Room design for a teenager boy 18 years old. Room design for a teenage boy: ideas and photos of the interior

reservoirs 23.06.2020

Modern rooms for teenagers are very difficult to design, at times, even for designers. Such a task is quite difficult, since the design should suit both parents and the child himself. But the most important thing is that the design of such a design will definitely not seem boring! Browse the suggested photos of teen room designs.

The age of a teenager is one of the most difficult periods. After all, then the personality, morals and views of a person are formed. They are at the same time children who need your attention and care, and they are only learning to take responsibility for their actions. And at the same time, they are already beginning to realize that they are independent, respectively, they can rebel, defend their own views and rights, they begin to check how strong the prohibitions of their parents are, and they themselves make the boundaries of freedom wider.

As a rule, the need to update the children's room for a teenager arises even at school, and at a fairly early age. Of course, no one forbids you to regularly update the interior in the nursery gradually, depending on how your child grows. But if this is not possible, you should immediately think over and create an original room design for a teenager.

Even if you will design a room for the "future", you do not need to decorate the interior in it with a very boring, but expensive and with a certain taste. Everyone has long known that in youth, maximalism is welcomed in almost everything. And in relation to taste, and preferences, and even more so - behavior! That is why, the interior of a room for a teenager must be created taking into account incredible colors and their combinations, shapes, textures and color schemes!

You must remember that as a teenager, a child will not appreciate the interior of his own room just because it turns out to be very expensive!

A room for a teenager is a "personal corner" of your child, where he does everything: studies, invites his friends here and spends time with them, fooling around, playing, having fun. And if you don’t want him to constantly run out into the street for a walk, decorate his room so that it is comfortable enough, and he wants to spend as much time as possible in it.

Keep in mind that it is important for a child to express himself. Don't let the layout of the apartment "confuse" you. When decorating the interior of a room for a teenager, consider his own interests and wishes. In accordance with them, equip the nursery for a teenager, or you can even make it themed. You can give him the opportunity to choose the furniture in his room that he likes and tastes the most, or the picture on the photo wallpaper. If you have a girl, you, along with her, with your own hands, can sew beautiful and unique curtains or, for example, pillows for the bed. This method is excellent in that you can teach her the skills necessary in life, as well as get closer. View design options in the photo design of a room for a teenager.

A room for a teenager should be decorated beautifully, but you can’t make it the same as for a baby!

Room for a teenage girl

Thanks to numerous designs, it is not necessary to decorate a girl's nursery for a teenager in pink colors, as well as bows and all kinds of ruffles. Manufacturers of a variety of furniture for a teenager's room take into account the hobbies of children and their versatility. Therefore, they offer a diverse range of furniture. But, then, how to organize a room for a teenage girl, no one will tell you better than she, even if you hire a super designer!

Every girl becomes a woman over the years. Therefore, if space permits, place a dressing table in the room!

As a rule, any girl, even a goth, has a very wide variety of clothes. Accordingly, there should also be a lot of places where it will be possible to store it all. Furniture should be such that it does not clutter up free space, especially if the room is very small. Such storage options will perfectly fit into absolutely any interior, such as:

cupboard; a chest of drawers for storing linen and small clothes, and if there are drawers at the bottom of the bed, you can store shoes in them.

Teen boy room

In fact, it almost never happens that a boy does not have a hobby. But it is thanks to them that you can originally decorate a room for a teenager boy.

To do this, you can use and reproduce absolutely any ideas and fantasies in reality! For example, you can use a sports theme, or maybe an army, music, ship, computer, chemical, or film art and many other ideas.

If it is difficult for you to understand what topics your son is most interested in, pay attention to what exactly he is ready to do at any time of the day or topics that are interesting to him. That will be the answer!

And no matter what hobbies the son has, a sports corner is simply necessary in his room! Look at the photo of the teenager's room for possible design options!

two teenagers

In this case, it is important to make the room such that the children can interact, as well as that each of them can do something different. A photo of a teenager's room will surely help you make the right choice.

At the same time, it is also important that none of them be deprived or offended. Therefore, they should have everything in equal shares and, accordingly, in full abundance. And now we are not talking about toys at all. Here, the convenience of beds, wardrobes with the necessary number of shelves, as well as the necessary space for doing what you love or studying are important.

If the room for a teenager is small, then combine the “working” zones in it. For example, in the sleeping area - put a bunk bed, conditionally divide the wardrobe equally, and make one large tabletop as a working area.

Ceiling decoration

If there is sufficient height, you can use stretch ceilings made of drywall. And this is a great opportunity to better illuminate the room.

Choose a cover based on the chosen style in a nursery for a teenager. For example, parquet is suitable for a classic style, linoleum is an excellent solution for a loft, and ceramic tiles are an ideal solution for Hi-Tech.

But the most important thing is that the floor is warm. For this reason, always consider the function of its heating beforehand.

If the child is fond of sports and likes to "sip" weights, put a carpet. Then the main coating will not deteriorate, and the neighbors will not complain about the noise.

There should be a lot of light, especially if the room for a teenager is small!

In order for the sleep to be of high quality, it is imperative to hang curtains made of sufficiently dense materials. In addition to the main lighting, be sure to use lamps, give preference to local lighting, in several areas, rather than using just a chandelier.

Multifunctional teenage - zoning

You can make a teenager’s room with your own hands, and it will not be difficult at all if you listen to the wishes of the child and take into account his hobbies. If the room is large enough, it is better to make the “correct” zoning in it so that the child is comfortable doing any business in his own “corner”.

Sleep and rest area

It is important that sleep is of good quality. After all, this is the key to health! If there is not enough space to put a bed, choose a good sofa, on an orthopedic mattress. It is important to place it in such a way that the sun does not shine in the eyes. And at the head it is worth putting a night light.

Zone of study and hobbies

Be sure to need a table at which the child will be able to pursue his hobby and do homework. Lighting in this area should be bright, but not harsh!


Especially if you have a girl, there simply cannot be many cabinets! When there is not much space in the room, but you need to place a lot of things, this can seem like a serious problem. But in this case, it would be ideal to use multifunctional furniture, such as beds with a built-in wardrobe or a chest of drawers in the form of a ladder to a bunk bed.

In any case, fantasize and turn the most original ideas into reality!

22.09.2017 Read in 9 min.

Decorating a children's room for a teenage boy is difficult - the child grows and changes rapidly, along with new interests, new preferences in colors, styles, and design appear. Therefore, it is important to always consult with your child, and it is best if the designer talks to him. For example, specialists from the Fundament Group of Companies always carefully consider a design project for decorating a teenager's bedroom together with customers.

In this article, we will get acquainted with examples of children's bedroom projects for a boy in various styles, as well as fashion trends in furniture, lighting and decoration.

Popular design solutions for furnishing and decorating a children's bedroom

In the photo: Beautiful children's room for a boy

In the photo: Children's room with a bed on the podium

The most daring, interesting and bright design ideas can be embodied in the interior of a bedroom for a teenage boy. One of these is a podium for a bed or a sofa bed, which allows you to add a few additional drawers for compact storage of toys and bed linen. Therefore, a bed on the podium is always a practical solution for small children's rooms.

The very format of the podium opens up great opportunities for decorating and zoning the nursery interior. For example, the design of the floor in this area can be very original, have an unusual shape and lighting. It can also share the area of ​​one and the second child in the dormitory.

2. Modern furniture with bright color accents

In the photo: Built-in storage systems in the nursery

The teenage version of this aviation-themed children's room provides an interesting color scheme, modern furniture and the atmosphere of a real paradise for a teenager. There is a lot of storage space, but at the same time there is a feeling of spaciousness.

Built-in can be not only a wardrobe and a rack, but also additional chests of drawers, furniture modules for TV, textile panels for the headboard, storage cabinets on the loggia.

4. Decorative accessories in a marine style

In the photo: Children's room in a marine style for a boy

Natural wood floors, nautical accessories and decor (yachts, lighthouses, shells), as well as American-style furniture are perfect for decorating a calm teenage boy's nursery. Such an interior is very cozy, traditional and will be an excellent solution not only for a schoolchild, but also for a student.

Marine style is called differently - coastal, which is its original name in the USA. Here, in this style, elite residences are designed for summer holidays in coastal resorts.

5. Geometric parametric ornaments

In the photo: The interior of a modern children's room

This luxurious bedroom has a special futuristic vibe. The parametric style is really perfect for ornaments, such as 3D polyurethane wall panels, photo wallpapers, textiles and a variety of prints.

In addition, here our interior designer used a lot of accents in a room with light walls and dark gray parquet. A very bold and very successful solution for a teenager's room!

Wall design options

Of course, wall decoration is one of the most important stages of apartment renovation. And for teenagers' rooms, there are special design ideas here that you might find useful. Remember that these options look best in the context of a complete professional interior design project.

Wall murals

In the photo: Photo wallpaper in the design of the walls of the nursery

Wall mural is a great solution for decorating a child's room. They allow you to set the desired theme for the interior. For example, if your teenage son is interested in racing cars, basketball and football, he likes cityscapes or computer games, it is worth reflecting his interests in the interior.

Photo wallpapers can also become a zoning element in the design of a nursery - to separate places for sleeping and active games, a work area and storage space, etc. You can zone the space of a room using simple accent walls and various materials or shades of floor finishes.

Applications on the walls

In the photo: Children's room with an application in the form of a world map

This bedroom is decorated in a modern style with very interesting applications in the form of continents divided into countries. Such a decision will allow the child to learn geography and not to forget about how big and beautiful our world is.

Wall stickers can include maps, houses, silhouettes of footballers and other athletes, landmarks, bridges, landscapes, or planets.

Built-in drywall niches

In the photo: Beautiful drywall niches in the children's room

In recent years, built-in drywall niches have become so popular that it's hard to even imagine a modern apartment without them. In the nursery, they successfully cope with the role of a library or a rack for toys or decor.

If you are thinking about using drywall niches in the nursery, you should know that there are definitely not too many of them, because there will always be a large number of little things in the child’s bedroom.

Styles for decorating a room for a teenage boy

Below we will find out what styles of room design for a teenager are now in vogue among both children and parents and designers. Modern style may be considered the most popular, but nothing limits you from using such original trends as a loft or pop art in a boy's room.


In the photo: Contemporary style in the interior of the nursery

Soft lines, pleasant spicy shades, light furniture and a feeling of real comfort - this is the contemporary style that you see in the photo of the nursery above. In the design of Moscow apartments, this style is gaining momentum today.

In this case, you get an elegant, slightly eclectic and very functional bedroom. It will most often use pastel shades, for example, yellow sorbet, mint, lavender and others.

In the photo: Children's room for a boy in contemporary style

The teenage boy bedroom pictured above is the perfect proof that modern contemporary design is best suited for decorating this room.

Plus, it is the choice of contemporary style that is the most budgetary interior solution, which can be important for parents. This style is also perfect for those whose child will soon leave to study at the university or just become a student, because the minimalist atmosphere in such a room turns out to be more serious than in a typical nursery.


Natural parquet flooring, chic stucco decorative elements, multi-layered curtains - do you think this is not suitable for the design of a boy's room? But no! In fact, such an interior calms too active children and sets them up for a productive working mood.

Neoclassicism cannot be considered a budget solution, rather an elite one, but an apartment renovation in this style will be very impressive. Neoclassicism is not only durable in terms of high-quality finishes and furniture, but also will not go out of fashion. Such a nursery will then be a student's room, and then it can turn into a guest room or an office.


In the photo: Minimalism style in the design of the nursery

In the photo: Children's room in a marine style (coastal)

The decision to decorate the interior of a teenager's bedroom in a marine style can be considered successful if your child himself insists on it. In other cases, it is better to choose something more universal - minimalism or modern, which will definitely suit anyone.

Coastal or marine style can be used for a student's or teenager's room, if after his departure to the university it becomes an office. It is versatile and, at the same time, looks quite traditional.


A bright and spacious nursery can be the perfect base for a loft-style interior. You will need a decorative brick wall (stucco, wallpaper), parquet in honey, gray or black and red for accent!

Now the loft style is at the peak of fashion. True, in the nursery, we advise you to abandon the traditional red-brick wall and replace it with the same one in gray, white or beige.

Pop Art

Modern ideas for decorating a children's room

In the photo: Illuminated ceiling in the children's room

In the photo: Design of a children's room in blue tones

In the photo: Bright interior of a room for a teenage boy

It is best to have light floors in a teenager's room - pale brown, white, ash gray. In any case, they look more neat, and also visually enlarge the room.

Built-in backlight

In the photo: Built-in lighting in the children's room

The combination of two fashionable design techniques (backlighting and photo wallpaper) on one wall in this nursery looks very modern! Built-in lighting can be of a variety of options and formats. You'll find it in furniture, under a window sill, above a door, above a workspace, near a mirror, near a reading bed, and even on the floor!

Decorative white brick

And in this children's room, a decorative brick-like finish was used - a great solution for the TV area in the children's bedroom, especially if it is sold in white! Such a texture looks best if it occupies only one (main and long) wall in the room or even an even smaller space, for example, only a TV zone.

The most inexpensive and popular solutions for a nursery for a teenager

And now let's look at three popular options for designing a boy's room, which many parents are now choosing. Keep these ideas in mind when considering your child's nursery, as it's almost always the most commonly used solutions that turn out to be the most comfortable.

White furniture and nautical stripes

In the photo: Nautical-style nursery design for a boy

The stylish alternation of white and blue is very soothing, while the warm tones of parquet and walls from beige to dark brown make the interior even more stable. Just what a teenager needs! Specialists from the Fundamental Group of Companies also think so!

Small bedroom with study area

In the photo: Design of a small children's room

Wall-mounted storage units, a window sill as a workspace, Roman blinds and a fold-out chair for sleeping are the best combination of furniture and decor for a small children's room.

In the photo above, you see a nursery with delicate green hues and light walls. For a child, this solution will be great, as both white and accent color are soothing.

Minimalism with accents

In the photo: White walls for a teenager's room

Geometric patterns, white walls and a nice turquoise hue for accents are what a teenager who will soon become a student needs. Please note that this nursery has a private bathroom.

This bedroom features a beautiful glossy sliding door to the hallway and storage systems for books and accessories with ergonomically configured closed and open modules.

Text: Julia Savenkova

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Before you start the renovation, discuss with your child what styles of interior he likes. At 14-16 years old, the boy is already old enough and can choose the design of his room himself. Only after you decide together in what way it is better to make repairs, you can begin to implement your common idea with him.

1. Minimalism

This style is very popular right now. Boys love freedom - there should be nothing superfluous in the room. As a rule, minimalism is characterized by gray-black tones, diluted with bright accents.

A bright and stylish touch in a minimalist style can be done by decorating one of the walls in a color that differs from the main range of the room. Also a good option is .

It is best to make a stretch with several spotlights - this option will fit into minimalism best. You can make the ceiling glossy so that it reflects the light from the fixtures, making it visually higher and the room larger.

2. Loft

This American style appeared in the 40s. The owners of industrial enterprises left their premises, transferring production to the outskirts of the city, and the empty spaces attracted the attention of bohemians. Gradually, these spaces became galleries and studios, and chimneys, ventilation partitions and masonry walls began to appear in other buildings as interior decoration.

The loft is characterized by open spaces with large floor-to-ceiling windows, a minimum amount of furniture. The best finishing materials are plastic, metal, glass and wood.

If your child is a musician, artist or athlete, then he will certainly like it.

Plastic furniture with glossy facades, combined with a soft sofa and a glass coffee table, will fit well into the loft.

3. Modern

This style is suitable for children of any age and any interests. Unlike minimalism, here you can use numerous elements as decoration that will complement the overall background.

The best colors for modern are beige, silver, all shades of pearl and brown.

Often, boys decorate the walls of their room with posters of stars or favorite athletes. In modern modern design, this is absolutely appropriate.

4. Marine style

After reading books about the adventures of pirates, the boys begin to dream of traveling. It's perfect for these guys. The main colors here are white, golden and, of course, all shades of blue.

The nautical-style room can be divided into areas for study and play. Photo wallpapers in the form of a map, a sea or tropical landscape, a picture of a ship deck will help maintain the atmosphere of the trip.

5. Hi-tech

Each element of high-tech furniture should not only maintain the style of the interior, but also be multifunctional - with secret drawers, shelves and compartments. Of course, every boy will like this execution of his room, because every child should have his own secrets from adults.

The absence of many decorative elements and furniture makes the room easy to clean. Just keep it clean. Walls often have a glossy finish, as does the ceiling with furniture. (Just like in a spaceship!)

Design colors can be any, but it is better to give preference to cold shades. The black and white palette is perfect for this style. At the same time, neither furniture nor textiles should have any patterns.

Design principles

1. Space zoning

Divide the room into functional areas - so it will seem wider and more spacious. Space zoning can be done in various ways: from different colors of finishes to partitions in the form of shelves and cabinets.

2. Bed

If there is not enough space in the nursery, you can give preference to a loft bed. Such furniture is good for its functionality: the sleeping place is upstairs, and below there is a desk, wardrobe or an entire sports and gaming section.

3. Workplace and hobby area

Leave as much space as possible for this area so that the child can pursue his hobby. The room should also have a computer for classes and some kind of sports equipment. It is very important that the place for studying and playing is well lit.

4. Matching style

Wall murals are perfect for a marine style or a loft, but to maintain high-tech and modern styles, it’s better to just paint the walls.

In choosing a floor, you should also build on the chosen style. For the marine, parquet or laminate in the color of dark wood is ideal, like the deck of a ship.

For modern style carpet is suitable. If the boy is an athlete and is fond of football, the floor can be covered with carpet in the color of the grass, like a football field.

If your choice is high-tech, you can opt for tiles. However, a universal option for all styles will be a laminate that is in harmony in color with the entire interior.

Room lighting plays an important role. In addition to the general light from the ceiling lights, be sure to hang additional light sources near the bed and above the desk.

5. Age of owner

At the age of 13-14, a child, as a rule, forms his own view of the world. Be sure to consult with the boy about his desires and expectations. Ask what furniture, what colors he would like to see in his nursery. This experience will be the first experience of independent decision making in his life.

15-16 years old is the age when a child usually already has a musical idol or sports ideal. Therefore, do not rush to buy rolls of expensive wallpaper, because, most likely, they will be hung with posters of his idols.

At the age of 17-18, a teenager is already old enough and independent enough to choose the style and furniture he likes for his room. Entrust him with the design of his room, and you will see that he will make it exactly the way he needs it. It can help to decide - look through it with your son and discuss the ideas you like.

If your teen is into playing the guitar, make room for it on the wall. If boxing - hang a pear.

Take into account your child's hobbies and decorate his room based on his preferences, and he will definitely be grateful to you.

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At one fine moment, the nursery turns into rooms a teenager, and this is an occasion to make global changes to the interior. As if from a school suit, the child grew out of the wallpaper with bears. It's time to move to the next level.

What should a teenager's room look like?

Parents can puzzle over what interior to choose for their son's abode as much as they like, but it would be better to involve him in the process. His opinion is already worth listening to.

Adolescents' moods often change, but the likelihood that he will not like his own choice is much less.

The interior, chosen independently, will be much closer for the child. Participation in the design, the choice of finishing materials will give a sense of maturity, show that he is treated as an equal.

By updating the design on his own, the guy will perceive the room as a place that he created himself.

By shifting the design to the child, there is a risk of encountering irrational ideas or “crazy” color combinations that will quickly begin to annoy everyone. It is better to gently guide the teenager's thoughts in the direction of a neutral style. Examples from the Internet, magazines that talk about the design and interior of the house will help. It can be a piece of wall pasted over with posters, custom-made photo wallpapers, items dedicated to a teenager's hobby.

One zone is enough in which the individuality of a teenager will be expressed. But she must be present.

Own rooms a - this is a place where a lot of time will be spent, so it is worth organizing high-quality conditions for the boy to relax and study. If there is a window, you need to try to think through the design so that natural light is used to the maximum, and at the same time does not interfere with rest.

Lighting is of great importance.

Serious attention should be paid to lighting at night. The working area should be well-lit, preferably with fluorescent lamps. It is recommended that alternative light sources be present, less bright.

It is advisable to think over the lighting of the bedside area in order to read a book before going to bed and turn off the light without getting up.

Remember that adolescence is a time of vivid experiences and violent emotions. To survive them, you need a reliable place where the guy can be alone, chat with friends, listen to music, or somehow throw out emotions.

For a boy, his own corner in the house should give a feeling of maximum comfort and peace.

Essential element - sleeping area. The best option is a good bed. Sofa in teenage rooms y may seem like an attractive option, but still it is more intended for temporary recreation. And for a full night's sleep, the child should have a comfortable bed with an orthopedic mattress. Adolescence in boys is a period of intense growth.

The right bed will help to avoid curvature of the spine.

From the same point of view, the work area should be considered. A solid desk with enough space for a computer or laptop, school notebooks, textbooks and other stationery.

If the boy sits at the computer a lot, you can purchase an ergonomic computer chair.

A teenager is an independent person, he needs his own rooms as well as personal space. It covers important aspects of a teenager's life:

  • Dream;
  • O leisure (reading, watching TV, computer games);
  • Sports activities;
  • AT meetings with friends;
  • Z activities (doing lessons, creativity).

In adolescence, everyone wants to make the space close to him.

The modern style of decoration suggests that the space is clearly zoned to create the most comfortable atmosphere in teenager's room. Screens are used to separate the bedroom from the rest of the room, or this is done using the layout.

Often the boy's sleeping area is hidden behind racks, partitions, etc.

Room area The space dedicated to a teenager may be small, but there should be a place dedicated to the hobby- an aquarium, a shelf with a collection of car models, several sports equipment or a whole drum set.

The child needs to feel that his hobbies are accepted and respected. It is very important.

If the room sizes s allow, you need to set aside a place to chat with friends. The guest area should be cozy. It can accommodate armchairs and a coffee table or a small sofa.

Fashionable soft pear chairs and stylized ottomans will complement the interior.

The interior of the room for a boy from 13 to 17 years old

A young man of adolescence has already fully formed his own view of the interior, there are preferences for design and decor. For rooms You are a teenager characterized by free space, bright modern furniture. Be sure to buy a comfortable table.

The facades of modern wardrobes can be creatively decorated by ordering a photo print of the boy’s favorite idols, a stylish print in the form of a car, a seascape, a musical instrument, etc.

If the room is very small, a loft bed with a working area below, a folding bed instead of a regular one, will be appropriate.

The modern furniture market offers a wide range of interesting space-saving ideas.

You can choose a transforming bed, or a bed equipped with spacious drawers.

All furniture must be of high quality and durable. Look very stylish rooms s made in the same theme. The most popular themes for teenage rooms:

  • Marine;

    There should be a minimum amount of furniture in a teenager's room - the more space, the better.

  • Musical;

    As with any other room, the style of the interior should be chosen individually.

  • Sports;

    Boys very often choose gray or black colors for their interiors.

  • Military;

    This range creates a comfortable atmosphere for relaxation and activities, it does not irritate the eyes and is practical, which is important for many young people.

  • Automotive;

    Wall mural is a budget-friendly and easy way to make a teenager's room unique and memorable.

  • Space.

    Freedom of expression is very important for any teenager.

For rooms s older boy will be more relevant "adult" style- loft or Hi-Tech.

Style Colors/materials Recommendations
Nautical White, all shades of blue, turquoise, brown.

Wood, ropes.

You can style the room like a real cabin in white and blue or antique brown.
Musical Any shades. The musical style is a lot of posters with performers, musical instruments on the walls, paintings and diplomas for victories in music competitions. Accessories will help to complement the character of the room: pillows in the form of musical instruments, etc.
Sports Shades symbolic of your favorite sport. You can put a carpet on the floor that resembles a football field or a tennis court. Add sports equipment and posters with idols.
Military Khaki, Green, Swamp, White, Blue. Simple furniture, curtains and khaki bedding, decor in the form of banners, portraits of prominent military figures.
Automotive Any colors and materials Are future motorists interested in cars in all their manifestations? This means that the room needs bright posters with cool cars, photo wallpapers, a collection of models, a clock in the shape of a gear, a bed in the shape of a car for the bedroom.
Space Silver, Chrome, White, Grey;

materials: plastic, metal.

The space room will be decorated with an unusual chandelier in the form of a solar system, and the walls can be finished with textured wallpaper in a space style.
Loft Bright colors and different textures. The style is characterized by spacious rooms, a minimum of furniture and “rough” decor elements. Rough brick walls, rough wooden beams on the ceiling, etc.
Hi-Tech Gray, "chrome", gray-blue, white, beige. Materials - plastic, metal. Futuristic forms, strict lines, furniture made of glass, plastic and metal can be used as a basis to create a space style.

Materials for finishing walls, floors and ceilings can be used traditional, and the mood in rooms e create with accessories.

Designing a Nursery for a 13-Year-Old Child

By the age of 13-14, interests change significantly. Designing rooms for a boy of this age, his desire for change should be taken into account. It is better to choose soft, calm colors according to the preferences of the growing young man.A boy's good taste is formed from childhood.

Therefore, try to choose the appropriate style for the beautiful design of the teenage room, buy high-quality furniture.

You should not insist on your idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ideal nursery, especially if it runs counter to the opinion of a teenager. But to follow every whim (painting the walls in black and pink stripes) is also useless. You can always negotiate and find a compromise.The child can plan the interior under the guidance of adults. Perhaps the process will seem fascinating to him, he will come up with an individual style for decoration rooms.

Design and features for a 15 year old boy

For many guys, this period is the peak of self-expression. The boy begins to be interested in girls, he actively tries to look like an adult. If you are preparing a transformation rooms s by the 15th anniversary of the child, then it should have a zone for communication and a large space for self-expression. Teenagers of this age often change hobbies, try to play musical instruments, sign up for sports clubs, etc. And along with new hobbies, posters on the walls will also be updated.

It is best to decorate the walls of the boy's room with inexpensive materials and make room for idols.

15 years is the age when it is important for the boy and parents to maintain good contact. This can be done if you treat him with respect, as an adult. If the guy himself determines the design, makes the choice of materials for decoration, layout, helps in arranging, then rooms and become a source of his pride. When doing repairs on your own, you must definitely involve a teenager in this work, this will be a useful experience.A young man should be able to calmly study his lessons, prepare for exams, relax, retire, bring friends to his space. You shouldn't break into rooms y without knocking - a teenager may begin to behave in the same way or try to spend more time outside the house.

If your own room is the place of the most comfortable stay, then you will be able to avoid many teenage problems.

Interior for a 16-year-old teenager

By the age of 16, many guys decide on their hobbies, understand what they want from life. Room design s for a 16-year-old teenager can be completely trusted to himself. The guy already understands what a budget is, what opportunities he has, what functions his personal space should perform. He is quite capable of choosing furniture and optimally organizing the space.

Offer a couple of ideas, but do not insist, let him show his creativity, and the final choice will be his decision.

However, do not force the child to design everything to the smallest detail, especially if he does not want to. Not everyone likes to design the interior of the bedroom. If the budget allows, it is worth visiting a professional designer so that he can create an original design for a teenage girl based on the wishes of the boy. rooms.

Teenage room - what to consider when upgrading?

Sometimes a teenager has to share rooms with my brother. Placing two young men in the same territory, especially if they have different interests, is not an easy task. But she is solvable. It is important to create a sense of equality for every boy. The option is undesirable when one sleeps on the bed, and the second gets a sofa, one table for two for classes, etc.

Let the furniture be compact, but everyone should have their own bed, table, bedside table, bookshelf.

To separate the bedroom, you need to use screens, curtains or partitions. For better organization of space, you can actively use the walls, make hanging shelves, cabinets or use loft beds. Even if the children were friendly in childhood, in adolescence it is better to create conditions so that everyone has a personal place.

VIDEO: Room design for a teenage boy.

Many parents find it difficult to choose furniture for the boy's room. In fact, everything is simple: ask him what color he likes, and then choose a model. In our store you will find a variety of furniture sets for the boy's room at affordable prices.

The room of a teenage boy should be cozy, comfortable, moderately bright and, of course, multifunctional. Parents will be able to buy a furniture set from us, both in a large room and in a small room. The number of pieces of furniture, if desired, can also vary.

The color of the facade can be the most diverse. Here you will find models in white, light green, light brown, chocolate, blue, purple and other colors. In the catalog you will find both plain facades and models with photo printing. As a rule, the facades, which depict some kind of drawing, are especially liked by teenage boys. Photo printing makes any furniture more beautiful, stylish, original, makes a certain accent in the overall design of the room.

In the catalog you will find high-quality furniture for a teenage boy's room: beds, wardrobes, chests of drawers, cabinets, desks, chairs and various sets of furniture. We have furniture of absolutely all sizes and dimensions. Thanks to our online store, your son will have a comfortable place to sleep, as well as a comfortable work area. Only here you will find such a selection of cabinets and chests of drawers, which are distinguished by their practicality and spaciousness.

As a rule, it is not easy to choose a teenage boy's room. Parents do not immediately know what color to choose the facade. In the catalog of our online store you will find various facade models that will look appropriate in a boy's room. Usually, it is easy to choose wallpaper and textiles for such furniture. Our products will help to make a teenage room stylish, original and unique.

It is worth noting that in our catalog you will find furniture, both bright and light colors. If you choose a facade of a bright color, for example, a yellow or purple hue, then try to choose a light, soft shade of wallpaper. Otherwise, the tones of the furniture and walls will merge, all this will strain the psyche of the child, annoy, which is extremely undesirable in adolescence. If the furniture, for example, is white or beige, then in this case the walls can be slightly bright, with some kind of pattern. Do not allow walls, furniture and floors to drain.

In our online store you will find only high-quality models that are made from environmentally friendly raw materials. All of them meet modern norms and standards in the woodworking industry. The quality of our products is also proved by the fact that our company cooperates only with leading domestic and European furniture manufacturers.

Our online store will help parents choose an excellent furniture set for a teenage boy's room, without spending a lot. Create a favorable atmosphere for your teenager so that he wants to spend more time in his room, do homework, and develop.

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