Diseases caused by viruses in animals. Symptoms and Treatment of Viral Infections in Cats and Dogs

landscaping 30.06.2020

Diseases that can be transmitted from animals to humans are called "zoonoses", "anthropozoonoses", or "zooanthroposes". It is quite difficult to diagnose such diseases, since general practitioners (not veterinarians) are often unaware of how a particular disease is transmitted from animal to person, they cannot always recognize it and prescribe treatment correctly. Therefore, it is simply vital to know where zoonosis can come from, how it manifests itself and how to prevent infection. Most of the infections are common in hot countries where it is not customary to wash hands and vaccinate. Read about rabies, infectious jaundice, helminths and protozoa, ringworm. And also you will learn why animals cannot infect the owner with pneumonia, viruses such as influenza, demodicosis.


Rabies is the most well-known and widespread zoonosis. This is a neurotropic virus that is transmitted with saliva and affects the brain, which is accompanied by convulsions, the result is a fatal outcome.
It is worth noting that active salivation in an animal is not always a sign of rabies. For example, cats may drool when stroked with pleasure, or with a bitter taste if they chew on a poplar branch.

source of infection.
The carriers of the rabies virus are usually wild or stray animals. What does this apply to all wild animals: and even cute hedgehogs that can accidentally wander into the country.
The medical term "slobbering by a rabid animal" means that a person was not bitten, but stained with saliva.
How to avoid infection?
Avoid contact with wild and stray animals. If you like a stray cat or dog, before taking an animal under your care, watch it for two weeks or more. If possible, ask those who have seen the animal before if there were any behavioral abnormalities. Since there is no cure for rabies, pets must be vaccinated against rabies.
How is rabies recognized?
It is impossible to recognize this disease at the initial stage, since the carrier of the virus begins to spread it 3-14 days before he himself has symptoms. An animal infected with rabies tends to be violent. But in cats, this disease is asymptomatic.
Animals with suspected rabies are placed in quarantine for up to 40 days: if they are infected, they will die, if not, they will live.
Unfortunately, when signs of rabies appear in humans, there is no cure for them either. Therefore, immediately after a bite or licking, it is necessary to administer the vaccine. Previously, 40 injections were made in the stomach, now everything is easier - a course of 6 injections in the shoulder.


Leptospirosis is caused by the spiral-shaped bacteria Leptospira, which are usually transmitted in the urine. Their favorite breeding grounds are mammals, as well as stagnant water during the warm season.

source of infection.
These bacteria enter the human or animal body along with contaminated water. Anyone can infect the water itself, but more often it is cows, pigs, and mice and rats that live near.
Both people and pets can get sick with leptospirosis, with the exception of cats.
Dogs also do not infect water bodies with leptospirosis, as they do not urinate while bathing, for this they need to sit down or raise their paw.
As a rule, the person himself can defecate while bathing.
How to avoid infection with leptospirosis?
Don't let dogs drink from old puddles. You can not swim in fire ponds and standing water.
Especially should be wary of those reservoirs that are near farms and farms.
Dogs and ferrets should be vaccinated.
Unlike rabies, leptospirosis appears on the second to fifth day. In animals, weakness, lack of appetite, shortness of breath, an unpleasant smell from the mouth, sometimes vomiting with blood and diarrhea are observed.
A person has a fever, headaches and muscle pains, chills, as with meningitis. Contrary to the name, jaundice is rare.
The presence of leptospira can be detected by donating blood for an appropriate analysis.
The disease is treated with antibiotics, which must be taken no later than on the fourth day from the onset of the disease, otherwise it is fatal.



Ringworm is caused by different types of fungi - Trichophyton and Microsporum. Their manifestations can only be distinguished by a doctor.
The source of infection with ringworm.
Normally, various fungi are always present on human skin and on animal hair. If the immune system is in order, they will not grow.
This infection thrives in debilitated animals, including old, young, chronically debilitated, malnourished, and living in unsanitary conditions.
Therefore, in contact with stray animals, you may well become infected.
Ringworm can also affect foxes, raccoon dogs, etc.
Do not touch unfamiliar animals, especially shabby ones.

How to identify ringworm in animals?
Spots begin to appear in the form of rings or circles. They may be bright red or gray, with inflamed crusts. The spots themselves itch unbearably, and the hair, of course, falls out in the affected area. Non-specialists may mistake lichen for a food allergy or beriberi. Gone are the days when it was believed that a sick animal should be euthanized. Ringworm can be cured with proper treatment.
What to do?
The most important thing is not to waste time and take a scraping at the first suspicion. If the analysis of the fungus did not reveal, do not rush. Retake the test again in a week.
Modern antifungal drugs effectively cope with lichen, even more easily in animals than in humans. Sometimes lubrication of stains with iodine solution gives a good effect.
Dogs, cats and ferrets can be vaccinated prophylactically, but only against one type of fungus - Trichophyton.

Why animals can't infect their host
pneumonia, influenza viruses, demodicosis?

get infected PNEUMONIA man from an animal is impossible. Dogs, cats and tame rats can indeed have mycoplasma - bacteria that live on the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. But animal mycoplasma is different from human mycoplasma. There are more than 40 of them, and those that settle on mucous animals are not transmitted to humans, as well as from humans to animals.
FLU VIRUSES human also differ from animal flu.
DEMODEKOSIS It is also not transmitted from animal to human. It is caused by the Demodex skin mite. This mite can live on the skin for a long time, but does not manifest itself in any way until a person’s immunity drops (just like fungal diseases). However, humans and dogs have different types of demodex that are not transmitted.

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Lesson Objectives:


  • To develop personal UUD through the formation of the concept of “virus”, “virion”, “viral diseases”, “virology”, expanding the knowledge of Suvorov students about viral diseases of plants, animals and humans. Show the danger of viral diseases, justify the need for knowledge about viral diseases in order to prevent them, about the role of the science of virology to combat viral diseases.
  • To develop regulatory and cognitive UUD through the ability to manage cognitive and educational activities by independently posing the problem and ways to solve it, structuring the material being studied, working with additional literature, the ability to make messages, raise questions, and conduct opposition.
  • Develop communicative UUDs that provide opportunities for cooperation: the ability to hear, listen and understand a partner, control each other's actions, correctly express one's thoughts in speech, respect the partner and oneself in communication and cooperation.

Methodological goals: to show the methodological techniques for the formation of citizenship among students at the lesson-conference in biology.

Material support of the lesson: presentation, IAD, handout, Suvorov's messages.

Lesson form: lesson conference.

During the classes

I. Organizing moment (30 sec). Greeting, checking readiness for the lesson, a positive attitude to work.

II. Activating student knowledge(3 min).

Students are asked to answer the following questions (slide 2):

What are the characteristics of viruses?

How do viruses function in cells?

III. Motivational-orientational stage(4 min).

Have you ever thought about the fact that humanity from the very beginning of its existence was threatened by serious enemies. They appeared unexpectedly, treacherously, without rattling their weapons. Enemies struck without a miss and often sowed death. Their victims were millions of people who died from smallpox, influenza, encephalitis, measles, SARS, AIDS and other diseases. So, for example, many famous personalities died from AIDS: the great dancer Rudolf Nureyev, the famous American science fiction writer Isaac Asimov, Actor Anthony Perkins, the famous tennis player Arthur Ash and many others (slide 3).

One of the famous people of the 20th century who died of AIDS was the lead singer of the band Queen. (Communication of the Suvorovites, slides No. 4 - 8, Appendix 1).

Why is it that until now, despite the fact that medicine has reached great heights, influenza epidemics incapacitate millions of people, there are no cures for AIDS? What is the problematic question? (Student answers).

Problem question:“How to avoid viral diseases? What do you need to know to resist viruses?

Imagine yourself in the role of those people who must protect humanity from viruses? What knowledge about viruses do you need to complete this important mission? What is your goal for the lesson?

Target: find out the danger, ways of infection with viral diseases of plants, animals and humans and measures for their prevention.

The class is divided into three groups that receive tasks for discussion at the end of the lesson. (slides number 9 - 10).

Tasks for groups: Based on the material discussed in the lesson about viral diseases, comment on the statements that you received:

  1. “Viruses are bad news in a good package of protein.”
  2. “Viruses are self-proclaimed dictators and engines of evolution.”
  3. “Life is like a box of matches. To be frivolous is dangerous.”

After completing the work, the groups prepare for the performance. The presentation of each group ends with the formulation of a conclusion on the issue considered and fixing it in the students' notebooks.

A speaker from each group is heard.

IV. Learning new material(25 min).

Viral diseases of plants and bacteria

(Messages from the Suvorovites, slides No. 11 - 15).

In plants, viruses cause - mosaic or other changes in the color of leaves or flowers, leaf curl and other changes in shape, dwarfism; in bacteria - their decay, (Appendix 2).

Viral diseases of animals

(Messages from the Suvorovites, slides No. 16 - 17, Appendix 2).

In animals, viruses cause plague, rabies, foot-and-mouth disease, and others.

Human viral diseases

In humans, viruses cause diseases such as smallpox, measles, paratitis, influenza, SARS, rubella, herpes, hepatitis, AIDS and others. (Messages from the Suvorovites, slides No. 18 - 26, Appendix 2).

AIDS is the plague of the 21st century. (Messages from the Suvorovites, slides No. 27 - 34).

Problem: “How to prevent the AIDS epidemic in Russia?”

Where did it all start?

The beginning of the history of AIDS - 1978 - is arbitrary, since some scientists believe that HIV passed from monkeys to humans between 1926 and 1946. Moreover, the results of recent studies indicate that this virus may have first appeared in the human population as early as the 17th century, but only established itself as an epidemic strain in Africa in the 1930s. The world's oldest human blood sample containing HIV dates back to 1959, the same year that an African patient from the Congo who had been bled died of AIDS.

In our country, the history of AIDS begins in 1987, and its development at first did not portend anything ominous. As of July 1, 1997, 4,830 people were diagnosed with HIV, of which 259 were diagnosed with AIDS.

AIDS was first officially registered by the US National Center for Infectious Disease Control on June 5, 1981.

According to the WHO at the end of 2000:

22 million people died;

More than 36 million infected

  • In 2003, about 40 million people were infected with HIV worldwide.
  • Over the past 2 years, 15 million people have been infected with HIV.
  • More than 24 million have already died from HIV infection.
  • Every day, more than 16,000 people become infected with HIV, of which 7,000 are young people between the ages of 10 and 24.

Before you is the table “AIDS. You can't see him, but he's there."

What is HIV and AIDS? HIV is the human immunodeficiency virus. It destroys the protective (immune) system, making a person unable to resist infection.

People infected with HIV are called “HIV infected”.

AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) is a viral infection caused by HIV infection. An infected person (HIV carrier) does not immediately fall ill with AIDS, looks and feels healthy for 3-10 years, but can unintentionally spread the infection. AIDS develops faster in those HIV carriers whose health is weakened by smoking, alcohol, drugs, stress and poor nutrition.

How can HIV be detected? There is a test for antibodies to HIV. By the presence of antibodies in the blood taken from a vein, it is established whether there was contact with the virus or not.

It should be borne in mind that several months may pass from the moment of infection to the reaction of the body (the test will be negative, but an infected person can already transmit HIV to others).

Where can you take the test? At any AIDS center in your area.

In special anonymous examination rooms, where everyone can take the test and get the result anonymously.

How does HIV infection occur? The virus is transmitted only through certain bodily fluids. It:

vaginal secret;

Breast milk.

That is, the virus can only be transmitted:

Any penetrating sexual contact without a condom;

With direct contact with blood through wounds, sores, mucous membranes;

When using non-sterile syringes for both medical purposes and drug administration;

From mother to child during pregnancy, childbirth or breastfeeding.

HIV is not transmitted - with household contacts (kisses, handshakes, hugs, use of common utensils, swimming pool, toilet, bed);

Through the bites of insects and animals;

When taking donated blood, as it uses disposable instruments, syringes and needles.

It remains common for HIV to be transmitted from mother to child during pregnancy, childbirth or breastfeeding. An HIV-infected woman can give birth to both an HIV-infected and a healthy child. According to statistics, out of 100 children born to HIV-infected women, on average, 30% of children are infected, of which 5 to 11% are infected in utero, 15% - during childbirth, 10% - while breastfeeding, and in 70 % of cases the child is not infected. Until the child is 3 years old, the diagnosis is not made. This is due to the fact that antibodies to the mother's HIV remain in the child's blood for three years, and if they subsequently disappear, then the child is considered HIV-negative, but if his own antibodies appear, then infection is recorded, and the child is considered HIV positive. HIV is transmitted in three ways: through sexual contact, through the blood of an infected person, or from an infected mother to her child.

Which of the following list is dangerous and which is safe?

  • Mosquito bite.
  • Use of a public toilet.
  • Kiss on my cheek.
  • AIDS care.
  • Using someone else's toothbrush.
  • Applying a tattoo.
  • Ear piercing.
  • Multiple sexual relationships.
  • Blood transfusion.
  • Bed bug bite.
  • Swimming in the pool.
  • Hugs with an AIDS patient.

“Why is regular medical examination of the population necessary?”

Virus protection. science virology

(Messages from the Suvorovites, slides No. 35 - 39)

Virology is the science of viruses that studies their structure, biochemistry, systematics and significance. Objectives: detection of new, previously unexplored pathogens of human, animal and plant diseases, determination of ways to combat viruses and prevent infection by them. Edward Jenner - English country doctor (1798) initiated the mass use of vaccinations and methods of vaccination.

The birth of modern virology is the 1950s, when the polio vaccine was created, methods for the continuous cultivation of live human cell strains in vitro were developed. Thus, a biological system was found for growing the virus in large quantities for study and mass production of a vaccine. The development of electron microscopy made it possible to study the morphological and chemical structure of viruses, the mechanism of their reproduction and interaction with the host cell. Research in the field of cytology, molecular biology and genetics contributed to the development of virology.

Problems of virology:

  • find affordable and effective means of combating viral diseases;
  • creation of long-term and preventive drugs that protect the body from infection;
  • clarification of the role of latent viral infections and virus carriers;
  • study of the possibilities of virogeny for solving problems of genetic engineering.

V. Debriefing(2 minutes.)

Let's remember the topic of our today's lesson, the goal and the problematic question that we posed today: (slide 40)

Problem question.Why is it difficult to fight and completely destroy viruses that cause diseases? What you need to know to avoid viral diseases?

But viruses - and everyone knows about it,
Among others live and prosper -
This is the sad reality!
AIDS threatens us - how to save yourself?!
And bird flu suddenly came from somewhere!
How to make a sword dull
And the shield remained impenetrable!
Let's look back!
Nature is like hide and seek
Plays with human destiny.
And he loves to make riddles for us,
One tricky riddle after another!
Like a test of strength
The human race passes by Nature,
And scatters with a generous hand
She is suffering on humanity.
And he watches without taking his eyes off
Will he survive this time?
But he survived, defeated the plague and smallpox,
He defeated cholera and diphtheria,
And he affirmed the thread of life with dignity,
Even though it was not easy at all!
For centuries, increasing knowledge,
From century to century becoming wiser,
A man has risen to understanding
the purpose of his mission.
She is simple! We live with Nature in peace
Obliged not to conquer her!

VI. Consolidation.(5 minutes)

As a reinforcement, discussion of the questions received for the groups. (Sl Aid 42).

VII. Reflection(30 sec) (Slide 44).

And at the end of our lesson, express your opinion about it, about your well-being in the lesson, about your comrades and working with them. You can use hints:

Today I found out...

I was surprised...

Now I can...

I would like to...

VIII. Task for s / n: paragraph 35, conduct a mini-study on the question: “Why is something that infects computer programs also called a virus?”

I would like to end our lesson with the words “World Charter for Nature”, adopted by the UN General Assembly (1982)

“Any form of life is unique, requires respect, regardless of its value to humans”


  1. Vaseneva E.V. “Viruses are non-cellular life forms” Grade 9.
  2. Karpusheva A.E. "Viruses" Grade 10. MOU Susaninskaya secondary school
  3. Lyasota S.I. "Viruses - non-cellular life forms" Grade 10. KSU secondary school No. 2 in Taiynsha.
  4. Ponomareva I.N. General biology grade 11 profile level.

Emergencies caused by infectious diseases of agricultural and wild animals

Infectious animal diseases- a group of diseases that has such common features as the presence of a specific pathogen, the cyclical nature of development, the ability to be transmitted from an infected animal to a healthy one and to take on epizootic spread. Caused by pathogenic bacteria, fungi, viruses, rickettsiae.

infectious disease- a form of expression of a complex of protective and adaptive reactions of the body to infection. Many infectious animal diseases, such as brucellosis, anthrax, rabies, etc., are transmitted to humans.

All infectious animal diseases are divided into five groups:

Alimentary infections affecting the organs of the digestive system. Transmitted through soil, feed, water. These include anthrax, foot and mouth disease, glanders, etc.;

Respiratory infections that lead to damage to the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and lungs. The main route of transmission is airborne. These include: parainfluenza, enzootic pneumonia, sheep and goat pox, canine distemper;

Transmissible infections that are transmitted by blood-sucking arthropods. These include: encephalomyelitis, tularemia, infectious anemia of horses;

Infections, the causative agents of which are transmitted through the outer integument without the participation of carriers. These include tetanus, rabies, cowpox;

Infections with unknown routes of infection.

The spread of infectious animal diseases occurs in the form of enzootic, epizootic and panzootic.

Enzootic- the simultaneous spread of an infectious disease among farm animals in a certain area, farm or point, the natural and economic conditions of which exclude the widespread spread of this disease.

Epizootic- simultaneous progressing in time and space within a certain region, the spread of an infectious disease among a large number of one or many species of farm animals, significantly exceeding the incidence rate usually recorded in a given territory.

Panzootic- massive simultaneous spread of an infectious disease of farm animals with a high incidence rate over a vast territory covering entire regions, several countries and continents.

The main most dangerous infectious diseases of animals

Rabies- an acute infectious disease that is caused by a virus that penetrates the wound and reaches the central nervous system. Increased susceptibility to rabies have: dogs, horses, cattle.

Symptoms of the disease: in cattle, rabies manifests itself in a silent form: there is no aggressiveness, salivation, hoarse mooing, paralysis of the pharynx, lower jaw, hind limbs develops rapidly, lack of appetite, forced movements, unsteady gait. An animal in a coma dies.

Prevention measures: sick animals are not treated, but isolated and killed when the diagnosis is confirmed. Dogs are often vaccinated. Animals that have bitten people or other animals are observed for 10 days. Bitten people are vaccinated and a complex of their treatment is carried out.

Rinderpest- a dangerous infectious disease. Symptoms of the disease and preventive measures proceed in the same way as in humans.

smallpox- an acute infectious disease. The disease affects humans and all kinds of animals.

Symptoms: occur in one of the forms - smallpox or diphtheria. On various parts of the body in birds, especially often in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe crest and chin, on the skin of the eyelids, limbs, pale yellow spots appear in the form of tubercles, they dry up and fall off. If there are no complications, then the animals recover.

Prevention measures: Animals are kept in quarantine and vaccinated. Dead animals are burned.

Bovine leukemia- chronic infectious disease. Caused by a virus and affects immunocompromised animals. It is characterized by a change in the composition of the blood.

Symptoms: manifests itself in the form of lymphocytosis and malignant tumors in organs and tissues. It is observed in an increase in lymph nodes without temperature reaction, anemia, weakening of cardiac activity, indigestion.

Preventive measures: regular examination of livestock by clinical and other methods. Destruction of diseased animals.

foot and mouth disease- viral disease of artiodactyl animals. Spread bird disease. It is characterized by fever and autotic lesions of the oral mucosa, skin, udder and limb. Sources of foot-and-mouth disease are sick animals. The virus is transmitted through milk, urine and feces. It is transmitted to humans through contact with a sick animal and its products. When pasteurizing milk, the virus dies after 30 minutes, when boiled - after 5 minutes.

Symptoms: temperature rise to 41 C, salivation from the mouth increases, bubbles appear filled with liquid on the tongue, lips, wings of the nose, near the hooves.

Preventive measures: mass vaccination of cattle, goats, sheep, pigs.

Teschen disease- an infectious disease of pigs. The disease is more often manifested in spring and autumn by the development of encephalitis or encephalomyelitis. It is characterized by an increase in temperature up to 41 ° C, causes convulsions, paralysis of the limbs.

Pseudoplague of birds- a viral disease of birds from the order of chickens. It is characterized by damage to the respiratory, digestive, central nervous system. The sources of the disease are sick and recovered birds, which excrete viruses through all the secretions, with eggs and exhaled air. The incubation period is 24 hours. Infection occurs more often through food, water, air, as a rule, in the autumn-summer period. Mortality is 60-90%.

ornithosis- an infectious natural focal disease of many birds, including indoor birds, as well as mammals and humans. It is characterized by atypical pneumonia, fibrous peritonitis, encephalitis.

Symptoms: runny nose, birds sneeze and rub their wings against the surface of objects, paralysis of the limbs of the wings.

Prevention measures: diseased birds are destroyed.

Newcastle bird disease more common in members of the order of chickens. A person can be a passive carrier.

Symptoms: there is lethargy, disheveledness, low hatchability of chickens, wheezing, cessation of laying, cyanosis of the crest and wattles, difficulty breathing, drooping wings.

Prevention measures: birds are vaccinated. When a disease is detected, viruses are typed.

infectious hepatitis- a viral disease of dogs and other carnivores (arctic foxes, foxes, wolves). It is characterized by fever, inflammation of the mucous membranes and liver damage.

Symptoms: weakened immune system, depression, hyperthermia up to 40-41 ° C, manifestation of acute gastroenteritis, diarrhea, manifestation of disorders of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

Prevention measures: the use of associated (polyvalent) sera of foreign and domestic production

Tick-borne encephalitis- natural focal transmissible (transmitted by ticks) viral infection, characterized by a predominant lesion of the central nervous system.

Symptoms: regardless of the clinical form, patients have common infectious manifestations of diseases, characterized by fever and other signs of the syndrome of general infectious intoxication. The incubation period of tick-borne encephalitis lasts an average of 7-14 days with fluctuations from one day to 30 days. Manifested weakness, malaise, weakness; mild pain in the muscles of the neck and shoulder girdle, ache in the lumbar region and a feeling of numbness, headache are noted.

Prevention measures: when visiting forests, use properly selected clothing. In the case of a stuck tick, it is necessary to grab it with tweezers or fingers wrapped in gauze and remove it from the skin with slow, smooth movements so that the proboscis does not break off.

Updated on 21.11.2013 12:43 21.11.2013 12:34

Viral diseases are widespread in nature, diseases of animals, birds, fish, insects and even bacteria that cause severe illness. Virus particles enter the animal's body in a variety of ways: through the skin, mucous membranes, through food along with food, and the virus can also enter through the respiratory organs. With untimely and improper treatment of viral diseases, the outcome will be fatal.

List of the most common viral diseases.

Canine adenovirus;


Viral hepatitis;

Viral peritonitis of cats;

parvovirus enteritis;

Rhinotracheitis of cats;

Symptoms of viral diseases:

Symptoms of adenovirus in dogs:

Adenovirus is a respiratory disease that is contagious. The direct source of infection is dogs that already have this disease. A healthy dog ​​can easily become infected from a sick dog that excretes the virus in urine, feces, through the mucous membranes of the nasal or oral cavity, and through sexual contact. Signs of adenovirus in dogs: the dog becomes depressed, redness of the mucous membrane of the pharynx. Also, dogs have wheezing in the lungs, dry and wet cough, in rare cases, the dog may experience diarrhea and vomiting. The pet looks lethargic, there is also a decrease in appetite. Adenovirus can infect any dog ​​at any age.

Symptoms of rabies in pets:

Rabies most often manifests itself in one and a half to two months, but the signs of rabies themselves appear on the 16-26th day after infection. Encephalitis defines all the signs and symptoms of rabies. Pets that were affectionate and tame can become aggressive, irritable over time.

There are two forms of encephalitis: aggressive and paralytic.

With an aggressive form, the animal becomes aggressive, ferocious, attacks the owner. There are convulsions, convulsive muscle contractions, trembling.

Paralytic form - the animal does not eat or drink, the cause is progressive paralysis, which completely deprives the ability to swallow.

Symptoms of viral hepatitis.

Viral hepatitis can occur in 4 forms:




In the acute form of viral hepatitis, animals are observed to have a depressed state, the animal refuses to eat, accumulation of excess heat in the animal's body up to 40-41 ◦ C, frequent vomiting with bile, diarrhea and other symptoms. In addition to these symptoms, the animals can also develop a disorder of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, develop rhinitis. With a hyperacute form of the disease, the death of the animal occurs suddenly, with the manifestation of convulsions - within one day.

Subacute and chronic form of viral hepatitis.

In animals, nonspecific organ disorders are observed. You can also notice an increase in temperature, which normalizes over time, a decrease in appetite, rapid fatigue, often diarrhea or constipation. If the female animal is pregnant and at the same time she has viral hepatitis of a chronic form, then she may have a miscarriage or dead cubs may be born.

If you notice at least one symptom in your pet, contact your veterinarian immediately. The doctor will determine the degree of development of the disease and prescribe treatment.

Symptoms viral peritonitis in cats

The primary symptoms of feline peritonitis are: loss of appetite, weight loss, the cat becomes less active, the cat has a fever. In a cat, the volume of the abdomen increases significantly, due to the development of ascites. With a clinical manifestation, the cat loses body weight, depression occurs, and signs of organ damage appear. With a wet course of the disease in cats, a viscous transparent liquid accumulates in the chest and abdominal cavity. With dry peritonitis in cats, damage to the nervous system and eyes is common.

Symptoms of parvovirus enteritis

Clinical signs of parvovirus enteritis can occur in varying degrees. The degree of development of this disease is usually divided into mixed intestinal, cardiac, depending on the prevailing symptoms.

At mixed form First of all, the cardiac, respiratory and digestive systems are affected. Often the mixed form appears in those animals that have very weak immunity - that is, in young animals.

The intestinal form is characteristic as an acute and subacute course of the disease. The animal refuses food and water, the reason for the refusal is a hemorrhagic lesion in the large and small intestines. One of the main symptoms of the intestinal form is uncontrollable vomiting for several days. After two or three days, the animal begins severe diarrhea, which lasts for 10 days.

The cardiac form of the disease most often affects puppies and kittens 1-3 months of age. This form is characterized by acute damage to the myocardium (muscles of the heart). Kittens and puppies refuse food and water, and even mother's milk. After that, the young animals have a sharp weakness, irregular pulse, heart failure. The lethal outcome of the animal can occur in 2-3 days.

Symptoms of rhinotracheitis in cats

In adult cats with a strong immune system, rhinotracheitis often resolves in a latent form, like mild rhinitis. A week later, the disease becomes chronic. When a huge amount of the virus enters the body in kittens with a weak immune system, the disease can occur in an acute and subacute form.

The acute course of Rhino tracheitis in cats is characterized by clear discharge from the nose, sneezing. For 2-3 days, the cat constantly lies, does not respond to the voice of the owner. Then the bronchi become inflamed in cats, cough with sputum occurs, the temperature rises to 41 ◦ C. The cat has a clogged nose, which prevents normal breathing and the cat begins to breathe through the mouth. Small ulcers appear in the oral cavity, sometimes there is increased salivation. Treatment and diagnosis should only be made by a veterinarian.

Plague symptoms.

Frequent symptoms that occur with plague, a sharp and sudden onset of chills, body temperature rises to 41 ° C, dizziness, general weakness, muscle pain, nausea. Also, in animals, coordination of movement, gait, speech is disturbed, the nervous system suffers, while sick animals are in a state of fear and anxiety, the animals begin to rave.

Clinical forms of the disease:

Localized: cutaneous and bubonic;

Generalized: pulmonary and septic.

Skin form: at the site of the entrance gate, tissue changes occur, in severe cases, blisters filled with serous exudate may come out.

bubonic form - this is an enlarged lymph node, the size of which can reach the size of a walnut to an apple. The skin is shiny and red with a cyanotic tinge, palpation is painful. On the 4th day, the bubo softens and fluctuation appears, on the 10th day the lymphatic focus is opened and a fistula is formed (a canal connecting hollow organs to each other or to the external environment) with an expression. The bubonic form at any time can cause a generalization of the process and go to both secondary bacterial septic complications and secondary pulmonary complications.

septic form. In the primary septic form of plague, microbes penetrate the skin or mucous membranes. Primary symptoms of the disease: elevated temperature of the animal, the animal has shortness of breath, rapid pulse, the animal begins to rave. Often, animals develop a rash on the skin. If you notice these symptoms in your pet, immediately seek help from a veterinarian, as if left untreated, death occurs within 3-4 days.

Lung form. The pulmonary form is characterized by the development of foci of inflammation in the lungs as the primary symptoms of plague. The pneumonic form of plague begins to destroy the functions of the respiratory tract. The animals then develop discharge from the eyes and nose, which becomes purulent over time. In the process of purulent discharge in animals, the nasal passages are closed. In animals, swelling of the nasal mucosa occurs, which prevents the animal from breathing normally, and inhalations and exhalations are sniffling, and in animals, the eyelids begin to stick together from pus. There is a mild cough with sputum. With such a disease, bronchitis often occurs in animals, and sometimes inflammation of the lungs.

If you notice any of these symptoms, contact your veterinarian immediately. The veterinarian will make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment for your beloved pet.

Infectious tracheobronchitis- a contagious respiratory disease manifested by coughing.
One of the causative agents of infectious tracheobronchitis in dogs can be adenovirus types 1-2. Infectious tracheobronchitis is most common in places where animals congregate (animal walking areas, pet stores, research laboratories). The disease occurs at any age, but is especially severe in puppies between the ages of 6 weeks and 6 months. Congenital anomalies in the development of the respiratory system, chronic bronchitis, bronchiectasis predispose to the disease.

Dog dermatophytosis and cats are usually caused by pathogenic fungi from the genus Microsporum canis, Microsporum gypseum, Trichophyton mentagrophytes. It is contagious to humans and other animals.

Infection occurs through sick animals (wool, scales), the environment (infected with a fungus), care items (litter, bowl, brush).

Sources of infection (reservoirs) are usually (Microsporum canis), (Trichophyton mentagrophytes) and soil (Microsporum gypseum).

Cell-mediated immunity is an important link in the defense mechanism against pathogenic fungi.

Everyone is familiar with an old engraving, which depicts characters from the century before last, walking with a dachshund, the back half of whose body is rolling on a cart. The reason for this phenomenon is a herniated disc, a widespread disease in certain breeds of dogs.

Dysplasia(Greek dys - deviation from the norm, plasis - formation, education; dysplasia - developmental disorder). Hip dysplasia (HJ) is an anatomical defect of underdevelopment of the acetabulum, which poses a risk of impaired musculoskeletal functions of the hind limbs. This disease has a multiple nature, in the development of which an important role is played by: rapid growth in the childhood and adolescence of the animal, as well as its "excessive" feeding. In addition to true dysplasia, these factors can lead to a secondary violation of the formation of the upper thigh and, as a result, to hip dysplasia. In addition, changes in the anatomical structure of the lumbar vertebrae lead to secondary hip dysplasia. It should be noted that changes in the spine do not lead to anatomical, but to "functional" hip dysplasia with consequences characteristic of true hip dysplasia.

Stroke is the third leading cause of human death. Fortunately, animals are not prone to stroke in the same way that humans are. and rarely suffer from hypertension, are not prone to the formation of cholesterol plaques in the vessels, they do not smoke or take alcohol. That is, they lack the main risk factors for impaired blood supply to the brain. In the vast majority of cases, symptoms of a completely different disease, called peripheral vestibular syndrome, are mistaken for a stroke. Symptoms of this disease are caused by damage to the organ of balance - the labyrinth of the cochlea and / or the VIII pair of cranial nerves. These structures are most often affected by inflammatory diseases of the ears. Therefore, the first thing a veterinarian should do is to examine the external auditory canal.

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