Miraculous relics of St. Spyridon Trimifuntsky. Prayer for solving problems to St. Spyridon Trimifuntsky - Irzeis

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The day of St. Spyridon of Trimifuntsky falls on December 25, when, according to folk omens, start winter frosts, and the sun turns around "for summer". Therefore, this time is also called the solstice - the day is gradually added, and the nights become shorter.

According to the weather on Spiridonov's day, they judged the future:

  • If the sun shone brightly, then Christmas time will be frosty.
  • If it was cloudy - Christmas time promises to be warm.

In the time of our ancestors on the day of the Solstice, no one began to do serious work. The housewives were guessing on cherry branches about the upcoming spring harvest. For this, cherry branches were placed in water and waited for the start of Christmas. The more flowers bloom on the branches, the more they will disfigure garden trees. If the cherry dries up, then on good harvest did not hope.

Who is Spiridon of Trimifuntsky and how does he help

Saint Spyridon is a miracle worker, his holiness was recognized during his lifetime. Spiridon is considered the defender of the Orthodox faith.

The dissimilarity of St. Spyridon to others is visible even from his image on the icon. Since he was a shepherd for a long time, he is depicted in a shepherd's hat. The saint was a family man, a good father. He was loved and respected for his meek character, for his help and disinterestedness. He gave all the money he earned to charity, for which he received the invaluable gift of miracles.

After the loss of his beloved wife, Spiridon began serving in the city of Trimifunty in the rank of bishop.

People loved the saint very much, because he was common man like them. In the event of a long dry weather, through his prayers it began to rain, there were known cases of resurrection of people, healing them from diseases. Saint Spyridon punished the rich who profited from the poor. Having the gift to control the forces of nature, he could destroy the rich man's crop.

Biography and location

The history of Spyridon of Trimifuntsky has not been fully preserved to this day. The icons often depict a plot when the bishop was vehemently able to refute the heresy against Jesus Christ and proved the Unity of the Holy Trinity. Taking an ordinary brick in his hands and squeezing it in his hands, he squeezed water, fire and clay out of it. The Triune Hypostases of the Holy Trinity without words became the proof of holiness.

Once a woman came to the bishop with pleas to resurrect a newborn baby. The saint fulfilled her request. The shocked woman fell down dead, and with the second prayer the Miracle Worker resurrected her too.

The bishop inspired people with a righteous way of life, repentance and humility. There is a case when thieves tried to steal sheep from him, but could not get out of the sheepfold. The saint enlightened them, dissuaded them from criminal deeds and gave each a sheep. Another story tells of a greedy merchant who tried to deceive the saint, knowing that he never counted money. The merchant decided not to pay for one goat. But when he began to lead them home, one of the goats constantly ran away and returned home. The merchant realized what sin he had committed, returned and repented.

The relics of the saint are kept in Greece on the island of Corfu. Surprisingly, they are perfectly preserved, and the body temperature is 36.6 degrees, like a living person. Scientists still cannot explain this phenomenon of imperishability.

Cancer, in which the relics are located, is opened with the help of two people. If it cannot be opened, it means that the saint travels the world and continues to help people. As proof of this, twice a year the clergymen change the shoes of the saint and pass them on to the faithful as a shrine and a relic.

In Russia, the image of the Holy Wonderworker, as well as part of his relics, are in Moscow in the church of the Resurrection of the Notorious on the Assumption Vrazhek.

The icon of Spiridon Trimifuntsky in Moscow looks very unusual, it has a small metal door. There are witnesses that with successful prayer, the door itself opens and closes.

Spiridon is considered a true Orthodox defender. There is a famous story when the Catholics decided to Orthodox Church set up a catholic altar. Having been refused by the bishop, they continued to insist on their own and set about building. But their plans were not destined to be fulfilled. A terrible storm broke out, gunpowder warehouses caught fire . Hundreds of Catholics died that night, but not a single Orthodox was harmed.

What is asked of the saint

Very often people pray to Spiridon, asking for help for:

  • search, selection and purchase of housing;
  • protection from harassment for faith;
  • looking for a good job;
  • prosperity and well-being at home;
  • brisk trade.

Prayer for Better Welfare

Prayer to improve well-being must be read for 40 days at any time of the day, except for the time when fasting lasts. You can say the words at home, but it is better to do it in the church in front of the icon of the saint.

"Saint Spyridon of Trimifuntsky, do not condemn a person who walked under God, beg for splendor and do your mercy. Help us (names), ruin a prosperous life, and health, both mental and bodily. Save us and deliver us from all anguish."

With the purchase of housing, people always have doubts and certain problems. To get support, they went to St. Spyridon.

For a successful transaction, you need to say a prayer:"Saint Spyridon Trimifuntsky, remember the servant of God and grant us a peaceful and comfortable life." You need to say a prayer in front of the icon in the evening, about half an hour. When a successful transaction occurs, you must definitely thank the Miracle Worker.

Saint Spyridon of Trimifuntsky is an extraordinary person who, for his virtuous life, was canonized as a saint. His fate was amazing. He was a simple farmer, and became a bishop. Even during his lifetime, he was known for his miracles.

In the Orthodox world, he is considered the protector of the faith and believers.

Photos of the icons of this saint can be easily found on the Internet. A wise man with kind eyes looks at us from them. He seems to be looking straight into your soul. Moscow is a city in which Orthodox Christians very often turn to this saint in prayer.

Spiridon of Trimifuntsky: photos and images on icons

This saint is depicted on all icons with a deviation from the accepted canons. Usually, saints in the rank of bishop are depicted wearing a mitre. Saint Spyridon has an ordinary shepherd's hat on his head. This is evidence that the saint remained a simple man. Few people know that the saint had a family. He dearly loved his wife and children. He was meek and kind person. Being a poor man, he gave the last to the needy. For such an attitude towards people, the Lord endowed him with the ability to work miracles, he was able to help everyone who turned to him.

Saint Spyridon is very much loved by the people. Everyone who turned to him with prayer received consolation and help.

Believers go to his icon with a variety of requests;

  • someone asks for help in finding a job;
  • someone begs him for a new home;
  • someone prays to the saint for family well-being.

The Lord, for his God-fearing life, endowed the saint with the right to answer people's prayers and rush to their aid. Saint Spyridon Trimifuntsky loved people very much, despite all their shortcomings. In any person, he saw first of all a creature of God, which needs guidance and good instruction. The saint illuminated human hearts with the light of love.

Thanks to his life experience and God's enlightenment, he saw people's souls, foresaw their desires even before they told him about their aspirations and hopes.

This saint was endowed with the following abilities:

  • command the weather;
  • restore people's health;
  • resurrect the dead.

Providing assistance, he kept repeating that the Lord loves his children and will not leave them in trouble. He did not become proud when he became a bishop, but still went out into the field with the peasants, helping them in their hard work.

There is a case when peasants, working in the field with the saint, saw how it began to rain in the place where he was. And the day, according to them, was hot. But the most surprising thing was that the hair of St. Spyridon changed its color. To the surprise of the peasants, he replied that he would soon appear before the savior. As it turned out, this year was the last in his earthly life.

The saint died while praying. Before his departure, he constantly reminded the believers of the commandments of God, of the need to live in love and piety. The help of the saint did not stop after his death.

Very often the saint is asked resolve disputes, get rid of problems, end litigation. The only condition is that must come from the heart and then the saint will answer the prayer. According to the saint, It has great importance how a person prays. Is he distracted by extraneous thoughts while talking with God. He also talked about the fact that every Orthodox must help his neighbor.

It should be noted right away that, like most saints, Spiridon had to live in difficult times for faith. The persecution of the Orthodox has ceased, but big number false teachings and heresy. The saint took an irreconcilable position and exposed all those who called for discord and confusion. It was a time when Orthodox values ​​needed protection. At the same time, simultaneously with the saint, he carried his cross and Nicholas of Myra, no less revered by the people of the saint.

Period of tenure as Bishop of Cyprus

The life of the saint changed radically after the death of his wife. By the will of God, he was elected bishop of the Cypriot city of Trimifunta. On the island of Cyprus, the saint was loved and respected, so this choice did not surprise anyone. Everyone was happy that such a person became the head of the church. In his person, believers have acquired a good shepherd and a reliable protector. He sought to help everyone and did not divide people into rich and poor.

If a drought began on the island, people came to the Saint, through his prayers, heavy rain began. The earth came to life. If grief came to the family, and the only breadwinner died, they again went to St. Spyridon. And soon after the prayerful appeal to God of the bishop, the deceased came to life. Peace and prosperity came to the Cypriot land. The land gave the workers extraordinary rich harvests. Since St. Spyridon was subject to the water element. The prayer of the saint protected from any troubles.

But the saint did not always bestow only grace. In Cyprus, they still remember the story when a rich landowner angered the saint with his behavior.

During a drought, when people were starving, he sold bread at exorbitant prices. By the will of the saint, heavy rain began, which destroyed the rich man's house. Thus, this man was punished for his stinginess.

But other stories are known about Spiridon of Trimifuntsky. For example, when a poor peasant turned to him for help. He was in dire need of the money, and he asked the bishop for a loan. The saint sent him home. And in the morning, on the threshold of the poor, the saint stood with a bar of gold in his hands. Thanks to this gold, the peasant was able to improve his business. And after a while he again returned to the saint in order to repay the debt. Spiridon took his hand and said that it was necessary to take the gold to the one who actually gave it. After his fervent prayer, the gold turned into a snake. According to the saint, the snake became gold by the will of God.

There is no complete biography of this saint. How can this be? Recordings like this were rare in those days. Therefore, information about him is fragmentary and inconsistent. But those stories that have come down to our time testify to great love for one's neighbor.

The story of the brick

The most famous history from the life of a saint is associated with a brick. The mention of this case can be found in many sources. Many icons depicting the saint can also tell about it. This incident was a testament to the extraordinary power of the saint.

It is known that in the year 325 St. Spyridon took part in the Council of Nicaea, where the erroneous position of Arius, who completely denied the holiness of Christ, was exposed. In the midst of disputes, the Lord himself spoke through the lips of the saint. Spiridon provided indisputable evidence that Jesus is in fact the son of God.

He proved that the Holy Trinity is one. In confirmation of his words, he took a brick in his hands and squeezed it tightly. Water immediately flowed from it, and then a flame appeared, which after a while fell. In the hands of the saint, instead of a brick, there was a piece of clay. These brick changes are a symbolic display of the Trinity of the Holy Trinity.

After this visual demonstration, all disputes ceased, since no other evidence was required. An eyewitness account of these events is known. According to him, at that time, extraordinary strength and grace emanated from the saint that others could not help but feel.

Stories about the resurrection of the dead

And the most incredible stories about the saint are connected with the resurrection of the dead. The most famous case is when a woman came to the saint with a dead child in her arms. Her grief was boundless. The saint, seeing this, fell on his knees and began to pray fervently. And the baby suddenly came to life. The woman was so shocked by the event that her heart could not stand it either, and she died. Through the prayer of the saint, she also returned to life.

Such events have very rarely occurred in the entire thousand-year history. Very few saints were endowed with the gift of resurrection. Among them is St. Spyridon Trimifuntsky.

Everyone who saw the saint during the service noted his instantaneous transformation. People spoke of the Angel of God appearing before them. In the empty church, where the saint prayed in solitude, sounds of unusual beauty were heard. But if they entered the church, they did not find anyone except the saint. No less famous is the story of at the request of the saint, the empty lamps in the church were suddenly filled with oil. The elder's prayer has always had extraordinary power.

Spiridon of Trimifuntsky

The location of the relics of the saint

The incorruptible saints are on the Greek island of Corfu. Many pilgrims come to pay their respects to him. Surprising is the fact that the island was spared many troubles and upheavals. This island was the only one that the Turks had not set foot on. It is believed that this saint protected the place of his repose.

Since his death, the saint has hardly changed. You can clearly see the features of his face. Well preserved teeth and hair. The only changes in the appearance of the saint, according to the testimony of the ministers of the church, occurred at the end of the 17th century. During these times, the famous reform of Patriarch Nikon was carried out, the face of the saint darkened. This event was associated with this reform the saint did not like it, and he announced his disagreement.

Surprising is the fact that the body temperature of the saint remains unchanged at 36.6 degrees like he's still alive. Nobody can explain this phenomenon. Including scientists who have repeatedly examined the relics of the saint.

According to the ministers, the Saint continues to travel around the world. When the vestments are changed on his relics, then Slippers are always worn out. Their particles are distributed to believers during major holidays.

The lid of the saint's coffin is closed with two locks. In order to open it, it is necessary that two ministers do it at the same time. But the lid does not always give in and opens. The ministers, in this case, say that the saint should not be disturbed. According to them, he now travels the earth among the living.

Moscow is a city in which the saint is greatly revered, and he shows his miracles to all sincere believers. You can ask Spiridon of Trimifuntsky for help in situations that are completely hopeless. The temple where the relics are kept is always full of believers.

Saint Spyridon Trimifuntsky - a true defender of Orthodoxy

The saint is rightfully considered the defender of Orthodoxy. In the 17th century, Catholics wanted to install their altar in the temple where the relics of the saint rested. When the abbot refused, they tried to do it by force. Then the priests asked the saint for protection. A saint came to Pisano, the initiator of these events, in a dream and ordered not to disturb him, since his altar had no place in this temple. But Pisani did not heed the warning.

He ordered materials for the construction of the altar. He again dreamed of a saint who said that his perseverance would not lead to good, but then it would be too late. But this time, too, the words of the saint were not heard. As a result, after a while, a strong storm arose, accompanied by thunder and lightning. And a man in the robes of a monk knocked on the gates of the fort. When they asked who he was, they answered: "It's me, St. Spyridon."

From the bell tower a flame arose, which set fire to the storehouse of gunpowder. During its explosion, many people died, but not a single Orthodox one was found among them.

The body of Admiral Pisano was found dead with his neck between two logs. Thus he was punished for his perseverance. And in the temple of St. Spyridon, a silver lamp fell to the floor and received a dent, which was donated to the temple of Pisani. This lamp has survived to our time. It is shown to everyone. The temple is still guarded by the saint, is his refuge.

There is ample evidence that the saint still responds to the requests contained in the prayers of those addressed to him.

In what cases does Spiridon Trimifuntsky help?

Basically, the following people turn to the saint:

  • those who have suffered under the oppressors of the faith;
  • those who are concerned about the fate of children;
  • those who want to have prosperity in the house.

The words of John Krestyankin are known that if people prayed to St. Spyridon of Trimifuntsky, they would have received housing long ago. Therefore, if you have to buy a home, ask St. Spyridon for help. And you will see for yourself that you will be offered the most the best way. The saint helps with hunger, spiritual infirmities and domestic needs.

The icon of St. Spyridon is also unusual, it has a small metal door, behind which the relics of the saint are hidden. There are witnesses that sometimes the door opens and closes by itself. This icon is strongly prayed for.

Moscow is the city where the relics of the saint are also kept. Many believers come to them daily asking for help. The saint continues to help people, although a lot of time has passed since his departure.

In the Orthodox religion, there is a saint who helps believers in solving everyday issues, whether it is finding a job, improving welfare, buying and selling property, lack of finances and housing.

His name is Spiridon, Bishop of Trimifuntsky (Salami). A fiery prayer to Spyridon Trimifuntsky truly works wonders. The saint helped those who asked during his lifetime, and helps those in need even after death.

Prayer to the Wonderworker Spyridon of Trimifuntsky

Prayer to Spyridon of Trimifuntsky

O Great and marvelous Saint Hierarch of Christ and the wonderworker Spiridon, Corfu praise, the whole universe is the brightest lamp, warm to God in prayer and to all those who come running to you and pray with faith, a quick intercessor! You gloriously explained the Orthodox faith at the Council of Nicaea among the fathers, you showed the unity of the Holy Trinity with miraculous power and shamed the heretics to the end. Hear us sinners, the saint of Christ, praying to you, and by your strong intercession with the Lord, deliver us from every evil situation: from famine, flood, fire and deadly ulcers. For in your temporary life, you delivered your people from all these disasters: you saved your country from the invasion of the Agarians and from gladness your country, you saved the king from an incurable illness, and you brought many sinners to repentance, you raised the dead gloriously, for the holiness of your life Angels invisibly in the church you had singing and co-serving. So glorify you, your faithful servant, Lord Christ, as all the secret human deeds have been given to you to understand and denounce those who live unrighteously. Thou zealously helped many in poverty and insufficiency of the living, the poor people abundantly nourished during the famine and many other signs by the power of the living Spirit of God in you did you. Do not leave us, Saint Hierarch of Christ, remember us, your children, at the Throne of the Almighty and implore the Lord, may he grant forgiveness for many of our sins, grant us a comfortable and peaceful life, but grant us the death of a shameless and peaceful life and eternal bliss in the future us, let us send forth glory and thanksgiving to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

O all-blessed Saint Spyridon, great saint of Christ and glorious miracle worker! Stand in Heaven to the Throne of God with the face of an Angel, look with a gracious eye on the people coming here and asking for your strong help. Pray for the goodness of the Humanity God, let him not condemn us according to our iniquities, but let him do with us by His grace! Ask us from Christ and our God a peaceful and serene life, healthy soul and body, the earth's prosperity and all abundance and prosperity in everything, and may we not turn the good, given to us from the generous God, but to His glory and to the glorification of your intercession ! Deliver everyone with unquestioning faith to God who comes from all troubles of the soul and body. from all languor and devilish slander! Be a sad comforter, an ailing doctor, an assistant in misfortune, a naked patron, an intercessor for widows, an orphan protector, a baby feeder, an old strengthener, a wandering guide, a floating helmsman, and intercede for all your strong help requiring all, even to salvation, useful! As if we instruct and observe with your prayers, we will reach eternal rest and together with you we will glorify God, in the Trinity of the Holy Glory, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

O Blessed Saint Spyridon! Pray for the mercy of the Humanity God, may he not condemn us according to our iniquities, but may he do with us by His mercy. Ask us, the servants of God (names), from Christ and our God a peaceful and serene life, health of mind and body. Deliver us from all troubles of the soul and body, from all languor and devilish slander. Remember us at the throne of the Almighty and implore the Lord, may he grant forgiveness for many of our sins, grant us a comfortable and peaceful life, but grant us the death of a shameful and peaceful life and eternal bliss in the next century, may we unceasingly send glory and thanksgiving to the Father and the Son and the Spirit Holy, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen!

Life of a Christian Saint

Spyridon of Trimifuntsky was born in Cyprus at the end of the 3rd century. He had a family and worked as a shepherd. He distributed the money he earned to those in need, for which the Almighty honored him with the gift of miracles, healing and exorcism. During the reign of Constantine 306-337, Spiridon was elected bishop of the city of Trimifunt.

In 325, Spyridon had the honor of being a participant in the 1st Ecumenical Council, where he entered into a controversial conversation with a philosopher from Greece, an adherent of the Aryan heresy, after which the saint began to be considered a defender of Orthodoxy.

The fiery speech of the saint in all its glory expressed God's Wisdom to those present:

“Listen, philosopher, what I will tell you: we believe that the Almighty God from nothing created heaven, earth, man and the whole visible and invisible world with His Word and Spirit. This word is the Son of God, who came down to earth for our sins, was born of the Virgin, lived with people, suffered, died for our salvation, and then rose again, atoning for original sin by His sufferings, and resurrected the human race with Himself. We believe that He is Consubstantial and Equal in Honor with the Father, and we believe this without any crafty fabrications, for it is impossible to comprehend this mystery by the human mind. After which the philosopher said to his friends: “Listen! While the competition with me was carried on by means of proofs, I set up against some proofs others and, with my art of arguing, reflected everything that was presented to me. But when, instead of proof from reason, some kind of special power, the evidence became powerless against her, since a person cannot resist God. If any of you can think in the same way as I do, then let him believe in Christ and, together with me, follow this elder, through whose mouth God Himself spoke.

Surprisingly, the Greek soon accepted Orthodox Baptism and became a zealous Christian.

See also:

Spiridon took care of people with love: according to his fiery, demons were cast out, the hungry were sated, the homeless found shelter.

Once he was visited by a sobbing mother holding a dead baby in her arms. She begged for intercession and prayers before the Almighty. The saint took the child's body in his arms, fervently prayed, and the child came to life. The parent, shocked by the miracle, fell dead to the ground. But Spiridon's prayer revived her too.

Once Spiridon hurried to a friend, slandered and sentenced to death, in order to save him. On the way, he had to stop because the overflowing stream interfered. After praying, the saint ordered the stream of water to rise, and then safely crossed to the other side. The judge became aware of the miracle that had happened, he received the holy guest with honors and unquestioningly removed the shackles from his comrade.

It happened that the elder entered the empty church, ordered the servants to light lamps and candles, and proceeded to perform the divine service. Having exclaimed: “Peace to all!”, From above, from under the dome of the temple, a doxology of a host of voices was heard: “And to your spirit!”. And after each of the prayer petitions, the choir exclaimed: “Lord, have mercy!”. The nearby people were attracted by the sound of singing, and they approached the temple. Their hearts gradually filled with wonderful polyphony. But when they entered the room, they did not see the many-sided choir, which they were pretty surprised at. Apart from the bishop and a few ministers, not a soul was there.

Spiridon of Trimifuntsky was a very hospitable person. On one of the Lenten days, a tired traveler knocked at his dwelling. The owner let him into the house and told his daughter to wash the traveler's feet and feed him plenty. The daughter roasted pork meat, the family did not have other supplies in the form of flour and bread, due to the fact that the saint ate food only on certain days, while on others he drank only water. Spyridon apologized for the fast food during the Fortecost and ate food with the wanderer.

Another story tells about the annual custom of Spiridon. Having harvested, the saint gave one part of it to the poor, and the second was intended for the needy in debt. Everyone knew the entrance to his pantry: at any moment you could take what you needed, and return it if possible.

Once, thieves decided to steal a flock of sheep from Spiridon. dark night they climbed into the sheepfold and immediately found themselves bound hand and foot by some unknown force. In the morning, Spiridon, having come to the herd, saw thieves repenting of their sin. He unleashed the robbers, then offered a sermon on leaving the thieves' path, and at the end of the conversation, the elder gave each a sheep and let them go home.

Saint Spyridon reposed in 348 at the age of 78. His imperishable relics unique: they are soft and warm, their weight corresponds average weight a healthy man, hair and nails grow on the body, and vestments and shoes wear out periodically. And the phenomenon of centuries of incorruption cannot be explained by any scientist.

According to legend, the saint walks the world invisibly, so his velvet slippers get worn down and have to be changed twice a year. Worn shoes are cut into many pieces and distributed to believers.

And it also happens that ministers cannot open the shrine with relics, which is usually closed with two locks. On such days, local clergymen know that there is no saint in cancer, on such days Spiridon leaves to roam the earth and visits those who need his help.

After his death, he also became famous for his miraculous help to people asking for his intercession from the Almighty. He patronizes wanderers, heals from infertility, heals the sick, returns speech to the dumb, helps to resolve household and financial questions, reunites spouses, helps in studies, saves in trouble.

One of the witnesses of his posthumous miracles was the writer Nikolai Gogol. A certain English Protestant assured nearby pilgrims that special incisions were made on his back, and his body was embalmed. And then the relics of the saint rose from the shrine and turned their backs to the Englishman, distraught with horror and fear, after which they lay down in their usual place.

Icon of Spyridon Trimifuntsky

During his reading, the clergyman reads out the names of those who ask the saint to perform a miracle.

To order a prayer service, it is necessary to write “Prayer service to Spyridon of Trimifuntsky” on a special form taken in a church shop, and below list the names of the petitioners in the genitive case. For example: from whom? - Vladimir, Alexander, Nadezhda, Tatiana.

The reason for the appeal to the saint does not need to be indicated.

To receive help, it is important to pray with your heart and mind, the words of prayer must come from the depths of your soul. Prayers memorized by heart do not contribute to the concentration of thoughts, therefore such a prayer cannot be heard.

Prayer to Saint Spyridon of Trimifuntsky

Despite the fact that in Orthodoxy material wealth is not considered the true goal of a person and it is not customary to ask and pray for it, but among those whom the Church considers saints, there is one who is often addressed with requests for financial assistance and stability.
Spiridon of Trimifuntsky is often asked to help with matters at work, with money, with solving housing difficulties and other worldly affairs.
But after getting acquainted with his life, an understanding comes that Saint Spyridon is asked in many other cases, because in Christianity he is revered on an equal footing with his contemporary -

It must be remembered that icons or saints do not "specialize" in any particular area. It will be right when a person turns with faith in the power of God, and not in the power of this icon, this saint or prayer.
and .


Saint Spyridon was born around 270 AD. e. in Cyprus in a village near Trimifunt (Trimitus), so he was called the Trimifuntsky Wonderworker.
From childhood, Spiridon was a shepherd, he led a righteous and God-pleasing life. He looked like the Old Testament righteous: the prophet David - with his meekness, Jacob - kindness, Abraham - love for strangers. Therefore, on the icons, Bishop Spyridon of Trimifuntsky is not depicted in the miter of the lord, on his head he has the usual shepherd's hat.

The saint did not have any wealth, but he still tried to give shelter and food to those in need. Unusual benevolence and his spiritual warmth attracted to him a variety of people.
After the death of Bishop Trimifunt, Spiridon was unanimously elected the first priest of the city. But even being in such a high rank, the saint all the time showed an example of humility - he, like an ordinary person, worked, earning his own living.
For many of his virtues, the Lord endowed Spiridon with the gift of insight and healing people. Saint Spyridon treated patients who were hopeless for conventional medicine, but first of all, he tried to save people from mental illnesses, and also cast out demons.
By the grace of God, the Saint could control the forces of nature - once, through his prayer, during an unusual dry land that happened in Cyprus and claimed many lives from hunger, the sky was covered with clouds, and life-giving rain began to fall.
Several years passed, breadlessness again hit the country, merchants raised grain prices, making huge profits. One poor man turned to a rich merchant, begging him to give him grain at interest, but this rich man was especially greedy and did not want to help. The peasant decided to tell his misfortune to Spiridon, who consoled him:

"Don't cry, soon your house will be full of bread, and tomorrow this rich man will beg you to take bread from him for free."

And at night, by the will of God, a downpour fell, destroying the barn of a greedy merchant, a lot of grain was carried away by streams of water.
The next day, the desperate rich man ran and asked everyone to take as much bread as they needed, he already wanted to at least save what was left. Many gathered grain carried away by streams of water along the roads; this farmer also collected wheat for his family.

Soon another poor man again asked for help from this merchant, promising to return the grain with interest after he received the harvest, but the rich man demanded a huge exorbitant deposit from him. This man also turned to Bishop Spiridon, begging for help. In the morning next day the saint himself brought gold to the poor man and told him that it was necessary to give this gold to the merchant, take wheat from him, sow grain, and after harvesting it was necessary to redeem this pledge and bring it to Spiridon.
Everything happened just like that - the poor man took the gold, received grain, sowed it, harvested a rich harvest, bought back the ingot and brought it to the saint. Taking this gold, reverend Spiridon and the peasant went to the rich man. Approaching his garden, the saint lowered the gold to the ground near the fence and uttered a prayer from his lips:

“My Lord, Jesus Christ! By his will, he who creates and transforms everything! Command this gold, which You previously turned from an animal, to take on its original form again.”

During prayer, the gold began to move and then reincarnated into a writhing snake.
For the sake of the need of his neighbor, St. Spyridon first turned the viper into gold, and then turned it back into a snake. This miracle was seen by both the merchant and the peasant, they immediately fell to their knees, glorifying the Lord God, whose power was shown by Spyridon of Trimifuntsky.

Once a friend of Bishop Spiridon was slandered. He, the innocent, was put in prison, where he awaited the death sentence. When the saint was informed about this, he immediately rushed to help. But on the path of St. Spyridon there was a wide river, which overflowed heavily, and besides, heavy rains destroyed the crossing through it.
Like Joshua crossing the overflowing Jordan, St. Spyridon ordered the water to part.
The course of the river, as if by order, stopped, and a passage was formed that remained dry, along which Spiridon and his companions, “ as dry', crossed to the opposite bank. Then the waters closed again, and the river flowed again as usual. Witnesses of this told the judge about what a miracle happened with the help of the saint. The judge received Spiridon with honors, listened and released his innocent friend.

Once Spyridon Trimifuntsky came to the temple to serve Vespers. Then there was no one in the church except the clergy, Vladyka stood in front of the altar, lit a large number of candles. During the service, Bishop Spyridon proclaimed:

"Peace to all!".

There was no one to answer, but suddenly they heard from above:

"And your spirit!".

After each request, the litany was heard from above, as if a great multitude of voices were singing:

"Lord have mercy!".

Witnesses of this were people who went into the temple to look at the singing, but saw in it only St. Spyridon and some church ministers.
It is believed that the Celestial Angels themselves served with St. Spyridon in this service.

In 325, at the initiative of Emperor Constantine the Great, the First Ecumenical Council was convened, which was held in Nicaea. At the Council, for the first time, three hundred and eighteen holy fathers met together, among whom were Bishops Spyridon of Trimifuntsky and holy Nicholas Mirlikisky (Nicholas the Wonderworker). At this Council, important church matters were discussed, in particular, it was necessary to determine one's attitude towards the Arian doctrine, which was gaining then, in defense of which very intelligent orators and philosophers spoke.
After the speech of Spiridon, who in simple words explained his thoughts about Christ, even the most sophisticated Arian philosopher Eulogius admitted that from the lips of the saint he felt a special power against which any evidence was powerless. Later Eulogius renounced this heresy and accepted Baptism.

Speaking at the Council, Bishop Spyridon personally showed the Unity in the Holy Trinity, against which Arius opposed. Coming out in front of everyone and crossing himself, he, with the words

"In the name of the Father"

squeezed the brick (plinth) that was in his hand and at that moment fire blazed from the stone. The saint continued:

"and the Son!"

- water flowed from the hand. After the words

"and the Holy Spirit!"

Spiridon opened his hand and everyone saw dry clay on it - the remains of a brick.

“There are three elements, and there is only one plinth. So it is in the Most Holy Trinity - Three Persons, and the Divinity is One.

- this is how St. Spyridon explained to the Arians the Unity of the Three Divine Hypostases of the Holy Trinity.
In a simple brick, three substances are combined together - fire, water and earth. There is also one God, whose three Hypostases we know: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Seeing such arguments of the saint, some Arians again returned to the confession of Orthodoxy.

After the Council in Nicaea, the glory of Spyridon Trimifuntsky spread to the entire Orthodox world. They began to especially respect and revere him, but the humble shepherd returned to his place in Cyprus in order to further modestly fulfill his duties.

When Constantine the Great died, his son Constantius, who was very seriously ill, became emperor. The best doctors were invited, but no one was able to heal him.
And then one day, in a dream, the emperor saw two priests who were able to overcome the disease. After a long search, Constantius finally saw those whom the Angel pointed out to him in a dream - they were Saints Spyridon and his disciple Trifillius.
As soon as they entered the chambers of the emperor, he recognized them, got up and went to meet them, which was then the highest manifestation of honor. After Constantius humbly bowed down and asked for the help of St. Spyridon, he prayed to the Lord and laid his hand on the head of the king. Just an ordinary touch healed the emperor, the pain that had tormented him for many years passed instantly and without a trace. Numerous courtiers who were at the same time witnessed this event.
After the emperor was freed from illness, Saint Spyridon set about healing his spiritual ailments. He often and for a long time talked with him, explained to Constance the essence of faith, that it was necessary to fight temptations and not do what contradicted God's commandments. He said that every Christian should have humility and mercy, and even more so a king who rules over entire nations. As a result of this communication, Constantius became very attached to the saint and, at his request, freed all the ministers of the Church from taxes. The king also wanted to generously endow his savior, but Spiridon did not want to accept the gifts, saying:

“It is not good to pay with hate for love, for what I have done for you is love. I left home, sailed the sea for a long time, endured severe cold and winds to heal you. Isn't this love? And you give me gold, the cause of all evil.”

Still, the emperor persuaded the saint to take the money, which Saint Spyridon immediately, as soon as he left the palace, gave to the poor. Constantius found out about this act and realized that he was given another lesson in the mercy and generosity of a poor man who so easily gave up a large fortune.

Returning home, Saint Spyridon met a woman whose child had recently died. She was a pagan and did not know Greek at all, but even so it was clear that she was very grieving and would very much like her baby to be alive. Spiridon, seeing her suffering, asked his deacon Artemidor:
What should we do, brother?
Why are you asking me, father? the deacon answered him. — If you have healed the king, will you really reject this unfortunate woman?
Saint Spyridon on his knees began to pray to the Lord, and He heard him - the child came to life. Seeing this miracle, his mother fell dead, her heart could not stand it.
Again the holy Monk Spyridon asked the same question to Artemidorus and again received the same answer. Again the elder turned to God with prayers, then he said to the deceased:

"Rise up and get back on your feet!"

As if awakening from a dream, without understanding anything, the woman opened her eyes and stood up. Everyone who saw this miracle was ordered, because of the modesty of the saint, to keep silent about it. Artemidorus told this story to people only after the death of the saint.

Once Spyridon of Trimifuntsky with his student Triphyllius ended up in Parimna, in one very beautiful place. Triphyllius was fascinated by nature and decided to purchase an estate for a church. The thoughts of the student were revealed to Saint Spyridon, and he said:

“Why, Triphylly, do you constantly think about vain things? You want an estate that doesn't really have any value. Our treasures are in Heaven, we have a house not made by hands, eternal - strive for them and enjoy them in advance (through divine thinking): they cannot pass from one state to another, and whoever once becomes the owner of them will receive an inheritance that will never be lose."

Thus the saint's instructions gradually increased spiritual level his student. The teaching has been beneficial. The disciple of Spyridon Trimifunsky, Saint Triphyllius, in his righteous life received many gifts from the Lord.

Saint Spyridon is revered by the world for wise man possessing a prophetic gift, he saw the sinful deeds of people and tried to help them repent of them. And whoever lied to the saint, the Lord himself punished him.

One man spent a whole year on business on a long business trip, and when he returned, he found out that his wife had been cheating on him and was even expecting a child. He told Spiridon about this, who called the harlot to him and began to conscience her. The woman replied that she was slandered and that in fact the child was from her husband. Of course, this lie was revealed to Spiridon, and he told her:

“You fell into a great sin, your repentance must be great. I see that your adultery has led you to despair, and despair has led you to shamelessness. It would be fair to incur a speedy punishment for you, but you must be given time to repent. Sin has no such power that is capable of surpassing God's philanthropy. The Lord is ready to support all those who fall, but for this you must repent. Remember, the baby won't be born until you tell the truth."

When the time came for the baby to appear, some force prevented the birth. This woman suffered from pain, but still did not confess her sin, so she died in sin, without repentance. Vladyka, having learned about such a death, was very sorry for this sinner, he said:

“I will no longer pronounce judgments on people if what I said comes true so quickly ...”

For everyone who heard of Spyridon Trimifuntsky and knew the saint, he was a pure example of piety, simplicity and modesty. His earthly life ended at the age of about 80 during prayer. Exact date the repose of the saint is unknown, but it is believed that this happened in 348.

His relics rest on the island of Corfu in the church of his name, and his right hand is in the church Mother of God Santa Maria in Rome.

For so many centuries, the body of the saint did not succumb to decay, and the temperature is always 36.6 degrees.
In Moscow there is a shrine - the slipper of Spiridon Trimifuntsky, which was brought from the island of Corfu. It has been noticed that this slipper wears out, as if the miracle worker still walks and helps people, performs holy miracles. There is no scientific explanation for this fact.

Spiridon's slipper is in the Intercession Church of the Danilov Monastery.


We magnify you, Saint Father Spiridon, and honor your holy memory, for you pray for us Christ our God.


Saint Spyridon of Trimifuntsky was born at the end of the 3rd century on the island of Cyprus. The name Spiridon "Σπυρίδων" can be translated from Greek as "strong", "strong", "reliable", however, in all likelihood, it comes from a noun denoting a box or body woven from a vine. Something emphasizing the reliability and strength of the creation of human hands. In ancient times, naming the child Spiridon, the parents probably hoped that his carrier would be unshakable, firm in his views and strong, both in spirit and flesh.

St. Spiridon. Fresco of the Church of St. Nicholas. Monastery of Stavronikita. Athos. 1546.

Little is known about his life. It is known that he was a shepherd, had a wife and children. He gave all his means to the needs of his neighbors and strangers, for which the Lord rewarded him with the gift of miracles: he healed the terminally ill and cast out demons.

After the death of his wife, in the reign of Emperor Constantine the Great (306-337), he was ordained Bishop of the Cypriot city of Trimifunt. In the rank of bishop, the saint did not change his way of life, combining pastoral service with works of mercy. According to church historians, St. Spyridon in 325 took part in the activities of the First Ecumenical Council. At the Council, the saint entered into a contest with a Greek philosopher who defended the Aryan heresy.
The simple speech of St. Spyridon showed everyone the weakness of human wisdom before the Wisdom of God. At the same Council, St. Spyridon showed against the Arians a clear proof of Unity in the Holy Trinity. He took a brick in his hands and squeezed it; instantly fire went up from it, water flowed down, and the clay remained in the hands of the miracle worker. “These are the three elements, and the plinth (brick) is one,” St. Spyridon said then, “so in the Most Holy Trinity there are Three Persons, and the Deity is One.”

The entire life of the saint is striking in the amazing simplicity and power of wonderworking, bestowed upon him by the Lord. At the word of the saint, the dead were awakened, the elements were tamed, idols were crushed. When in Alexandria the Patriarch convened a Council for the destruction of idols and temples, through the prayers of the fathers of the Council, all the idols fell down, except for one, the most revered.

St. Spiridon. Athos (Dionysiat). 1547

It was revealed to the patriarch in a vision that this idol was left in order to be crushed by St. Spyridon of Trimifuntsky. Summoned by the Council, the saint boarded the ship, and at the moment when the ship landed on the shore and the saint set foot on the ground, the idol in Alexandria with all the altars fell into dust, which announced to the Patriarch and all the bishops the approach of Saint Spyridon.

The image on the slope of the arch of the passage from the altar to the deacons in the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord on Ilyin Street in Veliky Novgorod.

Images of the saint have been preserved in the frescoes of the Stavronikita Monastery (Athos, 1546), the Dionisias Monastery (Athos, 1547), in the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord on Ilyin Street in Veliky Novgorod, and other churches. They depict the saint in hierarchal vestments, on his head is a wicker cap - an invariable headdress. In the hands - either the Gospel, or a scroll. On the icon of the monastery of Dionysius, the saint in right hand holds a stone from which water and flame come - an image that refers us to the above plot of life. However, a completely unusual image of the saint appeared on Russian icons of the 15th century.

Saints Blaise and Spyridon. Icon. Novgorod. About 1407

Let us turn to the Novgorod icon of the beginning of the 15th century, which is Saints Blaise and Spyridon. In the lives of these saints, we find episodes that reveal the significance of their special veneration in Russia. Saint Spyridon was a disinterested assistant to the farmers, until the end of his life he himself worked hard. Life describes such a case: “Once a man came to him who wanted to buy from his herd of goats. The saint told the buyer to take as many goats as he paid for, and the buyer, separating a hundred goats, led them out of the fence. But one of them, like a clever and kind slave, knowing that she was not sold by her master, soon returned and again ran into the fence. The buyer again took her and dragged her along, but she broke free and ran into the corral. Thus, up to three times she tore herself out of his hands and ran to the fence, and he by force led her away, and finally, he put her on his shoulders and carried her to him, and she bleated loudly, butted his horns on the head, fought and struggled, so that everyone who saw it was amazed. Saint Spyridon, realizing what was the matter, and not wanting to expose the dishonest buyer in front of everyone, asked him quietly: “Look, my son, it must not be in vain that the animal does this, not wanting to be taken to you: have you concealed the due price for him? Isn’t that why it breaks out of your hands and runs to the fence?” The buyer was ashamed, realized his sin and asked for forgiveness, and then gave the money and took the goat, and she meekly and humbly went into the house ahead of her new owner who bought her.

Perhaps nowhere is the direct connection between the icon-painting plot and real life interests so clearly manifested itself, as in the icon of Saints Blaise and Spiridon, writes Lazarev. Opposite Blasius sits Spiridonius, Bishop of Trimifunts. The saints act here as prayer books for the dumb creature entrusted to man.

Animals seem to be depicted naively, but immediacy of expression, brightness of colors, infantile innocence captivates them, Alpatov noted. This expressiveness of the beasts is not in the altered proportions and unusual coloration, but precisely in the trepidation with which they look at the saints, as if recognizing in their spiritual heights the image lost in the fall, as if they themselves feel safe under the prayer cover of the saints of God. Animals look with hope at the transformed people - shining with returned paradise beauty and light - after all, this is exactly what the icon of a holy man depicts. “The creature itself is looking forward to our future glory. Why? “Because, having been created incorruptible, because of the sins of men it became corruptible, for we also became corruptible from the incorruptible.”

Saints Flor and Laurus with Blaise and Spiridon. Novgorod.

In another Novgorod icon, the image is divided into 3 tiers. The upper part - we see the "Miracle of Flora and Laurus", where the Archangel passes the reins to the holy brothers. In the second tier - horse breeders Svevsipp, Melevsipp, Eleusipp. In the third, lower tier, we see Saints Blaise and Spiridon, next to the saints against the backdrop of hills. Near Blasius there is a herd of cows, reverently looking at the saint, and near Spiridon there is a group of black goats reaching out to the saint.

Rare icon of the 16th century. “The Dormition of St. Spyridon of Trimifuntsky” in hallmarks tells the life of the saint, full of miraculous help to others and ardent hope in God.

Assumption of St. Spyridon of Trimifunsky with scenes from his life, Greece, 16th century

Saint Spyridon lived in righteousness and holiness earthly life and in prayer gave his soul to the Lord (c. 348). His relics rest on the island of Corfu in the church of his name (except for the right hand, which is in Rome).


Konstantin Bufeev, archpriest. Animals next to the saints. - M .: Publishing house of NP MPC "Shestodnev", 2012. S. 225.

Lazarev V.N. Russian icon painting from its origins to the beginning of the 16th century. — M.: Art, 2000. S. 56.

Alpatov M.V. Old Russian icon painting. - M: Art, 1978. S. 16.

Theophan the Recluse, St. Interpretations of the Epistles of the Apostle Paul. Epistle to the Romans. Moscow: Sretensky Monastery. 1996. S. 504.

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The article was prepared by Anna Martynova.

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