Sizes of cabinets for a children's room in a cafe. Wardrobe in the nursery: types of models and selection rules

landscaping 23.06.2020

From this article you will learn:

    What are the criteria for choosing a wardrobe for a children's room

    What are the types of wardrobes for a children's room

    What style and material of the wardrobe for the children's room to choose

    How to fill a closet for a children's room

    What are the features of the wardrobe and toy cabinet for the children's room

    How to choose a closet in a nursery for a boy or girl

In any children's room, there is always a place where the child's things are stored. The wardrobe for the children's room allows you to develop the first skills of independence in the baby. In order to use it conveniently and pleasantly, you should carefully approach the choice of the desired product. It is important for parents that the furniture for children is safe and environmentally friendly, and the child wants his wardrobe to be roomy and please with his appearance. It will take a lot of effort to find a solution that will satisfy everyone, but a wide range of modern furniture will allow you to choose a product for every taste.

Selection criteria and purpose of the wardrobe in the children's room

When choosing a wardrobe for a children's room, it is necessary to take into account all the possible factors influencing the choice. Pay attention to the following criteria:

    Children's furniture should be made from materials that are safe for health. MDF products have gained wide popularity, which is associated with their environmental friendliness and affordability.

    A wardrobe for a children's room with drawers should be convenient for a small user and functional. The child must cope with any movement of the drawers and opening the doors on their own without being in danger.

    Furniture fittings must also meet the requirements of safety and reliability.

    The bottom shelves of a child's room closet should be able to support the weight of the child, as this will undoubtedly be a favorite place to hide and seek.

    It is important to check the stability of the structure: for built-in cabinets, make sure that they are securely fastened to the floor and ceiling.

    Choose products that do not require special care. It is good if the surface of the wardrobe is easily wiped and does not accumulate children's fingerprints and traces of pencils.

    It is desirable that the design of the wardrobe for the children's room was liked by the child himself.

There are a number of children's wardrobes that differ in their characteristics. Only the needs of a person determine what kind of cabinet he chooses.

    Bookshelf. This variety is intended more for teenagers than for toddlers. Accordingly, it is not necessary to round the corners. Children's book sets, where closed and open sections alternate in a checkerboard pattern, have gained great popularity.

    For clothes. In such furniture, it is important that the child himself can reach everything. In this case, there should be no sharp corners, protruding metal elements and mirrors. Shoes are usually stored on the lower shelves.

    Wardrobe. It can be combined with linen or perform a separate function. Such wardrobes usually have one, two or three doors. It is important that they open easily, and the child can easily reach any dress or suit.

    Pencil case. Such a wardrobe for a children's room is usually elongated and consists of several sections of an open or closed type. It can store not only clothes, but also books. For a children's room, a single-door wardrobe is usually used. It fits perfectly into various modular designs.

    Rack. It usually consists of closed sections at the bottom and open shelves at the top. The bottom of it is used to store clothes, and on the upper shelves they place any important items for the child, for example, his awards from competitions.

    Combined wardrobe. It can have the features of any of the above products, including shelves for books and departments for clothes. The convenience of such a wardrobe lies in the fact that thanks to it the children's play area is unloaded.

Types of wardrobes for a children's room

    By location.

Since the child spends a lot of time in the children's room, it is important to arrange the furniture in the most convenient way. Each parent wants to create a harmonious space in the nursery, which is facilitated by the use of a single style of interior design.

If you are afraid that the wardrobe for the children's room will look too cumbersome, then you can choose such an option for arranging furniture that will create a harmonious interior in a room of any size:

    If you arrange the furniture along the corner of the room, it will visually save space and at the same time help to accommodate all the things your baby needs.

    You can use a built-in headset that will not catch the eye due to the niche or other design features of the children's room. The dressing room is well suited for a girl or several children at once.

Built-in furniture is gaining great popularity among teenagers. In a spacious dressing room, you can place all the clothes of the child, significantly unloading the space of the children's room. The only disadvantage of built-in wardrobes is that they are tied to a specific place in the room, which cannot be changed in the future.

    The classic placement option is the use of linear structures. They have impressive dimensions, but here you can place almost everything, from bed linen to cute trinkets.

    Using a modular system allows you to place in the children's room a place to store toys, clothes and books, as well as a bed, a desk and a pencil case, combining it into a single furniture complex. Such headsets are usually used for a spacious room, since their dimensions are quite large.

    The standard option is to use cabinet sets for the children's room. Their design implies the presence of a roof, bottom, rear and side walls.

    Sometimes a semi-embedded design is used, when a special box is mounted around the wardrobe, comparing the surface of the wall and the facade. Thus, the closet merges with the space of the room.

    A wardrobe in a children's room can be placed around a bed or a door, which is one of the modern interior design trends.

    In terms of facade.

There are several options for facade designs:



It is worth mentioning right away that it is unsafe to place furniture with glass or mirrored facades in the children's room. The best option would be to use a closet. Its doors do not take up extra space, it is impossible to hit them, and the wardrobe will always be closed. The big advantage of this design is saving space when opening the doors, which is very important for a small children's room.

Retain their popularity and swing wardrobes. Their design is very simple and well suited for young children. For a little princess, you can create a magical closet in the form of a house, which will be used not only for storing things, but also for playing. If its doors are changed, then as the child grows, the children's houses can be replaced with a more serious image.

If there is not enough free space in the room, then you can use the "accordion" facade. This design is most attractive to older children and teenagers.

Among the photos of wardrobes for a children's room, you can often find an image of a wardrobe with mirrored doors. His popularity is not declining.

There are several types of mirror facades:

    with sandblasting;

    with stained-glass windows;

    with large full-length mirrors;

    with decoupage stickers.

The inconvenience of the mirror facade is that any fingerprints are visible on it. And small children love to touch mirrors. It is better to choose a wardrobe for a children's room with a blank door or with a pattern on the door leaf. A favorite character or a pleasant pattern will please the eye of a child, and if you use green in the design of furniture, you can achieve a calming effect from the effect of this shade. It is advisable to use a light color scheme, where green touches are simply added.

Sometimes a built-in wardrobe is made in the children's room. Its doors can be either hinged or sliding. If the built-in wardrobe is made with a facade similar in pattern to the front door, then in this way you can disguise the dressing room. Children love these secret places very much. All the things of the child can be stored here, from clothes to shoes.

Children's room with a wardrobe: its shape, color, material and style

The color of children's wardrobes may be different. You should not be limited to the traditional idea that boys are supposed to be blue or blue, and girls are supposed to be pink or cherry. Let the child choose the color of the future furniture for his room. Light colors are more preferable, although if the whole room is decorated in such shades, then the furniture can be dark as an accent.

Do not overdo it with bright colors, as they have an exciting effect on the child, especially if he is already quite active in character.

A lot of red or orange increases tension, but shades of green or blue, on the contrary, soothe. White is also associated with calmness, but it is better to combine it with other tones so that the furniture does not look too boring.

Often children's wardrobes are decorated with a variety of patterns. Color pictures are applied to facades with photo printing, which allows you to create even small details.

The theme of the images may be different:

    cars, including from the cartoon "Cars" - usually such images are chosen for boys;

    Disney princesses and fairies can be on the wardrobes in the girls' nursery;

    all kinds of inhabitants of the animal world, for example, a wardrobe with a giraffe or a dolphin will suit a child of any gender; cute cartoon owls and bears are also popular;

    plants and natural landscapes also belong to the neutral decor, in addition, such pictures are also soothing when you look at them.

If you place any kind of painting on the mirror surface of the cabinet for the children's room, it will look very original. You can decorate the facade yourself or together with your child with stickers or stencils. This is how truly unique pieces of furniture are created that can become your baby's favorite.

Sometimes a two-level wardrobe is installed in the children's room. On the first level there is a bed, and above there is a wardrobe for things. Such sets in the children's room are widely used due to their high functionality and interesting appearance.

To ensure the safety of the child, make sure that the furniture for the children's room does not have sharp corners. Pencil cases must be reliable and stable. It is good if the cabinets have locks, which will reduce the risk of injury for children. All shelves must be securely fastened.

Modern furniture production produces wardrobes for the children's room of a wide variety of shapes.

Among the most popular options are:

    Straight– conservative design without any bends and corner elements.

    Triangular- is an analogue of the rack, where it is convenient to place boxes and large boxes.

    Trapezoidal- helps to effectively use space when the room is small.

    Radius- Belongs to the category of luxury furniture. Such a wardrobe for a children's room will be an ideal solution in terms of security, as it has practically no sharp corners.

    Five-walled- its design implies the presence of two additional parts on the sides.

    Diagonal- This is a combined design of the cabinet and the pencil case. It is well suited for a nursery, as it is placed diagonally and there are no protruding sharp corners.

You can use a built-in wardrobe or a classic double wardrobe. You can also place a rack with drawers for storing toys. But if you are choosing a closet for a children's room for two children, then it is better not to use a double-leaf model because of its small capacity. In this case, it is better to place a two-door dressing room, where each child will have his own half for storing things. And since many children love secrets and highly value their personal space, it is better to put locks in the doors. The color scheme for furniture is usually light.

Now in furniture stores you can find various ready-made kits for a children's room. Here you can find furniture of any size and for every taste. Depending on the needs of customers, models with different depths and heights are presented in stores.

Since many modern apartments are modest in size, there are many models of low and narrow cabinets on sale that can successfully fit into even the smallest children's room. For a small room with high ceilings, you can choose a tall but shallow wardrobe. Such a model will allow you to place all the things of the child, and on hard-to-reach high shelves you can remove what will not be needed in the near future.

Standard models of wardrobes for a children's room, with their clear lines and the absence of unnecessary details, usually resemble minimalism. And only cartoon characters and funny animals on the facades indicate the age of the owner.

There are other types of cabinet design for the children's room:

    Girl's room looks good in style provence. A wardrobe in this style will be distinguished by pleasant pastel colors, elegant floral decor and simple lines.

    Can be used in boys room maritime theme. Dark blue, gray, brown furniture, decorated with white and blue stripes or anchors, is suitable for this.

    A room for teenage girls can be decorated in style modern. Graceful wavy lines, original decor and curved silhouettes make a very pleasant impression.

    Style loft more preferred by male adolescents. It corresponds to modern fashion trends and is a very distinctive trend.

It is desirable that the owner of the room himself participate in the choice of product design. The closet should, first of all, please the child himself, then he will feel comfortable in the nursery. As a result, the baby will understand that his words and desires are important for parents.

Children's furniture should be made of safe materials. Of course, an interesting cabinet with bright plastic facades attracts attention, but the health of the child is much more important. Poor quality plastic can release harmful substances when heated, which will cause irreparable harm to the health of children. Therefore, before buying a wardrobe for a children's room, carefully study the product description and purchase furniture only in trusted stores.

    Solid wood cabinets are unbeatable. They are durable and safe. The only thing that bothers me is their high price. Although there are more economical options made from birch or pine. The wood of these trees is much cheaper.

    MDF is a popular alternative to wood. According to its characteristics, it resembles chipboard, but it has a higher strength. In any case, these are varieties of chipboard. You can buy an inexpensive wardrobe in a children's room if you focus on products made specifically from MDF.

Before you purchase a product made from chipboard, make sure that it does not contain harmful resins. Formaldehyde released into the atmosphere of the children's room can harm the health of the child. The safety of the material can be evidenced by an appropriate safety certificate.

Filling the wardrobe for the children's room

Filling the wardrobe is one of the most important components of good furniture. The item must be of high quality and durable. A double piece of furniture is a worthy option.

The wardrobe should contain:

    a pipe for storing things on hangers;

  • laundry box.

When installing a cabinet near a window, a side attachment for flower pots should be provided. Classic wardrobes do not contain shoe racks. It is important to think over and evaluate the filling of the wardrobe: the order in it depends on practicality.

The dressing room is valued for its content. There is a place for everything in it: from linen to pots, sports equipment, toys.

There are several zones of the built-in headset:


    shoe department;

    for bed linen;

    basket for toys;

    several shelving to store the sports facility.

Built-in wardrobes in the children's room are very popular. Its filling can be organized in accordance with the individual needs of the child, adjusting the height of the shelves to his height and arranging the necessary sections inside.

Since the wardrobe is usually dark, you can equip it with special lighting, which will turn on when the doors are opened. If you have placed a whole wardrobe in the children's room, then you can highlight the shelves in it, then the child will find the right thing very quickly. Clamps on the doors of double-wing cabinets will allow you to stop the doors in the desired position.

Advantages and disadvantages of the wardrobe in the children's room

Advantages use of the wardrobe in the interior:

    Wide range of internal content. Modern wardrobes inside have multi-level shelves, mezzanines and a bar, so you can fill them not only with clothes, but also with toys, books and any other items. These wardrobes have a very large capacity.

    Possibility to choose case or built-in version. If the cabinet version is traditional furniture, then the built-in one is suitable for those who want to create furniture according to an individual project, making the most of the available space.

    A wardrobe, in the decoration of which mirrors, multi-colored panels or glass are used, can fit into any interior. Thanks to the possibilities of individual design, unique products are created for any style.

    The sliding wardrobe is very capacious and at the same time compact. It can be installed in any niche. The built-in wardrobe rests on the walls, floor and ceiling of the room itself, so there is no need to fence a bulky structure.

    In some cases, the doors of the wardrobe-compartment allow you to zone the space of the children's room. Behind them can hide both a sleeping place and a working area. This option can be used as a closet for a hyperactive child's nursery. In this case, all valuable and fragile items can be removed behind the compartment doors.

    An individual wardrobe design allows you to create exactly the product that will fit perfectly into the room.

    If the room has non-standard dimensions or an unconventional layout, then you can adjust the interior using a built-in wardrobe with sliding doors.

    Sliding wardrobes are usually made of materials that are resistant to mechanical damage, so in the children's room the child will not be able to accidentally spoil the appearance of the wardrobe. The design of the doors already includes soft cushioning and an obstacle to convergence with the guide.

    Flaws wardrobes:

    Sliding doors are located on rails, which are often clogged with dust, crumbs or pet hair, which can interfere with their function. For prevention, timely cleaning of all parts of the moving mechanism will be required. It is important that the door retention system of the built-in structure is strong. The child must learn to handle doors carefully. This will prevent you from drifting off the guide.

    Guides for sliding wardrobe doors are made of aluminum. This is a fairly soft material, so it can deform over time. In this case, the normal movement of the doors will be disturbed.

    The built-in closet does not always have furniture and building parts perfectly coordinated with each other. This leads to distortion of details. As a result, mechanisms are subjected to increased wear, which significantly reduces the life of the entire product.

When choosing a wardrobe for a children's room, photos of various models can be seen on the Internet. Be sure to weigh the pros and cons of such a design. In many cases, such a wardrobe is ideal, but sometimes you can choose a different wardrobe design.

Cabinets for toys in the children's room: features and types

A modern furniture set for toys is a multifunctional piece of furniture. It can accommodate both the toys themselves and children's books, stationery or linen. If you have chosen a modular wardrobe for a children's room, then such a product can always be supplemented with new sections, shelves and drawers. The main thing is that all departments of the wardrobe are available to the child, and he would not have to reach for the right toy.

Usually sliding elements are installed in the lower part, and open shelves are equipped in the upper part. Any model of children's furniture should be safe and ergonomic. It should be convenient for the child to use all the interior items of the children's room.

The optimal design of a children's wardrobe is a product with rounded corners, a pleasant to the touch surface and no mirror or glass inserts.

Another important feature of a wardrobe for a child's room is its interesting design. The appearance of the product should attract the child, evoke pleasant emotions. But do not abuse the "boy" or "girl" colors and decor, as children grow up quickly enough, and soon a cute children's locker may be rejected by the child, and it will need to be replaced.

In addition to the standard wardrobe for toys, a large number of other interior items are produced that can become a convenient storage system in the children's room:

    Shelving. All the toys of the child can be placed on the open shelves. Access to them is open all the time, so the baby will be able to feel independent. The main thing is that he can reach each shelf. Clothes and bedding can be placed in drawers. There are small models with several sections and impressive full-wall shelving.

    Game cabinets. They can be in the form of a large dollhouse or a garage for toy vehicles. So, during the game, the child will himself keep order in the toy world, getting used to putting everything in its place and keeping everything clean. If purchased wardrobes seem too expensive to you, then you can make the same with your own hands. Any dollhouse can be made from plywood, and a drywall car garage.

    Game tables. This design is also called the "student's corner". Outwardly, it looks like a table with numerous drawers and shelves. It can be used by both a small child and a younger student. The kid can play for him, draw or look at his favorite books, and the student will do his homework for him, distributing textbooks, pencils and other stationery on shelves and drawers.

    Game containers. This is a very convenient and practical option. Not only will all the toys of the child fit in them, but with them the kid will be able to come up with an interesting game.

    Dressers with drawers. A practical piece of furniture that allows you to conveniently place bedding, clothes, toys and other children's things in a certain order. If the drawers slide out easily, then the child will be able to keep order. Closers for automatic closing of drawers will be an additional plus.

    Walk-in closet with doors, shelves and drawers. A spacious multifunctional wardrobe for a children's room will be the best option if there are free meters. It can accommodate toys, baby clothes and even bedding. The service life of such a chiffonier is quite large.

    Modular furniture. Suitable for those who do not tolerate monotony in the interior, but at the same time do not want to constantly acquire new furnishings. This is a great solution for a child's room, because the baby is growing very quickly, and more and more storage space is required.

If you install a modular system in the children's room, then as the child grows, it will be possible to supplement it with the necessary sections. At the same time, they all blend well with each other and look very stylish.

How to choose a closet for a child's room

If there are two children

Particular attention should be paid to the arrangement of the wardrobe in the children's room, designed for two children at once. This piece of furniture can become a functional element of the interior, with the help of which not only certain things are stored, but also space zoning is very successfully performed. In order for the kids to learn order and responsibility, it is necessary to allocate to each their own department or part of it.

The choice of execution and installation of such furniture depends on many factors, but the main one is the parameters of the room. It is also necessary to take into account the style of the interior, age, gender and preferences of each of its two little owners. Most carefully, you should plan a common closet for teenagers of different sexes.

A common wardrobe is the best solution for a children's room designed for two children. It is absolutely inexpedient to clutter up the space with separate structures, if there are so many possible options for solving this issue.

For girl

Thinking through the design of a children's room for a girl, be sure to consider that with the onset of adolescence, her tastes may change. A good solution would be to purchase a wardrobe that will take up space from floor to ceiling. If you choose a product with smooth facades, this will greatly facilitate your further cleaning, since it is much easier to remove any stickers from a smooth surface.

Most likely, you will have to choose a wardrobe that has a large mirror already built into the facades. Even if now the girl is still small, she will still grow up quickly and will be interested in her appearance.

Make sure that the doors of the closet for the children's room open easily, as girls usually have much less strength than boys. The color scheme is usually used in pink, lilac and light beige tones.

It is important to achieve a good combination of the color of the cabinet and the walls of the children's room, because the child's eyes should not be constantly under strain. The combination of the main tone with golden, white or beige is considered optimal for vision.


    facade - mirror;

    the size of the children's wardrobe - up to the ceiling;

    type - built-in;

    doors - easy to open;

    color palette - pink, lilac, beige shades;

    wallpaper - light colors (avoid combining pink wallpaper with a pink wardrobe).

For boy

When choosing a wardrobe for a boy's nursery, take into account the age of the child, his hobbies and the general style of interior design. For young children, furniture is selected taking into account the following parameters:


    feeling of comfort;

    brightness of accents;

    bright hues.

Already at the age of 3, the child shows his individuality, becomes more mobile and inquisitive. An interesting solution would be to decorate the facade with useful and informative pictures. For example, you can place an image of a geographical map on the cabinet doors for a children's room.

At primary school age, it is good to use a clear zoning of the storage system. At this time, a working sector may already appear. The external design of the wardrobe can be using the child's favorite images, and the internal organization should be ergonomic and functional. An ideal option would be a built-in or corner wardrobe in the children's room.

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Choosing a wardrobe for a children's room is not an easy task, because it should not only be functional and comfortable, but also like the child.

What should I pay attention to when choosing a wardrobe for a nursery?

Safety. When choosing a sliding wardrobe in a children's room, inspect the design for the presence of hazardous objects on the surface of the product.

Consider models made from environmentally friendly materials, because you can’t save on a child’s health.

Refrain from using glass doors, mirrors installed on the front of the cabinet. Give preference to rounded models of cabinets, because they are not traumatic.

Sliding doors would be an ideal option, because the child will definitely not be able to get hurt, no matter how fidgety he is. Check the fastening of all shelves.

Functionality. To choose the right model of a wardrobe for a nursery, you should decide what things will be stored there. The number of shelves, drawers and other elements will depend on this.

Discuss these points with your child. If the baby loves to read or there are a lot of books, then you should build in a bookshelf.

If there are more toys, then take care of the presence of many drawers. If the closet is installed in the girl's room, then keep in mind that you need to allocate more space for storing dresses.

If there is a teenager in the family, then equip the closet with shelves for storing school supplies.

Advice. When dismantling the cabinet or after a year, tighten the fasteners, so the product will serve you longer.


When choosing a design, consider the age, preferences of the child. For a kid, cabinets with stickers of his favorite cartoon characters are suitable, for a teenager, stop at a plain version.

Strict, but at the same time elegant models are more suitable for the hallway, and for the nursery, choose calm pastel colors.

For decorating a closet in a boy's room, a nautical theme or cars are suitable. For girls, fairy tale characters: fairies, sorceresses, princesses.

If the children's wardrobe is needed for both a boy and a girl, then you can choose either a plain design or divide the wardrobe space for two children.

At the same time, the drawing for each child on the facade of the cabinet should be different and undoubtedly like both children.

A good solution to the problem when choosing the decoration of the outer surface of the cabinet can be photo printing. The child himself chooses the image, and you will only have to place an order.

Where to put a closet in the nursery

  • Estimate the dimensions of the structure;
  • Choose an area for installation, keep in mind that the cabinet must be at least 20 cm from the heating devices;
  • The height of the cabinet should be comfortable for the child;
  • The location of the wardrobe in the children's room depends on the area.

The built-in wardrobe in the children's room will be a good option for a small room, because it does not take up much space.

A convenient location for the closet would be a place between the bed and the table. Since the child can easily find the right things or objects, while not spending a lot of effort.

Additional lighting can be installed in the cabinet in the form of built-in lamps. A corner wardrobe in the children's room will be a great option for a teenager, because in one of its parts it is very convenient to store school supplies.

It is also worth putting a closet near the table so that the child can easily take the item he needs without looking up from his work.

Wardrobe design depending on the age of the child

When choosing a closet for a child, keep in mind that the child grows every year and in a few years will become a fifth grader from a first-grader.

In this case, you should consider the functionality of the design of the cabinet model, because every year the child needs more and more additional space.

When choosing a design, please note that the tastes and preferences of the child will change over time. If earlier he was delighted with turtles, then at the age of 13 he is unlikely to want such an image on the closet. Therefore, it is worth looking at neutral shades.

Wardrobes in the children's room should fit into the interior of the room and should not become an accent item in the children's room.

The main criterion when buying a wardrobe, of course, should be ease of use and fashionable design that the child will like.

Photo of cabinets for a children's room

Sliding wardrobe - ideal furniture and a universal solution for a nursery. When done correctly, it will be practical and safe. When choosing it, one must take into account the size, quality, content and color.

Such roomy and comfortable furniture can also be used for zoning if the room is intended for two or more children (especially joint for a girl and a boy).

How to choose

Like any furniture in a nursery, a sliding wardrobe must meet all environmental safety requirements. Therefore, when buying, you need to check the quality certificate.

The following selection rules must also be observed:

  • glass or mirror elements must be firmly fixed, as will be indicated in the technical documentation;
  • a closed form so that additional shelves do not contribute to the creation of a mess. Small side sections can be open, where only a few toys can be placed;
  • no sharp corners - they should be rounded, especially if the closet is next to the bed;
  • flat surface without protrusions;
  • strong locks to block the section that the child should not open. You can leave only one door available, and as the child grows older, unnecessary ones are easily dismantled or cease to be used. They can be replaced by furniture locks made of adhesive plastic, attached to any surface.

It is worth supplementing the sliding wardrobe with a door closer so that the doors close even with a soft push. You need to carefully choose the content. Its spaciousness depends on the competent organization of the space inside.

Materials and configuration

Solid wood furniture is considered the best. But it is for a sliding wardrobe in the nursery that this option is not appropriate. First, it's expensive. Secondly, the interior for a child should be updated with age, so there is no point in expensive furniture. Moreover, children are much more interested in stickers or other bright finishes with a pattern, and it will be impractical to paste over an array even with photo printing. Alternative to chipboard or MDF. They are safe, affordable, reliable.

To organize the space in the nursery, cabinets with pull-out shelves and a large number of sections are appropriate. Convenient corner, compact built-in structures, equipped in a niche or occupying part of the room. Locks can be installed on the doors behind which out-of-season items will be stored so that the child does not create an accidental mess.

The sliding wardrobe should be stable, streamlined, without sharp corners, protruding parts and roomy inside, and occupy a minimum of space. To do this, it must have different sections: drawers, compartments for clothes, shoes, toys, books. It is good that it is in harmony with the bed, other large pieces of furniture.

facade design

When choosing a design inside and out, you must take into account the gender, age, tastes of the child.

To make the atmosphere in the room more comfortable, you can arrange a closet using. For example, cars or favorite characters are suitable for a boy, and floral ornaments or drawings with animals are suitable for girls. In this way, you can "revive" both the closet and all the children's furniture by linking it into a single composition.

It would be nice to experiment with photo printing and LED lighting. But lamps should not be accessible to children. Laminated furniture is practical - a child can draw on it, and then the doors can be easily washed even from felt-tip pens. But it is necessary to install locks so that the entire filling of the cabinet is not subjected to painting.

When choosing a facade design, you need to consult with the child. This is especially important for a boy, because even little men do not want to live in a “girly” room. The closet should fit not only clothes or toys, but also the child’s personal items, for example, his favorite trinkets. For a very small nursery, a built-in wardrobe with a bed will be an excellent choice.

Regardless of whether you order children's furniture from craftsmen or buy ready-made furniture, it must comply with the main principles of safety and comfort for the child.

photo:, sveter, casadaphoto, Richman21, baojia1998, LoopAll

A bright and spacious room for a child is the dream of any parent. This can be achieved through the competent selection of children's furniture, and the wardrobe will be the key detail. In this article we will talk about sliding wardrobes for the nursery, their features, design intricacies and purchase costs.

The appearance of the wardrobe and what is inside it (arrangement) directly depend on the age of the baby. Therefore, you need to select a model based on two basic age categories:

  1. Senior students. will be as close as possible to the "adult" format (shelves for sweaters and T-shirts, linen baskets, shoe racks, hanger bars, pantographs). It is better to give preference to an angular design - it is more spacious. It is also worth providing a mezzanine for various seasonal "junk".
  2. Small children. Here, the requirements rise sharply - the closet must be not only comfortable, but also safe. Attention will have to be paid to three key parameters - safety, dimensions and design. We will talk about the last parameter a little later.

When installing a sliding wardrobe, avoid bevels and slopes, check fittings and connections. Keep an eye on environmental cleanliness - chipboard must be of high quality. Inspect the moving mechanisms - they should slide freely without causing the baby to have difficulty opening the desired section.

Partitions, walls and shelves of the wardrobe are best ordered from MDF and chipboard. Lamination and veneering are also acceptable - such furniture will be safe, modern, light and durable. Mirrors built into the facade are excluded - instead of them it is better to use multi-colored plexiglass and colorful films with positive colors.

Here are some tips for choosing the right size wardrobe:

  1. Estimate the dimensions of the children's room.
  2. Select an area for cabinet installation.
  3. Make sure that the size of the cabinet does not put pressure on the baby (especially in combination with other interior items).
  4. Make sure that the child's height allows him to reach the most distant shelves and sections.

Photo wardrobe in the nursery

Design of wardrobes for a children's room

The design of the future wardrobe in the nursery will depend on its design features. There are several options:

  • opening between walls;
  • the presence / absence of mezzanines;
  • panel to wall
  • radius;
  • open sections;
  • diagonal.

Children will be happy to use the closet if its design is fun and unusual. Faceless furniture is not the best option for a nursery. Try to make the facade colorful and entertaining. You can experiment with the height of the shelves and the painting of the sections.

Blind doors installed in the dressing room are designed in such a way that they open easily. Swing doors equipped with ergonomic handles are best suited. It is better to store bed linen in the upper compartments, shoes - in the lower ones.

Summing up, we note the key design points of the wardrobe for kids:

  • bright design;
  • many open shelves;
  • comfortable handles;
  • hinged doors;
  • deaf low sections.

For a teenager, the design of the cabinet will be somewhat different. Doors are made sliding (option - combined), and when developing a furniture facade, try to be creative. It is important to abandon childish motives in favor of originality.

In general, the style of the color scheme is better to bring it closer to pop art. It does not hurt to build a large mirror into the facade, because teenagers have a sharp increase in interest in their own person. Complicated design solutions, original decor are welcome.

It is necessary to maintain a balance of open / closed sections, but at the same time take into account that the purpose of the shelves in a teenager will change. Open shelves will be occupied with collections, books, textbooks, various crafts, cups and certificates, audio equipment and CDs. Shoes and clothes are now hidden behind solid doors.

A good selection of the design of wardrobes in the nursery is presented in the following video:

With photo printing

Photo printing technology is actively invading the furniture industry, so it should be given special attention. A photo stained-glass window, as an element of decorating a children's wardrobe, is the best option. Here are the advantages of this type of decoration:

  • durability;
  • safety;
  • high artistic characteristics;
  • wear resistance;
  • convenience in operation.

There are three types of photo printing, each with its own range of features. Let's take a look at these types.

  1. UV printing. The glass base is patterned using a UV printer. Ultraviolet radiation is necessary to fix the image - the paints are sintered with the base, forming a single surface. Such a pattern does not fade for a long time and is characterized by increased stability.
  2. Film photo printing. The image is applied to a polymer film (transparent), and only then glued to the surface of the facade. The picture can be changed if necessary, and this is done quickly. The disadvantage of technology is its fragility.
  3. Printing in triplex. Again, a transparent film is taken, on which the drawing is applied. That's just placed this film inside the laminated glass - triplex.

UV and film printing allow you to decorate any surface - mirror and glass facades, MDF and chipboard. The photo-stained glass window helps to reveal the inner world of the child, acquaints adults with his interests and hobbies.

Caring for a children's wardrobe with photo printing is quite simple. Special cleaning is not required here, but periodically it is worth wiping the plane with a lint-free damp cloth.

The combination of budget cost and durability makes wardrobes with photo printing popular among different categories of the population. Usually, furniture offices offer a wide selection of stencils and, if the customer wishes, they mount backlighting in the design.

Sliding wardrobes with different types of photo printing

UV printing Film photo printing Triplex printing


Sometimes the room or the imagination of the child dictate the need to choose an unusual wardrobe. In non-standard rooms, the relevance of corner, diagonal and combined (diagonal-corner) wardrobes is increasing. Unusual children's furniture differs from the standard not only in design solutions, but also in the decoration of external planes.

Stained-glass windows are improved, original and complex compositions are added. Unique effects are achieved by combining different stained glass techniques. We list the stained glass technologies used in the production of unusual children's wardrobes:

  • Film stained glass. It is distinguished by good moisture resistance, a variety of colors and a relatively affordable price.
  • Painting. The image is applied with acrylic or varnish paints. Prices are reasonable, detail is maximum.
  • Photo printing. We wrote about this method above. If you wish, you can pay extra for the 3D effect.
  • Stained glass window. Colored glass is imitated by pouring high-quality lacquer mixtures. The strength of the picture is increased due to firing fixing. Sliding wardrobes with a jellied facade are extremely resistant to fading.

There are also fusing, Tiffany and sandblasting techniques, but we will not consider them, since these facades are based on a glass plane. The final cost of an unusual children's wardrobe is influenced by a number of factors:

  • construction type;
  • backlight integration;
  • decoration method;
  • delivery/assembly;
  • internal filling of the wardrobe in the nursery;
  • quality of accessories and consumables;
  • the number of guide tracks and doors.

Stained glass technology in the production of unusual children's wardrobes

Filled stained glass
Film stained glass


When choosing a built-in wardrobe in the nursery, pay attention to the functionality, design and safety of this piece of furniture. Functionality means the correct operation of all mechanisms and ease of use.

Safety implies the absence of sharp corners, protruding parts and glass planes. Doors must be equipped with recessed rails and anti-jump mechanisms.

You can order a sliding door blocker - this device will prevent the doors from hitting the walls of the wardrobe.

The layout of wardrobes should include compartments for clothes, toys, bed linen and other small things that the child uses. Can be combined with:

  • writing table;
  • bed
  • computer desk;
  • attached ladder blocks.

Built-in wardrobe in the nursery

Product prices

Today you can buy a closet in the nursery at different prices. Finished products of Russian manufacturers, of course, will cost less than models produced to order and installed by the company's employees. The most primitive varieties of such furniture will cost you 8-10 thousand rubles. As for the upper bar, there are ready-made models for 40-50 thousand and above.

The Stolplit furniture factory is quite well known in our country. This manufacturer offers a wide range of products in various price ranges. Let's give a couple of examples:

  • "Manhattan" (two-door wardrobe) - 13990 rubles;
  • "Corsica" (two-door) - 17990;
  • "Stolplit Baikal SB" (two-door) - 15350.

Cabinets from Malina will be a very expensive pleasure - prices here start at 35 thousand rubles. True, you get a full-wall wardrobe with installation. A three-door model of a children's wardrobe made in Kazan will draw about 24 thousand from your wallet.

And now information for those who prefer modular interiors. On the Ogogo website, you can assemble a suitable package and order delivery. At your service are one- and two-door wardrobes (City, Mio, Studio, Pinokkio), as well as corner wardrobe complexes. All this can be combined with beds, shelves or work tables. Example:

  • Pinokkio wardrobe - 23 thousand rubles;
  • Pinokkio-29320;
  • Ladder-dresser Pinokkio - 30 thousand;
  • Single partition-rack Pinokkio - 8 thousand.

The whole complex will pull a little more than 90 thousand. In this case, you can rearrange the modules at your own discretion.

Examples of wardrobes from different companies

Baikal SB Commander Manhattan
Azalea Corsica Malina

Sliding wardrobes free up the space of the nursery as much as possible for the baby to play, but at the same time, their choice must be approached thoroughly. You can "save" on the installation only if you buy a modular version. But it's hard to call such a solution cheap.

The design of a children's room is not easy to develop. It is important not only the harmonious appearance, functionality, but also safety. From a functional point of view, a sliding wardrobe will fit perfectly into the nursery. Such a cabinet allows you to store a wide variety of things: clothes, toys, bedding, books, stationery. It will be easy for a child to cope with the design of compartment doors.

A special criterion when choosing children's furniture is safety. The design of the wardrobe is the safest, as it does not have open shelves and corners, drop-down doors that a child can hit.

The sliding facade of the cabinet can become an interior decoration, just choose the right design. Designs made of wood and plastic with a printed pattern look great. A large image of your favorite cartoon characters or a colorful fantasy landscape will please any kid. Not the best solution would be to install doors with glass or mirror inserts, especially in a room where a preschool child grows.


There are many variations of wardrobes on the market and choosing the right one for a child is not so easy.

  • With two, three or four sliding doors. When choosing the number of sliding doors, you should rely on the size of the room and the number of things that you plan to store in the closet. When choosing a facade with three or more panels, you can apply a combined design: a combination of wooden panels with photo printing or mirrors. A closet that is too large can greatly reduce the area of ​​​​the room, and one that is too small will not be functional.

  • Full mirror facade or with inserts. For a teenage child, the mirror facade of the cabinet no longer poses a great danger and can easily be used in the design of the room. This design will suit any interior and visually expand the space of the room. The combination of mirror inserts and inserts from another material will create a more interesting design. Additional inserts can be made in wood or plastic using photo printing.

  • corner configuration. A corner wardrobe will be an interesting solution in small rooms, it will save usable space.

  • With a beveled facade or radial. Such models, with a facade in the form of a semicircle, will be an interesting and unusual solution and are chosen for both spacious rooms and small ones. The interior space of such cabinets is more capacious, everything that the child needs can easily fit in it. In large structures, it is worth taking care of internal lighting; several built-in lamps are well suited. You can achieve more functionality by placing a radius cabinet in the corner of the room. This design is ideal for a children's room, since it does not have sharp corners at all.

A wardrobe with a sloping facade will fit perfectly into a small room. Thanks to this trick, the cabinet can be installed next to the door frame and save the right space.

  • With open side module. For the side module, it is better to choose rounded shelves, so the child will be less likely to hurt or get hurt. Various figurines, diplomas, framed photographs will look good on such shelves.

  • Built-in wardrobe. The built-in design will allow you to get rid of the side walls of the cabinet and will make it possible to maximize the use of the rest of the space of the room. It is worth considering that such a design can only be installed in a solid wall, a plasterboard partition will not work in any way.

Color solutions

Of course, the color and stylistic solution of the facade should coincide with the overall interior design. It doesn't have to be bright and flashy colors.

For a nursery decorated in pastel colors, facades of muted shades of pink, brown, and beige are well suited. A plain panel can be complemented with an elegant ornament or mirror inserts.

Colors considered ideal for early age: green, pale blue, yellow, pink. You can choose a pattern of appropriate colors or plain panels.

When decorating a bright room, you can use a facade with a pattern or photo printing. The child himself can choose the drawing he likes, here the fantasy is limitless: sea and air ships, cartoon characters, multi-colored butterflies, flower arrangements, etc. With printing, you can combine the design of mirrors or frosted glass, if the cabinet is wide enough.


With a minimalist design, you can use the main colors of the interior and paint chipboard panels in them, use colored glass or plastic. A sliding wardrobe can also become an accent of the interior, in this case, you need to use colors that contrast with the design of the room. For example, a blue-colored room would suit a closet with an orange or yellow door.

When choosing facades of light shades: white, light yellow, pink, etc., you should take care of the quality of the material, it must be moisture resistant and easy to clean.


It is very important to choose furniture according to the age of the child, but it should be remembered that the child is developing rapidly, and the available space is growing with it. For very young children, it is worth specially equipping the lower shelves, you can replace them with large boxes, it is convenient to put toys in them.

The safety of the internal structure will be given by a special lock for sliding doors, it will not allow the door to hit the cabinet walls and protect the baby's hands from damage. It is worth taking care of the safety of the shelves, let them be without protruding corners.

When choosing an internal structure, it is important to take into account the interests of the child: provide shelves for storing hockey equipment, ballet tutus, books and encyclopedias. Over the years, the number of necessary and important things will only grow, and a large number of branches will come in handy here. Compartments for clothes should not be limited to shelves, only a wardrobe is suitable for an evening dress or suit. The top shelves can be used to store seasonal clothing.

If children of different ages live in the room, locks can be installed on some drawers, so everything of value will remain unharmed.

It is better to attach the shelves to the back wall of the cabinet and side walls, so the design will be more reliable. For internal racks and shelves, durable material is chosen: wood, high-quality chipboard. Such a shelf will withstand both victory cups and volumes of books.

How to choose for a boy

The room of a child, especially a boy, is filled with a lot of things, from toy locomotives to school textbooks, and in this case the wardrobe becomes the main roomy functional area.

The exterior design of the cabinet can be made in rich colors, shades of green, orange, blue are suitable. You can invite the child to take part in the choice of design. Often, the photo printing option is chosen in the children's room; images of your favorite comics or cartoon characters can be placed on the door. Panoramas of the city and fantastic landscapes look good. Do not forget that the look of the child should not be overstrained and tired.

Various stickers can decorate a plain surface, but you should only choose options that do not leave marks on the panel. This option is more mobile, if the child does not like the image, he can peel it off and place a new one.

If the boy is actively involved in sports, it is worth making more compartments with rods, equipping them with mesh baskets. For a lover of various toy cars and Lego, capacious baskets or boxes are suitable, but they should not be heavy so that the child himself can get them. If a boy collects collections of cars or other toys, long shelves are perfect. The child himself can talk about his preferences and bring a new idea.

It is very important to place a closet, a storage area. If possible, do not install it too close to the sleeping, play or work areas. The main task of the closet is to clear the rest of the usable space of the room, to make it more comfortable.

For girl

Here it is better to choose light pastel colors: peach, turquoise, lavender, light pink. Suitable warm and cold shades, depending on the wishes of the child. If you choose photo printing, then images of your favorite cartoon characters or fairy tales, flowers and landscapes will do.

For teenagers, a mirror design is suitable; at this age, children are very attentive to their person. The mirror can be supplemented with floral ornaments or colored stickers.

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