How to grow myrtle at home. Myrtle: beneficial properties and harm, use and cultivation at home Variegated myrtle

landscaping 04.09.2023

The myrtle tree is one of the most attractive and interesting indoor plants. Pleasant aroma, beautiful flowering, ease of shaping, high decorative value - myrtle has these advantages. Care at home is organized according to certain rules. You will learn about them from this article.

The Myrtle family is well known among gardeners. There are about 10 varieties of myrtle in total. The homeland of the plant is the Mediterranean. Grows in subtropical climates. In natural conditions it is a shrub or tree up to 3 meters high. When grown in an apartment it reaches 60 cm.

The leaves are small, shiny, leathery, oval, dark green. If you rub them in your hand, they emit a pleasant spicy aroma. The main part of essential oils is concentrated in small veins. The flowers are small on long stalks, with five petals and many stamens. Color - white or pale pink. The fruits are round small berries of intense blue color.

Interesting information! Myrtle leaves contain phytoncides. They improve and disinfect the air in the apartment. The leaves and dried fruits are used as a spice. The most famous myrtle spice is cloves.

Subtleties of cultivation

Full care of myrtle at home is organized in accordance with a number of rules. Myrtle is considered a capricious plant, often refusing to bloom or dropping its leaves. Creating optimal conditions for growth and flowering helps to avoid this.

  1. Lighting and location selection. It easily tolerates direct rays of the sun, but prefers diffused light. In hot weather it is shaded. It blooms only when there is enough light. The optimal location is window sills facing west or east. In summer, the flower is moved to fresh air. In winter they provide full lighting.
  2. Temperature. In the summer season they are kept at 18-20 °C. In winter, the plant needs coolness. Myrtle is moved to a glazed balcony or loggia with temperatures not lower than 6-8 °C. After a full rest, myrtle blooms magnificently and for a long time. When wintering in a room, the flower is well watered and systematically sprayed. This helps prevent leaf drop, but does not guarantee flowering.
  3. Humidity. Grows better in high humidity. It responds to spraying with warm, well-settled water by unanimously releasing new shoots. The need for moisture increases during periods of increased growth. At this time, the procedure is carried out daily. Additionally, air humidifiers and trays filled with water are used.
  4. Watering. Water the plant frequently - as soon as the top layer of soil begins to dry out. In winter, the need for water is less, but the soil should not be allowed to dry out completely. Stable soil moisture is maintained all year round. Do not allow water to stagnate at the bottom of the pot.
  5. The soil. The soil for myrtle is chosen to be nutritious, not heavy, and of moderate acidity. A mixture of peat, humus and turf with the addition of sand or perlite is best.
  6. Feeding. During the period of active growth, fertilize frequently - every week. For abundant flowering, choose fertilizers with a high phosphorus content. Complex preparations for decorative deciduous crops are regularly used.
  7. Transfer. Until the age of four, the bushes are replanted annually. Mature trees - once every 3-4 years. The optimal time is spring, before flowering. When transplanting, do not allow the root collar to deepen. A thick layer of drainage is provided at the bottom of the planting container. The size of the pot is determined by the diameter of the crown - it should be half that size. Myrtle will not bloom in a large pot.
  8. Trimming and shaping. Myrtle is an indoor flower that is very easy to shape. It tolerates shearing easily and quickly produces young shoots. Myrtle is pruned in early spring before active growth begins. The method of pruning depends on the desired result. Throughout the summer, the crown of the plant is adjusted, pinching out too long young shoots.

Important! The lack of flowering may indicate insufficient lighting, a large pot, or a stuffy room. The situation is corrected by daily ventilation of the room, lowering the temperature during the dormant period, and transplanting into a smaller pot.

Reproduction methods

Propagating myrtle is not difficult even for novice gardeners. Young plants are obtained by cuttings and sowing seeds.

By cuttings

Cuttings are cut twice a year - in the middle of winter or summer. Select semi-lignified branches from the middle or lower part of the crown. The optimal length of the cutting is from 5 to 8 cm. Half of the leaves are removed from the cutting, the remaining half is cut off. The lower cut is dipped in a growth stimulator. A mixture of heteroauxin with 0.25% ascorbic acid gives a good effect. The container is filled with a light substrate of sphagnum and sand. The cuttings are placed in it at a slight angle and covered with film. The greenhouse with cuttings is placed in a cool, shaded place.

During the rooting stage, maintain a temperature of 16-20 °C. The greenhouse is periodically ventilated, the humidity level is monitored, and if necessary, the soil is watered and the cuttings are sprayed. They take root quickly - no longer than a month. The seedlings are transplanted into pots with a diameter of 7 cm (an ordinary plastic cup will do). When the roots completely entwine the clod of earth, transfer them to a larger pot. The first flowering is no earlier than after 3 years.


Myrtle grows more slowly from seeds. When using seed material collected from the mother plant, the characteristics of the variety may differ. The substrate for germination is a mixture of peat and vermiculite. Before sowing, it is watered with a weak solution of fungicide.

Myrtle seeds are scattered over the surface and covered with a very thin layer of substrate. The planting container is covered with glass. Maintain the temperature at 18-20 °C, monitor the soil moisture - it should not be overdried or waterlogged. Every day, the glass is removed briefly to ventilate the greenhouse. When favorable conditions are created, seedlings appear in 1-2 weeks. Dive into separate pots in the phase of 2 true leaves. Flowering - no earlier than 5 years of life.

Important! Young seedlings grow very slowly. To accelerate growth, provide high-quality care and regular feeding.

Diseases, problems and pests

Young myrtle rarely gets sick. Mature and old bushes are less resistant to pests and negative factors.

  • Aphids and scale insects. They attack the plant when there is insufficient moisture. Conditions are adjusted and treatment is carried out with anticoccidal agents.
  • Spider mite. Appears when there is insufficient soil moisture. Myrtle is treated with insecticides.
  • Fungi and putrefactive bacteria. Their appearance provokes constant waterlogging of the soil. The plant is replanted, removing the affected parts.
  • Yellow, dull leaves with curled edges. A sign of excessive lighting.
  • Grinding leaves, pulling stems. The reason is poor lighting.
  • Falling leaves. Increased temperature and dry air in winter or stagnation of water in the root system.

Growing myrtle at home is a difficult but exciting activity. Once you master shaping, you can give your myrtle any shape.

Myrtle is an evergreen plant known to mankind for many millennia. He was given special significance back in ancient times and was considered a companion of the gods. The myrtle tree is a valuable source of essential oil. The name of this plant in other languages ​​is:

  • German– Braut-Myrte, Gemeine Myrte, Korsischer Pfeffer;
  • English– myrtle, Greek myrtle;
  • French– myrte, vrai myrte.


Myrtle is a low shrub (the maximum height of some subspecies is 5 meters). The leaves are dark green, round, pointed at the end. The inflorescences are white, round and fluffy. The fruits are blue-black berries with a diameter of about 1 cm.


There are two types of myrtle tree:

  • ordinary - distinguished by small foliage and beige or slightly reddish inflorescences;
  • Saharan - is an endangered species, grows in the highlands of Southern Algeria and the Republic of Chad.

Where does it grow?

The Mediterranean region is considered to be the homeland of the common myrtle. Today it is especially common in North Africa and the Middle East, as well as in Europe. In Russia, a small number of myrtle trees grow in the Crimea.


The leaves of the myrtle tree at the age of 3 or 4 years are best suited for making spices. The collection takes place from mid to late autumn. The collected leaves are dried in a dry, well-ventilated area. When the leaves are dry, place them in canvas bags and store them in a cool, dark place.


  • dark green color;
  • bitter-spicy taste;
  • rich herbal, slightly bitter aroma.

Chemical composition

  • essential oil
  • camphor
  • aldehydes
  • protein substances
  • tannins
  • resins
  • polyphenols
  • flavonoids
  • saponins
  • myrtiline
  • pinene
  • limonene
  • cineole
  • linalool
  • terpineol
  • myrtenol

Beneficial features

  • is a natural antiseptic;
  • tones;
  • has a diuretic effect;
  • has antifungal properties;
  • relieves pain;
  • helps normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • is a good expectorant;
  • has an astringent effect;
  • has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.


  • It is believed that if you place a pot of myrtle tree in your bedroom, you will experience a severe headache in the morning.
  • Taking myrtle-based infusions and decoctions before bedtime, especially in large quantities, can lead to sleep disturbances.


  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • individual intolerance;
  • elderly age.


Essential oil is obtained from young shoots and foliage of the myrtle tree using steam distillation. Myrtle oil has a pleasant, complex aroma, which is why it is widely used in the production of cosmetics and perfumes. It also has a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect and is used to treat diseases of the respiratory and genitourinary systems. In addition, regular use of myrtle essential oil significantly improves the condition of the skin and hair structure.


In cooking

  • in Italy, a liqueur called “myrto” is made from the fruits of the myrtle tree;
  • in France they make jam from world berries;
  • dried myrtle fruits are used in the production of certain types of sausages;
  • myrtle leaves are added to pickles and marinades;
  • meat and fish cooked on the grill using the bark and branches of the myrtle tree acquire a unique aroma;
  • Myrtle adds bitterness to dishes, so it should be added to food in very small quantities.

Stewed fish

Cut the carcass of any lean fish into pieces of the required size. Cut 2 carrots into slices, 1 onion into large rings. Place the fish and vegetables in a thick-walled pan or cauldron, add a few myrtle leaves, salt and pepper to taste. Pour half a glass of water and simmer until done.

Prepare 1 kg of chicken fillet, cut into small cubes. Chop an onion, 2 carrots, a small zucchini, cauliflower, tomato and bell pepper. Take a deep saucepan or roasting pan and lay out the food in layers; onion, poultry, carrot, zucchini, pepper, tomato, cabbage. Place one myrtle leaf on each layer. Add a little water and simmer until done.

In medicine

Medicines prepared from myrtle are used for the treatment and prevention of the following diseases:

  • herpetic infection;
  • inflammation of the female reproductive system;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • cystitis;
  • prostatitis;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • falling ill with ENT organs;
  • flu;
  • asthma;
  • bronchitis.

Folk recipes

  • For a cold, You can strengthen your immune system and cope with the disease faster if you chew a few leaves of the myrtle tree every time after eating.
  • For purulent inflammation of the skin, Lotions with a decoction of myrtle will help. Pour 10 grams of dried leaves with a liter of cold water and boil for 10 minutes. Soak a piece of sterile bandage in the broth and apply to the affected area for several minutes. The procedure should be repeated 2 or times a day.
  • For bronchitis, prepare a mixture of medicinal herbs: 10 grams of primrose roots, 15 grams of lemon balm, 20 grams of myrtle, 20 grams of eucalyptus. Pour 1 tbsp. mixture with a glass of boiling water and let it brew for 20 minutes. Take one glass 3 times a day.
  • For kidney infection, An infusion of dried myrtle leaves should be prepared. To do this, pour 10 grams of leaves with a liter of hot water and leave for 10-15 minutes. Drink one glass 2 times a day.

In cosmetology

In cosmetology, essential oil of the myrtle tree is mainly used. It is characterized by the following beneficial properties:

  • nourishes and moisturizes the skin;
  • evens out skin color and gives it a healthy appearance;
  • restores local skin immunity;
  • relieves inflammation;
  • is a good remedy for pimples and acne;
  • strengthens hair follicles;
  • improves hair structure.


The myrtle tree can also be a houseplant. Keeping it at home is not at all difficult, but you need to consider several important points:

  • Fresh air is very important for the myrtle tree, so the most suitable place for it is on the windowsill (it is best to choose the western or eastern side), and in the summer - on an open balcony or in a personal plot.
  • The plant must be in direct sunlight for several hours a day.
  • Myrtle needs plenty of sunlight during the winter months.
  • You need to move the pot with the myrtle tree to a new place gradually, moving it 10-20 cm every day.
  • The most optimal temperature for myrtle is room temperature. Coolness is preferable to him than heat. In winter, if possible, you should place the plant in a cold place where the temperature does not exceed +8 degrees. Otherwise, the myrtle may shed its leaves.
  • At any time of the year, the soil in the pot should be constantly moist. Irrigation requires warm, soft water.
  • During the summer months the plant should be misted every day, but in winter no misting is required.
  • In spring, summer and autumn, the myrtle tree needs to be fed weekly with the selected fertilizer.
  • The myrtle tree can be given the desired shape by cutting branches from different sides. If you want your myrtle to grow into a low bush, trim it from the top, and if you prefer a miniature tree, then you need to trim the side branches.


Myrtle can be propagated by cuttings and seeds. Propagation by cuttings is preferable, as in this case the plant will bloom faster. The most favorable time for cuttings is winter and summer (the procedure should not be repeated more than twice a year). Cuttings are taken from below or from the middle of the trunk. The maximum length of the cutting is 8 cm. The leaves are cut or shortened. Then the cuttings are rooted in a shallow container filled with sand and moss and covered with a special cap. Periodically, young plants are watered and ventilated. The temperature in the room is maintained no higher than +20 degrees. After a month, the cuttings are planted in separate small pots.


At home, you can grow several varieties of common myrtle, including:

  • Alhambra
  • Flora Pleno
  • Variegata
  • La Clapé
  • Microphylla
  • Tarentine.
  • In Ancient Greece, myrtle was considered the plant of the goddess of love and beauty - Aphrodite, who sometimes called herself Myrthea.
  • According to ancient Greek myth, the myrtle tree grew from the body of the nymph Myrsina, who was killed by Athena out of envy.
  • The Bible says that the dove sent by Noah during the flood to search for land returned to the ark carrying a sprig of myrtle tree in its beak.
  • In France, myrtle is a symbol of innocence and a wedding tree. According to tradition, a pot with a myrtle tree should accompany the newlyweds throughout the celebration.

Myrtle (Myrtus) - a genus of southern evergreen woody plants with white fluffy flowers containing essential oil. Also, myrtle used to be called a wreath of flowers and leaves of such a tree or its branch - a symbol of silence, peace and pleasure.

Myrtle- fragrant evergreens, low-growing trees and shrubs. It has dark green, opposite, whole, leathery, seemingly polished leaves. Flowers solitary or numerous, in short racemes, axillary.

The leaves and shoots of myrtle contain essential oil, which was and is still used in perfumery, medicine, and also for making incense. On the islands of Sardinia and Corsica, myrtle is used to produce an aromatic liqueur called "Mirto" by steeping the plant in alcohol. This liqueur has earned the fame of the national drink of Sardinia. There are two varieties of this drink: “Mirto Rosso” (red), which is made from fermented berries, and “Mirto Bianco” (white), made from the leaves. In ancient times, a myrtle wreath with roses was a favorite wedding decoration. As a potted and tub plant, it is widely used for interior decoration. It grows well in rooms, but only if the rules of care are followed. The shoots are densely leafy and are used for cutting as greenery. Has phytoncidal properties.

In nature, myrtle reaches a height of 3-5 m. In cultivation, the plant is low (about 60 cm), rarely reaching 1 m.

The genus Myrtus (Myrtus) includes from 16 to 40 species of the family Myrtleaceae (Myrtaceae). Species of the genus Myrtle are widespread in North Africa, Western Asia, the islands of the Caribbean, Florida (USA), the Azores, and Europe (Mediterranean region).

One species is widely known in culture - the common myrtle (Myrtus communis).

Myrtle species

It grows in the undergrowth of evergreen oaks and pines and in bushes in the Mediterranean region, the Azores, and North Africa. Trees or shrubs up to 3-4 m tall; shoots are 4-sided, finely hairy, rounded, glabrous. The leaves are opposite, sometimes collected in groups of 3, ovate, lanceolate, 2-4 (to 5) cm long and 1-2 cm wide, pointed, leathery, entire, smooth, glabrous, glossy. If you look at a myrtle leaf in the light, you can see small dots filled with essential oil, thanks to which the plant emits a pleasant aroma. The white flowers of the plant are the most fragrant. They are small (up to 2 cm in diameter), five-petaled, located one at a time on long stalks. Numerous golden stamens give them a special identity.

Common myrtle has many cultural forms, differing in leaf position and flowering ability.

grows mainly in the Tassili n'Ajjer mountains in southern Algeria and the Tibesti highlands in Chad, where it is found in small islands of relict forests near the very center of the Sahara Desert. The Saharan myrtle is listed as a critically endangered species.

Many other plant species related to myrtle are native to South America, New Zealand, and throughout subtropical climates. The word myrtle also applies to some plants that do not have common ties with the myrtaceae, such as Indian lilac or lagerstroemia (Lagerstroemia, Lythraceae), waxweed (Myrica, Myricaceae) and some other shrubs.

Caring for myrtle

Lighting. Myrtle loves bright, diffused light and tolerates some direct sunlight. Suitable for growing near western and eastern windows. At south-facing windows in the summer, it is necessary to provide the plant with protection from the midday sun. It can grow in a north window, but flowering will be less abundant. In winter, myrtle is placed in the most illuminated places.

In summer, myrtle can be placed outdoors, in a place where protection from direct midday sun is provided. The plant should be accustomed to the new level of illumination gradually. Some gardeners bury a pot of myrtle directly into the ground to harden the plant for the summer.

Temperature. Myrtle loves cool weather; in spring and summer it needs moderate or slightly below moderate temperatures (18-20°C). During the winter months, the myrtle tree is best kept at a temperature of 5°C and not higher than 8-10°C. At higher than optimal winter temperatures, the plant may lose its leaves.

Myrtle needs an influx of fresh air.

Watering. Myrtle is watered regularly and abundantly from spring to autumn (as the top layer of the substrate dries), in winter - limitedly, with soft, settled water. Under no circumstances should the soil be allowed to dry out even briefly. If the substrate is nevertheless dry, watering is used by immersing the pot in a container of water. At the same time, you need to make sure that the water does not stagnate in the pan.

Humidity. You should carefully monitor air humidity. Although in the natural conditions of myrtle growth the air humidity rarely exceeds 60%, in rooms with central heating it is usually half that. From spring to autumn, the plant should be sprayed regularly. For spraying, you should use only soft, settled or filtered water. In winter, when kept cool, the plant is not sprayed.

Fertilizer. From spring to autumn, myrtle is fertilized weekly with floral fertilizer.

Myrtle has a pronounced dormant period. Depending on the position in the room, myrtle is at rest from 3 (on the north window) to 1.5 (on the south) months.

Features of cultivation. Myrtle easily tolerates cutting, and it can be given a very fancy shape. In A. Pylkov’s book, several ways of forming a plant are given: “If myrtle (that’s what myrtle was called in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century) is left to itself, then the plant will take the shape of a pyramid. If you cut off the top shoot, it takes the shape of a bush; if, finally, you cut off the side shoots, then the myrtle takes the shape of a crowned tree and branches at the top.” However, the author does not advise getting too carried away with pruning side shoots, especially in young plants, since the myrtle stem is not strong enough. Also, you should not pinch young shoots too often - this reduces the intensity of flowering. Therefore, when caring for myrtle, you need to decide what is preferable - highly branching compact bushes or beautifully flowering specimens with a loose crown. The plants are fast-growing, so within 2-3 years you can have small branched bushes (in 12 cm pots).

Transfer. Young plants are replanted every year in the spring, without burying the base of the trunk into the soil; subsequently, replanting is carried out if necessary after 2-3 years.

The soil. The following mixtures are recommended as a substrate: 1) turf, humus-peat soil and sand in equal parts; 2) ordinary greenhouse soil; 3) clay-, sod-, peat-humus soil and sand (1: 1: 1: 0.5). The pH of the substrate should be around 5-6. The bottom of the pot provides a good layer of drainage.

Reproduction. Myrtle is propagated by seeds and cuttings.

Propagation of myrtle by seeds. For sowing, we make a mixture of peat and sand in a 1:1 ratio (you can mix peat with vermiculite (1:1)). The substrate is moistened (the substrate can be shed with a fungicide).

The seeds are distributed over the surface of the substrate and sprinkled with a thin layer of substrate on top. Cover the container with seeds with glass or a transparent bag (or cling film). The temperature is maintained at least +18-20°C. Ventilate periodically by removing the cover. The substrate must be kept moist; try not to over-moisten or over-dry.

Typically, seedlings germinate in 7-14 days. When the seedlings grow two true leaves, they are planted in pots of the appropriate size. The substrate is made up of turf soil - 1 part, humus - 1 part, peat soil - 1 part and sand - 1 part. After transshipment, the seedlings may freeze in growth for some time; after a while, they usually begin to grow again.

After entwining a clod of earth with roots, transshipment occurs. Further care as for adult plants.
Myrtle grown from seeds blooms in the 5th year of life.

Myrtle propagated by semi-lignified cuttings in January-February and in summer - in July. Cuttings are taken from the lower and middle parts of the crown, cutting size is 5-8 cm; To reduce evaporation, half of the existing leaves are cut off and the remaining ones are shortened. It is useful to treat the cut with growth stimulants. N. Tsybulya and co-authors recommend using heteroauxin in a mixture with ascorbic acid (0.25% 0). Root in boxes, bowls, wide low pots in a mixture of leaf soil and coarse sand, or sphagnum and sand in a cool (16-20°C) shaded place. The cuttings are watered, sprayed and covered with glass or plastic film. Occasionally the soil is ventilated to avoid rotting of the cuttings and souring of the soil. Cuttings take root within 20-30 days. Rooted cuttings are planted in 7-centimeter pots. The substrate is made up of turf soil - 1 part, humus - 1 part, peat soil - 1 part and sand - 1 part. Water generously. Young plants are pinched to stimulate flowering. After entwining a clod of earth with roots, transshipment occurs. A plant from cuttings blooms in 3-4 years.

Precautionary measures

Common myrtle leaves are slightly poisonous and may cause nausea and headaches in sensitive people.

Possible difficulties

If there is not enough light, the stems stretch, the leaves become smaller and turn pale, but if there is too much light, they become dull, turn yellow, and the edges curl. In a dark room with high temperature, the plant sheds its leaves.

The plant suffers greatly due to overdrying and overwatering of the substrate. If the plant has dropped its leaves due to dryness or waterlogging, the shoots should be cut to half and continue watering (in case of waterlogging, watering very carefully) and spraying. After two weeks, young leaves may appear.

If the placement is too warm and dark, leaves may fall off.


— Myrtle infusion: five myrtle leaves are ground in a porcelain mortar, poured with one tablespoon of boiling water, cooled and after straining, 2 drops are instilled into each eye. At the same time, myrtle tincture is taken orally in the dosage indicated above. This treatment can slow or stop progressive blindness.

- Recipe for youth - myrtle wine: 100 gr. Ripe (black or blue) myrtle berries are poured with one liter of red wine, infused in a dark place for 15 days and taken 30-50 ml per day.

Tags: myrtle, myrtle, myrtle tree, myrtle care, myrtle care, myrtle plant, myrtle plant, myrtle photo, myrtle flower, myrtle tree, common myrtle, myrtle flower, myrtle care, myrtle houseplant, myrtle bonsai, myrtle tincture, propagation myrtle, growing myrtle, myrtle essential oil, myrtle tincture

(Myrtus communis) Even from one tree they give a wide variety of shapes. There are many cultivars that differ in size, leaf shape and color, growth density, berry color, and there are even varieties with double flowers:

    Alhambra is characterized by white fruits and dense foliage;

    Flora Pleno - double flowers;

    Variegata - variety with variegated leaves;

    La Clape - characterized by very vigorous growth and large purple berries;

    La Clape Blanc - similar to the previous variety, but the berries are white;

    Leucocarpa is also a form with white berries;

    Mycrophylla – dwarf small-leaved form;

    Tarentina - characterized by small leaves (1-1.5 cm), dense growth, abundant flowering, very popular in Italy;

    Tarentina Granada - with white berries;

    Tarentina Variegata - with white-variegated leaves.

There is another very interesting variety of myrtle Boetica, sometimes called Baetica. This is a slow-growing variety with large (6-7 cm) elongated and pointed leaves. The leaves are arranged in whorls, the trunk is a beautiful cinnamon color and tends to curl. In the process of growth, intricate twisted figures are formed. The flowers are large and white. The berries are black, oblong.

Our flower market receives mainly small-leaved myrtle; amateur gardeners find large-leaved myrtle, variegated varieties and, rarely, myrtle boetica.

Growing myrtle indoors

About the biological features and beneficial properties of myrtle - on the encyclopedia page Myrtle.

Myrtle can be kept indoors. It is very good if there is a place for him in the children's room, this will sharply reduce the frequency of colds in the child. Myrtle, according to some sources, also has anti-allergenic properties (see How to improve the air in rooms), which is also important for the health of modern children.

Myrtle can and should be placed next to an opening window. This is exactly the plant that can easily tolerate any drafts, including cold ones. But the myrtle must be protected from the frosty air flow, when it is -20 o C outside the window, otherwise it may become partially frostbitten. Standing in a draft, myrtle releases phytoncides into the room when its branches move - substances that kill microbes.

Myrtle prefers windows with southern, eastern or western orientation. A north window may be affected by a lack of light. It needs bright sun, even without shading during the midday hours. Only with sunny exposure can you wait for it to bloom. For the formation of berries, pollination by insects or artificially is necessary.

In winter, when kept in a warm room, myrtle needs frequent spraying of the leaves and even watering. It is advisable that there are no central heating radiators nearby. But to create optimal conditions for myrtle, as plants from the subtropics, it is advisable to place it in winter(or year-round) on a frost-free glazed balcony with a temperature +5...+10 о С, a decrease to 0 o C is possible. In general, it tolerates temperature fluctuations from 0 to +40 o C.

Watering uniform, without drying out the earthen clod, even from above. Excess water must be drained from the pan, otherwise the roots may rot.

Priming prefers slightly acidic, does not tolerate excess lime in the soil, although it does not require special softening of water for irrigation. It is advisable to add turf soil and sand to purchased peat soil; you can also add humus, but only leafy soil, not manure. On hot days, spraying is advisable; sometimes you can wash it in the shower.

Transfer myrtle is produced as needed, young plants every year in the spring, adult large specimens - once every few years. The main criterion for choosing the size of the pot is such a volume that when watering the plant in the morning, the soil does not dry out in the evening. If the size of the pot is not able to provide moisture to the substrate during the day, this means that it is time to replant. Optimal time for transplantation: spring-summer.

Myrtle needs formation. It is advisable to constantly pinch the plant as it grows, then a dense, compact crown will form.


Myrtle is easily propagated by cuttings; this is the only way to maintain cultivars. It also reproduces well by seeds, but with seed propagation the preservation of varietal characteristics is not guaranteed.

Pest Control

Myrtle is susceptible to attack by scale insects, whiteflies, mealybugs, thrips, aphids, and spider mites.

To combat aphids, 1-2 treatments with Aktara are enough. To get rid of mites, you need to frequently spray the plant on hot days, prevent the substrate from drying out, and provide enough light.

About the history of culture and beneficial properties - on the page .

Common myrtle is an evergreen plant glorified in myths. It captivates with the aroma of flowers, shiny green leaves and the ability to create a bush, tree or bonsai from it at home. The common myrtle flower is grown in closed circuits of greenhouses, apartments, and offices. It is believed that this is a tree of paradise that has taken root on earth.

How myrtle has conquered indoor gardeners

In the Mediterranean, myrtle is a tree up to 4 meters high. All parts of it are healing, it’s not for nothing that the name is translated as balm. Indoor myrtle has retained its beneficial properties. Only he has become shorter in height; he cannot rise more than a meter in height in room conditions. But obedient branches can be directed according to the designer’s idea and even grow a small grove of trees on a tray. Common myrtle, a flower, you can look at photos of its compositions endlessly.

Many years will pass, jewelry work will be required before the master will create such a miracle from the bush. This is art. But even a simple fragrant myrtle bush is not easy to grow. In Germany, every girl used to take care of her own tree from a very young age. When she got married, the flower became the talisman of the young family. The more beautiful the bride’s myrtle, the more marital happiness was predicted for this family. The subtext could be such an understanding. If a girl has already found an approach to a flower, she will also understand her husband, tame her, and there will be happiness in the family.

Myrtle is known as a cult plant not only in ancient Greece. It is a symbol of marital fidelity, peace and quiet in the home now. Wedding wreaths made from myrtle and rose ropes symbolize the fidelity of the spouses.

Myrtle brings health to the house. The leaves of the crop emit a pleasant smell, the flowers are fragrant. Scientists have determined that a small bush destroys up to 80% of microbes flying in the air. The smell of the flower has a calming effect on all inhabitants of the room - it pacifies!

For colds, steam inhalation with myrtle leaves is useful. And when the plant blooms with white and pinkish flowers, it is impossible to take your eyes off it. Its dried berries are a spice.

Common myrtle, caring for it at home

It is not easy to create conditions under which a plant thrives while sharing a home with a person. And myrtle is a special plant. He requires love and care more than other residents of the windowsill.

The main task for the development of a flower is the ability to provide it with a cold winter. In a city apartment with central heating, there is hardly a bright corner with a temperature of about 10 degrees. A closed loggia or balcony can save the situation, where you can keep the common myrtle plant in winter.

Let's start with the fact that we bought a flower in a store, grown in distant Holland. The beautiful tree captivated us with its bright foliage and healthy appearance.

But a little time passed, and it became clear that the leaves were beginning to dry out and fall off. And although there are a lot of them, the bush is still fluffy, but the urgent need to see what happened to the roots forced me to carefully remove it from the container. There, among the tangle of tangled roots, there was almost no soil. An incomprehensible composition, similar to household garbage and granules of some substance, probably fertilizer that the plant feeds on. It is necessary to replant the myrtle, this is a common practice for all purchased flowers, replant after a two-week quarantine.

Caring for common myrtle includes the following steps:

  • transfer;
  • pruning;
  • content temperature;
  • mode of watering, wetting leaves, fertilizer;
  • eliminating problems that have arisen.

The plant is transplanted into a pot with a good drainage hole. Take a pot larger than the one in which the plant is located. The roots are freed from the substrate and planted in new soil of the required composition. Do not bury the trunk. Create a drainage layer of at least 5 cm. The soil composition is half composed of turf soil, the other half consists of equal shares of peat, sand and humus. In the future, replanting the flower should be done using the transshipment method, if the myrtle does not dry out and the roots are healthy.

Pruning or pinching the growing crown is necessary so that the branches do not stretch and the plant is compact. After spring pruning, the plant quickly produces young foliage and begins to bloom.

The cut off tops can be rooted to produce young myrtles. The cuttings are germinated in water, then placed in light soil under a cover until new leaves begin to appear.

The room where common myrtle is kept should be bright, with good air exchange. Direct rays of the sun will dry out the foliage and it will begin to fall. In summer, the plant likes to be outdoors. In winter, the room should also be bright, cool, and with high humidity.

The plant should be watered moderately, but often, so that the soil is constantly moist, but not wet. Water should not contain chlorine or hardness salts. It is better if it is filtered in a jug with carbon cartridges. Regular spraying and a tray of moss will help maintain the required humidity around the myrtle.

Common myrtle should not have a place in the bedroom. Its essential oils have a stimulating effect and restful sleep will be disturbed. For the same reason, you should not take myrtle medicine at night.

Twice a month during the warm period, from March, you need to do fertilizing watering. If a green tree is grown or a bonsai is formed, fertilizers are taken for decorative indoor plants. For a flowering bush, you need to take a different composition, with a predominance of phosphorus salt.

The plant rebels and sheds its leaves if the following conditions are created for it:

  • sun rays burning the crown;
  • non-compliance with water regime and microclimate;
  • wintering in warmth;
  • lack of light in summer and winter;

He regards all this as a lack of love and sheds his leaves.

Is it possible to revive a dying plant?

As soon as drying, falling leaves become noticeable, you need to arm yourself with a magnifying glass. There may be a spider mite on your flower. The first sign will be yellowing of individual leaves. It can settle if the leaves are rarely moistened and the air in the room is dry. If the yellowing of leaves is widespread, then the reason may be overwatering and rotting of the roots.

If there are living branches, the plant needs to be revived. First of all, inspect the roots and remove all damaged ones. Sprinkle the cut areas with crushed coal, then with Kornevin. Remove the leaves from the ground part and perform deep pruning. Leave only living branches. Take light soil for planting so that it does not hold water. Do frequent watering with water containing microdoses of Kornevin. And wait, perhaps the plant will come to life. It is better not to bring the flower to this state.

Contents of the common myrtle at home - video

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