quickly block the sewer, they are durable and reliable, resistant to aggressive environments and easy to install. But they can be torn off if improperly installed on exhaust pipes. Some plugs cannot be removed without special tools.

The requirements for the installation of plugs on sewer systems are as follows:

  • the presence of direct exits at the risers without branching;
  • determination of the material of pipelines, type, parameters and number of taps in the house;
  • the presence of a safe exit to the area where the risers are located;
  • the presence of a free area above the riser with a height of 0.8 m;
  • receipt by the debtor of a notice of restriction of water diversion in accordance with the law.

setting marks on the pipe

Dismantling rules

Before you remove the plug from the sewer system yourself, you can watch the video and follow the basic rules for performing work:

  • To dismantle the cork, you will need certain knowledge in working with plumbing equipment. Before carrying out work, it may be necessary to dismantle the toilet;
  • Works related to the plumbing system. Always bear the risk. Therefore, precautionary measures are required, as well as shutting off the water;
  • The plug cannot be pushed into the depth of the riser, but only pulled out;
  • You need to prepare all the necessary tools.

Removing the plug from the sewer pipe

The best solution to eliminate the stub is to pay off the debt. In this case, the specialist will come and dismantle the cork himself. But if such a method is unacceptable, then there are several alternatives:

  1. One option is to remove the toilet, especially if it is bolted to the floor base. And if the toilet is filled with concrete, then this method will not work, otherwise the structure cannot be put in place. If it is possible to remove the toilet bowl, then the water is first shut off, the tank is removed and all communications are unscrewed. After that, the fasteners fixing the toilet bowl are removed and the socket is disassembled to the initial connection. Basically, it serves as an exit to a common riser and a plug will be visible from it.
  2. mechanical way. The location of the obstacle is determined by tapping on the nozzles. If a sonorous sound is heard, then this indicates an empty pipe, and a deaf sound indicates the presence of gutters. After that, a drain point is set as close as possible to the main collector (that is, a bath, toilet, shower or sink). At this point, water starts, after which you need to wait until it reaches the drain grate. A plunger is installed above the grate in the form of a hemisphere and excess pressure is created with sharp movements. If the cork is loose, then it will be possible to pull it out. If the plunger did not help, then the plug can be pulled out of the pipe by other means. This may require a harpoon, cable or pliers. All plugs have holes for which you can easily catch on and push the plug out, freeing the sewer.
  3. Revision. You should open the revision window, put a special stick with a hook into it, to which a rope will be tied for easy pulling it out. The valve is hooked with a harpoon and pulled up. You should be safe when pulling out the cork, because the neighbors from above at this moment can wash off the feces. But this method has drawbacks, since it is carried out blindly, but you can easily distinguish the sound of the harpoon touching the plug.
  4. The use of chemicals. There is another way to remove the plug from the sewer yourself - this is the use of a solution of hydrochloric or oxalic acid or products containing such substances. They contribute to cork corrosion if it is made of metal. The result may appear in a week.

The choice of a way to eliminate the plug depends on the circumstances and the arsenal of available plumbing fixtures. The mechanical method of intervention is a troublesome process, but the most effective. The chemical procedure for removing the plug is considered less effective, but its simplicity is justified.

It is better to choose a method in accordance with the characteristics of the pipeline. But if the cork was removed for the first time and the utilities installed it again, then it is advisable to pay all debts in order to protect yourself from unpleasant consequences.

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