Small house with stove. Projects of houses with a Russian stove - examples of layouts with photos and design features

Landscaping and planning 23.06.2020
Landscaping and planning

As cities get bigger, people are increasingly feeling the lack of nature and clean, fresh air. That is why people tend to get out of the city as often as possible in order to spend the weekend in their own country house. The simplest option for construction is one that does not need and. But you can take a break from the bustle of the city in such a house only in the summer, while the summer season is on.

The choice of which depends on your individual needs. If between the heating of the whole house and the beauty and atmosphere of comfort you choose the second option, then you should give your preference to the fireplace. It does not heat for very long, the heat it creates quickly disappears, but it burns very brightly and beautifully - an ideal solution for those who like to drink tea and look at the fire.

A brick oven for the home, in turn, is able to store heat for a very long time. In addition, the Russian stove is good because you can cook a lot of delicious and fragrant dishes in it, which, of course, cannot be done in a fireplace. Therefore, in most cases, they are developed with a Russian stove, since this option is the most convenient and easiest to perform.

An example of a traditional house layout with a Russian stove

A special permit is required for autonomous gasification, and the installation of a liquid fuel boiler requires the installation of a special container for diesel fuel that can hold at least three tons of solarium. With such high costs, they will be very irrational, except perhaps only if a large family constantly lives in the house.

The project of a small country country house with a stove

Which stove is better to heat the house

It is possible to provide heat in the house not only by heating the air in the room, but also thanks to a well-heated floor, walls and interior items. In this case, the advantage is that the dew point of the facade walls shifts towards the outer insulation. Accordingly, complete dryness of the internal walls is ensured, as well as the absence of fungus, mold and moisture.

For such heating, you can use not only a Russian stove, which is made of brick, but also a metal structure that is quickly and easily installed. Installation of such a furnace can be done by hand, without resorting to the help of a master. The metal structure heats up very quickly, which allows you to immediately start heating the room. At the same time, when the furnace stops working, the furnace cools down just as quickly. Metal cannot accumulate heat, its heat capacity is very low, so only the air warms up in the room, not the walls.

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Typical house designs

The metal stove is quickly installed in the cottage and does not require major modifications in the project of the house

In this case, an excellent alternative is a brick oven, which has excellent storage properties. To figure out which type of brick oven is suitable for heating your home, you must first of all identify all the features of its operation. All-season residence implies that there is always someone in the house, so a couple of times a day you can safely make a firewood bookmark to ensure constant heating.

Brick oven for heating the house with wood

How to heat a house with a brick oven

Projects of one-story houses with a stove involve placing the stove in such a way that it fully or partially acts as an interior partition. In a two-story cottage, the upper floor is heated with a chimney running along the wall and an additionally installed stone or brick fireplace. The indisputable advantage of such a system is the possibility of accumulating and dissipating heat even after the completion of the furnace furnace.

Plan of the 1st floor of the house with a stove 2nd floor plan

To summarize, if you heat a brick oven once for 3-4 hours, you can provide high-quality room heating for at least 12 hours. The rooms on the second floor will be heated by a chimney passing along common walls with them. Brick ovens have only one drawback: their warm-up time is at least one hour.

Modern Russian brick ovens

At present, the design of the traditional Russian stove has several options, which depend on the domestic needs of a particular family.

So, modern projects of furnaces for the home are:

The location of the furnace in the house

The layout of a house with stove heating is carried out depending on the main purpose of the stove. Cooking stoves, which are used daily for cooking, are placed in living rooms or in kitchens. A heating shield can act as a partition and for heat transfer, protruding as much as possible into the room where more heating is required. The kitchen room receives the necessary amount of heat from the cast-iron stove and the firebox.

Options for the location of the furnace in a private house

If the project of a house with a Russian stove, first of all, implies high-quality space heating, then it is more expedient to place it near the coldest outer wall. Due to this arrangement, the movement of cold air near the floor is excluded, which does not always give good results with stove heating. Heating stoves, in most cases, are located next to doorways or in partitions separating rooms, as close as possible with the furnace door to the front door.

In any case, it is recommended that stoves be positioned in such a way that they take up as little usable space as possible, while at the same time, a maximum of a warm working surface goes into the room where heating is required. Between the roof rafters and the beams of the interfloor or attic floor, a chimney outlet must be provided. The blower doors and the furnace are located in such a way that there is at least one meter of free space from them to the wall or partition.

If we are talking about new garden partnerships, then in most cases you can simply forget about the presence of a gas pipeline. Therefore, many individual developers are ready to consider various projects of wooden houses with stove heating, which allows you to heat your home at any time of the year. Most often, a brick structure acts as a heat source.

Advantages of this option

To heat a living space with a stove, there is no need to create a complex piping system, since the air gets the right temperature directly from the structure itself.

Structures of this type for space heating may have a different device, but their principle of operation is very similar.

  • Energy independence from external factors allows operation at any time.
  • If necessary, you can do the work on the construction of such a structure with your own hands.
  • Heating with live fire makes it possible to create a cozy and comfortable atmosphere in a residential or country house.
  • The price of the fuel used is low, which is primarily due to its availability.

Note! When using a furnace, only objects of not too large dimensions can be heated, if a piping system with a heat carrier inside has not been arranged.

Some Features

When considering the project of a house with stove heating, many nuances must be taken into account so that the stay or permanent residence is comfortable. When erecting the structure itself, all possible heat losses, as well as the overall quadrature of the structure, should be taken into account.

Heat source location

If you intend to create a new project for an individual building with heating in the form of a stove or choose a ready-made option, you should consider the placement of the main structure, since its thermal power will depend on this. In addition, the poor location of the oven can greatly impair spatial perception.

In order for the brick structure for air heating to function effectively, it must be installed in the central part of the house. With this option, heat will be generated in several rooms at once. The firebox should go into a room that is closer to the front door, then fuel delivery will be as convenient as possible.

It is possible to place the structure near one of the walls, but in this case the air will warm up in one room, and then enter the other ones. In this situation, closing the doors between rooms is not recommended.

The furnace power indicators are reflected in the technical documentation of any project. The thermal calculation is actually quite complex, but there are generalized results that can help in the selection.

For 10 sq. m area usually requires 1 kW of power. Given these indicators, it is possible to carry out preliminary calculations. Thus, for a 5 × 6 house, 3 kW will be needed.

Calculation example: 5×6/10=3.

Power indicators can significantly affect the dimensions of the structure, therefore, at high values, the location of the structure plays the most important role.

About chimney options

The presence of a channel for the removal of combustion products is a prerequisite for the construction of any and other types of solid fuel. Therefore, even at the design stage, it is necessary to determine the place where the main pipe will pass.

As for the materials of manufacture, they can be different.

  • The most common for a brick structure is a chimney made of a similar material.. With this option, the risk of fire is greatly reduced.
  • Sometimes a galvanized steel pipe is installed, which is additionally insulated with non-combustible materials. At the junction with wooden surfaces, additional protection is laid.
  • A channel made of ceramic elements is quite effective, since condensate practically does not collect on the inner surface. The installation ensures a high level of fire safety.

Addition! A sandwich chimney is also a good option, because it is made immediately with a heater inside. That is, between the two layers of metal there is already a heat-insulating material.

Firebox design

When designing a furnace, it is necessary to take into account the dimensions of the chamber in which the fuel burns. Calculations are carried out depending on the heat transfer coefficient.

As for the material of manufacture, it directly depends on the fuel used during operation.

  • If it is supposed to heat the house with firewood, then it is better to build a firebox using refractory bricks.
  • When using coal for heating the interior of the building, the combustion chamber must be built of red brick.
  • In the case of peat firebox, but two grates must be installed inside.

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Many people living in cities are fed up with the fact that vehicles are constantly making noise outside the window, the factory is humming, noisy enterprises (for example, restaurants) are working, so they want to settle at least for a while somewhere far away from the city, or at least live in the country. And so let's consider what are the projects of houses with stove heating made of brickwork.

However, there are a lot of amenities in apartment buildings, and residents want to see those in their own private house, because it is quite possible to live in your own house and enjoy the benefits of civilization if you make projects for houses with stove heating. They are most comfortable if there is no gas nearby.

Advantages of furnace heating

In principle, a house can be built from absolutely any material. Such, for example, as brick, wood, stone. Many heating systems do not have such advantages as a stove. Besides, what to do if the gas pipeline is like the moon, and electricity will be provided only next autumn? Is it really so to sit without heat and freeze in your own house?

Consider the advantages of a furnace heating system using a specific example. Let's say that our private house is made of stone. Then heating with a furnace will be very productive, and all because the stone has one very interesting property - it can accumulate heat. To heat the house with a stove, it is enough to purchase any solid fuel. It can be either cardboard. If there is a forest nearby, then you can go and bring branches. And if there are logging organizations nearby - firewood. It is not necessary, however, to stuff whatever your heart desires into the stove.

Another plus of heating with a stove is that you don’t have to wait until they finally bring it, because you can safely heat it with another type of fuel. It is recommended to come up with a room for storing fuel in advance and stock up on various ones. Then the stove will give out heat without interruption. Also in the work of electricity there are constantly various failures, and even emergencies. But this will not affect the oven in any way.

The stove quietly works by itself offline. In this case, it is possible to install a furnace heating system as the main element, as well as as an additional one.

For example, in a private house there is already some kind of heating system, but it is quite possible to install a stove as well. After all, it creates coziness, gives comfort and warmth.

Imagine: winter, snow outside, severe cold, and the whole family is going to have dinner together by a warm stove. There is also a fire that soothes, relaxes. Near it you can sit with your loved one, with your pet. Surely someone has seen paintings that depict people sitting in an armchair near the stove with a dog or cat. Many do not like wood-burning stoves, but they still stand in private homes and, for sure, will still stand for more than a decade.

Initially, it is necessary to make projects of houses with stove heating from brickwork. The furnace design plan must be on paper, that is, it is drawn up. It should indicate all the required norms, necessary rules and various nuances. It turns out, as it were, an instruction that may be quite useful in the future.

The house can have more than one floor, then you should definitely allocate a small room for a boiler room in it.

In the case when the stove is made of a building material such as stone, then its maximum temperature cannot be more than 120 degrees. If it is made of metal, then in this case the temperature will be much higher.

Brick fireplaces

With the help of the oven will have a certain area. In order to calculate it, you need to first find out such important nuances: how many windows, doors in the house, what is the material of the walls, how the house is insulated, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthis house. At the same time, it is taken into account that the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe structure, equal to one square meter, can heat 35 square meters of the house. However, this takes into account the temperature outside the window of minus 25 degrees.

In the case of installing a coil, you need to invite the master. In this case, the coil must be made of sheet steel. Or metal can be used in pipes with a thickness of 5 millimeters. The coil ensures maximum room temperature under specific conditions.

Scheme of laying a brick oven

Some people say: let the stove stand somewhere in the hallway or even in the kitchen. She should not interfere with the passage, and there is no need for her to catch her eye once again. However, this is not the most important criterion for choosing the right place to install the stove. The rules for the construction of stoves say that it should stand somewhere in the center of the room, while the firebox goes somewhere into the kitchen or onto the veranda, and the hob should also go there. Part of the stove, made of stone, enters the bedroom or hall.

Professionals say that the stove, as a rule, can heat two rooms if they are located next to each other. If the house is very large, it has many floors, then the oven will most likely need not one, but two or even three. There is the following designation - a heated circuit. It is used by stove-makers - professionals for laying stoves and installing all kinds of heaters, such as, for example, a Russian stove or a fireplace.

Stove heating project

The main thing is to choose the right plan from all the projects of houses with stove heating.

Then you can even heat a two-story house if you wish. At the same time, the furnace heating system can be organized in such a way that people will live on the second floor only in warm weather. If the oven needs to be repaired, or there are any problems with it, it is best to immediately call a specialist. When replacing a gas burner, you also need to call a professional.

Requires very cheap fuels. It is quite possible to do it yourself, but before that you need to read everything you can about this project. The stove is very efficient and can decorate absolutely any interior.

Besides the fact that the oven heats the room, you can cook delicious food in it. Therefore, they put a Russian stove on which there are beds, and it is very convenient to lie on them. It is worth considering that if you carry gas into the house, then you need to get permission. In this case, a boiler for liquid fuel will require the use of a container in which diesel fuel will be placed, and the volume of such a container should be about three tons. Imagine that you have a small house in the country.

Why such waste? Well, maybe only if several people live there permanently, otherwise it’s completely useless. The stove warms up the air well, heat is transferred from it to the floors and walls. It is not recommended to make a stove from metal, it does not collect heat, and when the firebox is not working, the stove will cool down quickly.

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Stove heating makes its own adjustments to the architecture of the house - professionals begin designing a building by choosing the type of hearth and place for its construction. The project of a house with a Russian stove is always different from the project in which the "Swede" or a modern cast-iron convection stove plays the main role. The main task of the designer is to correctly determine the installation location of the heating device and plan the placement of rooms so that each room is warm and dry.

Features of designing housing with stove heating

Stove heating, which does not provide for a water circuit, will only be effective if the stove becomes the center of all adjacent rooms. To achieve this, the hearth is installed in the wall between the rooms, and the firebox is led out into the corridor or into the kitchen.

One hearth for four isolated rooms

Some architects offer another solution to the problem - the installation of two or even three hearths in different rooms. However, a central heating unit is preferable to the construction of several heat sources - this allows you to get by with one chimney and significantly saves fuel consumption.

In the projects of two-story houses with stove heating, the same rules are followed, but they necessarily provide for a reliable overlap between floors that can withstand the mass of a brick building. All heavy parts (bed, oven, hob) are placed on the ground floor, and at the top they are limited only to the heating shield.

If the house is planned according to the principle of a studio and consists of one large room, the Russian stove is made the central link, simultaneously assigning the tasks of a space divider to it. Thus, the hearth can separate the kitchen and living room, sleeping area and common room.

Russian stove with stove bench in a house with a large living room and bedroom

Enlarged doorway in the bedroom does not interfere with air exchange

Examples of an interesting layout of houses with stove heating

Considering the projects of houses with a stove, it is worth considering not only the size of buildings and layout features, but also the materials used for the construction of buildings. Not all options designed for brick buildings are suitable for wooden structures.

Small country house with a veranda

This small house has one living room of 15 sq. meters and a kitchen-dining room of 8 sq. meters. The project includes a small bathroom, the entrance to which is located in the kitchen, and an unheated veranda.

Project of a house with stove heating (building dimensions 5 * 7 meters)

The heating device is located in the center of the building and heats all the interior spaces: the kitchen, the room and the bathroom. The firebox is located on the side of the kitchen, it is also recommended to equip the hob and oven here. If hot water is needed in the house, then the authors of the project consider the bathroom to be the best place for a hot water tank.

From the side of the living room, it is easy to supplement the stove with a false fireplace, providing a small recess in the wall. A decorative fireplace insert will not only decorate the room, but also increase heat transfer, playing the role of traditional stoves used in the construction of Russian stoves.

Wooden house with two living rooms and a bathroom

This log house has two adjacent rooms - a bedroom and a living room, which has a kitchen-dining room. The hearth in the wall heats all four rooms, including the entrance hall and the bathroom. The lounger is brought to the bedroom, where it serves as a resting place and increases the heat transfer of the heating device, remaining warm for a long time.

Plan of the hut with a Russian stove

There is a dryer in the hallway - it is convenient to dry wet shoes and clothes on it. The kitchen has a stovetop. For the warm season, a summer move is provided, allowing you to use only the stove, without using heating.

Layout of a house with two bedrooms and a living room

This house is designed for permanent residence and includes two bedrooms, a living room with a kitchen, a bathroom and a storage room. The stove is located in the wall and heats the kitchen-living room and both bedrooms. The bathroom is not heated, but it borders on the hallway, into which one of the stove corners is displayed. If a wood burning hearth is the main source of heat, it makes sense to increase its efficiency with the help of air ducts.

The project of a residential building with stove heating

The kitchen is equipped with a hob and oven. There is no door in the living room, so the heat is evenly distributed throughout the house. If you plan to build a Russian stove with a stove bench, then it is best to build a trestle bed in one of the bedrooms.

Brick house project with two stoves

In a large permanent residence, in some cases two separate stoves are installed. This building has two bedrooms, a living room and a separate kitchen. The main multi-turn heating stove is installed between the living room and the children's room. The furnace door and the body of the building go into the living room, and the nursery is heated with a rough one - this arrangement prevents carbon monoxide from entering the children's bedroom.

The second hearth with stove and oven is located in the kitchen and heats the adults' bedroom. The design of this model can work in winter and summer - in the warm season, summer dampers are opened, through which hot gases quickly go into the chimney.

Residential building with two heat sources

Heat enters the corridor from the kitchen, the room is small, so it is enough to leave the door open to ensure a comfortable temperature in the hallway. There is no heat leakage to the street, since the glazed veranda cuts off the flow of cold air.

With all the variety of ready-made projects of houses with a stove, we recommend that you contact a specialist and order an individual plan, expressing your wishes. If you choose one of the schemes, you need to show the drawing to a professional, perhaps he will make useful adjustments and advise on how to make stove heating as efficient as possible, and make the house comfortable and cozy.

Video: oven in the home heating system

Projects of houses with stove heating, layout, system and scheme

Recently, more and more residents of large cities are striving to escape from apartments to houses on the ground. This can be easily explained by the fact that many people are tired of the bustle of the city and the noise of the roads. Moving to private houses, their tenants want to have all the amenities that they had while living in apartments. Some of these amenities are electricity and a water supply system. You can live in a private house and enjoy all the inventions that are available to man. The house, which is equipped with a boiler heating system, will be the most comfortable for living. But what to do if the gas main has not yet been connected to the private sector, where your house is located? In such a situation, it will be necessary to prepare projects for houses with stove heating.

House project with stove heating

The material from which the house is built does not matter much in this case. The project of a house with stove heating can be organized both in a stone or brick house, and in a wooden one. Stove heating has a number of advantages that are not available in the case of other heating systems. If the house is built from a material such as stone, then stove heating in this case will be more efficient. This is easily explained by the fact that stone is a material that has the ability to collect heat.

Many types of solid fuels are suitable for stove heating. This list includes such types of fuel as: firewood, peat, cardboard, coal, branches and much more. However, do not get carried away and stuff the oven with everything you can.

Another advantage of stove heating is that the stove heating system of a private house does not depend on interruptions associated with the supply of a heat source or emergency situations. Stove heating is popular due to the fact that it works offline. The furnace can be not only the main source of heat, but also an additional one. Even if your house is equipped with a more modern heating system, the stove will never be an extra device in the house. Many people like the ordinary stove because it creates an amazing and cozy atmosphere. Isn't it nice to get together with the whole family on a cold winter evening by the warm hearth? Or create a romantic atmosphere and sit together near a live fire. Wood stoves, although they lose their popularity over time, will be relevant for most owners of private or country houses for many years to come.

The stove serves not only as a source of heat, it is also a wonderful decoration for any home.

Before you start any process, it must be put on paper. This phenomenon is called drafting. For those who want to live in a private type house, the layout of the house with stove heating is more popular. In a document such as a house project, all building rules and regulations are indicated, which provide for many nuances before making heating from the stove. A project is a kind of instruction that can be useful for all occasions.

Preliminary plan for a furnace heating device in a house

If the house has more than one floor, then it is imperative to organize a small boiler room in it. The surface of the stove, made of stone, should be heated to a maximum temperature of 120 degrees. This temperature has nothing to do with the metal elements of the furnace, since the metal will be heated to higher temperatures.

In order to determine what area the stove water heating scheme will have, it is necessary to take into account such points as the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house, the number of doors and windows, what material the walls of the building are built from, to what extent the house is insulated and other factors. 1 square meter of the furnace area can heat up to 35 square meters. meters of house area. Such values ​​​​are taken into account at street temperatures not lower than -25 degrees.

Heat transfer of household stoves depending on the design

How to find the right place for the stove in the house

Many people believe that homemade heating stoves should be somewhere in the corner of the hallway or kitchen wall. Choosing such an arrangement, people want, first of all, to position the stove in such a way that it does not interfere with the passage or is not conspicuous. However, this should not be the main criterion when choosing a place where the oven can be installed.

Options for installing a stove in a country house

The rules for the construction of the furnace says something completely different. The stove is best installed in the central part of the room. Another rule says that the hob and firebox should go out onto the veranda or into the kitchen. The stone part of the stove and its main surface should go into the bedrooms and the hall. According to professional calculations, one stove can heat up to three rooms, if they are located close to each other. If the house has a large area and several floors, then you will need to install several stoves.

Today, many probably know such a thing as a heated circuit. It may have two functions, or it may be more functional.

Depending on the circuit to be heated, professional stove-makers recommend laying stoves with water heating of such heaters as: a simple fireplace, a Russian stove or a combined fireplace and stove system.

If the plan of a house with stove heating is chosen in the right way, then it will be able to heat even a two-story house at any, even the coldest time of the year. It is possible to organize the heating system in such a way that the second floor is intended only for living in warmer periods.

Note that in case of need for repair or any problems, you should contact the specialists. If you need to replace certain items, such as a gas stove burner, be sure to call the professionals. The same applies to the first installation of such elements, for example, as a coil in a heating furnace. Note that this element must be made of sheet steel or metal pipes, thickness - 3-5 mm. The stove heating coil must provide the maximum temperature of the heat carrier possible under such conditions.

A wood burning stove is a device that needs one of the cheapest types of fuel. Such a heater can be built with your own hands, however, for this you need to read special literature and find projects for wood-burning stoves. In addition to the characteristics regarding its efficiency, the stove is also quite a beautiful element of any interior.

Projects of houses with stove heating

The advantages of country houses are incomparable with living in an apartment in a multi-storey building, and most residents of large metropolitan areas strive, even if not to move to a country cottage, then to build a small house where they can take a break from the hustle and bustle on weekends or vacations. But one desire is not enough. To ensure full living conditions, it is necessary, at a minimum, to bring the most important communications - light and water. As for heating, the project of a house with stove heating will help you create the temperature conditions necessary for a full-fledged existence.

Benefits of furnace heating

When designing houses with stove heating, it does not matter at all what building materials the building itself will be built from. The arrangement of such heating systems can be carried out both in houses made of bricks and in wooden rooms.

A clear advantage of planning a house with stove heating is that its operation is completely autonomous from the electrical network.

When planning a private house, many people purposefully prefer a stove, believing that this attribute fills the home with an amazing and at the same time cozy atmosphere. And, despite the fact that over time, wood-burning stoves are gradually losing their popularity, at present people are trying to maintain the traditions of their ancestors and build their cottages according to the projects of village houses, especially since it is not necessary to build a bulky stove, small enough, but very functional.

With this article they read: How to build a mini Russian oven with your own hands?

Wood stove design

Before proceeding with the construction of a house with stove heating, it is necessary to draw up a project. It is in this document that absolutely all the points that apply to premises of this type should be taken into account. This is the height of the ceilings, and the presence of a chimney, and the placement of the stove from other functional items. Simply put, the design of a village house is nothing more than a manual with which you can build a secure home.

House project 9x11 sq.m

If you plan to build a multi-storey building with stove heating, then you should take care of the presence of a separate boiler room, in which the stove will be located.

Furnaces made of brick and material identical in performance characteristics can only be heated up to 120 ° C.

In order to correctly draw up a project for a house with a Russian stove, it is necessary to take into account a number of important nuances:

  • total area of ​​future housing;
  • number of living rooms;
  • number of storeys of the building;
  • type of material from which the house is planned to be built;
  • the degree of thermal insulation, both internal and external;
  • seasonality of residence - stay in the summer or year-round stay in the building;
  • the presence of another alternative heating unit.

1 sq.m. furnace installation can heat up to 30 sq.m. area of ​​the room. Such indicators are valid only at outdoor temperatures up to -25 ° C. With a decrease in temperature conditions below the specified value, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe heated room is significantly reduced. When preparing a project, consider the average temperature in the region.

House project 6 x 8 sq.m

Installation location

In accordance with SNiP (building codes and regulations), it can be clearly stated that such heating systems should be located in the center of the structure.

The hob and the firebox must be taken out to the kitchen or other room that is identical in functionality. The stone side of the stove must be located in the living rooms.

Ways to locate the stove in the house

If you place the stove against the wall, which is exactly what many homeowners do, you need to understand that cold air will constantly circulate near the floor, which will create not very comfortable conditions for the household.

If the design scheme for building a house with stove heating was chosen correctly, then by means of such a heating installation it is possible to create the most comfortable temperature conditions even in a multi-storey building, without using other alternative heating systems.

Read this article: How to make a corner fireplace with your own hands

The principle of organizing the work of a wood-burning unit

As a rule, water heating is used for wood-burning stoves. To organize such a heating installation, it is enough to install a heat exchanger inside the combustion chamber for fuel resources. Two circuits are connected to it, through which the coolant will be supplied to the heating lines and returned to the heat exchanger for reheating. Heat can be removed using an ordinary steel tank.


The walls of the heat exchanger are made of metal sheets, the minimum thickness of which is 3 mm. However, it is highly undesirable to use a thick material (more than 5 mm), since this will lead to additional costs of fuel resources required for heating the heat exchanger itself.

The thickness of the laying of the furnace can be one brick, and half a brick. For the device of such heaters, it is necessary to use exclusively oven bricks.

The issue of building an additional foundation is also important. Due to the fact that a brick oven has a rather impressive weight (more than a ton), the need for such an element is extremely important. This will eliminate the risk of subsidence or deformation of the heating element. If the stove is built together with the house, there is no need to build a separate foundation.

How to prepare a masonry mortar

Now with regard to the cement mortar, which will be used when laying out the furnace. So, experts recommend using a sand-clay base for these purposes. And it is prepared quite simply: mix 2 parts of clay with 1 part of sifted sand and fill it all with water until a viscous, plastic mixture is obtained. You can make it even easier - go and buy a composition in the store that is suitable for laying stoves.

Separately, you should take care of plastering the finished unit. On the one hand, the plaster allows you to ennoble the stove, on the other hand, to prevent cracking of the seams when heated.

With this article they read: Do-it-yourself plastering of a brick oven

Scheme of the construction of a stone oven

Ordering a stone mini oven

  1. The construction of the furnace can only be started after the foundation is completely dry. This may take 2 to 4 weeks.
  2. The laying of the starting row is carried out with bricks, without the use of a cement mixture. The brick is leveled, the level of the front wall is displayed.
  3. Next comes the laying out of the corners and the arrangement of the heater circuit. Using plumb lines, we stretch a twine thread from the ceiling to the corners of the furnace. This will become a certain level with the further construction of the heater.
  4. Taking into account the chosen model, it is necessary to determine the areas for the location of the blower, furnace, ash pan. The blower door is installed when the third row of bricks is completed. And after another row, an ash pan is set up.
  5. On top of the ash pan is a grate.
  6. Next is the arrangement of the firebox. Each door is fastened with heat-resistant wire. As a rule, the furnace door is located on the side of a little-visited room.
  7. The combustion chamber is lined with refractory bricks and refractory clay mortar.
  8. Then bricklaying is carried out up to 12-15 rows (depending on the height of the ceilings in the room). At this stage, the combustion chamber is covered, on top of which the hob is mounted.
  9. The next stage is the laying out of the first cap, which is being erected on the left side of the stove. Here it is also necessary to make a channel for the summer course.
  10. Next, the summer move valve is installed, which is located in the upper corner of the brewing compartment.
  11. Bricklaying up to the 20th row, after which the brewing compartment and the first hood are covered.

Placing bricks on steel corners will make structures stronger and more durable.

  1. We close the portal of the cooking compartment with hinged doors made of hardened steel.
  2. Installing cleaning flaps in the place where it will be easiest for you to remove soot from the stove.
  3. Laying out the walls of the cap. The top of the stove is covered with two rows of bricks. And the gap between the jumper and the top of the furnace is filled with mineral wool.
  4. Next, we lay out the decorative belt, and proceed to the device of the chimney.
  5. When installing a chimney, it is necessary to equip it with a special valve.

VIDEO: Detailed laying of a 3x3.5 brick oven with a stove and a heating shield

Read this article: How to clean the chimney from soot at home

Wood stoves are specific equipment that does not require the use of expensive fuel resources for the full functioning. Such a heating element can be assembled on your own, but it is worth enlisting the support of this instruction and choosing the project of the furnace that you want to build in your home.

VIDEO: Typical mistakes when installing stoves and chimneys

Layout of houses with a stove

Anyone who decides to build their own house often does not know where to start. But the layout of the rooms is far from the very first step in the process of building a home. Before developing a project or drawing up a detailed work plan, it is necessary to answer the following questions: what is the total living area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe future home; will it be heated; if so, how? The subsequent stages of construction depend on the answers to them.

Layout of a one-story house with a stove 6 × 8

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The 6x6 building is most likely a country house, in which it is possible to live not all year round, but only in the warm season. Therefore, its layout is simple due to the small footprint. Its drawing is also simple due to the lack of a heating system. And for year-round operation, buildings are built more spacious, for example, a cottage 8x8 and more. But then stove heating is simply necessary.

However, a construction company can offer a project for a 6x6 budget house with a heating system. It will include a general drawing of the house and a detailed construction plan. The customer, who wishes to have a house with a stove, can make his own amendments, which will be immediately taken into account by the contractor. This option is called custom building.

The client can order from the company not only a finished project, but also the construction of a typical house with planning issues already resolved.

Variant of the internal layout and location of the stove in the house

If the customer fully accepts the proposed plan, then the construction will cost him much less. Back to index


When the layout is well thought out, taking into account a specific heating system, the installation of the stove is practically independent of the building material from which the dwelling is built. It is suitable for both wooden and brick houses. Its advantage is that there is always a wide choice of fuel for space heating: coal, peat, firewood, even cardboard and dry tree branches. The user himself decides what to heat, which is more affordable and cheaper.

Heating with electricity is more expensive, and not all residential areas are equipped with gas pipelines.

The next advantage is that the heating of the house does not depend on the heating season of the heating plant, on emergency repairs and long interruptions in the supply of fuel. The furnace is autonomous, its mode of operation is determined by the user himself, who does not need a plan for seasonal shutdowns of the system.

The layout of the house with a stove 6 × 9 meters

The ability of the stove to create a cozy and comfortable atmosphere is well known. Thanks to this quality, no other heating system can compare with it. It is pleasant, sitting with a book by the stove, to inhale the smell of resinous firewood and listen to their quiet crackle. This is reminiscent of the distant times, fanned by romance. In addition to these advantages, the stove can be equipped so that it becomes an original addition to the interior.

The Russian stove gives a special charm to the room. In terms of heat capacity, nothing can compare with it. She is able to accumulate heat, and then gradually give it away, maintaining constant coziness and comfort in the hut. In the past, it performed a cooking and heating function. Today it is quite rare.

Only those who like the rustic design style of the house will decide to decorate their apartments with it. True, master stove-makers have disappeared, who do not need a drawing for its construction. But recently, the project of a house with a fireplace is a common offer of construction companies. This fashionable heating device heats, but does not accumulate heat at all. Used more as a decorative element.

The age of technological progress has made its own adjustments. Today, a house with a stove that runs not only on solid fuels, but also on electricity, gas, and fuel oil is common. But the most affordable heating material is still firewood.

As a rule, personal plots are not pleasing with their large size, therefore, in order to save as much free space as possible, compact ones are erected on it. Houses of this size are not always able to provide comfortable and convenient living. When creating a project for the internal layout of 6x6 country houses, you need to carefully consider even the most insignificant nuances in order to ensure comfort and coziness for all residents.

Where to start planning

Planning a country house of small size is an activity in which you need to show patience, accuracy of calculations and balanced decisions. The most important thing is to clearly determine for yourself how much money you are willing to spend on the future design of the house, and whether you have enough strength and knowledge to properly plan the interior space.

It is very important to be able to see the situation in perspective. Indeed, in a few years the size of the family may change, children or grandchildren will appear, and in order not to subject the house to global alterations in the future, it is better to foresee possible planning options.

The layout of a 6x6 country house, as a rule, involves taking into account the following criteria:

  • the maximum possible area of ​​​​the future home;
  • the number of people living in the house;
  • having small children.

It is also worth deciding in advance whether the country house will become a temporary haven for summer holidays, or life in it will flow all year round.

Choice of layout

When planning rooms in a private house, it is very important to clearly calculate each square meter so that all the space in the house is used and endowed with functional features.

The algorithm of actions for planning rooms in a private house can be represented as follows:

  1. We determine the number of floors of the future building.
  2. We select high-quality building materials that can help realize the planned project.
  3. We draw the layout of rooms inside the house.
  4. We choose the most convenient design of the porch.
  5. We determine the configuration of the roof and the type of roofing material for future construction.

Determining the layout of a one-story building is much easier. Traditionally, the interior space of such a dacha contains a central room combined with a kitchen, several bedrooms and a combined bathroom and toilet. If the area of ​​​​the cottage allows, then the bathroom is made separate, and perhaps there is an opportunity for arranging a bath or sauna.

For a cottage that has an attic, there are much more options for internal planning. As a rule, the attic room is equipped as a full-fledged second floor and is used to locate guest bedrooms, a gym, a library, an office, game rooms and much more.

The interior layout of a small two-story cottage can be supplemented with spacious terraces. You can also plan additional rooms for a bathroom or wardrobe.

As practice shows, with proper planning, even a small building measuring 6 * 6 m can accommodate at least three rooms: a spacious living room, bedroom and kitchen, as well as a bathroom and toilet.

Living room - the central room in the house

Traditionally, a living room for a summer residence is not just a place to relax. It can serve as an additional bedroom for guests, a dining room, a playroom for children. Furniture for such a room is better to choose functional and compact, so that nothing clutters up the already small space of the room.

A convenient option would be transformer sofas, folding chairs and tables, built-in furniture. Each of these elements is designed to solve the problem of a small space, but at the same time, an attractive appearance makes the room cozy and stylish. If the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house and the design features of the building allow, a fireplace can become the central element for the living room.

We plan the location of the kitchen

In a country house, the entrance to the kitchen from the street will be very convenient. Thus, you can shorten the path that you have to overcome when setting the table on the street in the summer.

When calculating the required area for the kitchen, it is very important to take into account the parameters of the household appliances used. A stove, a refrigerator, a sink, a desktop - all this should be located freely enough over the entire area so that the cooking process is convenient.

It is also worth considering the presence of sufficient natural and artificial lighting.

We plan the location of the bedroom

Bedrooms in a country house are best planned small. This approach will significantly save on heating in the winter. You don't need much for a good rest. It is enough to equip a full-fledged sleeping place, and arrange a small wardrobe.

If the layout of the cottage provides for the presence of an attic, then it is on its area that it is most convenient to have cozy bedrooms. Despite the fact that the ceiling in such a bedroom will have an inclined shape, the attic area allows you to place all the necessary furniture items.

We place a toilet and a bathroom

For comfortable placement of a bathtub, a toilet bowl and a washbasin, a room of 4m2 is enough. The walls of the bathroom are covered with tiles. It is hygienic, beautiful and easy to clean. The ceiling can be made stretch. As a cheaper option, they consider a ceiling sheathed with plastic clapboard.

To be able to sit comfortably in such a small bathroom, the door should open outward. In order to save space, instead of a standard bath, you can install a compact shower.

Using such simple secrets of the correct layout of a bathroom in a private house, even in a small area, you can equip a comfortable and convenient space. There may be room for a washing machine.

In the case when the area of ​​​​the bathroom is about 3 m2, most likely, you will have to abandon the shower of the washing machine, leaving only a washing tap and a toilet.

We plan the location of the stairs

For a compact country house, the stairs to the second floor are best placed from the outside. Thus, you can save the interior space of the house.

If the area of ​​​​the cottage allows, then the flight of stairs is located in the central room, compactly placing places for rest around it.

The space under the stairs should also not be overlooked. Built-in wardrobes for a variety of clothes and household items will perfectly fit under it. Also, as an option, you can consider the location of the working corner under the flight of stairs.

Design features of a country house

The style in which the interior design is planned in a country house largely determines the taste of the owners. We advise you to abandon the habit of dragging to the dacha all unnecessary and obsolete pieces of furniture and interior. So you will never be able to achieve a harmonious and cozy design. The best option would be minimalism in the interior. Simple functional furniture made of natural wood, a lot of light, as well as bright ones were made in the form of textiles, paintings, carpets. It is they who create the mood and give comfort to the rooms.

Vintage things look harmonious in a retro interior. Choosing this style in the design of the cottage, focus on furniture and interior items, leaving the walls and ceiling white, and cover the floor with a simple wooden board.

A good decoration for the living room and bedrooms of the dacha will be fresh flowers, figurines dear to the heart, paintings, hand embroidery or knitted napkins. As a rule, such things become superfluous in stylish designer city apartments. In the country, by combining such decorative elements together, you can create a unique, cozy and very comfortable interior for relaxation.

Country house with stove

When planning a country house, special attention should be paid to the location of a stove or fireplace in it. Such an element in the layout of a 6x6 country house with a stove will not only decorate the room, but can also be used to heat the room and cook.

The oven is built from hardened red bricks. It is better to entrust the laying of the furnace to the masters - professionals.

If for some reason it is not possible to equip a brick oven, you can use ready-made structures made of metal, they are also suitable for planning a 7x7 country house with a stove.

How to properly position the oven

In small country houses with an area of ​​​​6x6 m, it is most practical to place stoves or fireplaces in the center of the living room, in this way several problems can be solved: zoning the room and achieving uniform heating of the entire room.

The classic location of the fireplace in the corner of the room or along one wall also takes place, but in this case, you need to remember that heating will occur only in one half of the room.

By placing the kitchen stove along one wall, you can heat not only the kitchen area, but also the adjacent room.


The small size of a country house is not a reason to turn it into a temporary shelter, depriving it of any comfort or coziness. By competently considering the layout of the interior space of the cottage, you can ensure that even in a small house you can have a good time with friends, relax and enjoy communicating with the surrounding nature.

After the layout of the house is chosen, you can prepare for the construction of the furnace. How to install a stove and a chimney in a country house, we will find out in the next video

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